6w ( ol] de h wk$qq 6hw rq3 d ulvk#1 s eller o f h om es in w ayn e c ou n ty a n d th e su rrou n d...

“So the Twelve called together the community of the disciples and said, “Brothers, select from among you seven reputable men, filled with the Spirit and wisdom.” They chose Stephen, a man filled with faith and the Holy Spirit, also Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicholas of Antioch, a convert to Judaism. They presented these men to the apostles who prayed and laid hands on them.” (The ordination of the first deacons). Acts 6:1-7, 2nd Reading

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Page 1: 6W ( OL] DE H WK$QQ 6HW RQ3 D ULVK#1 S eller o f H om es in W ayn e C ou n ty a n d th e su rrou n d ing a rea. w w w .bh g ho me sfo rsales.co m E d w ard O . M artin Since 1995 Parishioner

“So the Twelve called together the community of the disciples and said, “Brothers, select from among you seven reputable men,

filled with the Spirit and wisdom.” They chose Stephen, a man filled with faith and the Holy Spirit, also Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon,

Parmenas, and Nicholas of Antioch, a convert to Judaism. They presented these men to the apostles who prayed

and laid hands on them.” (The ordination of the first deacons).

Acts 6:1-7, 2nd Reading

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Pastor: Rev. Fr. Sengole T. [email protected]

Journeying together as missionary disciples, committed to bring everyone to Christ in His Holy Church

St. Andrew St. Mary Holy Family

235 S. 5th StreetSunday Worship:

10:00am - English

01:30pm - Spanish

720 North “A” StreetSunday Worship:

Saturday - 5:00pm - English

815 W. Main StreetSunday Worship:

8:00am - English

PARISH OFFICE: 240 SOUTH 6TH STREET, RICHMOND, INDIANA 47374Office Hours: 8:30 a.m-4:00 p.m. | Phone: 765-962-3902 | Fax: 765-966-0820 | Web: setoncatholics.org

Deacon: Rev. Mr. Jim [email protected]

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton ParishC A T H O L I C C H U R C H

Saturday, 5/9 SA 11:00 am Dr. Jose Clemente

Sunday, 5/10 SA 10:00 am Doris Schroeder & Antoinette Clark

Monday, 5/11 SM 11:00 am Joseph Pardo

Tuesday, 5/12 SM 11:00 am Betty & Scotty Brumfield

Wednesday, 5/13 SM 12:00 pm Herb Lahmann [LIVE]

Thursday, 5/14 SM 11:00 am Special Intentions

Friday, 5/15 SA 11:00 am Ron Holthouse

Saturday, 5/16 SM 11:00 am Curt Martus

Sunday, 5/17 SA 10:00am Members of Catholic Women United

5th Sunday of Easter May 10, 2020


Your generosity and faithfulness is greatly appreciat-

ed. Please enroll in Online Giving during this difficult

time to fund our mission. If you need assistance in

setting up online giving, please call the office!

This Week’s Liturgy: May 11 - May 16

Sunday 10am LIVE Mass TELECAST in


Wednesday 12 noon Mass Live on

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton parish


Sunday Collection 5/3/2020 $10,839.00

Online Giving Month of April $27,254.21

Parish needs 5/3/2020 $1,380.00

Memorials 5/3/2020 $585.00

Special donation

Stewardship report during Covid-19

MON Easter Weekday [5] [ Private ]11

TUE Easter Weekday [5] Private12

WED Easter Weekday [5] [Private]13

THU St. Matthias, Apostle [ Private ]14

FRI Easter Weekday [5] [ Private ]15

SAT Easter Weekday [5] [Private ]16

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Stay focused! Stay tuned! Our Mission Statement

As committed Christians of the Roman Catholic Church in Richmond, Indiana,

we are a community, centered in Christ, rooted in the

Eucharistic communion, journeying together in our call to be holy, constantly discerning

the charisms of the Spirit, making one another

disciples of Christ and seeking God’s kingdom

in service, stewardship and charity.

Total Online Giving $ 27,254.21

Total Sunday Offering $ 34,580.49

Spanish Mass $ 0.00

Total Offertory $ 61,834.70

Budget Monthly $ 84,137.50

Difference $ -22,302.80

April, 2020 Monthly Stewardship Report

The Unity PrayerMy Adorable Jesus,

May our feet journey together,

May our hands gather in unity,

May our hearts beat in unison,

May our souls be in harmony,

May our thoughts be as one,

May our ears listen to the

silence together,

May our glances profoundly

penetrate each other,

May our lips pray together to gain

mercy from the Eternal Father.

Oh Blessed Lady, spread the effect of the

Flame of Love over all of


Seton Staff Zoom Video Meeting

Priests of Archdiocese Zoom video meet

Dear Parish family,

We have received communication from all bishops of In-

diana that Catholic churches in Indiana may resume

Mass by May 30, 2020. But, we are still awaiting detailed

communication from our Archdiocese in terms all safety

measures that we need to be taking. Once we receive

them, we will have clear answers as to how we will re-

sume Sunday and weekday worship as well as other sac-

raments. Please continue to pray for those who have

been affected by the virus and also pray for the end to

this pandemic.

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¿ Nos hemos quedado sin Misa? POR P. ANDRÉS ESTEBAN LÓPEZ RUIZ

“¡Gracias por venir a mí, Jesús, te he extrañado tanto, no puedo vivir sin ti!”

Exclamó la mujer piadosa entre lágrimas y sollozos cuando me vió acercar-

me a la puerta de su casa con la custodia que llevaba a Jesús Sacramen-

tado el Viernes de Dolores.

Sin la Misa no podemos vivir. Ella, como muchos de ustedes, lleva en su alma un dolor profundo: desde que empezó la cuarentena no ha podido recibir la co¿munión sacra-mental, no ha podido visitar a Jesús sacramentado en el sagrario ni estar presente físicamente en el santo sacrificio de la misa. Este dolor puede ser tan profundo y hondo que algunos nos han llegado a decir con verdad: «padre, nos damos cuenta de que sin la Misa no podemos vivir.»

Esta es la fé de nuestro pueblo amado de Dios que ahora piensa y siente,

no en los términos de las obligaciones, sino en los términos del amor de

Dios. Ciertamente sin la Misa no podemos vivir porque la Misa sostiene el

mundo. El sacrificio redentor de Cristo, que se ofrece en cada Eucaristía,

mantiene nuestras vidas y las eleva a Dios, es el principio, la fuente, el fin y

la firmeza de nuestra vida cristiana.

La Misa no se ha acabado

Sin embargo, debemos consolarnos con algo: la Misa ciertamente se sigue

celebrando, aunque no podamos participar físicamente de ella. No es

verdad que la Misa se ha acabado. Primero se acaba el mundo antes que

la Misa. Que lo sepan los infiernos por si tienen dudas: ¡La Misa sigue y

seguirá hasta el fin del mundo!

Participación Espiritual.

Pero, lo que es verdad es que en medio de esta circunstancia el Señor nos

pide un aumento de fé que nos hace descubrir nuevamente que la partici-

pación física del Sacramento no es la única posible. Nunca ha sido la única

participación posible. La Iglesia ha reconocido siempre que es posible para

todos sus fieles “unirse espiritualmente” a la celebración de la misa en

cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar.

Así, por ejemplo, el rezo de la Liturgia de las Horas, en la celebración de

Laudes o Vísperas, o también en los otros oficios, nos une espiritualmente

al único sacrificio de Cristo ofrecido en la misa y a su oración sacerdotal. El

rezo del Santo Rosario nos lleva a contemplar místicamente los misterios

que en la Misa celebramos y nos une a ellos.

Participación mística.

Además de estos ejemplos quiero ponerles 3 ejemplos más en los que los santos nos han enseñado a unirnos espiritualmente a la Misa, siempre y en cualquier lugar, con una participación que ciertamente no es sacramental, pero siendo mística goza de frutos inestimables

Virgen de Fátima

El Ángel de la Paz según narra sor Lucía de Fátima en sus memorias les

enseñó a los pastorcitos a hacer actos de adoración y de reparación a la

Santísima Trinidad. Enseñándoles a postrarse les hizo aprender una

oración que además de ser bellísima tiene muchos secretos. Uno de

ellos es que les enseñó a adorar a la Santísima Trinidad ofreciéndole el

Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo presente en todos los sagrarios de la tierra

en reparación por todos los pecados.

Detengámonos un poco en esto. Fíjense bien: les enseñó a ofrecer el

cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo a la santísima Trinidad. ¡Esto es lo que

hacemos en la Misa! Así, les enseñó a unirse a la gran Expiación Euca-

rística a través de una súplica humilde y constante que podían rezar en

cualquier momento de su día, sin estar participando físicamente de la


Pero, todavía más, les dijo que ofreciera el Sacramento presente en cada

sagrario de la tierra. «¡Pero, Padre ellos no estaban presentes físicamen-

te en esos sagrarios!» ¡Justo, ese es el secreto! Te respondo. El ángel,

les enseñó un «secreto de ángeles» pues ellos no están sometidos a los

espacios como nosotros. Les enseñó que en espíritu y en verdad,

aunque no pudieran estar físicamente en aquellos sagrarios podían visi-

tarlos místicamente y no sólo adorar a Jesús sino ofrecerlo al Padre. Es

decir, les enseñó a participar místicamente de la Acción Eucarística.

Santa Faustina

La misma participación mística de la Eucaristía tan real y verdadera co-

mo la que hemos dicho, la encontramos en la enseñanza de Jesús,

Nuestro Señor, a Santa Faustina Kowalska, particularmente en la coronil-

la que rezamos devotamente. La coronilla, no sólo constituye una mag-

nifica devoción, sino que al unirnos espiritualmente al gran ofrecimiento

que Jesús hace de si mismo a su Padre, por el que se derrama la Divina

Misericordia en el mundo a la Santa Misa, nos enseña algo más: que en

el alma de nuestra oración existe siempre un camino místico para

unirnos al altar.

Santa Gertrudis

Y qué decir de Santa Gertrudis que sin ningún reparo exclamaba: «Padre

eterno, yo te ofrezco la preciosísima sangre de tu Divino Hijo Jesús, en

unión con las Misas celebradas hoy día a través del mundo». Así, no sólo

se unía espiritualmente a una Misa sino a todas las Misas ofrecidas en el

mundo, al sacrificio de Jesús para suplicar por las ánimas del Purgatorio

y por la conversión de los pecadores.

Participación Espiritual no virtual

Ahora, descubrimos que la transmisión en vivo es un medio por el que

podemos unirnos místicamente con mayor facilidad al sacrificio de Jesús

celebrado en tantas misas y en cada misa y participar espiritualmente de

Él, de su acción y de sus frutos. Este es nuestro consuelo mientras pasa

la pandemia y vivimos en cuarentena. Nuestro cuerpo está en confina-

miento, pero nuestro corazón y nuestra alma es libre, y nada la puede

mantener atada ni distanciada: puede elevarse y levantarse, volar e ir

lejos, de un sagrario a otro, de una misa a otra, uniéndose a Jesús y a su

sacrificio redentor, adorando al Padre en espíritu y en verdad, siempre y

en todo lugar.

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Mercy in the Time of



Week 3 Reflection: Philippians 2:1-5

Last week, we discussed the importance of

proclaiming the Gospel, which is the good news that

Jesus is King of the universe and that salvation has been

made available to all people if they will accept it. St. Paul

even states that we are all partners in sharing the

Gospel and that everyone is needed to testify to what

God has done their lives. Even though we are not all

called to be ordained clergy or teachers of the faith, we

are all called to be witnesses who share the joy of the

Gospel with others!

This week, St. Paul continues to use the Greek

word ‘koinonia’ (Latin=communio or communion) in

order to emphasize the importance of being united in

heart and mind with one another and the Holy Spirit.

Paul’s encouragement to the Philippians reminds me of

our Lord’s words when he says, “By this all men will

know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one

another” (John 13:35).

Jesus does not say that the world will know we

are Christians by our bickering and divisions or by our

bumper stickers or Facebook posts. Instead, people will

recognize the Lord in us when we love like he does. In

the Greek language, there are 4 words for love. There is

friendship love (philo), romantic love (eros), empathetic

love (storge), and God’s supernatural and sacrificial love

(agape). Agape is the word that both Paul and Jesus both

use. Even though they do believe the other 3 loves are

important, it is Agape-Love that the world needs to see.

How does this apply to the Church? For the

Church to actually change the world and bring Christ’s

saving truth to it, we must show sacrificial love in humil-

ity. The Church has most thrived in history when she

does this… forgiving enemies, feeding the poor, adopt-

ing orphans, starting hospitals and universities for every-

one (not just the rich), and peacemaking. When the

church demonstrates the radical love of Christ, people

greatly desire the truth of Christ and the sacraments!

However, when the Church embraces the values

of this world and only looks inward, she looks very

weak. I know people today who are atheists or non-

believers, because they were apart of Christian commu-

nities that were manipulative, full of gossip, unforgiving,

prideful, and filled with division. The Church has floun-

dered in history when she rejects the values and mind of

Christ. Thankfully, the Philippian church is thriving be-

cause they are embracing the selfless humility of Christ.

Reflection Question:

1. How can I avoid gossip and division in the

church and, instead, look for more ways to

create unity and one mind?

2. What are some practical ways that we can grow

closer as a parish and carry each others’ bur-


3. How can we show the Agape-Love of God more

in our community through individual acts of

kindness as well as parish initiatives?

“So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any in-

centive of love, any participation in the Spirit, any

affection and sympathy, 2 complete my joy by being

of the same mind, having the same love, being in

full accord and of one mind. 3 Do nothing from

selfishness or conceit, but in humility count others

better than yourselves. 4 Let each of you look not

only to his own interests, but also to the interests of

others. 5 Have this mind among yourselves, which

was in Christ Jesus.”

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Your generosity is greatly appreciated!


2pm every day. Children experience dynamic pro-

gramming that better helps them understand the importance of Christ and

March 22, 2020

Live Stream Mass, Prayer, Faith Formation & Online Giving


Go to www.setoncatholics.org/video to watch the Live

Stream of the Mass on Sunday mornings.

Community Television Channel 21

Notice of the Recorded Catholic Mass can be seen on

Whitewater Community Television Channel 21 each week on

Wednesday at 8:00 pm; 4:00 am and Noon on Thursday.



1.) Weekly Email & Bulletin:

Please send your email address

to [email protected] in

order to receive the weekly

bulletin and stay up to date with

ways to build your faith.

2). My Parish App:

Most of our parish communica-

tions take place through MyPar-

ish App. Download and receive

all instant messages!

3). Magnificat Online

Online version is now available for free!


4). FORMED—It is Free!

Enroll in Formed and unleash the

power of online learning!

Stay Connected!

We know this is a difficult time to give. If you are unable at this

time, we trust that God will care for you and us. At the same

time, we believe our mission of sharing Jesus with the world

and the hope of salvation is more critical than ever!

1. Go to https://catholicsinrichmond.churchgiving.com to

sign up for regular, online giving.

2. Go to the Giving Button on My Parish App

3. Or mail your check to

S.E.A.S. Catholic Office, 240 S. 6th St., Richmond, IN 47374


Join the parish in praying the Rosary every evening at 7:30pm

on Facebook Live! Go to our parish Facebook page —

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish — and pray with us! (led by our

Youth Minister, Krista Falcone and family).

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Like what you see? Visit ‘THE KIDS’ BULLETIN’ online for more great content! https://thekidsbulletin.com/

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“Serving the Richmond Catholic Community Since 1924”

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COMPLIMENTS OF• Electric Signs• Non-Illuminated• Vinyl• Awnings

920 Progress Dr. • 966-4857 • www.a-plussigns.net


Garage/Entry Doors - Openers - WindowsCommercial/Residential - Installation Available

5239 New Paris PikeDavid & Connie Smyer

Parishioners 962-3496

Compliments of

Mosey ManufacturingProud Supporter of Seton Catholic

Holy Matrimonyis

One Man and One WomanPaid Sponsor

900 North E St.Ste. 200

Richmond, IN 47374765-966-SOLD

#1 Seller of Homesin Wayne County andthe surrounding area.www.bhghomesforsales.com

Edward O. Martin

Since 1995Parishioner

855-5311100E.Mai Centerville

Haager’s Auto & Truck ServiceWe Specialize In: Domestic Cars, Foreign Cars,

Motor Homes, Computerized 4-Wheel AlignmentTIRE SALES

Owners: Pete & Annabelle HaagerTechnician ASE Certified: Ray Haager, Jim Haager

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24/7 light & heavy duty towing & recovery • truck & auto repair


2441 Centerville Rd. N. at I-70Exit 145

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Call Us For The Best Prices In The Area!Family Owned by Parishioners

790 National Rd. W.

966-0596www.doanmil ls funeralhome.com



1755 St. Rd. 121 965-2171www.allpest-thoroughcheck.com

[email protected]

1450 Northwest 5th St.966-7929

w w w. bi rc k s i ndu s t r i a l s up pl y. ne t




WorkCoats& Bibs

643 South E St.765-962-8979

St. Mary Cemetery240 S. 6th St. • 962-3902 Office • 962-3930 Cemetery

Please support your Parish Cemeterythrough contributions or estate planning.

Industrial, Commercial & Residential

Plumbing • Electric • HeatingAir Conditioning • Installation • Sales • Servicew w w. b a d e r m e c h a n i c a l . c o m

765-962-4440110 W. Main

Richmond, IN

800-762-5755fax: 765-966-7347


2500 National Rd W Richmond



“Serving the Richmond Catholic Community Since 1924”

222 N. 10th St. • 962-9526www.stegallberheideorr.com

In Loving MemoryArthur & Antoinette Clark

Deceased members of John & Mary Ann Clark FamilyBrenda King

Gary Mathews IFrank A. Rokosz

Melvin & Doris SchroederRichard & Marilyn Shoemaker

Deacon Otis David WhiteDonna Kay Woolum

COMPLIMENTS OF• Electric Signs• Non-Illuminated• Vinyl• Awnings

920 Progress Dr. • 966-4857 • www.a-plussigns.net


Garage/Entry Doors - Openers - WindowsCommercial/Residential - Installation Available

5239 New Paris PikeDavid & Connie Smyer

Parishioners 962-3496

Family Tradition, L.L.C.2190 Williamsburg Pike



Justin Ferriell Parishioners Mike Ferriell

Compliments of

Mosey ManufacturingProud Supporter of Seton Catholic

• 4 Service Locations• Body Shop• Rental Department

You Can’t Be BothCatholic & Pro-Choice

Mike Ferriell, parishioner

Holy Matrimonyis

One Man and One WomanPaid Sponsor

900 North E St.Ste. 200

Richmond, IN 47374765-966-SOLD

#1 Seller of Homesin Wayne County andthe surrounding area.www.bhghomesforsales.com


Hometown Professionals

“see You around town”

1 Glen Miller Pkwy.



935-2241 1700 NW 11th


Since 1995Parishioner


855-5311100E.Mai Centerville

Haager’s Auto & Truck ServiceWe Specialize In: Domestic Cars, Foreign Cars,

Motor Homes, Computerized 4-Wheel AlignmentTIRE SALES

Owners: Pete & Annabelle HaagerTechnician ASE Certified: Ray Haager, Jim Haager

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24/7 light & heavy duty towing & recovery • truck & auto repair

2147 us hwy 35 north richmond


2441 Centerville Rd. N. at I-70Exit 145

800-962-4375 or 855-2773WE SELL TIRES FOR EVERYTHING - Please Give Us A Call!

Call Us For The Best Prices In The Area!Family Owned by Parishioners

790 National Rd. W.

966-0596www.doanmil ls funeralhome.com



1755 St. Rd. 121 965-2171www.allpest-thoroughcheck.com

[email protected]

1450 Northwest 5th St.966-7929

w w w. bi rc k s i ndu s t r i a l s up pl y. ne t




WorkCoats& Bibs

643 South E St.765-962-8979

St. Mary Cemetery240 S. 6th St. • 962-3902 Office • 962-3930 Cemetery

Please support your Parish Cemeterythrough contributions or estate planning.

Industrial, Commercial & Residential

Plumbing • Electric • HeatingAir Conditioning • Installation • Sales • Servicew w w. b a d e r m e c h a n i c a l . c o m

765-962-4440110 W. Main

Richmond, IN

800-762-5755fax: 765-966-7347

PC10400537 FirstBankRichmond.com

2500 National Rd W Richmond


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• Scanners & Crystals • CB Radios

• Cellular Phone Antennas • K 40 Antennas

• Wilson Antennas • Stereo Equipment

201 S. 13th St. 962-9475Moved To

L & V


The Moore Law FirMronald J. Moore, Parishioner


General Practiceincluding wills, Trusts & estates

BEARD MASONRYMasonry ~ New Construction ~ Restoration ~ Repair

Brick, Block, Stonework, Tuckpointing, Retaining Walls,Brick Columns, Caulking, Cut-in Openings, Glass Block,

Building Repairs, Aerial Lift Work

Mike BeardO: 962-4227 C: 969-0630

55 N.W. F [email protected]

We Liberty

223-2121Dave Rokosz, R.Ph

FREE delivery to the Richmond Area

Cambridge City334-8331

Ken Newton, R.Ph


Amy Farley, Pharm.DConnersville827-1934

Regina Branagin, R.PhDave & Peggy Rokosz

Parishioners • Pharmacists • Owners

Your Friends in the Tree Business

Tree Amigos765-357-TREE(8733) TreeAmigosMidwest.com

[email protected]

Mike Parker • Adrian Parkerwww.tonyscarsales.com765-962-5665

250 National Rd., West Richmond

Changing Brands can Change Your Life. Let Shaklee help you live healthier longer.

Independent DistributorDebbie Kitchin 765-935-5879

Ann Sell Brooks, [email protected]


Robin Woolum Parishioner

765-966-2592 501 national Road West


compliments of

765-966-1111 [email protected]

compliments of

EarlywinePestControl.com 765-962-8311

Leisure’s MechanicaLHVAC/R SERVICES CommERCIAl & InduStRIAl

Rick leisure, Owner Cell 765-914-5295

design ∙ Build ∙ Building Automation Controls Consulting and Service Contracts

lICEnSEd & BondEd

• Scanners & Crystals • CB Radios

• Cellular Phone Antennas • K 40 Antennas

• Wilson Antennas • Stereo Equipment

201 S. 13th St. 962-9475Moved To

L & V


The Moore Law FirMronald J. Moore, Parishioner


General Practiceincluding wills, Trusts & estates

BEARD MASONRYMasonry ~ New Construction ~ Restoration ~ Repair

Brick, Block, Stonework, Tuckpointing, Retaining Walls,Brick Columns, Caulking, Cut-in Openings, Glass Block,

Building Repairs, Aerial Lift Work

Mike BeardO: 962-4227 C: 969-0630

55 N.W. F [email protected]

We Liberty

223-2121Dave Rokosz, R.Ph

FREE delivery to the Richmond Area

Cambridge City334-8331

Ken Newton, R.Ph


Amy Farley, Pharm.DConnersville827-1934

Regina Branagin, R.PhDave & Peggy Rokosz

Parishioners • Pharmacists • Owners

Your Friends in the Tree Business

Tree Amigos765-357-TREE(8733) TreeAmigosMidwest.com

[email protected]

Mike Parker • Adrian Parkerwww.tonyscarsales.com765-962-5665

250 National Rd., West Richmond

Changing Brands can Change Your Life. Let Shaklee help you live healthier longer.

Independent DistributorDebbie Kitchin 765-935-5879

Ann Sell Brooks, [email protected]


Robin Woolum Parishioner

765-966-2592 501 national Road West


compliments of

765-966-1111 [email protected]

compliments of

EarlywinePestControl.com 765-962-8311

Leisure’s MechanicaLHVAC/R SERVICES CommERCIAl & InduStRIAl

Rick leisure, Owner Cell 765-914-5295

design ∙ Build ∙ Building Automation Controls Consulting and Service Contracts

lICEnSEd & BondEd


custom screen printing

embroidery apparel

vinyl graphics

801 e. main st.765-488-2535


CosmeticsSuzanna Mull MartyIndependent Beauty Consultant



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201 S. 13th St. 962-9475Moved To

CustomTruck &Electronics




9564 US Rt. 40 WestNEW PARIS


L & V


The Moore Law FirMronald J. Moore, Parishioner


General Practiceincluding wills, Trusts & estates

DurbinRealEstate.net Luke Durbin,

Parish Member

765-962-5153Pete Bartel, Partner / Senior Vice President

2519 E. Main St., Ste. 203, Richmond, IN 47374www.vistainvestment.net

Investment Advisory Services offered by Vista Investment Partners. Securities offered through Cantella & Co., Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC.

BEARD MASONRYMasonry ~ New Construction ~ Restoration ~ Repair

Brick, Block, Stonework, Tuckpointing, Retaining Walls,Brick Columns, Caulking, Cut-in Openings, Glass Block,

Building Repairs, Aerial Lift Work

Mike BeardO: 962-4227 C: 969-0630

55 N.W. F [email protected]

We Know Jack


Complete, Professional Auto Service for All Foreign & Domestic Models

2993 E. MAIN ST.Across from Pizza King


4730 NATIONAL RD.Across from Fazoli’s

966-1555Owned by

Parishioners & Seton Supporters~The Funkhousers~


FIG BAR. = FAIth In God / BRAndon • AndRew • RoB


Dave Rokosz, R.Ph

FREE delivery to the Richmond Area

Cambridge City334-8331

Ken Newton, R.Ph


Amy Farley, Pharm.DConnersville827-1934

Regina Branagin, R.PhDave & Peggy Rokosz

Parishioners • Pharmacists • Owners

Your Friends in the Tree Business

Tree Amigos765-357-TREE(8733) TreeAmigosMidwest.com

[email protected]

Mike Parker • Adrian Parkerwww.tonyscarsales.com765-962-5665

250 National Rd., West Richmond

WILDFIRE MOTORSBad Credit, No Credit, No Problem

4741 National Road West765-939-3473

www.Wildf irerichmond .comMon-Fri 9am-6pm Sat 9am-2pm

Like us on Facebook @ Wildfiremotorsinc

Changing Brands can Change Your Life. Let Shaklee help you live healthier longer.

Independent DistributorDebbie Kitchin 765-935-5879

Investment strategies.One-on-one advice.

Tony Talbert, AAMS®

Financial Advisor2000 West Main Street Suite CRichmond, IN 47374765-966-0555www.edwardjones.com

Ann Sell Brooks, [email protected]


Robin Woolum Parishioner

765-966-2592 501 national Road West



Scott Hines [email protected]

compliments of

765-966-1111 [email protected]

compliments of

EarlywinePestControl.com 765-962-8311

Leisure’s MechanicaLHVAC/R SERVICES CommERCIAl & InduStRIAl

Rick leisure, Owner Cell 765-914-5295

design ∙ Build ∙ Building Automation Controls Consulting and Service Contracts

lICEnSEd & BondEd

Please join us forFamily, Faith & Fellowship.

New Members WelcomeGK Shane Eddington 705-914-1143

Richmond’s K of C #580


Discover a Career with the Knights of Columbus


General Agent574-282-1082

[email protected]/joinus

View Our Parish Supporters at www.DiscoverMass.com

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