#68 january

COMPLETE, PAGE 4 >> BY MAREK KRASUSKI S ince its inception in 2000, Complete Innovations set out to establish a significant footprint in the fleet management sector of the commercial transportation industry. In just 13 years it has earned a well deserved reputation as one of the fastest growing technology companies in North America. Today, as a leading global provider of mission critical fleet, asset and mobile workforce management solutions, Complete Innovations has built its success on assiduously pursuing a core business value, aptly reflected in the company name - innovation. Ilse Passet, the company’s Marketing Communications Specialist, ascribes an intuitive quality to this standard. “It’s in our DNA. Innovation is evident not only in the products and services we provide, but in all aspects of the company. We are always working towards better and more efficient ways of doing things,” she explained. As the most comprehensive and scalable cloud-based mobile workforce solution, Fleet Complete is one of PUBLICATION AGREEMENT # 40806005 PUBLICATION AGREEMENT # 40806005 SERVING QUÉBEC & THE MARITIMES January 2014 ISSUE 68 COMPLETE INNOVATIONS Track & Manage Your Fleet’s Performance with Fleet Complete

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Eastern Trucking News, Issue 68, January 2014


Page 1: #68 January

Complete, page 4 >>

By Marek krasuski

Since its inception in 2000, Complete Innovations set out to establish a significant footprint in the fleet management sector of the commercial

transportation industry. In just 13 years it has earned a well deserved reputation as one of the fastest growing technology companies in North America. Today, as a leading global provider of mission critical fleet, asset and mobile workforce management solutions, Complete Innovations has built its success on assiduously pursuing a core business value, aptly reflected in the company name - innovation.

Ilse Passet, the company’s Marketing Communications Specialist, ascribes an intuitive quality to this standard. “It’s in our DNA. Innovation is evident not only in the products and services we provide, but in all aspects of the company. We are always working towards better and more efficient ways of doing things,” she explained.

As the most comprehensive and scalable cloud-based mobile workforce solution, Fleet Complete is one of

Publication agreement #40806005Publication agreement #40806005

— S e r v i n g Q u é b e c & T h e M a r i T i M e S —

January 2014 issue 68

comPlete innovations

Track & Manage Your Fleet’s Performance with Fleet Complete

Page 2: #68 January

January 2014 | ontario truCking neWs 2 January 2014 | ontario truCking neWs 2

Page 3: #68 January

25a Drive Back in time



8theme: Communications & on-Board Computers

4spotlight on…

Complete innovations

16new products &


18tires & Wheels

26products & services Directory

34truck stop Directory


January 2014Western trucking neWs, OntariO trucking neWs & eastern trucking neWs

are published monthly by WOOdWard Publishing gOuP

Head office: Picton, Ontario, Canada, 877.225.2232Head office: (Sales) Barb Woodward, [email protected]

sales: Carl McBride, [email protected] Director/mis: Chris Charles, [email protected]: Halina Mikicki, [email protected]

Distribution: Rick Woodwardeditor-in-Chief: Marek Krasuski, [email protected]

Writers: Wendy Morgan-McBride, Carl McBride,George Fullerton & Mike Howe

French translation: Nicolas Côtéwww.woodwardpublishing.com

Copyright © 2011 Woodward Publishing Inc. All rights reserved.Publication Agreement: No. #40806005

January 2014 3

inside our team

Halina MikickiAdministrAtion

Barb WoodwardPresident &

Account executive

Carl McBrideAccount executive

Marek Krasuskieditor in chief

Rick Woodwarddistribution mAnAger

Chris CharlesArt Director & MiS

Page 4: #68 January

spotligHt on... Complete innovations

Fleet Complete® Full Suite of Tracking Resources

one of the company’s examples of innovative design, which has set it apart from many com-petitors. Fleet Complete comprises three distinct products which together provide a user friendly, fully integrated manage-ment system capable of reducing operational costs, in fact “Over 65% of the fleets using GPS fleet management reported they have recouped their investment in the system within 12 -13 months”. (Driscoll & As-sociates survey 2013-2014).

Fleet Tracker, Asset Tracker, a n d A c t i o n Tr a c k e r , a l l running on the Fleet Complete software plat-form, operate on a c loud-based system. This is an ap-plication that can be accessed anywhere, at any time and it contains real time information. The benefits of this service model, expla ined I lse Passet, “help our customers stay connected with their vehicles, mobile assets and workers in the field and their drivers on the road, wherever they are and regardless of the device they are using. Our clients can always mon-itor what is happening and where it is happen-ing,” she said.

The company’s popular fleet tracking solution allows clients to stream-line operations through enhanced management tools. Fleet Complete - Fleet Tracker, a GPS tracking device meas-ures the speed at which company vehicles are travelling. Because it is

attached to the ignition, the device indicates when the engine is running and whether the vehicle is moving or idling. Alerts can be programmed to notify management of additional information such as length of idling time, off-road driving, and aggressive driving such as harsh braking and sharp turning. In the Driscoll & Associates survey, mon-itoring driver behaviour is the second most im-portant benefit that users

experience from fleet management systems. This comes as no surprise as behaviours such as speeding, and aggressive driving can lead to acci-dents, expensive tickets and increased insurance costs. Careful monitoring of driver behaviour and vehicle movement en-ables clients to measure performance and alter behaviour when neces-sary. The benefits of such an effective monitoring tool are many: efficien-cies are increased, profits increase by optimizing vehicle routing, customer support is enhanced, en-vironmental footprint is

reduced by conserving energy, and the unauthor-ized use of vehicles is prevented. In addition, Fleet Tracker’s Vehicle Maintenance Manage-ment feature alerts to upcoming oil changes, inspections, hours of ser-vice and other related items.

Fleet Tracker proudly stands alongside one of two sister products - the Asset Tracker. While Fleet Tracker mon-i t o r s v e h i c l e s

with real time visibility, Asset Tracker monitors the location and status of additional high valued assets, thereby protecting against unforeseen loss-es. Heavy equipment, trailers, containers, mo-bile buildings and field-machinery can be tracked with the Asset Tracker device. Asset Tracker, like its Fleet Tracker counter-part, is also equipped with geo-fencing, loca-tion based rules, alerts and reporting functions - safeguards which col-lectively optimize asset utilization, in addition to reducing theft- related recovery costs and pro-

viding up-to-the-minute status on sensor data. Geo-fencing, for example, is a customized boundary drawn around any Point of Interest (POI) on a map and can be placed around any area where expensive equipment, such as a gen-erator is allowed to move within a designated site. If the equipment is moved outside the POI, or if un-author-

ized crossing of the electronic zone occurs, an alert will noti-fy the client. Ilse Passet draws attention to its functionality and ease of use. “This is a great feature that allows the user to define any area of interest such as a ware-house facility, fleet yard or border crossing. The software is very intuitive and is as easy as drawing a shape in paint.”

Location Based Rules enable clients to define any actions, situations or events deemed critical. For example, an alert can be programmed to announce when a con-

tainer door has been opened or its contents disturbed. Other location based rules include noti-fications when an asset has been moved, when an assets fuel is below a certain level, or an assets temperature is too high or low. Yet the full measure of monitoring location and status of high-value assets would not be com-

plete without a thor-ough reporting

function f e a -tured in the

Fleet Com-plete sof t-

ware. Reporting can be customized

and scheduled based on unique management needs so that a full ac-counting of each assets every activity is easily obtained. Other features include, temperature readings, sensor readings such as plow up / down, door open / closed, seat-belt on / off and a Con-gregation function that reports when more than one asset is at the same location at the same time.

What d is t inguishes Complete Innovations’ position in the market-place is its extensive suite of products. Notes Ilse Passet: “Most of our

competitors specialize in either fleet tracking or equipment tracking, or perhaps have a stand-alone dispatching solu-tion. We, on the other hand, offer a mobile workforce platform to suit the needs of all business-es that do work on the road or in the field.” This all-in-one cloud based solution also offers a fully compliant electronic driv-er logbook or hours-of-service solution which offers a much needed solution to the elimina-tion of HOS infractions and the consequent fines

and CVOR/DOT penal-ties that result from

non compliance.Action Tracker takes the com-plexity out of HOS roadside repor t ing by a u t o m a t i n g driver logs and related activity with its DOT - complaint soft-

ware . Dr ivers simply enter per-

tinent information onto their tablet and the Action Tracker generates reports for inspection authorities. This solution also main-tains a running log of the number of driver hours accumulated for a specific time period. Through con-tinuous monitoring of hours worked, drivers and companies can ensure that driving time falls well within established parameters, thereby sav-ing thousands of dollars in penalties for each of-fence.

Since its inception in 2000, Complete Innova-tions’ core values, in-cluding people, quality, productivity and com-munity, as well as innova-tion, have positioned this company at the forefront of change. Expect to see even more advancements as it assiduously pursues its goal of customer ser-vice excellence.V

Complete >>

January 2014 4

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January 2014 5

Page 6: #68 January

Cross BorDer serviCes

Toronto Cocaine Importation Scheme Busted

By DaWn truell

Yup, our Toronto, Ontario is back in the news again

for another Cocaine drug smuggling bust! On Nov-ember 16, 2013, this seiz-ure was found by investi-gations conducted by the RCMP and ICE, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Together they discovered and seized 70 kilograms of cocaine and arrested three Toronto residents that were respon-sible for this smuggling

operation.U.S. Customs and Bor-

der Protection started the investigation while in-specting a shipment con-taining a hydraulic piston that originated in Ecuador, shipped through Miami and destined for Toronto. After a thorough examination, 70 kilograms of cocaine were found concealed inside the piston. HSI (Homeland Security Investigations) Special Agents in both Miami and Toronto were contacted by CBP to initi-ate a narcotics smuggling investigation. At this point the RCMP also got involved

locally, investigating the at-tempted delivery of cocaine into Canada.

Several other Canadian law enforcement agencies became involved as this investigation progressed. Three men were arrested in Toronto in the Stein-way Blvd. and Goodmark Place area. Multiple search warrants were executed throughout the GTA. The U.S.A. and Canada drug en-forcement teams, including CBP Customs and Border Protection, ICE Immigra-tions and Customs U.S., CBSA, RCMP, the Toronto Police Service, Peel Region-

al Police and Homeland Security Investigations, continue to work diligently in the fight against drug smuggling. This case is a perfect example of the cooperative efforts on both sides of the border to eradi-cate criminal activity. The RCMP has charged the fol-lowing men with offences

relating to the importation of cocaine: Olanrewaju Lis-boa, 44, of Toronto, Akin-toye Adebiyi, 45, of Bramp-ton, and Mike Oduh, 49, of Toronto. These accused men are in custody and will appear in the Brampton Provincial Courthouse. This investigation is on-going; further arrests and charges

may be pending.For information re-

garding anything men-tioned in this article, please contact Dawn Truell of Cross Border Services at 905.973.9136, email [email protected], visit www.crossborderser-vices.org or www.c-tpat-certified.com.V

CanaDian truCking allianCe

Canada Seeks Bridge CEO

Michigan is in the process of identifying and

buying the properties in Detroit’s Delray neighbor-hood needed to make way for the New International Trade Crossing (NITC) into Windsor, Ont.

According to Crains De-troit Business News, the state is assembling a list of properties required for the six-lane span, plaza and a

highway interchange.Meanwhile, Canada has

begun the search for a chief executive to lead the Wind-sor Detroit Bridge Author-ity, which will oversee the bi-national construction of the span and its operation. Next year, the authority will seek qualifications from companies interested in building and operating the bridge under a public-private partnership.

Preliminary design, ac-quisition of property and relocation of utilities is expected over the next two Transport Canada’s Mark Butler said.

Crains also reports the state plans to use emi-nent domain to acquire the parcels of real estate its owners refuse to sell.

The project is sched-uled to be completed by 2020.V

6 January 2014

Page 7: #68 January

Business insurance Matters

Happy New Year!BY Linda coLgan

After a lull in the festivities New Years provides

the opportunity for many people to wipe the slate clean and create their new year’s resolutions. Many people forfeit resolutions and settle with a mindset that they will simply try to do something a bit better or perhaps balance the scales of home and business life more efficiently. Difficult feats no matter what one elects to do, but prioritizing puts life into perspective.

Like the glass jar theory where the professor fills the jar with rocks and then gravel and asks the stu-dents if the jar is full, all students view the jar and respond to the professor

in the affirmative. The pro-fessor looks at the jar “full” of rocks and gravel and pours sand that fills the little nooks and crannies. The professor once again asks the students if the jar is full. The students look again at the jar and re-spond that it is indeed full. To their disbelief the pro-fessor pours water slowly into the jar until the water reaches the top.

Now think about it. If the water went into the jar first, the results would not pos-sibly be the same. So when we apply the same theory to our lives it becomes so clear. We must organize our life with priorities, the larger (important) ones taking precedence over the smaller or less important

issues.So regardless of mindset

or resolution, tackle the larger goals first. It takes determination and focus to see them through. As someone once said, “you

can’t plan at 64 to retire at 65, it’s a lifetime plan.”

So in closing, I wish everyone success with their continuing or new found goals. May health and hap-piness be found throughout

2014.Linda Colgan has been

an Insurance Broker in the transportation industry since 1986 and currently has em-barked on a new role as Senior Account Executive

with Bryson and Associ-ates Insurance Brokers Inc. To contact Linda continue to call at 416.809.3103 or feel free to email Linda at [email protected]

MacK trucKs

U.S. Capitol Tree Lighting

Greensboro, North Carolina - After c o m p l e t i n g a

journey of more than 5,000 miles on the back of a MACK® Pinnacle™ model, the 2013 Capitol Christmas Tree was lit in an official ceremony at the U.S. Capitol on December 3rd. The tree traveled from

the Colville National For-est in the state of Wash-ington to the west lawn of the U.S. Capitol, mak-ing stops in communities across the country.

Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-Ohio) led the ceremony and flipped the switch with the help of six-year old Giovanni Gayner to light this year’s Capitol Christmas Tree. The 88-foot Engelmann Spruce was hand-selected from a pool of candidate trees suggested by Colville National Forest employees by the U.S. Capitol Super-intendent of Grounds Ted Bechtol.

Gayner is a student at Hofstetter School in Col-ville, Washington, and he also participated in making ornaments for the 2013 Capitol Christ-mas Tree. Gayner’s name was drawn at random

from the many children in Washington State who participated in this year’ ornament making. More than 6,000 ornaments adorn the tree.

The national event was made more festive by musical performances from the Notebusters Chil-dren’s Choir, the United States Marine Band and vocalist Lindsay Lawler. The 80-year-old tree was delivered to the U.S. Cap-itol on November 25 and was lowered by crane into place on the west lawn where it will delight passersby throughout the holiday season.

As a sponsor of the tree tour, Mack provided two Mack Pinnacle models for the crosscountry tour. Both were distinctively decaled with the 2013 Capitol Christmas Tree tour logo and patriotic

images of a sturdy bulldog pulling a Christmas tree toward the U.S. Capitol. The trucks were equipped with the MACK mDRIVE® automated manual trans-mission and the MACK Twin Y™ air suspension, allowing drivers to have an easy and fuel-efficient drive.

“We greatly appreciate Mack Trucks’ support of the Capitol Christmas Tree tour,” said Jeff Ol-son, President of Choose Outdoors, the nonprofit partner of the U.S. Forest Service for this year’s Cap-itol Christmas Tree.

Mack has prov ided trucks for the Capitol Christmas Tree tour sev-eral times, most recently in 2011 and 2012.

For more information about Mack, visit our Web site at www.macktrucks.com.V

a MacK® Pinnacle™ model delivers the 88-foot christmas tree to the u.s. capitol on a

custom-built oversized trailer.

JanuarY 2014 7

Page 8: #68 January

tHeme: CommuniCations & on-BoarD Computers

Integrated Communications Devices Minimize Risk, Improve Efficiency, & Lower Costs

By marek krasuski

Communications devices have be-come an essential

part of the transportation industry, so much so that it’s hard to believe the industry survived without the use of fleet manage-ment software, on board computers, and related tools that track every-thing from asset security to vehicle movement, ship-ment status and driving behaviour. Much of this software is being refined so as to reduce the amount of interaction between a driver and on board equip-ment, particularly in light of increasing regulatory control over usage.

Several years ago, for example, the Federal Mo-tor Carrier Safety Admin-istration (FMCSA) began imposing penalties on drivers who text while on the road. According to the FMCSA, “research commissioned by FMCSA shows that the odds of being involved in a safety-critical event (e.g., crash, near-crash, unintentional lane deviation) is 23.2 times greater for CMV drivers who engage in texting while driving than for those who do not.” The evidence of greater vulner-ability to accidents should provide strong incentive for commercial drivers to refrain from such activity, and hopefully send a mes-sage to their passenger-driver counterparts, many of whom still don’t get the message that texting and driving is dangerous.

Many companies, there-fore, are refining their soft-ware not only to compete for a larger share of the

commercial transporta-tion market, but also to minimize the interaction between drivers and the technology that surrounds them. After all, visual dis-plays with flashing lights and multiple alerts can be just as distracting as texting.

To this end PeopleNet Canada, an onboard com-puting and carrier fleet communications provider, has been designing inte-grated programs that limit the interface between the driver and the technol-ogy while the vehicle is in motion. The company’s fleet management appli-cations feature locating, messaging, driver per-formance, safety, compli-ance and maintenance tools that help monitor daily operations. People-Net reports that users of their management con-trol equipment perform 58.4% better than the na-tional average, experi-ence 43.8% fewer vehicle out-of-service events, far fewer driver out-of-service events, and 64.8% few-er moving violations. Its branded Blu.2 technology, moreover, helps to reduce driver training by up to five hours. Learn more about PeopleNet products at www.peoplnetonline.com.

Complete Innovations, profiled in this edition, is another company dis-tinguishing itself in the marketplace by offering a complete suite of track-ing resources. Its three-product offering, under the Fleet Complete label, fea-tures Fleet Tracker, Asset Tracker, and Action Track-er, all of which run on the Fleet Complete software platform and operate on a cloud-based system. Fleet Tracker measures infor-mation such as length of idling time, off-road driv-ing, and aggressive driv-ing such as harsh braking and sharp turning. Asset Tracker monitors the lo-

cation and status of addi-tional high valued assets, and the Action Tracker takes the complexity of out HoS roadside reporting by automating driver logs and related activity with its DOT - complaint software. (See front page feature for more information.)

Celltutrak is another supplier that offers fleet management solutions, providing both telematics information retrieval sys-tems and anti-theft tech-nology. The company’s promise to deliver a full line of monitoring tools and safety devices is sup-ported by the use of mil-itary technology which has been used for search and rescue missions and later adapted for civilian purposes. Its anti-theft technology is equipped with a kill-engine func-tion that is activated if the tracking system de-tects unauthorized move-ment of a truck. In such an event the company’s fleet manager can remotely turn the engine off from a computer or smart phone once the vehicle comes to a stop. Similarly, keypads and security cards embed-ded with driver identifica-tion codes allow access only to authorized drivers. Unless the correct driver ID is entered, the vehicle will not start. More infor-mation is available on the company website, www.cellutrak.ca.

Despite the many benefits of on board computers that tie into broader software programs, a reluctance to fully embrace the technol-ogy exists, even though its ability to streamline oper-ations, assess the status of trucks and shipments, and generally provide a bird’s eye view of a carrier’s daily activities yields

substantial rewards. Some companies tend to operate in traditional ways and are comfortable working with outdated systems. For example,

several years ago when the United States intro-duced the ACE manifest – Automated Commercial Environment – there was a lot of resistance from the carrier industry to comply with the regulations that were designed to improve border safety. Opposition mounted in response to growing demands placed on companies to ensure their cargo information ar-rived at the border before the trucks did.

Reluctance, too, also comes from drivers, many of whom resent excessive monitoring of their ac-tions. Noted one driver: “Technology has put a ring in the noses of drivers, which is what the govern-ment wants and whole-heartedly endorses. There is no ‘freedom of the road’ left for medium and large sized company drivers anymore. If someone had told me a few years ago trucking would be where it is now, I would have laughed. Its’ a shame that companies spend a fortune on equipment and person-nel just to micro-manage their drivers.”

Unwillingness to em-brace monitoring software also rises from percep-tions of affordability. Over 60 percent of trucking companies are considered small businesses, and many of those believe freight software systems

are beyond their financial reach. Today, however, the technology is afford-able. Providers today tar-get smaller companies by offering leasing ar-rangements with minimal monthly rates, making these products much more affordable.

Typically, on board com-puters are linked into dis-patch programs that track the location of every truck in a fleet. Similarly, track-ing tools monitor freight shipments and vehicles, provide fuel manage-ment, Automated Hours of Service, IFTA, Scanning, Navigation, Performance Monitoring, and critical event reporting. Security measures such as geo-fencing are also common. This safeguard allows cus-tomers to draw electronic zones around targeted areas such as buildings, docking facilities or fleet yards. Crossing a geo-fenced perimeter will trig-ger a warning to the user who can monitor truck activity with a computer or wireless mobile device.

Shaw Tracking provides applications such as Auto-mated Hours of Service, IFTA, Scanning, Naviga-tion, Performance Mon-itoring with Fuel Manage-ment and Critical Event Reporting - solutions which help improve safety, increase compliance and improve financial returns.

See www.shawtracking.ca.

Omnitracs , another leading stakeholder of-fers software applications, platforms and intuitive technologies such as solu-tions for safety and com-pliance, driver retention, GPS fleet tracking, and fleet maintenance software.These assist in solving common fleet problems and meeting fleet manage-ment objectives. For more information, contact www.omnitracs.com.

While computers and related communications devices have streamlined operations and reduced costs for operators, ex-perts caution against being lulled into a false sense of security. Technology alone does not eliminate risk; rather, its use lies in enhancing safety provided that all users, including drivers, continue to work responsibly. With the ad-vent of ABS brakes, for example, many thought the vehicle would stop faster, and so engaged in riskier activity by increas-ing speeds and decreasing stopping distances. Hope-fully, as technology is in-tegrated, not only into the operations of a company, but into the minds of the people who use it, it will be embraced as a supplement to, rather than a replace-ment of, safety-conscious behaviour.V

January 2014 8

Page 9: #68 January

sHaW traCking

Shaw Tracking Showcases New Video – “Filling Trucks, Fulfilling Needs”

Mi s s i s s a u g a , Ontario - Shaw Tr a c k i n g , a

Shaw Communications company (TSX: SJR.B and NYSE:SJR), and leader in communications for the Canadian transporta-tion industry, is proud to showcase a new video in collaboration with the non-profit organization Trucks For Change Net-work (“T4C”). The video, entitled “Filling Trucks, Fulfilling Needs”, will help to garner more aware-ness of T4C’s programs, which support charities and communities across Canada with transporta-tion services.

By matching available trucking capacity with charity freight requests, T4C’s member trucking companies are able to offer donated or reduced-rate services to charities engaged in distributing donated food and materi-als. Since launching in 2011 with the help of the Ontario Trucking Associa-tion, Trucks For Change Network members have moved over four million

pounds of donations to communities across Can-ada, in the process sav-ing tens of thousands of dollars for charity organ-izations including Food Banks Canada, Habitat For Humanity Canada, and Canadian Red Cross.

Shaw worked in con-junction with Newcom Business Media to cre-ate the video, which highlights the significant role that T4C’s grow-ing network of trucking and logistics members are playing in its com-munities. Shaw TV will broadcast “Filling Trucks, Fulfilling Needs” multiple times on all systems on Wednesday, November 27th. This segment will be airing on 43+ of Shaw’s lo-cal go! shows throughout the month of November. The video is also hosted for viewing on YouTube, and all participating car-riers and sponsors are encouraged to embed it to their website to promote the trucking industry’s valuable contributions.

Shaw Tracking is aligned with Trucks For Change

Network’s mission to fa-cilitate the trucking indus-try’s support of the com-munities it serves.  Mike Ham, Vice-President of Shaw Tracking, com-mented, “We’re ecstatic to have this opportunity to promote Trucks For Change Network, and to provide the resources to produce this video. We’re proud to contribute to T4C’s work and to support our customers and busi-ness partners involved in this innovative project”.

Pete Dalmazzi, President and Founder of Trucks For Change Network, added, “We’re thrilled to have the support of Mike and the Shaw team. Shaw Track-ing is a leading player in the Canadian trucking industry, and Shaw Com-munications’ production and distribution of our video will help us to tell our story inside and out-side the trucking indus-try.  It’s a dream partner-ship for us”.

To learn more about Trucks For Change Net-work, please visit www.trucksforchange.org .

Additional information about Shaw Tracking is available at www.shaw-tracking.ca. For more in-formation about Shaw, please visit www.shaw.ca.

aBout truCks For


Trucks For Change Net-work is an innovative non-profit col labora-tion of leading Canadian trucking companies and industry partners making a difference in commun-ities by helping charitable organizations to distrib-ute donated food and materials nationwide.

To learn more about our work, please visit us at www.trucksforchange.org.aBout sHaW traCking

Shaw Tracking is a div-ision of Shaw Communi-cations Inc, a diversi-fied communications and media company. Shaw Tracking provides rug-gedized hardware with advanced in tegrated software applications; on-board recording and driver interface solutions geared toward creating knowledge, efficiency and improved profitabil-ity for the Transportation and Logistics Industry. With applications such as Automated Hours of Service, IFTA, Scanning, Navigat ion, Perform-ance Monitoring with Fuel Management and Critical Event Reporting, we are driven to surpass our customer’s expecta-tions with solutions that improve safety, increase compliance and provide proven financial returns. Through cutting edge in-novation and technol-ogy, coupled with over 23 years of experienced and dedicated support to the Transportation and Logis-tics Industry, we are com-mitted to working with our customers to perform

at unprecedented levels. Additional information about Shaw Tracking is available at www.shaw-tracking.ca.

aBout sHaW

CommuniCations inC.

Shaw Communications Inc., is a diversified com-munications and media company, providing con-sumers with broadband cable television, High-Speed Internet, Home Phone, telecommunica-tions services (through Shaw Business), satellite direct-to-home services (through Shaw Direct) and engaging program-ming content (through Shaw Med ia ) .   Shaw serves 3.4 million cus-tomers, through a reli-able and extensive fibre network.  Shaw Media operates one of the lar-gest conventional tele-vision networks in Can-ada, Global Television, and 19 specialty networks including HGTV Canada, Food Network Canada, History Television and Showcase. Shaw is traded on the Toronto and New York stock exchanges and is included in the S&P/TSX 60 Index (Sym-bol: TSX – SJR.B, NYSE – SJR). For more informa-tion about Shaw, please visit www.shaw.ca.V

shaw Communications is proud to showcase a new video in collaboration with the non-

profit organization trucks For Change network (“t4C”).

January 2014 9

Page 10: #68 January

keeping your veHiCles Clean

Do You Believe in Touchless Washing?

By JaCk JaCkson

I would say one of the most common ques-tions today is, “do

your brushes scratch paint?” We have been washing vehicles for over 23 years and the technol-ogy of brushes has only gotten better. Of course, you get what you pay for, but, no, we don’t scratch paint with our brushes. We are washing some of the most expensive paint and advertising wraps in the market on buses, trucks and trains – all with no issues.

The technology of the proper brush with the proper chemical will far outperform any other method and will be the least expensive for any ROI out there.

I could go into the vari-ous brushes, materials and mechanics, but not only would it be overwhelm-ing, the answers would also depend on the desired outcome, throughput and budget. You can always contact us and get advice, just as we did recently with the following story.

I recently visited a large urban transportation facil-ity that spent over $1 mil-lion on an automatic, drive through wash system. This was only a 3 year old facil-ity and their issue was the vehicles (trains) did not meet the cleanliness ex-pectation of the customer. The chemical company was working diligently with the customer to come up with every scenario,

including additional wash arches, chemicals, soaps and acids to increase washing force allowed by the limited space of the building. Of course, more chemicals adds more costs and sometimes can ac-tually do damage to the vehicle or paint. In this case, damage to the rivets resulted.

When we did the inspec-tion it was determined that it would be impossible to add any more chem-icals to do the job, but what came to light was the brushes were of the most inexpensive on the market. Individual brush strands were round and hollow. In comparison it would be like cleaning your car with a bunch of cocktail size straws whip-ping against your vehicle.

A round brush is not go-ing to hold any chemical or water on it to ensure lubricity and eliminate abrasion at the same time.

Today’s brushes can en-sure there are no issues with scratching, yet there is some scrubbing. Your best method to clean, as I am sure all your grand-mothers would attest to, is a little soap and a good scrubbing. That holds true to today’s technology in cruciform polyethylene or polypropylene brushes.

Once we added in some of the proper brushing technology the problem was solved. Even the nooks and crannies got a thorough clean.

There are numerous videos available online to discuss today’s brush technology and the myths of touchless versus soft touch washing. If you would like to learn more, we are always available to discuss your requirements and recommend your best options.

For those who want to know, there is cloth, lamb-skin, foam, polyethylene

and polypropylene brush-es to mention a few, each with their advantages and disadvantages.

Jack Jackson is President o f A w a s h S y s t e m s Corp. Email: jjackson@

awashystems.com or call 800.265.7405. Visit our website www.awashtv.com for DIY tips and washing in-formation. North America’s Leader in Fleet Washing Solutions.V

the technology of the proper brush with the proper chemical

will far outperform any other method and will be the least

expensive for any roi out there

10 January 2014

Page 11: #68 January


Unique Products Provide Cost Saving SolutionsBy marek krasuski

Testimonials de-scribing the unique proper t ies and

benefits of Nviroclean, a spill remediation product, confirm this product’s value to the trucking industry. Tired of using cat litter and “all the old tricks” to clean up oil spills and other contaminants, Nviroclean users claim nothing match-es its ability to effectively eradicate unwanted con-taminants. Nviroclean, an EPA and MSDS-approved innovation, instantly cleans lubricants, oils and fuels, coolants, chemicals, paints, solvents, liquid detergents and bio-waste, food prod-ucts and body fluids – all this with an environment-ally safe product that can be reused up to five times.

Nvironclean is as easy to use as it is effective. Simply apply generous amounts onto spills, work the Nviro-clean into the contaminant with a broom, and pick up

the used material. Once it has lost its effectiveness, and only after multiple ap-plications, simply place it in a container for disposal. Since there are no known hazards, according to the International Association for research on Cancer (IARC), this non-biodegrad-able product does not leach contaminants. Safely ab-sorbing liquids directly into the product, Nviroclean is rendered safe for deposit in any landfill site.

Each year, an estimated 200 million gallons of used motor oil and 220 million gallons of used antifreeze are improperly disposed of in the United States alone. Nviroclean, therefore, is the trucking industry’s an-swer to remediating the improper disposal of fuels and other industry-related products. In addition, a wide spectrum of users benefit from Nviroclean’s attributes. Carpet stains in the home or office, for ex-

ample, are easily removed simply by working in the product until it turns the colour of the stain. Once dried, the stain, now ab-sorbed into the product, can simply be swept up or vacuumed.

Ali Kahn, principal dis-tributor of Nviroclean and other industry innovations such as the Supertech fuel-saver, highlights the wide ranging benefits of this multi-purpose product. “Nviroclean is a versatile and reusable product that is up to 15 times more effect-ive than conventional clay products designed for the same use. Clean-up time is reduced by half compared to other products and helps avoid slips and falls in gar-ages and yards. Ideal for the transportation industry, it is equally beneficial for use in other sectors such as municipalities, the medical profession, agriculture, the military, and aviation,” he said.

Nviroclean is deemed a fully green product formu-lated to absorb up to five times as much fluid per pound than conventional clay products. More infor-mation is available on the company website at www.nviroclean.com or www.nvirocleancanada.ca.

Standing alongside the benefits that Nviroclean provides is the Supertech fuel saver, the transporta-tion industry’s answer to reducing costs by “cutting emissions on diesel and gas powered engines by up to 80 percent and by reducing fuel consump-tion by up to 12 percent, depending on driving con-ditions,” says Ali Kahn.

Supertech® is a solid immersion device which functions inside the fuel tank of vehicles with hydro-carbon-driven engines (petrol or diesel). There are five models of varying size, providing for a fuel tank capacity of up to 800 litres.

The Supertech canister which is deposited directly into the fuel tank optimizes vehicle combustion by re-covering the part of the fuel that remains un-burnt and literally goes up in smoke.

Supertech weakens the inter-molecular bond of the atoms which form the molecules H and C (hydro-carbons), of which fuel is composed. This process facilitates a more efficient passage of oxygen, re-sulting in a more complete combustion process. For-merly un-combusted fuel now undergoes combus-tion, resulting in a more effective fuel burn, less emissions and better mile-age. In addition, installa-tion is simple, requiring no changes to the hydraulic, mechanical or electrical systems of the vehicle. Once installed the benefits of the Supertech are im-mediate, and users need not worry about damage to the vehicle or fuel tank

since the lightweight de-vice is simply hooked to the inside of the tank.

ALL on road fuel con-sumption tests were completed in accordance with the INTERNATIONAL PROTOCOL: SAE J1321of Society of Automotive En-gineers. For more informa-tion, see their website at www.sae.org. The device has also been validated by independent laborator-ies, universities, govern-ments, and transport fleets in twenty countries. Its ef-ficiency has been acknow-ledged through roll-bench laboratory tests and on the road. The device can also be easily re-installed in other vehicles.

More information on these products is avail-able at www.usfuelsaver.org and www.nviroclean.com, www.nviroclean-canada.ca. Contact Ali Kahn at [email protected] or call 780.660.5696.V

January 2014 11

Page 12: #68 January

sousa truCk trailer repair ltD.

New Sousa Location in Cambridge, Ontario

Sousa Truck Trailer Repair Ltd. is ex-cited to announce

the opening of their new location in Cambridge, Ontario. Sousa Truck Trailer Repair Ltd. has been servicing trucks and trailers in the greater Toronto area since 1988.

Starting from the back of company owner John Sousa’s pick-up truck, the company has now grown to a 24hr shop and mobile service organiza-tion that employs nearly 50 people. Sousa prides

itself on being a family run business that always puts its customers first. In 2011 Sousa began a new venture in Cambridge, Ontario by running a small fleet of its rental business (Sousa Convoy) and a 24hr mobile service. But as all family run businesses go, there comes a time where torches are passed and new opportunities arise.

Running a shop in Cam-bridge has always been a goal of Christopher Sousa, son of owner John Sousa and now finally that dream

is coming true. Not only will they continue to run a fleet of rentals in Cam-bridge along with a 24hr mobile truck, but now finally Sousa will be able to provide their customers with a 12,000 square-foot shop along with 3 acres of fenced parking space. Sousa plans to open the doors as of January 2014, followed with a grand opening in June 2014.

For more information please contact Christo-pher P. Sousa Toll Free at 800.560.1050V

legal matters

MTO Officers Laying Charges for Moving Violations

By mark reynolDs

As of the New Year, MTO Officers will have the author-

ity to lay charges for mov-

ing violations against commercial vehicle driv-ers under the Highway Traffic Act. This would in-clude improper turns, red light violations, careless driving, etc. Although this authority already existed technically, MTO Officers were discouraged from writing these types of charges and were directed to focus instead on mech-anical safety, log books, dangerous goods and

other related offences. This may not seem news-worthy, but the impact of this could be quite ser-ious. Given that MTO has assigned 5 CVOR points to most moving viola-tions under the Highway Traffic Act, more of these charges being laid against commercial vehicle driv-ers can have a signifi-cant impact on both the driver’s record and the operator’s CVOR record.

The higher the chances of these charges being laid, the higher the chan-ces that drivers convicted of these offences are more likely to face discipline from their employer given the impact of 5 CVOR points per violation. Too many of these convictions can also result in drivers becoming unemployed and uninsurable. It will be very important in the future to take a long hard

look at the charge that has been laid and the evi-dence, or lack thereof, to support the charge.

More companies will choose to contest these charges in court in order to manage the number of points being assigned to their CVOR and more drivers will be contesting these charges in order to reduce the number of con-victions being assigned to their records.

It will be very import-ant to seek advice prior to simply paying a fine. The result of not doing so could be career altering.

Mark Reynolds is a li-censed paralegal, a for-mer truck driver, MTO enforcement o f f icer, provincial trainer and Enforcement coordinator and can be reached at 416.221.6888 or MarkRey-n o l d s @ O T T L e g a l .com.V

HealtHy living

Eat your GREENS!

By BrenDa riCker

Green foods can s u p p o r t m o s t bodily functions,

boost energy levels, and eliminate toxins such as heavy metals which can weaken our tissues and lead to disease over time.

“Eat your vegetables!” We have all heard this statement many times from our mothers as well

as our doctors and health professionals. That quote has never been more true than today. With the amount of free radicals that enter our bodies daily and the stress levels put on us, diet is more im-portant today than ever before. Here are some of the important greens we should be eating regu-larly:

Arugula inhibits can-cer growth and improves immune defenses. It is an excellent choice for building healthy bones. It is chock full of vitamins A, C, E, K and minerals – fol-ate, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium,

choline, and fiber.Collard greens help low-

er LDL cholesterol; regu-late blood sugar and com-bat osteoporosis. They also boost the immune system against viral and bacterial infection, and are enriched with vita-mins A, B6, C, E, K, and minerals – folate, choline, manganese, potassium, calcium and fiber.

Iceberg lettuce, although lowest of all leafy greens nutr i t ional ly, iceberg combats anemia, heart disease and age-relates illnesses. Vitamins A, C, E and K are found here, as well as minerals – iron, folate, choline, manga-

nese, phosphorus, cal-cium and fiber.

Kale is the most nutri-ent dense green leafed vegetable. It aids in blood clotting, promotes healthy vision and retinal function and fights cancer. It in-cludes vitamins A, B6,C, K and minerals – iron, fiber, niacin, folate, calcium,

manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, riboflavin, and copper.

Another notable benefit of green foods has to do with digestion. The digestive enzymes and other nutrients often found in green foods help this process by increasing regularity and keeping our

digestive tract operating efficiently.

Optimum health in-volves providing our bod-ies with the best possible nutrients for maintaining cellular wellness and function. Green vege-tables should be part of everyone’s foundation for good health.V

12 January 2014

Page 13: #68 January

toronto atssa raised $860.00 in cash donations and 260

toys for this year’s toys for tots.

ontario truCking assoCiation

Truck Trainers, Insurers Join OTA Call for Mandatory Entry Level Training

An assembly of leading Canadian trucking insurers

and the Truck Training Schools Association of Ontario have banded with

the Ontario Trucking As-sociation in calling on the province to introduce mandatory entry level training for commercial truck drivers.

Northbridge Insurance, The Guarantee Company of North America, Old Republic Insurance of Canada, Zurich Canada and the Truck Training

Schools Association of Ontario (TTSAO) all re-cently penned letters of support for OTA’s position that mandatory entry level training would help re-duce the driver shortage and raise the level of the quality of new drivers entering the industry by making truck driving a skilled occupation.

Mandatory entry level training is a key recom-mendation of both the Canadian Trucking Alli-ance’s Blue Ribbon Task Force (BRTF) report on the driver shortage and the landmark Conference Board of Canada study.

OTA and the provincial associations have been discussing the issue with their respective provinces and OTA recently brought the effort to the atten-tion of Premier Kathleen Wynne.

“There appears to be some traction gaining in certain provinces. While that’s a good sign, there is still a very long road ahead and major hurdles persist, which is why the training and insurance industries joining OTA on this issue is an important step,” says OTA President David Brad-ley. “The good news is that at the very least a dialogue is now underway.”

In its letter, Northbridge

Insurance stated that mandatory entry level training would bring “much deserved respect to truck driving as a val-ued and skilled occupa-tional skilled trade” and a “necessary step to ensure qualified men and women are behind the wheel of Canada’s distribution net-work.”

Current licensing condi-tions surrounding heavy commercial trucks are lacking any benchmark for candidates to be measured against, points out Old Re-public: “Mandatory entry level training standards will provide that need-ed benchmark to ensure those licensed to drive commercial trucks have the necessary skills to help them safely navigate Canada’s roadways. Our company believes strongly that mandatory entry level training standards must be implemented.”

Added The Guarantee Company of North Amer-ica: “Currently years of experience and driver vehicle abstracts are the only benchmarking criter-ia for determining driver’s qualifications. There cur-rently isn’t any criteria in place to obtain a heavy commercial licence or ensure that a safety stan-dard is maintained in the

critical first three years of licensing. Having a program such as manda-tory entry level training will create and maintain a culture of safe driving behaviour and increased driver confidence.”

“Our ability to produce quality graduates is hin-dered by reasons identi-fied and outlined by the Blue Ribbon Task Force,” states the TTSAO. “By addressing a multiplicity of standards and curric-ula and having industry uptake, awareness and buy-in is critical for our identified goals. Manda-tory entry level training will ensure a balance is maintained between in-dustry capacity needs and public safety.”

In its letter Zurich also supported the idea of a mandatory entry level training for commercial vehicle drivers, welcom-ing the opportunity to provide further input for a developmental program down the road. “We be-lieve that establishing a qualification standard will ensure that driving a commercial vehicle is recognized as a profession and an important career, rekindling the deserved respect for the profession while also making our roads even safer.”V

atssa - toronto

ATSSA Members Show Their GenerosityBy BarB WooDWarD

Th e D e c e m b e r m e e t i n g w a s a fun n ight as

usual with the annual Toys for Tots Drive and food donations of non-perishable items for the Food Bank. Constable Amy Davidson of the Peel Regional Police and Toys for Tots Chair made an announcement the next day that as a group, a total of $860.00 was raised in cash donations and a total of 260 toys

were collected for dona-tion to needy families in the area. Constable Amy Davidson commented, “What an amazing con-tribution to our Toys for Tots campaign! We are so grateful to the members of the ATSSA Toronto branch. I know the kids will enjoy receiving the gifts that were so gener-ously donated.”

The Ladies Night Dance will be held on February 22nd, 2014 at the Para-dise Banquet Hall with

entertainment provided by Arden and the Tourists (6 piece band). Tickets are available from Brian Sib-bald who can be reached at 905.564.7278. A new hotel has been chosen which is part of the Mar-riott chain and rooms can be reserved for $109.00 + tax.

Sponsors for monthly meetings are always wel-come and can be booked by contacting Brian Sib-bald at 905.564.7278. This is your company’s op-

portunity for a captive audience to present your products and/or services! If you know a company that would like to become a sponsor and sponsors a monthly meeting, you will receive your membership dues free or if you have already paid, they will be reimbursed to you.

Meetings are held at the Paradise Banquet Hall located on Jane Street just above the 407. Meetings are held every second Tuesday (changed from

every second Thursday) at 6 pm with a lovely buf-fet dinner followed by

company business and a presentation from the sponsor of the night.V

January 2014 13

Page 14: #68 January

HealtH insuranCe matters

Top 5 Solutions to Getting Claims Paid

By lina DemeDeiros

This month we pro-vide you with the solutions to recover

benefits not paid by an in-surance company.

The top 5 reasons why you as an Owner Operator do not get paid at claim time

are: You independently can-celled your plan, you were forced to cancel your plan that was being replaced by another “cheaper” insur-ance company, you had an accident not covered by the same insurance company, you were uninsurable for illness coverage, or you did not understand the terms of coverage.

Here are the top five solu-tions for getting paid. Hire either a Certified Health Specialist, also known as a Registered Health Under-writer, or someone who specializes in the sale of disability insurance prod-ucts. These can be found

by contacting the Financial Services Commission of Ontario at www.fsco.ca.

You can also contact the advisor who sold you the plan. If the advisor refuses to resolve the matter, and alleges you voluntarily can-celled the plan, then contact a personal injury lawyer. We also recommend that you contact a lawyer if you did not understand or signed a letter of understanding or waiver releasing any claims against the agent or the insurer. All pre-existing conditions are not covered by a new insurer.

If you are uninsurable for illness, bear in mind that

many injuries do fall under this category and that lim-ited coverage, such as 60 days for example, may be available. It is advisable to purchase Workplace Safety and Insurance Board cover-age that offers protection against accidents that may not be covered by a private insurance plan.

If you did not understand the terms of your cover-age and/or have not been offered a superior plan, contact your advisor first to determine if you are unable to settle the claim. We rec-ommend a Certified Health Specialist and/or Regis-tered Health Underwriter

or personal injury lawyer to assist.

If you have had a motor vehicle accident and are not protected by any of the rea-sons outlined above, your solution is to submit the claim under the accident benefits portion of the cor-porate fleet insurance since the company mandated you replace the policy.

Any individual replacing a policy must understand the benefits they are giv-ing up in an effort to gain other benefits. If you did not understand what you were losing, you have a claim against those individuals, unless you voluntarily can-

celled the policy. If you were forced to do this against your own wishes we sug-gest you contact a lawyer.

A disability lasting 6 months can wipe out years of retirement savings, force you to re-finance, or put you out of business. It is always best to buy less coverage with more benefits than more coverage with limited benefits.

For more information on this article or any others please visit our website at www.lmdinsurance.ca or 416.748.9992, toll free at 800.236.5810.

Season greetings to all our readers!V

up WitH Women

Guinness World Record for Heaviest Vehicle Pull

Toronto, Ontario - Lia Grimanis, founder of Up With

Women and recognized as one of Canada’s most powerful women, set a new Guinness World Re-cord for the “Heaviest Vehicle Pulled 100 feet By A Woman”. Lia pulled a 17,000 pound transport truck to raise awareness for women and girls at risk and to inspire women to realize they are stronger than they think they are.

“As a survivor of home-lessness and violence in the home, I wanted to show women who are struggling that anything is possible, and that we are all stronger than we think we are,” said Grimanis. “I didn’t think I would live past the age of 21. On De-cember 12th, I celebrated my 42nd birthday and I’m thrilled to use this oppor-tunity to be able to give

back through the truck pull to those who supported me when I was homeless - the YWCA and other shelters, and invest in the lives of women and girls at risk.”

The event took place at the Metro Toronto Conven-tion Centre. Marnie Mc-Bean, three-time Olympic champion, participated as a guest judge.

“Accepting big goals is in-timidating,” said McBean. “Unfortunately, that’s why too many people hesitate to ‘think big’ and try to make a positive change. Lia is a normal person who does incredible things because she makes it a habit to accept the fear and challenge that comes with big goals, demonstrating to others that they too can be, and are, stronger than they think.”

Maple Leaf Foods, one of the event’s primary sponsors donated 10,000

pounds of food - 1,000 pounds for every 10 feet Lia pulled the truck - to the YWCA Toronto.

“Lia, the Up With Women organization and the YWCA Toronto play tre-mendous roles in shaping bright futures for so many women and girls who need a helping hand,” said Mi-chael McCain, President and CEO of Maple Leaf Foods. “We are proud to provide the YWCA with nutritious food that will help thousands of women enjoy healthy, balanced meals and to partner with Lia to get the message out that women and girls at-risk can be the leaders they have always wanted to be.”

Canada Cartage, one of Canada’s leading transpor-tation and logistics com-panies, provided the trans-port truck for the event.

“Our company is excited to support Lia and her foundation in this event,” said Jeff Lindsay, President and CEO of Canada Cart-age. “Lia’s story is inspira-tional, and sends a mes-sage of hope and encour-agement to women living in difficult circumstances.”

About Up With WomenSince 2009, Up With

Women has supported women at-risk of home-

lessness to become fully independent and active members of their commun-ities. Up With Women runs

a free year-long career-coaching program to move women to the next level of economic independence

and break the cycle of pov-erty. For more information, please visit www.upwith-women.com.V

14 January 2014

Page 15: #68 January

tmta suDBury

TMTA Hosts 2nd Annual Trade ShowBy marek krasuski

The Sudbury chap-ter of the Trans-portation Main-

tenance and Technology Association (TMTA) held its annual trade show on Thursday December 12th at the award-winning Howard Johnson Plaza Hotel in Sudbury from 4 to 8 p.m. Admission was free for all enthusiasts wanting to be apprised

of industry-related prod-ucts and services in the Sudbury region and else-where. Of the 28 exhib-itors the majority, in fact, were from areas beyond Greater Sudbury, accord-ing to Publicity Officer, Wes Govier. “I would say about two thirds of our exhibitors are from out of town, the rest are local,” he said. Despite the bad weather which deterred

some from attending, the turnout was substantial with some 200 visitors taking part and observing the wide product range on display.

TMTA Vice President, Mike Hamel, described the show as an important industry-related event. “This occasion is a great opportunity for stakehold-ers to see the latest prod-ucts and services available

in the industry. All these exhibitors have some-thing important to offer,” he said.

Vendors generously provided products or gift certificates which TMTA President, Stewart Mc-Bain, raffled off every 15 minutes throughout the duration of the show. An excellent buffet was avail-able to both members and

non members.The Sudbury TMTA is

one of several groups of fleet maintenance profes-sionals across Ontario actively running light, medium, and heavy duty vehicles across Canada and the U.S. It holds monthly meetings on the second Thursday of each month from September to June at the award win-

ning Howard Johnson Plaza Hotel. Sponsors are encouraged to support the monthly dinner meet-ings. These are unique opportunities to engage in one place with trans-portation fleet mainten-ance and distributors from Sudbury, Timmins, North Bay, Manitoulin Island and points between and beyond.V

evans Cooling systems

Ocean to Ocean World Record Set

Suffield, Connecticut – Australian mo-toring enthusiast

Rod Wade, aka the Vin-tage Adventurer, has set a new world record in the Ocean to Ocean Driv-ing Challenge with Evans Waterless Coolant run-ning through the engine of his 1930 Model A Ford. The non-stop drive was completed in 50 hours, 20 minutes and 6 seconds, beating his goal by almost 10 hours. The journey began Friday morning, precisely at 12:01 am, where Rod and his co-driver, Michael Flanders filled a bottle with water from the Atlantic Ocean. The engine ran reliably through snow and rain, and hills and plains, until arrival at California’s Ven-ice Beach Saturday night at 11:20 pm, where they poured the water from the Atlantic into the Pacific Ocean, officially complet-ing the Ocean 2 Ocean Challenge.

Rod and Michael trav-eled the 2,947 mile trip averaging just over 58 miles per hour without any water in the cooling system, and without wor-ries of overheating either. Evans Waterless Coolant was used to ensure the cooling system functioned under demanding con-ditions. Water was on board, but used where it was needed the most – to

hydrate Rod and Michael during their marathon adventure.

Just before departure Rod said, “Evans water-less coolant performed so well when we drove through Asia in the hot summer that we insisted on using it for this trip. We are very confident with Evans.”

This past June, the car completed the Peking to Paris Rally, considered to be the world’s greatest motoring challenge. Along this rigorous route, Evans waterless coolant suc-cessfully demonstrated its capabilities of performing under extreme conditions.

With a boiling point of 375°F, Evans High Per-formance Coolant will function well past the failure point of water-based coolants. Evans High Performance Cool-ant provides permanent

cooling protection for the life of the engine, and pro-tects against corrosion, electrolysis and cavitation erosion.

The next goal of the Vin-tage Adventurer team will be to take on the Ocean to Ocean Australia, again in the Model A Ford. Sched-uled for June 2014, that event is a timed challenge from Queensland to Fre-mantle and return. Rod’s goal is to raise awareness and much needed money for Kidney Health Aus-tralia and the American Kidney Fund.

For more information on Evans Cooling Systems, Inc. and Waterless En-gine Coolants please visit www.evanscooling.com.

For more information on the Ocean 2 Ocean Chal-lenge, the Vintage Adven-turer and the latest up-dates, visit www.vintage-adventurer.com.V

Celebrating at venice Beach by ricardo Da Cruz/Joman

auto services

January 2014 15

Page 16: #68 January


Peterbilt’s New Model 567 in Full Production

The newest addi-tion to Peterbilt’s vehicle lineup -

the vocational Model 567 - is now in full produc-tion. The rugged truck or tractor can be configured to meet a wide range of heavy- and severe-duty applications, Peterbilt Motors Company recent-ly announced.

“Assembly is in full swing for the Model 567 with strong demand for our new model in many different markets. The durability and versatility of the Model 567 make it ideal for dump, mixer, heavy haul and refuse applications,” said Robert Woodall, Peterbilt Director of Sales and Marketing.

Peterbilt unveiled the new model earlier this year during the Mid-America Trucking Show in Louisville, Kentucky. It was developed through the most extensive prod-uct research and develop-ment in the company’s long history of vocational models and endured rigor-ous testing at the PACCAR

Technical Center in Mount Vernon, Washington.

“Peterbilt’s Model 567 can be ordered in 121- and 115-inch BBC lengths with a wide variety of heavy-duty components and axle configurations for increased payloads and optimized weight distribu-tion,” said Woodall. “It has a set-back front axle that provides excellent maneu-verability and a tight turn-ing radius. Combined with the panoramic view from the cab, operators will enjoy enhanced visibility and productivity through-out virtually every jobsite condition.”

The Model 567 is stan-dard with the PACCAR MX-13 Engine with up to 500 horsepower and 1,850 lb-ft of torque and can be ordered as a day cab or with Peterbilt’s com-plete line-up of detachable sleepers.

Durable, Versatile De-sign

Lightweight, yet durable to provide many years of service, the all-aluminum cab of the Model 567 is en-

hanced with strategically positioned steel reinforce-ments. “For additional strength and cab stabil-ity, steel upper A-pillars and rear corner reinforce-ments have been add-ed,” said Landon Sproull, Peterbilt Chief Engineer. “The large cast aluminum front cab mounts distrib-ute road stresses evenly, reducing road-induced wear and improving ride quality.”

Durability is further im-proved with the Model 567’s Metton® hood that is highly resilient and can absorb many im-pacts that would shatter or crack other materials. The vehicle also features Peterbilt’s signature stain-less steel oval mesh grille and surround, and the hood pivot system has a protection function that directs energy around the cooling module in the event of an impact.

The Model 567’s chassis is designed to maximize strength while minimizing weight for increased pay-load capacity. The chassis

is 10 to 15 percent stiffer than comparable products for improved maneuver-ability, ride and handling. The clean frame rails fa-cilitate ease of installation for various bodies, aux-iliary axles and hydraulic tanks.

Outstanding Operator Environment

Panoramic visibility, su-perior ergonomics and best-in-class operator amenities combine to provide operators with improved productivity and safety.

Maximum forward visi-bility is achieved through a panoramic windshield that features integrated lo-caters in the cab structure to allow for high-quality and time-efficient field repairs. A-pillars have strategically placed sup-ports for added strength, allowing them to be 13 percent narrower than other designs, further en-hancing visibility.

The forward lighting sys-tem on the Model 567 is a proven design that sig-nificantly enhances down-

road visibility and reduces driver fatigue. The head-lamps feature projector module low beams, which have a 2,000 hour life-cycle, and complex reflect-or high beams. Peterbilt’s signature pod-mounted design helps protect the headlight from potential damage to the fender, common occurrences on congested jobsites.

According to Sproull, the Model 567’s interior combines ruggedness and durability with comfort and performance for the vocational market. The new interior begins with

a spacious 2.1 meter-wide cab that provides a quiet environment that reduces driver fatigue and im-proves efficiency.

“A key consideration of the Model 567 design is the driver-centric re-search and planning pro-cess Peterbilt engineers used to develop the new model,” said Sproull. “We interviewed hundreds of drivers about their pref-erences to ensure the 567 cab would provide operators with the most desired, productive and comfortable operating environment.”V

maCk truCks

Lightweight Granite® MHD Rear Loader

Montreal, Quebec – Refuse cus-tomers seeking

a lightweight and cost-effective vehicle that is also tough and reliable can now look to the MACK® Granite® Medium Heavy Duty (MHD) rear loader that was introduced at the 2013 Canadian Waste and Recycling Expo.

The Mack Granite MHD rear loader offers a re-duced weight option for refuse companies and municipalities desiring a truck built for lighter-duty cycles, such as short inner-city routes or for service in smaller towns. Because the Granite MHD has lighter weight com-ponents than other refuse models, it offers an eco-nomic alternative to help fleets increase their return

on investment.“The MHD rear loader

is a complement to the existing Mack refuse prod-uct line that includes the MACK Granite and the MACK TerraPro™ Cabover and Low Entry vehicles,” said Curtis Dorwart, Mack Refuse Marketing Product Manager. “This tough, lightweight truck is a cus-tomized option for our refuse customers who need a vehicle that is ideal for shorter routes and lower gross payload. We feel that it’s important to provide a complete offer of lighter – and heavier-duty refuse vehicles so we can tailor the truck to the ap-plication.”

The clean back-of-cab design of the Granite MHD accommodates a range of body options and makes

the vehicle particularly well-suited to rear loader applications. Available in 4x2 or 6x4 configura-tions, the truck is equipped with a Cummins ISL9 345- horsepower engine with a maximum torque rating of 1,150 lb.-ft., offering the power and durability that Mack is known for in a lighter package. In fact, the MHD rear loader is available as a Class 7 solution when configured as a 4x2.

The MHD rear loader’s cab also offers improved driver comfort because it is mounted on airbags and shocks. With a short bumper-to-tire distance, the MHD rear loader has a superior front-end swing clearance and an excellent wheel cut that allows it to maneuver in and out of

tight collection sites.“Mack has been in the

refuse business for more than100 years, supplying industry-leading solutions to best meet customers’

needs,” said John Walsh, Mack Vice President of Marketing. “As the clear market leader in refuse today, Mack vehicles are designed and spec’d for

the particular require-ments of our customers.”

For more information about Mack, visit our Web site at www.macktrucks.com.V

mack trucks introduced today the maCk® granite® medium Heavy Duty (mHD) rear loader,

a lightweight solution for refuse customers.

16 January 2014

neW proDuCts & serviCes

Page 17: #68 January

in addition to a host of other benefits, Carrier transicold’s

vector 8600mt multi-temperature hybrid trailer refrigeration

unit features smart remote evaporators that enable more

flexible installation and automatically optimize performance.

Carrier transiColD

Carrier Introduces Hybrid Vector™ 8600MT Multi-Temperature System

Athens, Georgia - The new Vec-t o r ™ 8 6 0 0 M T

hybrid unit from Car-rier Transicold advances multi-temperature trailer refrigeration with new smart remote evaporators that improve operational efficiencies and reliabil-ity, and enable easier, more flexible installation. Carrier Transicold helps improve global transport and shipping temperature control with a complete line of equipment for re-frigerated trucks, trailers and containers, and is a part of UTC Building & Industrial Systems, a unit of United Technologies Corp. (NYSE: UTX).

The Vector 8600MT is the first commercially available multi-temper-ature trailer refrigeration unit that meets the 2013 EPA Tier 4 standard.

“The innovative engin-eering that went into the Vector 8600MT unit and its new smart remote evap-orators provides our food distribution and super-market customers with significant benefits,” said David Appel, President, Carr ier Transicold & Refrigeration Systems. “These improvements will help customers in the key areas of reducing fuel consumption and maintenance costs, en-

vironmental compliance, quiet operation, lower total cost of ownership, and trailer configuration flexibility.”

Carr ier Transicold’s third-generation Vector multi-temperature re-frigeration system for North America, the Vector 8600MT shares key attrib-utes of its recently intro-duced single-temperature sibling, the Vector 8500 unit. Both provide signifi-cantly reduced weight, improved fuel economy and greater refrigeration capacity.

The new Vector models are also the first North American trailer units to use a fully hermetic elec-tric scroll compressor. Proven efficient and reli-able in Carrier Transicold refrigerated marine con-tainer systems, the scroll compressor has 70 per-cent fewer moving parts and is 200 pounds lighter than a traditional recipro-cating compressor, con-tributing to the host unit’s overall 10 percent weight reduction compared to its predecessor.

With the Vector 8600MT, one or two remote evap-orators can be added to the host system, enabling a total of up to three re-frigerated compartments within a single trailer, each maintained at a dif-

ferent temperature set point.

“We call our new re-motes smart evaporators because they each have an integral control mod-ule that communicates with the main APX™ con-trol system,” said Ber-trand Gueguen, President, Global Truck/Trai ler, Carrier Transicold. “It’s part of Carrier Transic-old’s unique distributed electronics strategy. This means simpler wiring and streamlined instal-lation, which ultimately results in higher reliabil-ity. The advanced design of the new smart remote evaporators also includes electronic expansion valves for better capacity and recovery after door openings, more precise temperature control, and lower fuel consumption.”

The Vector 8600MT un i t ’s smar t remote evaporators automatic-ally adjust themselves to varying conditions to ensure optimized cool-ing capacities and more efficient fuel use, unlike competitive and earli-er Carrier systems with mechanical expansion valves that required more setup, a high level of technician expertise and additional adjustments when reconfiguring trailer compartments.

The Vector platform’s signature E-Drive™ all-electric refrigeration tech-nology means refrigera-tion and heating oper-ations are 100 percent electric, powered over the road by an onboard generator driven by the unit’s diesel engine. Elec-tric standby capability is built in, allowing haulers to tap into electric power supplies to run the system when parked, providing quiet, emissions-free re-frigeration performance that can reduce operating costs by up to 70 percent compared to diesel oper-ations, while conserving fuel for the highway.

As with other 2013 Carrier Transicold truck and trailer refrigeration units, the Vector 8600MT unit incorporates Car-rier Transicold’s perform-ance-boosting ecoFOR-WARD™ technologies. Compared to the unit it succeeds, the new Vector 8600MT unit provides up to 4 percent higher cool-ing capacity at 60,000 Btu at 35 degrees Fahrenheit (1.6 degrees Celsius) and 24,000 Btu at -20 degrees Fahrenheit (29 degrees Celsius), while using up to 20 percent less engine power.

The Vector 8600MT unit’s engine is certified for “evergreen” compli-

ance with the 2013 EPA Tier 4 standard for en-gines less than 25 horse-power. For fleets operat-ing in California beyond seven years, the Vec-tor platform’s standard electric standby capabil-ity provides an in-use compliance option for the California Air Re-sources Board (CARB). Carrier Transicold is also developing an optional engine emissions system

that further reduces en-gine emissions and pro-vides a future CARB in-use compliance verified diesel emissions control strategy (VDECS).

For more information about the Vector 8600MT multi-temperature trail-er uni t f rom Carr ier Transicold, turn to the experts within the Carrier Transicold dealer net-work or visit www.carrier.com/ecoforward.V

nal insuranCe & CarrierseDge

NAL & CarriersEdge Launch Online Training

London, Ontar io – NAL Insurance, the leading pro-

vider of WCB Alternative Insurance Programs, and CarriersEdge, the lead-ing provider of online driver improvement pro-grams, is pleased to an-nounce the release of the StepUp Contractor Pack-age. Designed for owner-operators, and available exclusively through NAL, the StepUp Package pro-

vides a selection of the most popular Carrier-sEdge online training courses, packaged spe-cifically to suit the needs of owner-operators and their drivers.

Priced at just $9.99/month per person, the StepUp package includes compliance courses cov-ering vehicle inspection, cargo securement, hours of service, dangerous goods, and fire safety, as

well as professional de-velopment titles covering fuel efficiency, health and wellness, and business skills for owner-operators. The service is available on a month-to-month basis, with no minimum com-mitments or contracts. Employee drivers can be added for the same price, allowing owner-operators to provide comprehensive driver training to all their people.

“Utilizing our leading edge technology platform, we believe that we can deliver solutions not only for our Fleet customers, but also our Owner Oper-ator clientele”, said Chris Henry, VP & GM of NAL. “With the StepUp package, owner-ops can have a complete safety and com-pliance training program available at their conven-ience. These courses sell individually for $40-50

through other channels, so we’re very pleased to be able to offer more than a dozen different titles for less than $10/month.”

“NAL is known for hav-ing their finger on the pulse of the owner-oper-ator community in Can-ada”, added Mark Murrell, President of CarriersEdge. “This package will help those contractors stay up to date on the latest regulations and we’re very

excited to be working with NAL to offer it.”

The Contractor Package is available immediate-ly through NAL’s Owner Operator Portal. More in-formation is available at www.NALInsurance.com or by calling 800.265.1657.

NAL Insurance is the lar-gest provider of Worker’s Compensation Alterna-tive Insurance in the Can-adian Trucking Industry. Currently.V

January 2014 17

neW proDuCts & serviCes

Page 18: #68 January

Kal Tire Raises Funds for STARS Saskatchewan

Vernon, Br i t i sh Columbia - While Ka l Ti re team

members are usually fo-cused on getting driv-ers back on the road, a special fundraiser saw Saskatchewan stores raising money to help get people in the air. Kal Tire presented STARS in Saskatchewan with a cheque for $10,500.

To celebrate Kal Tire’s 60th anniversary earlier this year, several Kal Tire locations across the prov-ince raised money for the Saskatchewan STARS pro-gram. Initiatives included proceeds from in-store sales, summer barbeques, garage sales and more. The STARS helicopter air ambulances offer life-sav-

ing support to critically ill and injured patients in remote areas.

“We picked STARS as our charity because it is a really essential service in Saskatchewan,” says Al Lepage, Zone Manager, Kal Tire. “We have team members and custom-ers spread out across the province, and it’s nice to know STARS can get them the emergency treatment they need, even if they’re far away from a hospital.”

STARS, a charitable, non-profit organization that saves lives across the Prairies, has Saskatch-ewan bases in Saskatoon and Regina, where BK117 helicopters are dispatched to ill and injured patients from La Ronge to Estevan.

Rod Gantefoer, Execu-tive Director of the STARS Foundation in Saskatch-ewan says the donation from Kal Tire will go a long way to ensuring patients everywhere have access to the specialized medical care they need.

“Life can change with-out a moment’s notice - from a workplace injury, a heart attack, a drowning, a spinal cord injury or a car crash,” says Gantefoer. “For patients who are crit-ically ill and injured, every minute saved before treat-ment can increase their chances of survival and improve their prospects for recovery.”

“We’re very grateful for Kal Tire’s efforts to sup-port our foundation,” says

Gantefoer. “Donations like this help keep STARS operating and saving lives.”

Kal Tire stores across the country raised money for various charities as a way to give back and

support the communities that helped them grow over the past 60 years in Canada.V

Improved Casing Warranty for Commercial Tire Products

Cypress, California - Toyo Tire U.S.A. Corp. has rolled

out an improved casing warranty for its commer-cial line of medium truck and bus radial (TBR) tires. Both fleet and independ-ent operators will benefit from this improved war-ranty as it applies to the retreading of casings.

The casing value has been increased to $110.00

for the first retread on many popular sizes. Toyo Tires also offers a rub-ber allowance of up to $50.00 based on the re-maining tread depth of the tire.  This makes the improved casing warranty by Toyo Tires one of the best in the tire business and instills confidence when using Toyo Tires’ commercial tire products.

The new, 66-month war-

ranty applies to Toyo com-mercial truck tires pur-chased after October 10, 2013. Learn more about the improved casing war-ranty for commercial tires at toyotires.com/tbr/customer-care/warranty-information, or consult with an authorized Toyo Tires dealer.

For more information on the full line of com-mercial tire products from

Toyo Tires, including the ‘new for 2013’ M144™ highway-rib steer for mid-to-long haul use; and the M170™ regional steer with e-balance™ technology, log onto www.toyotires.com/tbr.

For more information log onto www.toyotires.com and connect with the community at Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Google+.V

From left to right: rod gantefoer, executive Director, stars saskatchewan Foundation;

kent peddie, senior Zone manager, kal tire; al lepage, Zone manager, kal tire; and Cindy

seidl, Base Director, stars saskatoon.

moBile aWareness

MobileTRAQ Vue Integrated With TireStat TPMS

Mobile Aware-ness, LLC, a p r o v i d e r o f

leading-edge transporta-tion safety products is pleased to announce the release of MobileTRAQ Vue, integrated with Tire-Stat TPMS sensors, creat-ing the most advanced tire pressure management system ever available for commercial trucks.

MobileTRAQ Vue is the first highly integrated and field upgradeable, com-mercial-grade monitoring

and maintenance system, designed to grow with fleets and changing indus-try demands. It is a rug-ged, flexible asset-based monitoring system for both connected and stand-alone truck and trailer monitoring. Featuring an intuitive, programmable color touch-screen display that allows the driver to see and hear warnings, the MobileTRAQ platform was developed to readily con-nect with Mobile Aware-ness wired and wireless

sensors, the first of which is TireStat TPMS.

TireStat TPMS is an in-novative flow-thru tire sensor mountable inside the tire or externally on the valve stem. These unique TPMS sensors transmit data every 60 seconds to the MobileTRAQ monitor, with pressure and tem-perature events triggering the system to alarm in

real-time. This rapid re-porting is as much as 5 times more frequent than most other TPMS systems. With a battery life of up to 10 years and an operat-ing temperature of -40°F to 257°F (-40°C to 125°C), TireStat is the ruggedized sensor choice for commer-cial tire maintenance and monitoring.

Designed and manufac-

tured in Northeast Ohio, MobileTRAQ Vue inte-grated with TireStat TPMS offers the user unique early warning indications, as well as adjustable tire alarm levels. Additional features include various integrated telematics com-munication interfaces for monitoring inside the vehicle and remotely, all provided with a 3-year

warranty. The fleet owner’s investment is further pro-tected since MobileTRAQ will provide updates and feature upgrades including voice enunciation, driver logs and inspection forms.

For more information, about Mobile Awareness contact Mobile Aware-ness at 866.653.5036 or visit  www.MobileAware-ness.com.V

18 January 2014

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speCial Feature

Interview With The Honourable Glen Murray, Ontario Minister of TransportationBy miCHael HoWe

A relative newcomer to this post, the Honourable Glen

Murray was appointed Ontario’s Minister of Trans-portation in February 2013. A lifetime of service ori-ented careers delivered Murray to his current post, a position he is passionate about. In fact, it was only a few months after his ap-pointment that he issued his statement on “A Vision for Transportation in Can-ada.” Now, Minister Murray sits down with Woodward Publishing to discuss truck-ing specific issues.

Q: Have you ever had the opportunity to experi-ence what the life of an over the road truck (OTR) driver is like, or worked closely with the trucking industry? What are your views of truck drivers and the trucking industry?

Yes, in two ways. When I lived in Winnipeg my next door neighbor was a truck driver. He would be gone for weeks at a time. At times he would love the freedom, and other times he would not because he would miss his family ter-ribly. For his wife, it was an interesting time. The first week she was sort of glad to have him out of her hair, but by the second week, especially with the children, she really wanted him to be back – it was kind of tough. I don’t think people realize the stresses and strains, the hours that you drive, that the job has. I’m one that hates night driving, yet these drivers are out there at all hours. The transportation industry is a major segment of the

Ontario economy. I have had some road time with the Ontario Trucking As-sociation. They are doing some remarkable work, and I really appreciate the work they are doing to rep-resent the industry.

Q: How do you see the trucking industry, and in particular the individual driver, fitting into the new global / e-commerce econ-omy? Is this an economy that will benefit profes-sional truck drivers?

The trucking industry is a highly ethical industry. The meetings that I have with the industry are most often centered on the safety of the vehicles, getting the proper training and skill sets, recognizing the skill sets of the drivers and support staff, and creating a quality of life and quality of employment that will encourage more people to want to work in the industry.

Q: Drivers and fleets are faced with increased gov-ernment regulation. What is the role of government in the industry, especially with regard to regulations and taxation?

We have a huge infra-structure deficit. We are spending 14 billion each year on infrastructure improvement, 3 billion of which is for roads. For the last several years we have been increasing our spend-ing up to a level where we have some hope of catch-ing up on the backlog of infrastructure issues.

We have critical bottle-necks around Canada where traffic simply isn’t moving. Transportation infrastructure is import-

ant. We are inheriting 50 years of infrastructure neg-lect. Right now we have a federal government that demonstrates inaction on the highways. In Canada it’s the provincial govern-ments that are picking up the costs of investing in infrastructure.

We want trucks working the border. We want com-munities like Regina and Dryden to have as frequent truck service as Bismarck and Missoula. We believe that trucking and rail are the arteries that are the beacons and future of our economy. And, if you don’t have frequent regular truck routes that are moving capacity through our com-munities, then we are at a competitive disadvantage with the United States be-cause their highways are better, and their trucking and logistic services are more frequent and more regular.

Q: What is your view on the need for long term infrastructure funding and are current funding levels adequate?

This is a national issue. Ever since we have had NAFTA and free trade we’ve seen a greater shift of Canadian cities being connected to each other, but not by Canadian high-ways but rather by the higher quality US high-ways. Every transportation minister right now, I think, sees this as a priority. All I’m asking for in Ontario is that the federal govern-ment matches the Ontario government’s investment in highways, especially matching dollar for dol-lar on the trans-Canada system.

Q. Are you concerned about the current and pro-jected driver shortage and how it might impact the economy?

We’ve had about a 172% job recovery in Ontario. The challenge we have now in Ontario is that we still have between 500,000 – 600,000 people unem-

ployed. Some of that is because of challenges due to lack of skills or their job disappeared for whatever reason. There are pro-jections that Ontario can expect about 800,000 new jobs by 2016. So, we have this challenge of people without jobs and jobs with-out people. We have jobs without people because we don’t have people with the skills needed for jobs in this new economy.

You see that in truck-ing too – including driv-ers, bus drivers, mechan-ics, and other positions. These are well paying high skilled jobs that need to be filled. We’ve added about 160,000 more seats in our colleges for trades and apprenticeship programs, and we have been working with leaders in the trucking industry to help us define where those real jobs are in real time, and we continue to work with the industry and unions to make sure that the skills and training are the right skills.

Q: The trucking industry recently went through, and is still going through, a challenge with regards to fuel prices. Is there any-thing that could be done to help cushion the impact of escalating fuel price increases?

I don’t think fuel prices are coming down any-time soon. I do think fuel switching, that is to natural gas, higher use of electric and new technology is coming. We’re in an in-novation economy. One of the great things about the Canadian economy is that we are the largest auto sec-tor in North America. We produce most of the buses that are on the streets of North America; we have excellent truck production companies, and have some of the best engineering schools.

Q: Transportation indus-tries rely on energy indus-tries. Is increased domestic oil and gas production important to the future of

Canadian business?Yes, but we have some

challenges with the extrac-tion of those resources. The solution isn’t going to be cheaper fuel because of the environmental con-cerns. If you look at what is happening now, one of the biggest and fasted growing line items in my budget is climate change damage. Climate change to me is very real and we need to carefully examine how we move forward in the future.

Q: Has NAFTA benefited the Canadian trucking in-dustry in your view? What can be done to further ensure NAFTA works like it was intended?

Free trade is one of the most important decisions we ever made as a country and I am a huge supporter of it. But, what we didn’t do is look closely at cap-acity. Your trade capacity is directly related to trans-portation capacity. If you have a country like the US paying for a minimum of 50% of the highway system, and in Canada you have a federal government paying for less than 10% of the highway system, and rely instead on provincial gov-ernments who don’t have the budgets, then you can’t compete. If we are going to compete in trade we need to compete in trans-

portation infrastructure. We need to put the same federal investment in our system that the US does. If we don’t, we can’t compete and transportation / trade problems will continue and may get worse.

Q: What about the NAFTA specific US – Mex-ican Trucking Cross Border Program? Will this ultim-ately have an impact on the Canadian trucking in-dustry?

I have not really looked at this issue but will continue to work with the truck-ing industry on all related matters.

Q: What are the ma-jor transportation related issues we should watch for in the next year or two?

Reflecting on earlier com-ments, we need the federal government to match On-tario’s transportation infra-structure funding dollar for dollar. If we are truly inter-ested in being competitive in a free trade economy, federal infrastructure fund-ing needs to be increased.

Special thanks to Minister Murray for taking the time to talk about these im-portant trucking industry issues.

Follow Mike on Twitter @TruckingDC. Like Mike on Facebook at www.facebook.com/Trucking PoliticsMore.V

20 January 2014

Page 21: #68 January

Hundred Days of HellBy GeorGe Fullerton

It is evident that log t r u c k i n g o n N e w Brunswick highways

is increasing. In the mid 1990’s the forest industry shuddered to a near stop as the global economic crisis developed, and the US housing market virtu-ally came to a stop. Saw mills and particle board mills across the region took major shift reduc-tions and in many cases shutdown completely. It seemed like overnight log trucking on provincial roads was reduced to a trickle.

In the summer of 2013 the demand for lumber and chipboard from the US housing industry ap-peared to be in a sustained recovery and as prices for lumber climbed, roads and highways welcomed back trucks pulling log trailers, thereby feeding increased mill activity while flat-bed rigs pulled finished products out of mill yards and down the highway to markets.

Perhaps eastern New Brunswick witnessed a deeper impact on their forest industry, with UPM closing down three pulp and paper plants and a

major saw mill operation on the Miramichi River as the economic crisis ramped up.

Forestry has been the economic driver on the Miramichi since European settlement and the clos-ure of the big mills sent shock waves throughout the communities. One of the results was an exo-dus of wood harvesting and trucking contractors. While some walked away from their gear, leaving the bank to deal with the equipment, a good num-ber loaded trucks with gear and headed west to pick up forestry and oil patch work.

While many made the hard decision to move westward, some stayed to tough out the situation, relying on a severely re-duced forestry market and picking up work in other sectors. It seems entirely counter intuitive to see a young entrepreneur jump into wood trucking on the Miramichi, when it ap-peared the industry was at its absolute worse. But that is exactly what hap-pened to Tyson Underhill. At 22 years of age he went to the bank with a busi-ness plan and convinced

loan officers that he could secure enough business to make a living trucking wood while paying down the truck debt.

The plan has worked out pretty well for Tyson and his business, TCU Trans-port. This past autumn he traded his 2011 Peterbilt for a new 2014 Peter-bilt and added on a new Manac steerable quad log trailer. The new truck adds to his fleet consisting of an older Peterbilt, two Kenworths, a Western star, a Volvo and an Inter-national. In addition to six quad and two tri-axle log trailers, TCU operates a couple of dump trailers on summer aggregate jobs and consistently employs three to five trucks through the year while beefing up the hired fleet when things get busy after freeze-up. While TCU operates a number of self loader trail-ers that work smaller con-tracts such as cleaning up scattered loads, there is also a Komatsu log loader for bigger contracts, and this autumn Underhill added a truck mounted log loader to cover increased operations.

TCU Transport trucks primarily to mills in east-

ern New Brunswick. In addition to delivering to Arbec Forest Products and Miramichi Lumber (long logs) mills in his home town of Miramichi, Under-hill also has exclusive contracts to deliver stud-wood logs to Delco Forest Products in the southeast corner of the province and to the Fornebu studwood mill in the northeast.

Looking forward to a busy winter following freeze up sometime in December, wood truckers all across the region will increase their efforts to move wood from forest operations to mill yards, building inventory that will allow the mills to keep operating through spring weight restrictions when woods roads become vir-tually impassable.

Tyson, referring to the intense winter haul, ex-plained that in addition to challenges offered by the deep cold, snow storms and icy roads, his trucks will be running every pos-sible load they can fit in.

To deal with increased trucking demand Tyson has increased his hired fleet to ten trucks. “We find some guys that have come off aggregate or other summer work, or sometimes we find a high-way guy who wants to stay closer to home for the winter,” he said, add-ing that with more mills operating and increased harvesting activity on pri-vate woodlots, he expects a very busy winter. “We are also seeing Nova Sco-tia and Prince Edward Is-land companies delivering

into the mills. That is a sure sign that the forest industry is improving and we hope this means we will be able to stay busy.”

“Things always get in-tense from the last few weeks of December to sometime in March when weight restrictions come and things pretty well shutdown for trucking wood. We call that winter stretch, ‘our hundred days of hell’ ”, explained Tyson.

When spring shutdown comes, Tyson, like a lot of truckers and forestry contractors, will get their equipment into shops and garages for major maintenance and service work.“We will spend close to a month overhauling the brakes and fixing everything up to prepare for the summer.”V

St. John Harbour Bridge Rehabilitation Project Complete

Saint John, New Brunswick - Rod-ney Weston, Mem-

ber of Parliament for Saint John, on behalf of the Hon-ourable Lisa Raitt, Minister of Transport, along with the Honourable Claude Williams, New Brunswick Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure, today called the newly com-pleted Saint John Harbour Bridge in New Brunswick an example of cooper-ation in building a stronger future.

“A safe and reliable bridge that helps connect to the region’s busiest Can-

ada-United States border crossing will strengthen the Atlantic Gateway, pro-viding benefits to the trans-portation industry and other regional businesses, which helps create jobs over the long term,” said MP Weston.

“The Saint John Harbour Bridge serves as a major transportation link for the province and the port city,” Minister Williams said.

The Saint John Harbour Bridge consisted of re-habilitating the bridge deck, installing a new median, new barrier walls, new lighting and drainage

systems, and finally, pav-ing and line-painting the bridge road. The project also included the removal of the toll booths and other toll related infrastructure, as well as a reconfigura-tion to the Route 1 highway lanes at the west end of the bridge. These upgrades im-prove safety and lengthen the lifespan of the struc-ture. The removal of tolls speeds up both commuting time and the flow of goods and services through the city and region.

The Saint John Harbour Bridge is part of a key interprovincial and inter-

national corridor link-ing the region’s busiest border crossing to the United States with south-ern New Brunswick and the other Atlantic Can-adian provinces. Situated at the mouth of the Saint John River, the bridge has approximately 27,500 vehicles crossing it daily, making the Saint John Har-bour Bridge an essential commercial and commut-ing link in the region.

The $40-million project was jointly funded by the governments of Canada and New Brunswick. The Government of Canada

contributed $17.5 million from the Gateways and Border Crossings Fund. The Province of New Brunswick is contributing the remaining funds.

The Saint John Harbour Bridge supports Atlantic Canada’s efforts to become a preferred gateway and trade corridor for goods and people coming into and leaving North Amer-ica.

Under the Gateways and Border Crossings Fund, Canada is investing more than $250 million in trans-portation infrastructure projects supporting the At-

lantic Gateway and Trade Corridor.

Canada’s Atlantic Gate-way and Trade Corridor is the shortest all-water route between North America’s East Coast and markets in Europe and Asia, via the Suez Canal. Double-stack rail service provides a dir-ect link to Chicago in 72 hours, and a two-hour fly zone connects the Atlan-tic Gateway to Montreal, Toronto, Boston and New York.

More information on Canada’s Atlantic Gateway can be found at www.at-lanticgateway.gc.ca.V

January 2014 21

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Le député de Saint John, M. Weston, et le ministre Williams soulignent la fin des travaux de remise en état du pont du port de Saint John

Saint John, Nou-veau-Brunswick - M. Rodney Wes-

ton, député fédéral de Saint John, au nom de l’honorable Lisa Raitt, ministre des Transports, ainsi que l’honorable Claude Williams, min-istre des Transports et de l’Infrastructure du Nouveau-Brunswick, ont aujourd’hui déclaré que la remise en état du pont du port de Saint John, main-tenant achevée, est un exemple de collaboration pour un avenir meilleur

Le projet du pont du port de Saint John comprenait les travaux suivants  : re-mise en état du tablier; installation d’un nouveau terre-plein central, de nou-veaux garde-corps, d’une meilleure signalisation et

de systèmes d’éclairage et de drainage; asphaltage; et traçage des lignes sur la chaussée. De plus, les postes de péage et toute l’infrastructure connexe ont été enlevés. Une re-configuration des voies de la route 1 a aussi eu lieu à l’extrémité ouest du pont. Ces améliorations ren-forcent la sécurité et pro-longent la durée de vie de la structure. L’élimination du péage accélère les dé-placements ainsi que la circulation des marchan-dises et des services dans la ville et dans la région.

Le pont du port de Saint John fait partie inté-grante d’un corridor rout-ier interprovincial et inter-national stratégique, reli-ant le passage frontalier le plus fréquenté vers les

États-Unis avec le sud du Nouveau-Brunswick et les autres provinces du Can-ada atlantique. Le pont, qui est situé à l’embouchure de la rivière Saint-Jean, est franchi par à peu près 27  500  véhicules chaque jour, ce qui fait de lui un lien essentiel pour le com-merce et les déplacements dans la région.

Le projet de 40 millions de dollars a été financé par les gouvernements du Canada et du Nou-veau-Brunswick. Le gou-vernement du Canada y a engagé 17,5 millions de dollars grâce au Fonds pour les portes d’entrée et les passages frontaliers, et l’administration provin-ciale fournit la différence.

Le pont du port de Saint John contribue aux efforts

du Canada atlantique pour devenir une région à voca-tion de porte d’entrée et de corridor de commerce privilégiée pour les mar-chandises et les personnes qui arrivent en Amérique du Nord et qui en partent.

Dans le cadre du Fonds pour les portes d’entrée et les passages front-aliers, le Canada investira plus de 250  millions de dollars dans des projets d’infrastructure de trans-port pour appuyer la Porte et le Corridor de commerce de l’Atlantique.

La Porte et le Corridor de commerce de l’Atlantique du Canada est l’itinéraire entièrement maritime le plus court entre la côte Est de l’Amérique du Nord et les marchés de l’Europe et ceux de l’Asie via le

canal de Suez. Les services ferroviaires de transport de conteneurs empilés assurent un lien direct à destination de Chicago en 72 heures, et un vol de deux heures relie la Porte de l’Atlantique à Montréal,

Toronto, Boston et New York.

Pour plus de rensei-gnements au sujet de la Porte canadienne de l’Atlantique, consultez le www.portedelatlantique.gc.ca.V

De gauche à droite: peter gaulton, président du conseil

d’administration du port de saint John, député de saint

John rodney Weston, ministre des transports et de

l’infrastructure du nouveau-Brunswick Claude Williams et

maire de saint John mel norton.

Inauguration de l’échangeur One Mile House

Saint John, Nou-veau-Brunswick - M. Rodney  Wes-

ton, député fédéral de Saint  John, au nom de Denis  Lebel, ministre de l’Infrastructure, des Collectivités et des Af-faires intergouverne-mentales et ministre de l’Agence de développe-ment économique du

Canada pour les régions du Québec; Claude  Wil-liams, ministre des Trans-ports et de l’Infrastructure du Nouveau-Brunswick; ainsi que M. Mel Norton, maire de Saint  John, ont procédé à l’inauguration d e l ’ é c h a n g e u r One  Mile  House sur la route 1.

Ce projet de 83 millions

de dollars comprenait la conception et la con-struction d’un échangeur au-dessus de la route  1, qui relierait celle-ci au côté est du parc industriel de Saint John.

«  Ce nouvel échangeur améliorera sensiblement la sécurité routière, ce qui sera tout à l’avantage des résidents de Saint  John

et des voyageurs, et con-tribuera à diminuer la con-gestion routière. Grâce à ce projet et à d’autres sem-blables, notre gouverne-ment crée des emplois et stimule l’économie locale » a dit M. Weston.

« Cette nouvelle infra-s t r u c t u r e o f f r i r a à l’industrie du camionnage un accès plus direct au

parc industriel de la ville », a indiqué M. Williams.

Le gouvernement du Canada a versé 31,7 mil-lions de dollars dans ce projet par l’entremise du Fonds canadien sur l’infrastructure stratégique, et l’administration provin-ciale a fourni la différence.

Ce projet a entraîné la création de plus de

300 emplois et a contribué à stimuler l’économie lo-cale. La réalisation de ce projet a également permis à la province d’atteindre ses objectifs en matière de sécurité et d’efficacité par rapport au réseau routier national et cadre avec la stratégie de trans-port à long terme de la province.V

Un nouveau pont au-dessus du Saint-Laurent en 2018

Montréal, Québec - L’honorable Denis  Lebel ,

ministre de l’Infrastructure, des Collectivités et des Affaires intergouverne-mentales et ministre de l’Agence de développe-ment économique du Can-ada pour les régions du Québec, a annoncé un nouvel échéancier plus court pour la construction

d’un nouveau pont pour le SaintLaurent.

L ’ a t t r i b u t i o n , à ARUP Canada Inc., du con-trat pour des services de génie et de coordination, le 18  octobre dernier, a permis de raccourcir con-sidérablement l’échéancier prévu initialement, de sorte que le processus d’approvis ionnement pour le partenariat pub-

lic-privé  (PPP) en vue de concevoir, constru-ire, financer, exploiter et entretenir le nouveau pont sera lancé tôt au print-emps  2014. Bien qu’un concours d’architecture international ne soit plus une option maintenant, des consignes précises en matière d’architecture relatives à la conception du nouveau pont seront in-

cluses dans les documents d’approvisionnement pour le PPP.

L’échéancier plus court a été établi à la suite des recommandations pré-sentées dans le rapport Buckland & Taylor, préparé pour la société Les Ponts Jacques-Cartier et Cham-plain  Incorporée, dans le cadre du programme de surveillance et de mainten-

ance du pont Champlain.Le 5  octobre  2011, le

gouvernement du Canada a annoncé la construction d’un nouveau pont pour remplacer le pont Cham-plain. Ce pont est l’un des plus achalandés au Canada; chaque année, des échanges commerci-aux internationaux d’une valeur de 20 milliards de dollars y transitent. Sur le

plan de l’économie régio-nale et pour l’ensemble du Canada, le pont Champlain représente un corridor es-sentiel. Le projet répond également aux objectifs des stratégies des portes d’entrée du Canada.

Pour en savoir davantage sur le nouveau pont pour le Saint-Laurent, veuillez visiter le site www.tc.gc.ca/nppsl.V

22 January 2014

seCtion Française

Page 23: #68 January

tHeme - axles

Les configurations d’essieux standard font place aux essieux auto-suiveurspar marek krasuski

Les grands fabricants d’essieux fixes sont peu nombreux, et

les fabricants d’essieux auto-suiveurs le sont encore moins. Trois de ces derniers dominent le marché canadien  : deux d’entres sont établis en Ontario, et le troisième dans l’Ouest.

KG Industries (KGI), ét-abli en Colombie-Britan-nique, produit les essieux auto-suiveurs King Pin depuis 30 ans. Ces essieux sont destinés à supporter des charges variant de 20,000 à 65,000 livres, et ils sont conçus suivant les normes de concep-tion nord-américaines qui facilitent le remplacement et la reconstruction. Leurs extrémités d’axes et ro-tules de direction sont usi-nées à partir de moulages d’acier trempé et allié, et l’entreprise affirme que les matériaux sélectionnés et les traitements thermiques utilisés fournissent les plus hautes valeurs d’impact dans l’industrie. La plupart de la production de KGI est tournée vers la production d’essieux auto-suiveurs pour applications routières et tout-terrain.

En Ontario, les entre-prises Eveley International Group, Ingersoll Axles, et IMT fournissent, avec KGI, la plupart des essieux auto-suiveurs du contin-ent. Les essieux auto-suiveurs de Eveley Inter-national Corps présentent un verrouillage de marche arrière, une conception de pivot d’attelage à la pointe, un système de cames à longue durée de vie, et un rayon de braquage de 20 à 30 degrés avec des butées réglables. Ils sont aussi disponibles avec des sus-pensions pré-installées. Toutes les pièces sont fab-riquées dans l’installation de l’entreprise à Stoney Creek.

Plus loin à l’ouest, Inger-soll Axles (voyez leur profil dans cette revue) produit sa propre marque d’auto-

suiveurs. L’essieu Smart-Steer, un produit phare, peut être monté sur de nombreux modèles de suspensions provenant de tous les fournisseurs mondiaux de suspension. Ces essieux sont compat-ibles avec les barres de raccordement droites, à centre surbaissé ou en-core de type camelback pour répondre à tous les besoins, et ils s’adaptent à plusieurs types de largeurs de voie, des largeurs de voie standard et non stan-dard. Comme on peut s’y attendre, les auto-suiveurs sont équipés de plus de pièces que les essieux fixes, ce qui explique en partie les réticences de certains à les utiliser. Mais, une bonne installation et un bon entretien, comme le fait de bien ajuster et configurer les hauteurs de châssis, entraineront une longue espérance de vie; dans le cas contraire, les pneus s’useront plus vite.

Voici, par exemple, ce que les responsables d ’ Ingerso l l Ax le ont à dire sur l’importance de l’entretien  : «  Il est important de s’assurer que les pneus de vos es-sieux directeurs soient équilibrés. Un pneu bien équilibré ne fatiguera pas les pièces de vos essieux directeurs comme vos pivots d’essieux, amor-tisseurs, coussinets de suspension, billettes de direction, etc. Un pneu déséquilibré causera des rebondissements exces-sifs; le shimmy et l’usure grave des pneus affect-ent négativement l’essieu directeur. Il y a de nom-breux produits comme des poids ou des billes d’équilibre qui peuvent être utilisés pour équilibrer les pneus. Relever ses essieux et faire tourner ses pneus peut nous en apprendre beaucoup. Si le pneu ralentit progres-sivement sans changer de direction de balancier, il est équilibré. Les marques d’usure de la bande de

roulement sont un autre moyen de voir si les pneus sont déséquilibrés. Une moitié du pneu aura de profondes sculptures, tan-dis que l’autre moitié sera excessivement usée. »

Les essieux auto-sui-veurs ne représentent que trois pourcent du marché nord-américain. On hésite à les utiliser davantage à cause de leur coût. Mais ces coûts, disent les par-tisans des essieux auto-suiveurs, sont amortis par les économies réalisées au plan de l’équipement. Quand un camion tourne un coin sur des essieux fixes, il tire les pneus der-rière lui. Les roues ne tour-nent pas, elles sont frot-tées ou tirées vers le côté lors du virage. Chaque fois qu’un remorqueur tourne, la remorque pleinement chargée qu’il tire à une tendance à continuer tout droit. Les pneus cabrent et s’écorchent à chaque tournant, ce qui les use et augmente la pression sur les essieux et la remorque, et accroît la consomma-tion de carburant. Les temps d’immobilisations augmentent à mesure qu’augmentent les dom-mages causés par la fixité des essieux.

Si la perspective de pou-voir réaliser des écon-omies à long terme est un atout pour le mar-ché des auto-suiveurs, la mise en place de nou-velles règlementations invitant à une évolution des pratiques l’est aussi. La récente règlementation SPNPI (SPIF en anglais) en Ontario, par exemple, exige que les essieux levés rigides soient remplacés par des essieux auto-sui-veurs. Pour justifier sa politique en faveur de véhicules sûrs, productifs et n’endommageant pas l’infrastructure (SPNPI), le ministère des transports explique que: « Les essieux auto-suiveurs restent sur la route en tout temps quand le véhicule est chargé, de telle sorte que tous les es-

sieux prennent leur part du poids et contribuent à la stabilité et la capacité de freinage du véhicule. Pour mieux protéger la surface routière, tous les essieux sur les véhicules et combinaisons SPNPI égalisent la répartition du poids, de telle sorte que le poids du véhicule et son chargement soient égale-ment répartis sur tous les essieux. » Les camions qui continuent à utiliser des essieux levés fixes seront pénalisés et n’auront pas le droit de transporter des chargements maximaux. Un vétéran de l’industrie observe que « au total, les opérateurs peuvent gagner plus d’argent en augmentant la capacité de transport de véhicules ayant reçu l’approbation de la SPNPI. »

Parce qu’il est motivé par la réduction des coûts, le camionnage commercial conserve une préférence pour le essieux fixes, et là encore, quelques fab-ricants dominent. Hen-drickson, un fournisseur de longue date de sys-tèmes d’essieux auxili-aires, suspensions, res-sorts, pare-chocs et autres composants destinés à un usage intensif, fournit une gamme d’options pour ap-plications auto-routières. STEERTEK NXT est la nou-velle génération d’essieux avants de Hendrickson qui fournit «  plus de fiabilité, d’innovation, d’économies de poids, et qui est une al-ternative durable et légère aux essieux droits trad-itionnels. STEERTEK NXT offre le couple de démar-rage qui est requis par les changements récents de l’article 121 des Normes de Sécurité des véhicules automobiles du Canada, et il s’adapte à une variété de conceptions de ter-minaisons de roues et de rotules,  » dit l’entreprise. Les ressorts à air exclu-sifs de Airtek supporte l’essentiel de la charge, ce qui augmente le con-fort du conducteur. Des

coussinets de caoutchouc permettent d’atténuer le bruit, les secousses et les vibrations.

L a s é r i e d ’ e s s i e u x Tandern de Hendrickson fournit, selon les rapports, une bonne performance autoroutière pour la con-duite sur route ou la con-duite tout-terrain, et leur utilisation pour essieux relevables est autorisée. La série HAS est dis-ponible avec le système à option EDGE qui aide à réduire la vibration de la transmission. On trouvera plus d’information sur les choix de produits sur le site web de l’entreprise, www.hendrickson-intl.com.

Meritor, pour sa part, est devenu le plus grand producteur indépendant d’essieux pour véhicules commerciaux, et offre la plus large gamme de capacités de charge. L’entreprise dit avoir amé-lioré la mobilité sur ses essieux moteurs grâce à des matériaux qui ren-forcent la résistance et des poids plus légers qui offrent de meilleures char-ges utiles et de meilleurs rendements. Meritor offre trois types d’essieux pour remorqueurs  : droits, à pont baissé et à manivelle. Tous trois peuvent être modifiés pour des usages spécifiques. Ces produits présentent des largeurs de voie de 30 à 104 pouces, des poutres d’essieu pou-vant supporter des poids bruts d’entre 20,000 et 30,000 livres. Les fusées d’essieu sont disponibles en divers profils de file-tage. Le site web, www.meritor.com, offre une pleine gamme de produits.

En coopération avec FUWA, un producteur basé en Chine, AXN Heavy Duty, établi au Kentucky, pro-duit de nombreuses re-morques, essieux moteurs et directeurs. Des essieux destinés à un usage in-tensif sont disponibles avec de nombreuses op-tions, comme des largeurs de voie non-standard. L’absence de coutures sou-dées maintient l’intégrité structurale, et des ma-tériaux plus légers et une poutre solide garantit une plus longue espérance de vie, affirme l’entreprise. Il y a d’autres avantages : des revêtements de service plus étendus, des bou-chons de fusées d’essieu à ventilation interne, et des supports conçus spécialement pour mini-miser l’enfoncement des pédales de frein. Les es-sieux avants de AXN sont équipés de tubes légers sans soudure et présen-tent une section trans-versale plus rigide pour réduire l’enfoncement et fournir une plus longue espérance de vie. Le site de l’entreprise est www.axnheavyduty.com.

L e s e s s i e u x f i x e s demeurent la norme au sein de l’industrie  : les coûts plus faibles et le poids des habitudes ex-pliquent cette large em-prise sur le marché. Cela dit, il est probable que la part du marché des es-sieux auto-suiveurs aug-mentera à mesure qu’on prendra conscience du fait qu’ils constituent une alternative aux essieux fixes et qu’ils impliquent des avantages pour le matériel des camions et des remorques.V

January 2014 23

seCtion Française

Page 24: #68 January

Western trucking neWs • OntariO trucking neWs • eastern trucking neWs • Western trucking neWs • OntariO trucking neWs • eastern trucking neWs • Western

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24 January 2014

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Page 25: #68 January

A Car Making Dreams Come TRUE!By WenDy morgan-mCBriDe

Welcome 2014 and goodbye 2013. I trust all

my readers had a safe and relaxing holiday. On to a fresh adventure and new chapters in our busy lives….and hey, only 352 days to do it all again.

January always makes me stop and think of what happened over the previ-ous year. It is also a time to think of spring, already on the horizon line and just three months away, but to my niece Meg it is a time to celebrate, and for that I am dedicating this article to her. She will be 12 this year and I think she has been counting down since last Febru-

ary for this month to get here. She will soon learn that age and numbers are not all that special and that what we have ac-complished is much more important.

Meg is one of my big-gest fans. She is quick to boast about her ‘famous’ writer in the family and sometimes I think she acts as my agent. If she sees a classic ride she is quick on her feet to get numbers and names and advise I will contact them for photo shots of their awesome ride and to chat with them about it. When she hears I will be at-tending a cruise or show she always has two

q u e s t i o n s . The first one is obvious: “Can I come w i t h y o u ? ” The other is, “will there be a ‘rumble seat’ car there be-cause I want one - it is my d r e a m c a r . ” She is cute that way, so meeting Bernie and Judy Card last summer when they were

showing off their 1959 Square Bird, was a per-fect fit to fulfill Miss Meg’s quest. Secretly, I think Bernie was also thrilled to have Meg at the shoot and see her eyes sparkle with joy when she climbed into this grand relic’s rumble seat and posed for photos.

As the title of this story references, this car has the ability to make dreams and wishes come true, and so Meg got hers fulfilled, and long before Bernie got his when he purchased this car. As a young man his uncle, with whom Ber-nie was very close, owned the same type of car and Bernie’s wish was to own one too. It has many child-hood memories that he could never let go of. One day his uncle took him to see Art Brown in George-town at the local wreck-ing yard. His uncle said if anyone had a relic of that vintage this is where it would be. When they ar-rived Art informed them that a dealer had come in and cleaned him out of all that he might have had. Bernie, needless to say, was disappointed. But some 20 years later he and his wife Judy were out and decided to stop at a ‘junk’ yard after hearing the owner might be in some trouble and want-ing to get rid of stock. They made the trip to the place near Hwy 10 & 401 and low and behold in the back, covered in raccoon debris, sat this car deep in the lot alongside another vehicle. They inquired and were told if they could get it out of the chicken coop it was theirs. Eight hundred dollars later and a lot of unknown adven-tures still ahead, he had his car. Bernie asked Mr. Ball, the yard’s owner, about the car’s history and was told he previously bought it along with sev-eral others 20 years ago from Art Brown. Bernie was shocked to find the car of his dreams and knew it was meant to be

as his uncle, since passed, must have been helping him.

The two door car is now a two-tone chicle and copra sage, trans-formed from its original black with pale yel-low rims supporting the tires. It has its original chassis and matched serial frame with the standard 4C 100 HP mo-tor and 3 speed without no sync mesh (grinds all gears double clutch to get it in gear) transmission, all intact.

Bernie has owned it for over 42 years and it has been complete for the past 40. He has had the body and mechanics totally refitted and overhauled, but says age has taken its toll on the vehicle, named Gladys after his mother-in-law for being more trouble than it was worth. That said, his wife named his ’59 classic after Bernie’s mother. Tit for tat so they say.

Bernie has replaced the metal box with a hand-made wooden chest and every nut and bolt has had its turn with the wrench. The interior has been completely refurbished in fawn brown, including the dash and rumble seat area.

When the Cards pur-chased their home in Colborne, Ontario after retiring, one of the speci-fications for the build was that a hoist be installed so he could store both of his cool rides safely. A notch has been cut into the ceiling and the Model A sits up top with the thunderbird tucked neatly underneath it.

With some dismay the car would not start at the time of my visit so the photos were taken inside. I was informed that it could be sold the week following my interview. I can’t confirm if that hap-pened, but if my niece Meg had won the lottery I’m sure she would have been on the list to pur-

chase. At this ear-ly stage in her life she only has a small paper route so she will need a few more pen-nies or custom-ers.

I am proud to credit Meg for some of the p h o t o s a n d wish her the bes t Happy Birthday ever. I also thank the Cards for welcoming us into their home

a n d l e t t ing a y o u n g g i r l ’ s d reams come t r u e . L i f e i s about dreams a n d w i s h e s , and that day I got to see two great people from different genera t ions l i v e t h o s e d reams v ia an awesome ‘rumble seat’ car.V

January 2014 25

Page 26: #68 January

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26 January 2014

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1100 Courtney Park Dr. E., Unit 5Mississauga, ON L5T 1L7

Tel: 905.677.5088Fax: 905.677.4917

[email protected]

fuel additives & lubricants

Bennetts poWeR seRvice


P. O. Box 51016, RPO Tyndall ParkWinnipeg, MB R2X 3C6Toll Free: 877.778.4440

Tel: 204.694.1777Fax: 204.633.0133

[email protected]

fuel economy products

diesel spec inc.1570 Richardson StreetMontreal, QC H3K 1G3

Tel: 514.932.0060Fax: 514.932.9741

[email protected]

fuel & lubricants direct

Blue WAteR West ltd.Suppliers of Esso Fuel and Mobil

Lubricants to all sizes of businesses large or small, stationary or on the

go, on land or at sea.3100 Underhill AvenueBurnaby, BC V5A 3C6

Tel: 604.420.4331Fax: 604.420.4137

[email protected]

gps systems

Ac gloBAl systeMsAC Global Systems provides fleet owners the tools they need to get

the maximum efficiency out of their mobile assets. Using GPS fleet

management our typical customer saves 20% on their annual fuel

costs.2795 Highway Drive

Trail, BC V1R 2T1Toll Free: 877.364.2333, ext 14

Fax: [email protected]


• • •

dicAn instRuMents cAnAdA inc.1100 Burloak Drive, Ste. 300

Burlington, ON L7L 6B2Toll Free: 866.884.7569

Tel: 905.937.9652Fax: 905.938.7405

[email protected]

insurance brokers

BAiRd MAcgRegoR insuRAnce BRokeRs lp

825 Queen Street EastToronto, ON M4M 1H8

Toll Free: 800.263.3030Tel: 416.778.8000Fax: 416.778.4492

[email protected]

• • •

BRyson & AssociAtes insuRAnce BRokeRs ltd.

Bryson Insurance & Financial Services Ltd.

“For All Your Trucking Insurance Needs. Transportation Insurance,

Fleet Safety Management Services, Bonds, Health, Drug, Dental, Life & Disability Insurance. Same Day

Quotes up to 10 units.”Toll Free: 800.661.5196

Fax: [email protected]


• • •

cAnAdiAn insuRAnce BRokeRs inc.1 Eglinton Ave. East, Suite 415

Toronto, ON M4P 3Z1Tel: 416.486.0951Fax: 416.489.5311

[email protected]

insurance brokers

dAlton tiMMis insuRAnce gRoup

The Perfect Fit for your trucking insurance needs.

35 Stone Church RoadAncaster, ON L9K 1S5

Toll Free: 888.385.8466Tel: 905.648.3922Fax: 905.648.2640

[email protected]

• • •

dAlton tiMMis insuRAnce gRoup

“The Perfect Fit for your trucking insurance needs.”

6715-8th Street NECalgary, AB T2E 7H7

Toll Free: 866.472.0721Tel: 403.241.2288Fax: 866.399.3177

[email protected]

• • •

eRB And eRB

insuRAnce BRokeRs ltd.What you want to protect the most.

We protect the best!30 Queen Street NorthKitchener, ON N2H 6N2Toll Free: 800.265.2634

Tel: 519.579.4270Fax: 519.741.1977

[email protected] or [email protected]

• • •

hAllMARk insuRAnce BRokeRs ltd.

“The Transit Authority”10 Konrad Crescent

Markham, ON, L3R 8T7Toll Free: 800.492.4070

Tel: 905.475.4070Fax: 905.944.0273

[email protected]

• • •

huB inteRnAtionAl ontARio ltd.Transportation Insurance

33 Princess Street, Suite 501Leamington, ON N8H 5C5Toll Free: 800.463.4700

Tel: 519.326.9339Fax: 519.326.0128

[email protected]

insurance brokers

Jones deslAuRieRs insuRAnce MAnAgeMent inc.

Transportation InsuranceBroker/Advisor

2150 Islington AvenueToronto, ON M9P 3V4

Toll Free: 877.232.9996Tel: 416.521.6713Fax: 416.259.7178

[email protected]

• • •


div. oF lMd insuRAnceAlternative Coverage to WSIB,

Group Benefits Consultants, Life, Investments, Travel.

2550 Matheson Blvd. EastSuite #130

Mississauga, ON L4W 4C1Toll Free: 800.236.5810

Tel: 416.748.9994Cell: 416.704.0870

[email protected]

• • •

the cg & B gRoup inc.Package policies for both local and

long haul fleets.120 South Town Centre Blvd.

Markham, ON L6G 1C3Toll Free: 800.267.6670

Tel: 905.479.6670Fax: [email protected]


noco luBRicAnts lp“Best Service, Best Value,

Best Quality.”2 Bradpenn Road

Toronto, ON M8Z 5S9Toll Free: 800.414.6626

Tel: 416.232.6626Fax: [email protected]


• • •

Rp oil liMited1111 Burns Street E. Unit 3

Whitby, ON L1N 6A6Toll Free: 800.335.6623

Tel: 905.666.2313Fax: 905.666.2761

[email protected]

lubricants (syntHetic)

sinWAl enteRpRises inc.5656 Bell Harbour Drive

Mississauga, ON L5M 5J3Toll Free: 866.326.7645

Tel: 416.520.5527Fax: 905.814.1802

[email protected]

mattresses (cab & domestic)

MAcdAvid Wellness solutions inc.

MacDavid Wellness Solutions Inc. produces the Gel Master line of products. Having drivers’ health & wellness in mind, our product

line includes mattresses, mattress toppers, seating & cushions.27 Casebridge Court, Unit 3

Toronto, ON M1B 4Y4Tel: 416.282.4435

[email protected]

oil furnace sales& service

de-on supply inc.1595 Lobsinger Line, R. R. #1

Waterloo, ON N2J 4G8Toll Free: 800.824.4115

Fax: [email protected]

on-board truck scales

vulcAn on-BoARd scAles#11-1642 Langan AvenuePort Coquitlam BC V3C 1K5

Toll Free: 800.663.0854Tel: 604.944.1481Fax: 604.944.1482


permits & services

730 peRMit seRvicesBox 755, 2085 Shanly Road

Cardinal, ON K0E 1E0Toll Free: 800.410.4754

Tel: 613.657.1244Fax: 613.657.1453

[email protected]

• • •c.u.t.c. inc.

1295 Crois CarolLaval, QC H7W 1G3

Toll Free: 866.927.8294Tel: 450.687.8294Fax: 450.687.6963

[email protected]

pressure wasHers

cAn-cleAn pRessuRe WAsheRs6790 Davand Drive, Units 13 & 14

Mississauga, ON L5T 2G5Toll Free: 888.568.8001

Tel: 905.568.4868Fax: 905.565.8821

[email protected]

• • •

hotsy pRessuRe WAsheRsPressure Washers, Parts

Washers, Parts, Accessories and Biodegradable Detergents.

16712-118th AvenueEdmonton, AB T5V 1P7Toll Free: 800.328.1555

Tel: 780.451.4521Fax: 780.451.1616

[email protected]

rust preventive products

coRRosion contRolcoAtings ltd.

“Exclusive Canadian distributor of Tectyl® industrial RustPreventive Products.”106 Colborne Street

P.O. Box 1088Walkerton, ON N0G 2V0Toll Free: 800.934.7771

Fax: [email protected]


• • •

kRoWn coRpoRAte35 Magnum Drive

Schomberg, ON L0G 1T0Toll Free: 800.267.5744

Tel: 905.939.8750Fax: [email protected]

tarps & tarping systems

cRAMARo tARpAulin systeMsCramaro, for all your tarping needs.

206 Arvin AvenueStoney Creek, ON L8E 2L8Toll Free: 800.565.8277

Tel: 905.662.2757Fax: 905.662.4811

[email protected]

• • •

loAd coveRing solutions ltd.“Keeping You Covered”5499 Harvester Road

Burlington, ON L7L 5V4Toll Free: 800.465.8277

Tel: 905.335.2012Fax: 905.335.8499


January 2014 27

Page 28: #68 January

tire balancing

counteRAct BAlAncing BeAds13029 – 8th Line

Georgetown, ON L7G 4S4Toll Free: 800.572.8952

Tel: 905.873.3339Fax: 905.873.3088

[email protected]

tire pressure monitoring systems (tpms)

hAWksheAd systeMs inc.Real-time pressure & temperature readings; wireless to the driver’s

seat; for semi-trucks, trailers, RV’s & more. Alarms for deflation &

temperatures.10381 Parkwood DriveRosedale, BC V0X 1X0

Toll Free: 888.321.TPMSFax: 888.909.9857

[email protected]


tigeR tool inteRnAtionAl inc.Unique, specialized tools to service

the needs of the Light & Heavy-Duty Equipment Industry.

34434 McConnell Road, Unit 160Abbotsford, BC V2S 7P1Toll Free: 800.661.4661

Tel: 604.855.1133Fax: [email protected]

towing services

A toWing seRvice ltd.Servicing GTA, Ontario and USAA company you can count on!

185 Bartley DriveToronto, ON M4A 1E6

Toll Free: 800.773.7952Tel: 416.656.4000Fax: 416.656.3065

[email protected]

• • •

stellAR RoAdside AssistAnce ltd.185 Bartley Drive

Toronto, ON M4A 1E6We offer service to your light & medium duty vehicles in most

areas of Ontario, 24/7.Simply dial...

Toll Free: 855.424.2300Tel: 416.424.2300Fax: 416.424.2303

[email protected]

towing services

ABRAMs toWing

“Service Across Ontario”24 Hour Heavy Towing

Toll Free: 888.667.5438Tel: 416.398.2500www.abrams.ca

• • •

Action AutoMotive,toWing & RecoveRy

“Meeting Your Service Needs in Eastern Ontario with a Mobile

Mechanic on staff to assist you while on the road.”

P. O. Box 126Trenton ON K8V 5R2

Toll Free: 800.551.6151Tel: 613.394.4924Fax: [email protected]


• • •

goBBo toWing & RecoveRy ltd.85 Pondhollow RoadSudbury, ON P3E 6C1


5238 Hwy. 69 SouthSudbury, ON P3E 4N1

Toll Free: 800.261.4252Tel: 705.523.2341Fax: 705.523.2817

[email protected]

• • •

J p toWing seRvice & stoRAge ltd

We are a family run business offering services such as Battery Boost, Fuel Delivery and Winching

including Heavy, Flatbed, Float Towing and Light Duty. Available 24

hours a day, 7 days a week.11 Glen Scarlett RoadToronto, ON M6N 1P5

Toll Free: 866.527.8225Tel: 416.203.9300Fax: 416.203.9303

[email protected]

• • •

k.B.W. toWing

KBW Truck Transfer ServiceHeavy & Medium Towing,

Flatbed Specialists.1 Towns Road

Etobicoke, ON M8Z 1A1Toll Free: 866.616.6379

Tel: 416.255.4443Fax: 416.252.2558

[email protected]

towing services

pAt RogeRs toWing24 Hour Emergency Service

Kingston, ONToll Free: 888.221.3672

Tel: 613.384.2572www.PatRogersTowing.com

trailer manufacturers[ tankers ]

BedARd tAnkeRs inc.Leader in Dry Bulk, Liquid, Liquified Compressed Gas & Cryogenic Road

Tanker Trailers.5785 Place Turcot

Montreal, QC H4C 1V9Tel: 514.937.1670Fax: 514.937.2190

[email protected]

trailer manufacturers[ tankers ]

tReMcAR inc.Canada’s largest cargo tank and tank-trailer manufacturer for the

transportation of a large variety of dry and liquid products.790 Montrichard Avenue

St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC J2X 5G4Toll Free: 800.363.2158

Tel: 450.347.7822Fax: 450.347.8372

[email protected]

trailer sales, leasing, rentals & service

cAMBRidge tRuck & tRAileR ltd.Cambridge Truck and Trailer has

been a family-owned and operated business for more than 40 years.Serving clients throughout Ontario we have built our loyal customer

base on value, reliability and commitment to get the job done.

690 Fountain Street NorthCambridge, ON N3H 4R7Toll Free: 800.267.7371

Tel: 519.653.7371Fax: 519.653.4037

[email protected]

• • •

FoRt gARRy industRiesProud distributors for Lode-King, Midland Manufacturing, Arctic Manufacturing, Landoll, CMIC Container Chassis and more.

[email protected]/trailers

trailer sales, leasing, rentals & service

gtA tRAileR RentAls inc.HeAD office – 36 Cardico Drive

Gormley, ON L0H 1G0Toll Free: 866.482.5311

Fax: [email protected]


• • •

sMARtWAy tRAileR RentAls

2891 Sideroad 10Bradford, ON L3Z 2A4

Toll Free: 888.747.7667Tel: 905.775.6700Fax: 905.775.7250

[email protected]

• • •

tRAnsit tRAileR ltd.22217 Bloomfield Rd., R. R. #6

Chatham, ON N7M 5J6Toll Free: 877.995.5999

Tel: 519.354.9944Fax: 519.354.9782

[email protected]


AtlAntis tRAnspoRtAtion seRvices inc.P.O. Box 6001,

6500 Silver Dart Drive,Toronto AMF, ON L5P 1B2Toll Free: 800.387.7717

Tel: 905.672.5171Fax: 905.672.7652

[email protected]

• • •

BRiAn kuRtz tRucking ltd.R. R. #2

Breslau, ON N0B 1M0Tel: 519.836.5821Fax: 519.836.9396

• • •

cARMen tRAnspoRtAtion gRoup

3700 Weston RoadToronto, ON M9L 2Z4

Toll Free: 866.857.5166Tel: 416.667.9700Fax: 416.667.8272

[email protected]



eRB gRoup oF coMpAnies

Refrigerated Transportation Specialists.

290 Hamilton RoadNew Hamburg, ON N3A 1A2

Toll Free: 800.665.2653Tel: 519.662.2710Fax: [email protected]

• • •

hAnM tRAnspoRtAtion MAnAgeMent seRvices ltd.Modern equipment for your

refrigerated transportation needs.3701 Chesswood Drive, Suite 322

North York, ON M3J 2P6Toll Free: 888.473.5557

Tel: 416.787.3213Fax: 416.787.6819

[email protected]

• • •

inteRnAtionAl tRuckloAd seRvices inc.

107 Bellevue Drive, Box 1450Belleville, ON K8N 5J1

Toll Free: 800.267.1888Tel: 613.961.5144

Fax: 613.961.1255 or888.485.6487

[email protected]

• • •

lAndstAR systeMs inc.Landstar - The Freedom to Run

your Business Your Way.13410 Sutton Park Drive South

Jacksonville, FL 32224Toll Free 800.435.4010

Tel: 855.549.0707Fax: 800.774.2347

[email protected]

• • •

stAR vAn systeMs

10 Kerivan Court,Stoney Creek, ON L8E 5P6

Toll Free: 800.263.4884Fax: 905.643.8700

[email protected]


the RosdAle gRoup

6845 Invader CrescentMississauga, ON L5T 2B7Toll Free: 877.588.0057

Tel: 905.670.0057Fax: 905.696.4630

[email protected]

transportation training

transportation training kee tRAining AcAdeMy

“Your Goals Are Our Priority.”6760 Davand Drive, Unit 9Mississauga, ON L5T 2L9Toll Free: 800.661.0377

Tel: 905.670.3426Toll Free Fax: 866.329.5331

Fax: [email protected]

• • •

Alpine tRuck dRiveR tRAining

Contact: Jack Lochand595 Middlefield Road, Unit 10

Scarborough, ON M1V 3S2Toll Free: 855.869.1222

Tel: 416.869.1222Fax: 416.869.0222


coMMeRciAl heAvy equipMent tRAining ltd.

Contact: Dwight Nelson2421 Cawthra Road

Mississauga, ON L5A 2W7Toll Free: 800.297.4322

Tel: 416.456.2438Fax: 905.281.9637

[email protected]

cRossRoAds tRAining AcAdeMy - BARRie

Contact: Read Conley orDiane Austin

49 Truman RoadBarrie, ON L4N 8Y7

Toll Free: 866.446.0057Tel: 705.719.2419Fax: 705.719.2438

[email protected]

cRossRoAds tRAining AcAdeMy - Belleville

Contact: Al Dykstra53 Grills Road

Belleville, ON K8N 4Z5Toll Free: 888.771.1495

Tel: 613.771.1495Fax: 613.771.1495

[email protected]


28 January 2014

Page 29: #68 January

transportation training

cRossRoAds tRAining AcAdeMy - kingston

Contact: Robert Barclay1525 Centennial DriveKingston, ON K7L 4V2

Toll Free: 888.282.6605Tel: 613.389.6000Fax: 613.389.1998

[email protected]


cRossRoAds tRAining AcAdeMy ottAWA

Contact: Brian Adams or Erica Kelly2020 Bantree Street, Suite 200

Ottawa, ON K1B 5A4Toll Free: 866.529.1113

Tel: 613.742.7499Fax: 613.742.7899

[email protected]

cRossRoAds tRuck tRAining AcAdeMy - sMiths FAlls

Contact: Brian Adams/Erica Kelly10 - 12 Maple Avenue

Smiths Falls, ON K7A 1Z5Toll Free: 866.529.1113

Tel: 613.742.7499Fax: [email protected]


dAnBRo tRuck tRAining

Contact: Brent Nantais or Krista Gray

505 Kenora Ave., Bldg. 1, Unit 1Hamilton, ON L8E 3P2

Toll Free: 800.273.5867Tel: 905.575.7606Fax: 905.388.6699

[email protected] or [email protected]

FRiendly tRuck dRiving school

Contact: Thiru or Dhas Mahalingam850 Tapscott Road, Unit 9Scarborough, ON M1X 1N4

Toll Free: 855.414.3837Tel: 416.291.9075Fax: 416.291.1144

[email protected]

gReAteR ottAWA tRuck tRAining

Contact: Shahram Dowlatshahi5 Caesar Avenue

Ottawa, ON K2G 0A8Toll Free: 877.468.8229

Tel: 613.727.4688Fax: 613.727.5997

[email protected]

JAy’s pRoFessionAl tRuck tRAining centRe

Contact: Jay Pootha or Chandrika Fernando

589 Middlefield Road, Unit 11Scarborough, ON M1V 4Y6

Toll Free: 877.611.1511Tel: 416.299.9638Fax: 416.609.9814

[email protected]

transportation training

kiM RichARdson tRAnspoRtAtion speciAlists inc.

Contact: Roxanne Wilkieson172 Argyle Street N., Upper Level

Caledonia, ON N3W 2J7Toll Free: 800.771.8171

Tel: 905.765.3445Fax: [email protected]

kiM RichARdson tRAnspoRtAtion speciAlists inc.

Contact: Roxanne Wilkieson634 Ireland Road

Simcoe, ON N3Y 4K8Toll Free: 800.771.8171

Tel: 519.426.8260 ext. 232Fax: [email protected]

ModeRn tRAining ontARioContact: Kathy Korakas

308 Kenora AvenueHamilton, ON L8E 2W2Toll Free: 866.443.7483

Tel: 905.573.9675Fax: 905.573.6425

[email protected]

noRtheRn AcAdeMy oF tRAnspoRtAtion tRAining

Contact: Brian Pattison25 Vagnini Court

Lively, ON P3Y 1K8Toll Free: 800.719.9334

Tel: 705.692.9222Fax: 705.692.9256

[email protected]

noRthstAR tRuck dRiving schoolContact: Robert Labute

5044 Walker RoadWindsor, ON N9A 6J3

Toll Free: 877.967.0444Tel: 519.737.0444Fax: 519.737.0445

northstartruck@bellnet.cawww.northstartruckdrivingschool.comontARio tRuck dRiving school -

chAthAMContact: Gus Rahim

1005 Richmond StreetChatham, ON N7M 5J5Toll Free: 866.985.0077

Tel: 519.355.0077Fax: [email protected]

www.otds.comontARio tRuck dRiving school

- londonContact: Gus Rahim

427 Exeter RoadLondon, ON N6E 2Z3

Toll Free: 800.799.5627Tel: 519.858.9338Fax: 519.858.0920

[email protected]

ontARio tRuck dRiving school - niAgARA-on-the-lAkeContact: Jim Campbell281 Queenston Road

Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0Toll Free: 855.265.5627

Tel: 905.685.1117Fax: [email protected]


transportation training

ontARio tRuck dRiving school - oldcAstle

Contact: Gus Rahim2155 Fasan Drive

Oldcastle, ON N0R 1L0Toll Free: 866.410.0333

Tel: 519.737.7890Fax: [email protected]

www.otds.comontARio tRuck dRiving school -

oWen soundContact: Gus Rahim

1051 – 2nd Avenue EastOwen Sound, ON N4K 1S3Toll Free: 877.378.0444

Tel: 519.376.0444Fax: 866.800.6837

[email protected]

ontARio tRuck dRiving school - sARniA

Contact: Gus Rahim141 Mitton Street South

Sarnia, ON N7T 3C5Toll Free: 800.799.5627

Tel: 519.332.8778Fax: [email protected]

ontARio tRuck tRAining AcAdeMy - BRAMpton

Contact: Yvette Lagrois76 SunPac Blvd.

Brampton, ON L6S 5Z8Toll Free: 800.753.2284

Tel: 905.367.0066Fax: 905.792.0985

[email protected]

ontARio tRuck tRAining AcAdeMy - oshAWA

Contact: Yvette Lagrois199 Wentworth Street East

Oshawa, ON L1H 3V6Toll Free: 800.753.2284

Tel: 905.723.1237Fax: 905.723.1245

[email protected]

ontARio tRuck tRAining AcAdeMy - peteRBoRough

Contact: Yvette Lagrois365 Lansdowne Street East, Unit 3

Peterborough, ON K9L 2A3Toll Free: 800.939.1463

Tel: 705.743.1888Fax: 705.743.1875

[email protected]

tARAnis tRAining ltd.Contact: Mike Hummel & Kathy

Buttars1485 Rosslyn Road

Thunder Bay, ON P7E 6W1Toll Free: 855.247.4213

Tel: 807.476.1746Fax: 807.476.1875

[email protected]

tRi-county voc. dRiveR tRAining schools inc.

Contact: Richard Wynia480 Waydom DriveAyr, ON N0B 1E0

Toll Free: 800.265.0400Tel: 519.653.1700Fax: 519.622.4002

[email protected]

transportation training

tRios college - BRAMpton

Contact: Martha Jansenberger252 Queen Street EastBrampton, ON L6V 1C1Toll Free: 888.282.3893

Tel: 905.450.2230 x. 1610Fax: 905.450.3041

[email protected]

tRios college - oshAWA

Contact: Deborah Jollymore200 John Street, Suite C5

Oshawa, ON L1J 2B4Toll Free: 888.718.7467

Tel: 905.435.9911 x. 2010Fax: 905.435.9985

[email protected]

tRuck tRAining AcAdeMy oF stoney cReek

Contact: Tanya Smajlagic298 Grays Road, Unit 1

Stoney Creek, ON P3P 1L9Tel: 905.573.3635Fax: 905.573.8911

[email protected]

vAlley dRiveR tRAining

Contact: Jamie Fitchett99 Cote Blvd.

Hanmer, ON P3P 1L9Tel: 705.969.8848Fax: [email protected]


truck & trailer repairs

gReig tRuck & tRAileR

Let US see to your Repair Needs!Just minutes off Hwy 401 @ Exit 526.

2 Foster Stearns RoadTrenton, ON K8V 5R8Tel: 613.394.5005Fax: 613.394.2736

[email protected] [email protected]

• • •

FoRt gARRy industRies

Brake specialists, installations, safeties and a whole lot more.

[email protected]/parts/

• • •Mtt RepAiR seRvices inc.

1868 Drew RoadMississauga, ON L5S 1J6

Tel: 905.677.2771Fax: [email protected]

truck & trailer repairs

sousA tRuck tRAileR RepAiR ltd.“A great service company

knows how to keep YOU rolling.” Immediate emergency “callout

“service. Ready to help 24 hours, 365 days a year. Fixed price, no

hidden costs, 25 years in business – all work guaranteed and excellent

customer service.1900 Gage Court

Mississauga, ON L5S 1S1Toll Free: 800.560.1050

Tel: 905.677.9861Fax: 905.677.6919

[email protected] January 2014

sousA tRuck tRAileR cAMBRidge

1075 Industrial RoadAyr, ON N0B 1E0

Toll Free: 800.560.1050Tel: 519.624.8090

[email protected]

truck customiZing

quAlity custoM

12 Clarke Blvd.Brampton, ON L6W 1X3

Tel: 905.451.8550Fax: 905.451.7627

[email protected]

truck delivery

AcAdiAn dRiveAWAy

185 Carrier DriveToronto, ON M9W 5N5

Toll Free: 800.668.1879Tel: 416.679.1977Fax: 416.679.1988

[email protected]

• • •

coMpAss vehicle deliveRy inc.P.O. Box 265 Stn. Main

16693 Old Hwy 2Trenton, ON K8V 5R5

Toll Free: 888.992.9676Tel: 613.392.9676

[email protected]


truck delivery

dRive stAR shuttle systeMs ltd.23 Industrial Drive

Caledonia, ON N3W 1H8Toll Free: 866.425.4440

Tel: 289.285.3021Fax: 289.285.3026

[email protected]

truck equipment

FoRt gARRy industRiesSales and NSM certified installation

of snow plows, sanders, mixers, dump bodies and more.

[email protected]/equipment

truck exHaust sales & service

texis tRuck exhAust“Diesel Performance Specialists”

1850 Gage CourtMississauga, ON L5S 1S2Toll Free: 800.267.4740

Tel: 905.795.2838Fax: [email protected]


• • •

the tRuck exhAust plAceSince 1982 we have been a one

stop exhaust shop for the trucking industry as well as the heavy

duty exhaust needs of industrial, farming, manufacturers and mining

industry.We have been helping fleets,

owner-operators, brokers, truck repair facilities, municipalities and manufactures get their equipment up and running and their trucks back on the road with minimal

down time.1365 Bonhill Road

Mississauga, ON L6T 1M1Toll Free: 800.385.8801

Tel: 905.670.0100Fax: 905.670.8128

[email protected]

truck ligHting & accessories

gRote industRies co.230 Travail Road

Markham, ON L3S 3J1Toll Free: 800.268.5612

Tel: 905.209.9744Fax: 905.209.9757

Toll Free Fax: [email protected]


January 2014 29

Page 30: #68 January

truck parts & supplies

discount tRuck pARts ltd.Quality truck parts at

discount prices.11633 – 156th Street

Edmonton, AB T5M 3T8Toll Free: 800.661.5051

Tel: [email protected]

truck parts & supplies


CalgaRyFoRt gARRy industRies

5350-72nd Avenue SECalgary, AB T2C 4X5

Toll Free: 800.661.3126Tel: 403.236.9712Fax: [email protected]

FoRt gARRy industRies16230-118th Avenue NWEdmonton, AB T5V 1C6Toll Free: 800.663.9366

Tel: 780.447.4422Fax: [email protected]

www.fgiltd.comgRande pRaIRIe

FoRt gARRy industRies10610-82nd Avenue

Clairmont, AB T0H 0W0Toll Free: 866.424.5479

Tel: 780.402.9864Fax: 780.402.8659

[email protected]

lloydMInsteRFoRt gARRy industRies

5701-63rd AvenueLloydminster, AB T9V 3B8Toll Free: 800.661.9709

Tel: 780.875.9115Fax: 780.875.1403

[email protected]

truck parts & supplies


Red deeRFoRt gARRy industRies

7947 Edgar Industrial DriveRed Deer, AB T4P 3R2

Toll Free: 866.297.0022Tel: 403.343.1383Fax: [email protected]


BRandonFoRt gARRy industRies1440 Highland AvenueBrandon, MB R7C 1A7

Toll Free: 866.883.6120Tel: 204.571.5980Fax: [email protected]


FoRt gARRy industRies2525 Inkster Blvd.R. R. #2 Stn Main

Winnipeg, MB R3C 2E6Toll Free: 800.282.8044

Tel: 204.632.8261Fax: [email protected]



MIssIssaugaFoRt gARRy industRies

731 Gana CourtMississauga, ON L5S 1P2Toll Free: 888.456.6567

Tel: 905.564.5404Fax: 905.564.8455

[email protected]

tHundeR BayFoRt gARRy industRies915 Walsh Street West

Thunder Bay, ON P7E 4X5Toll Free: 800.465.5044

Tel: 807.577.5724Fax: 807.475.9033

[email protected]

truck parts & supplies


RegInaFoRt gARRy industRies

1523 Ross Avenue EastRegina, SK S4N 7E5

Toll Free: 800.552.8044Tel: 306.757.5606Fax: [email protected]

sasKatoonFoRt gARRy industRies

3455 Miners AvenueP. O. Box 1848, Saskatoon, SK

S7K 7K9Toll Free: 800.772.4599

Tel: 306.242.3465Fax: 306.933.4850

[email protected]

truck sales, leasing, parts & service

geRRy’s tRuck centRe

“Your Complete Transportation Business Partner.”

4049 Eastgate Cres.London, ON N6L 1B7

Toll Free: 800.363.4380Tel: 519.652.2100Fax: 519.652.6593

[email protected]

• • •

Diesel Truck Parts Inc.MoRgAn’s diesel tRuck pARts

& seRvice inc.1248 McAdoo’s Lane, R. R. #1

Glenburnie, ON K0H 1S0Toll Free: 800.267.0633

Tel: 613.546.0431Fax: 613.546.4206


truck sales, leasing, parts & service

suRgenoR tRuck centRe

Eastern Ontario / Western Quebec’s

largest group of independent truck

dealerships, has built a reputation

as durable as the brands that we

sell and lease. The Surgenor Truck

Group includes two Truck Centres,

one in Ottawa, and one in Kingston,

as well as five service affiliates

(Brockville, Pembroke, Gatineau,

and two in Cornwall) providing

regularly scheduled maintenance

as well as on-call 24/7 for roadside

assistance, and parts delivery.

261 Binnington Court

Kingston, ON K7M 9H2

Toll Free: 877.548.1101

Tel: 613.548.1100

Fax: 613.548.4990

[email protected]


truck storage rentals

BARRy huMphRey enteRpRises ltd.Truck, tractor and trailer storage

with 14 acres of metal fencing and

asphalt base. (3 minutes to the Linc

& Red Hill Expressway).

721 Mud Street East

Stoney Creek, ON

Tel: 416.801.3142

Fax: 905.643.8256

[email protected]

truck tire sales & service

Benson tiReThe largest Goodyear dealer in

Ontario, offering over 15 locations equipped with 24 hour emergency

service vehicles to handle all of your tire needs.

700 Education RoadCornwall, ON K6H 2W8Toll Free: 866.623.6766

Tel: 613.933.1700Fax: 905.689.3381

[email protected]

• • •

ontARio RegionAl oFFiceOver 100 Truck Tire Service

Centres Across Canada.520 Abilene Drive

Mississauga, ON L5T 2H7Toll Free: 800.465.0618

Tel: 905.564.5171Fax: 905.564.5175

[email protected]

truck transmissions, differentials &


c & R tRAnsMission seRvice ltd.Authorized Allison overhaul dealer,

authorized Funk Service Centre & clutch service. Call or visit web

site for details on how to get FRee clutch adjustments.13 Anderson Blvd.

Stouffville, ON L4A 7X4Toll Free: 888.297.0682

Tel: 905.642.4556Fax: 905.642.2293

[email protected]

truck transmissions, differentials &



cAnAdA-Wide pARts distRiButoRs ltd.

Canada’s Leading Supplier of Powertrain Components.1261A Shawson Drive

Mississauga, ON L4W 1C4Toll Free: 877.564.3116

Tel: 905.564.3116Fax: 905.564.3119

[email protected]

truck wasH systems

AWAsh systeMs coRp.Automatic Wash Systems & Water

Treatment Recycling Systems customized to your requirements.2211 Brant Street, P.O. Box 20070

Burlington, ON L7P 0A4Toll Free: 800.265.7405

Tel: 905.662.2662Fax: 888.407.9498

[email protected]


Bd diesel peRFoRMAnce“Consistent, Quick, Quality”

33541 MacLure RoadAbbotsford, BC V2S 7W2Toll Free: 800.887.5030

Tel: 604.853.6096Fax: 604.853.8749

[email protected]

volvo truCks

Volvo Trucks Delivers Natural Gas-Powered VNL Daycabs to SUPERVALU

Volvo Trucks in North America began delivery of

35 compressed natural gas (CNG)-powered Volvo VNL tractors to SUPERVALU, INC., one of the largest grocery wholesalers and retailers in the U.S. The CNG-powered Volvo day-cabs will operate out of the company’s Mechanicsville, Virginia distribution center.

“We’re pleased to part-

ner with SUPERVALU to deliver the latest in nat-ural gas-powered vehicle technology,” said Göran Nyberg, President of Volvo Trucks North American Sales & Marketing. “Gro-cery distribution provides an excellent opportun-ity for environmentally conscious companies like SUPERVALU to utilize the clean-burning domestically abundant fuel.”

CNG-powered Volvo VNL tractors were on display at SUPERVALU’s Mechan-icsville distribution cen-ter during a December 6 open house and ribbon cutting ceremony to unveil the tractors and a recently installed fast-fill CNG sta-tion. The distribution cen-ter operates 105 tractors and the company has set a goal of converting ap-proximately 65% percent

of its fleet to natural gas by 2015.  SUPERVALU oper-ates 20 distribution centers across the U.S. and has more than 400 trucks in its national company-owned fleet.

“This is an exciting project for our company and we’ve been proud to partner with a well-respected leader like Volvo Trucks to make it a reality,” said Mike Lech, Vice President of Logistics

for SUPERVALU’s Eastern Region. “Expanding the use of compressed natural gas trucks in our fleet is good for both the environ-ment and our bottom line, and will help us continue SUPERVALU’s commitment to operating in a sustain-able manner.”

Volvo Trucks currently offers natural gas-powered versions of its VNL and VNM daycabs, which are

built on-line at Volvo’s New River Valley assembly plant in Dublin, Virginia, where all Volvo Trucks sold in North America are built. The Volvo VNL model features a 12-liter Cummins-Westport ISX12 G engine and the VNM daycab is powered by a factory-installed 8.9 liter Cummins ISL G engine.

For further information, please visit www.volvo.com. V

30 January 2014

Page 31: #68 January

advertisers by prOduct Or service

adveRtIseR page puBlICatIons

Diesel Performance ProductsTunit & Bully Dog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Emergency Road ServicesEmergency Road Services Corporation . . . . 1 Eastern & Western Trucking News

Employment OpportunitiesAtlantis Transportation Services . . . . . . . . 44 Ontario Trucking NewsAyr Motor Express . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Eastern Trucking NewsBrian Kurtz Trucking Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Ontario Trucking NewsDay & Ross . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40Edge Transportation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Western Trucking NewsHanM Transportation Management Ser . . . 42 Ontario Trucking NewsInternational Truckload Services Inc . . . . . . 45 Ontario Trucking NewsKindersley Transport Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Ontario Trucking NewsLaidlaw Carriers Van GP Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Eastern Trucking NewsLandstar System Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Ontario Trucking NewsRSB Logistic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Ontario Trucking NewsStar Van Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Ontario Trucking NewsThe Rosedale Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46TransX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39,48

Factoring & FinanceAccutrac Capital Solutions Inc . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Ontario & Western Trucking NewsJ D Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 3Liquid Capital Midwest Corp . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Ontario Trucking News

Fuel Saving ProductsGo Green Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Fuel Treatment ProductsBennett’s Power Service Products . . . . . . . 13

GPS SystemsComplete Innovation Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 4, 5DiCAN Digital Instruments Canada Inc . . . . . 9 Ontario & Eastern Trucking News

Heating & Air Conditioning Sales & ServiceWilson Instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Ontario Trucking News

Permits & WaiversC .U .T .C . Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Pressure WashersHotsy Pressure Washers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Western Trucking News

Spill Remediation ProductsNviroclean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Tanker Manufacturing, Sales & ServiceTremcar Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Ontario Trucking News

Theft Prevention ProductsThe Fuel Lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Tire Sales & ServiceBenson Tire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Ontario Trucking News

ToolsTiger Tool Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Trade ShowsRoad Today Truck Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Truck Driver TrainingOntario Truck Training Academy . . . . . . . . 38

Truck EquipmentDelta Truck Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Truck ExhaustTexis Truck Exhaust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Ontario Trucking News

Truck Parts & AccessoriesCanada-Wide Parts Distributors Ltd . . . . 7, 32 Ontario & Eastern Trucking NewsDiscount Truck Parts Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Western Trucking NewsHydra Steer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Western Trucking NewsTraction Truck Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Ontario & Western Trucking News

Truck RepairsTruckPro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Ontario & Western Trucking News

TurbochargersBD Diesel Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Video Recording EquipmentWindshield Cam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Weigh Scales (On Board)Vulcan On-Board Scales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Western & Eastern Trucking News

alphabetical list Of advertisers

adveRtIseR page puBlICatIon

AAccutrac Capital Solutions Inc . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Ontario & Western Trucking NewsAtlantis Transportation Services . . . . . . . . 44 Ontario Trucking NewsAyr Motor Express . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Eastern Trucking News

BBD Diesel Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Bennett’s Power Service Products . . . . . . . 13Benson Tire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Ontario Trucking NewsBrian Kurtz Trucking Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Ontario Trucking News

CCanada-Wide Parts Distributors Ltd . . . . 7, 32 Ontario & Eastern Trucking NewsComplete Innovation Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 4, 5C .U .T .C . Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

DDay & Ross . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40Delta Truck Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6DiCAN Digital Instruments Canada Inc . . . . . 9 Ontario & Eastern Trucking NewsDiscount Truck Parts Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Western Trucking News

EEmergency Road Services Corporation . . . . 1 Eastern & Western Trucking NewsEdge Transportation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Western Trucking News

GGo Green Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

HHanM Transportation Management Ser . . . 42 Ontario Trucking NewsHotsy Pressure Washers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Western Trucking NewsHydra Steer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Western Trucking News

IInternational Truckload Services Inc . . . . . . 45 Ontario Trucking News

JJ D Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 3

KKindersley Transport Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Ontario Trucking News

LLaidlaw Carriers Van GP Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Eastern Trucking NewsLandstar System Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Ontario Trucking NewsLiquid Capital Midwest Corp . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Ontario Trucking News

NNviroclean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

OOntario Truck Training Academy . . . . . . . . 38

RRoad Today Truck Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15RSB Logistic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Ontario Trucking News

SStar Van Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Ontario Trucking News

TTexis Truck Exhaust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Ontario Trucking NewsTiger Tool Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2The Fuel Lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24The Rosedale Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46Traction Truck Parts & TruckPro . . . . . . . . . 1 Ontario & Western Trucking NewsTransX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39, 48Tremcar Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Ontario Trucking NewsTunit & Bully Dog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

VVulcan On-Board Scales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Western & Eastern Trucking News

WWilson Instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Ontario Trucking NewsWindshield Cam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

January 2014 31

Page 32: #68 January

“Good Samaritan Award” for Amazing RescueBy GeorGe Fullerton

Fred Sears feels a lot more comfort-able in his Freight-

liner compared to a suit and tie that he donned at a recent awards din-ner. Accompanied by his daughter Cassy Milner, and seated with cowork-ers from Midland Trans-port, Fred’s congenial conversation recalled work experiences from years of trucking, includ-ing the past seventeen with Midland Transport, and growing up working on his family’s farm near the Town of Sackville, New Brunswick.

The annual awards cere-mony got underway at the Ramada Plaza in Dieppe, New Brunswick on a cold December 12th even-ing. The event includ-ed welcoming remarks from Chairman Donnie Fillmore Jr. and Execu-tive Director, Jean Marc Picard. The ceremony acknowledged deserving people working in the Atlantic provinces’ truck-ing industry began with Andrew Tobin, Marine Atlantic, announcing the

“Good Samaritan Award.” After a brief description of the rescue of a young lady trapped in an overturned car for more than one hour, Fred was called to the stage to receive the award.

Fred’s Good Samaritan story began around 2:00 AM, on February night this past winter, following a work shift which took him to Saint John, Hali-fax and Prince Edward Island. As a winter storm approached, Fred had just finished his shift at the Midland, Dieppe Ter-minal and was returning home to Sackville. As the blizzard intensified, Fred was travelling east on the four lane highway when his attention to the snow packed road was distract-ed by a faint and instant flash of light in the deep embankment beyond the opposing traffic lanes.

Discounting his first instinct that the light was a snowmobile, Fred gave the situation some thought, primarily be-cause the light was so low to the ground and seemed to be stationary.

His curiosity was raised because it would not be common for snowmobiles to be running at that time of the night, especially in such stormy conditions.

Responding to his curi-osity and growing con-cern, Fred stopped and backed his tractor to the point where he figured he was adjacent to the light source. He then pro-ceeded to wade, waist deep, in snow across the median and opposite traf-fic lanes. Peering over the snow bank he saw that the light belonged to a car lying on its roof.

Fred said that he ap-proached the overturned car with a good deal of trepidation, concerned with exactly what he was going to encounter in the wreck. As he approached he called out and was happy to be answered with the blare of the car’s horn and an anxious voice calling out.

Inside the car, 21 year old Lisa Croft was trapped upside down by the seat belt, which she was un-able to release. She later estimated that she had been trapped in the car for

about one hour and as the winter storm intensified, had been very concerned whether she was going to be rescued.

Fred recalled in the days following the rescue that the first thing he thought of when he saw Lisa was, “this girl is about the same age as my granddaugh-ter”. Despite his efforts, Fred was also unable to release the belt, so he proceeded to cut it with his pocket knife.

Fred said that after he helped Lisa from her car she was able to stand and with some assistance

make her way to his warm cab. Fred and Lisa then drove to Sackville where they waited about another hour for Lisa’s parents to arrive from Moncton.

After a visit, first to the Sackville Hospital and later to the Moncton Hos-pital, it was determined that in addition to mas-sive bruising and minor glass cuts, Lisa had also suffered a cracked ver-tebrae.

In making the presenta-tion of a sculpture repre-senting an Inuit Inuk-shuk, Andrew Tobin with Marine Atlantic said that

Fred’s actions in the res-cue exemplified the high degree of professionalism and compassion that em-ployees in the trucking in-dustry bring to their work.

An Inuksuk is an Inuit stone landmark struc-ture marking a significant geographic spot or monu-ment, acknowledging that a “man has traveled this way” or “this is the right path”. The sculpture is a fitting award for a man who was at a critical spot, at a critical moment, and acted in a critical man-ner. Congratulat ions Fred!V

“Good Samaritan” Inuit Inuksuk sculpture awarded to Fred

Sears (with daughter Cassy). A fitting award for a man who

was at a critical spot, at a critical moment, and acted in a

critical manner.


32 JAnuAry 2014

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JAnuAry 2014 33

Page 34: #68 January


aIRdRIeFlying J cARdlock

85 East Lake Cres.,Airdrie, AB T4B 2B5Tel: 403.948.4193

Parking for 10.

BRooKsFlying J tRAvel plAzA

1260 Cassils Road East,Brooks, AB T1R 1B7Tel: 403.362.5594

Parking for 20, Showers (2).Cinnabon location.

CalgaRyFlying J tRAvel plAzA

11511 – 40th Street SE,Calgary, AB T2H 1L4Tel: 403.720.0904Fax: 403.720.4937

8 Diesel Lanes, Parking for 130, Showers (9), CAT Scales, TripPak.

Hot food available. Denny’s.

Flying J tRAvel plAzA

4216 – 72nd Avenue SE,Calgary, AB T2C 2C1Tel: 403.236.2404

5 Diesel Lanes, Parking for 15, Showers (2), TripPak.

Hot food avalable.

Flying J cARdlock

2525 – 23rd Street NE,Calgary, AB T2E 7M1Tel: 403.250.3835

Flying J deAleR

4949 Barlow Trail SE,Calgary, AB T2B 3B5Tel: 403.569.6250Fax: 403.235.5095

7 Diesel Lanes, Parking for 80, Showers (9), CATScales.

dRayton valleyFlying J cARdlock

5505 Jubilee Avenue,Drayton Valley, AB T7A 1S3

Tel: 801.725.1370

edMontonFlying J cARdlock

15609 – 121A. Avenue,Edmonton, AB T5V 1B1

Tel: 708.413.9116

Flying J deAleR

16806 – 118th Avenue,Edmonton, AB T5V 1M8

Tel: 780.455.1111Fax: 780.482.4448

6 Diesel Lanes, Parking for 100, Showers (8), CAT Scale.

edsonFlying J cARdlock

2520 – 2nd Avenue,Edson, AB T7E 1N9Tel: 780.723.4744

FoRt MCMuRRayFlying J cARdlock

345 Sakitawaw Trail,Fort McMurray, AB T9H 4E4

Tel: 780.743.3545

gRande pRaIRIeFlying J cARdlock

9212 – 108th Street,Grande Prairie, AB T8V 4C9

Tel: 780.532.2378


gRasslandFlying J deAleR

1st Avenue, 1st Street,Grassland, AB T0A 1V0

Tel: 780.525.2295Fax: 780.525.2297

10 Diesel Lanes, Parking for 75, Showers (2).

HannaFlying J deAleR

Hwy 9 & Hwy 36 South,Hanna, AB T0J 1P0Tel: 403.854.5000

3 Diesel Lanes, Parking for 100, Showers (2).

HIgH levelFlying J tRAvel plAzA

10529 – 96th Street,High Level, AB T0H 1Z0

Tel: 780.926.2066Parking for 25.

Hot food available.

HIntonFlying J cARdlock

294 Kelly Road,Hinton, AB T7V 1H2Tel: 801.725.1370

letHBRIdgeFlying J cARdlock

1005 – 43rd Street,Lethbridge, AB T1K 7B8

Tel: 403.328.4735

lloydMInsteRFlying J cARdlock

5109 – 63rd Avenue,Lloydminster, AB T9V 2E7

Tel: 780.875.2990Parking for 12, Showers (2).

nantonFlying J deAleR

2810 – 21st Avenue,Nanton, AB T0L 1R0Tel: 403.646.3181Fax: 403.646.2872

3 Diesel Lanes, Parking for 130, Showers (3), Humpty’s Restaurant

and Papa Johns, CAT Scale.


Flying J tRAvel plAzA

302 – 20th Avenue,Nisku, AB T9E 7T8Tel: 780.955.3535

5 Diesel Lanes, Parking for 8, Showers (2), Pizza, TripPak,

Hot Food available.

xRed deeR

Flying J tRAvel plAzA

6607 – 67th Street,Red Deer, AB T4P 1A4

Tel: 403.346.2842Fax: 403.346.2852

5 Diesel Lanes, Parking for 26, Showers (4), Pizza and other hot

food available.

RedClIFFFlying J cARdlock

115 Lockwood Street,Redcliff, AB T1A 7T9Tel: 403.526.2669


RyCRoFtFlying J tRAvel plAzA

Hwy #49 & 2, Box 73,Rycroft, AB T0H 3A0Tel: 780.765.3740Fax: 780.765.3748

Parking for 8, Pizza and other hot food available.

sHeRWood paRKFlying J tRAvel plAzA

50 Pembina Road,Sherwood Park, AB T8H 2G9

Tel: 780.416.2035Fax: 780.416.2084

8 Diesel Lanes, Parking for 140, Showers (9), Denny’s/Pepperoni’s, CAT Scales, TripPak & Bulk Diesel.

WHIteCouRtFlying J cARdlock

Hwy # 43 & West Mtn. Road,Whitecourt, AB T7N 1S9

Tel: 780.778.3073

british columbia

aBBotsFoRdFlying J cARdlock

929 Coutts Way & Sumas Way,Abbotsford, BC V2S 4N2

Tel: 604.850.1594Showers (1).

annaCIs IslandFlying J tRAvel plAzA

1291 Cliveden Avenue,Annacis Island, Delta, BC V5M 6G4

Tel: 604.521.4445Parking for 4, Showers (1), TripPak

and hot food available.

CHIllIWaCKFlying J tRAvel plAzA

7970 Lickman Rd.,Chilliwack, BC V2R 1A9

Tel: 604.795.7265Parking for 20, Showers (4) and hot

food available.

CRanBRooKFlying J cARdlock

2209 Theatre Road,Cranbrook, BC V1C 4H4

Tel: 250.426.3763

CRestonFlying J cARdlock

1411 Northwest Blvd.,Creston, BC V0B 1G6Tel: 250.428.7131

daWson CReeKFlying J cARdlock

1725 Alaska Avenue,Dawson Creek, BC V1G 1P5

Tel: 250.782.3111Showers (2).

FoRt st. joHnFlying J cARdlock

9407 – 109th Street,Fort St. John, BC V1J 6K6

Tel: 250.785.3052

british columbia

HopeFlying J deAleR

63100 Flood Hope RoadHope, BC V0X 1L2Tel: 604.886.6815Fax: 604.886.6821

8 Diesel Lanes, Parking for 50 Showers (4), CAT Scales, Subway

and other hot food available. KaMloops

Flying J deAleR175 Kokanee Way,

Kamloops, BC V2C 6Z2Tel: 250.573.3027Fax: 250.573.7820

8 Diesel Lanes, Parking for 125, Showers (5).MeRRItt

Flying J cARdlock2190 Douglas Street North,

Merritt, BC V0K 2B0Tel: 250.280.1555

neW WestMInsteRFlying J cARdlock

24 Braid St.,New Westminster, BC V3L 3P3

Tel: 604.522.6511pRInCe geoRge

Flying J tRAvel plAzA4869 Continental Way,

Prince George, BC V2N 5S5Tel: 250.563.1677

Showers (3).vanCouveR

Flying J cARdlock8655 Boundary Road,

Vancouver, BC V5S 4H3Tel: 604.454.9578


HeadIngleyFlying J tRAvel plAzA4100 Portage Avenue,

Headingley, MB R4H 1C5Tel: 204.832.8952Fax: 204.832.9104

8 Diesel Lanes, Parking for 150, Showers (9), Denny’s/Pizza, CAT

Scales & Bulk Diesel.poRtage la pRaIRIeFlying J tRAvel plAzA

Highway 1 East,Portage La Prairie, MB R1N 3B2

Tel: 204.857.9997Parking for 40.WInnIpeg

Flying J Travel Plaza1747 Brookside Blvd.,Winnipeg, MB R2C 2E8

Tel: 204.633.0663Showers (2), TripPak.Flying J cARdlock

131 Warman Road & Hwy. #59,Winnipeg, MB R2J 3R3

Tel: 204.231.5485

ontario, eastern

napaneeFlying J tRAvel plAzA

628 County Road #41, RR 6,Napanee, ON K7R 3L1

Tel: 613.354.7044Fax: 613.354.3796

12 Diesel Lanes, Parking for 165, Showers (15), Denny’s/Pizza, CAT

Scales, TripPak, Bulk Diesel.

ontario, eastern

lanCasteRFlying J tRAvel plAzA

20382 Old Highway #2,Lancaster, ON K0C 1N0

Tel: 613.347.2221Fax: 613.347.1970

11 Diesel Lanes, Parking for 110, Showers (9), Denny’s, CAT Scales,

Bulk Diesel.

ontario, northern

KapusKasIngFlying J tRAvel plAzA

410 Government Road East,Kapuskasing, ON P5N 2X7

Tel: 705.337.1333Fax: 705.337.1208

5 Diesel Lanes, Parking for 40, Showers (4) and hot food available.

sault ste. MaRIe

Flying J cARdlock

987 Great Northern Road,Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6A 5K7

Tel: 705.759.8280


Flying J cARdlock

Hwy #17,Schreiber, ON P0T 2S0

Tel: 807.824.2383

sudBuRyFlying J cARdlock

17 Duhamel Road,Sudbury, ON P3E 4N1

Tel: 705.692.5447

ontario, Western

ayRFlying J tRAvel plAzA

2492 Cedar Creek RoadAyr, ON N0B 1E0

Tel: 519.624.9578Fax: 519.624.2587

Parking for 30, showers (4), Papa Joe’s & Hot Kettle, CAT Scales.

etoBICoKeFlying J tRAvel plAzA

1765 Albion Rd. & Hwy #27,Etobicoke, ON M9W 5S7

Tel: 416.674.8665

londonFlying J tRAvel plAzA

3700 Highbury Ave. South,London, ON N6N 1P3

Tel: 519.681.6859Fax: 519.686.8629

12 Diesel Lanes, Parking for 230, Showers (15), Denny’s/Pizza, CAT

Scales, TripPak, Bulk Diesel.

MIssIssaugaFlying J tRAvel plAzA

1400 Britannia Road East,Mississauga, ON L4W 1C8

Tel: 905.564.6216Parking for 80, Showers (3).

pICKeRIngFlying J cARdlock

2000 Clements Road,Pickering, ON L1W 4A1

Tel: 905.428.9700Fax: 905.428.9633

5 Diesel Lanes, Parking for 50, Showers (7).

ontario, Western


pilot tRAvel centeR

19325 Essex County Road 42,Tilbury, ON N0P 2L0Tel: 519.682.1140Fax: 519.682.9221

6 Diesel Lanes, Parking for 150, Showers (6), Subway, CAT Scales,

Bulk Diesel.


BeRnIeResFlying J tRAvel plAzA

1196 Chemin des Olivieres,Bernieres, QC G7A 2M6

Tel: 418.831.3772

BeRtHIeRvIlleFlying J tRAvel plAzA

1181 Ave. Gilles Villeneuve,Berthierville, QC J0K 1A0

Tel: 450.836.65812 Diesel Lanes, Parking for 10.

napIeRvIlleFlying J tRAvel plAzA

1 Rang St. Andre,Napierville, QC J0J 1L0

Tel: 450.245.35395 Diesel Lanes, Parking for 10,

Showers (1) & hot food available.

ste. HeleneFlying J tRAvel plAzA

569 rue Principale,Ste. Helene, QC J0H 1M0

Tel: 450.791.2232Fax: 450.791.2495

6 Diesel Lanes, Parking for 10Showers (4) and hot food available.


Moose jaWFlying J tRAvel plAzA

370 North Service Rd. Hwy #1,Moose Jaw, SK S6H 4N9

Tel: 306.693.58586 Diesel Lanes, Parking for 20,

Showers (4), Bulk Diesel & hot food available.

RegInaFlying cARdlock

1511 Ross Avenue EastRegina, SK S4R 1J2Tel: 306.721.0070

Parking for 12, Showers (3).

sasKatoonFlying J tRAvel plAzA

3850 Idylwyld Dr. N.,Saskatoon, SK S7P 0A1

Tel: 306.955.6840Fax: 306.955.6846

6 Diesel Lanes, Parking for 85, Showers (4), Denny’s, other hot

food available & bulk food.

yoRKtonFlying J cARdlock

1910 York Road West, Box 794,Yorkton, SK S3N 2W8

Tel: 801.726.8288Showers (2).

34 January 2014

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BonnyvIllecougAR Fuels ltd.5602 – 54th Avenue

Bonnyville, ABTel: 780.826.3043Fax: 780.826.6353

[email protected]

Convenience store, cardlock & showers.


cAlgARy husky tRAvel centRe2525 – 32nd Avenue NE

Calgary, AB T1Y 6B7Tel: 403.291.1233www.myhusky.ca

RoAdking tRAvel centRe4949 Barlow Trail SECalgary, AB T2B 3B5Tel: 403.569.6251Fax: 403.235.5095www.roadking.ca


nisku tRuck stopSuite 201 – 8020 Sparrow Drive

Leduc, AB T9E 7G3Tel: 780.986.7867Fax: 780.986.7898

Web: www.myhusky.caOpen 24 hours, 7 days, restaurant, cardlock, ATM, convenience store,

showers, scale.lloydMInsteR

husky tRAvel centRe5721 – 44th Street

Lloydminster, AB T9V 0B3Tel: 780.872.7089www.myhusky.caMedICIne Hat

husky tRAvel centRe561 – 15th Street SW

Medicine Hat, AB T1A 4W2Tel: 403.527.5561

petRo cAnAdA cARd lockAgCom Petroleum Fuel Sales

1802 – 10 Avenue, SWMedicine Hat, AB

Tel: 403.527.6411Fax: 403.529.1660




RoAdking tRAvel centRe stRAthconA inc.

26 Strathmoor DriveSherwood Park, AB T8H 2B6

Tel: 780.417.9400Fax: 780.417.9449

stRAthMoRe husky tRAvel centRe

436 Ridge RoadStrathmore, AB T1P 1B5

Tel: 403.934.3522Fax: 403.934.3555

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.myhusky.caOpen 24 hours, 7 days, restaurant, cardlock, ATM, convenience store,


british columbia


chilliWAck husky tRAvel centRe7620A Vedder Road

Chilliwack, BC V2R 4E8Tel: 604.858.5113www.myhusky.ca

chilliWAck petRo – pAss45461 Yale Road West

Chilliwack, BCTel: 604.795.9421Fax: 604.792.8931

[email protected] cardlock open 24hrs, 7 days, convenience store open Mon

- Fri, 8 am - 5 pm (washrooms).

cool cReek Agencies7985 Lickman Road

Chilliwack, BC V2R 3Z9Tel: 604.795.5335Fax: 604.794.5080

[email protected] islands, drivers’ lounge & game room, convenience store, showers, laundry facilities, parking

& CAT scale


petRo cAnAdA

southcoAst petRoleuM ltd.10178 Nordel Court, Delta, BC

Tel: 604.581.3835Fax: 604.581.3850

[email protected], fax, photocopier, nearby gov’t scale, restaurant & ATM.

british columbia


Jepson petRoleuM ltd.Box 1408, Golden, BC V0A 1H0

Tel: 250.344.6161Fax: 250.344.2232

[email protected] 8 am - 5 pm Mon - Fri, lubes & propane, 24hr cardlock, regular,

diesel & diesel mark.Hope

dogWood vAlley husky seRvices27051 Baker RoadHope, BC V0X 1L3Tel: 604.869.9443www.myhusky.ca

Flood hope husky tRAvel centRe

61850 Flood – Hope RoadR.R. #2, Hope, BC V0X 1L2

Tel: 604.869.9214www.myhusky.ca


husky tRAvel centRe9206 – 97th Street

R.R. #2, Osoyoos, BC V0H 1V2Tel: 250.495.6443www.myhusky.ca


husky tRAvel centRe1340 Trans Canada Hwy.Sicamous, BC V0G 2V0

Tel: 250.836.4675Fax: 280.836.2230

Contact: Shelley Arvandelwww.myhusky.ca

Open 24-7, restaurant (6 am - 10pm), convenience store,

showers, laundry facilities, parking, photocopier, oil products, ATM & fax




BRAndon husky tRAvel centRe1990 – 18th Street North

Brandon, MB R7C 1B3Tel: 204.728.7387www.myhusky.ca



MoRRis husky

Hwy 75 South, Box 989Morris, MB R0G 1K0Tel: 204.746.8999Fax: 204.746.2611

[email protected]: www.myhusky.ca

Open 24 hours, 7 days, restaurant Mon.- Fri. 6am - 1pm, Sat. & Sun.

7 am - 11pm, cardlock, ATM, convenience store with lottery,


petRo cAnAdA – petRo pAss

500 Oak Point HighwayWinnipeg, MB

Tel: 204.949.7292Fax: 204.949.7295

Open 24-7, drivers’ lounge & game room, convenience store, laundry facilities, ATM, showers & parking.

petRo cAnAdA – petRo pAss

928 Marion Street,Winnipeg, MB

Tel: 204.949.7280Fax: 204.949.7288

Open 24-7, drivers’ lounge & game room, convenience store, laundry

facilities, showers & parking

neW brunsWick

aulaCAulAc Big stop ciRcle k

170 Aulac RoadAulac, NB E4L 2X2Tel: 506.536.1339Fax: [email protected]

Open 24-7, full-service islands, drivers’ lounge, restaurant,

convenience store, showers, laundry facilities, parking & CAT


gRand Falls

petRo pAss

315 Ouellette StreetGrand Falls, NB

Tel: 506.473.5575Fax: 506.475.9816

Toll Free: [email protected]

Drivers’ lounge & game room, convenience store, showers,

laundry facilities, internet services, showers, parking & CAT scale.

neW brunsWick


petRo cAnAdAExit 450, 2600 Mountain Road

Moncton, NB E1G 3T6Tel: 506.859.6000Fax: 506.859.6005

Open 24-7, convenience store, fast food, ATM & washrooms.

peRtH – andoveR

toBique one stopExit 115, Perth – Andover, NB

Tel: 506.273.9682Fax: 506.273.9682

Open 24-7, full-service islands, drivers’ lounge with large screen,

restaurant, satellite TV, convenience store, showers, laundry, parking &

free high-speed internet.


sAlisBuRy Big stop2986 Fredericton RoadSalisbury, NB E4J 2G1

Tel: 506.372.3333Fax: 506.372.0083

Open 24-7, drivers’ lounge & game room, restaurant, convenience

store, showers, laundry facilities, parking & CAT scale

WaasIslincoln Big stop ciRcle k

415 Nevers Rd.Waasis, NB E3B 9E1Tel: 506.446.4444

Driver Fax: [email protected] 24-7, Irving FP Solution

I - 24, drivers’ lounge, restaurant, convenience store, showers,

laundry facilities, free overnight parking.


edMundston tRuck stopExit 19, 100 Grey Rock Road

Edmundston, NB E7C 0B6Tel: 506.737.2010Fax: 506.737.2015

[email protected] 24/7 365 days, full service islands, diesel, cardlock, propane,

lubricants, driver’s lounge and business centre, seafood & burger restaurant (Le Pirate de la Mer), convenience store, washrooms, showers (4), laundry facilities,

parking for 75 trucks, double car wash & 2 bay pet wash, Wi-Fi, ATM,

fax & photocopier.

neW brunsWick

WoodstoCKMuRRAy’s tRuck stop

Exit 191, 198 Beardsley RoadWoodstock, NB

Tel: 506.328.2994Driver’s Fax: 506.325.2148calving.murraystruckstop@


Open 24-7, full-service islands, drivers’ lounge & game room, restaurant, convenience store,

showers, laundry facilities, parking & CAT scale & tire sales & service.

nova scotia

enFIeldenField Big stop (ciRcle k)

6757 Hwy #2Enfield, NS S2T 1C8Tel: 902.882.2522Fax: 902.883.1769

Open 24-7, full-service islands, drivers’ lounge, restaurant (6 am - 11pm), convenience store, showers

& parking.

tRuRo HeIgHtstRuRo heights ciRcle k

86 Connector Rd., Hwy 102 Exit 13,Truro Heights, NS B2N 5B6

Tel: 902.897.0333Fax: 902.897.0499

Open 24-7, self service islands, drivers’ lounge, restaurant,

convenience store, showers & parking.

ontario, eastern


AntRiM tRuck stop580 White Lake Road,Arnprior, ON K7S 3G9

Tel: 613.623.3003Fax: 613.623.1003

Toll Free: [email protected]

Open 24-7, full-service islands, restaurant, convenience store,

showers, overnight parking, drivers’ lounge, CAT scale, garage service facilities, tire service, Western Star

truck dealer.


10 AcRe tRuck stop902 Wallbridge Loyalist Road

Belleville, ON K8N 5A2Tel: 613.966.7017

Fax: 613.962.4495 or Office at 613.966.4740

[email protected]

Restaurant & Store: Mon-Fri 6 am - 11 pm, Sat 7-8 pm, Sun 7-10 pm, convenience store, hair salon, drug

testing, showers, parking, Esso Card Lock & Retail Diesel, Wifi &

Fax, laundry facilities & CAT Scale.

Welcome to our complimentary Truck STop DirecTory. We want to help truckers and travellers find the nearest truck stop on route to their destination.

For details on how you can list your truck stop, call Barb Woodward at 877.225.2232 or email Barb at [email protected].

January 2014 35

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ontario, eastern


25 Bellevue Dr., Hwy 401 Exit 538(rear of Ultramar Service Station)

Belleville, ON K8N 4Z5Tel: 613.771.1755

Open 24 hrs, lunch counter, convenience store, washrooms, showers,short–time parking &

drivers’ lounge.


730 tRuck stop

2085 Shanly Road,Hwy 401 Exit 730,

Cardinal, ON K0C 1E0Tel: 613.657.3019

Open 24 hrs, restaurant, convenience store, washrooms, showers, overnight parking &

drivers’ lounge.


FiFth Wheel tRuck stop

1901 McConnell Avenue,Hwy 401 Exit 792

Cornwall, ON K6H 5R6Tel: 613.933.8363Fax: 613.932.3952

Open 24 hrs, diesel fuel, full-service fuel islands, convenience

store fuel bar, take-out food, CAT scale, Blue Beacon truck

wash, propane, Sunoco Cardlock, restaurant, 200+ truck parking,

private showers, laundry facilities, drivers’ lounge & arcade room, Bell Canada internet kiosk, barber shop, ATM, drug testing centre, chapel, motel (smoking & non-smoking), tire shop, lube shop, mechanic

shop, Irving cardlock.


quick stop

215 Hwy #49Deseronto, ON K0K 1X0

Tel: 613.396.3043Fax: 613.396.1449

Open 6 am - 10pm, 7 days, full-service islands, Subway,

convenience store, parking & coffee drive-thru.


esso – dunvegAn

1515 County Road #20,(Hwy 417 Exit 51)

Dunvegan, ONTel: 613.527.1026 or

613.627.2100Fax: 613.527.2726

Open 24-7, full-service islands, restaurant (Tim Horton’s),

convenience store, parking & ATM.

ontario, eastern


kingston husky tRuck stop

Joyceville Road,(Hwy 401 Exit 632)

Joyceville, ONTel: 613.542.3468www.myhusky.ca


esso – kingston

Hwy 401 Exit 611Kingston, ON

Tel: 613.384.8888Fax: 613.634.3162

Open 24-7


1993 Hwy 15, Exit 623Kingston, ON K7L 4V3

Tel & Fax: [email protected]

Open 24/7, fast-food, convenience store, ATM, overnight parking.



3199 Hawthorne Road,(Exit 110 off Hwy 417)

Behind Ultramar Service StationOttawa, ON K1G 3V8Tel: 613.248.9319

Open 24 hrs, lunch counter, convenience store, washrooms,

drivers’ lounge, showers & short-time parking

spenCeRvIlleAngelo’s tRuck stop

2025 County Road 44Spencerville, ON K0E 1X0

Tel: 613.925.5158Fax: 613.925.5158

Open 7 days, game room, restaurant, convenience store, showers, parking & CAT scale.

vanKleeK HIll

heRB’s tRAvel plAzA

21160 Service Road,Exit 27 off Hwy 417

Vankleek Hill, OntarioToll Free: 800.593.4372

Tel: 613.525.2120Fax: 613.525.1595

[email protected] 24-7 drivers’ lounge,

restaurant, convenience store, laundry facilities, ATM, internet services, showers & parking.

ontario, northern


BRAdFoRd husky tRAvel centRe

Hwy 400 & 88Bradford, ON

Tel: 905.775.5794www.myhusky.ca

HWy 144 @ 560a

WAteRshed cAR & tRuck stop

Hwy 144 & 560ATel: 705.655.4911 or

705.523.4917Fax: 705.523.4160

[email protected]

naIRn CentRe

Jeremy’s truck stoP &Country Restaurant

220 Highway 17 WestNairn Centre, ON P0M 2L0

Tel: 705.869.4100Fax: 705.869.6796

noRtH BayBAytRuck stop

3060 Hwy 11 NorthNorth Bay, ON

Tel: 705.474.8410Fax: 705.495.4076

Toll Free: [email protected]

Web: www.transportmall.comOpen 24-7, full-service islands, restaurant, convenience store,

showers, parking & truck repairs within 2 km.

sudBuRy petRo pAss

3070 Regent StreetSudbury, ON

Tel: 705.522.8701Fax: 705.522.4280

Open Mon - Fri. 6 am - 11pm, Sat. 8 am - 8 pm & sun. 10 am - 9

pm, drivers’ lounge & game room, convenience store (hot food, pizza,

chilli & soup), laundry facilities, showers & parking.


esso tRuck stop

2154 Riverside DriveTimmins, ON

Tel: 705.268.3400Fax: 705.267.7231

[email protected] 24-7, restaurant, convenience

store, ATM & showers.

WauBausHeneWAuBAushene tRuck stop

21 Quarry Road, Box 419,Waubaushene, ON L0K 2L0

Tel: 705.538.2900Fax: 705.538.0452

[email protected]

ontario, Western


BeAMsville RelAy stAtion4673 Ontario Street,

(Exit 64 off QEW)Beamsville, ON L0R 1B4

Tel: 905.563.8816Fax: 905.563.4770

[email protected] 24-7, restaurant, convenience

store, laundry facilities, ATM, showers & parking


london husky tRAvel centReHwy 401 & 74 (Exit 195 off 401)

Belmont, ONTel: 519.644.0200www.myhusky.ca


FiFth Wheel tRuck stop2475 South Service Road,

(Exit 431, Hwy 401, Waverly Road)Bowmanville, ON L1C 3L1

Tel: 905.623.3604Fax: 905.623.7109

Open 24 hrs., diesel fuel, convenience store, CAT scale, gasoline (self service), ATM,

propane, convenience store at fuel bar, Sunoco fleet fuel cardlock,

full-service fuel islands, restaurant, private showers, laundry facilities,

drivers’ lounge & arcade room, 100+ truck parking capacity,

motel (smoking & non-smoking), Bell Canada internet kiosk, Irving



FiFth Wheel tRuck stop3305 Dorchester Road,

(Exit 199, Hwy 401, East of London)Dorchester, ON N0L 1G0

Tel: 519.268.7319Fax: 519.268.2967

Open 24 hrs, diesel fuel, convenience store, CAT scale, blue beacon truck wash, drug

testing centre, gasoline (self serve), ATM, take – out food, open roads chapel, Sunoco & Irving Cardlock,

full-service fuel islands, restaurant, private showers, laundry facilities,

drivers’ lounge, 150+ parking capacity, motel (smoking & non-smoking), arcade room,

convenience store.

dRuMBotRuckeR’s hAvenHwy 401, Exit 250,

806607 Oxford Road,Drumbo, ON N0J 1G0

Tel: 519.463.5088Fax: 519.463.5628

[email protected]

ontario, Western

FoRt eRIe

ultRAMAR1637 Pettit Road (Exit 5 off QEW)

Fort Erie, ON L2A 5M4Tel: 905.994.8293

Open 24 hrs, restaurant, washrooms, showers, overnight

parking & drivers’ lounge.


FiFth Wheel tRuck stop398 North Service Road,

(Exit 74, off QEW, E. of Hamilton)(Casablanca Blvd. Exit)Grimsby, ON L3M 4E8

Tel: 905.945.0300Fax: 905.945.1115

Open 24 hrs, diesel fuel, convenience store, CAT scale, Blue

Beacon truck wash, ATM, drug testing centre, gasoline, Sunoco

& Irving cardlock, full-service fuel islands, restaurant, private

showers, laundry facilities, drivers’ lounge & arcade room,100+

parking capacity, chapel, motel (smoking & non-smoking).


MARshAll tRuck & tRAileR RepAiR & tRuck stop

336 Kenora AvenueHamilton, ON L8E 2W2

Tel: 905.561.4712Fax: 905.561.7757

[email protected]: www.marshalltruck.comOpen 24-7 for cardlock, open 7 am - 12 am Mon - Fri, 7 am - 5

pm Sat, closed Sunday, full-service islands, drivers’ lounge, restaurant,

showers & parking


petRo – pAss kitcheneR120 Conestoga College Blvd.

Kitchener, ON N2P 2N6Tel: 519.748.5550Fax: 519.748.9656

Drivers’ lounge & game room, convenience store, laundry

facilities, showers & CAT scale.


Johnny’s gAs BAR448 Talbot Street West

Leamington, ON N8H 4H6Tel: 519.326.5231Fax: 519.322.0189

[email protected]

Card lock open 24 hours, 7 days, convenience store, cash discount, diesel exhaust fluid and coloured


ontario, Western


Flying M tRuck stop

7340 Colonel Talbot Road

London, ON

Tel: 519.652.2728

Fax: 519.652.6554


Open 24 hrs, 6 days, full-service

islands, drivers’ lounge, restaurant,

convenience store, ATM, internet

services, showers, garage on

premises & parking


FiFth Wheel tRuck stop

40 Chisolm Dr. (Hwy 401 Exit 320)

Milton, ON L9T 3G9

Tel: 905.878.8441

Fax: 905.878.9376

Open 24 hrs, diesel fuel,

convenience store, CAT scale, Blue

Beacon truck wash, ATM, lube

shop, Sunoco & Irving Cardlock,

full-service fuel islands, restaurant,

showers, laundry facilities, drivers’

lounge & arcade room, 100+

parking, chapel, motel (smoking &

non-smoking), & lottery tickets.


husky tRAvel centRe

200 Clements Road

Pickering, ON

Tel: 905.428.9700


poRt Hope


2211 County Road 28

(Hwy 401 Exit 464)

Port Hope, ON L1A 3W4

Tel: 905.885.4600

Open 24 hrs, lunch counter,

convenience store, washrooms,

showers, drivers’ lounge & short-

time parking.


WindsoR husky tRAvel centRe

Hwy 401 Exit 14, Tecumseh, ON

Tel: 519.737.6401


36 January 2014

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ontario, Western



535 Mill Street(Hwy 401 Exit 230 on TA site)

Woodstock, ON N4S 7V6Tel: 519.421.3144

Open 24 hrs, restaurant, convenience store, washrooms,

showers, drivers’ lounge & overnight parking.



iRving 245918, Rue Notre Dame Est

Montreal, QC H1N 2C5

Tel: 514.257.8626

Fax: 514.259.0910

Open 24-7, restaurant, convenience

store & laundry facilities.



estevAn husky tRAvel centRe

201 – 4th Street,

Estevan, SK S4A 0T5

Tel: 306.634.3109




husky Bulk sAles210 North McDonald Street

Regina, SK S4N 5W3Tel: 306.721.6880www.myhusky.ca

ReginA husky tRAvel centRe1755 Prince of Wales Drive

Regina, SK S4Z 1A5Tel: 306.789.3477www.myhusky.ca



petRo cAnAdA – petRo pAss

402 – 51st Street EastSaskatoon, SK

Tel: 306.934.6766Fax: 306.668.6110

[email protected]’ lounge, convenience store,

laundry facilities, ATM, showers, scale & parking.


sWIFt CuRRent

husky tRAvel centRe

1510 South Service Road West

(Trans Canada Hwy 1 West)

Swift Current, SK S9H 3T1

Tel: 306.773.6444


ontario truCking assoCiation

OTA Reacts to Advisory Panel Proposal to Raise Fuel Taxes for Transit

The Transit Invest-ment Strategy Ad-visory Panel ap-

pointed by Ontario Pre-mier Kathleen Wynne is pleased to announce it is recommending a series of potential measures to raise the $2 billion per year needed to fund the Metrolinx Big Move plan for dealing with traffic gridlock in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA).

The proposed measures, of which 75 per cent of rev-enues would be directed towards transit, include a 0.5 per cent increase in the general corporate income tax rate and a redeploy-ment of the GTHA portion of the province’s HST on gasoline and fuel taxes.

Though, the primary recommendation is for a phased increase in gaso-line and fuel taxes com-mencing with a 3-cent per litre hike in 2015, followed by an annual increase of 1 cent per litre, up to 10 cents over the next seven years. The tax increases would apply on a provin-cial basis and would go into “a dedicated, trans-parent and accountable trust fund.”

Although it was not specified in the report issued today, panel mem-

bers have since indicated that 54 per cent of the monies going into the fund will pay for transit in the GTHA while the remaining 46 per cent will fund infra-structure improvements, which could possibly in-clude roads, in the rest of the province. The panel does not recommend the introduction of tolls at this time. The provincial diesel fuel tax, which currently sits at 14.3 cents per litre, was last raised in 1992.

The ball now sits in the provincial government’s court whether it adopts any or all of the recom-mendations. However, the premier has made reducing congestion in the GTHA one of her key prior-ities and she has indicated she is prepared to fight an election on the issue.

Transportation Minis-ter Glen Murray said his ministry will review the panel recommendations and would decide which path to take by spring 2014. It is widely antici-pated the government’s preferred approach will be contained in the spring budget, which could be the launching pad for an election.

As the predominant user of diesel fuel, the trucking industry is being asked

to take on a major new cost burden, says David Bradley, president of the Ontario Trucking Asso-ciation.

“We want to know a lot more about how the proposed investment trust fund will work and we want assurances that roads, highways and bridges will get their fair share of the dollars avail-able net of the GTHA tran-sit fund,” said Bradley.

The trucking industry is prepared to pay its fair share, says Bradley, pro-vided there will be a return on investment. “We would much rather see our fuel

tax dollars go into a dedi-cated fund specifically set up for roads, highways and bridges - the infra-structure truckers use. You can’t move goods via transit.”

However, while no one likes to pay increased taxes - and fuel is the second largest component of most trucking compan-ies’ operating costs - the industry also has to weigh that against the fact that congestion in the GTHA is exacting a toll on the economy and on people’s lives.

“For us, it’s an economic issue - will the increased

taxes actually take cars off the road and improve, or at least not make the situation worse in the future, as it pertains to goods movement? I t sounds nice in theory but the industry will need to be convinced.”

Bradley concedes that if carriers must pay more, a province-wide fuel tax is a fairer and more efficient way of getting all truckers, regardless of where they come from within Ontario to pay their fair share as opposed to a regional tax as initially proposed by Metrolinx which would have created a distortion

in the marketplace.Finally, Bradley says it

is imperative the prov-ince closes a loophole in the Highway Traffic Act which exempts thousands of specialty trucks (e.g., sucker/pumper trucks, crane trucks, etc.) from having to be plated and from paying fuel tax.

“These trucks use the infrastructure the same as every other truck and they should be expected to pay their fair share as well.”

OTA estimates the prov-ince is losing out on about $60 million a year in regis-tration fees and fuel taxes from these trucks.V

Driving for Profit Seminar Series 2014

Mississauga, On-tario - The first i n s t a l l m e n t

of the 2014 Driving for Profit Seminar Series is coming to Mississauga January 21st, according to event founder NAL Insurance.

Sponsored by Truck News, Dalton Timmis Insurance and Daimler Truck Financial, this event will feature Tom Krets-inger Jr., TCA Chairman

and President of American Central Transport (ACT), Inc. who will take part in the ongoing “How We Did It” series.

ACT is a premium service truckload carrier serving major shippers throughout the the eastern half of the United States. Recently, this 300+ unit fleet took First Place in the General Commodities Truckload/Line-Haul Division, be-tween 20 - 50 Million Miles

Category in ATA’s National Truck Safety Contest.

Chris Burruss, President of Truckload Carriers Association is back by popular demand to pro-vide an update on the ever-changing U.S. regu-latory environment and its potential impact on Canadian motor carriers.

Truck News Editorial Director Lou Smyrlis will moderate both sessions, while TransRep CEO Ray

Haight will act as Master of Ceremonies for the event.

The event will be held at the Capital Banquet Cen-tre on 6435 Dixie Road in Mississauga. Registration and continental breakfast start at 8 a.m., with the seminar getting underway at 9 a.m. A hot lunch will follow at noon. The cost to attend is $85. For more information or to register, visit www.drivingforprofit.com.V

January 2014 37

Page 38: #68 January

ontario truCk training aCaDemy (otta)

OTTA Builds Training Programs to Suit Industry NeedsBy marek krasuski

Th e r e i s g o o d news for truck-ing companies

seeking to alleviate the chronic shortage of driv-ers, especially the youth demographic which is focusing its attention on other career options. The Ontario government is expanding employment opportunities for young people with a cash in-fusion of $295 million to gain the skills required for gainful employment in today’s marketplace. The program may include skills and training for truck driving and forklift operations. The Youth Employment Fund (YEF) provides employers such as trucking companies with financial incentives to potentially hire new recruits through a wage funding program for up to six months. The Fund will also reduce training and recruitment costs as-sociated with hiring new employees.

Yvette Lagrois from Ontario Truck Training Academy (OTTA) also sees that “success of any employment program also hinges on a sound selection process of the talent. Our goal is to train the next generation of professional working drivers.” OTTA seeks out companies that recognize the need to pre-screen the up and coming tal-ent. Setting goals for students and determin-ing where they are going to work, ahead of time, is fundamental to the under 30’s demographic. When suitable recruits complete a full certified AZ Course - PTDI (Pro-fessional Truck Driving Institute), our seasoned instructors have had the time to mold them so that their talent has value to employers. Ontario Truck Training Academy (OTTA) is a training in-stitute with 15 years of success with centres lo-

cated in Oshawa, Bramp-ton, Peterborough, and a satellite yard in Lindsay. OTTA is listed on the Ser-vice Ontario website as a truck training provider and registered with Min-istry of Training, Colleges and Universities under the Private Career College Act, 2005.

OTTA also partners with TriOS College in the first approved Profes-sional Transport Oper-ator course combining Logistics, Truck Training, and Internship Place-ment. This is a large pic-ture course that expands beyond a Professional Driver scope. A student learns ”inside the wall skills” like dispatch and logistics as well as the driving skills. Tuition assistance is available for this course as well, through various funding sources.

“Our training programs are capable of meeting employer’s needs, and our selection process ensures that we promote students to the right em-ployer, matching their skills with need,” Lagrois said.

Recruitment, Lagrois insists, is a growing chal-lenge in an industry with increasingly higher com-pliance standards. Gone are the days when the ability to steer a truck in the right direction guar-anteed employment . Today, good medical records, a personal his-tory free from substance abuse and criminal activ-ity, and a good driving record are essential for employment with reput-able firms, particularly for companies with cross border activity. Critical to the success of trucking companies’ recruitment efforts is the selection of a training centre that works with a company to establish fit. “OTTA pos-itions itself with integrity trainers that bring quali-fied graduates to truck-

ing companies. We have an excellent CVOR and 15 years of training that supports our success,” Lagrois continued. OTTA is committed to working with trucking companies and students to ensure training costs are not a barrier. Sensitive to the

priorities of transpor-tation companies, the Ontario Truck Training Academy will in some cases defer training costs until after graduation.

To qualify for the Youth Employment Fund, em-ployers need to offer a full time job placement

that includes training with a view to long term employment after six months. Employers can receive up to $6,800 to offset training and wage costs associated with a job placement. Further, there is no limit to the number of youths an em-

ployer can hire through the program; however, progress is monitored by a designated service pro-vider and the employer will be removed from the program if funds are misappropriated.

otta >>

38 January 2014


Page 39: #68 January

ontario truCking assoCiation

Truck Trainers, Insurers Join OTA Call for Mandatory Entry Level Training

An assembly of leading Canadian trucking insurers

and the Truck Training Schools Association of Ontario have banded with

the Ontario Trucking As-sociation in calling on the province to introduce mandatory entry level training for commercial truck drivers.

Northbridge Insurance, The Guarantee Company of North America, Old Republic Insurance of Canada, Zurich Canada and the Truck Training

Schools Association of Ontario (TTSAO) all re-cently penned letters of support for OTA’s position that mandatory entry level training would help re-duce the driver shortage and raise the level of the quality of new drivers entering the industry by making truck driving a skilled occupation.

Mandatory entry level training is a key recom-mendation of both the Canadian Trucking Alli-ance’s Blue Ribbon Task Force (BRTF) report on the driver shortage and the landmark Conference Board of Canada study.

OTA and the provincial associations have been discussing the issue with their respective provinces and OTA recently brought the effort to the atten-tion of Premier Kathleen Wynne.

“There appears to be some traction gaining in certain provinces. While that’s a good sign, there is still a very long road ahead and major hurdles persist, which is why the training and insurance industries joining OTA on this issue is an important step,” says OTA President David Brad-ley. “The good news is that at the very least a dialogue is now underway.”

In its letter, Northbridge

Insurance stated that mandatory entry level training would bring “much deserved respect to truck driving as a val-ued and skilled occupa-tional skilled trade” and a “necessary step to ensure qualified men and women are behind the wheel of Canada’s distribution net-work.”

Current licensing condi-tions surrounding heavy commercial trucks are lacking any benchmark for candidates to be measured against, points out Old Re-public: “Mandatory entry level training standards will provide that need-ed benchmark to ensure those licensed to drive commercial trucks have the necessary skills to help them safely navigate Canada’s roadways. Our company believes strongly that mandatory entry level training standards must be implemented.”

Added The Guarantee Company of North Amer-ica: “Currently years of experience and driver vehicle abstracts are the only benchmarking criter-ia for determining driver’s qualifications. There cur-rently isn’t any criteria in place to obtain a heavy commercial licence or ensure that a safety stan-dard is maintained in the

critical first three years of licensing. Having a program such as manda-tory entry level training will create and maintain a culture of safe driving behaviour and increased driver confidence.”

“Our ability to produce quality graduates is hin-dered by reasons identi-fied and outlined by the Blue Ribbon Task Force,” states the TTSAO. “By addressing a multiplicity of standards and curric-ula and having industry uptake, awareness and buy-in is critical for our identified goals. Manda-tory entry level training will ensure a balance is maintained between in-dustry capacity needs and public safety.”

In its letter Zurich also supported the idea of a mandatory entry level training for commercial vehicle drivers, welcom-ing the opportunity to provide further input for a developmental program down the road. “We be-lieve that establishing a qualification standard will ensure that driving a commercial vehicle is recognized as a profession and an important career, rekindling the deserved respect for the profession while also making our roads even safer.”V

otta >>

Funding began in Sep-tember 2013 and will be accessible over the next two years. More infor-mation is available on the Ministry of Training Colleges and University website: www.tcu.gov.on.ca/eng/employmen-tontario/youthfund/.

Yvette Lagrois encour-ages prospective em-ployers to contact the OTTA, even if they do not qualify for this particular program. “There are addi-tional funding streams available that I am happy to source on behalf of trucking companies with

an interest in recruiting our graduates,” she said.

For more information on recruitment oppor-

tunities from the OTTA and on training incen-

tive programs, contact Yvette Lagrois at Yvette.

[email protected], or call 800.753.2284.V

January 2014 39


Page 40: #68 January

ontario truCking assoCiation

CTA Issues White Paper on Transportation of Dangerous Goods

The tragedy that befel l the Que-bec town of Lac

Megantic last summer following the derailment of several rail tank cars carrying crude oil has put the issue of danger-ous goods transporta-tion by all modes under the microscope. Federal Transport Minister, Lisa Raitt, announced that she has asked the House of Commons Standing Committee on Transport to conduct a review of the situation and to make recommendations to pre-vent similar tragedies in the future.

Although the Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA) contends that an incident of the magnitude of Lac Megantic is unlikely to occur where trucks are involved - and while the frequency and severity of dangerous goods in-cidents involving trucks are extremely low - the Alliance says additional measures should be taken to further reduce the risk of highway accidents, whether dangerous goods are involved or not.

In a  white paper of the Transportation of Dan-gerous Goods by Truck in Canada, CTA repeats its long-standing position that the federal govern-ment should introduce a universal mandate re-quiring all trucks, where the driver is currently re-quired to carry a logbook under the federal hours of service regulations, to be equipped with an electronic recording de-vice (ELD); and introduce a manufacturing stan-dard (in lock-step with the United States) requiring all new heavy trucks to be equipped with a roll sta-bility system. In addition, CTA says all provinces should follow the lead of Ontario and Quebec by requiring the mandatory activation of truck speed limiters at no more than 105 km/hr and also intro-

duce mandatory entry level training for truck drivers based on a na-tional industry standard.

An analysis of the 328 dangerous goods inci-dents involving trucks in 2012 conducted for CTA shows that the number of incidents was 1.64 per 10,000 shipments. Most (56.4%) of the releases of product were minor (less than 500 litres), which are usually cleaned up with little or no environmental damage. 86.3% of all inci-dents involved tank trucks. Most incidents occur dur-ing loading or unloading (70.7%) and are most often caused by employee error (28%) or equipment failure (34.1%). Releases during loading were most com-mon (51.8%) but 80% led to releases of less than 1,000 litres.

Accidents occurring while on the highway (where the public is most at risk) accounted for 16.2% of total incidents for a frequency of 0.27 per 10,000 shipments. Accidents were the cause in 56.8% of the major in-cidents (releases greater than 5,000 litres).  How-ever, major incidents represented only 6.4% of all incidents. In most cases (67.9%) the major product involved was flammable liquids (mainly crude oil). Accidents involving flam-mable liquids represented 11% of all incidents and .18 accidents per 10,000 shipments, 16.7% of the incidents involving tank trucks were the result of an accident on the high-way. (Analysis conducted for CTA suggests that 80% of these were the result of a single vehicle accident).

The issue of liability in the case of dangerous goods incidents has also loomed large since the Lac Megantic tragedy, with the federal government writ-ing some big cheques for the clean-up and recently calling for increased in-surance coverage for rail

carriers and shippers. Ac-cording to the CTA white paper, the determination of liability, and who shall bear the costs of that neg-ligence, is a statement of the public interest and public policy. However, it says the growing trend of shippers seeking to include clauses in freight contracts indemnifying them from liability is con-trary to both the public interest and public policy. CTA calls for coordinated

action by both the federal and provincial govern-ments in the form of an amendment to the federal and provincial statutes and regulations to annul clauses in freight con-tracts which indemnify shippers/3PLs from lia-bility for their own neg-ligence.

A CTA advisory commit-tee on dangerous goods has been struck to look at the regulations in more detail, “so this is our first

word on the subject,” says Bradley. “But we strongly believe the most effective thing governments can do is to take the recom-mended actions to reduce the risk of highway ac-cidents and to make sure that the parties whose negligence causes an ac-cident are held liable for the claims.”

Transport Canada es-timates that 70% (ton-nage) of dangerous goods are transported by road,

24% by rail; 6% by mar-ine; and less than 1% by air. The most commonly transported dangerous goods are crude petrol-eum oil, gasoline and fuel oils. The actual number of shipments of danger-ous goods transported by truck is unknown. CTA estimates there are at least 2 million - and likely many more - dangerous goods shipments of vari-ous sizes by truck each year in Canada.V

HealtH & Fitness

Holiday SurvivalBy Dr. george traitses

December marks the beginning of what can be a

hectic holiday season, and until we flip the calen-dar over to a new year, the chaos just doesn’t let up. Since the added demands of this season can stress our bodies to capacity, we need to do everything we can to avoid letting the holiday rush get the best of us. Consider the follow-

ing tips to help keep you and your loved ones stay healthy, happy and safe this season.

Wear shoes with plenty of cushioning in the soles to absorb the impact of walking on those hard shopping mall floors.

Wear layers because you may be going from a cold environment outside to a warm environment inside.

In s tea d o f l ug g in g

around a heavy purse, carry a light backpack or fanny pack with only those items that are ab-solutely essential.

Take frequent breaks, but skip the designer cof-fee at the java stand and drink water instead.

If at all possible, leave your children at home.

Do not wrap packages while sitting on a hard floor; you’re more apt to strain a muscle in this

position. Instead, vary your position from stand-ing at a countertop to sitting on a bed or com-fortable chair.

For more information on health and safety visit the Ontario Chiropractic Association Web site at www.chiropractic.on.ca or call 877.327.2273. Dr. George Traitses can be reached at 416.499.5656 or visit www.infinite-health.com.V

40 January 2014


Page 41: #68 January

in memoriam

Henry VanroboysDecember 14, 1942 – November 26, 2013

Su r r o u n d e d b y his family, Henry Rene Vanroboys

entered into eternal rest into the arms of his Heav-enly Father, peacefully on Tuesday, November 26, 2013. He was in his 71st year. He will be re-united in Heaven with his loving wife, Anne (February 2013). He is survived by his loyal mother, Marie Louise Vanroboys of Thames-ville. Also survived by his children Carla and

Kevin Fox, Steve and Gina Vanroboys and Jen-nifer and Joe Marsh, all of Thamesville. Special papa to Megan, Dane and Trent Fox, Lucas and Audra Vanroboys and Oscar, Lucy, Libby, Boone and Scout Marsh. He is also survived by his mother-in- law, Margaret Goodman and his special sister-in-law and her husband, Lynn and Ben Liberty Jr. and family. Henry lived most of his life in Thamesville. In recent years, he enjoyed his 2nd home at Rondeau Park.

He was a proud, hard-working man, founder and owner of Vanroboys Trucking, Vanroboys En-terprises Ltd., One Henry Farms, Riverview Bingo Palace and other business investments. He loved spending time with his

grandchildren and was their biggest fan. He will continue to cheer them on as their Guardian Angel. He was also predeceased by his father, Oscar Van-roboys (2009) and broth-er-in-law, Pat Goodman (2012) and father-in-law, Ted Goodman (1988).

Donations may be made at the funeral home to Chatham Kent Hospice (Cheques payable to St. Andrew’s Residence - memo line Chatham Kent Hospice) or the charity of your choice. Online do-nations and condolences may be left at www.bad-derfuneralhome.com.

“I am the resurrection, and the life: he that be-lieveth in me, though he were dead, yet shall live. And whosever liveth & believeth in me shall never die.” (John 11:25-26).V

WreatHs aCross CanaDa inC.

Lay a Wreath

Wreaths Across Canada has c h o s e n t o

place a wreath on the headstone of every vet-eran buried in the National Military Cemetery, the first Sunday of every Decem-ber at 1:30, Beechwood Cemetary, Ottawa. It is our fervent hope that this practice will spread across Canada and that eventu-ally every Military Cem-

etery will be adorned with wreaths, each and every year. This simple but ef-fective “thank you” is cen-tral to the entire program. The wreaths symbolize our thanks to those who have served their country in the military and now lie at rest. Whether they died in battle, training accidents or years after retiring from the military, all who lie buried in these

hallowed grounds deserve the thanks of a grateful nation for defending the freedoms and lifestyle we enjoy today.

It is our way to Remem-ber and Honour those who served and Teach our youth of Canada, the value of freedom. It is a deeply personal way for any Canadian to say “thank you for your service to Canada.”V

transport For CHrist

God’s Faithfulness

By CHaplain len reimer

So here we are into a new year. The last 12 months

seemed to be ful l of unexpected events for many of us and there is nothing we can do to change them. But we are beginning a new year. Many of us made new hopes and plans hoping it would be better than the

year before. Some of us may have even blamed God for things that went wrong or waivered from the way we wanted them to go. In reality, all He did was allow things to happen, which means we may actually have caused them.

There is a beautiful verse of scripture in Psalm 36:5 “Your mercy, O Lord is in the heavens; Your faith-fulness reaches to the clouds.” In my experience God’s mercy is endless. He extends His mercies to mankind. He is merciful even when we mess up. His mercy often repeats itself by Him being there for us through difficult times, which can actually make us stronger.

He is truly faithful and dependable when we need

Him. Yes, we can truly count on Him. His faithful-ness reaches to the clouds. He is a covenant (promise) keeping with those who never fail to trust Him. The key word is “trust” Him. Scripture goes on to tell us in II Corinthians 12:9 “My grace is sufficient for you.” There is always enough for us when we put our trust in Him. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you.

Yes, we do need to do things more God’s way. After all, He not only promised to care for us, He keeps promises. Friends, our hope and wish is that your plans will include God. May you have a pros-perous and successful year.V

January 2014 41


Page 42: #68 January

New Bridge Over the St. Lawrence for 2018

Montreal, Que-bec - The Hon-ourable Denis

Lebel, Minister of Infra-structure, Communities and Intergovernmental Affairs and Minister of the Economic Develop-ment Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec, is pleased to announce a new accelerated timeline for the construction of the new bridge for the St. Lawrence.

“We will deliver the new bridge for the St. Lawrence in 2018, three years earlier than originally planned,” said Minister Lebel. “In fact, concrete actions to move the project ahead have already been taken.”

The award of the con-tract for engineering and coordination services to ARUP Canada Inc. on Oc-tober 18th has acceler-ated the original timeline significantly, enabling the procurement process for the public-private part-nership (PPP) to design, build, finance, operate and maintain the new bridge to be launched in early spring 2014. Although an

international architectural contest must now be set aside, precise architectural guidelines for the design of the new bridge will be included in the PPP pro-curement documents.

The accelerated time-line responds to the rec-ommendations of the Buckland & Taylor report, prepared for the Jacques-Cartier and Champlain Bridges Incorporated (JC-CBI) as part of the Cham-plain Bridge surveillance and maintenance pro-gram.

“While we cannot cut corners with infrastruc-ture of such great import-ance for the metropolis and the economy of our country, we can certainly accelerate the process,” continued Minister Lebel. “No effort will be spared to deliver this project on time and within budget, keeping travellers and goods moving safely and efficiently through this important trade and trans-portation corridor.”

On October 5, 2011, the Government of Canada announced that it would

be building a new bridge to replace the Champlain Bridge. This bridge is one of the busiest in Canada, with $20  billion worth of international trade crossing it every year. The Champlain Bridge is

a crucial corridor for the regional economy and for Canada as a whole. The project also meets the objectives of Canada’s gateway strategies.

Canada’s Economic Ac-tion Plan promotes new

opportunities for growth, job creation and long-term prosperity. Thanks to the Government of Canada’s leadership and our strong economic and financial fundamentals, the Can-adian economy has re-

covered from the global recession better than most other industrialized coun-tries.

To learn more about the new bridge for the St. Lawrence, please visit www.tc.gc.ca/nbfsl.V

tHe saFety tip aDviser

Removal of Snow & Ice From Roof Tops

By alvis violo

Most fleet man-a g e r s w i l l agree that the

accumulation of snow and ice on trailer roofs, which could weigh as much as two tons, is a major safety issue. These same fleet managers will probably also admit that the snow and ice con-tribute to weight limit violations and a decrease in fuel economy.

Although these fleet

managers acknowledge the problem, in a study conducted by the Amer-ican Transportation Re-search Institute (ATRI), 54% of respondents re-ported they rarely or never remove accumu-lated snow or ice. It is interesting to note that in the same study, 35% of respondents admitted to an experience of snow or ice causing personal injury or property damage to another motorist.

Until recently, there were no laws in Canada or the U.S. requiring the remov-al of snow or ice from vehicles, but things are starting to change. In Can-ada, Quebec has passed a law that states, “no person…when driving a vehicle, (will) allow snow,

ice or any other substance to fall from the vehicle onto a public highway.” In 2009, the governor of New Jersey signed a law that sets fines for vehicles with dangerous accumulations of snow. The New Jersey law is believed to be the first of its kind in the U.S.

The fact that only a few provinces and a few states have passed laws should not give us a false sense that all the other provinces and states do not penalize drivers and companies who cause personal in-jury or property damage from falling snow or ice. The majority of jurisdic-tions prefer to throw the book at drivers after the snow or ice has fallen. In serious accidents, au-thorities can broadly in-

terpret other regulations governing commercial vehicles to increase the penalty. Once you cause an accident, rules covering pre-trip inspections, size and weights, and cargo securement can apply.

So how do most com-panies remove the snow or ice? One of the lowest cost solutions is to send a driver or employee up on the roof to clear the snow or ice. The problem is, occupational health and safety legislation in both Canada and the U.S. pro-hibit workers from climb-ing on trailer tops without approved fall protection equipment. What this means is that sending an employee up on a trailer roof is not only dangerous, it is most probably illegal.

If anyone is looking for a possible solution, Emer-gency Road Services Cor-poration (E.R.S.) may have the answer. E.R.S. has set up a network of service providers across Canada and the U.S. that are ready to remove the snow and ice from trailer roofs. On average, E.R.S. will have a service provider at your trailer within one hour. You can have the snow and ice removed quickly and you will avoid pos-sible personal injuries to your own employees. The individual service pro-viders that are removing the snow also have their own insurance in case of personal injury. As added insurance to their custom-ers, E.R.S. also has their own $ 5,000,000.00 liabil-

ity policy that applies to all service calls they get.

Regardless of how you choose to solve the prob-lem, please keep in mind the lives of others on our roads as your decisions could be a matter of life or death.

Drive safe, think positive and be prosperous.

Alvis Violo is the C.E.O. of Emergency Road Ser-vices Corporation, a coast to coast bilingual road-side assistance company dedicated to the trucking industry in Canada and the U.S. For more informa-tion, visit www.emergen-cyroadservices.com or call 877.377.2262. Please send your questions, feedback or comments about this column to [email protected]

42 January 2014


Page 43: #68 January

EastErn rEport

Atlantic-Pacific Takes on VoodooBy GEorGE FullErton

When the Je t Aircraft Mu-seum, based

in London, Ontario, went looking for a trucking company to transport a CF-101 aircraft, better known as Voodoo, from Cornwallis, Nova Scotia, to its new home at the Jet Aircraft Museum, their queries lead them to the Atlantic-Pacific Transport office in Fredericton, New Brunswick.

Since 1989 Atlantic-Pacific has been provid-ing oversize and heavy haul services along with float and flatbed busi-ness. While the prospect of transporting a cold war era fighter aircraft presented unique chal-lenges, Atlantic-Pacific’s Fredericton Manager, Ian Oliver, was confident that they had the expertise to do the job.

“Over the years we have hauled a number of

aircraft, including TBM Avengers and helicop-ters. When Forest Protec-tion Limited sold off their Avenger spray planes we hauled a number from their headquarters at the Fredericton airport to customers in the United States and Western Can-ada as well as ports in Montreal and Halifax. In the case of some of the Avengers, they had the wings removed and they were tilted sideways, and secured in a frame at-tached to the drop deck which reduced over-width concerns. With the Voo-doo we had to be satisfied to secure the plane in its ‘wheels down’ position on the deck, with wings and afterburners removed. This gave us a twelve foot width, which of course re-quired over-width permits and an escort.”

The Voodoo driving as-signment was handed to Stewart Finnamore, a

long time Atlantic-Pacific employee with a lengthy and recognized profes-sional career. Stewart began driving in the ear-ly 1970’s, worked thirty years with R.S. Coughlan Ltd. in Fredericton, and the last ten years with Atlantic-Pacific.

In 2008 Stewart’s pro-fessional career was rec-ognized by the Atlantic Provinces Trucking Asso-ciation (APTA), awarding him Driver of the Year. In 2009, Stewart was again honoured by the Canadian Trucking Alliance with the National Driver of the Year award.

Stewart’s load, the CF-101 Voodoo, identification number 006, was the last Voodoo to fly in the Can-adian Armed Forces. The aircraft was designed and manufactured by McDon-nell Aircraft Corporation, beginning in 1959. The Royal Canadian Air Force purchased sixty-six CF-

101’s from the United States Air Force in 1961. The Canadian Voodoo fleet was upgraded in the early 1970s with sixty-six advanced CF-101’s.

On April 19, 1987, the Voodoo 006 made its last flight to the air base in Chatham, New Brunswick and then it was taken to Cornwallis Military Mu-seum where it served as an outdoor display. Exposure to the elements in close proximity to the Bay of Fundy was not conducive to maintaining this important piece of Canadian military history since the aircraft suffered extensive corrosion and deterioration. Lacking the funds to ensure proper preservation of this piece of military history, the Cornwallis Museum made the decision to donate the Voodoo to the Jet Air-craft Museum in London, Ontario where staff has undertaken a fund raising campaign to restore the aircraft and make it air worthy again.

In the first week of Nov-ember 2013, Stewart Fin-namore arrived at Corn-wallis with a double drop – extendable trailer and was met with a group from the Jet Aircraft Mu-seum volunteers who had the wings and engine afterburners removed, and the cranes ready to load the Voodoo.

Finnamore is casual de-scribing securement of this peculiar load, saying that in addition to chains on landing gear and struts on the airframe where

wings had been removed, there was a requirement for one strap over the tail section. Once loaded, the wingless aircraft was nudging 13’6” high and just over twelve feet wide.

“I have hauled TBM Avengers and a few heli-copters. You just have to be careful where you place the straps so that they are holding the air-frame and not putting pressure on the skin of the plane,” explained Stew-art, adding that the total weight of the Voodoo was only about ten tonnes.

Tied down and ready to travel, Finnamore’s first hiccup was the cancel-lation of their appoint-ment with the Princess of Acadia ferry at Digby, postponed as the service waited out a fairly serious blow that had seas on the Bay of Fundy running a bit too angry.

“The Voodoo turned a lot of heads, that’s for sure. At the ferry, people were asking a lot of questions and taking lots of pictures. On the road, we had our picture taken a lot. People would pull up beside us, shoot their pictures and then carry on. I got a red light at one set of scales, simply because the officer wanted to have a look at the plane. Besides being hauled across country, people seemed to realize that the plane was unique and historically important. We delivered the plane with no problems on Nov-ember 7th. Then I headed back to Cornwallis to pick up the wings and after-

burners,” said Stewart.Finnamore explained

that the wings actually presented a more difficult load than the aircraft it-self. “The wings are an awkward shape and quite flimsy so you have to be careful tightening them down.” He went on to ex-plain that several old car tires were placed on the trailer deck and the wings placed on top which mini-mized abrasion to metal skin and provided some flexibility for tightening. Once the wings were tied down, the cargo meas-ured sixteen feet wide.

“I just kept my eye on the wings and stopped quite frequently just to keep everything snugged up. Since we were sixteen feet wide, we required extra escort in dense traf-fic situations and had to make a detour around construction on the 401. But we made that delivery on November 14th and everyone was very happy to see all the pieces ar-rive and get the Voodoo back together,” said Fin-namore.

Situated at the London International Airport, the Jet Aircraft Museum has a crew of volunteers busily inspecting, cleaning and reassembling the Voodoo 006. While the aircraft was structurally intact there are requirements for lots of components and com-ponent overhauls.

For more information on the Jet Aircraft Museum and their Voodoo project, go to, http://savevoo-doo006.com/blog/.V

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tHe ComplaCenCy CoaCH

It’s a Different World, Get Used to It!

By BruCe outriDge

I was looking at a tele-vision show the other night and an old adver-

tisement came on show-ing people smoking in the office, at their desks, and so on. It got me to think-ing how much things have changed since my early days back in the sixties. I certainly am not suggesting we go back to the days of smoking in the workplace, but it is an example of how many things have changed, particularly in the transportation industry, the manufacturing sec-tor, and the technology field. Times have indeed changed; some for the better, and some maybe not as good as we would have liked.

I was discussing some transportation issues with a fellow colleague about the image of the truck driver and how that has changed over time. Do you remember the days when transport drivers wore ties and a uniform? I certainly did as I was required to wear those as a mover. We were only allowed to take our ties off if we were actually lifting furniture. Today, most movers wear t-shirts. With an average industry age of fifty-five years, it isn’t surprising that the industry has people remembering the old ways and resisting change. As change comes on more

forcefully and impacts our lives on a daily basis the tide of resistance becomes even stronger.

So how do you deal with the changes and keep your-self up to date in your in-dustry and in your lives? You can resist it all you want, but I can tell you that you won’t win. I have seen so many people fight change only to have to give in at a later date down the road. Think of the grand-mother that wants to stay in touch with her grand-kids. I have a relative that likes to travel and use the phone to book their travel arrangements. Years ago they had to learn to use the computer to book res-ervations or give up trav-eling because everything is done online nowadays. You can resist change all you want and opt out of communicating with soci-ety or you can learn to live with change and do your best to stay in the game.

In my courses I tell my students that it is import-ant that they keep up with changes and even more important keep up with changes in their industry. Here are some ideas on how to stay abreast of changes and remain in the game well into the future.

The first thing is to decide what you need and where you want to go. If you are in your fifties ask yourself where you want to go in the next ten years. Will you be driving? Will you still be in business, or will you be stuck in a job that you hate? Once you have decided on the path you want to go, decide what you need to get there. Now, if you have been resisting change up until now decide where you need to change and

investigate how you can implement that into your daily routine. For instance, if you have been resisting cell phone use, investigate the features of one you would like and learn how it can improve your daily life, considering the benefits of easier communication and better time management.

Educate yourself by taking a course on something you would like to learn, wheth-er for work or a hobby, and dedicate the time to learn it to improve yourself.

We all resist change, but the best way to combat it is to incorporate the practice of change on a daily basis and learn how it can best

help move you forward. I remember when websites came out and I learned how to design them so I could update my own web-site. Today I offer that ser-vice to others. So change can be good, it is how you look at it that really takes insight. Failing to acknow-ledge that is the true source

of resistance.Bruce Outridge is a busi-

ness and leadership consult-ant and author of the books Running by the Mile, Driven to Drive, and How to Start an Artistic Business in 12 Easy Steps. For more informa-tion on Bruce and his work please visit his website at www.outridge.ca.V

44 January 2014


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CamBrian College

Cambrian College Advances Innovative Learning with New Truck Build ProgramBy marek krasuski

Cambrian College is building on a tradition of setting

itself apart with unique educational programs. A few years ago the school began by responding to industry needs in the Co-Op Diploma Apprentice-ship Program (CODAP). It did this by introducing a three year diploma that merged the Heavy Equip-ment Techniques Cer-tificate Program and the Truck and Coach Techni-cian Diploma. The initia-tive came in response to companies with on and off road equipment seeking graduates with knowledge in both fields. Since its inception interest and enrollment continues to climb.

In one example that sig-nalled the College’s de-termination to respond to

industry needs, suppliers and employers in the re-gion asked for reform of the program’s report writ-ing component. Employer dissatisfaction with the quality of technical report writing skills exhibited by students prompted Cam-brian to respond quickly to the complaints. It enlisted the support of its English Department to develop a new reporting model de-signed in accordance with company recommenda-tions and, ultimately, their nod of approval.

More recently, staff and students in the College’s skills training division have ratcheted up the learning experience by rebuilding a 1993 diesel F250 Super Cab purchased in the Ottawa region. The vehicle has been disman-tled down to the frame, a relatively easy process.

The hard part is putting it back together for students in the Truck & Coach/Heavy Duty Equipment program. If the best learn-ing is forged from experi-ence, then students are well on their way toward a first class education. Bob Huzij, Professor and Program Coordinator, out-lines the benefits of this pedagogical approach.

“More than gaining a firsthand look at how this vehicle is made, this learn-ing process promotes critical thinking and or-ganizational skills. In the rebuilding phase students learn how to put parts and processes in the proper sequence.” Huzij is espe-cially grateful to the many industry suppliers whose support has been essential to the project’s success.

The instructional hands-on approach for learners

like Kyle Joyce heightens the overall learning ex-perience. Kyle, now in his third year, bends over the frame of the chassis, bear-ing a studious look while trying to assess the next step in the reconstruction process. He and his group of enthusiasts spend as much as 20 hours a week on the project. This is over and above their regular weekly hours in class-room and shop learning.

“This is a very adaptive exercise. Since we don’t receive all the information in rebuilding the truck, there are certain can-vasses that are left blank and so we are left to figure it out ourselves. For ex-ample, we had to decipher how to wire the fuel tanks properly and determine the fuel centres with no position markings. It’s an example of how the program makes you think by throwing out options and together learning to understand how things work,” Kyle explained.

More than a learning module for aspiring mech-anics and technicians, this reconstruction project is a collaborative exercise, opening the opportun-ity for all members of the skilled trades’ disci-plines at Cambrian to work together. Shawn

Poland, Vice President, College Advancement, played a key role in get-ting college approval for the project and raising funds to underwrite the costs. This initiative, he said, brings together par-ticipants from across the broader college spectrum. “This is a project that has pulled together many departments in the col-lege and is emblematic of widespread cooperation. For example, the frame fabrication was completed by our welding students, and the wrapping of the truck will be completed by our graphic design stu-dents under supervision of their professors, so we are covering the full gamut of participation.” Poland and Huzij herald the project as a testament

to the innovation of the College’s skilled trades programs, especially once the vehicle is completed and literally rolls into schools and other learn-ing centres.

The opportunity for the maiden voyage of the F250 Super Cab rebuild will present itself on May 6 and 7, 2014 when the truck will be exhibited at the Ontario Technological Skills Competition in Wat-erloo. Concludes Shawn Poland, “not only is this project a great platform from which to make a statement about all the skilled trades at Cambrian College, it’s also about taking learning to the next dimension that goes beyond classroom activity and traditional learning methods.”V

Cambrian staff and students in the College’s skills training division have ratcheted up the

learning experience by rebuilding a 1993 diesel F250 super Cab purchased in the ottawa

region. the instructional hands-on approach for learners like kyle Joyce heightens the

overall learning experience.

kyle, now in his third year, bends over the frame of the

chassis assessing the next step in the reconstruction


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First of all I want to take the time to wish all of our

readers a very Happy and Safe New Year.

Let us all hope for a rise in the economy and more goods shipped.

This issue I decided to keep things simple for the start of the New Year, so the question is: “What is something you always put inside your truck before beginning a long trip?”

Stuart Prange drives for Clean Harbours Trans-port based in Burlington, Ontario: “These days there is one thing I can never do without and that is my cell phone. I need it to stay in touch with my dispatch department. Also, at this time of year it is necessary to carry extra antifreeze, you never know when you may need it.”

roger Paul drives for Quality Carriers Transport based in Oakville, Ontario: “I am an old school kind of driver. For me, I make sure my CB Radio is on and working. I also carry a briefcase full of maps for local knowledge.”

raymond deibaning drives for the Brampton-based LandStar: “Two things that you must have in your truck this time of year are extra antifreeze because you never know how cold it is going to get, and windshield washer fluid which is also a must. When the highways get dirty you need to see where you are going.”

andy mercier drives for Contrans Transport based in Hagersville, On-tario: “I never leave with-out a fridge full of food. Truck stop food is getting too expensive and when you bring your own it is easier to eat healthy. In the winter, if you get stuck on a highway you know at least you can feed yourself.”

If you have any questions or subjects to discuss please feel free to contact me at [email protected], or call Carl McBride at 613.902.5324.V

From the

Driver’s SeatBy: Carl mCBriDecarl@woodwardpublishing .com

Truck Necessities

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