日温気物医誌第64巻2号2001年2月 113 effects of the high …

日温 気物 医 誌 第64巻2号2001年2月 113 Effects of the High Concentration CO2 Bathing on the Body Temperature (1st Report) -Changes of the deep body thermometer and the surface skin temperature by artificial high concentration CO2 warm water bathing- Masaharu MAEDA, Shuichi OBUCHI, Yoshitaka SHIBA, Urara SASAKI, Koji YORIZUMI, Katsura TANAKA,Hiroshi NAGASAWA. Dept. of Rehabilitation, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Kitasato Univ. 228-8555.1-15-1 Kitasato Sagamihara-city Kanagawa-pref,Japan 高濃度炭酸水温浴の体温に及ぼす効果 (第1報) ―高 濃度 炭 酸 水 温 浴 にお け る深 部 体 温 計 と表 面 皮 膚 温 の 変 化 の― 前 田真 治,大 淵 修 一,柴 喜 崇,佐 々 木 麗, 頼 住 孝 二,田 中 か つ ら,長澤 弘 北里大学医療衛生学部リハ ビリテーション学科 41℃高濃 度炭酸水 温浴(1000ppm:三 レイヨン株式会社製高濃度人工炭酸泉製造 装置MRE-SPA使 用)と水道水温浴における 深部 体 温 計(深 部温 モ ニ ター コア テ ンプ CTM205、株 式会社 テルモ社製)の 変化 と表面皮膚温 の変化 を、健 常成人5名 を対 象 に比較 した。 前額部・上腕部の表面皮膚温は、炭酸水 温浴の方が入浴後数分後から水道水温浴に 比べ 高温 とな り出浴 後 も比 較 的 高温 が維 持 されることを認めた。これは温水に直接触 れる部位では皮膚表面の血管が炭酸ガスの 血 管 拡 張作 用 に よ り拡 張 し、 熱 エ ネ ルギ ー を水道水に比べ多く受けとる結果、温水に 浸かっていない遠方の部位で体温が上昇す る もの と考 え られ る。 胸部の深部体温計の変化は、炭酸水温浴 と水 道 水 温 浴 で ほ とん ど同 じ変 化 で あ る。 これは、胸部の深部体温計の変化は、41℃ の温 水 か ら与 え られ る熱 エ ネ ル ギ ーが 、 炭 酸 水 温 浴 、水 道水 温 浴 と もに胸 部 ま で と体 温計に近い位置 まで入浴 しているために、 血管拡張などの要因よりは、むしろ直接伝 搬の形で伝わるので、双方とも同じように 変 化 した もの と考 え られ た 。 しか し、 表面 皮膚温が約2℃ 上昇 してい るの に比べ、胸 部 の深部 体 温 は1℃ 程 度 の変 化 で あ った こ とは、心臓に近い部位での体温恒常機構に よると考えられた。 炭酸水温浴群の上腕の深部体温計の方が 出浴後急激に下がったことは、心臓周辺 ・ 胸部だけでは温水からの熱エネルギーが十 分 に放 熱 す る こ とが で きず 、 上 肢 が そ の冷 却 に用 い られ て い る と考 え られ た。 上肢 は 心臓 に近い部位の体温 を冷却 する ように働 き、 よ り皮 膚 表 面 の血 管 拡 張 を引 き起 こ し ている炭酸水温浴の方が熱を外部に放散し や す い と考 え られ る。 そ の 結 果、 皮膚 表 面 で冷やされた血液などが上腕部の深部体温

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Page 1: 日温気物医誌第64巻2号2001年2月 113 Effects of the High …

日温 気物 医 誌 第64巻2号2001年2月 113

Effects of the High Concentration CO2 Bathing on the Body Temperature (1st Report)

-Changes of the deep body thermometer and the surface skin temperature by

artificial high concentration CO2 warm water bathing-

Masaharu MAEDA, Shuichi OBUCHI, Yoshitaka SHIBA,


Dept. of Rehabilitation, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Kitasato Univ.

228-8555.1-15-1 Kitasato Sagamihara-city Kanagawa-pref,Japan

高濃度炭酸水温浴の体温に及ぼす効果 (第1報)―高濃度炭酸水温浴 における深部体温計 と表面皮膚温の変化の―

前 田真 治,大 淵修 一,柴 喜崇,佐 々木麗,

頼住 孝 二,田 中 かつ ら,長 澤 弘


抄 録

41℃ 高濃度炭酸水温浴(1000ppm:三 菱


装置MRE-SPA使 用)と水道水温浴における

深部体温計(深 部温モニター コアテンプ

CTM205、 株式会社 テルモ社製)の 変化

と表面皮膚温の変化 を、健常成人5名 を対

象に比較 した。

前額部 ・上腕部の表面皮膚温は、炭酸水


比べ高温 となり出浴後 も比較的高温が維持




を水道水に比べ多 く受けとる結果、温水に




と水道水温浴でほとん ど同じ変化である。



酸水温浴、水道水温浴 ともに胸部までと体

温計に近い位置 まで入浴 しているために、



変化 したもの と考えられた。しかし、表面

皮膚温が約2℃ 上昇 しているのに比べ、胸

部の深部体温は1℃ 程度の変化であったこ




出浴後急激に下がったことは、心臓周辺 ・

胸部だけでは温水か らの熱エネルギーが十



心臓 に近い部位の体温 を冷却するように働


ている炭酸水温浴の方が熱を外部に放散 し



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114 M.MAEDA et al.

計を低下 させ、 さらには全身を冷却 して、


る とも考 えられた。

Key words: Artificial high concentration CO2 bathing, Healthy adults, Body temperature,

Full immersion bathing


We previously performed two kinds of full immersion warm bathing methods using Ithe

tap water and the artificial high concentration CO2 gas water on patients of low back pain

and rheumatoid arthritis, to report the following results:The surface skin temperature of

forehead in the CO2 water warm bath was higher than that in the tap water warm bath due

to the vasodilative effect, etc.1,3). However, the temperature variation cannot be

sufficiently probed relying on that of the surface skin temperature at forehead alone.

Therefore, this time, we investigated the temperature changes on the breast and the upper

arm based on the indications of deep body and surface skin thermometers.


We prepared high concentrated CO2 warm water in approx.1,000 ppm at 41℃

technically utilizing an artificial gas-permeable dialysis membrane(MRE-SPA,

Mitsubishi Rayon Engineering Co., Ltd.), to compare it with the warm tap water at the

same temperature of 41℃. For measuring the temperature, we attached the surface skin

thermometers on the forehead and both upper limbs and deep body thermometers

(CoreTemp manufactured by TERUMO CORPORATION: the mechanism of measuring

the deep body temperature at the center by heating the ambient of measuring probe to

counterpoise the surrounding skin temperature)on the left breast(probe diameter:80

mm)and on the left venter of biceps brachial muscle(probe diameter:35 mm)(Fig.1}.

In the measurement, after the device of the deep body thermometer got stable,

preliminary values were measured every minute for s minutes. Subsequently, the patients

were bathed sitting to the level of the mammary for 15 minutes(Fig.2). After bathing, in

order to prevent temperature-drop due to evaporation, the bodies were immediately

wiped with dry towels to observe the temperature variation while they were sitting for 10

minutes. For eliminating personal errors in body temperature, preliminary five-minute

values were averaged and the comparison was performed by subtracting the result from

the measured value of each person. The room temperature was fixed to 25℃ and the

measurement was performed under the condition of slight air convection avoiding a

direct wind from the air conditioner.


Selecting s healthy adults(one man and four women;the average age of 26.8)as

subjects, the CO2 water warm bathing and the tap water warm bathing were both

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Effects of Conc. CO2 Bathing on Body Temperature 1 115

Fig.1 Regions to be measured by deep body thermometer and surface skin thermometers

Fig.2 Measuring scene during bathing

performed on all of them at different dates, respectively.


1.Changes of the surface skin temperature

Changes of the surface skin temperature on the forehead and the upper limbs were

similar to those previously reported1). It was found that the CO2 water warm bathing

group indicated a higher temperature several minutes after beginning a bathing compared

with the tap water warm bathing group, keeping a relatively high temperature even after


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116 M.MAEDA et al.

2.Changes of the deep body thermometer

There was no difference in the changes of the deep body thermometer on the left breast

in the neighborhood of heart between the CO2 water warm bathing group and the tap

water warm bathing group, both indicating almost the same changes. However, the

surface skin temperature raised to approximately 2℃, while the deep body thermometer

on the breast only showed a change of about 1℃. Concerning the changes of the deep

body thermometer on the upper arm, compared with the tap water warm bathing group,

the CO2 water warm bathing group indicated a higher temperature several minutes after

beginning a bathing like the surface skin temperature, however, a more rapid temperature

decreasing was observed after bathing(Fig.4).


Concerning the changes of the deep body thermometer on the breast, the CO2 water

warm bathing and the tap water warm bathing seemed to show similar changes because

thermal energy from warm water at 41℃ is rather directly conducted than through

vasodilatation4), etc., which was probably because of deep bathing levels up to the breast

in both warm bathing methods.

Regarding the changes of the surface skin temperature, the CO2 water warm bathing

constantly indicated a higher temperature. This is probably because the region directly

touching warm water receives more thermal energy with the surface skin vasodilatation5,6)

Fig.3 Changes of the surface skin temperature

on the forehead and the upper arm

Fig.4 Changes of the deep body thermometer

on the breast and the upper arm

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Effects of Conc. CO2 Bathing on Body Temperature 1 117

than in case of the tap water warm bathing, resulting in an increased temperature of such

region being a little distant from the warm water. This is easily explicable by considering

the mechanism of the skin vasodilatation due to carbon dioxide dissolved in the blood7).

In addition, we should also take it into consideration that vasodilatation locally and

generally lowers vascular resistance to increase the blood circulationg8).

The reason why the changes of the deep body temperature on the breast is less than that

on the upper arm seems to be a greater homeostatic function of minimizing the

temperature variation in the neighborhood of heart.

The trunk part near the heart alone cannot sufficiently release the thermal energy given

by the warm water. However, assuming that the peripheral region as upper limbs is used

for its cooling, the upper limbs play a role of cooling down the raised temperature and

the CO2 water warm bathing method allowing the surface skin blood vessels to dilate

must be able to more easily release heat outside. As a result, changes of the deep body

thermometer of the upper arm seems to be decreased, finally cooling down the entire

body, that is, they function as a car radiator of normalizing the raised temperature.


We thank Dr. Iwao Yokoyama, Department of Rehabilitation, Kitasato University East

Hospital, for reviewing the manuscript.


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