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Post on 07-Aug-2018




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  • 8/21/2019 625C1C40-DACE-4879-ADCB-B35C176F465C_18332



    Ottomans: Turkic people who advanced from strongholds in Asia Minor during 1350sUnified under Mehmed IEstalished empire from !alkans that included most of Ara world

    Ottoman Empire: Turkic empire estalished in Asia Minor and eventuall" e#tending throughout the Middle East$esponsile for con%uest of &onstantinople and end of !"'antine Empire in 1(53)ucceeded " )el*uk Turks following retreat of Mongols

     Mehmed II: +ttoman sultan called the ,&on%ueror,

    &aptured &onstantinople in 1(53 and destro"ed what remained of the !"'antine Empire-

    Janissaries: .orcil" conscripted "ouths from con%uered !alkan areas who were trained as +ttoman infantr" divisionsThe" ecame an important political influence after the 15 th centur"

    viier: +ttoman e%uivalent of the Aasid wa'ir /ead of the +ttoman ureaucrac"

     After the 15th centur" often more powerful than the )ultan

    S!"eiman I: )ule"man Also known as )uleiman the 2awgiver or )uleiman the Magnificent  reatest of +ttoman rulers who was responsile for taking !elgrade in 1541 "et stopped at 6ienna in 1545

     /e studied poetr" histor" geograph" astronom" mathematics and architecture

     Art and literature flourished under his reign

    S!"e#mani#e mos$!e: reat mos%ue uilt in &onstantinople during the 17th centur" reign of )ule"man I

    Sa%avid d#nast#: +riginall" a Turkic nomadic group whose famil" originated in the )ufi m"stic groupThe" came to espouse )hi8ism and estalished a kingdom in modern9da" Iran which lasted until 1:44

    Sa%i a"&'in: )ufi m"stic and first ruler of the )afavid d"nast"

    Red Heads: ;ame given to )afavid followers ecause of their distinctive red headgear 

    Isma(i":  )ufi commander who con%uered the cit" of Tari' in 1501/e was the first )afavid to e proclaimed shah or emperor

    Cha"diran: Important attle etween the )afavids and +ttomans in 151(+ttoman victor" demonstrated the importance of firearms and checked western advance of their )hi8a state

    A))as I *+reat,: )afavid shah 15 militar" technolog"&reated slave regiments ased on captured $ussians who monopoli'ed firearms within )afavid armies

    imams: )hi8a religious leaders who traced their descent to Ali8s successors

    m!""ahs:  2ocal mos%ue officials and pra"er leaders within the )afavid Empire Agents of )afavid religious campaign to convert all of population to )hi8ism

    Is%ahan:  )afavid capital under Aas the reat?lanned cit" laid out according to shah@s plan which is an e#ample of )afavid architecture

    M!-ha" Empire: Estalished " Turkic invaders specificall" !aur in 1547The name is taken from the supposed Mongol descent of !aur ut there is little indication of an"

    Mongol influence in the d"nast"-It ecame weak after the rule of Aurang'e in first decades of 1< th centur"

    .adir /han A%shar: )oldier9adventurer following fall of )afavid d"nast" in 1:44 ?roclaimed himself shah in 1:37 and estalished a short9lived d"nast" in a reduced kingdom

    0a)!r: Turkic leader who founded Mughal d"nast" in India in 1547- /e died in 1530-

  • 8/21/2019 625C1C40-DACE-4879-ADCB-B35C176F465C_18332


    H!ma#an:  )on and successor of !aur /e was e#pelled from India in 15(0 ut returned to restore the d"nast" in 1557-

    A)ar: )on and successor of /uma"an/e oversaw uilding of militar" and administrative s"stems that ecame t"pical of Mughal rule in India/e pursued a polic" of cooperation with /indu princes/e attempted to create a new religion to ind the Muslim and /indu populations of India

    'in&i&I"ahi: This religion initiated " Akar which lended elements of Islam and /induism did not survive his death/is hope of achieving cooperation amongst these two faiths failed

    Sati:  $itual urning of high9caste /indu women on their husand8s funeral p"res

    Ta Maha": Mausoleum for Mumta' Mahal uilt " her husand )hah ahanIt is the most famous architectural achievement of Mughal India

    .!r Jahan:  >ife of ruler ahangir who amassed power at the Mughal court and created a faction of male relatives whodominated the empire during the later "ears of ahangir@s reign

    M!mta Maha": >ife of )hah ahan who took an active political role in the Mughal court)he is entomed in the Ta* Mahal

    Marattas: >estern Indian peoples who reelled against Mughal control earl" in the 1< th centur"

    Sihs: )ect in northwest IndiaEarl" leaders tried to ridge differences et /indu and Muslim ut Mughal persecution led to anti9Muslim feeling

    A!ran-e):  )on and successor of )hah ahan who was determined to e#tend Mughal control over whole sucontinent/e wished to purif" Islam of /indu influences/owever incessant warfare e#hausted the empire despite his militar" successes

     The empire continued its decline after his death in 1:0: