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Post on 07-Feb-2021




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    Clever, excited Facebook posts don't make you a star worth following. Work ethic, discipline and integrity will. 

    What's your residual value?

    I am proudly working on a side project to create the financial freedom that my main career cannot deliver for me and my family. Please wish me success.

    I’ve got 99 problems ... but a job ain’t one of them.

    Courage is not the absence of fear, but doing the very thing that you fear.

    Our children are watching us. We must display courage and discipline.

    There's nothing you can say to me that could get me to quit on my dreams.

    I'd rather make $50,000 a year in residual income from home than $100,000 a year from a boss.

    I am proud that I live in a country that enables me to build a business of my own.

    My daily actions are congruent with my big goals. I feel incredible about myself!

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    You become TRULY happy when you are calling your own shots. Be ashot-caller.

    Every 7-Figure Earner was once a brand new applicant. They each had to get the confidence and courage to work their butts off. If you want what they have, lose your BUT.

    The more you give, the more you get. It just works out that way.

    It doesn't matter how fast or high you climb on a ladder if it's leaningagainst the wrong wall. — Stephen R Covey

    Courage is not the absence of fear, but doing the very thing that you fear.

    Our children are watching us. We must display courage and discipline.

    A person who knows "how" will always have a job. A person who knows "why" will always be his boss.

    The number of people living officially below the poverty line is rising rapidly. The number of people who are working beyond the age of 65 is increasing.I just read a book that talks about this I just read a book that talks about this and provides a solution. It has taken my blinders off and I'm excited to create financial security.

    Even more important than the quantity of money you make is the quality of money you make. In other words, not just how much you make, but how you make it - where it comes from.

    Financial freedom. The investor loves the idea of his money workinginstead of him working.

    When you're good, you tell everyone. When you're great, everyone tells you.

    Have leverage or be leveraged. I choose to have leverage. I don't lie in bed dreaming about working for others.

    I deeply love what I do. 

    A financial mentor asked me, "If you stop working today, how much income continues to come in?" Then he said, "If you are pursuing the right investment of your time, when you stop working your income will continue to come in." Wow, eye opener. He's showing me how to make this switch.to make this switch.

    There are TAKERS and GIVERS in this world. The givers always seem to keep rising, while the takers stay where they are. Just an observation ...

    Excuses vs Reasons.Which will win in your life? REASONS!!!

  • PAGE 3

    Being a lazy, unmotivated,unproductive person must feel unproductive person must feel bad. I can't relate, but I empathize. My wish for all people is for them to find out how energizing and fun life is when you are producing.

    I get the personal branding thing. But the best way to create your brand is to be so good, work so hard, create so many success stories that everyone is talking about you so you don't have to talk about yourself.

    What are you fighting for in your life? What keeps you up at night dreaming while you're awake? When you find THAT SOMETHING, you will find a zest for life you've never felt.

    Frustrated with your business not growing fast enough? I bet your mentor/coach wonders why you don't seek more counsel and become more coachable.

    Don't wait to eat right until you have a heart attack or get a disease. Don't wait to build your own side business until you lose your job.

    "Pay Attention"Your attention is like money. It is paid into things. It's a treasure. It's an investment. Treat it like your are picking a company to invest in.

    Success comes from habit. All you need to do to create a habit is develop a routine. This lessens the need for self- discipline and makes creating the habit easier.

    I won't quit. I am not a quitter.

    If you understood what residual income is, you would go through a brick wall to get some.

    Smart people build a side business of their own on the side of the jobthey are working for someone else.

    Even if you don't support me in my business, I will support you when youdecide to start yours.

    My WHY dwarfs my excuses and fears.

    I will accept a NO only after you have heard my presentation.

    A financial mentor asked me, "If you stop working today, how much income continues to come in?" Then he said, "If you are pursuing the right investment of your time, when you stop working your income will continue to come in." Wow, eye opener. He's showing me how to make this switch.to make this switch.

    Dear Team, let's stick together.We cannot let anyone quit.As a team we can form a movement and create greatness. We need you.

    Nobody decides my income but me.

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    Is they made a movie about your life, would anyone want to watch it?  Would it have a victorious ending?  What would be the underlying theme... contentment, ambition, courage, defeat, triumph?

    I'm sick and tired of chaotic schedules and not having time freedom. Who else feels the same? Who thinks we deserve better?

    There is something special about friends getting together to build a business together - winning together as a team. Build together, achieve together, travel and celebrate together.

    You will never accomplish much if you always care what your friends say. They don't want you to have massive success because they fear you'll leave them behind.

    Wake up, brush your teeth, and go CRUSH the day. You can change your life in a moment's decision to go for it and act out of courage rather than be frozen by fear.

    The age of people relying on an employer for their financial well-being is gone. Those who still count on this are heading for an imminent collision with a brick wall.

    There is something special in knowing that you are building your own business and controlling your own destiny.

    Are you still collecting pay from the previous company you used to work for?  If not, you haven't discovered residual income.

    Smart people build a side business of their own on the side of the jobthey are working for someone else.

    Three forms of income:- Linear - trading time for money- Leveraged - earn on others' efforts - - Residual - get paid over and over for what you did one time.What kind of income do you want?

    My company is expanding again. They want people who are  ambitious and motivated, not just about getting paid well but also about making a difference in the world.

    On a scale of 1-10, how important is your success and freedom?On a scale of 1-10, how focused are you on your business?Those two numbers better match.

    Do I like jobs?  Yes!  I wouldn't want one, but I love creating them.

    My company is expanding again. They want people who are  ambitious and motivated, not just about getting paid well but also about making a difference in the world.

    The US Navy has to recruit thousands to find the few who will become SEALS. Most quit. Good people, good intentions, but not

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    It's not just about making a living; it's also about the quality of howwe're living. People are waking up to the fact that they want morecontrol over their lives. control over their lives. They want to be more connected to theirfamilies, be in charge of their own time, work from their homes,determine their own determine their own destinies.

    — Robert Kiyosaki

    "Money can't buy you happiness"

    Really? Look at what the lack of money makes you do...

    • Work long hours away from your family.• Order a hamburger instead of • Order a hamburger instead of a filet.• Give $100 on Sunday to church instead of $1,000.• Tell your kids NO when your heart wants to say yes.• Stay close to home on • Stay close to home on vacations instead of seeing the far corners of the world.

    Now if you had tons of money, and you could do the latter of eachthought, would you be happier? thought, would you be happier? Then yes, you can buy happiness!!

    In times of economic uncertainty, people get creative. They break out of their comfort zones and take initiative to help make ends meet. It's a matter of good old-fashionedold-fashioned American entrepreneurialism at its best. When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

    — Robert Kiyosaki

    What do you do when a friend simply doesn't support you in your business, pokes fun at you, and wishes for you to give it up?Spend less time with Spend less time with them. Guard your mind, protect your dreams and your focus. Surround yourself with people who appreciate your drive.

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