60 db high-extinction auto-configured mach zehnder ...dabm/447.pdf · fig. 1. (a) self-optimized...

60 dB high-extinction auto-configured MachZehnder interferometer C. M. WILKES, 1, * X. QIANG, 1 J. WANG, 1 R. SANTAGATI, 1 S. PAESANI, 1 X. ZHOU, 2 D. A. B. MILLER, 3 G. D. MARSHALL, 1 M. G. THOMPSON, 1 AND J. L. OBRIEN 1,3 1 Quantum Engineering Technology Labs, H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory and Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Bristol, BS8 1FD, UK 2 State Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Materials and Technologies and School of Physics and Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China 3 Ginzton Laboratory, Spilker Building, Stanford University, 348 Via Pueblo Mall, Stanford, California 94305-4088, USA *Corresponding author: [email protected] Received 1 September 2016; revised 12 October 2016; accepted 13 October 2016; posted 20 October 2016 (Doc. ID 275023); published 11 November 2016 Imperfections in integrated photonics manufacturing have a detrimental effect on the maximal achievable visibility in interferometric architectures. These limits have profound implications for further technological developments in photonics and in particular for quantum photonic technol- ogies. Active optimization approaches, together with recon- figurable photonics, have been proposed as a solution to overcome this. In this Letter, we demonstrate an ultrahigh (>60 dB) extinction ratio in a silicon photonic device consisting of cascaded MachZehnder interferometers, in which additional interferometers function as variable beamsplitters. The imperfections of fabricated beamsplit- ters are compensated using an automated progressive optimization algorithm with no requirement for pre- calibration. This work shows the possibility of integrating and accurately controlling linear-optical components for large-scale quantum information processing and other applications. © 2016 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: (120.3180) Interferometry; (130.3120) Integrated optics devices; (230.7370) Waveguides; (250.5300) Photonic integrated circuits; (270.0270) Quantum optics; (270.5585) Quantum informa- tion and processing. http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/OL.41.005318 Photonic technology has been advancing rapidly, especially with platforms such as silicon photonics [1], with many poten- tial applications in classical interconnects, communications, and sensing [2], where it offers solutions to increasing problems of interconnect density and energy inside machines [3,4], com- plements the processing abilities of electronics [5], and provides novel possibilities such as mode-division multiplexing [2] at long distances. Also, photonics is considered a promising physi- cal implementation for quantum information technologies, including quantum communication [6,7], metrology [8,9], and computation [1012]. This is owing to the photon s properties of long coherence time and ease of manipulation [1315]. Many of these photonic technologies require precise interference of beams, for example in MachZehnder interfer- ometers (MZIs) consisting of a phase-shifter and two outer beamsplitters (BSs). A key difficulty is, however, that compo- nent fabrication is imprecise. As the integration density of photonic components in- creases, high-performance MZIs will become extremely valuable because any operation error of a single MZI will propagate along the circuit and accumulate exponentially. This is especially true for fault-tolerant linear optical quantum computing [1618]. The quality of a high-performance MZI is typically quantitatively described by its extinction ratio. The extinction ratio, in the presence of indistinguishable photons, is a measure of how well one can distinguish between orthogo- nal computational basis states, and it is fundamentally deter- mined by the splitting ratios of the BSs used in the MZIs themselves [13,14]. Because of fabrication imperfections, inte- grated BSs usually have different splitting ratios to the desired onessometimes quite far away from 50:50 [19,20]. Fortunately, the technique demonstrated in this Letter com- pensates for such imperfections, making photonic devices tolerant to these faults. A common practice in optics is to use additional MZIs to act as reconfigurable variable BSs (VBSs) [21,22], creating charac- terization difficulties if all passive components are replaced by these. A possible solution is presented by the combined use of these active components together with automated optimization techniques [23,24]. The optimal VBS configuration is easily found by our auto-configuration algorithm. In this way, it is possible to compensate for fabrication imperfections to achieve high-visibility interference in MZIs. Previous compensation schemes in integrated silicon [20] (by a variable MZI) and in- tegrated lithium niobate [25] photonics (with active trimming) use just one tunable BS that is optimized iteratively. Because of this they are still subject to fabrication imperfections, thereby limiting their performance. With a linear increase in optical 5318 Vol. 41, No. 22 / November 15 2016 / Optics Letters Letter 0146-9592/16/225318-04 Journal © 2016 Optical Society of America

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  • 60 dB high-extinction auto-configuredMach–Zehnder interferometerC. M. WILKES,1,* X. QIANG,1 J. WANG,1 R. SANTAGATI,1 S. PAESANI,1 X. ZHOU,2

    D. A. B. MILLER,3 G. D. MARSHALL,1 M. G. THOMPSON,1 AND J. L. O’BRIEN1,31Quantum Engineering Technology Labs, H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory and Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,University of Bristol, BS8 1FD, UK2State Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Materials and Technologies and School of Physics and Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University,Guangzhou 510275, China3Ginzton Laboratory, Spilker Building, Stanford University, 348 Via Pueblo Mall, Stanford, California 94305-4088, USA*Corresponding author: [email protected]

    Received 1 September 2016; revised 12 October 2016; accepted 13 October 2016; posted 20 October 2016 (Doc. ID 275023);published 11 November 2016

    Imperfections in integrated photonics manufacturing havea detrimental effect on the maximal achievable visibility ininterferometric architectures. These limits have profoundimplications for further technological developments inphotonics and in particular for quantum photonic technol-ogies. Active optimization approaches, together with recon-figurable photonics, have been proposed as a solution toovercome this. In this Letter, we demonstrate an ultrahigh(>60 dB) extinction ratio in a silicon photonic deviceconsisting of cascaded Mach–Zehnder interferometers, inwhich additional interferometers function as variablebeamsplitters. The imperfections of fabricated beamsplit-ters are compensated using an automated progressiveoptimization algorithm with no requirement for pre-calibration. This work shows the possibility of integratingand accurately controlling linear-optical components forlarge-scale quantum information processing and otherapplications. © 2016 Optical Society of America

    OCIS codes: (120.3180) Interferometry; (130.3120) Integrated optics

    devices; (230.7370) Waveguides; (250.5300) Photonic integrated

    circuits; (270.0270) Quantum optics; (270.5585) Quantum informa-

    tion and processing.


    Photonic technology has been advancing rapidly, especiallywith platforms such as silicon photonics [1], with many poten-tial applications in classical interconnects, communications,and sensing [2], where it offers solutions to increasing problemsof interconnect density and energy inside machines [3,4], com-plements the processing abilities of electronics [5], and providesnovel possibilities such as mode-division multiplexing [2] atlong distances. Also, photonics is considered a promising physi-cal implementation for quantum information technologies,including quantum communication [6,7], metrology [8,9],and computation [10–12]. This is owing to the photon’s

    properties of long coherence time and ease of manipulation[13–15]. Many of these photonic technologies require preciseinterference of beams, for example in Mach–Zehnder interfer-ometers (MZIs) consisting of a phase-shifter and two outerbeamsplitters (BSs). A key difficulty is, however, that compo-nent fabrication is imprecise.

    As the integration density of photonic components in-creases, high-performance MZIs will become extremelyvaluable because any operation error of a single MZI willpropagate along the circuit and accumulate exponentially.This is especially true for fault-tolerant linear optical quantumcomputing [16–18]. The quality of a high-performance MZI istypically quantitatively described by its extinction ratio. Theextinction ratio, in the presence of indistinguishable photons,is a measure of how well one can distinguish between orthogo-nal computational basis states, and it is fundamentally deter-mined by the splitting ratios of the BSs used in the MZIsthemselves [13,14]. Because of fabrication imperfections, inte-grated BSs usually have different splitting ratios to the desiredones—sometimes quite far away from 50:50 [19,20].Fortunately, the technique demonstrated in this Letter com-pensates for such imperfections, making photonic devicestolerant to these faults.

    A common practice in optics is to use additional MZIs to actas reconfigurable variable BSs (VBSs) [21,22], creating charac-terization difficulties if all passive components are replaced bythese. A possible solution is presented by the combined use ofthese active components together with automated optimizationtechniques [23,24]. The optimal VBS configuration is easilyfound by our auto-configuration algorithm. In this way, it ispossible to compensate for fabrication imperfections to achievehigh-visibility interference in MZIs. Previous compensationschemes in integrated silicon [20] (by a variable MZI) and in-tegrated lithium niobate [25] photonics (with active trimming)use just one tunable BS that is optimized iteratively. Because ofthis they are still subject to fabrication imperfections, therebylimiting their performance. With a linear increase in optical

    5318 Vol. 41, No. 22 / November 15 2016 / Optics Letters Letter

    0146-9592/16/225318-04 Journal © 2016 Optical Society of America

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://dx.doi.org/10.1364/OL.41.005318

  • resources, we can fully overcome imperfect fabrication. Thescheme demonstrated in this Letter works very well for generallarge-scale optical circuits, with the VBS MZIs as functionalbuilding blocks across the circuit.

    Here we present, to the best of our knowledge, the first ex-perimental demonstration of a near-perfect MZI on a siliconphotonic chip by implementing the adaptive self-optimized ap-proach proposed in Ref. [24]. This method consists of usingtwo additional MZIs acting as VBSs and finding their optimalconfiguration, thereby circumventing the requirements forperfectly fabricated BSs. This progressive approach allows au-tomatic optimization of the splitting ratios of two VBSs to50:50—without any prior calibration—and results in a high-extinction-ratio MZI. Using a silicon photonic device, wemeasured 60.5 dB extinction in the interferometric fringes,corresponding to an increase of 29.6 dB with respect to thenonoptimized case. This work represents the latest in achiev-able extinction for interference and an approach for the reali-zation of ultrahigh fidelity operations for future fault-tolerantlinear optical quantum computing [18].

    Figure 1 shows the schematic of the MZI consisting of sevencomponents, each with their own parameter: three thermo-optical phase-shifters (HL, HR , and HMZI) with phases thatwe scan over and four passive BSs with fixed splitting ratiosthat are not of direct interest, as long as they fall within a rangeof 85:15–15:85 [24]. The phase-shifters are resistive heatingelements, and they induce a local change in the refractive indexof the waveguide core by temperature variation. This allows usto optimize and control the MZI by applying electrical voltageonto each phase-shifter. To achieve an optimized MZI, wewant to find the voltage settings for the outer phase-shifters,HL and HR , that construct the VBSs to be BSs of 50:50 split-ting ratio. Once this has been determined, the HL and HR canbe set to the constant phase and the central HMZI varied as ausual phase-shifter in a MZI.

    To find the optimum voltage settings forHL andHR we usean algorithm that enables us to set both VBSL and VBSR to50:50 reflectivity, without pre-calibrating any componentand only by simply minimizing or maximizing opticalpower in one output port [24]. Considering the optical poweroutput at port 3, and rephrasing the reflectivities (i.e., splittingratios) in their offset from the ideal 50:50 case (δRi �Ri − 0.5),

    P�3� � 12� 2

    �δRLδRR −


    4− δR2L

    � �1

    4− δR2R

    �scos θ



    where Ri is the fabricated reflectivity of each VBS, θ is the phaseof HMZI , and P�3� is the normalized measured optical power atport 3. The maximum and minimum power, respectively, cor-respond to θ � π and θ � 0, with the cosine of θ thereforegiving a sign change in the last term of Eq. (1). At these settingsof the HMZI phase we determine the optimal voltages for HLand HR . The problem of configuring the VBS is thus reducedto a two-dimensional optimization problem over the reflectiv-ities, RL and RR , of the two VBSs. The convergence point of thealgorithm [24] is exactly at the point where both reflectivitiesare 0.5—that is, δRL and δRR are zero.

    We use the algorithm of [24], though we have to extend ithere because we do not have reliable prior knowledge of exactlywhich range of phase-shifter voltages corresponds to monotonicincrease or decrease of the splitting ratios of VBSL and VBSR ;for each such BS, that monotonic range will occur only over aspecific range of size π somewhere in a total 2π range of phaseshifts. So, we end up exploring the whole 2π range for both BSsto minimize or maximize power. We do this for the first pass ofthe algorithm; with subsequent passes we adapt the scan rangeto a smaller one centered on previously obtained voltage values.We start with all voltages set to zero. Hence our extendedalgorithm becomes:

    1. Scan over the 2π voltage range of HMZI to obtain thevoltage for the minimum power at output port 3, P�3�min.

    2. Scan HL and HR over their voltage ranges in both equaland identical directions to find minimum power,�δV HL ; δV HR �∋f��;��; �−; −�g, where � means up, and −means down.

    3. Scan over the 2π voltage range of HMZI to obtain thevoltage for the maximum power at output port 3, P�3�max.

    4. Scan HL and HR over their voltage ranges in all fourequal and identical, and equal and opposite directions tofind the maximum optical power, �δV HL ; δV HR �∋f��;��;��; −�; �−;��; �−; −�g.

    5. Repeat steps 1–4 until there are no further statisticallysignificant and measurable changes in V HL; V HR settings.

    Figure 2(a) depicts a typical calculated optical power re-sponse for a VBS MZI when it is subject to variation in thephase-shifter voltages, V L and V R . The region plots were ob-tained by evaluating Eq. (1) for the maximum (minimum)power case by equating them to the maximum (minimum) nor-malized power of 1 (0). The lines shown are contours for op-tical powers within a specified range of values. This thresholdvalue is 0.995 (0.003) for the maximum (minimum) case.

    The MZI device was fabricated on a standard silicon-on-insulator wafer using 248 nm photo-lithography technology.The BSs use a multi-mode interference (MMI) structure,and thermo-optical phase-shifters were formed using TiN re-sistive heaters. The as-fabricated MMIs possess various splittingratios that deviate from the ideal 50:50. The chip was mountedon a thermo-electrically controlled copper plate for stable tem-perature maintenance. Waste heat was dumped to a large cop-per heat sink. Each phase-shifter has a separate signal pin andmutually referenced ground pin, and was controlled by an

    Fig. 1. (a) Self-optimized Mach–Zehnder interferometer (MZI)and experimental setup. The cascaded MZI device was fabricatedin silicon photonic waveguides. It consists of three thermo-opticalphase-shifters and four multi-mode interference (MMI) beamsplitters(BSs). The dimensions of the common variable BSs (VBSs), centralMZI, MMIs, and phase-shifters are all the same. The HL and HRthermal phase-shifters, together with their adjacent BSs, form theVBSs (dashed boxes), and HMZI phase-shifter offers the usual controlof the MZI interference. (b) Cross-section diagram of a MZI arm witha thermo-optical phase-shifter on top.

    Letter Vol. 41, No. 22 / November 15 2016 / Optics Letters 5319

  • individual voltage driver. Thermal crosstalk was negligible, andthe device remained in a steady thermal state throughout.

    Laser light at 1550.8 nm wavelength from a Tunics T100S-HP laser was coupled to the chip using grating couplers and asingle-mode fiber array mounted on a piezo-controlled 6-axistranslation stage. The chip remained stable through our experi-ments and required no active intervention to counter misalign-ment or aging. The grating coupler here also works as anon–chip transverse-electric (TE) polarizer [26], ensuring thatall MZI components interact only with the TE-polarized light,thereby avoiding visibility degradation from an impure polari-zation state meeting in the MMIs. Before (after) light enters(leaves) the chip, it passes through a dense-wavelength-divisionmultiplexer (DWDM) filter to reduce the amplified spontane-ous emission noise from the laser and background signal fromflat spectrum scattered light across the slab mode of the chip.Light is detected by a high-sensitivity Thorlabs S155C InGaAs

    power meter with a dynamic range of 80 dB. All resistive heat-ers are controlled by a 12-bit in-house digital-to-analogconverter (DAC) electrical driver, which enables us to scanthem with high accuracy.

    The algorithm for finding the 50:50 VBS configurationwas run on the device. The demonstration’s results shown inFig. 2(b) indicate a rapid convergence, caused by findingthe region of the global extrema in the algorithm’s first pass.This was achieved using the smallest voltage resolution availablefrom the voltage driver (5 mV). The scan time to configure theMZI is ∼4 hours, and this is presently limited by the slow com-munication speeds of our voltage drivers. In the absence of thisbottleneck a scan would take ∼20 min. The scan is a one-timeprocess, due to negligible aging of the phase-shifters. Here,both VBSs were optimized as close to 50:50 allowable by boththe algorithm and the equipment used. The subsequent MZIfringe measurement is a means of determining whether the BSsare optimized or not. Throughout the experiment, light wasinjected into port 1, and the optical power was measured onlyat port 3. This was important for demonstrating the capabilitiesof the algorithm, and that it only requires a single optical signaloutput to inform the voltage settings for subsequent steps.

    Figures 2(c) and 2(d) are the 2D fits of experimental dataover the 2π voltage space of the phase-shifters for the maximumand minimum optical power cases. These confirm the theoreti-cal plot, Fig. 2(a). The fits are obtained with a cubic phase–voltage relationship of the phase-shifters, a relationship thathas also been considered for other integrated photonic devices[13]. The cubic term encapsulates all nonohmic behavior of thephase-shifters, such as their change in resistance when subjectto higher temperatures.

    With the use of the self-optimized VBSL and VBSR we thenimplement the MZI. The MZI yielded an ultrahigh extinctionratio of 60.5 dB (Fig. 3). For comparison, a fringe of 30.9 dBwas measured for a single MZI on the same chip with two fixedMMI BSs, corresponding to BSs with a 48.4:51.6 splitting ra-tio. Here it is assumed that both MMIs possess the same split-ting ratio and that there is no loss imbalance in the two arms(which is probably the case). This illustrates the significant im-provement offered—29.6 dB in this case—by compensatingfor fabrication imperfections. Moreover, our demonstrationis a 10.1 dB increase from the previous reported result in siliconusing an active device consisting of only one VBS [20]. Bydesign, our MMIs have a relatively flat wavelength responseof 3� 0.4 dB over a bandwidth of 30 nm [27], and we expectour algorithm to obtain optimized VBSs over at least thisspectrum.

    The measured extinction ratio of 60.5 dB is at the limit ofthe DAC resolution of our voltage drivers. In the deepest regionof the fringe a small change in the applied voltage can induce asharp change in the optical power. The sinusoidal nature of thephase control relationship works against us for achieving 50:50splitting ratio VBSs because this is the point where the rate ofchange of splitting ratio with respect to voltage is the greatest.Increasing the number of bits in our DAC can yield a linearincrease in the extinction ratio by 5–8 dB per bit (dependingon the passive BS split ratios). An 18-bit DAC could theoreti-cally yield an extinction ratio of 100 dB, when decoupled fromother contributions. As a further development, we could useVBS MZI devices where the BSs are close to the 85:15 splittingratio allowed by the algorithm (but far enough that the

    Fig. 2. (a) Simulation of the BS setup algorithm with initial MMIsplitting ratios of 50.0:50.0, zero internal MZI phase differences, andzero phase-shifter phase-voltage offsets. The blue (orange) area repre-sents the minimum (maximum) optical power Pmin (Pmax) at port 3with a change of V HL and V HR . The algorithm ultimately convergeswhere the two areas intersect. Note that there are periodic solutions;the region shown is chosen within the first 2π phase voltage of bothHL and HR . This convergence point is easier to locate as phase scaleswith the square of the voltage. (b) Experimental convergence of theself-optimized algorithm. Each point plotted indicates the HL andHR voltage settings obtained after steps 2 (blue) and 4 (red) for sub-sequent passes of the algorithm. (The colored arrow paths are guidesfor the eye, but the points are experimental results at the end of eachstage of the algorithm.) Rapid convergence occurred, with the optimalpoint at (3.71 V,3.21 V), determining the 50:50 configuration of bothVBSL and VBSR . (c) and (d) The fitted surfaces from experiment datafor minimum and maximum optical power, confirming the expectedconvergence lines shown in (a).

    5320 Vol. 41, No. 22 / November 15 2016 / Optics Letters Letter

  • statistical variations never exceed that). This would give a flatterresponse for the variable reflectivity, improving performancesignificantly with the number of bits. There is thus plentyof scope for further enhancing our MZI’s performance.

    We have experimentally demonstrated a one-part-in-a-million 60 dB high-extinction-ratio MZI (despite imperfect fab-rication of BSs) using a self-adjustment approach and withoutcalibrating any components (Fig. 3). The result has manypotential applications in several fields, from the realization ofhigh-quality photonics for telecommunication to the develop-ment of quantum photonic technologies. The optimized VBSMZI such as ours can be cast as a functional building block,which is repeated across a triangular array to form a Reck circuitfor universal linear optics [24,28]. By virtue of the VBS MZI’simproved extinction, one can access proportionately more of thetotal state space. Calibration of complex many-mode Reckschemes with high-extinction VBS MZIs is easier and moreaccurate. It is also likely to be quicker because of the reducedpropagation of errors in measurements. These reasons illustratehow using the VBS MZI increases the maximum size of anymeaningful and useful Reck scheme.

    The realization of near-perfect BSs and MZIs is essential toreducing the cumulative error in quantum operations and thussignificantly reducing overhead resources for fault-tolerant lin-ear optical quantum computing [16–18]. The reason is that thenumber of error-correcting qubits scales inversely with the op-eration errors associated with BS imperfections [18]. Generally,this self-adjustable interferometric architecture could yieldlarge-scale integration of linear-optical circuits for quantuminformation processing.

    Funding. Engineering and Physical Sciences ResearchCouncil (EPSRC); Marie Curie ITN; Photonic IntegratedCompound Quantum Encoding (PICQUE); MultidisciplinaryUniversity Research Initiative grants, Air Force Office ofScientific Research (AFOSR) (FA9950-12-1-0024); U.S. ArmyResearch Office (ARO) (W911NF-14-1-0133).

    Acknowledgment. The authors wish to thankJ. Silverstone, L. Kling, A. Murray, and A. Laing for discussionand experimental assistance. M. G. Thompson acknowledgesfellowship support from EPSRC. J. L. O’Brien. acknowledgesa Royal Society Wolfson Merit Award and a Royal Academy ofEngineering Chair in Emerging Technologies.


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    1 2 3 4 5–60







    HMZI Voltage (V)







    3.19 3.21 3.23 3.25





    Fig. 3. High-extinction-ratio MZI interference fringe. Blue is thefringe obtained using self-optimized MZI BSs, with 60.5 dB extinc-tion ratio. Green is the fringe obtained using a single MZI with as-fabricated BSs, with 30.9 dB extinction ratio. Both fringes were takenunder the same experimental conditions. Inset shows a closeup of thefringe’s dip, showing that the power readings in that region are well-behaved and are not due to any noise in the measurement apparatus.All extinction ratios were obtained from the raw data values.

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