6. what have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product?

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product? Glenn Barco

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Post on 29-Jul-2015




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Page 1: 6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product?

What have you learnt about technologies from

the process of constructing the product?

Glenn Barco

Page 2: 6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product?

To create my final piece I had to:◦ Conduct market research◦ Analyse data◦ Make preliminary sketches◦ Take my photos◦ Use Photoshop to create drafts◦ Re-edit those drafts for final piece◦ Upload everything onto wikispace

During this presentation I will be explaining my process and showing what I have learnt (in red)


Page 3: 6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product?

This process is key for the whole project as it gives me an insight to my target demographics preferences in a music magazine.

I then had to look at all the data and then analyse them

Looking back on what I have done, I have learnt that this process is a lengthy one and that all data has to be taken into consideration before constructing the final product

Market Research & Analysis

Page 4: 6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product?

During this process I just had to communicate the thoughts in my mind, along with the market research in order to have a 2D graphic. I simply drew the sketches onto a piece of paper.

Here I learnt that there are a variety of ways to communicate my thoughts onto paper.◦ Meaning that I don’t necessarily have to draw my

sketches but I could potentially use publisher to communicate my ideas

I also learnt that there is no right or wrong design

Preliminary Sketches

Page 5: 6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product?

PhotographsType of camera Techniques

The type of camera is important because the quality of the image is effected by what camera is used. I used a combination of SLR, bridge and the simple phone camera to play around with shots.

The use of the different cameras allows me to have different shots. For example the simple camera phone gave me a more personal shot whilst the bridge and SLR camera gave me professional looking photos

I had to play around with the settings a bit in order to get a high quality photo. I mounted the SLR camera onto a tripod to ensure the camera was stable when taking the shot

I played around with the aperture settings to control how much light enters the frame.

I learnt how much goes into a successful and high quality shot. Prior to media, I knew what a camera was, but didn’t know the various cameras e.g. SLR and bridge cameras.

I also learnt the difference in the quality of shot between various cameras and how they can be manipulated with lighting and positioning of the camera.

Page 6: 6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product?

Prior to media, I had previous experience with using Photoshop.

However, this time around I used an updated version of Photoshop (CS6) when previously I had used a combination of CS3, CS4 as well as Photoshop elements.

Photoshop was the main software I used in constructing my music magazine and I used a variety of tools as well as layer effects in order to make the best pages I can.

This time around I had learnt that using different layer effects can change with different coloured backgrounds.

I also learnt that the image’s file could just be dragged in and edited around to make the front cover


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Wikispace is a vital website as it is where all my work is displayed.

Some of my tasks have been put straight onto the site, however I found this boring and the longer the task was, the more text I would have to right and it would eventually pile up and look messy.

Websites such as prezi and slideshare, allowed me to create powerpoint slides and then upload it onto both websites and it communicated my text better.

Over the process, I had learnt how to use prezi more effectively because before I would pre-make a presentation and just upload it (the lazy way) and now I can type text and position it how I want to

I also learnt how to embed links from Prezi and Slideshare and a change in the size means the link changes
