5th sunday of lent...5th sunday of lent reflection in the gospel of john there are 7 signs. one of...

MASS TIMES MASS TIMES MASS TIMES -ST. EDWARD’S CHURCH- Saturday Reconciliation Mass Sunday Reconciliation Mass Tuesday Mass Sunridge Mass Wednesday Mass Friday - Stations of the Cross FATHER ROGER POBLETE Emergency: 250-230-5524 St. Edward’s Parish Mission Statement We, the people of St. Edward’s reaffirm our belief that we are children of God, created in love, diverse and unique. We believe that through our common Baptism, and by the power of the Holy Spirit, we are called to be Christ for one another and to foster unity with all peoples. We accept the challenges of living according to Gospel Values, and we invite all sisters and brothers to share this journey with us. 2085 Maple Bay Road Duncan, BC V9L 5L9 Phone: 250-746-6831 E-mail: [email protected] www.stedwardsduncan.com OFFICE HOURS OFFICE HOURS OFFICE HOURS Tuesday to Friday 8:30 am-12:00, 1:00-4:30 pm Secretary: 250-746-6831 Cathy Higginson Bookkeeper: Shelley Brimacombe Children’s Faith Formation Coordinator : Debby Fernandez Parish Pastoral Council Chair: Brenda Hennig Email: [email protected] Queen of Angels Roman Catholic School: 250-746-5919 Kathy Korman, Principal 5th Sunday of Lent 5th Sunday of Lent 5th Sunday of Lent March 28th & 29th All Masses , gatherings, meetings have been CANCELLED until further notice. Our worldly desires bind us up in burial cloths Our worldly desires bind us up in burial cloths Our worldly desires bind us up in burial cloths fashioned from our sins that block the will of fashioned from our sins that block the will of fashioned from our sins that block the will of God from our sight. By putting aside selfish God from our sight. By putting aside selfish God from our sight. By putting aside selfish ways and trusting in God’s love and mercy, we ways and trusting in God’s love and mercy, we ways and trusting in God’s love and mercy, we allow Christ to call us forth from death so that allow Christ to call us forth from death so that allow Christ to call us forth from death so that we might lead a resurrected life in the Spirit. we might lead a resurrected life in the Spirit. we might lead a resurrected life in the Spirit.

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Page 1: 5th Sunday of Lent...5th Sunday of Lent Reflection In the gospel of John there are 7 signs. One of the signs is the raising of Lazarus which happens to be our gospel this Sunday. For


- S T . E D W A R D ’ S C H U R C H -

Saturday Reconciliation


Sunday Reconciliation


Tuesday Mass

Sunridge Mass

Wednesday Mass

Friday - Stations of the Cross


Emergency: 250-230-5524

St. Edward’s Parish

Mission Statement

We, the people of St. Edward’s reaffirm our

belief that we are children of God, created

in love, diverse and unique. We believe that

through our common Baptism, and by the

power of the Holy Spirit, we are called to be

Christ for one another and to foster unity

with all peoples. We accept the challenges

of living according to Gospel Values,

and we invite all sisters and brothers to

share this journey with us.

2085 Maple Bay Road

Duncan, BC V9L 5L9

Phone: 250-746-6831

E-mail: [email protected]



Tuesday to Friday 8:30 am-12:00, 1:00-4:30 pm

Secretary: 250-746-6831 Cathy Higginson

Bookkeeper: Shelley Brimacombe Children’s Faith Formation Coordinator : Debby Fernandez

Parish Pastoral Council Chair: Brenda Hennig

Email: [email protected]

Queen of Angels Roman Catholic School:

250-746-5919 Kathy Korman, Principal

5th Sunday of Lent5th Sunday of Lent5th Sunday of Lent

March 28th & 29th

All Masses ,



have been


until further


Our worldly desires bind us up in burial cloths Our worldly desires bind us up in burial cloths Our worldly desires bind us up in burial cloths

fashioned from our sins that block the will of fashioned from our sins that block the will of fashioned from our sins that block the will of

God from our sight. By putting aside selfish God from our sight. By putting aside selfish God from our sight. By putting aside selfish

ways and trusting in God’s love and mercy, we ways and trusting in God’s love and mercy, we ways and trusting in God’s love and mercy, we

allow Christ to call us forth from death so that allow Christ to call us forth from death so that allow Christ to call us forth from death so that

we might lead a resurrected life in the Spirit.we might lead a resurrected life in the Spirit.we might lead a resurrected life in the Spirit.

Page 2: 5th Sunday of Lent...5th Sunday of Lent Reflection In the gospel of John there are 7 signs. One of the signs is the raising of Lazarus which happens to be our gospel this Sunday. For

Pray, Read, Discuss for This Week

E z e k i e l 3 7 : 1 2 - 1 4 ; Ro m a n s 8 : 8 - 1 1 ; J o h n 1 1 : 1 - 4 5

“Those who believe in Jesus, and walk in his ways, will never die.”

David Russell

Michael Paulik Debby Warren

Patricia Pattenden

Laurent Boudreau

Charleigh Pollock

Eugene St. Pierre

Paul Cloutier

Jodi Kinsella

Terry O’Connell

Kirby Flegel

Cameron Bulger

Jan Spencer

Jim Korman

Theresa Thompson

Carl Lalonde

Linda Musto

Richard Brewer

Bernice Rosko

Carmen Martine

Dear God, Please embrace those who are sick and hurting

today and let them feel the warmth of Your love. Amen

Paul Boray

Lois Cossar

Bill Cools

Ian Weibe

Sierra Heggie

Victor Fernandez

Felix Gaudet

Cyril Hodgins

Patricia Richmond

Adriana Palasz

5th Sunday of Lent Reflection

In the gospel of John there are 7 signs. One of the signs is the raising of Lazarus which happens to be our gospel

this Sunday. For the other signs, that would be your homework, so please pick up your bible and find out. You

may send your answer to my email: [email protected]

Sign gives us direction and points us to something or somewhere. Therefore, the raising of Lazarus is a sign that

points us to something more, as clearly reflected in the words of Jesus himself: “This illness does not lead to

death; rather it is for God’s glory, so that the Son of God may be glorified through it.”

The raising of Lazarus is not only for the glory of God but it is also an invitation to believe as he said: “Lazarus is

dead. For your sake I am glad I was not there, so that you may believe.” Martha was the first to believe as she

confessed the highest confession of our faith when she said: “Yes, Lord, I believe that you are the Christ, the Son

God, the one coming into the world.” And then, many of the Jews who had seen what Jesus did, believed in him.

The purpose of the signs presented in the gospel of John is to open the eyes of the unbelievers, to have faith in

Christ and gain eternal life, as the short ending of the gospel writes: “Now Jesus did many other signs in the

presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book. But these are written so that you may come to

believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through believing you may have life in his name.”

(John 20:30-31)

Jesus continuous to show many signs and wonders in the world. We are called to be vigilant and learn to read the

signs of time. COVID-19 could be a sign pointing us to something. For those who are in self-isolation for example,

it could be an invitation to enter into a more personal relationship with God in prayer. Whatever the sign and

wherever it leads us today, let us hope and pray that we don’t miss it.

- Fr. Roger -

Page 3: 5th Sunday of Lent...5th Sunday of Lent Reflection In the gospel of John there are 7 signs. One of the signs is the raising of Lazarus which happens to be our gospel this Sunday. For

If you want to stay in touch

over the next few weeks,

please just email the office

address at:

[email protected]

This is the best way to reach me even though I’m in

the office - there are phone calls that overlap and I

am checking the emails regularly.

Enjoy some good Vitamin D and

fresh air - spring is coming!!

Take good care! Cathy

Although public Masses have been cancelled,

Fr Roger will be saying mass privately every

day, and intentions will be said.

March 31st - Anne Filgate

April 1st - Eleanor Hodgins

April 2nd - Jerry Thorpe +

April 3rd - Heidi Seifert +

April 4th - Antonia Jura +

Please also remember these loved ones in

your prayers on these dates.


Priest: Trusting in the life-giving power of the Spirit, we lift up our prayers and petitions to our Father in heaven.

That all leaders and members of the Church may be graced with the guidance and wisdom of the Holy Spirit, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, let us pray to the Lord.

That world leaders may be helped by God in putting aside selfish agendas, and seek justice, equality and safety for the people under their care, let us pray to the Lord.

That those who suffer in mind, body and spirit, especially with COVID-19, may they find the healing power of Jesus come upon them, bringing them comfort and peace, let us pray to the Lord.

That all the members of this faith community may receive the mercy of God for themselves, and with his help, offer it to others, let us pray to the Lord.

That our beloved dead and all those who have died may know the joy and fullness of life in heaven, let us pray to the Lord.

Priest: Merciful Father, with humble confidence we ask you to hear these prayers in the name of Jesus Christ, your Son.

The Pope Offers Prayers to Virgin Mary for COVID-19 Protection

O Mary, you shine continuously on our journey as a sign of salvation and hope. We entrust ourselves to you, Health of the Sick. At the foot of the Cross you participated in Jesus’ pain, with steadfast faith. You, Salvation of the Roman People, know what we need. We are certain that you will provide, so that, as you did at Cana of Galilee, joy and feasting might return after this moment of trial. Help us, Mother of Divine Love, to conform ourselves to the Father’s will and to do what Jesus tells us: He who took our sufferings upon Himself, and bore our sorrows to bring us, through the Cross, to the joy of the Resurrection. Amen.

We seek refuge under your protection, O Holy Mother of God. Do not despise our pleas – we who are put to the test – and deliver us from every danger, O glorious and blessed Virgin.

A great little message from our famous, local dog Merlin, with a little help from Bishop Gary and the team! https://www.rcdvictoria.org/diocesan-blog/merlinsmusings

We know that Covid-19 and the resulting economic

slow down has effected many of you personally.

Given that financial uncertainty is greater than ever

we understand that some of you will no longer be able

to give to the parish at your regular level and those

on automatic debit may need to cancel their contributions. If you

need to cancel or change your automatic payments, please contact

the parish office at (250-746-6831) or at [email protected]

In addition, to make it safe and more convenient for those that

are able to contribute there are new online and remote options

now available:

Online through Canada Helps https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/st-edwards-

parish-and-missions/ Automatic Debit - to be set up through the parish office

E-transfers - can be sent to Fr Roger’s email at: [email protected]

We are very grateful that you are part of our Catholic parish

family. May God bless you and your families.

Page 4: 5th Sunday of Lent...5th Sunday of Lent Reflection In the gospel of John there are 7 signs. One of the signs is the raising of Lazarus which happens to be our gospel this Sunday. For



Francine Tournier 250-748-9831


Leanne Forest


Joseph De Lange, Grand Knight 250-701-7701

St. Edward the Confessor Council 4253

2020 CWL Available Bursaries

St. Edward’s CWL Council - $500

- Eligible student graduating from Secondary school and

proceeding to advanced training

- Applications due to Counselling Departments of

Secondary School by April 15th, 2018

Diocesan CWL Freda Smith - $750

- Catholic student graduating from Secondary school or

home schooling program within the Diocese of Victoria

pursuing further education at a post-secondary institution.

- Application deadline April 15th, 2018 – form on


CWL Bursary in memory of Honorary Life Member,

Molly Boucher Bursary - $1000

- Applicant must be a practising Catholic and an active

member of the Catholic Women’s League of Canada for a

minimum of two (2) years.

- Application deadline March 31st, 2018 – from on


It comes to mind that expression “If God gets you to

it, He’ll get you through it.” Thank you to God and

thank you to those who courageously face this pan-

demic head on. We are very grateful for Bishop

Gary, Father Roger and all priests. We are grateful

for those who are vulnerable but soldier on: the first

responders and those in hospitals who are taking care

of the sick. And we are grateful for those who brave-

ly care for the homeless, even one act of kindness.

One day at a time… with prayers. The sisterhood of

the CWL asks God for blessings for everyone.

Debby has also shared a wonderful resource from the Vancouver Diocese: prayers, courses and even virtual 360 degree virtual tours of Vatican Chapels and Rooms, even the Vatican museum link. https://mailchi.mp/rcav/archdiocse-covid-19-update-1039357?e=dbf62f3554

Cassandra Barfield, a member of our parish, is a Registered Clinical Social Worker and Counsellor, approved by our Diocese. If you are experiencing increased feelings of anxiety and/or depression and would like some help managing in these very difficult times, Cassandra has strategies. She is willing to offer FREE over the phone consultations to members of our parish. Cassandra would prefer to be reached initially by email at [email protected] but if you don’t have a computer you can call her directly at 250-715-6229. Please note, Cassandra is not an expert on COVID-19 but can help with how you feel about these circumstances.

Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan - Canada.ca



If any family with children/teens would like to have a children/teen liturgy lesson or Faith Formation les-son sent via email please email Debby and she will connect weekly with a lesson and many wonderful online websites that are engaging and interactive.

[email protected]

Live Stream SUNDAY Mass with Bishop Gary at 10am

(Daily Mass: Monday - Friday at 7pm)


Pope Francis: Urbi et Orbi Blessing If you missed this special blessing, please go to the diocesan

website below for the update and other special links.


Fr John Laszczyk says the Rosary on YouTube:

Glorious Mysteries of Rosary https://youtu.be/rQGBk0v_OeM

The Cowichan Valley Basket Society temporarily closed on Monday, March 23rd however will be gradually reopening as of Friday, March 27th for distribution of hampers. Other aspects of the food bank’s operations will resume in the coming days albeit with drastic changes to protect the health of staff, volunteers and clients. Financial donations continue to be very welcome and will be even more important in the next weeks as food donations are expected to dwindle causing the food bank to do more purchasing. Your support, as always, is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Lee Smith