5th march 2021 - grange.beds.sch.uk

This week it has been wonderful to welcome more pupils back to school and we look forward to seeing everyone on Monday. It’s been another busy week at Grange with lots of pupils reflecting on how they feel during the current restrictions, however in true Grange style staff and pupils have engaged in a wide range of learning opportunities and activities. 5th March 2021 Hazel News This week Hazel class have been very busy. For our Food Tech lesson, we made Asian chicken pasta. Hazel class were organised and worked very efficiently, they had time to empty the tumble dryer and fold the tea towels at the end of the lesson. We completed our blogs in English, we are so proud of them we sent them home on Evidence Me. Abiah: I enjoyed doing cooking this week because it was fun and the food smelled yummy. Kieran: I am glad that I am back in school, my favourite lesson this week was cooking, we made a chicken salad. Bella: On Monday afternoon I drew one of my wolf characters howling at the moon, I coloured it with felt tips in the style of a famous artist. Rebecca: This week I enjoyed English because we were learning about writing a blog. I also liked Maths we were learning about dividing by 4. I enjoyed cooking as well it was fun. Ethan: I liked doing cooking this week. We cooked pasta. I liked what we cooked. Taylon: In ICT we learnt to send emails to each other. I sent one to Mrs Rowley. Anna: This week I have enjoyed reading my book which is called ‘The Hunger Games’ My favourite characters are Katniss Everdeen and Rue from District 11 and District 12. Dawid: In ICT we learnt how to send an email to each other. I enjoyed emailing. I sent emails to Mrs Idris and Mrs Hewitt. Callum: I enjoyed cooking this week, we worked well as a team. The pasta tasted really good. Kirsty: In English this week we were doing more work on our blogs, I wrote information about gymnastics. I have learnt all of the moves on my own. I went to a trampoline park before lockdown. I also smashed it with my gymnastics. Pine Class News Pine class have been exploring further into different ecosystems and have been looking at rainforests in Borneo and the plight of the Orangutan. Ewan: I watched a video called ‘Person of the Forest’ and it was about Orangutans. I have learnt that in 2016 the Orangutans were classed as an endangered species because of deforestation and hunting. I have created a poster to get people’s attention and understanding of what is happening to the Orangutans in Borneo. Gabriel: I have discovered that that Orangutans copy the behaviour of humans. I saw the researcher holding an umbrella because it was raining and the Orangutan grabbed some big leaves and held it above her head to keep her dry. Isaiah: I enjoy doing activities at home and my family time. I enjoy playing with my special toys and I am looking forward to seeing my friends at school next week. Jamie: Orangutans have cute little babies that hold onto their mummy’s tummy. They make nests high up in trees to keep away from predators and make a pillow for their heads just like I have. Daniela: Orangutans protect their babies by climbing high up in the trees. They must protect them because they only have babies every 7 to 8 years. Ashlee: The orang-utans behave just like humans. They walk like us and they greet other Orangutans with a kissing noise. They also help the ecosystem in the forest by dispersing seeds to help grow plants for other animals. Irfanul: I have enjoyed learning from home and my favourite work I did was my maths. I have liked sending pictures of my work to my teachers and I am really looking forward to going back to school and learning again.

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Page 1: 5th March 2021 - grange.beds.sch.uk

This week it has been wonderful to welcome more pupils back to school and we look forward to seeing everyone on Monday. It’s been another busy week at Grange with lots of pupils reflecting on how they feel during the current restrictions, however in true Grange style staff and pupils have engaged in a wide range of learning

opportunities and activities.

5th March 2021

Hazel News This week Hazel class have been very busy. For our Food Tech lesson, we made Asian chicken pasta. Hazel class were organised and worked very efficiently, they had time to empty the tumble dryer and fold the tea towels at the

end of the lesson. We completed our blogs in English, we are so proud of them we sent them home on Evidence Me. Abiah: I enjoyed doing cooking this week because it was fun and the food smelled yummy. Kieran: I am glad that I am back in school, my favourite lesson this week was cooking, we made a chicken salad. Bella: On Monday afternoon I drew one of my wolf characters howling at the moon, I coloured it with felt tips in the style of a famous artist. Rebecca: This week I enjoyed English because we were learning about writing a blog. I also liked Maths we were

learning about dividing by 4. I enjoyed cooking as well it was fun. Ethan: I liked doing cooking this week. We cooked pasta. I liked what we cooked. Taylon: In ICT we learnt to send emails to each other. I sent one to Mrs Rowley. Anna: This week I have enjoyed reading my book which is called ‘The Hunger Games’ My favourite characters are Katniss Everdeen and Rue from District 11 and District 12. Dawid: In ICT we learnt how to send an email to each other. I enjoyed emailing. I sent emails to Mrs Idris and Mrs Hewitt. Callum: I enjoyed cooking this week, we worked well as a team. The pasta tasted really good. Kirsty: In English this week we were doing more work on our blogs, I wrote information about gymnastics. I have learnt all of the moves on my own. I went to a trampoline park before lockdown. I also smashed it with my gymnastics.

Pine Class News Pine class have been exploring further into different ecosystems and have been looking at rainforests in Borneo and the plight of the Orangutan. Ewan: I watched a video called ‘Person of the Forest’ and it was about Orangutans. I have learnt that in 2016 the Orangutans were classed as an endangered species because of deforestation and hunting. I have created a poster to get people’s attention and understanding of what is

happening to the Orangutans in Borneo. Gabriel: I have discovered that that Orangutans copy the behaviour of humans. I saw the researcher holding an umbrella because it was raining and the Orangutan grabbed some big leaves and held it above her head to keep her dry.

Isaiah: I enjoy doing activities at home and my family time. I enjoy playing with my special toys and I am looking forward to seeing my friends at school next week. Jamie: Orangutans have

cute little babies that hold onto their mummy’s tummy. They make nests high up in trees to keep away from predators and make a pillow for their heads just like I have. Daniela: Orangutans protect their babies by climbing high up in the trees. They must protect them because they only have babies every 7 to 8 years. Ashlee: The orang-utans behave just like humans. They walk like us and they greet other Orangutans with a kissing noise. They also help the ecosystem in the forest by dispersing seeds to help grow plants for other animals. Irfanul: I have enjoyed learning from home and my favourite work I did was my maths. I have liked sending pictures of my work to my teachers and I am really looking forward to going back to school and learning again.

Page 2: 5th March 2021 - grange.beds.sch.uk

Primary News

Primary have had another incredible week learning about all sorts both in school and at home. Primary Celebrations this week: Phonics Award - Skye as she has started to use her phonics more in her own written work and in her reading. Home Learner/School Learner Awards - Jake and Kaschan because they came back to school part time and have

settled really well. They have been positive and tried hard. In Oak there was a lot of celebrations: Amelia, Jeffrey, Toby, Aishah and Noah we are given certificates for being Super Star Readers because they’re all gone up a reading level! DeJon was presented the School Learner Award because he has made a positive start at Grange Academy. The Home Learner Award went to Cody because he has worked so hard at his all his tasks. In Willow Kajetan got the English Award for his questions writing; he used colourful semantics independently! Maths Award - Tristan for working hard to complete a tally chart independently.

Reading Award - Robin because he has been completing his reading and probes at home every single night. Home Learning Award for Arts and Crafts - Harry for his wonderful balloon animal art! Home Learning Award for Cooking - Lucas for his amazing pancake flipping skills and his funny pancake face. Home Learning Award for

Maths - Jake for completing lots of times tables challenges Home Learning Award for Staying Active - Naomi for doing lots of trampoline gymnastics! Miss Breare continues to be proud of our remote learners in our final week. We have been indulging ourselves in Arts and Crafts to see if we can hone some new skills. Have a look at our amazing projects: Lucas has been busy making and designing at home. You can see he has made a hanging mobile. He told me “at the bottom there is a bee!”. It was lots of tricky fine motor work, and took lots of patience but Lucas was proud of his end product. Harry unwittingly started a bit of a Balloon Animal challenge in a Zoom call last week, where he used a balloon poodle dog for show and tell. He then went away and used a YouTube video to learn how to make one himself. He sent a video to Evidence Me for us all to watch how to do it. After showing everyone how he had mastered this balloon animal so quickly, he said that he had made three so far (and mum chipped in that she had to draw the line because he was doing too many!). All of us then challenged Harry to make some more balloon animals ready for Friday. Jake challenged him to make an octopus, Lucas wanted a squid and Naomi wanted a butterfly. Naomi used Harry’s video to teach herself how to make the Balloon Poodle. She sent a video in of how quickly she could do it! She then went on to create these masterpieces with her family! What a talented bunch we all are!

Cedar and Sycamore News

Cedarmore have been working towards their art GCSEs and produced some outstanding pieces. Skye: In art me and Kelsey worked together and we went outside and to take pictures with some objects on the iPad. Kelsey: We put random objects

in front of the camera so it looks like we are standing on the object that we put in front of the camera, we went outside to take the pictures. Jess: In art we have been learning surrealism and Magritte. It has been fun to learn about Magritte. and very interesting. It has been hard to do it at home I can’t wait to come back in school to make it easier to do work and I can get more help from Miss Lumsden. James: In my opinion I think art is really creative however

you can chose anything from your imagination and put it on your Art work, so basically we are doing a project on it. Darren-Lee: I been whacking art videos on YouTube and got myself a good art kit to practise about how to draw eyes I have not finished with it yet. April: we have been doing perspective rooms. we have also done a picture of an eye. We have been doing

Magritte. It also has been fun. Chiara: I've been drawing and using my imagination to do different things making them bigger smaller one colour two colours. I really enjoy it and I miss everyone I hope we can come back and be happier than we were before. Tommy: I enjoy art, we have been focusing on surrealism photography and drawing. A major part of surrealism is perspective so we have been learning how to draw in perspective properly. I have also been working on my GCSE work which is an important part of the Art GCSE, this, for me, included taking photographs and then drawing small parts of the photograph in detail using a grid, ruler and pencil. Josiah: In art I have been designing my own room on paper but I find it challenging because it’s not like my thing to do in art. Ben: We been doing rooms of things that wouldn’t be in a room and making surrealism art pictures. I did a room of heaven wit things I like and it was fun doing it. RJ: I was shading in the apple and I was working on a perspective for Art. Jaiden: I am designing a surreal bedroom. I am putting pictures of boxing and Manchester United on the walls. It looks strange.

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Palm News

Acer Class News

This term Acer have been learning all about Space. This week we learnt about robots in Space. We were very excited to see photographs taken by the Perseverance rover on Mars! We used recycling to build our own robots to send to space. Oliver: I made a robot called Bruno. I used a coke bottle for the hat. We watched Maddie, Space and You robots programme. Josh: I glued my robot. It has a mouth and a nose. I love my robot! Harry: Lolu: I made WALL-E robot. It had eyes, chest, arms and square. It triangles and wheels. Ben: I used cotton wool, string and pipe cleaners. I call it the Ben robot 3000. My robot will sort out Moon rocks when it goes to Space.

Elm and Maple News

This week, as part of our topic work, we have been learning all about Florence Nightingale. We watched a video all about her life and then created a mind map with all the facts we had remembered. We then used our phonics skills to help us read some extra facts and played a game of take one, give one and added more facts to our mind maps. Finally, we wrote some amazing fact files all about Florence and what made her significant. Chibunna: This is my story information about Florence Nightingale. She was born in 1820 in Italy. She grew up in England. When she was a child her sister always played around with her but she ignored her and wanted to start a life to be a nurse. Her parents just wanted her to be interested in beauty, but Florence wanted to prove her parents that girls don’t have to just look pretty. When she was older she wanted to escape the house and she wanted to train women to become nurses. They walked for 7 weeks with nurses in a group to Crimea and started a new life. Saira: There was a girl named Florence Nightingale. She was born on May 12th 1820 and died August 13th 1910. She came to England and learnt at home. She wanted to achieve something in her life. She was well educated so she thought of being a nurse. She liked reading books and thought to get other nurses to train them. She went to the Crimean war. Tyrese: She did not want to get married. Ollie: She was successful because she was dedicated. Keith: She taught the nurses to help poorly soldiers. Jake: She learnt at home and she loved to read. Alex: She liked reading books. They helped her be clever. Ben: She was very important because she never gave up. Skye: Her wants to be a nurse. Adam: Her parents wanted her to get married and have kids but she wanted to make a different life. Baron: She didn’t give up because she wanted to go to the army to help people and win the war. Jerome: She wanted to be a nurse. Nurses take care of people in the hospital. Kieran shared his Fortnite book with us on Zoom, his sister made an impromptu appearance. Kieran: I like everything (about my book). He showed us the dabbing picture on the back, his favourite move!

This week Palm class have been looking at the weather in our Science lesson, we have started looking at how the water from a rain storm (liquid) will when it heats up evaporate and return upwards (gas). We have also made rain gauges out of 2litre bottles and will be measuring the amount of rain we have during the week. This will form part of our weather watch, we all have a diary that we are going to fill in to tell what is happening with the weather. Katie: I made a rain gauge to measure rain fall. Tino: I am keeping an eye on the weather and writing it down in my diary. Bradley: I have a weather diary that I need to record the weather in each day. Parvir: We learnt how to make a rain gauge, cutting up a bottle and placing a ruler on the side. Karenveer: We measure the temperature in the classroom by looking at the thermometer. Daniel: Yesterday the temperature was 25 degrees in the classroom.

Alex: We learnt that water evaporates from the ground when it heats up. Malachi: We put our rain gauges outside not undercover so it can capture the rain.

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Walnut Class News

Beech News

This term in Food Tech we have made a number of dishes and practised a range of skills. We learnt safe knife skills by preparing and chopping vegetables. We have also made Lentil Shepherds Pie, Pancakes

and Chocolate Cupcakes. Oumar: I liked it when we made Pancakes. I added lots of syrup on my pancake and it tasted really sweet. Skills that I have learnt in Food Tech are how to safely use the claw and bridge technique when chopping vegetables. In future I would like to make fried chicken. Kade: My favourite dish to cook in Food Tech has been Chocolate Cupcakes. I liked it because I got to use the electric whisk. The skills I have learnt are weighing and measuring, whisking, baking and safely using the oven. In the future I would like to make Cookies. Grigoriy: The best thing we made in Food Tech has been Chocolate Cupcakes. I liked it because they taste really chocolatey. I have learnt how to correctly weigh and measure. In the future I would like to make Fried Chicken. Tamsin: I really liked it when we made Chocolate Cupcakes in Food Tech. I liked it because they were really tasty and taste delicious. The skills I learnt were

how to use the electric whisk and whisk the mixture into a smooth paste. In the future I would like to make Fried Chicken. Allan: Pancakes are fun to make and taste really good – they have been my favourite thing to make in Food Tech. The skills I have learnt are how to be safe around the Food Tech Room and I learnt how to be safe when peeling vegetables. In the future I would like to make Chocolate Toothpaste because it is very good to make. Logan: My favourite dish to cook in Food Tech has been Chocolate Cupcakes. I liked it because it tasted like brownies and was soft and goo-ey in the middle. New skills that I learnt were how to use an electric whisk without making the kitchen a mess. In the future I would like to make Spaghetti Bolognaise. Kailey: Whilst I have been learning remotely at home, I have made dinner for my family. I have made Spaghetti Bolognaise and Shepherds Pie. My favourite dish to make is Spaghetti Bolognaise because it is nice and easy to make and taste really good. A dish I would like to make in the future is Chocolate Cupcakes because I wasn’t in school when my class made them.

In Oak Class this week we have been planning, designing and creating our garden space. We all came up with ideas and drew them and then we started to build our garden vision. Jeffrey: I liked lifting the stage and carrying it and working together with my friend. Ryan: I want sticks and flowers in the garden. Noah: I like the cuddly toys going in the garden. Aishah: I can’t wait to play in the garden. Amelia: I want to grow vegetables in our garden. Toby: I want a car, stage and flowers in the garden. Ibrahim: I want a swing and fairy lights in the garden. Alfie: I want an outdoor cinema in our garden. Dejon: I want flowers, snowing and trees in my garden.

Oak Class News

Walnut class have been reflecting on the past year at home and at school and how different things have been. Amy: Even when the lockdown started last year I was glad I could still come to school. I feel fine about being in a class bubble now, it’s good to be in the one room. Jasmine: It has been unusual with Covid over the past year. It started in when I was in primary but it was still going on when I moved to Secondary. I was excited about moving from primary though. Sanah: I’ve been nervous over the past year because of the Coronavirus. I wear a mask all the time. My dad had it first then my mum had it.

Alexis: I have been glad to be in school through the lockdowns. It was really scary when my mum got Covid, but she’s getting better now. Kyle: I came to school during the lockdowns and I didn’t mind being here. I have been annoyed that I can’t see my family though, just calls. Mya: The first lockdown I was at another school it was OK because my friends were there. I stayed at home at first in this lockdown, I preferred to be at home than at school because in didn’t do much work. I found it difficult to concentrate. Oskar: I would have liked to have been at home trather han at school during lockdown.

This week Ash class have been looking at different times of the day. We have been sequencing morning and evening routines. We also looked at when we do certain activities, such as eating breakfast and going to sleep. Carter: We get dressed every day. Hamza: Have breakfast. Morning. Aneyk: Go in the bath at night. Lucy: In the day I have breakfast and go to school. Olivia: Olivia pressed the sound button for bedtime.

Ash Class News

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Food For Life Award

As part of our Food For Life Award we have linked up with a dairy farmer in Sussex, his name is Dan. We had a virtual meet and greet with him yesterday, Cedamore asked him lots of questions and we learnt lots of new and interesting facts. Dan will be virtually be visiting the school on a regular basis to talk to more of the pupils and we will be having a virtual tour of the farm ! We can't wait.

All staff and pupils celebrate the Grange Values of Belong, Believe and Achieve. Each fortnight the whole school will focus on one of the values under these headings. This term we will be exploring all of the values that help us to feel that we Believe in the school community.

The value for w/c 8th March 2021 is Reflection Skye had her LET’S TALK session with Mrs Blair. She has been reflecting on her home learning and how she missed school. Skye is very glad to be back in school and hopes there are no more school closures. Mrs Blair When looking at the Art work across the school, I can see how pupils have thought reflectively about their drawings and made changes. This has resulted in some amazing end results. Mrs Morris Kieran and Rebecca were reflecting on their learning giving themselves 5 stars for effort designing book covers. Mrs Hewitt

This week in Willow class we have been learning about our planet. We have loved exploring our world using Google Earth and also using the NASA website to look at our planet and its moon. We explored how the Earth orbits the sun and the moon orbits our Earth. We completed a fun activity where we used a globe and blow up sun to see this. We have also been learning about how we can look after our planet and why this is important. This week we have even written letters to Boris Johnson to persuade him to tell the public to look after Earth. Robin: We need to try to look after Earth so that we can keep it safe and nice. Hannah: We talked about the animals and people that live on Earth and we need to use less plastic. Courtney: 7 billion people live on the Earth, we only have one planet Earth so we need to look after it. Ruby: Our moon is called Luna it orbits Earth. Kaiden: We need to be careful not to put too much rubbish in the sea. It makes sea animals poorly. Tristan: Earth is the 5th largest planet and it is the 3rd planet from the sun. Kajetan: Earth has lots of water and a bit of land. Max: The Earth needs to be protected so it does not get sick because of our rubbish. It will get too warm. Jordan: We live on Earth. It is our world.

Willow News

Staff on Sticks

Hi All Staff on Sticks are back with a new video to be released this week. It has some fun parts but the message this week is of course wellbeing and touches on National Careers Week. I hope you enjoy it! There are also a couple of Students on Sticks that

appear, see preview photos. I would love to get more Students On Sticks to be in the videos so send in a head shot of yourself/your child and then maybe you will be in future videos. I am also talking to myself on a stick in one section and now some sticks have moving parts. It’s all just a bit of fun to help with our wellbeing. Many thanks, Mrs Blair.

Grange Values

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Staff News

Sign of the Week

Grange Academy learn a British Sign Language sign weekly Please

practice this with your children. You will find this information on our website www.grange.beds.sch.uk

You will find this information on the school website. Each week there will be a new link for the sign and a image and video on who to sign


The sign for week w/c 8th March 2021: Home https://www.signbsl.com/sign/home

Instructions: Right bent hand moves forward.

UNICEF: Rights Respecting Schools Gold School

Please talk to your children about the articles each week.

Article 25 If you live in care or in other situations

away from home, you have the right to have these living arrangements looked at

regularly to see if they are the most appropriate.

Each week a pupil at Grange Academy will give us their thoughts and comments on the Article of the Week.

Anna (Hazel) In care you would need heating,

healthy food and drink. You need to feel happy and safe.

Grange Diary Dates

Easter Holidays 29th March—9th April 2021 Staff Training Day—Monday 12th April 2021

Pupils return to school—Tuesday 13th April 2021


The Bedford Independent, in partnership with The Harpur Trust, is delighted to announce the nominations for the inaugural Bedford Independent Everyday Heroes Awards 2020. Along with our category sponsors, we have been incredibly proud to read through the amazing things that help show what sets Bedford apart from other areas – its people. Mrs Horner our very own Maple Class LSA has been nominated under the following category: Fundraiser of the Year—sponsored by The Bedford Swan Hotel On 25 March at 7:30 pm, the special award ceremony will be shown via our Bedford Independents website, Facebook and YouTube, so you can watch along as the winners of the first Bedford Independent Everyday Heroes are announced.

Huge congratulations to Mrs Heritage (Louisa) and her husband Ashley on the birth of a beautiful baby girl who was born on 4th March 2021 weighing 7 pounds and 7 ounces. We will update you with news of a name as we get it.

Staff News

The Help to Save scheme was launched

to help low-income earners claiming universal credit or

working tax credit to save. Many more have become eligible for the scheme in the last few

months as their income's taken a hit due to


Click on this link for further information.


Puzzle Corner

Below is details on Lockdown Activities in Bedford Borough