5in bl howitzer gun drill

40 w,o. 2402 [Crown Co~~Lerv~d. 5-INCH B 1 L 1 HOWITZERI G-D1q ID I~II~I~ 191~~ LONDON PE~NT~D tND~P. ‘~tIEA~UOTUTY OP 1115 MA~Esrya STAT1ONER~ 0F510,, Br UAIIEISON AND SONS. 4j-41, Sr lt~Rn&s~ W.G., PJIINT~Rs IN OSDINARY TO 1115 ~IIAJE5TY. To he uohaecd either directly or throu4h eny Iiook.c,Iior, 6mm W~6ANsean SONS. 1’.TD., 1111, IIIIEAMS II6TILIMNOLI, IETTrn LSNO, NC., ~ni 64, ST. MAET STEEZT,CAIIJ,Ib’r or fl.M. ~TATION~IIYOTlc[CN ScoTTISIf lJRsNcW, IS, Fonril STI,Er.p. ~nxenO~ou SI, PONIONDY, LrD,, 118, OIIAOT0M STorer, bjcr,to or iron the .Sgenciea In the liritioh CoIonIc~ and 1opro.Iooolen, the VettedStatce ol America and othoc iforaig~, CountrioS t,1 P. YlSaNit UNWIN, LONDoN. W,C, Price One Penny.

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gun drill for 5in BL Howitzer


Page 1: 5in BL Howitzer Gun Drill


[Crown Co~~Lerv~d.


G-D1q ID I~II~I~




To he uohaecdeitherdirectly or throu4h eny Iiook.c,Iior, 6mmW~6ANsean SONS.1’.TD., 1111, IIIIEAMS II6TILIMNOLI, IETTrn LSNO, NC., ~ni

64, ST. MAET STEEZT,CAIIJ,Ib’r orfl.M. ~TATION~IIY OTlc[CN ScoTTISIflJRsNcW,IS, Fonril STI,Er.p.~nxenO~ou

SI, PONIONDY, LrD,, 118, OIIAOT0M STorer, bjcr,toor iron the .SgencieaIn the liritioh CoIonIc~and1opro.Iooolen,the VettedStatceol America and othoc iforaig~,CountrioS t,1


Price One Penny.

Page 2: 5in BL Howitzer Gun Drill


(ii I 1276) Wt. 13~1O—2~315~t 0/15 11 & S P. 1~270

Page 3: 5in BL Howitzer Gun Drill



Inetructions—General 4No.1 5No.2 6No.3 6No.4 7No.5 8Nos. 6 aid 7 9

Casualtiesto sights 9Tocalculatedeflectionrequiredfor differencein level of wheels ... 10Gun drill—

Thedetachment 10To tell off 10Positionswhen mounted 10Tomount 11To dismount 11To movethe gull with dragropeswhen limbered up 11Tomovethe gun without dragropeswhen limberedup 12To move the gun with dragropeswhenunlimbered 12Preparationfor action 12Action front 13To form detachmentrearin action 14To takepostfrom detachmentrear in action 14Generaldeties in action 14To load 15To fire 15Mieslire 15Battery, section,or gun Lire 16To stopfiring 16Tostoploading 10To standfast 16Casualtiesto detachments 10To ceasedring 10To limber up 17Changinga damagOdwheel 17Changeof target ... .. 18Parallel linesto a namedgun 18Laying by meansof aiming pests 18To ascertainthe lowest quadrantelevationat which thetrajectory

will clear the crestor interveningobstacle 19Useof crossbarsights 19Testing sightsin the field 19

To testthe longitudinal level 19To testthecross—level 20To test thedial sight for line 21)To test the bar sights ‘... 21To test the field clinometer 21

Anchorsgn 21

(is 11276) A 2

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GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS.Preliminary instruction in the equipmentshould be given

practically to eachrecruit beforeanyattemptis made to instructhim in SectionGun Drill.

As soon asheis conversantwith all partsof the equipment,andcan handlein thebestand quickestmannereachof theworkingparts of the gun, instruction in Section Gun Drill should becommenced.

This instruction should take the form of practical demon-strationsdealing with the work of eachman of the detachment,andall men underinstruction should, in turn, carry out theworkof eachparticularnumberin the detachment.

Oncethework of each number has been thoroughlymastered,it shouldnot take long for therecruit to learnthe actualdrill.

it is mostimportant thatamarkeddistinctionshouldbe drawnbetweeninstructionanddrill.

During tho former the language used should be as simple aspossible,andthemeaning of all technical termswhich are neces-sarymust be carefullyexplained. A conversationaltone shouldbeadopted,and underno circumstanceswhatevermust anythingin the nature of long-windedquotationsfrom drill books,&c., beallowed. Themen should be permittedto assumeaneasyattitudeandtheir interestshould not be allowed to flag. Theyshould beencouragedin thefullest possibledegreeto askquestions.

At drill, on the contrary, the most rigid discipline must bemaintained,orders must be clear,decisiveand emphatic,and thedetachmentsmadeto work steadily,smartlyand rapidly. At thesametime theutmostaccuracyis essential,andany deviationfromthe methodslaid down mustbe at oncestrictly checked.

The following instructionsare arrangedso that all work carriedout by each individual member of a detachmentis groupedtogether. Thoseparagraphsmarkedwith an asteriskshouldnot,however,betaughtuntil the drill hasbeenlearnt.


Thedetachmentconsistsof 10men,7 of whomwork in the firingbattery,the remainderformingareserve.

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Tue dutiesof eachparticularnumberare asfollows :—

No. 1.

1. Beforeleaving the gun park he must satisfyhimself that theequipmentof his sub-sectionis completein every i’espect—report-ing the fact to his sectioncouunander.

2. Ho must examinethebuffer and seethat it is properly filled.To do so lie should place the cradle in the Imorizorttal position,removethe filling holeplugs,andsee if tile oil showsat time fillingholes; if not,more oil should bepoured in until it doesshow ; theplugsshould thenbe replaced.

Ho mustbecareful to ascertainthat oil is not leaking from thebuffer, either through the glandsor thefront plugs. A leakageof oil is liable to causea seriousaccidentto the equipment(luringfiring. If any leakageof oil takes place at the glands or frontplugsthey shouldbe tightened; if this will not stop the leak attue former, the packing imiust be renewed; if at the latter, theleadwashermust. be replaced. Greatcaremustbe takenthat nodustor gritty matter is pouredin witit theoil.

3. He only gives the words of command showea for hiimi inSectionGun Drill. His executiveordersshouldbe no louder thanis necessaryfor his sub-sectionto heai, but when.assistingto passorders down the battery, they should be given out sufficicntlyloud to ensurethem getting through.

4. He must acknowledgeall orders affecting his sub-sectionbysaluting, alsoany orders that he maybe required to passdownthe battery. The salute must. be given accuratelyand unmis-takably so that it may lie plainly seen.

5. He is responsiblethat the most suitable ground available isselectedfor ins gun.

6. He should ram the shell vigorously home with a good“travel” to preventit slipping backwhen thegun is elevated.

To ram home:—He shouldgraspthetraversinghandspikeaboutthemiddle with the left hand,back of the handup, withdraw itfrom its socket,swing the thick end to the rear, catching it withthe right hand placethe coppershod endagainsttile baseof the~holl andram the shell homewith the whole weight of thebody.lIe then stepsback and placesthe hmandspikein its socket.

7. When his gun is in actionin the open he imiust ascertain atthe first opportunitythetarget or referencepoint ; alsothe aimingpoint or auxiliary aiming point used by the layer, both when inthe openandunder cover.

S. It is of the greatestimportance that this howitzer shouldhave a level platform. If such a platform is not available,thefirst opportunity mnustbe taken to level it by lowering time groundoccupiedby thebigimer wheel. The trail musthave a lirm bearingon the ground.

9. He lays for direction,as nearlyas possible, by looking alongthe gun and moving the trail by Inealesof the traversinghand-

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spike, firmed adjustmentbeing made as directedby signalsfrom 4.When it new line has been orderedheshould measuretime switchwith his handand movethe trail so that the gun is pointing asnearly aspossiblein the new line.

10. As soon as the gun is fired it should be run up, withoutfurther orders, to its marked position and relaid for direction.This shouldbe donewithout waiting for orders.

No. 2.1. He is responsiblethat time brake is always put on when in

actiosm. When examiningthebrakeon time nearsideat “prepara-tion for action” he should take it oil its hook and place it inposition behmmd the wheel. If the brake is not likely to herequiredas a travelling brake the section commandermayorderthe chmain on thewire rope to be shortened to thefiring position.If thie brake is not actually put on the wheel, it is often found,on coming into action, that the rope is twisted and that the ram’shornhook is closedup andwill not go on the dregwasher. Toreplacetime drag-shoe,placethe last link of thechainon the drag-shoehook, turn the soleof the shoeoutwardswhen raisimmg it, andlumg the slmoe~on the hook, sole to the rear. In putting t~iebrakeon in the firing positionthis operationis reversed.

2. When manning time wheel to move time gun forward heshould graspthe spokewhich is nearestto the horizontalwith hisleft hand,and time fourth one front it to the front with his righthand. The spokesshould begraspedas nearthe felloe aspossible.

3. Whenthereis a changeof targethe mustalwaysbe readytoassist 1 by manningtime right wheel if required.

4. If time aiming point is in real’ he mustassist4 by laying fordirection.

5. He fires time gun at the order from 1. To fire, lie hooksthelanyardto the tube, passing the lanyardbetweenthespokes(andthrough theholein thebracketof thecarriageshouldthe elevationof time gun reader it necessary). He then stepsoutsidetime wheelandstandsfacing the breech,holding the lanyardwith his righthand. When 1 seesthat 2 is readyheorders“lire.” 2 thenjerksthe lanyardsmartly, and placestime lanyardroundhis neck.

6. He shouldsee that thevent is alwayskept clear.7. When inserting time tubeho should hold, it betweeimthe thumb

and first finger of time left hand.8. Whenhooking the lanyard to the tuba lie takesthelanyard

from roundhis neck, holds the extractor in the right handand thehook in the lefts backof the hook down.

No. 3.1, He examiminesand attendsto thebrakeon his own side, taking

the sameprecautionsas laid (hewnin paragraph1 of 2’s duties.2. He attendsto the cresslevel and should see thmat time scaleis

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always at zero, and that the bubble is cents-alwhile the gun isbeinglaid for direction.

3. If the aiming point is to the right front he mustassist4 bylaying for direction.

4. He opensand closesthe breechas follows :—

To openthe breech—

He takeshold of the cam leverwith his right hand, releasingtime lever catch with his right thumnb, raises it to its full extent,draws.it to hint asfar as it will go, usingboth hands,partly foldsit down with the left hand until the bi’eeclm screw is started,then raises it to its full extent, and at the samnetinme throws thebreechopenby the loop with hi~right hand.

To closethebjm’celt—With his left hand he releasesthe catch on the right of time.

breech, takes hold of the cam lever with his sight hand, swingsthte immeeclt screu and carrier ring round until time carrier ring

touchesthe breech ; he then graspsthe lover with his left hand,keeping it raised, and with the palni of his right he pushmesthebreech screw lmommme, forcing time lever from hint as far asit will go,thenfolds it down, seeingit is securedby its catch.

5. He uncapsthe fuze and withdraws safety pins as necessary.The percussionpin must be withdrawn by a direct pull, but withfimzo 82 the time pin must be pulled slightly to the left, c~.e.,towardsthe loft shoulder. With other time ftizcs the tirmmo pin iswithmdrawmt by a (hirect pull. He should always do this beforereceiving time mound.

0. A~soon its the shell hasbeen rammed homehe placesthecai’ti’itlge in the citamnber,rings to thefront.

No. 4.1. He examines the sight at “preparation for action.” To

examine time sight it should actually be put on the gun, thedeflectionandcross-levelscalessetat zero,and time elevationdrumsot to about25~.

2. lie lays for elevation always, and for directionexceptwhentheaiming point is in rearor to time right front.

3. When laying indirect the sequenceshould beasfollows :—

i. Set the sightas ordered.ii. Lay for elevation.iii. Lay for direction.iv. Lay for elevationoncemore.

4. When laying for direction his eye should be kept about12 inches from the hack sight of the sighting tube. Signalsshould be made with the left hand to 1, the pairmi showing thedirection in which time trail shouldhe itioved.

5. When laying for elevation time left hand should be on the

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elevatinghandwiieel,andtheright handon the janmmmiiimg lever ; assoonasthe bubbleis central, the jamminglever should be pressedhard down so asto clampthe elevating gear. He mustremeumberthat, to give elevation, heroust turn the elevating handwheeltotheright. Similarly in setting the sight, turning the drumto theright (clockwise) gives elevation. RIGHT—RAISE. One com-pleteturn of theelevatinglmandwheelgivesapproximimately5~eleva-tion or depression.

6. Greatcareis requiredin setting thevernier.

i. Set the arrow to the numberof degreesordered.ii. Note the line on the vernierrepresentingthenumberof

minutes(if any) ordered.iii. Move the vernieruntil thus line coincideswith time next

degreegraduationon the ring.iv. If the angle orderedis right thevernieris movedto time

right, andvfceversa.v. When set,thesight mustbeheld with the left handand

the clampingnut tightenedwith theright.

7. After firing lie should always bring tite gnu to a convenientposition for loading assoonas time laying for direction is completed.

8. The sightmustalways beremovedfrom thegun before firing,but special came must he taken,miuring tlmis operation,that neitherof the gearsis touchednor the guim movedin any way.

No. 5.

1. In order to obtain as much coveras possible,5, 6, and7 willwork in a kneelingposition.

2. Whemi in action, four roundsper gun mustbe alwaysavailablefor inmmediato use,and chargesprepared. If firing is likely to becontinuousa larger supply shouldbeavailable.

3. lie should fuze hyddit~shell in action and set time fuzes,clamping thmens as tight as possible ; to do this be should usethefuze, key with time right hand. When the roundis readyheplacesit in a convenieumtpositionfor removal by 0 or 7.

4. The rapid supplyof ammunitionto the gun is most inmportammt.This camm emily he maintained if there is a good mutual mmdcc-stammdiumgbetwceum5, 6 and7.

5. As soon as the wagons halts alosmgsidothe gurm in action, hedismountsandopenstheammunitiommbox.

0. When it becomes necessam’yto replace amnimuution in theboxes at “ CeaseFiring,” 5, 6 and 7 are responsible that all fu’zesare reimmoved from lyddite shell, Rings of unexpendedcartridgeswhich have been preparedwill bereplaced. Shrapnelshell shouldhave their fmmzes setat safety.

‘ro seta I uzeat “safety,” timesafetynmarkosm the graduatedscaleandtIme vertical line on thesetting ringmust exactlycoincide,thus:

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In caseof a cimange of position, if these duties have not beencompletedwhen thewagonteamarrives,5 carrieson while 6 and7hook in.

7. With d~hmtrkII wagons,when time ammmmnmmnition in time tearoftime wagon body is expended,the wagon will be rums hack so thattime axletreeof time limmmbei’ is one yard in front of time axle of time

~ gumm, the perchloweredto thegt’ouumd amid the anummumnitioumsupplied~ frommu time front of thewagon.

Nos. 8 and 7.1. They pm’epare chargesas orderedand supply 3 with ammmmmmi-

~ tion alternately.• 2. When supplying 3 with ammunition the shell should be

carried. iii both hands,fuzo to the right, the cartridgebeingcarried~ undertheleft arm. Whichever of themhassupplie.d theInst round

to 3 shouldrenmaims readyto assistin running up. In doing so heshould pusim at time breechand not assist 1 wtthi time traversingimandspike.

3. All keys should be attachedby their lanyardsto the leatherhoops insidetheir pockets.


Dial S~qht.—Iftime dial sigitt becomesa casualtythe line of fluecams beobtaimmedas follows :—

For aumgiesup to 45~front tise aiming point—set time field clino-nmeter to time ammgle orderedand place it horizontally against theouterside of the top feiloe of the left gun wheel.

For right deflectionthe pivot pin mustbe to therear (RIGHT—REAR).

For left deflectionthepivot pin mustbe to thefront.Look along tite edgeof theslides’ amid direct the gun so that the

edge of the slider amid aiming point are in line. Aiming postsshould now be plantedin line with the bar sightsetat zero, or’ aimauxiliary ainming point picked up. Deflection for level of wimeelsmust lie

1clmscedon thebar sight if necessary.

If time mumgle is from 45°to 135°the clinometer should beplacedon time face of time breechsetasfollows

For~angles between45~and 90°—Smmbtractthmo angle from 90°(n 11276) A 3

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and set the clinometerto the result obtained,the pivot pointing totite sideof theaiming point.

For angles between90°and 135°—Subtract90°from time angleordered and set the clinometer to time result obtained, the pivotpointing awayfrom the aiming point.

For angles between135°and 180°—Subtractthe angle orderedfrom 180°,sot the clinomnetem’ to time m’esult obtained,and. place ithorizontallyagainst time outerside of the top feiloe of the left gunwheel. Pivot towards breech for Rigimt and towards muzzle forLeft.

If the crosslevel is broken, time field clinometersetat zeroshouldbeplaced transverselyomm the degreescalering carrymmmg plateandtime latter levelled by the crosslevelling screw.

5T0 CALCULATE DEFLECTION REQUIREDFOR DIFFERENCE IN LEVEL OF WHEELS.Numberof degreesof elevation x numberof inchesor degrees

difference iii level of wimeeis= numberof minutes deflectmonto hogivers on the sideof time higherwheel.

GUN DRILL.Time generai principles of hattory tactics,which vary but little

with the different equipments,are laid down in “Field ArtdleryTraining.”

Time following paragraphsgive thedutiesof the detachmentsattime seetiommcomomnander’sorder’s.

Singledetachmentsshould be accsmstonmcdto drill as if formingpart of a section,andthe instructorshouldthereforealways usetimeordersgivenfor tite sectiomscoimmmander.

The Detachment.Time detachment consists of 10 nmen. The senior non-corn-

nmissionedofficer is 1, amid is in cimargeof thesub-section.Time detacimmentfalls in two deep,one pacebetweenranks, 1 on

the right of time front rank, mind when at “DetachimnentRear” isformed threeyards in rearof time mtiuzzle, 1 coveringthe off ~Imeeh.

To Tell Off.At the om’der from time section commander“. . . Section—Tell

Of”—l imummibersi,immmself 1 ; time rigimt handman of therearrank 2time right handmanof time front m’msnk 3 ; thesecond mnamsfrom theright of time rear rmumk 4 his front manicman S and so on.

Positionswhen Mounted.1 and 10 on their horses,when hintmbered up, usuaihyon the left

of the gun and wagon leader’s l’espectively; 2 and a on the gun

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liumiliet’ C mmd 7 cmi time limmmber, 4 and 5 on the bmly of time firingbattery wagon; 8 cmi time limuber,9 omm time body of time first linewagon. Evemt nutmibem’s on the nearside,odd miumimibors on the offside.

Witim Mark II svations,when only firing battery wagoums areonpmu’ade, 8 mind 9 will be mountedon the wagommbody facing theseam’.

To Mount.

At the om’dcr from tire sectioncommander“ . . . Scctiomt—ijetaci°u-meetsPrepareto Mount“—The amen double to their placesat timecarriages; 2, 5, 6, 8 amid 9 lay hold of the guardiron with tue leftimarid, placing tue immner foot on time trail, perchor spoke; 3, 4 and7 lay hold of time guard it-ems with the tight hand, placimmg theinner’ foot on time trail, percit or spoke.

At f/me order “Mount “—The \vhtole spring into timeis’ places; timemen on time iimmtbers turn roundto the front, hiftiimg their’ feetciosetogetherammml timm’owmg thmemmmover theguai’d irons.

They sit upi’i~imt,holding the handetrapwith the inwmu’d hand,and time guard tromi with time outward hamid. This is time positionmit “ Attcntwn.”

Whemm going eves- rough gm-mind they should slightly raisetlmeurtselvesto avoidbeing jolted,

At tho order “Sit at Ease“—Time imum oum the carm’iutgesplacetheoutwardupon theinuvardhand amid sit well back.

To Dismount.At tire order front tire ,ucctiom consmander “ - . . Section— Detach-

n-rentsPrepare to Disnsoumrt“—All time muon except4, 5 and 9 turmito the rear, tlirowimmg their legs over time guard iron ; 4, 5 amid 9standup.

At tire order “Dismount “—The whole jump off andloins detach-mont rear.

To Move the Gun with Dragropes when Limbered Up.At tire om’der from tin’ section commander“ . . . Section—With

Dragropes,Prepareto A civance“—2 amid 3 hook thedragropesto timegun-wheelwashers; the two highest number’s go to thepolemmdtime renmaindernmman the ropes. Eveti numberson thenear’ side,oddimumnbers omi theoff.

At time order “ Walk 3terrcIr” the carriagesaxe moved to thefm’ommt.

At the om’der “halt mm the eam’ragesarehaltedand the detach-nientsremainat their’ posts.

At theorder“DetachmentsRear” 2 and3 replacethe diagmopesamid thedetacimmuemitsdoubleto their’ placesby the shortestwayandbait.

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To Move the Gun without DragropeswhenLimberedUp.

At time order horn thesection commander~i Section—WithoutDragropes,Prepare to Aclvcrncc“—2 and 3 push betweenmuzzle amidwheels ; 4 and5 mrmamm the gun wheels ; tire two luighestmmsmnmbersgoto time pole amid ti-re i-emmiaimsder assist,even nummmbers on the noes’side,odd miunibeimuon time off.

At time order “ Walk March” the carriagesmime itmoved to thefi’ont.

At time order “halt “ the carriagesare halted and thedetach-mnemits remain mit timeit’ posts.

At thte oi’dei’ “Detachments1/ear” the detachnmentsdouble tothou’ placesby time sitom’testway mmd halt.

To Move the Gun with Dragropeswhen Unlimbered.

At time order fronr tiic section commander“ ... Section—WithJ)i’a,qm’opes, Run Up “—2 amid a hook tite dragi-opesto the gummwheel washers 1 mmmans the traversing imammdspike, and therenmaimmder’thedragm’opes.

Preparationfor Action.

At tire eider fm-enstime 3ection comma-odes’“ - . . &etion—Preparcfor Action“—1 amid ti-re detachment,if mounted,dismount,amid—

1 seesthat the hon-c is clear, superintendsthe other men, andsatisfieshimmmseif that thegun and cam’m’iage areiii all respectsreadyfor action.

2 fills time tubepocket,seesthat the lanyardsarein timeir’ pockets,and examinesthebrake.

3 nenimovesthebreechandmuzzle coversand strapsthem to timetop transonmr of tire carriage, exannimics time breech fittimmgs aridIn-eke.

4 exammmimmestime sighmts, elevatiumgand jammmmmmimmggears.5 exammmimmestime gun limber box. andseesthat time faze keys are

imm their pockets.0 exaummimmestime wagolt hmnbei’ box.7 exaummimmestime wagon box.8 exalmuimmes time linmbei’ box of time fin-st hue wiugoim.9 exiunminestime wagon box.The mumeuu wimo exammmimie time ammmmtmumnitiomm boxes frmze shell as

ordered,amid see that the time luzesate setat “safety.”As time fuzesmire liable to deterioraterapidly when unprotected

fm-onn ilanmmp, it is imniportanit that only sucim as arc required forimrmmnediateuseshould be unmeover-ed,

Bm’ceclm amalmuzzle coversmmmay be replacedif mmecessary.Emicit mmmcmi l’esummies his place as soomi itS he has commmpletedhmi~


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Action Front.

At time orderor ss’qn~~~fi-orn time battem~i,,leaderon’ sectioncommiranrler“halt, ActionFm-oat “—1 aides’s Na,... halt, Action ~

At tire order (corn 1—Time detaehnmemmtdismounts,3 mmnkeys andivitlm 2 lifts time trail ; when the trail is clear of time hook, 3 omdcrs“Liinler h)m’im’e On.”

0mm dienmoumited parades,0, 7, 8 amid 9 will attendto the limber’,0 amid 7 pushimmgin i-ear’, S amid 9 at tIme poie.

Time himmibem’ advaumcesuric yard, wheels to time right-aboutat atrot, amid pi’oceedsdirect to thewagomm hue.

2 maid 3 cam-mytime trail m’oummd a haif-cir’cle to time right (3simiftingrotundtime tm-ail-eye to avoid walking backwards),andlower’ it totime gronmmmd.

4 and5 mcmi time wiieels.As soon astime trail of entch gun is on time ground, its wagonwill

dm-ive imp cr1 its left amid halt with the axletreeof time wagonbodyin hue with the axietree of the gun, amid not moretherm one yardto a flammk.

When time battery is coming into action umidercovet’amid time limmoof fit-c has to be obtmsined,no wagon shtouiddrive up to its girmiuntil thelatter’ is iii tire correct line, when1 will give the sigmral“Advance.”

0 ann ‘7 imnrediateiy ummihook, 5 putson the brakeand preparesammunition.

Time position of time detachmentis asfollows1 oneyard in ream’ of tire trail-eye.2 outside time wheel in iimre with tire breecim on time right side.a choseto arid facimmg the breech on the left side.4 in line with time trail handleon the right side.5 ins rear of the wagon,on the sidefurthest from thegun.0 until 7, altcn-nmately, in i-ear of time wagon,on thesidenearestto

tire gun.8 and 9 r’emmmain with the first line wrrgon!s. They assist hi time

smm~m~mlyof ammrmmmunition,and replacecasualtiesits time flt-ing batteryas ordered.

At stamtding gums drill, when imo first litre wagons are present,they take 1,ost six yards its i-eat’ of threir gun.

As soomm as time detachmentis in position order’s will ime giveut

regarding tire referencepoint, target, aimmuimmg point, deflection,i-lieu-ge, ~mrojectilemmnd elevation.

1 siii1

ms the handspike, lays approximately lot’ direction, andpoimmts out the targetor aiming poimmt to 4.

2 takesthe lanyardout of the tube pocket,and, as soon as timegum hasbeen laid for direction, putson time brake iumd mnmarks thepositionof theright wimeel.

3, as soufl as the gums line been laid for direction,puts on timebi’ake, mmmar’ks time positiomi of tire left wheci, mmmd openstime breech.

4 fixes amid adjuststhe sight, timid time gun is laid for direction.

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5, assistedby 0, prepares to issue anmmnrummilionm, and fuzcmm two

lyddite shell.

A ction Rzqimt, Left and I/ear arc time sameexceptthat at—

Action Right—Time trail is cam-u-led mound a quarter of a circle to the left, 2

shiftimmgsound tire trail-eye.ActionLeft—

Time trail is cam-n’icd mound a qumirter’ of a circle to the i-igimt, 3shifting i-oundthe trail-eye.

Action i/ecu’—Time trail is mmot carried r’oummd.When omm a “side slope,”Action Front or’ Action I/cam’ ommly shmormid

ben-esortedto, aimd in time former’ casetime trail simoumid mdwaysb~carriedround downhmill.

To Form Detachment Rear in Action. - -

At time ordcr fronmr tire sect-ion commander“ . . . Section—Detach-ments I/ear “—1 nioul,Ies to his place(tin-ce yards iii n-ear of amidcovering the night wlmcel) and gives time on-der “No. . . . DonrblcMarch.”

~tt tire orderfrom 1—Time i-ernaimiderdosmbleto their placesby thesimor’testway mmmd limIt.

To Take Post from Detachment Rear in Action.At the order from tire section conrnmrander “.- , . Section—~-Take

Post“—1 orders “No. . - . Doubleillarcir,”At tire order from i—Time detaclmnremmtsdouble to their placesby

the shortestway mud imalt.

General Duties in Action.1 commandsandis responsiblefor’ theentireserviceof the gumm.

lie rams homeand attemmdsto the traversing handspike,btmt willnot toucir it omice time gun is laid. He assistsin passing or-den’sdown time battery when nrecessar’y. He will occmtsionallyexammnimmetire settingson the sightsamid faze.

2 hays for direction whuentheaiming point is in rear, attemids toaiming postsif 1mm use,br-ekeamid vemit, fires amid mrmmurs thewheel.

3 attendsto the cross level, and if theairmiming point is on theright frcmmmt lays for directions, attends to the brake ammd breech,Ibads,and Immaums tine wheel.

4 lays,attendsto time elevatingandjamunlinggearsand sights.5 fuzeslyddite shell in actionarid sets tinire fuzes. -

0 and7 preparechangesas ordered,assist5, supplyammunition,andassistin sunningup.

If theground is heavy, 8 and 0 mnay besentto the gun to assistimm running up.

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To Load.At drill only dri 11 can-tridgeswI 11 be placed In the bore.Time n-amrnei-will beplacedagainst the breech ring to repr’emient

time actionsof lamming homne.At the order from 1—No Full Cimar,qe (or Core and

Rings),PercassionLoad,” 0 or 7 sumpphiestime rom,ndto 3.3 removes the percussionpin, before receiving time simell, mmmd

placesti-re shell in time breech.1 m’,rmmms tIme shell hard home.3 timen placesthe cartridge in the chamber,closes the breecim,

and }mold~imp tire cammr lever, while 2 insertsa tube.4 lays, assistedby 2 or 3 if necessary,and assoonas thelaying

is comuphetedr’eniroves time sight mind reports “hlead,m1

’.”At timeorder from 1—” ivo. - . . Full Charge (or Core and

Rings)Lyddite Load,” time ditties am-o time seineas for’ loading withperclmssionexcepttimat 8 umncalmsthefuze.

At time order front 1—” No. . . . Full C’lrarqe (or Core and -

Rings)Fn~e- . - Load“—time duties ar-c time same as for hoadiumgwith pen’cussion,excepttimat 5 sets the fuzeas ordered,mind 3 ‘ivitim-draws both safetypins.

5 follows rip with anotherfuze. Whets timer-c is no alterationoffuzeor’ char-gefor subsequentrounds,1 will om’der “ TimeLoad.”

To Fire. -

A gino is mrot to be limed witimo,mt urn eider fm-ormm 1, who nimmstneven’ give timis ni-des-rmntil ime seestimat time grimm is iii all respectsready.

As soon as time gun n’~m reported ready and its turn coniesto fire,1 stepsclear of time mecoil to the left amid gives time nrmmumber of hisgun as a caution. -

At time caution from 1—2 hooks time lanyard to the tribe, stepsoutside time wheel, and

standsfacing time breecim,holding time iaumyar’dwith hmis right hammd.a raid 4 stepclearof the recoil.As soon as he sees 2 ready and time other men clear, 1 or-den-s

“ .F’in’e,”it time orderfronr 1—2 fires the grin andplacestime lanyardmoundImis neck.Directly time ,qun stops in its recoil—4 repisrcestime sight ins its socket,relaysfor- direction as soomi as

time gun is rumm tip, mimid depressestime grimm to the loading position.3 opemimm thanbi-eech.2 takesout time old tribe.

Missflre.If there is a missflrc,* after an interval of 10 secondstime detacim-

merit- resumetheir positions,2 takesomit time old tribe andputs iiia new one.

It is not mm mii~fmroIf thewire brenk~andtime fm-ictionbar ia not drawmn,

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Should misefis-es continue the breech may be opened, but aninterval of threemnminutesmust be allowed to elapseafter time lastfailure to fire time gun before doimngso. Wait one minmrte longerbeforeremoving the carti’idge. Examineigniter ; if correct, treecartridge again ; if smoulden’ing,throw it clear.

The precautionsto be takerswhenfiring blank ammunition aredetailed in Appendix II, “Field Artillery Training.”

No gun is to be reloaded within 30 secondsafter firing, norimntil 1 hasexaminedtire bore.

Battery,Section,or Gun Fire.

At time om-der fn’ons time batterycormmrnmsndertime gun is loadedbyeiderof 1, flu-ed irr its trim-mm at time immterval ordered,arid reloaderlasrequired.

To Stop Firing.At time order’ “Stop,” tine detachmentwill continuetheir thities,

but thegrin mimust mmot be fired until time order” Go on.”

To Stop Loading.At tire order “Stap Loading,” time detacimmentwill continuetireir

duties, bimt the gun must not be loaded until the order“ Go on,”

To Stand Fast.At tire order from the section commander, “. - Section—Stand

Fast,” all standfast, whatever they are doing ; if the lanyard isattachedto time tube,it is unhooked. At the order’ “Go on-,” timework is continued. -

Casualtiesto Detachment.Men senttip to replacecasualtieswill report themselvesto their

sectiomncormmnumandem’s,who will order’ sucir chammgesof duties iii timeim’section anddetacimumientsastimey consider’ necessary.

If the full detachmentcamimiot be mmraintained, ti-re duties aredivided asfollows

Wit-is six men—0performstime duties of 0 and7.With five mnmen—2pen-forumstime duties of 0 and7, 1 theduties of

I and2.With four men—2per-formstime dirty of 5, 3 performstheduties

of 3, 0 arid 7, 1 the duties of 1 and2, 4 no change.

To CeaseFiring. -

Before giving theorderto ceasefiring, gunsmust beemptied.At the order from tire section commander“ . . . &ctiomr—Uease

Firing “—

1 Stmmdi)S time hmamumispikeon time tr-mul.

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2 takesoff time brake, prrts the lanyardin the tubepocket andbrimmgs in ainning jmostsif in rise,

3 takes off th~imm-akearid closesthe breecim.4 replacesthe sight in its case,brings the grrri into mi horizontal

position and clammipmu thejamminggear.5, 0 and 7 remove fuzesfm-em lyddito such, reset- time fuzesat

safety, replace unexpendedammumsitionandcloseall lids.

To Limber Up.At time order from 5/me section commander“ . . . Section—Front

Limber Up,” 2 ammd 3 canvy thetrail roundhalf a circle to theright(2 shifting m’o,rmid the trail-eye to avoid wmilking backwards)anmdlower it to time ground.

4 and5 mmman the wheels.As soonasthetrail is losvem’ed thedetaclmnrentgetsundercover.1 its fromit of 2.2 arid 3 betweenbreechandwheels.4 amid 5 betweenmuzzleandwheels.Tie whole with their backsto theaxietree,The limber coniesup on theright of tire gun and oneyard clear.

‘When clean’ of time grin wheel it inclines to the left till the near’wheel of the himmiber hasjus~passedtime trail-eye. 1 then order-s“1/alt.” Time limber is halted,squared,and whensquare,I ordems“Limber Up.” Whemr the wagon team cormies up it will lieimmediately bookedin by 0 amid 7 ; 2 and a lift time trail and placeit on the iiook ; 4 and 5 man the wheels; 3 keys up. Thedetachmentmmmommntswithout frmrther’ orders.

Right, left, mind rear limber up aretime sameexceptthat mit—flight limmrber up—Thetrail is carried round a quam’terof a circle

to therig}mt, 2 shifting round thetrail-eye.Left hamber up—Thetrail is carriedrounda quarterof a cim-cle to

the left, 3 shifting roundthe tm’ail-eye.RearUmber up—Time trail is not-carried round.

*To Change a Damaged Wheel.Should a gun wheel be danmagediii action,it should be imnmne-

diately turumedso as to bring time soundportion on to time gm-ennui,mind noticesemit to the captain. The latter will immediately senriup mactimer’ wheel, which will be brougimt alongsidetime daummagerlone, and time wheelscimangeci. To take time weight off time carriagewimile time ivireel is being changed,a lifting jack may be mused, em’time carn-iagmi misay be i-mused by four mmmcmi lifting at time danmagemiwheel (backsto the wheel), As soon as time carriageis raisedlmigirenough,a swiugletrrse is placerlwitlm 000 end tinder-time axletreebracket to which timo tensilestay is attacherl, amid the other’ endon a 6-foot hmandspike laid parallel to time wheel, This preventsit sinking in on taking time weight,and gives the necessaryimeight.The swingietreeacts mrs a vertical sumppom’twhile tue wired is beingchanged. -

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Shouldthe wheelbe damagedin crick amannertimat theaxlet-reeam-rn hasfallen to tire ground, time axletm’eo can be raisedabovethehorizontalby meansof time limber asfollows

Place a limber so that its hook comes over time point of theaxle.treoanti thepole at right anglesto thegun Secureone drag-rope on the doubleround the pole near the trig ; then hook aseconddragroperound the pole nearthe foot-board;passthe endof this ropeover the limber box, round theaxletree,and back over-t-he box. Time linch pin canbe left in to pm-eventtherope shipping.Raisethe limber poleabout60°,taking carethat the wheelsrio notrun forward, then take in time slack on the dragrope,and takethreeturns i-mind time pole withi time running end, The axletreecannow be raised by five nmn pulling down on the dragr’ope onthe front of the pole, and as soon as it is raisedhigh enoughtireswingletroecan be placedin positionsto support thecarriagewhilethe new wheel is put on.

~Change of Target.Ti-re dial sight is immediately laid on an aiming point, or

armxiliary mumming point, and time angle noted. ‘rite switchangleisaddedto or srmbtm’actedfrom this angle,and thedial sight resetattim angle thus obtained. The dial sighmt is m-elaid on the aimimingpoint by moving the trail, andaiming postsplanted(if requim’cd)inline with ti-re dial sight.

*Parallel Lines to a NamedGun.

The nanmedgun, being on therequired line, will not be moved;then, usingthe dial sight of timis gun as a director, the subsequentprocedureis asin Section198, “Field Artillery Training.”

*Laying by Means of Aiming Pouts.

On the order “Lines of Fire,” 2 doublesout about 50 yardsinfront of the gun with his two aims-ring posts, ar-rd plants theum asdirected by 4 in line wit-lu thedial siglmt. In planting theaimimingposts. tlse one nearerthegun will beplantedfirst.

‘,Vimen huesof fire are givemsto individual gunsfrom a directorin front of time battery, 2 will kneel down and, assoon as he imasreceivedthe angle for imis gun, will standup, salute,and passontime order to 4.

If new “lines of fine” are ordered,2 will go to thefar aimrming -

post, and on a signal from 4, pick it up. lie then picks up timenear’ one and proceedsto replant them asabove.

When laying out the line, the dial-sight maybeat any elevation,preferably the quadrantanglo at which fire is to be opened,butthe aiming posts roust be planted with time sigist at the sameelevationaswhenit was directedon time aiming point or directou’.

Aiming postsmaybe planted1with time au-c-owon theven’nier’ at0°or at any otAmer lateralangle 25°right is a convenientpositionfor 4.

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*To Ascertain the Lowest Quadrant Elevation thatwill Clear the Crest or Intervening Obstacle.

Lay on the crest along time bottomu of thebore, and bring thebubbleof thelongitmidinni level to the centreby moving thesigirtdrum, when the readingwill be the angle of sigirt to time crest.Make a liberal estimateof tire range to the ~rest, and convert itinto degreesfor time chargeto be used,amId this angle to time angleof sigiut found to time crest, and the result wiil be the lowestquadrantelevationthat will clearthecrest.

5Useof CrossbarSights.As a rule thesesightswill ije usedfor laying for directiononly,

elevation being given by meansof the ehinometer. Time sightsmust beremovedlmefor’e fim-ing,

For ForwardLaying. -

Placethe notchon thesliding leaf of the tangentsight amid timepoint on the sliding leaf of theforesight uppermost,and set botimsliding leavesat the third graduation on the bar, put on timedeflect-lois ordered by sliding time crossbarof the tangent siglmtto theright for right deflection or to the left for left deflection,and lay the grin on the target,aiming point, or airmring posts, byImmovimrg time trail asrequired.

For ReverseLaying.Placethe point on thechiding leaf of the tangentsight andthe

umotch on thesliding leaf of theforesight uppermost,and setbothsliding leavesat the third graduation omi time bar, put oil timedeflectionor’deredby sliding the crossbarof time tangentsight tothe might for right deflection or to the left for left deflection, andhay the gun on the aiming point or aiming postsby moving timetrail asrequired.


To Test Dial Sight, No. 3, Mark II, for Elevation.Before any of the following operations are carried omit, time

carriageshormid be placed on a firm platform, or on hai’d lcvelgrummurd,and time hrowitze~’levelledby mmmeansof achinometer’.

Time bubble of time longitudinal level should be in time cemmtreof its run when tire elevationdrrmmis at zero.

‘J’est.—Set the elevations clrrinmi at zero, Time bubble of thehoumgitumiinallevel simorild he in time centroof its run.

Au’jusnrmsent.—Loosermthecapstan-headednutsat theends of thelongitudinal level ; turn timent until ~he brubble is in the centre ofits inn ; tigluten time mints.

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To Test the Cross-level.The bubble of time cross-level should he in time centre of its

whenthe top beaming sum-face of the ‘ plate, camryinig degreescalerimmg” is horizontal, asici time elevating drumandtime deflectionscaiereaderareat zero.

‘/‘est.—Set the drum and deflection scaleat zero. Place time•cliumometer,setat zero,on the “plate, carrying degreescalering,’at right anglesto time axis of the gun, andwith the cross-levellingscrew raiseor lower ti-re plate until the bubble of the clinometeu’is in thecentreof its run. The bubble of time cross-hovelshouldthen be in the centre of its rrmn.

Adjustment.—Loosenthe capstan-headednuts at time endsof timecross-level; turn them until thebubble is in time centreof its n-untighmtenthenuts.

Alignment Tests.lu-i orderto carry out the tests for alignment, it is necessaryto

obtain a line of sightalongthe axis of time boreof thehowitzer. Apoint at the muzzleis obtained by ctretcimiumg two flue cordsalongtire vertical arid horizontal axis lines cut on time mmmuzzie of timehowitzer,their point of intersection being on time axis line. Theaxial vent is usedasa sightinghole at the bu’eech end.

Selecta clearly-defmnmedobject, at least a mile away, to lay on,nnd lay thebore of ti-re Isowitzeron this point.

Dial Sight.

Test.—Setthe clevatimmgdr-rim on time sight mind time deflectionscalereaderat zero. The sight tube should be on the object.

A djuthnent.—Slackeutime locking nut in time dial sigimt bracketwith spannerNo. 201. With spannerNo. 262 adjust time pillar inits socket by meansof the adjusting screw and clanmping screw,until the sight tribe cross-wiresare on theobject. With spannerNo- 262 still in position on the adjusting screw,again tighten uptIme locking nut by No. 201. This operation should becarriedoutwith thesiglmt in eachof thebrackets.

The clampingscrew must be clamped tightly before theopera-tion is finisilmed.

No adjustirmentfor elevationisnecessary.

Fore and Hind Sights.

Test.—Setall slidimng leavesat 3 on the main scales,time dc-flee-tion scalesandthe hind sightsat zero theaces-nof tIme foresightshommld be on the object- when viewed through the notch of thm~hind sight.

Adju-stmemmt.—Ifconsiderednecessary,move time deflection leafof either sight until the sights are laid on the object ; erasethearrow on time leaf, andre-mark it opposite3 on main scale.

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Test for &raiq/menessof thc U-m’os~-bar.-—Movethesliding 1eave~to 6 on rrmain scales. The line of sight should still ho on timeobject.

Acljnistment.—Adjusttime lower- of ~lmetwo bars until the hirme ofsigimt is correct.

To Test the Field Clinometer.Set time clinomneterto zero, phace it on time clinommieter plamie and

level time gun till time bubble remains central. Turn the chumo-meter-en-ri for end; if the bubble is still cenmti’ai time clinonmeter isin adjustnment, if not, bring the bubble central by moving timeslider. Half the readingson the slide will give the error of the-linmonoeter.

A clinonuieter wit-li an error should be set to this error fortesting time sightsasabove.


The following is a system of anchoragewhich has beenfoundsrrccessful:—


2 heavy dragropes.3 5-foot pickets.1 mauI.5 fathomsof l~-inchm.1ashunug.

Constructa two-one picket holdfa-st about 15 feet in front- ofthe howitzer ins the line of fire or centre line of the zone.

The two pickets mustbedriven so tlmat their loops areoutwards,the latter being sufficiently,clear of the ground to admit of twothicknessesof nopebelow them-mm.

One heavy dragrope is ummado into a doubleslinmg, the hook beingpassedinto the eye. Placethis doublesling over the two picketsbefore hashingthemn back. Pass time other heavydm-agropo overandunder time axietree on one side, throughthebight of theslung,over and undertire mixictree on the other side,back through timebight, and finish off by hooking the Imook into the eye. Bothbightsof this dragropeshouldbe closeto thebreastof tire carriage.