5c prep phrase poetry

For I awoke from my sleep all cozy under my sheets, up I went from my peaceful slumber. Down the stairs by twos and threes, of course why should I care? Through the garage door I left, my feet could have froze, for I ran inside and lit a fire. Until my parents would wake up I would pour juice in a cup, after my parents woke up, we fed my pup, after that we had breakfast. Will H.

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Post on 01-Nov-2014




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Page 1: 5C prep phrase poetry

For I awoke from my sleep all cozy under my sheets,up I went from my peaceful slumber.Down the stairs by twos and threes,of course why should I care?Through the garage door I left, my feet could have froze,for I ran inside and lit a fire.Until my parents would wake up I would pour juice in a cup,after my parents woke up,we fed my pup,after that we had breakfast.

Will H.

Page 2: 5C prep phrase poetry

Above my head where mountains loom,Down the slopes where skiers meander,Between the trees they swish about.Under grating chairlifts, where gelid snow sways,Behind them, where immense blue skies hover,Before them, the base emerges.Inside, the chatter of people and friends.Up wafts hot chocolate steam.From where the fireplace sends warmth,Outside, imminent nightfall.

Will M

Page 3: 5C prep phrase poetry

Between the hedges where the hedges where the action happensAbove the turf field where The Bulldogs playBefore the jumbo-tron that shows the scoreNear the end zone where Hairy Dawg dancesAbove the cameras that keep memories foreverIn the crowd of cheering fans wearing red and blackBelow the orange sun high in the skyInside section CIn row seven, so close to the fieldBetween my brothers I watch the game.


Page 4: 5C prep phrase poetry

Up the elevator shaft,with state stones going by,around the building winds blew,at the peak of the platform,in the center of the room,about the crowds so large,behind my parents,inside the room so high,above a small exhibit,near my cousins.


Page 5: 5C prep phrase poetry

In the sand that is amid my feet,With shimmering coke bottles,On my bleeding toes with crabs,Between waves lifeless fish pop-up,Upon the air a redolence of oysters,Among the bridge a rupture of splinters Beneath it seaweed goes,Within the pool noodles buoyed,Below the sand crabs lay,


Page 6: 5C prep phrase poetry

Under the harsh sun the scarlet red shined in the stadiumAmong the light the sun was burning themNear the field the helmets clashedInside the stadium the two teams bashedOn the field the ball was thrownOn my head was a Hog Hat of my ownIn the bleachers the fans would screamWith the thrill came the dreamBesides the sidelines Greg Childes would runBeyond the cheering came the funIn the end my team lostAlong with the fun came the cost.


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Beyond the giant rollarcoastersAround the massive linesThrough the things that used to scare meWith the smell of pizza of all kindsNear fresh turkey straight out of the ovenInside the water beaten boatsPast the people screamingFor the writing on my notesAcross the movie screeningTo colored lights saying “Disney World.”


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Beyond the planes lay a runway andInside me I knew this would be a great day thenOn the bleaches I sat feeling a sudden chill;Upon the sky I gazed, awaiting for the blue yonder to fillFor this was the Blue Angels and in an instantAround I looked and I could spot eager places in all sorts of places and as I peekedBehind me I caught a glimpse of a hopeful five year old boy then I figuredThrough the show, the blaring roar of planes would annoy andIn my mouth I could taste smoke as they whizzed by and as I peeredAmong the throng, the people were going crazy and after the show I said, “God bless the Navy.”


Page 9: 5C prep phrase poetry

Above the turf fieldAround the humongous video boardBelow the beautiful, orange sunsetNear the stone-decorated statue of our mascot, BullyUnder the well-furnished press boxBeneath the maroon and white signInside section DIn row 19Between my dad and my brother, I sitOn a maroon and white chair back, watching Mississippi State win.

Daniel B

Page 10: 5C prep phrase poetry

Below the steep concrete driveway,On my face where sweat lay, Under the dock were the sounds of lapping waves,Beyond the cove boat engines roar,Across the lake crusty engines lay below vessels,Around my feet with the warmth of the lake water,Beside the boat house had the smell of thick seaweed,Near the house with the smell of tall healthy flowers,After my swim the taste of musty lake water lingered in my mouth,Until I opened a fresh cold bottle of water.


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Down the steep hill, where the smooth road meets the rocky gravel drivewayAcross the astronomic bluish green lakeNext to the thunderous roar of motorboatsBy the birds chirping with joyNear the thick, lush vegetationNext to mom’s delicious cookingWith fresh fish in my mouthBeyond the irregular rocks covered in mossAcross the glassy waterBehind the cool lemonade, I sat very happy.


Page 12: 5C prep phrase poetry

Upon the sun glaring on the scorched sandBeyond the water that was sparkling blueIn the sand a crab that I picked up with my handAlong the populated beach children were yellingThrough my nose delicious pizza I was smellingDuring the waves crashing and roaringUnder the umbrella my dad was snoringInside my mouth was a buttery piece of breadOnto the sand I threw the book I had just readAfter long days I lay down and sleep in my bed.

Daniel S

Page 13: 5C prep phrase poetry

beyond the mountains farther from me is the city of Aspen,with it’s glistening glow and the skiers going to their condo,up in the sky is the sun that shines like the snow,upon the air is the scent of hot chocolate and scented candles,at the condo the grill is on and I can taste the hamburgers,along with the french fries a crisp the warmth of hot air,before me warms my chapped face and chocolate chip cookies,in the silver plate my mom provided me with blankets fresh,from the dryer I also smelt febreeze about,after dinner asleep and dreamt of the joys for tomorrow.


Page 14: 5C prep phrase poetry

Beyond the glistening white snowy hill I see people skiing down the hillAcross the snowy hill I see snowmen and snow angels being madeOver the snowy hill I see the shivering metal ski liftDuring my ski ride I feel my skis riding me not me riding my skisAfter I am done skiing I see the hot yellow sun beaming the snowBehind me I hear laughter and funBeside me I can smell hot cocoa next to meNear me I see 10 feet ski jumpsAbove me the beautiful blue skyIn front of me everything I have ever seen.


Page 15: 5C prep phrase poetry

Beyond the houses where bazaars standThrough the maze of stores sits the Taj MahalInside the Taj Mahal are two gravesAbout the king and queen who lie in there I can’t tell Through the whole palace is marble In the soft moonlight it is more beautiful then ever About the only time it is more beautiful are Indian holidays Behind the palace use to flow a river Beyond the river there is a village In the village I am there doing fireworks on the holidays.


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Into the palm trees that sway to the rhythm of the windBeyond the beaches that are so colorfulTo the crickets that chirp at dawnBefore the rushing water that is so loudWith the amazing food that fills the airIn the maze of flowers that smell so divineThrough the restaurants that’s food is uniqueTo the air of smells that lures you inBetween the rocks on the beaches where there hermit crabs and sea snailsUntil I go again I will always remember til’ then


Page 17: 5C prep phrase poetry

As I pulled up in my limousine,Up I stood,Out the top,Up high I saw the top of buckeye stadium,Down on my forehead beamed the sun,Through the tunnel I walked,Upon the pavement I could hear the clickety-clack,Of my friends football cleats,Around the stadium I heard the roar of the crowd,Beyond the crowd I could smell fresh popcorn,Over and over the water flowed,Out of the water fountain it tasted good on a snowy day, In Buckeye stadium.
