54535441 ielts sample answers writing

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  • 5/19/2018 54535441 Ielts Sample Answers Writing



    Useful Tips to Help You Succeed in IELST Essay Writing

    1. When writing an essay during your IELTS exam, be sure to check youressay in terms of the following criteria

    tense agreement! word order! "ocabulary! #unctuation! structure of the sentences.

    $. Though IELST essay writing has a time limit, you should s#end some time%not more than &'1( minutes) #lanning your essay. *therwise, you risklosing your way while writing and distracting from the to#ic. It isinadmissible in IELST essay writing.

    +. e sure to #resent your ideas in se#arate #aragra#hs. IELST essay writingdemands clear ex#ression of your ideas, clear structure of your essay willmake it readable.

    -. IELST essay writing establishes a word limit for the essays. ou shouldobser"e the word'limit for IELST essay writing, it is a must.

    &. /etting ready for an exam, you should search the Internet for sam#leto#ics for IELST essay writing to im#ro"e your writing. There are se"erallarge categories IELST essay writing to#ics belong to

    Education! Society! /ender Issues! /o"ernment, etc.

    Practice WRITING TEST 1 TASK 1(Practice test for IELTS)

    The diagram shows there has been a remarkable rise in the power output of basic machines during the

    past 300 years. The maximum power output of a modem steam turbine is in excess of 1 million kilowatts, in

    stark contrast with the 1 kilowatt output from the early steam engines produced just after 1700.

    rom the beginning of the 1!th century to the middle of the 1"th century there were steady impro#ements

    in the power output of water wheels and steam engines. $round 1!%0 the water turbine was introduced and

    de#eloped rapidly. The power output of water turbines has impro#ed from less than 1,000 kilowatts in 1!%0 to

    more than 100,000 kilowatts in the late &0th century.

    The steam turbine was introduced around 1"00, and its power output has impro#ed rapidly from a figure of

    just o#er 1,000 kilowatts, i.e. around the point where de#elopment of the steam engine stopped. 'y the late

    &0th century the maximum power output of steam turbines had increased by a factor of three to o#er 1 million


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    The most spectacular impro#ement has been with the internal(combustion engine. rom its early days in

    the late 1"th century and a maximum power output of around % kilowatts, by the middle of the &0th century

    internal(combustion engines were deli#ering more than 10,000 kilowatts. The recent de#elopment of gas

    turbine engines has pushed this figure e#en higher.

    Practice WRITING TEST 2 TASK 1(Practice test for IELTS)

    The two graphs show the situation with and without treatment for two types of cancer in women ( cancer of

    the alimentary tract and lymph sarcoma. )ithout treatment, the life expectancy for both types of cancer is poor

    ( fewer than &%* of patients sur#i#e for fi#e years after diagnosis.

    or cancer of the alimentary tract, treatment can be reasonably effecti#e. )hereas only 3%(+0* of patients

    sur#i#e one year after diagnosis without treatment, when treatment is applied about 7%* of patients sur#i#e

    one year, and the sur#i#al rate after fi#e years is just under %0*.

    or lymph sarcoma, howe#er, treatment can literally be fatal. The sur#i#al rate one year after diagnosis is

    around %0*, whether treatment is applied or not. owe#er, treatment is shown to ha#e a #ery negati#e effect

    beyond one year. $fter fi#e years &%* of untreated patients are still ali#e, whereas none of the cases studied

    who recei#ed treatment sur#i#ed fi#e years after diagnosis.

    Practice WRITING TEST TASK 1(Practice test for IELTS)

    -t is immediately apparent from the diagram that in 1"70 the professions in alaysia were almost totallydominated by men. any key professional people, including jurists, accountants, architects, engineers and

    economists, were men, occupying more than "0* of all positions. $rchitecture and engineering were

    particularly male dominated, with only 3* of professionals in those areas women.

    )omen were only slightly better represented in science and medicine, comprising around 1%* o

    scientists, mathematicians, doctors and dentists. -n education, the proportion of women decreased according

    to the le#el, from around +0* of teachers in primary and secondary schools to under &%* of teachers in

    uni#ersities and higher education.

    The only profession where women predominated was in the traditionally female area of nursing, with ""*

    of all nurses and midwi#es being women. The diagram therefore shows a #ery traditional pattern of male and

    female roles in the professions in alaysia in 1"70.

    Practice WRITING TEST ! TASK 1(Practice test for IELTS)

    The table shows $ustralian company profits before tax for the period 1"!/("0 in four sectors

    anufacturing, ining. etail Trade and 2ther -ndustries. rofits were #ery une#en across these four sectors


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    during the four year period.

    The most important sector was anufacturing, where profits nearly doubled from 1"!/ to 1"!" to peak at

    4!./ billion, followed by ining, where profits reached almost 4% billion in 1"!"("0, after fluctuating just below

    4+ billion for the pre#ious three years. rofits in etail Trade also grew strongly during the four year period

    doubling to just below 41.+ billion. -n 2ther -ndustries there was steady growth in profits for three years from

    41.& billion to almost 41.7 billion, followed by a crash to below 40.+ billion in 1"!"("0.

    The table indicates that the year 1"!" was a turning point for the $ustralian economy. $fter consistent rises

    from 1"!/ to 1"!", profits in etail Trade le#el-ed off in 1"!"("0, while those in anufacturing and 2ther

    -ndustries both fell ( in 2ther -ndustries the fail was particularly sudden, to less than a 5uarter of their 1"!"

    le#el. 2nly ining, where profits had been steady during 1"!/(!", showed a significant rise in profits in 1"!"(


    PRACTICE WRITING TEST " TASK 1(Practice test for IELTS)

    -t is commonly said that men and women see things differently. The information in Table 1 tends to support

    this #iew, as the perceptions of 6hief xecuti#e 2fficers 862s9 and their spouses or partners show significan

    differences on a number of issues.

    The three main sources of stress as far as 62s were concerned were time pressures and deadlines

    8%&*9, the demands of work on pri#ate life 8+!*9 and the demands of work on the relationship with the family

    8+%*9. The four main sources of stress nominated by their spouses and partners were work o#erload 8/&*9

    long working hours 8/&*9, time pressures and deadlines 8/0*9 and work(related tra#el 8%7*9. Time pressures

    and deadlines are tangible factors that both groups were #ery aware of. owe#er, spouses tended to be morespecific in identifying work o#erload, long working hours, and work(related tra#el as problems, compared to

    62s who focused on more general :demands of work.:

    The biggest difference is in the numbers nominating long working hours as a source of stress /&* of

    spouses;partners, compared to only &+* of 62s. -t seems reasonable to assume that most 62s enjoy their

    work, and generally don

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    These people would in#est go#ernment with the power to #eto the introduction of certain technologies.

    The problem with this approach, howe#er, is that it is #ery difficult to know in ad#ance what the ful- effects

    of any new technology will be. The history of science and technology has many fascinating examples of

    unexpected de#elopments. =ometimes a technological ad#ance in one area can lead to a surprising

    breakthrough in another, seemingly unrelated area. $nd one certainly cannot depend on go#ernment bureau(

    cracies to make accurate assessments about these matters. $nother problem is that, where one go#ernmenmight decide to ban the use of a new technology, another country may well go ahead with its introduction. -n

    an increasingly competiti#e global economy the first country may se#erely disad#antage itself by such an


    ?ew technology is essential for a countrye that they need

    each other, and must be prepared to negotiate a compromise solution in situations where conflicts arise. -t has

    been shown in many case studies of strike situations that strikes tend to increase conflict and to hurt both

    parties through the economic damage they cause.

    There are better ways than going on strike to resol#e industrial conflict. mployers should reali>e that theiremployees are an in#aluable resource. They should use e#ery a#enue to encourage employees to contribute

    their ideas to impro#ing the work en#ironment. mployees should reali>e that they ha#e more to gain by

    working constructi#ely with employers than by opposing them. )here communication is encouraged at e#ery

    le#el. relations will be better. and strikes much less likely to occur.

    Practice WRITING TEST % TASK 28ractice test for -@T=9

    $ll people should ha#e access to ade5uate health care. -t is difficult to argue against this proposition. -n


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    theory most people would agree with it. 'ut in practice it is more difficult to find countries where it is actually


    ealth care systems. such as in the Anited =tates. where a large proportion of the population cannot afford

    health insurance. are most undesirable in social terms. eople are not cared for properly if they suffer a

    serious accident or become seriously ill. Bet in the same country the #ery best in medical ser#ices are

    a#ailable to those with the capacity to pay. $re we at the point where we accept that the life of a rich person isworth more than that of a poor personC

    Do#ernments ha#e a responsibility to pro#ide basic health ser#ices to all the population. owe#er

    go#ernments always ha#e limited resources. and they ha#e a responsibility to use these in an efficient and

    effecti#e manner. for example. it is difficult to justify go#ernments spending money on expensi#e medica

    procedures such as cancer research, if this di#erts resources away from the primary objecti#e of e5ual access

    to health care for all. The argument then turns on what kind of health care system should be supported by


    re#enti#e health care is one area where go#ernment needs to take the lead. oney spent on pre#enting

    disease is more than repaid by money sa#ed in not ha#ing to treat that disease at a later time. ublic health

    programs to eradicate diseases such as typhoid and smallpox are a good example where the benefits flow on

    to all people. regardless of income or social status. ore recently. go#ernment sponsored fluoridation

    programs ha#e played a major part in reducing the incidence of tooth decay, with significant impro#ements in

    general health and enormous sa#ings in dental bills for ordinary people.

    PRACTICE WRITING TEST & TASK 2 (Practice test for IELTS)

    2ne feature of impro#ed education systems around the world has been an increase in the period of

    compulsory schooling for students. -n many de#eloped countries students are now re5uired to stay at school

    until they are 1% years of age.

    There are 5uite plausible reasons for opposing this policy. @ow income families. for example. may not be

    able to afford to keep their children at school and may resent go#ernments imposing this decision on them. -n

    many de#eloping countries children can bring in much needed income. either by working in family agricultural

    acti#ities. or else through paid employment. 6ompulsory schooling might also be opposed on educationa

    grounds. ecent studies ha#e shown that compulsory school can be psychologically damaging for studentswho are not moti#ated to learn. They may be more ready to learn later on as adults when their moti#ation is


    'ut there are also strong reasons why students should be obliged to remain at school until a certain age.

    first. at a young age students are unlikely to be sufficiently mature to make sensible decisions about their li#es

    )e should not allow students to make decisions they may later regret. $ second reason is that in today

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    -t is my #iew that schooling should be compulsory until a certain age. ducation authorities. howe#er. must

    ensure that the education pro#ided is both affordable to families and rele#ant and interesting to students.

    PRACTICE WRITING TEST 1' TASK 1 (IELTS ractice test o*)

    In all, the world spends an estimated $US25 billion annually, on civilian space applications.Write a report for a university lecturer describing the trends in the graph below and suggesting

    reasons for any maor differences in e!penditure.

    $ccording to the graph, there is considerable #ariation in spending on ci#ilian space programs around the

    world. $rgentina, for example, spends #irtually nothing while, at the opposite end of the scale, the Anited

    =tates spends 41%00m. The next highest spenders are rance, Eapan and 6hina spending 41+00m, 41300m

    and 41&00m respecti#ely. iddle range spenders include Dermany, -taly, =weden and ussia, spending in the

    4700(41000m range. $mong the lowest spenders are -reland, $ustralia, akistan and -srael spending under

    4100m. The remaining countries spend between 4 - 00 and 4300m.

    2#erall, the trends in the table show the wealthy, de#eloped countries as being foremost in space

    application spending, while countries classed as de#eloping, or those with #ery small populations, spend the

    least. There are some exceptions, like 6hina, which is de#eloping fast and has ob#iously made space

    technology a priority. Thus the main reasons for the differences may include wealth, si>e, political and eco(

    nomic stability and the chosen priorities of each country. 81%" words9

    PRACTICE WRITING TEST 11 TASK 2 (IELTS ractice test o*)

    Preset a *ritte ar+,-et or case to a e.,cate. o/secia0ist a,.iece o te fo00o*i+ toic

    "ourism is becoming increasingly important as a source of revenue to many countries but its

    disadvantages should not be overloo#ed.

    3o, so,0. ,se 4o,r o* i.eas5 6o*0e.+e a. e7eriece a. s,ort 4o,r ar+,-ets *it

    e7a-0es a. re0e8at e8i.ece9

    aster planes and cheaper flights are making it easier than e#er before for people to tra#el. -n most

    ed this fact and are learning to take ad#antage of it.

    There are, howe#er, some problems associated with this new industry. irstly, there is the increasing crime

    rate. =ome locals see tourists as easy prey because, not only are they in unfamiliar territory and therefore less

    able to take care of themsel#es, but also they carry #isible items of wealth, such as cameras and jewellery

    which can be disposed of 5uickly for a profit.

    $nother major problem is health. )ith greater mobility comes greater danger of spreading contagious

    diseases around the world. 2ne carrier returning home could easily start an epidemic before their illness was


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    diagnosed. oreo#er the emergence of many more diseases which resist antibiotics is causing scientists to be

    increasingly concerned about this issue.

    $lso to be considered is the natural en#ironment, which can be seriously threatened by too many #isitors


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    The first graph shows the percentage of people employed in different sectors of the economy in 1""&, and the

    percentage of DG which they produced. The main economic sectors are natural resources, industry and

    ser#ices. The second graph shows mo#ements between 1"!/ and 1""%.

    The first graph re#eals that although 77.+* of the population worked in nature resources in 1""&, they

    produced only 1".&* of DG. owe#er, the 3./* of the population who worked in industry produced 1%.+* of

    DG, and the 1%.&* who worked in the ser#ice sector produced %!* of DG.

    The second graph shows that ser#ices as a percentage of DG ha#e been falling steadily. -n 1"!/ natural

    resources pro#ided more than &%* of DG, but this declined to less than &0* in 1""&, reco#ered in 1""3 but

    fell below &0* in 1""%. -ndustry earned less than 10* of DG in 1"!/, but rose almost to &0* in 1""%.

    The two graphs re#eal that DG is earned primarily by the ser#ice sector.

    PRACTICE WRITING TEST 1"(!) TASK 1 ( Preare for IELTS )

    The table shows consumer preferences in four different uropean countries.

    -n the Anited Hingdom 8AH9 and rance consumer prefer 3+: and narrow shells, in Dermany and =weden 3+:

    and wide shells. The load capacity #aries slightly between % and / kilos. The preferred spin speed ranges from

    !%0 rpm 8Dermany9, !00 rpm 8=weden9, 700 rpm 8AH9, to /00 rpm 8rance9.

    The preferred chum material is enamel in the AH and rance, stainless steel in the other countries6onsumers in e#ery country except the AH prefer front loading to top loading machines. The 'ritish and the

    =wedes want a water heating system, but this is not so elsewhere.

    ach country has a different preference for styling features, the 'ritish fa#oring an inconspicuous appearance

    the Dermans re5uiring a machine which looks indestructible, the rench an elegant machine and the =wedes

    a strong(looking machine. The final feature, the washing action, sees a di#ision between the AH and rance

    where consumers prefer an agitator, and the other countries where a tumble action is preferred.

    PRACTICE WRITING TEST 1#(1) TASK 2 ( Preare for IELTS )

    $ wide range of medical treatments is a#ailable today. atients may wonder which will be the most effecti#e,

    and whether their own mental attitude to the type of treatment might affect its success. This essay will consider

    the second of these 5uestions.

    any people #isit their doctor or go to hospital with complete trust in the expert care offered by con#entional

    ser#ices. owe#er, some people do not get a satisfactory result. or example, the drugs they are prescribed


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    may ha#e unpleasant side(effects. Their initial positi#e attitude towards their treatment does them little good.

    =imilarly, those patients who trustfully choose alternati#e treatments o#er traditional medicine may find

    themsel#es disillusioned. @ess rigorous 5ualification standards among alternati#e practitioners may mean tha

    some healers gi#e ineffecti#e or damaging ad#ice. The result, again, is that a patient who entered treatment

    with confidence lea#es that treatment disillusioned.

    2n the other hand, patients may try a style of treatment with some skepticism. $ person used to con#entiona

    medicines and drugs may be suspicious of treatments based on diet and lifestyle changes. Bet if they follow

    such programs, they may in fact notice impro#ements in their condition, in spite of their skepticism. 5ually, a

    patient opposed to con#entional medicine may ha#e an accident and be sa#ed by the effecti#e treatment of

    con#entional emergency ser#ices.

    -n conclusion, it appears that the mental attitude of the patient is not the most significant factor in determining

    the outcome of the treatment. atients who enter treatment confidently may lea#e disillusioned while those

    who begin treatment skeptical of the results may find themsel#es surprised with what they ha#e gained

    atients should seek the ad#antages which each style of care can offer.

    PRACTICE WRITING TEST 1$(2) TASK 2 ( Preare for IELTS )

    Do#ernments can only pro#ide a limited range of ser#ices for citi>ens. 6ertain types of ser#ice, howe#er, mus

    be pro#ided by go#ernments, whereas both go#ernments and pri#ate groups or indi#iduals can share the

    responsibility to pro#ide other ser#ices.

    $ go#ernment must pro#ide those ser#ices which are essential to a country. These include defence capabi(

    lities and social security. ri#ate enterprise and the profit moti#e should not form part of these essentia


    2n the other hand, some ser#ices could be pro#ided by either go#ernments or pri#ate groups or both

    ducation and health care are examples of such ser#ices. $ go#ernment must pro#ide at least a basic le#el of

    education and health care ens can ha#e access to them. ri#ate enterprise, though, could also

    pro#ide ser#ices in these areas for those who wish to pay for them.

    Arban infrastructure is another area where go#ernments and pri#ate groups or indi#iduals can share

    responsibility. Do#ernments must build and maintain a system of roads, but toll roads can be built and road

    maintenance carried out by pri#ate contractors. =imilarly, other infrastructure, such as water or electricity

    supply, can. be operated by pri#ate companies.

    To sum up, there are some ser#ices such as defence and social security which must be pro#ided by

    go#ernment. 2ther ser#ices, for example water supply or education, could be pro#ided by both go#ernment

    and pri#ate enterprise. 6onse5uently, it is not true to say that a go#ernment

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    ser#ices while others should be pro#ided by the pri#ate sector. -n fact, both go#ernment and pri#ate groups

    can share in the pro#ision of most ser#ices.

    PRACTICE WRITING TEST 1%() TASK 2 ( Preare for IELTS )

    6omputers are now essential in many areas of life modern banking, retail and information exchange among

    others. owe#er, this is not true for education. $t a simple le#el some subjects may be better taught usingcomputers, but to explain important concepts a human teacher is still indispensable.

    There are some subjects in which a computer can be used successfully to teach. lementary mathematics,

    elementary language learning, any area which re5uires a student to memori>e basic facts through repetition is

    well suited to computer learning. The computer can be programmed to pro#ide an endless number of simple

    5uestions, and as the student answers these 5uestions the facts are learned and reinforced.

    owe#er, in the learning and practice of more complex ideas, the computer is not ade5uate. $ computer can

    e#aluate an answer as right or wrong, but it cannot determine why. -t cannot find out why a student is making

    mistakes, and then re(present important concepts in a different way so the student will understand. -t cannot

    determine at what stage in a mathematics problem the student has made an error, it can only indicate that the

    final answer is wrong. Tasks in#ol#ing reasoning cannot be taught by computers, as there are too many

    #ariables for a computer to deal with successfully.

    Thus, while computers may be useful as a tool for practising simple skills, they are not an essential feature of

    modern education, because they cannot monitor a student

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    ?either of these arguments will sway the super rich who can afford the status cars, but it would perhaps

    encourage them to look at other ways of demonstrating their wealth. owe#er we do it, reducing the number of

    cars on the road will reduce the problems of pollution and the congestion which can bring cities to a standstill.

    PRACTICE WRITING TEST 2'(1) TASK 2 ( Preare for IELTS Geera0 )

    2#er the last few years people in $ustralia ha#e become more health conscious and are making greater efforts

    to stay healthy.

    They do this by eating a balanced diet which includes foods from the fi#e food groups 8proteins, carbohy(

    drates, grains, dairy produce. and fats9 with less emphasis on fats and red meats such as steak. -n fact many

    more $ustralians are becoming #egetarians in an effort to become healthier.

    xercise is important to $ustralians. itness centers are #ery popular and offer a wide #ariety of acti#ities andfacilities, from circuit training and aerobics to lap swimming in heated swimming pools. $ lot of people attend

    these centers before and after work, or during their lunch break. $ number of people also get exercise by

    walking or riding bicycles instead of dri#ing or taking public transport 6ompetiti#e and social sporting acti#ities

    are also popular forms of exercise.

    #eryday li#ing can cause stress in peoples< li#es which is bad for their health. or this reason people who

    want to stay healthy try to reduce stressful situations both at work and at home. To a#oid stress in the

    workplace some businesses run conflict resolution courses which employees are encouraged to attend

    aking a little time during the day for some personal relaxation pro#ides an opportunity to relie#e stress andthereby stay healthier. any $ustralians are also in fa#our of using alternati#e forms of medicine and healing

    such as massage, acupuncture, aromatherapy and homoeopathy.

    Thus, an increased awareness of a healthier lifestyle has led many $ustralians to alter their dietary and

    exercise habits and the type of health care they embrace.

    PRACTICE WRITING TEST 21(2) TASK 2 ( Preare for IELTS Geera0 )

    -t would be unwise, indeed foolhardy, to impose the same rules of beha#iour on all children in e#ery part of theworld.

    $cceptable rules of beha#iour can #ary greatly from one country, to another, with factors such as age and

    family #alues influencing what is deemed to be acceptable in that particular society. #en the sex of a child

    can greatly influence these rules.

    $ basic factor that must be considered is the age of the child. Theoretically a child is anyone aged >ero years

    to approximately eighteen. $ pre(school child is incapable of making independent decisions and is necessarily


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    dependent on his;her family to determine and impose rules of beha#iour. $s the child

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    important goods they may lack are food and shelter. xamples of ser#ices are health and education. This

    essay will examine some of the main causes of po#erty and some possible solutions.

    $ major cause of po#erty has always been war. The recent war in 'osnia saw people e#icted from their homes

    and depri#ed of food and shelter, and of ser#ices such as hospitals, schools, gas, water and electricity. edia

    co#erage of the war caused world wide re#ulsion. The solution to war may be such uni#ersal rejection that

    world leaders will not consider it as an option.

    =ome countries ha#e the twin problems of o#erpopulation and underde#elopment. They simply do not create

    enough wealth per capita for their people to escape from po#erty. This is changing in many places as countries

    take steps to reduce their birthrate and de#elop their resources. 2ther countries are facing the scourges of

    famine and disease. The only short term solutions for these countries lie in massi#e aid from the rest of the


    This essay has looked briefly at such causes of po#erty as war, o#erpopulation, underde#elopment, famine

    and disease. The problems at times appear o#erwhelming, with no solution. Gespite this, much good work isbeing done, with more people than e#er enjoying a good 5uality of life. The challenge for the world is to keep

    rolling back the frontier of po#erty, knowing that it will only be achie#ed inch by inch.

    PRACTICE WRITING TEST 2!(1) TASK 1 ( IELTS to s,ccess )

    The two decades between 1"7% and 1""% brought significant changes in the representation of women in


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    PRACTICE WRITING TEST 2"(2) TASK 1 ( IELTS to s,ccess )

    $nyone who has #isited a dentist has been told that eating excessi#e amounts of sweets risks harming the

    teeth. This is because sweets lower p le#els in the mouth to dangerous le#els.

    )hen the p le#el in the mouth is kept abo#e %.%, acidity is such that teeth are unlikely to be in danger of

    decay. =weet foods, howe#er, cause p in the mouth to drop for a time, and the longer p le#els remain

    below %.%, the greater the opportunity for decay to occur.

    'y comparing fruit sugar, cane sugar and honey, which are all common ingredients of sweet foods, we find

    that cane sugar lowers p le#els for the longest period, thus producing the greatest risk of the three.

    $pproximately fi#e minutes after consuming cane sugar, p le#els drop to as little as p 3.%. They then begin

    to rise slowly, but do not rise abo#e p %.% until at least 30 minutes ha#e elapsed. 'y contrast, fruit sugar

    which causes the mouth

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    for as long as is practicable, public expenditures are less strained

    Thus, workers who can still demonstrate their capacity to carry out their work should not be asked to retire

    simply because they ha#e reached a certain age. =ocieties that insist on early retirement may do well to look

    again at their policies.8333 words9

    PRACTICE WRITING TEST 2$(!) TASK 2 ( IELTS to s,ccess )

    There is no doubt that going to study in a foreign country, with its different language and culture, can be a

    frustrating and sometimes painful experience. 'ut while o#erseas study has its drawbacks, the difficulties are

    far outweighed by the ad#antages. -ndeed, people who go abroad for study open themsel#es up to

    experiences that those who stay at home will ne#er ha#e.

    The most ob#ious ad#antage to o#erseas uni#ersity study is real life use of a different language. )hile a

    person can study a foreign language in his or her own country, it cannot compare with constant use of thelanguage in academic and e#eryday life. There is no better opportunity to impro#e second language skills than

    li#ing in the country in which it is spoken. oreo#er, ha#ing used the language during one

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    dispatched and offered for sale in retail outlets. The le#el of sales, which is the end point of the manufacturing

    process, helps determine production planning.

    $ product

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    Gifferences in sleep patterns appear to reflect differences in indi#iduals< occupations.

    $ 6anadian study has pointed out, for example, that students typically sleep for a consecuti#e !(hour period

    each night, from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. This may be because the central acti#ity in their li#es, study, takes place in

    normal daylight hours. =imilarly, business executi#es sleep consecuti#e hours, but perhaps because their jobs

    are especially busy and stressful they sleep for / hours on a#erage, getting up around % a.m.

    'y contrast, truck dri#ers, probably because of their need to keep their trucks on the road o#er long periods,

    tend to sleep in two 3(hour blocks one between 7 and 10 a.m. and another from + to 7 p.m. $nother

    occupation associated with broken sleep schedules is that of doctors. They tend to retire to bed around 1 a.m

    and start their day at 7 a.m., but may be woken up to deal with emergencies in the middle of the night. inally

    full(time mothers, especially those with young children, tend to sleep when their babies do. Typically, they wil

    sleep from 10 p.m. and be awoken at 1 a.m. to comfort their babies for a couple of hours. They then go back to

    bed to wake at / a.m.,but nap for two hours or so in the early afternoon.

    Thus the influence on one

  • 5/19/2018 54535441 Ielts Sample Answers Writing


    workplaces, it is likely the mediaation

    howe#er, as less social contact with one

  • 5/19/2018 54535441 Ielts Sample Answers Writing


    wished ha#ing a nap in the afternoon, for example, but working some hours in the e#ening. 2ne substantia

    benefit for all telecommuting workers is that there will be no need to tra#el to work, allowing more free time.

    The structure of urban life is also likely to be affected by telecommuting. )e would expect to see fewer cars

    on the road during peak hours and, e#entually, a smaller con. centration of offices in cities< central business

    districts. -n short, people will ha#e less reason to tra#el to city centers from outlying areas. $s more people

    work and li#e in the same location, shops and cultural e#ents will likely be relocated out of the city center.

    -n sum, telecommuting will ser#e to change not only the way we work but also the way we li#e. 830/ words9

    PRACTICE WRITING TEST !(11) TASK 1 ( IELTS to s,ccess )

    The diagram re#eals that the hours per week spent in unpaid work are une5ually distributed between men and

    women, and, to a lesser extent, between married and unmarried women.

    -n households without children, where the partners are married, women reportedly spend 30 hours per week

    doing housework, gardening etc. en

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    There are also less punishing ways of spurring public transport use. The construction of free car parks at

    suburban train stations has pro#en successful in 5uite a number of countries. This allows commuters to dri#e

    part of the way, but take public transport into the central, most congested, urban areas.

    -ndeed, making public transport more comfortable and con#enient should work to attract more commuters

    and decrease traffic congestion. ublic transport that is con#enient and comfortable retains its passengers,

    much like any business that satisfies its customers. The more commuters committed to taking public transportthe less congestion on city streets.

    8&%3 words9

    PRACTICE WRITING TEST # TASK 1 ( IELTS ractice test 0,s )

    The three graphs pro#ide an o#er#iew of the types of music people purchase in the AH. $t first glance we see

    that classical music is far less popular than pop or rock music.

    )hile slightly more women than men buy pop music, the rock market is dominated by men with 30* buyingrock, compared to 1!1, of women. rom the first graph we see that interest in pop music is steady from age 1/

    to ++ with &0* of the population continuing to buy pop 6Gs after the age of +%.

    The interest in rock music reaches its peak among the &% to

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    ed. =uch people are usually singled out with the help of

    clients. otels, restaurants and tour operators may also allow staff to accept tips offered by clients who are

    pleased with the ser#ice. owe#er, tipping is a highly unreliable source of money and does not fa#or e#eryone.

    'asically, employees want to be recogni>ed for their contribution ( whether through recei#ing more money or

    simply some encouraging words. They also need to feel that their contribution to the whole organi>ation is

    worthwhile. Dood management recogni>es this need and responds appropriately.

    PRACTICE WRITING TEST % TASK 2 ( IELTS ractice test 0,s )

    'y comparison with e#en the recent past. the choice of leisure acti#ities on offer today is #ast, so it is

    reasonable to ind that some of these acti#ities reflect the trends and fads of the day.

    eople ha#e far more money and time than before to pursue their interests but the e#er(increasing number of

    acti#ities does not automatically guarantee continuity. -n fact new hobbies come and go. or example. sportssuch as roller( blading lose their fascination after a few months. =imilarly. although snow boarding has taken

    o#er from traditional skiing it is doubtful whether its popularity will last. 2ther things like electronic games go

    out of date almost as soon as you ha#e bought them because the manufacturers promote the fact that only the

    latest #ersion is worth ha#ing, and so ensure continued sales.

    2n the other hand. not e#eryone is a #ictim of fashion in this way and people of all ages and backgrounds may

    take up hobbies for social reasons. Traditional hobbies range from participation in acti#e sports like tennis to

    old fa#ourites such as chess and stamp collecting. and these continue to be popular. 'y joining a club. people

    can make friends and feel part of a group with whom they can share a common interest and leisure time.

    )here sport is concerned. most people know what they like and participate out of love of the game, rather

    than because it is currently fashionable.

    - feel therefore. that while fashion may ha#e an influence. particularly among the young. the majority of people

    enjoy their hobbies for their own sake.

    PRACTICE WRITING TEST & TASK 1 ( foc,s o ie0ts )

    The chart pro#ides a breakdown of employment in a number of tourism(related industries o#er a ten(year

    period. 2#erall. we can see that the total le#el of employment increased by about twenty per cent during the

    period. owe#er, there was some #ariation in the figures for the indi#idual sectors. or example, while the

    tra#el industry increased its workforce substantially o#er the decade. there was relati#ely little growth in that

    associated with hotels and other tourist accommodation.

    Tra#el represented the biggest area of expansion. ha#ing almost doubled its number of employees by 1"""

    The food industry also saw a significant increase. from &!3.000 employees in 1"!" to 3%7.000 in 1""". while


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    the sports industry enjoyed an almost e5ual le#el of growth. The least successful sector was culture. including

    museums and art galleries. where the figures actually fell slightly of the period.

    The data suggests that. despite minor fluctuations in the #arious sectors, employment in the tourism industry

    as a whole will continue to grow.

    PRACTICE WRITING TEST !' TASK 2 ( foc,s o ie0ts )

    Anemployment causes many problems for society. -ndi#iduals suffer not only economically. but also in terms

    of their self respect and e#en health, -ne#itably, when the breadwinner is unemployed other family members

    become #ictims too. Boung people without job prospects may turn to drugs or crime to escape boredom and

    po#erty. or all these reasons. any measures which can reduce unemployment are to be welcomed.

    The first priority for the job seeker is information and here the -nternet offers a uni5ue tool. Getails of job#acancies and training schemes can be accessed within minutes on a computer screen sa#ing time and

    money that would otherwise be spent #isiting employment agencies or buying newspapers. -n addition. the

    -nternet can be #ery useful in preparing for job inter#iews.

    2nce a suitable job #acancy has been identified, itJs #ital to respond 5uickly, and in this respect it can be

    argued that a mobile phone is more con#enient than a con#entional phone. =ince calls on a mobile can be wry

    expensi#e, howe#er, costs can easily get out of hand unless they are monitored carefully.

    -t has to be said that ,like any tools, the -nternet and the mobile phone are only as good as their user. 'oth

    need to be used effecti#ely, and of course both are open to abuse. There is little point in making technology

    a#ailable, therefore, without pro#iding basic training in using it.

    -n conclusion. - belie#e there are strong arguments for gi#ing unemployed people access to the -nternet

    owe#er, the case for pro#iding mobile phones is less con#incing, and it may be more cost effecti#e in the

    long run to in#est in rele#ant training programmes.

    PRACTICE WRITING TEST !1 TASK 1 (ie0ts o trac6 )

    These pie charts show changes in world population between 1"00 and &000. The major regions are

    represented as percentages of the total world population.

    rom 1"00 to &000 $frica

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    /0* to %+*. ?orth $merica, howe#er, showed no change, remaining at %* of world population both in 1"00

    and &000. The iddle ast and ?orth $frica, a new category in &000, represented /* of world population. The

    percentage of population in the remaining areas of the world . 8

  • 5/19/2018 54535441 Ielts Sample Answers Writing


    sa#ings rate of &".%*, followed by rance with 1!.7* and Eapan with 17./*. 6anada had the lowest rate (


    'y 1""0 -taly was still the leading country, though its sa#ing rate had dropped to 17./*. Dermany was next

    with 13.!* 8same as 1"709 and the rate, in rance and Eapan were close behind. -n 6anada. the sa#ing rate

    had almost doubled to 11.%*. The AH and the A=$ had the lowest rates, !.&* and %.%* rel3pecti#ely.

    :'y &000 the sa#ings rates had le#elled out considerably across the se#en countries. rance and Eapan led

    with 13./*, followed by Dermany, -taly and the AH at around 11*. ersonal sa#ings in ?orth $merica

    dropped sharply, with the A=$ at +* and 6anada at a #ery low 1."*.

    The o#erall trend shows a reduction in sa#ings o#er this thirty(year period.

    PRACTICE WRITING TEST !! TASK 2 (ie0ts o trac6 )

    - agree entirely with the opinion in the title. There is increasing e#idence that climate changes are not jusrandom but are being accelerated by , industrial acti#ity, particularly in de#eloped countries. any nations are

    recording extreme weather conditions, such as the wettest year on record, or the hottest summer on record.

    =ea le#els are rising and sea temperatures are increasing more rapidly than before.

    The Hyoto $greement in the 1""0s tried to create international consensus to limit industrial emissions of

    gases but unfortunately some F nations are unwilling to commit to real change. This, is probably related to

    economic pressures from within the country and the interests of multinational corporations. -n industriali>ed

    nations a good lifestyle means a high le#el of consumerism. This keeps factories operating and people

    employed but it also creates enormous pollution and waste.

    To sol#e these serious problems re5uires political action in a number of - directions. $t the indi#idual le#el,

    education programs in schools should be set up to reduce wasteful beha#iour and to encourage respect for the

    planet. $t the corporate le#el, businesses need to de#elop responsible en#ironmental policies together with

    go#ernments. They must be held legally accountable for their actions.

    2ne major difficulty is that en#ironmental parties like the Dreens ha#e little political power. Their policies are

    appropriate but they need support from the general public in order to increase pressure on the main parties

    and large corporations.

    The time for action is definitely now. ach year of delays and ineffecti#e policy will make it harder to restore

    the health of planet arth.

    PRACTICE WRITING TEST !" TASK 1 (ie0ts o trac6 )

    The process of making chocolate begins with the grinding of the cocoa bean, to produce cocoa li5uor and


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    some waste products. The li5uor is used in two ways. )hen pressed into powder it can be sold on to the food

    industry. $lternati#ely when pressed into cocoa butter it is used, along with the li5uor to make industria

    chocolate. This is combined with sugar and other ingredients and refined to produce chocolate bars.

    ow is the money from the retail price of a chocolate bar di#ided upC The pie chart indicates that the farmer,

    who produces the cocoa bean, recei#es only +* of the retail price. The supermarket, on the other hand

    recei#es 3+*. $ rather small 10* goes to the chocolate company, while 1% * is taken by the go#ernment inthe form of taxes. The cost of ingredients and production, make up the largest proportion, 37* of the price of a

    chocolate bar.

    -t seems unfair that the farmers, who do so much of the work, get such a small return for their efforts.

    PRACTICE WRITING TEST !# TASK 2 (ie0ts o trac6 )

    Gogs and cats can be wonderful companions but there are also a number of problems associated with pe

    ownership, both for the animals and for the community.

    -n the best situations pets are fed, cared for and lo#ed as part of a family. -t is easy to see how much attention

    is gi#en to pets, by the range of products a#ailable in the pet section of supermarkets. -n return, cats and dogs

    contribute to the well being of the community in many ways. Gogs are useful for protection and ser#e as

    guides for the disabled. eople with pets are not only happier and healthierF but may e#en li#e longer. Thus the

    animals benefit indi#iduals and the community

    There are, howe#erF also negati#e aspects for the pets and for the community. The freedoms of both dogs and

    cats are increasingly restricted. -n $ustralia there is community pressure to force owners to keep cats inside at

    night to protect nati#e birds and animals. Gogs can no longer run free in parks and at the beach but must be

    kept on leads. These restrictions ha#e been imposed by the community to protect the public. -n addition pet

    owners are re5uired to clean up after their dogs. arks and beaches often pro#ide plastic bags for this

    purpose. The community also has to pick up the costs of dogs and cats that ha#e been abandoned by

    irresponsible owners.

    =o the relationship between pets and the community is a complex one. ore and more the community is

    inter#ening to force pet owners to restrict the acti#ities and freedom of their pets. =till, responsible owners

    prepared to gi#e ade5uate time and attention to their cats and dogs, can gi#e them a good and happy life.(2&'


    PRACTICE WRITING TEST !$ TASK 1 (ie0ts o trac6 )

    The two line graphs show trends in smoking and alcohol consumption since 1"/0 for se#eral countries.


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    -n terms of smoking patterns, the general trend in the A=$, Eapan and olland is downwards. olland had the

    highest percentage of smokers in 1"/0 at nearly /0*, followed by Eapan at about +7* and the A=$ at around

    +0*. olland experienced the most dramatic decrease, falling to about +3* in 1"!0 and then declined at the

    same steady rate as Eapan until &000. A=$ens of others e#ery day #ia computer or phone, but does this make them

    feel happierC appiness is difficult to define, but in addition to basic needs like food, shelter or peace, it

    depends on such things as good health, a lo#ing family and friends. and a satisfying occupation ( either job,

    study or pastime. )hether modern communication has increased people

  • 5/19/2018 54535441 Ielts Sample Answers Writing


    groups, based on an airline sur#ey in &00&.

    =pecifically 3" of the 100 men aged &%(+% rated seat;leg room as the most important feature, rising to +/ of

    the older men. =er#ice was next with &7 of the &%(+% male group and &/ of the +%L group rating that first. $fte

    that, at &0 and &+ respecti#ely comes meals;drinks. @ast is entertainment, chosen by only 1+ of the younger

    and + of the +%L males.

    Turning to the female groups, it is clear that entertainment is also of low importance with only 10 of the

    younger and + of the older age group placing it first. Grinks and meals are rated number one by &/ younge

    women and 31 of the o#er +%s. =er#ice and seat;leg room are the most important in(flight features for women

    with 3+ younger and 30 older women choosing the formerF while 30 and 3% chose the latter.

    The high priority of physical comfort for fre5uent air tra#ellers seems undeniable.

    PRACTICE WRITING TEST "' TASK 2 (ie0ts o trac6 )

    $lmost daily there are reports of new ad#ances in medicine. -n the de#eloped world certainly, the prognosis fo

    many medical problems is more optimistic today than ten years ago and continues to impro#e. 'ut these

    de#elopments in health care are #ery expensi#e, and it is 5uestionable whether countries can afford to

    continue to increase spending on health. any belie#e that it would be better to spend more pre#enting people

    from becoming unwell in the first place, and reduce the amount spent on curing ill health.

    $s many modern diseases are a conse5uence of our lifestyles, one way of making sa#ings to the health

    budget would be to educate people about how to pre#ent expensi#e health problems such as diabetes or hear

    disease. ost medical doctors today do not ha#e the time to 8nor are they paid to9 teach patients how to make

    these changes to their lifestyle through diet or exercise.

    -t is understandable that when people are sick they want the best medical treatment possible, with access to

    the latest diagnostic e5uipment, expensi#e - scanners, for example. -f the problem is life threatening then

    we demand complex operations such as open(heart surgery or organ transplants. =uch procedures usually

    re5uire intensi#e nursing care and lengthy periods of hospitali>ation, which are costly.

    Thus it can be seen that this is not a straightforward issue and depends to some extent on one

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    The graph and table indicate that $sia is the region of the world with the largest numbers of fishers in 1"70

    1"!0 and &000, at ", 13 and &+ million respecti#ely. ?o other region has seen such dramatic increases in

    numbers. $frica

  • 5/19/2018 54535441 Ielts Sample Answers Writing


    The table shows the sales figures of fiction books, non(fiction books, and maga>ines in a college bookshop fo

    ebruary &000. The figures are di#ided into two groupsF sales to non( 'ook 6lub members and to 'ook 6lub


    The non( 'ook 6lub member figures comprise sales to college staff, college students, and members of the

    public. 6ollege staff bought 33& maga>ines, ++ fiction and &" non(fiction books. 6ollege students bought 1&+"

    maga>ines, 1"+ non(fiction and 31 fiction books. ore maga>ines were sold to college students than to anyother group of customers. $lthough no fiction books were sold to members of the public, they purchased 1&&

    non(fiction books and !& maga>ines.

    'ook 6lub members bought more fiction 87/9 and non(fiction books 8"+&9 than other customers. 2n the other

    hand, maga>ine sales to 6lub members 8339 were fewer than for any other type of customer.

    The total number of publications sold for the month was 313+ 81+7+ to college students, +0% to staff, &0+ to

    the public, and 10%1 to 'ook 6lub members9. 2f this figure, 1%1 items were fiction books and 1&!7 were non(

    fiction. Therefore, maga>ines accounted for the greatest number of sales 81/"/9.

    PRACTICE WRITING TEST "! TASK 2 ( 1'1 e0f,0 its for ie0ts )

    =tudying a language in a country where it is widely spoken has many ad#antages. -t is, therefore, a good idea

    to study nglish in a country such as 'ritain. owe#er, - belie#e it is not the only way to learn the language.

    -n the first place, most students in non(nglish(speaking countries learn nglish at secondary school, and

    sometimes at uni#ersity nowadays. $lthough their spoken nglish is not usually of a #ery high standard, their

    knowledge of grammar is often 5uite ad#anced. This is certainly useful when students come to an nglish

    speaking country to perfect the language

    =econdly, studying the basics of nglish at secondary school is less stressful than learning the language while

    o#erseas. This is because students li#ing at home do not ha#e to worry about problems such as finding

    accommodation, paying for their study and li#ing costs, and trying to sur#i#e in a foreign country where day to

    day li#ing causes much stress.

    owe#er, there are ob#ious ad#antages of learning nglish in 'ritain. #ery day there are opportunities to

    practise listening to and speaking with 'ritish people. $lso, students can experience the culture first hand

    which is a great help when trying to understand the language. This is especially true if they choose to li#e with

    a 'ritish family, as exchange students for example. urthermore, if students attend a language school full(timethe teachers will be nati#e speakers. -n this case, not only will students< speaking and listening skills impro#e,

    but attention can be gi#en to de#eloping reading and writing skills

    as well.

    -n general, e#en though it is preferable to study nglish in an nglish(speaking country, a reasonable le#el o

    nglish can be achie#ed in one

  • 5/19/2018 54535441 Ielts Sample Answers Writing


    or this uni#ersity course an essay is completed in six stages. The first stage is a pri#ate tutorial in which the

    task and topic are fully discussed with the tutor. $ reading list should be obtained, detailing useful resource


    The second stage in#ol#es conducting suitable research. ?otes are taken from a#ailable literature at the

    library, and data collected nom 5uestionnaires, inter#iews and sur#eys. )riting the first draft is the third stageirst, it is necessary to organi>e the content of the essay, and produce a brief outline. ?ext, the draft is written

    in the acceptable formal academic style, and checked for appropriate language.

    =tage number four is another tutorial or study group discussion, during which problem areas are analy>ed, and

    further ideas and suggestions are noted. The fifth stage includes reading the resource material again, before

    writing a second draft using suggestions nom stage four. 2nce completed, all 5uotations should be checked

    for errors.

    The sixth stage consists of writing the final draft of the essay. $ spell check is re5uired, before adding a title

    page and compiling a bibliography. The essay should then be submitted before the: deadline for completion.

    PRACTICE WRITING TEST "# TASK 2 ( 1'1 e0f,0 its for ie0ts )

    -n most countries of the world the population is increasing alarmingly. This is especially true in poor

    unde#eloped countries. 2#erpopulation causes a considerable number of problems.

    -n poor countries it is difficult to pro#ide enough food to feed e#en the present number of people. -n addition

    education to limit the number of children per family is not always successful. oorer countries usually ha#e a

    lot of unemployment too, and an increase in population simply makes the situation worse. The en#ironment

    also suffers when there are too many people li#ing on the land.

    -n rich, industriali>ed and de#eloping countries it is #ery difficult for go#emments to pro#ide effecti#e public

    ser#ices in o#ercrowded cities. oreo#er, there is usually a great deal more crime, which is often due to high

    rates of unemployment. urther large increases in population only cause more o#ercrowding, unemploymenand crime.

    There are two main solutions to the o#erpopulation problem. irstly, e#ery woman who is pregnant, but who

    does not want to gi#e birth, should be allowed by law to ha#e an abortion. =econdly, go#emments must

    educate people to limit the si>e of the family. -n 6hina, couples are penali>ed financially if they ha#e more than

    one child. This may seem cruel, but the :one(child policy: is beginning to ha#e an effect in the world

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    for example.

    To sum up, if the population explosion continues, many more people will die of star#ation in poor countries,

    and life in the cities, e#en in affluent nations, will become increasingly difficult.

    PRACTICE WRITING TEST "$ TASK 1 ( 1'1 e0f,0 its for ie0ts )

    The graph shows the four 5uarters of the &000 financial year and the monthly profit of $cme =ports 6ars and

    'ranson otors for 1& months. The former was making almost twice the profit at the beginning than at the end

    of the financial year. There was a three(fold increase in the latter

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    $s for the photography option, more females than males are enrolled from e#ery country except =yria. -n fact

    no female =yrian students are taking hotographic Gesign. 2nly 1 male from each country is enrolled in

    hotography, except for & males from =pain.

    PRACTICE WRITING TEST "& TASK 2 ( 1'1 e0f,0 its for ie0ts )

    Bouth drug abuse is a serious problem nowadays in many cultures. ?ot only is illegal drug use on the rise, bu

    children as young as 10 years old are experimenting with alcohol and tobacco. The reasons for this beha#iour

    are unclear, but certain sociologists blame the examples set by their elders.

    arents who drink and smoke to excess are, in effect, telling their children that it is acceptable to abuse their

    bodies with drugs. 6onse5uently, children may ha#e a similar #iew towards illegal drugs, e#en if their parents

    are against their use. -n addition, drug use shown on tele#ision and in films can only confuse children who arealso taught at school that drug abuse is wrong.

    The pressure on young people to perform well at school in order to compete for jobs is a possible cause of the

    problem. any belie#e they cannot li#e up to their parents< expectations, and feel a sense of hopelessness.

    $lso, the widespread a#ailability of drugs means teenagers are faced with the temptation to experiment. Grugs

    are used as a means of expressing dissatisfaction with the pressures they face in society.

    The effects of drug abuse are well known. any young peopleed nations and some

    de#eloping countries. owe#er, there is always the danger of radiation leaking from these plants. #en though


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    safety precautions are taken, there ha#e been numerous disasters such as the explosion of a nuclear plant in

    ussia not long ago. .

    ?uclear technology is e#en used to help cure some diseases such as cancer. adiation can be applied to the

    body to bum away cancerous cells. This is, howe#er, a dangerous procedure, and the application of radiation

    is almost always painful and not always successful.

    The most worrying aspect of nuclear technology, though, is its use for military purposes. nough atomic

    bombs ha#e already been built to completely destroy the planet, and the real danger is that one day some

    country will start a war with these weapons. Too many countries now ha#e the technology re5uired to make

    such bombs, and there is currently much debate about how to control the situation.

    -n conclusion, nuclear technology certainly has positi#e uses, but is, nonetheless, dangerous. owe#er, it

    would ha#e been better if it had ne#er been used to create nuclear weapons. -f life on arth is to continue, all

    the nuclear nations of the world should agree to disarm as soon as possible.

    PRACTICE WRITING TEST #1 TASK 2 ( foc,si+ o ie0ts )

    2ne of the major problems today is that natural resources such as coal and oil are not renewable and are

    running out extremely 5uickly.

    -t is therefore extremely important that e#ery effort should be made to cut down on the resources used. The

    most ob#ious way of doing this is to be more economical. eople should be forced to dri#e smaller cars and

    cars should be adapted to use petrol as efficiently as possible. oreo#er people should be encouraged to usepublic transport whene#er possible. This could be done by taxing cars hea#ily and using the money to impro#e

    the 5uality of public transport.

    6ars are not the only drain on resources. The generation of electricity is also a major problem. $lthough it has

    to be admitted that e#eryone needs electricity, it is often used wastefully. or example are those large neon

    ad#ertisements in the city center really necessaryC -f we really tried e#eryone could sa#e some electricity by

    using fewer electrical gadgets and turning off lights when they are not in use.

    nergy sa#ing is not enough. -n the long term we must find alternati#e =ources of power. The most commonly

    made suggestion is nuclear power, which generates large amounts of electricity and does not cause major

    pollution. owe#er. the conse5uences of a nuclear accident would remain with us for generations and may not

    be worth the risk. 2n the other hand clean cheap sources of energy do exist. =olar power, wind power and

    hydro(electric power ha#e all been suggested as possible solutions.

    owe#er, the energy produced is either not enough or not consistent enough to be commercially #iable.

    -t is important that energy is conser#ed whene#er possible, while research into alternati#e sources of power

    continues and is perfected.


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    PRACTICE WRITING TEST #2 TASK 1 ( foc,si+ o ie0ts )

    The bar chart illustrates the percentage of employees in different occupations absent from work in a gi#en

    week in 1""".

    -t is noticeable that the best paying jobs ha#e the lowest rate of absenteeism with, managers and

    administrators recording only around 3.&%* absent. This is nearly 1* less than the next lowest rate of

    absenteeism, which were professionalK occupations at just o#er +*.

    2n the other hand the highest rate of absenteeism was found in personal and protecti#e occupations, plan

    and machine operati#es and clerical and secretarial jobs. $ll of these had absent rates of just below /*

    noticeably higher than the rate for all occupations of +."*. owe#er, it is also important to notice that the

    figures show that these sectors employ the highest number of people.

    -n conclusion. it would seem that managers and administrators are the leas likely to be absent from work whileplant and machine operators and persona and protecti#e staff are the most likely to call in sick.

    PRACTICE WRITING TEST # TASK 2 ( foc,si+ o ie0ts )

    ost countries encourage consumer spending and consumption as -t stimulate economic growth and pro#ides

    people with jobs. owe#er, many of the products purchased are thrown away after a few months< use. This is

    a problem when it is remembered that our natural resources are finite.

    uman society has de#eloped around the concept of people paying money t buy goods. $t the simplest le#e

    this is not too much of a problem as people only buy enough to fulfill their basic needs. owe#er, the more

    ad#anced the society the more people are encouraged to buy. -f people do not replace their clothes or cars

    e#ery few years with a newer model, manufacturing industries will go bankrupt because of a lack of demand,

    go#ernments will not be able to support social ser#ices and people will lose their jobs

    $lthough this is a fundamental of our society, it is also the cause of many of the problems facing the human

    race today. esources such as the rain forests, oil, coal and natural gas are being used up al an unsustainable

    rate, while pollution and waste disposal are fast becoming major problem for the world. any products ha#ebuilt(in obsolescence. for example cars are only made to last for a few years. This coupled with the ad#ertising


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    PRACTICE WRITING TEST #! TASK 1 ( Ca-:ri.+e ie0ts 1 )

    The chart shows that high income earners consumed considerably more fast foods than the other income

    groups, spending more than twice as much on hamburgers 8+3 pence per person per week9 than on fish and

    chips or pi>>a 8both under &0 pence9. $#erage income earners also fa#oured hamburgers, spending 33 pence

    per person per week, followed by fish and chips at &+ pence, then pi>>a at 11pence. @ow income earners

    appear to spend less than other income groups on fast foods, though fish and chips remains their mos

    popular fast food, followed by hamburgers and then pi>>a.

    rom the graph we can see that in 1"70, fish and chips were twice as popular as burgers, pi>>a being at tha

    time the least popular fast food. The consumption of hamburgers and pi>>a has risen steadily o#er the &0 year

    period to 1""0 while the consumption of fish and chips has been in decline o#er that same period with a slight

    increase in popularity since 1"!%.

    PRACTICE WRITING TEST #" TASK 2 ( Ca-:ri.+e ie0ts 1 )

    -t has often been said that

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    thirty or so years that their influence has affected our e#eryday life. ersonal computers were introduced as

    recently as the early eighties. -n this short time they ha#e made a tremendous impact on our li#es. )e are now

    so dependent on computers that it is hard to imagine what things would be like today without them. Bou ha#e

    only got to go into a bank when their main computer is broken to appreciate the chaos that would occur if

    computers were suddenly remo#ed world(wide.

    -n the future computers will be used to create bigger and e#en more sophisticated computers. The prospectsfor this are 5uite alarming. They will be so complex that no indi#idual could hope to understand how they work

    They will bring a lot of benefits but they will also increase the potential for unimaginable chaos. They will, for

    example, be able to fly planes and they will be able to co(ordinate the mo#ements of se#eral planes in the

    #icinity of an airport. ro#iding all the computers are working correctly nothing can go wrong. -f one smal

    program fails ( disaster.

    There is a certain ine#itability that technology will progress and become increasingly complex. )e should

    howe#er, ensure that we are still in a position where we are able to control technology. -t will be all too easy to

    suddenly disco#er that technology is controlling us. 'y then it might be too late. - belie#e that it is #eryimportant to be suspicious of the benefits that computers will bring and to make sure that we ne#er become

    totally dependent on a completely technological world.

    PRACTICE WRITING TEST #$ TASK 1 ( ie0ts ractice test 1 )

    The graph shows figures for the number of cases of certain diseases in childhood o#er a period of %0 years

    from 1"%0 to &000. -t seems that o#erall these diseases decreased substantially until about 1"!0 but then

    started to increase again.

    owe#er, certain diseases ha#e shown different trends. irstly, malaria appears to ha#e remained fairly

    constant o#er the period with between & and 3 million cases apart from 1"/0 when there were only one million

    instances of the disease in childhood. $lso, the figures for some diseases ha#e fallen significantly. $lthough

    there were 3 million recorded cases of childhood smallpox in 1"%0, the disease appears to ha#e been

    completely eradicated by 1"!0. -n 1"%0 the number of occurrences of tuberculosis peaked at / million and

    subse5uently decreased dramatically until they reached an all time low of %00,000 in 1"!0. =ince then there

    has been a gradual increase with one million cases in &000. inally, the figures for $-G=, which were first

    recorded in 1"!0, ha#e shot up from approximately %00,000 and topped " million in &000.

    PRACTICE WRITING TEST #% TASK 2 ( ie0ts ractice test 1 )

    The essay title proposes that younger people are to be preferred as employees because they are more able to

    accept changes in the workplace compared to a more mature workforce.

    2ne argument in fa#our of younger employees is that older workers are mare often set in their ways and are


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    belie#ed to be resistant to change. There may be an element of truth in this but there are many intelligent and

    flexible older workers as well as narrow(minded and younger ones set in their ways. $ttitude to change is a

    mailer of personality type rather than age. ?onetheless, there are physical changes which progress with age

    that may make some jobs better suited to a younger element. or example, it seems to be accepted by

    psychologists that memory diminishes with age. -n some modem, hi(tech industries like compute

    programming, where there is a premium on the regular memori>ing of large amounts of new information, it

    would seem younger workers ha#e an ad#antage.

    owe#er, older workers do ha#e many other positi#e 5ualities which they can bring to their company working

    en#ironment. Denerally speaking they ha#e more working experience than youngsters and this can benefit the

    firm whilst planning @ong(term policies. Their maturity and managerial skills can be #iewed as a way of training

    the younger workers to be leaders themsel#es.

    -n conclusion, therefore, it would seem that the proposal in the title has to be rejected since in most worksituations a mixture of the best 5ualities of young and old is to be preferred in order to foster the mostproducti#e en#ironment.

    PRACTICE WRITING TEST #& TASK 1 ( ie0ts ractice test 1 )

    This report describes the enrolments for a number of different subjects in uni#ersities in the AH, $ustralia and


    $s can be seen in the table, medicine is the most popular subject studied in $ustralia with 10* of the tota

    students compared to rance and the AH with /* and +* respecti#ely. -n contrast to this, $ustralian students

    in literature number only 1* whereas in the AH it secured 1&* of the student population, the second mosfa#oured branch of learning after media studies which had 1%*. ngineering is easily the most studied subjec

    in rance with 1!* but in $ustralia and the AH few students selected this as their speciali>ation with only 3*

    and 1* respecti#ely. )hilst more modem disciplines such as media studies and sports studies atl1rlcted

    interest in the AH and $ustralia, gaining 1&* and !* for the latter subject in rance they appear not to exist at

    all . -n all three countries languages do not appear to be #ery popular with rance ha#ing the highest numbers

    at /* and falling to &* and 1* for $ustralia and the AH

    PRACTICE WRITING TEST $' TASK 2 ( ie0ts ractice test 1 )

    any of the poorest countries in the world are locked into a cycle of debt to the rich counties. @oans arranged

    years or e#en decades ago when interest rates were low, are now #ery expensi#e as interest rates are high.

    )hat little these countries can earn in foreign exchange through the sale of raw materials, is used to pay off

    these massi#e debts.

    There are ob#ious reasons why these debts should be eliminated or reduced. -n poor countries it would seem

    much more sensible to spend foreign currency on medicines to combat disease, machinery to help indigenous


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    industry and agriculture so e#eryone can work, or on teacher trainers so the education system can comba

    ignorance and po#erty. -n the absence of these things Third )orld citi>ens are suffering and dying young and

    those benefiting from the huge interest paid by the underde#eloped countries are the rich bankers in the )est

    -t would be more sensible to reduce these debts and impro#e the li#es of people in the Third )orld.

    -t can be argued that these debts should be retained. 2ne argument is that these debts ha#e been legally

    incurred and like any other debt must be honoured. -t would damage the whole banking system if the )est

    decided to abandon some debts and not others. #eryone with a debt would want it eliminated and difficult

    decisions would ha#e to be made concerning which debts to drop.

    )here people are suffering and dying for debts incurred by others sometimes years before they were born

    such arguments do not seem logical or powerful 'anks can and do write off bad debts and for humanitarian

    reasons they should do so for the underde#eloped countries of the Third )orld.

    PRACTICE WRITING TEST $1 TASK 1 ( ie0ts ractice test 1 )

    This report describes the number of court appearances for boys and girls between the ages of 10 and 1!, in

    ?ew =outh )ales, $ustralia in 1""+ and 1""%.

    $s can be seen from the table, at the age of 10 the court appearances for boys are relati#ely few numbering a

    mere &%. Antil the age of 17 the figures increase steadily e#ery year when they reach a peak at 3+"%. $t 1!

    the first year of adulthood, there is a dramatic fall in the total male court attendances to 1&03 cases.

    The trend for girls is similar in as much as the fewest court cases is + at the age of -- and the figures rise

    steadily until the age of 1% at %30. 'etween 1/ and 17 the figures remained stable at %!/ and %"/ respecti#ely

    $t 1!, as in the case with the male statistics, the numbers drop significantly to 1/3.

    $lthough the general trend is similar for both sexes, the court appearances for boys are between three and

    se#en times more fre5uent than those for girls.

    PRACTICE WRITING TEST $2 TASK 2 ( ie0ts ractice test 1 )

    Tourism, it is suggested, is like colonialism in that tourists damage the places they #isit and distort the

    economy. There are a number of presumptions here, that colonialism was bad, that it and tourism distort the

    local economies and that this distortion is bad. $ll of these presumptions can be challenged.

    6olonialism does not ha#e to be all bad. The oman coloni>ation of 'ritain, for example, brought peace


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    roads, proper sewerage systems and underfloor heating. -t might be argued that these were and are rather

    good things, and when the omans left so too did many of these benefits.

    owe#er, tourism, or colonialism does not necessarily distort local economies. )here the. indigenous industry

    has dramatically declined, as with coal mining in =outh )ales, turning a mine into a tourist attraction can be a

    way of preser#ing the local economy and the local community by pro#iding regular employment

    -t should be noted that the changes tourists bring are not all bad. The money from tourists at 'ig it in =outh

    )ales, to continue the example from the pre#ious paragraph, has been used to impro#e the local countryside

    not damage it. -n many countries what we see as ugly modern hotels in beautiful locations, are beautiful hotels

    in beautiful locations 10 the local population. odernity is not disliked e#erywhere, and the jobs and the wealth

    these things bring are worth far more than the local scenery to people who were pre#iously economically


    -n conclusion, there are ob#iously ad#antages and disad#antages to tourism but - belie#e that the benefits

    outweigh the drawbacks.

    PRACTICE WRITING TEST $ TASK 2 ( ie0ts ractice test 1 )

    -t is claimed that tourism is a modem form of colonialism. -t is reported that tourism distorts local economies

    causes en#ironmental damage and ruins the places it exploits. owe#er, it is not true at all =o(called :tourism

    means a kind of desire to tra#el around the world, including sceny(#iewing and expressing local life. There are

    many ob#ious differences between colonialism and tourism. The colonialism has a bad effect on loca

    economies and en#ironment. -n my opinion, tourism is good for local economies and en#ironments. -n the first

    place tourism can bring local go#ernment much money. ?owadays in lots of regions, tour is the most important

    income source. =pecially many places where the scenies are brilliant are poor areas. -n the second place, to

    sol#e the local energy problems and star#e situation, local go#ernments normally o#eruse local natura

    sources. 'ut if tour can make local people rich, local sources will sur#i#e. Therefore, tour is good for loca

    en#ironment too. There are many cases to point out that local people benefit great from tourists. -n addition

    tour will make local people know much other ci#ili>ation at the same time, tour will bring other ci#ili>ation back

    their own regions. in a word, tour will boom all kinds of culture instead of ruining them. in conclusion, incontrast with colonialism, tourism brings local people much money and culture. )ith the de#elopment of

    tourism the local economies and en#ironment will be better and better.

    PRACTICE WRITING TEST $! TASK 1 ( ie0ts ractice test 1 )

    This report describes the sales of hardback and paperback books bought in ?ew Bork from 1"/0 to 1""0 and

    the types of books which are preferred.


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    $ccording to the graph, the numbers of both kinds of books ha#e risen with paperback sales being the greater

    &0 paperbacks per person were bought in 1"/0 but by 1"!% this figure had more than doubled to +3 books

    6oncerning hardbacks, the a#erage number bought in 1"/0 was only two but sales increased steadily unti

    1"!% when those purchased had increased fourfold to eight per person per year.

    $s can be seen in the histogram, books on self(help were the most popular in 1""0 at &! per person and these

    ha#e experienced a dramatic increase in popularity since 1"/0 when only & per person were purchased. The

    most well liked books in 1"/0 were about religion and politics but they ha#e gradually fallen from &+ and && to

    1/ and 1& respecti#ely in 1""0, with only religious books showing a sudden surge in popularity in 1"7% when

    && books were sold. The least popular books ha#e always been those on biography and history, peaking in

    1"/0 at 17 and ! but from 1"70 onwards neither book has sold more than % copies per person per year.

    PRACTICE WRITING TEST $"TASK 2 ( ie0ts ractice test 1 )

    any sports, like rugby and football in#ol#e #iolent contact between players and often lead to injury. 2ther

    sports, boxing and wrestling in particular, ha#e the deliberate intention of hurting an opponent. )hether this is

    acceptable in modem society when at all other times we try to train people not to be aggressi#e and not to

    deliberately hurt other people is a debatable point.

    The arguments against sports like boxing come from a minority of people who find #iolence, e#en in a

    controlled and institutionali>ed form, highly disturbing. Their line of reasoning appears to be that it is better for

    e#eryone if we li#e in a #iolence free society. -n order for us, especially children, to learn to a#oid suchbeha#ior then it is preferable if we ne#er see it and cannot copy u. -f society actually sanctions brutality, as in

    boxing, it cannot be argued that #iolence is always unacceptable.

    2n the other hand, realists point out that cruelty is inherent in society and banning boxing will not alter this. 2n

    the contrary, by institutionali>ing and controlling #iolence in boxing clubs can help change this. 'oys, who

    would otherwise be part of street gangs outside the law, can be taught to be part of a group and direct thei

    energies at acti#ities which are inside the law. -n this en#ironment they can be trained to be better members of

    society. 2rgani>ed boxing matches follow elaborate rules and medical facilities are always on hand so, barring

    accident, none should be seriously hurt. ow much better this is than uncontrolled street fighting outside the


    To sum up, it seems to me that there is little to be gained and much to be lost by banning sports such as

    boxing. rohibiting boxing will not stop #iolence in society but it will dri#e organi>ed fighting outside the law and

    into the hands of criminals. )e would all lose if that occurred.


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    PRACTICE WRITING TEST $# TASK 2 ( ie0ts ractice test 1 )

    2n the one hand - agree with that statement, because sports like boxing or wrestling cause aggressi#e

    feelings. specially for young people, which is pro#ed by many scientists. $ statistic in the :2berbadischen: a

    Derman newspaper just showed, two weeks ago, that most young people 8roughly about /0* of the #iewers9

    are under the age of &0. =o what happens is that young people watch these programs and try to be like the

    boxers or wrestlers ha#e a fight and ha#e to be in hospital.

    =o according to this fact boxing and wrestling should be banned and for example, rugby not. ugby is as

    tough as boxing.

    $nd after a rugby match shown on TM there are more fights between the fan clubs than after a boxing match

    The thing is boxing is not as popular as rugby and so while - disagree with the statement - think rugby is as

    #iolent as boxing. 'ut the actual point is that rugby is accepted as a teams port and accepted in society while

    boxing isned countries ( is not attracti#e. =omehow, the go#ernments of the world must coordinate

    policies which make it possible and attracti#e for A= to use energy efficient meant of tra#el such as walking or


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    the bicycle. )e need far more research into truly sustainable sources of energy such as wind and wa#e power

    rather than using fossil fuels which release so much carbon dioxide.

    -n conclusion, as we are aware of the causes of global warning, we must continue to find solutions to the

    problem otherwise the earth may ne#er reco#er from its harmful effects.

    PRACTICE WRITING TEST $% TASK 1 ( Ca-:ri.+e ie0ts )

    The chart shows that 'ritain, among the four uropean countries listed, has spent most hea#ily on the range ofconsumer goods included. -n e#ery case, 'ritish spending is considerably higher than that of other countriesonly in the case of tennis rac5uets does another country, -taly, come close.

    -n contrast, Dermany is generally the lowest spender. This is most e#ident in photographic film, whereDermany spends much less than 'ritain. Dermany only spends more than another country, rance, in two

    cases tennis rac5uets and perfumes.

    eanwhile, rance and -taly generally maintain middle positions, a#eraging approximately similar spendingo#erall. =pecifically, rance spends more on 6Gs and photographic film but less on tennis rac5uets than -talydoes. -taly

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    PRACTICE WRITING TEST %' TASK 1 ( Ca-:ri.+e ie0ts )

    The data shows the differences between de#eloping and industriali>ed countries< participation in education and


    -n terms of the number of years of schooling recei#ed, we see that the length of time people spend at school in

    industriali>ed countries was much greater at !.% years in 1"!0, compared to &.% years in de#eloping countries

    The gap was increased further in 1""0 when the figures rose to 10.% years and 3.% years respecti#ely.

    )e can see a similar pattern in the second graph, which shows that the number of people working as

    scientists and technicians in industriali>ed countries increased from %% to !% per 1,000 people between 1"!0

    and 1""0, while the number in de#eloping countries went from 1& to &0.

    inally, the figures for spending on research and de#elopment show that industriali>ed countries more thandoubled their spending, from 4&00bn to 4+&0bn, whereas de#eloping countries actually decreased theirs, from

    47%bn down to 4&%bn.

    2#erall we can see that not only are there #ery large differences between the two economies but that these

    gaps are widening.

    PRACTICE WRITING TEST %1 TASK 2 ( Ca-:ri.+e ie0ts )

    The issue of children doing paid work is a complex and sensiti#e one. -t is difficult to say who has the right to

    judge whether children working is

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    family home, which are unpaid, but undoubtedly of #alue in children

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    traditional family, with both parents pro#iding emotional support and role(models for their children, is not the

    most satisfactory way of bringing up children.

    2f crucial importance, in my opinion, is how we define

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    decrement 3,"%7 tra#eled abroad for business during 1""! compared with 3,&+" in 1""/. inally, tra#eling

    abroad for #isiting friel1ds and relati#es shows a steady increase o#er the period 1""+(1""!. )hile there were

    about &,/&! tra#elers in 1""% in 1""! the number increased to 3,1!1 in 1""!. 6onse5uently, there is a steady

    increase in three main reasons for tra#elling abroadF olidays, business, or to #isit relati#es and friends.

    -n addition, there is also an increased change in the destinations which people tend to prefer for tra#elling. The

    area which appear to be more popular among tra#ellers is )estern urope. -ndeed, while in 1""+ only 1",371

    of the sample preferred to spend their holiday 8or other reasons9 in that main region, there was an increase to&+,%1" in 1""!. ?orth $merica and other areas appeared also fa#ourable. -n 1""/, there were 1,1/7 going to

    ?orth $merica and 1,"0% to other areas. These numbers increased to 1,!&3 and &,+!/ accordingly. =tatistica

    figures pro#e that )estern urope seems to be the most fa#ourable place for holiday makers while ?orth

    $merica and other areas follow behind. .

    PRACTICE WRITING TEST %$ TASK 2 ( Ca-:ri.+e ie0ts 2 )

    'efore talking about the essential role of death penalty, you ha#e to think about the meaning, and the purpose

    of any kind of punishment. -f you consider that the purpose is to pre#ent the guilty from being nasty again, youcan be seduced by an argumentation in fa#our of the suppression of capital punishment. 'ut you ha#e to think

    about another aspect of the problem a punishment is also useful to impress people, to make them fear the

    law. -n fact, let

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    or that reason, it would seem that the best approach would be to work b