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  • 8/13/2019 5248841 Reishi


    Reishi: Positive Cancer Treatments

    ( Translated from Japanese periodical, Chinese Traditional Medicine PartIII, Page 12 - 23, ISB !-""#"$-$#3-% C-$$&&'

    A doctor once said, " Cancer is a serious disease , but it is not fatal. Patients have agood chance to recover." This statement sounds consolatory but basing on our recentresearch data, it can very well be true.

    The prestigious Japanese doctor , r )*+*mi Morishige, M ,Phd ., currentlyinvolved in the research of reishi's role in cancer control , is a researcher at the LinusPauling Institute of Science !edicine an American institute that had beenawarded the most #obel pri$es. %e also occupies an important role in &urope'smedical fields as well, and is the only (apanese authority employed by theinternational cancer group. The following is his speech and case reports on reishi.

    I have been a surgeon for )* years and have performed numerous operations. I havea +een interest in surgery especially when I was young but gradually uestionsbegan to appear. I always feel that the ideal would be to induce the natural immunitypower within oneself.

    -eing a surgeon, I had countless occasions to encounter cancer cases however, the+ey to cancer controls is in its early detection, which is easier said than done. Aboutone in a hundred would be considered a good percentage.

    #owadays, regular physical chec+ ups is the trend and this is good practice, but wehave to reali$e that one cannot let our guards down /ust because cancer was notdetected at the time of chec+ ups. People often suspect the physicians ofmisdiagnosing when cancer was detected at a later date. This notion is incorrect asthere are many undiscovered cases even with monthly chec+ ups. 0or e1ample, inthe case of penetrance type stomach cancer, it is one of the most difficult to detectand these account for about 234 of the cases, therefore, prevention is e uallyimportant.

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    with other illness, e.g. arthritic rheumatism, chronic bronchitis, hepatitis etc., that is,people with lowered body resistance to diseases.

    Immunogloburin test determines the level of immunity. ?e have found that afteringesting reishi, level of IgA, Ig@, Ig! have increased. This proves that reishi canelevate the body's resistance level.

    At this time, I have 7>E cancer patients. All have metastic cancer e1cept : withbreast cancer and :E are being hospitali$ed. ?e have $eroed in on these cancerpatients. ;p to today spring of 7899B, about )EE patients have undergone testing.

    ./ IS 0 IS.I )) CTI 4 I ST C C 05 P67/S CC. 0I S

    -efore I give case e1amples, I would li+e to unveil the secret of why reishi is soeffective in the treatment of cancer. The conclusion is not fully understood at thepresent time and when it is, then, men would have found the ultimate cure forcancer. &mploying all the latest medical technology, it is found that thepolysaccharides in reishi are effective in suppressing cancerous cells. (apanese

    scientists are the first in ma+ing this discovery. Perhaps this had something to dowith the fact that the country employs herbal medicine in treatment of diseases andconducts vigorous researches into polysaccharides. This fact is recogni$ed in #orthAmerica and is further awaiting findings from such (apanese researches.

    ./ 0 P67/S CC.0I S I 0 IS.I )) CTI I T. T0 TM T 6)C C 0

    Polysaccharides are made up of a high number of molecular components up tomillions of atoms and this ma+es it difficult to be absorbed into the human bodysystem. In order to ma+e it easily assimilated, its high count has to be lowered andusing Ditamin C with reishi does /ust that. The polysaccharides are converted into

    oligoglucan that has a low molecular count and can be easily absorbed. It in turnsstimulates the uacrophage, which triggers the immune system in our body. !acremeaning big. This type of cell can devour any foreign organisms. They are not activewhen the body is functioning normally, but, in the presence of foreign organisms

    e.g. bacteriaB, they become very active in attac+ing such bacterial foreign matters.The white blood cells in the blood stream comprise the initial defense againstdiseases but they are ineffective in chronic cases or malignant type of matters, atwhich time, the lymphocyte becomes the second line of defense. 0ailing that, the lastdefense will be the macrophage it is li+e a sleeping lion being awa+ened to attac+with truly e1ceptional resultF They are capable of sweeping away any foreignorganisms thus destroying the cancerous cells in the process. ;nder themicroscope, the macrophage is observed to be one tenth the si$e of a cancer cell,yet, it possesses the power to destroy the latter. 0rom this, we can understand theirinvaluability to the human body. %owever, the macrophage cannot be easilyactivated. ?e have found that aggregated atoms are responsible for this activation ofthe macrophage, and reishi contains the substance to manufacture these aggregatedatoms.

    REISHI - .I4. M67 C87 0 P67/S CC. 0I S

    &arlier a patient with high blood pressure had in uired into the effects of reishi. I hadtold him that there was certainly no harm in trying as I had conducted research at

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    that time. 5ne fact is< even a diluted dose of reishi essence lowers blood pressure.%owever this patient had maintained his blood pressure level after reishi ingestion.0ollowing my suggestion to ingest Ditamin C together with reishi, his bloodpressure dropped to an acceptable level. The reason for this is, as mentionedpreviously, reishi contains up to a million atoms and cannot be easily absorbed intothe body therefore, one should combine it with Ditamin C.

    Seventeen years ago, I have conducted research into the Ditamin C's ability to brea+down polysaccharides. At that time, the method of viscosity gauge has beenemployed. Placing Ditamin C into a measure of polysaccharide substance, a decreaseof the polysaccharides molecular count is indicated by a drop in the viscosity. Thus,confirming Ditamin C's ability of dissolving polysaccharides.

    Animal e1periments have shown that all forms of sugar can be absorbed but are /ustthe opposite in human, whyG This has some correlation with Ditamin C human bodyis unable to manufacture Ditamin C, while animals can. This is the reason why weneed to combine the inta+e of Ditamin C with reishi .

    #ew medical findings indicate that there is no harm in ta+ing high dosage of DitaminC daily. 6r. Linus Pauling, who is now in his 9E's, ingests 79 grams of Ditamin C daily,and I ingest 72 grams a day. I believe a healthy person needs a supplement of 1

    gram to 2 grams a day, that is 1,000 - 2,000 mg . This can contribute greatly toone's well being.

    Now let us look at some reishi usage case studies .

    7. rain tumor patient recovering consciousness in /ust 2 months.

    ?e have made many discoveries. ;sing brain disease patients as e1amples, one *Eyears old plus patient in the hospital had a 3 cm brain tumor. %e had already lost

    consciousness despite surgery. %e began the reishi treatment around (une of 789:and by September, he had recovered his senses, but the si$e of the tumor hadremained the same. %owever by 6ecember, the tumor had decreased in si$e, eventhe neurologist was ama$ed. The patient now feels very well. Initially he wasadministered : grams of reishi essence through a stomach tube. After the recoveryof his senses, oral inta+e was administered. The patient did not li+e the bitter tasteof reishi essence, so the amount was reduced to ) grams. Although the dosage hadbeen reduced, his brain tumor eventually shrun+ to about 7 cm. ?ith the return ofhis memory, he left the hospital and stayed home with the family instead.

    2. Recession o! lung cancer within : months.

    I once treated a fifty plus female patient who had breast cancer. After her breastsurgery, she had developed metastasic lung cancer. Later she deteriorated tohemoptysis. She began to use about : gm. of reishi daily for : months and thecancerous lung tumor disappeared. -efore, she is often short of breath, but now shecan wal+ up the stairs effortlessly. Therefore, she has complete confidence in thecontinuation of the reishi treatment.

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    normal, continuous use will bring it in range. 6uring this time, I as+ed him to stopusing reishi and immediately the count shot up to between 73E 2EE. The countdropped when treatment resumed. Thus proving the effect of reishi on hepatitis. Acombination with the use of Ditamin C is essential. ;nder these conditions, : gramsof Ditamin C is needed, i.e. ) grams of reishi essence with : grams of Ditamin C. ?emust understand that hepatitis is a chronic disease and relapse is ever present. It is

    necessary to continue the inta+e of reishi using smaller dosageB even afterone's recovery from hepatitis. Prevention is always the best measure.

    Reishi is /ust as effective against other chronic diseases and optimum results areobtained when combined with the inta+e of Ditamin C. &specially true for long termprevention use.

    In conclusion, reishi has been proven to e1ert significant effect on diminishing pain,fortifying the body's immune system and prolonging life. &ven though its role incancer control has not been determined 7EE percent yet. !edications presentlyemployed to combat cancer have their effect but unfortunately these also produceserious side effects. Reishi have a history of ),EEE years, during which time it is

    widely used by many people with no reported unfavorable side effects. I thereforerecommend reishi for treatment and prevention as a safety measure. I hope thatpeople from all wal+s of life will ta+e a concerned interest and share in this pro/ect.%opefully, in the very near future, reishi can bring a brighter outloo+ to thehuman race in the con uest of longevity.

    6T 5 The reishi essence used by Dr. Morishige has been derived from premiumreishi using the hot water extraction method. The polysaccharides content in theessence used is far higher than most other average reishi essence or products .

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    0eishi and 9ir*s infectionHeishi has compounds that may have antiviral activity, including activity against the&pstein -arr virus.

    0eishi and imm*ne f*nction

    5ral administration of reishi results in Th7 associated immune enhancement in vivo.

    0eishi and CancerHeishi has been shown to be a potential agent in the treatment or prevention ofcertain cancers. In one study, reishi suppressed cell adhesion and cell migration ofhighly invasive breast and prostate cancer cells, suggesting its potency to reducetumor invasiveness. Heishi clearly demonstrates anticancer activity in e1perimentswith cancer cells and has possible therapeutic potential as a dietary supplement foran alternative therapy for breast and prostate cancer. Additional studies show watersoluble e1tracts from reishi inhibit colon tumors in mice. And, reishi may enhance theimmune response in those with end stage cancer. As of 6ecember 2EE*, e1tensivehuman studies are not available to ma+e any firm conclusions regarding the dosageand safety of reishi in terms of human cancer treatment.

    0egression of gastric large B-Cell l:mphoma accompanied ;: a floridl:mphoma-li+e T-cell reaction < immunomodulatory effect of Ganoderma lucidumReishi Int ( Surg Pathol. 2EE* Apr 73 2B* year old man presented with epigastric pain.&ndoscopy revealed a large gastric ulcer, which on biopsy was diagnostic of large -cell lymphoma. At gastrectomy 77 days later, no evidence was found of large - celllymphoma despite thorough sampling. Instead, there was a dense and permeativeinfiltrate of C6) KB C69 KB cytoto1ic small T lymphocytes spanning the wholethic+ness of the gastric wall. In situ reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction

    for T cell receptor beta chain family did not detect a monoclonal T cell population.?e postulate that the cytoto1ic T cells may represent an active host immuneresponse against the large - cell lymphoma that resulted in a complete regression.5n uestioning, the patient had ta+en megadoses of reishi, which might havetriggered the successful immune reaction.

    nti cancer effects of 4anoderma l*cid*m < a review of scientific evidence.#utr Cancer. 2EE3 3) 7B

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    medicinal mushroom, has been used in China for longevity and health promotionsince ancient times. Investigations into the anti cancer activity of reishi have beenperformed in both in vitro and in vivo studies, supporting its application for cancertreatment and prevention. The proposed anti cancer activity of reishi has promptedits usage by cancer patients. It remains debatable as to whether reishi is a foodsupplement for health maintenance or actually a therapeutic "drug" for medical

    proposes. Thus far there has been no report of human trials using reishi as a directanti cancer agent, despite some evidence showing the usage of reishi as a potentialsupplement to cancer patients. Cellular immune responses and mitogenic reactivityof cancer patients have been enhanced by reshi, as reported in two randomi$ed andone nonrandomi$ed trials, and the uality of life of :34 of lung cancer patientsimproved in one study. The direct cytoto1ic and anti angiogenesis mechanisms ofreishi have been established by in vitro studies however, clinical studies should notbe neglected to define the applicable dosage in vivo. At present, reishi is a healthfood supplement to support cancer patients, yet the evidence supporting thepotential of direct in vivo anti cancer effects should not be underestimated.

    0eishi and e*rasthenia#eurasthenia does not have a good definition, but mostly involves lac+ of vitality,fatigue, and lac+ of sense of wellbeing.

    A randomi$ed, double blind and placebo controlled study of a @anoderma lucidumpolysaccharide e1tract in neurasthenia. ( !ed 0ood. 2EE3 Spring 9 7B

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    growth of the ventral prostate in castrated rats. These results showed that reishimight be a useful ingredient for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia -P%B.

    A prospective, randomi$ed, double blind, placebo controlled study of the platelet andglobal hemostatic effects of @anoderma lucidum Ling hi reishi B in healthyvolunteers. Anesth Analg. 2EE3 Aug 7E7 2B2) :

    Reishi is a Chinese her&al medicine "o"ular with cancer "atients . Previous invitro studies suggested that reishi might impair hemostasis. In this prospective,randomi$ed double blind study, healthy volunteers received orally reishi capsules 7.3g n M 2EB or placebo n M 2EB daily for > w+. ?e monitored sub/ects before drugadministration and at > and 9 w+ thereafter by routine coagulation screen, fibrinogenconcentration, von ?illebrand ristocetin cofactor activity, platelet function analy$erP0A 7EE, and thrombelastography. There were no significant between groupdifferences and all measurements remained within the normal range. Heishi ingestionover > w+ was not associated with impairment of hemostasis.

    nti-t*mor and imm*noreg*lator: acti9ities of 4anoderma l*cid*m and itspossi;le mechanisms . Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2EE> #ov 23 77B (un 23 :B

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    mechanisms and may have potential therapeutic use for the prevention andtreatment of cancer.

    .:pogl:cemic effect of 4anoderma l*cid*m (reishi' pol:saccharidescta Pharmacol Sin 2$$! )e;=2#(2'51>1-#IM < To investigate the hypoglycemic effect of reishi polysaccharides in the normal

    fasted mice and its possible mechanism. #ormal fasted mice were given a singledose of reishi 23, 3E, and 7EE mgN+g by i.p. and the serum glucose was measured atE, ), and : h after administration. Heishi 7EE mgN+g were also given by i.p. and theserum glucose and insulin levels were measured at E min, )E min, 7 h, ) h, : h, and72 h. Pancreatic islets were isolated and incubated with glucose and differentconcentration of reishi, the insulin content of islets and insulin release weree1amined. Derapamil and egta$ic acid were used to testify whether the insulinreleasing effect of reishi was mediated by its ability to raise the Ca2K influ1. Heishidose dependently lowered the serum glucose levels at ) h and : h afteradministration. Heishi 7EE mgN+g raised the circulating insulin levels at 7 h afteradministration. In vitro, reishi had no effect on islets insulin content, but itstimulated the insulin release after incubation with glucose 3.: mmolNL. Confocalmicroscope showed that reishi 7EE mgNL had the capacity to raise the OCa2K i. Theinsulin releasing effect of reishi was inhibited by verapamilNegta$ic acid. Heishipossesses the hypoglycemic effect on normal mice one mechanism is through itsinsulin releasing activity due to a facilitation of Ca2K inflow to the pancreatic betacells.

    4anoderma l*cid*m (reishi', a Chinese medicinal m*shroom5 ;iomar+erresponses in a controlled h*man s*pplementation st*d:-r ( #utr. 2EE> 0eb 87 2B

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    of health and longevity in Asian countries. The dried powder of reishi was popular asa cancer chemotherapy agent in ancient China. The authors recently demonstratedthat reishi inhibits constitutively active transcription factors nuclear factor +appa -

    #0 +appa-B and AP 7, which resulted in the inhibition of e1pression of uro+inasetype plasminogen activator and its receptor uPAH. Heishi also suppressed celladhesion and cell migration of highly invasive breast and prostate cancer cells,

    suggesting its potency to reduce tumor invasiveness. Thus, reishi clearlydemonstrates anticancer activity in e1periments with cancer cells and has possibletherapeutic potential as a dietary supplement for an alternative therapy for breastand prostate cancer. %owever, because of the availability of reishi from differentsources, it is advisable to test its biologic activity.

    ffects of ganopol: (a 4anoderma l*cid*m pol:saccharide e

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  • 8/13/2019 5248841 Reishi


    Lingzhi A Miracle Herb For Peak Health

    The secret of success is +nowing how to deal with your body to maintain pea+ healthcondition. The dictum %ealth is ?ealth hold more truth in the modern conte1t thanever before.

    ?hile medical science has progressed what one could ever imagine, in treatingdisorders and disease, the real challenge lies in prevention. !odern medicine hassucceeded in treating ma/or disease it has not found a perfect system for preventionof dreaded diseases li+e cancer and %ID.

    The answer lies in loo+ing to a system which is natural sustainable and adaptable forall conditions and all body systems.

    This has now led to e1tensive research in %erbs as the primary preventive sourceand healthy herbal and organic food products now ta+e the lead in preventivesystems.

    The +ing of %erbs as it is +nown in China and Celestial %erb in (apan is @anoderma.It is also +nown as Ling$hi in China and Heishi in (apan.

    Ling$hi is now widely researched across the globe by many universities and researchinstitutions and sterling wor+ has been done by China and (apan.

    Hevered for thousands of years and shrouded in mystery, Ling$hi however wasdifficult to grow. After much research in 78*E a brea+through was achieved in

    commercial cultivation. Still it remains rare and cultivated in few countries li+e China,(apan, !alaysia and Jorea to name a few.

    6=# a company from !alaysia remains in the forefront of bringing the benefits of theLing$hi to the common man. !ore details at http

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    The Magic ffects of 4anoderma

    Hesearch is still going on and scientists have discovered 232 active componentsbeneficial and essential to the human body. It is an adaptogen which brings immensebenefits to human body without any side effect.

    Analysis and e1periments done by various universities and pharmaceuticalmanufacturers have attested to its being a hemocatharsis, deto1ificant,diuretic, liverprotector, intestine regulator, cardiotonic, blood pressure ad/uster, a cold tonic,e1pectorant, a tran uili$er and inhibits tumour and cancerous growth.

    hat is the .ealing Principle of 4anoderma

    !any clinical trials and e1periments by doctors, especially 6r. Shigeru Qu/iRse1periments has established the reasons @anoderma is effective because of its basicfunctions

    Lowers cholesterol in the blood and the amount of free fat Heduces blood sugar levels and helps pancreatic functions Lowers blood lipids and stabili$es red cell membrane Improves the function of the corte1 of the adrenal glands to maintain

    endocrine balance &levates the natural healing ability of the body, allows the body to establish

    strong immune system Prevents tissue cell degeneration Prevents senility, maintaining a youthful constitution Lowers the side effects of antihypertensive drugs Prevents organ degenetation Prevents allergy caused by antigens, because it inhibits the histamine release

    by mastcells Helieves pain caused by cancer

    ?hile plenty of medical terminology is used to describe various effects on the body,we have avoided such references as the article is not meant as a medical prescriptionbut mainly for use by the common man as an effective health giving foodsupplement.

    Main .ealth 4i9ing Components

    ?hile the Lingh$hi mushrooms are said to contain 232 active medicinal compounds,the two main components are : times more than ginseng.

    2. Poly saccharides< The poly saccharides can increase antibody count whichstrengthens immunity. Poly saccharides are the most active health enhancingingredient for the body.

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    #o wonder the Ling$hi mushrooms are called the Celestial %erbR by the (apanese forits health giving properties. !odern science and cultivation methods have made thisdifficult to grow herb available for the past decade or two for everyone to derive thebenefits.

    ?hile there are thousands of research papers available on the medicinal aspects of

    the Ling$hi this article primarily is to highlight the health giving aspects of thiswonderful herbal remedy for ills of the modern living li+e stress, pollution andimbalances in food habits.

    About The Author

    H.@. Srinivasan is professional Soft S+ills Trainer, Author and a networ+ mar+etingleader. %e is passionate about alternate healing therapies and writes on thesesub/ects regularly. %e is a practitioner of -ach flower therapy and @anotherapy. Qoucan find out more about the availability of Heishi ganoderma and articles on healthand wellness at http