5 ways to overcome unholy fear

5 Ways to Overcome Unholy Fear

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Post on 17-Feb-2017




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Unholy fear is not part of your trait as a human being created by God,

but it was an opportunistic character imbedded into man by Satan after the apple

feast in the Garden of Eden.

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But the following steps are so powerful when

practiced during any form of encounter with fear:

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1.Have the Consciousness that God is Beside You

If you set your mind to be conscious of His Powerful Presence by your side always,

then you will surely have the Peace that overcomes fear,

because Jesus is the Prince of Peace.

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King David in one of his confession said: “Even when I walk through the dark valley of death, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me’’. (Psalm 23:4)

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2. Praise the Lord Always

Unholy fear can be overcome by cultivating the habit of praising God all the time from the deepest part of your heart.

King Jehoshaphat also used the power of praises to defeat the fear and war initiated by the armies of the Moabites and Ammonites (2 Chronicles chapter 20).

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3. Pray Prayers

Whenever fear stares at you, do not be scared about the size of shame such fear will bring to you.

But open your heart and pray to God to change the unwanted circumstance to a favorable one.

Jehovah did such in the life of the three Hebrews who were thrown into the furnace of fire for serving the Lord. He went ahead of them into the fire and changed the hot furnace to an air-conditioned room for their comfort (Daniel chapter 3).

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4. Be Patient to Listen to God’s Response

The Lord says: ‘’But whoever listens to me will dwell safely, and will be secure, without fear of evil.’’

Reading the scriptures when unholy fear knocks at the door of your heart will not only bolt the door stronger, but also chase the spirit of fear millions of miles away from your life.

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5. Exhibit Perfect Love

Loving God with all your heart and strength is a vital lifestyle to overcome unholy fear. To love God means doing His will everyday by living a life of holiness in His power of salvation through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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God with you.