5 ways of connecting people, devices, and systems with webrtc

5 Ways of Connecting People, Devices, and Systems with WebRTC

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Post on 13-Aug-2015




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5 Ways of Connecting People, Devices, and Systems with WebRTC

Remember walkie-talkies?

To talk, you just need to push a button and others can hear you.

WebRTC is click-to-call

Only a single click is needed to start a

WebRTC call.

… and integrating WebRTC is easy!

Thus, WebRTC usage should grow fast


WebRTC needs to ride the long tail

effect to grow fast.

See how callstats.io replaces webrtc-internals

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5 use cases to show what the future might

look like…

5 WebRTC Use Cases

1. Personal communications

2. Team collaboration

3. Video call as feature

4. Language learning

5. Entertainment

1. Personal communications

• conferencing services

• audio and video calling

• text chat

• file sharing

Messenger.com, appear.in, Jitsi Meet, talky.io, Google Hangouts, etc.

Screenshot of Jitsi Meet

calls in total ongoing calls failed calls

total call duration avg. call duration avg. setup time

good feedback neutral feedback poor feedback

1340 157 47

101.7h 281s 0.96s

55.1% 21.2% 23.7%

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2. Team collaboration

• Telepresence

• Team presence

• Online whiteboard

sqwiggle.com lync.com


3. Video Call as Feature

• MeeDoc, mobile app for doctor’s appointments over video calls

• Yoogaia, online yoga studio

• Video calling for customer service: SightCall and Fountain.


4. Language learning

• Learning a new language is easier when you can talk with a native speaker.

• OKPanda and CoffeeStrap connect language students with native speakers.

5. Entertainment

Online Music Creation

Screenshot of Soundtrap

Online Jam Community


Games: 3D Pong

Cube Slam

Games: Multiplayer Snake

by Steven Gunneweg

6. Bonus

Internet of Things

Read the original blog post at callstats.iohttp://www.callstats.io/2015/06/05/five-ways-of-connecting-with-webrtc/