5 - localization and mapping

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  • 8/8/2019 5 - Localization and Mapping


    Autonomous Mobile Robots

    Autonomous Systems LabZrich

    Localization andMapping

    "Position"Global Map

    Perception Motion Control


    Real WorldEnvironment


    PathEnvironment Model

    Local Map

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    5 - Localization and Mapping

    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL


    2 Localization and Mapping

    Noise and aliasing; odometric position estimation

    To localize or not to localize

    Belief representation

    Map representation

    Probabilistic map-based localization

    Other examples of localization system

    Autonomous map building (SLAM)

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    5 - Localization and Mapping

    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL


    3 Localization, Where am I?


    Odometry, Dead Reckoning

    Localization based on external sensors,

    beacons or landmarks

    Probabilistic Map Based Localization

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    5 - Localization and Mapping

    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL


    4 Challenges of Localization

    Knowing the absolute position (e.g. GPS) is not sufficient

    Localization in human-scale in relation with environment

    Planning in the Cognitionstep requires more than only position as input

    Perception and motion plays an important role

    Sensor noise

    Sensor aliasing

    Effector noise

    Odometric position estimation

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    5 - Localization and Mapping

    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL


    5 Sensor Noise

    Sensor noise is mainly influenced by environmente.g. surface, illumination

    or by the measurement principle itselfe.g. interference between ultrasonic sensors

    Sensor noise drastically reduces the useful information of sensor readings.The solution is:

    to take multiple readings into account

    employ temporal and/or multi-sensor fusion

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    5 - Localization and Mapping

    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL


    6 Sensor Aliasing

    In robots, non-uniqueness of sensors readings is the norm

    Even with multiple sensors, there is a many-to-one mapping fromenvironmental states to robots perceptual inputs

    Therefore the amount of information perceived by the sensors is generally

    insufficient to identify the robots position from a single reading Robots localization is usually based on a series of readings

    Sufficient information is recovered by the robot over time

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    5 - Localization and Mapping

    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL


    7 Effector Noise: Odometry, Deduced Reckoning

    Odometry and dead reckoning:Position update is based on proprioceptive sensors

    Odometry: wheel sensors only Dead reckoning: also heading sensors

    The movement of the robot, sensed with wheel encoders and/or heading

    sensors is integrated to the position. Pros: Straight forward, easy

    Cons: Errors are integrated -> unbound

    Using additional heading sensors (e.g. gyroscope) might help to reducethe cumulated errors, but the main problems remain the same.

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    5 - Localization and Mapping

    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL


    8 Odometry: Error sources

    deterministic non-deterministic

    (systematic) (non-systematic)

    deterministic errors can be eliminated by proper calibration of the system.

    non-deterministic errors have to be described by error models and will always lead touncertain position estimate.

    Major Error Sources: Limited resolution during integration (time increments, measurement resolution)

    Misalignment of the wheels (deterministic)

    Unequal wheel diameter (deterministic)

    Variation in the contact point of the wheel

    Unequal floor contact (slipping, not planar )

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    5 - Localization and Mapping

    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL


    9 Odometry: Classification of Integration Errors

    Range error: integrated path length (distance) of the robots movement

    sum of the wheel movements

    Turn error: similar to range error, but for turns

    difference of the wheel motions

    Drift error: difference in the error of the wheels leads to an error in therobots angular orientation

    Over long periods of time, turn and drift errors far outweigh range

    errors! Consider moving forward on a straight line along the x axis. The error in the y-

    position introduced by a move of d meters will have a component of dsinDq,which can be quite large as the angular error Dq grows.

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    5 - Localization and Mapping

    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL


    10 Odometry: The Differential Drive Robot (1)

    = y



    += y



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    5 - Localization and Mapping

    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL


    11 Odometry: The Differential Drive Robot (2)


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    5 - Localization and Mapping

    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL


    12 Odometry: The Differential Drive Robot (3)

    Error model

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    5 - Localization and Mapping

    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL


    13 Odometry: Growth of Pose uncertainty for Straight Line Movement

    Note: Errors perpendicular to the direction of movement are growing much faster!

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    5 - Localization and Mapping

    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL


    14 Odometry: Growth of Pose uncertainty for Movement on a Circle

    Note: Errors ellipse in does not remain perpendicular to the direction of movement!

    1rst hour, 7.4.2008

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    5 - Localization and Mapping

    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL


    15 Odometry: example of non-Gaussian error model

    Note: Errors are not shaped like ellipses!

    [Fox, Thrun, Burgard, Dellaert, 2000]

    Courtesy AI Lab, Stanford

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    5 - Localization and Mapping

    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL


    16 Odometry: Calibration of Errors I (Borenstein [5])

    The unidirectional square path experiment

    BILD 1 Borenstein

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    5 - Localization and Mapping

    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL


    17 Odometry: Calibration of Errors II (Borenstein [5])

    The bi-directional square path experiment

    BILD 2/3 Borenstein

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    5 - Localization and Mapping

    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL


    18 Odometry: Calibration of Errors III (Borenstein [5])

    The deterministic andnon-deterministic errors

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    5 - Localization and Mapping

    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL


    19 To localize or not?

    How to navigate between A and B

    navigation without hitting obstacles

    detection of goal location

    Possible by following always the left wall However, how to detect that the goal is reached

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    5 - Localization and Mapping

    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL


    20 Behavior Based Navigation

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    5 - Localization and Mapping

    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL


    21 Model Based Navigation

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    5 - Localization and Mapping

    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL


    22 Belief Representation

    a) Continuous mapwith single hypothesis

    b) Continuous mapwith multiple hypothesis

    c) Discretized mapwith probability distribution

    d) Discretized topologicalmap with probabilitydistribution

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    5 - Localization and Mapping

    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL


    23 Belief Representation: Characteristics


    Precision bound by sensor data

    Typically single hypothesis poseestimate

    Lost when diverging (for single

    hypothesis) Compact representation and

    typically reasonable in processingpower.


    Precision bound by resolution ofdiscretisation

    Typically multiple hypothesis poseestimate

    Never lost (when divergesconverges to another cell)

    Important memory and processingpower needed. (not the case for

    topological maps)

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    5 - Localization and Mapping

    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL


    24 Bayesian Approach: A taxonomy of probabilistic models

    More general

    More specific





    Markov Loc



























    Courtesy ofJulien Diard

    S: State

    O: ObservationA: Action

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    5 - Localization and Mapping

    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL


    25 Single-hypothesis Belief Continuous Line-Map

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    5 - Localization and Mapping

    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL


    26 Single-hypothesis Belief Grid and Topological Map

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    5 - Localization and Mapping

    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL


    27 Grid-based Representation - Multi Hypothesis

    Grid size around 20 cm2.

    Courtesy of W. Burgar

    5 L li i d M i

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    5 - Localization and Mapping

    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL


    28 Map Representation

    1. Map precision vs. application

    2. Features precision vs. map precision

    3. Precision vs. computational complexity

    Continuous Representation

    Decomposition (Discretisation)

    2nd hour, 7.4.2008

    5 L li ti d M i

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    5 - Localization and Mapping

    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL


    29 Representation of the Environment

    Environment Representation

    Continuos Metric x,y,

    Discrete Metric metric grid

    Discrete Topological topological grid

    Environment Modeling

    Raw sensor data, e.g. laser range data, grayscale images

    large volume of data, low distinctiveness on the level of individual values makes use of all acquired information

    Low level features, e.g. line other geometric features

    medium volume of data, average distinctiveness

    filters out the useful information, still ambiguities

    High level features, e.g. doors, a car, the Eiffel tower low volume of data, high distinctiveness

    filters out the useful information, few/no ambiguities, not enough information

    5 Localization and Mapping

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    5 - Localization and Mapping

    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL


    30 Map Representation: Continuous Line-Based

    a) Architecture map

    b) Representation with set of infinite lines

    5 Localization and Mapping

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    5 - Localization and Mapping

    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL


    31 Map Representation: Decomposition (1)

    Exact cell decomposition - Polygons

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    5 - Localization and Mapping

    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL


    32 Map Representation: Decomposition (2)

    Fixed cell decomposition

    Narrow passages disappear

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    5 Localization and Mapping

    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL


    33 Map Representation: Decomposition (3)

    Adaptive cell decomposition

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    5 Localization and Mapping

    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL


    34 Map Representation: Decomposition (4)

    Fixed cell decomposition Examplewith very small cells

    Courtesy of S. Thrun

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    5 Localization and Mapping

    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL


    35 Map Representation: Decomposition (5)

    Topological Decomposition

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    pp g

    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL


    36 Map Representation: Decomposition (6)

    Topological Decomposition




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    pp g

    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL


    37 Map Representation: Decomposition (7)

    Topological Decomposition

    5 - Localization and Mapping

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL


    38 State-of-the-Art: Current Challenges in Map Representation

    Real world is dynamic

    Perception is still a major challenge

    Error prone

    Extraction of useful information difficult

    Traversal of open space

    How to build up topology (boundaries of nodes)

    Sensor fusion


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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL


    39 Sneak Preview: Particle Filter Localization

    Alternative discretisation of space

    Montecarlo method: simulate randomerrors, one for each sample of robot state

    Propagate samples (particles), add andprune as you go along

    Example movies from Stanford campus

    [Fox, Thrun, Burgard, Dellaert, 2000]

    Courtesy AI Lab, Stanford

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL


    40 Localization and Map Building

    Noise and aliasing; odometric position estimation

    To localize or not to localize

    Belief representation

    Map representation Probabilistic map-based localization

    Other examples of localization system

    Autonomous map building

    "Position"Global Map

    Perception Motion Control


    Real WorldEnvironment


    PathEnvironment ModelLocal Map

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL


    41 Localization, Where am I?


    Odometry, Dead Reckoning

    Localization base on external sensors,

    beacons or landmarks

    Probabilistic Map Based Localization


    Mapdata base

    Prediction ofPosition

    (e.g. odometry)



    Position Update(Estimation?)

    raw sensor data orextracted features

    predicted position






    5 - Localization and Mapping5

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL


    42 Probabilistic, Map-Based Localization (1)

    Consider a mobile robot moving in a known environment.

    As it start to move, say from a precisely known location, it might keep trackof its location using odometry.

    However, after a certain movement the robot will get very uncertain about

    its position. update using an observation of its environment.

    observation leads also to an estimate of the robots position which can than

    be fused with the odometric estimation to get the best possible update ofthe robots actual position.

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL


    43 Probabilistic, Map-Based Localization (2)

    Action update

    action model ACT

    with ot: Encoder Measurement, st-1: prior belief state

    increases uncertainty

    Perception update perception model SEE

    with it: exteroceptive sensor inputs, st: updated belief state

    decreases uncertainty

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL


    44 Improving belief state by moving1st hour, 21.4.2008

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL


    45 Probabilistic, Map-Based Localization (3)


    the position estimate

    its covariance for time k,

    the current control input

    the current set of observations and

    the map

    Compute the

    new (posteriori) position estimate and

    its covariance

    Such a procedure usually involves five steps:

    )( kkp)( kk



    )1( +kZ)(kM

    )11( ++ kkp

    )11( ++ kkp

    Probability Density

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    46 The Five Steps for Map-Based Localization

    1. Prediction based on previous estimate and odometry

    2. Observation with on-board sensors

    3. Measurement prediction based on prediction and map

    4. Matching of observation and map

    5. Estimation -> position update (posteriori position)

    Observationon-board sensors

    Mapdata base

    PredictionMeasurement and Position





    raw sensor data orextracted features



    matched predictionand observations








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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    47 Markov Kalman Filter Localization

    Markov localization

    localization starting from any unknownposition

    recovers from ambiguous situation. However, to update the probability of all

    positions within the whole state space atany time requires a discreterepresentation of the space (grid). The

    required memory and calculation powercan thus become very important if a finegrid is used.

    Kalman filter localization

    tracks the robot and is inherently veryprecise and efficient.

    However, if the uncertainty of the robotbecomes to large (e.g. collision with anobject) the Kalman filter will fail and theposition is definitively lost.

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    48 Markov Localization (1)

    Markov localization uses anexplicit, discrete representation for the probability ofall position in the state space.

    This is usually done by representing the environment by a grid or atopological graph with a finite number of possible states (positions).

    During each update, the probability for each state (element) of the entirespace is updated.

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    49 Markov Localization (2): Applying Bayes theory to robot localization

    P(A):Probability that A is true.

    e.g. p(rt= l): probability that the robot ris at position lat time t

    We wish to compute the probability of each individual robot position given

    actions and sensor measures.

    P(A|B):Conditional probability of A given that we know B.

    e.g. p(rt

    = l|it

    ): probability that the robot is at position lgiven the sensors input it


    Product rule:

    Bayes rule:

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    50 Markov Localization (3): Applying Bayes theory to robot localization

    Bayes rule:

    Map from a belief state and a sensor input to a refined belief state (SEE):

    p(l): belief state before perceptual update process

    p(i|l): probability to get measurement iwhen being at position l-> MAP

    consult robots map, identify the probability of a certain sensor reading for eachpossible position in the map

    p(i): normalization factor so that sum over all lfor L equals 1.

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    M k L li i (4)

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    51 Markov Localization (4): Applying Bayes theory to robot localization

    Bayes rule:

    Map from a belief state and a action to new belief state (ACT):

    Summing over all possible ways in which the robot may have reached l.

    with ltand lt-1 : positions, ot: odometric measurement

    Markov assumption: Update only depends on previous state and its mostrecent actions and perception.

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    52 M k L li ti C St d 1 T l i l M (1)

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    52 Markov Localization: Case Study 1 - Topological Map (1)

    The Dervish Robot

    Topological Localization with Sonar

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    53 M k L li ti C St d 1 T l i l M (2)

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    53 Markov Localization: Case Study 1 - Topological Map (2)

    Topological map of office-type environment

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    54 Markov Localization: Case Study 1 Topological Map (3)

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    54 Markov Localization: Case Study 1 - Topological Map (3)

    Update of believe state for position ngiven the percept-pair i

    p(n|i): new likelihood for being in position n

    p(n): current believe state

    p(i|n): probability of seeing iin n(see table)

    No action update !

    However, the robot is moving and therefore we can apply a combination ofaction and perception update

    t-iis used instead of t-1 because the topological distance between nand nisvery depending on the specific topological map

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    55 Markov Localization: Case Study 1 Topological Map (4)

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    55 Markov Localization: Case Study 1 - Topological Map (4)

    The calculation

    is calculated by multiplying the probability of generating perceptual event iat position nby the probability of having failed to generate perceptualevent sat all nodes between nand n.

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    56 Markov Localization: Case Study 1 Topological Map (5)

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    56 Markov Localization: Case Study 1 - Topological Map (5)

    Example calculation Assume that the robot has two nonzero belief states

    p(1-2) = 1.0 ; p(2-3) = 0.2*

    and that it is facing east with certainty

    Perceptual event: open hallway on its left and open door on its right

    State 2-3will progress potentially to 3and 3-4to 4.

    State 3and 3-4can be eliminated because the likelihood of detecting an open door is zero.

    The likelihood of reaching state 4is the product of the initial likelihood p(2-3)= 0.2, (a) thelikelihood of detecting anything at node 3and the likelihood of detecting a hallway on the leftand a door on the right at node 4and (b) the likelihood of detecting a hallway on the left and

    a door on the right at node 4. (for simplicity we assume that the likelihood of detectingnothing at node 3-4is 1.0)

    (a) occurs only if Dervish fails to detect the door on its left at node 3(either closed or open),[0.6 0.4 +(1-0.6) 0.05] and correctly detects nothing on its right, 0.7.

    (b) occurs if Dervish correctly identifies the open hallway on its left at node 4, 0.90, andmistakes the right hallway for an open door, 0.10.

    This leads to: 0.2 [0.6 0.4 + 0.4 0.05] 0.7 [0.9 0.1] p(4) = 0.003. Similar calculation for progress from 1-2 p(2) = 0.3.

    * Note that the probabilities do not sum up to one. For simplicity normalization was avoided in this example

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    57 Markov Localization: Case Study 1 Topological Map (6)

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    57 Markov Localization: Case Study 1 - Topological Map (6)

    Topological map of office-type environment2nd hour, 21.4.2008

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    58 Markov Localization: Case Study 2 Grid Map (3)

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    58 Markov Localization: Case Study 2 Grid Map (3)

    The 1D case1. Start

    No knowledge at start, thus we havean uniform probability distribution.

    2. Robot perceives first pillarSeeing only one pillar, the probability

    being at pillar 1, 2 or 3 is equal.

    3. Robot moves

    Action model enables to estimate thenew probability distribution basedon the previous one and the motion.

    4. Robot perceives second pillar

    Base on all prior knowledge the

    probability being at pillar 2 becomesdominant

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    59 Markov Localization: Case Study 2 Grid Map (1)

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    59 Markov Localization: Case Study 2 Grid Map (1)

    Fine fixed decompositiongrid (x, y, ), 15 cm x 15 cm x 1 Action and perception update

    Action update:

    Sum over previous possible positionsand motion model

    Discrete version of eq. 5.22

    Perception update:

    Given perception i, what is theprobability to be a location l

    Courtesy of

    W. Burgard

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    60 Markov Localization: Case Study 2 Grid Map (2)

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    60 Markov Localization: Case Study 2 Grid Map (2)

    The critical challenge is the calculation of p(i|l)

    The number of possible sensor readings and geometric contexts is extremely large

    p(i | l) is computed using a model of the robots sensor behavior, its position l, and thelocal environment metric map around l.


    Measurement error can be described by a distribution with a mean

    Non-zero chance for any measurement

    Courtesy of

    W. Burgard

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    61 Markov Localization: Case Study 2 Grid Map (3)

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    Markov Localization: Case Study 2 Grid Map (3)

    How to calculate p(i|l) - examples Depends largely on the sensor and environment model

    E.g.: Counting the on number of sensor readings that are laying in a occupiedcell for a given pose (x,y,).

    E.g.: learning p(i | l) from experiments -> What is the probability to see a door ifthe robots stand in front of a door with a certain angle.








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    Markov Localization: Case Study 2 Grid Map (4)

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    Markov Localization: Case Study 2 Grid Map (4)

    Example 1: Office Building

    Position 3 Position 4

    Position 5

    Courtesy of

    W. Burgard

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    63 Markov Localization: Case Study 2 Grid Map (5)

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    y p ( )

    Example 2: Museum Laser scan 1

    Courtesy of

    W. Burgard

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    64 Markov Localization: Case Study 2 Grid Map (6)

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    y p ( )

    Example 2: Museum Laser scan 2

    Courtesy of

    W. Burgard

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    65 Markov Localization: Case Study 2 Grid Map (7)

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    y p ( )

    Example 2: Museum Laser scan 3

    Courtesy of

    W. Burgard

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    66 Markov Localization: Case Study 2 Grid Map (8)

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    Example 2: Museum Laser scan 13

    Courtesy of

    W. Burgard

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    67 Markov Localization: Case Study 2 Grid Map (9)

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    Example 2: Museum Laser scan 21

    Courtesy of

    W. Burgard

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    68 Markov Localization: Case Study 2 Grid Map (10)

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    Fine fixed decomposition grids result in a huge state space Very important processing power needed

    Large memory requirement

    Reducing complexity

    Various approached have been proposed for reducing complexity

    The main goal is to reduce the number of states that are updated in each step

    Randomized Sampling / Particle Filter

    Approximated belief state by representing only a representative subset of all

    states (possible locations) E.g update only 10% of all possible locations

    The sampling process is typically weighted, e.g. put more samples around thelocal peaks in the probability density function

    However, you have to ensure some less likely locations are still tracked,otherwise the robot might get lost

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    69 Kalman Filter Localization

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    70 Introduction to Kalman Filter (1)

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    Two measurements

    Weighted least-square

    Finding minimum error

    After some calculation and rearrangements

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    71 Introduction to Kalman Filter (2)

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    In Kalman Filter notation

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    72 Introduction to Kalman Filter (3)

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    Dynamic Prediction (robot moving)

    u = velocity

    w = noise


    Combining fusion and dynamic prediction

    1st hour, 28.4.2008

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    73 The Five Steps for Map-Based Localization

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    1. Prediction based on previous estimate and odometry2. Observation with on-board sensors

    3. Measurement prediction based on prediction and map

    4. Matching of observation and map

    5. Estimation -> position update (posteriori position)

    Observationon-board sensors

    Mapdata base

    PredictionMeasurement and Position





    raw sensor data orextracted features



    matched predictionand observations








    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    74 Kalman Filter for Mobile Robot Localization: Robot Position Prediction

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    In a first step, the robots position at time step k+1 is predicted based on itsold location (time step k) and its movement due to the control input u(k):

    ))(,)(()1( kukkpfkkp =+


    Tpppp f)k(ff)kk(f)kk( +=+ 1

    f: Odometry function

    5 - Localization and Mapping5


    Kalman Filter for Mobile Robot Localization: Robot Position Prediction: Example

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL



























    Tpppp f)k(ff)kk(f)kk( +=+ 1









    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    76 Kalman Filter for Mobile Robot Localization: Observation

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    The second step it to obtain the observation Z(k+1) (measurements) fromthe robots sensors at the new location at time k+1

    The observation usually consists of a set n0 of single observations zj(k+1)extracted from the different sensors signals. It can represent raw datascansas well as featureslike lines, doorsor any kind of landmarks.

    The parameters of the targets are usually observed in the sensor frame

    {S}. Therefore the observations have to be transformed to the world frame {W} or

    the measurement prediction have to be transformed to the sensor frame {S}.

    This transformation is specified in the function hi(see later).

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    77 Kalman Filter for Mobile Robot Localization: Observation: Example

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL




    Raw Date ofLaser Scanner

    Extracted Lines Extracted Lines

    in Model Space



    jR k







    j rkz )1(


    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    78 Kalman Filter for Mobile Robot Localization: Measurement Prediction

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    In the next step we use the predicted robot positionand the map M(k) to generate multiple predicted observations zt.

    They have to be transformed into the sensor frame

    We can now define the measurement prediction as the set containing all nipredicted observations

    The function hi is mainly the coordinate transformation between the worldframe and the sensor frame

    ( )kkp 1+=

    ( ) ( )( )kkp,zhkz tii 11 +=+

    ( ) ( )( ){ }ii nikzkZ +=+ 111

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    79 Kalman Filter for Mobile Robot Localization: Measurement Prediction: Example

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    For prediction, only the walls that are inthe field of view of the robot are selected.

    This is done by linking the individuallines to the nodes of the path

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    80 Kalman Filter for Mobile Robot Localization: Measurement Prediction: Example

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    The generated measurement predictions have to be transformed to therobot frame {R}

    According to the figure in previous slide the transformation is given by

    and its Jacobian by

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    81 Kalman Filter for Mobile Robot Localization: Matching

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    Assignment from observations zj(k+1) (gained by the sensors) to the targets zt(stored in the map)

    For each measurement prediction for which an corresponding observation is foundwe calculate the innovation:

    and its innovation covariance found by applying the error propagation law:

    The validity of the correspondence between measurement and prediction can e.g.be evaluated through the Mahalanobis distance:

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    82 Kalman Filter for Mobile Robot Localization: Matching: Example

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    83 Kalman Filter for Mobile Robot Localization: Matching: Example

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    To find correspondence (pairs) of predicted and observed features we usethe Mahalanobis distance


    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    84 Kalman Filter for Mobile Robot Localization: Estimation: Applying the Kalman Filter

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    Kalman filter gain:

    Update of robots position estimate:

    The associate variance

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    85 Kalman Filter for Mobile Robot Localization: Estimation: 1D Case

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    For the one-dimensional case with we can showthat the estimation corresponds to the Kalman filter for one-dimensionpresented earlier.

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    86 Kalman Filter for Mobile Robot Localization: Estimation: Example

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    Kalman filter estimation of the new robotposition :

    By fusing the prediction of robot position

    (magenta) with the innovation gained by themeasurements (green) we get the updatedestimate of the robot position (red)

    )( kkp

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    87 Autonomous Indoor Navigation (Pygmalion EPFL)

    b h fl l li i

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    very robust on-the-fly localization one of the first systems with probabilistic sensor fusion

    47 steps,78 meter length, realistic office environment,

    conducted 16 times > 1km overall distance

    partially difficult surfaces (laser), partially few vertical edges (vision)

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    92 Other Localization Methods (not probabilistic): Positioning Beacon Systems: Triangulation

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    93 Other Localization Methods (not probabilistic): Positioning Beacon Systems: Triangulation

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    97 Autonomous Map Building (SLAM)

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    Starting from an arbitrary initial point,

    a mobile robot should be able to autonomously explore theenvironment with its on board sensors,

    gain knowledge about it,

    interpret the scene,

    build an appropriate map

    and localize itself relative to this map.

    SLAMThe Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Problem

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    99 Map Building: The Problems

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    1. Map Maintaining: Keeping track ofchanges in the environment

    e.g. disappearing


    - e.g. measure of belief of eachenvironment feature

    2. Representation andReduction of Uncertainty

    position of robot -> position of wall

    position of wall -> position of robot

    probability densities for feature positions

    additional exploration strategies


    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    100 General Map Building Schematics

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    101 Map Representation

    M is a set n of probabilistic feature locations

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    Mis a set nof probabilistic feature locations Each feature is represented by the covariance matrix tand an associated

    credibility factor ct

    ct is between 0 and 1 and quantifies the belief in the existence of thefeature in the environment

    a and b define the learning and forgetting rate and ns

    and nu

    are thenumber of matched and unobserved predictions up to time k, respectively.

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    102 Autonomous Map Building: Stochastic Map Technique

    Stacked system state vector:

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    Stacked system state vector:

    State covariance matrix:

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    103 Particle Filter SLAM 1

    Overview Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) is a technique used by robots and

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    Overview Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) is a technique used by robots andautonomous vehicles to build up a map within an unknown environment while at thesame time keeping track of their current position. This is not as straightforward as it mightsound due to inherent uncertainties in discerning the robot's relative movement from itsvarious sensors. If at the next iteration of map building the measured distance anddirection traveled has a slight inaccuracy, then any features being added to the map will

    contain corresponding errors. If unchecked, these positional errors build cumulatively,grossly distorting the map and therefore the robot's ability to know its precise location.There are various techniques to compensate for this such as recognizing features that ithas come across previously and re-skewing recent parts of the map to make sure the twoinstances of that feature become one. Some of the statistical techniques used in SLAMinclude Kalman filters, particle filters and scan matching of range data.

    Sensors characteristics A sensor is characterized principally by:1. Noise2. Dimensionality of input

    a. Planar laser range finder (2D points)b. 3D laser range finder (3D point cloud)c. Camera features..

    3. Frame of referencea. Laser/camera in robot frameb. GPS in earth coord. Framec. Accelerometer/Gyros in inertial coord. frame

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    104 Particle Filter SLAM 2

    SLAM problem

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    SLAM problem The approach to solve the SLAM problem is addressed using probabilities.

    SLAM is usually explained by the conditional probability:


    An online SLAM algorithm factorize that formula to estimate the robot stateat current time t

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    105 Particle Filter SLAM 3

    FastSLAM approach

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    FastSLAM approach It solves the SLAM problem using particle filters. Particle filters are

    mathematical models that represent probability distribution as a set of discreteparticles which occupy the state space.

    Particle filter update

    In the update step a new particledistribution given motion model and

    controls applied is generated.a) For each particle:

    1. Compare particles prediction of measurements with actual measurements

    2. Particles whose predictions match the measurements are given a high weight

    b) Filter resample:

    Resample particles based on weight

    Filter resample

    Assign each particle a weight depending on how well its estimate of the stateagrees with the measurements and randomly draw particles from previous

    distribution based on weights creating a new distribution.

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    106 Particle Filter SLAM 4

    FastSLAM approach (continuation)

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    FastSLAM approach (continuation) Formulation

    Particle filter SLAM (or FastSLAM) decouples map of features from pose:

    1. Each particle represents a robot pose

    2. Feature measurements are correlated thought the robot pose If the robot pose was known all of the features would be uncorrelated so it

    treats each pose particle as if it is the true pose, processing all of the feature

    measurements independently.

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    107 Particle Filter SLAM 5

    FastSLAM approach (continuation)

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    pp ( )

    It is possible to factorize the previous formula (Murphy1999) as:

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    108 Particle Filter SLAM 6

    FastSLAM approach (continuation)P ti l t

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    pp ( ) Particle set

    The robot posterior is solved using a Rao Blackwellized particle filtering usinglandmarks. Each landmark estimation is represented by a 2x2 EKF (ExtendedKalman Filter). Each particle is independent (due the factorization) from the others

    and maintains the estimate of M landmark positions.

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    110Autonomous Map Building

    Example of Feature Based Mapping (ETH)

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    111 Probabilistic Feature Based 3D Maps

    raw 3D scan ofth

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    photo of the scene

    find a plane for every cellusing RANSAC



    decompose space into grid cellsfill cells with data

    the same scene

    raw data

    fuse similar neighboring

    planes together


    segmented planar segments

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    112 Probabilistic Feature Based 3D SLAM

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    close-up of a reconstructed hallway

    close-up of reconstructed bookshelves

    The same experiment as before butthis time planar segments are

    visualized and integrated into the

    estimation process

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    113 Cyclic Environments

    Small local error accumulate to arbitrary large global errors! This is usually irrelevant for navigation

    Courtesy of Sebastian Thrun

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    This is usually irrelevant for navigation

    However, when closing loops, global error does matter

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    114 Dynamic Environments

    Dynamical changes require continuous mapping

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    If extraction of high-level features would bepossible, the mapping in dynamic

    environments would becomesignificantly more straightforward.

    e.g. difference between human and wall

    Environment modeling is a key factorfor robustness


    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    115Map Building:

    Exploration and Graph Construction

    1. Exploration 2. Graph Construction

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    - provides correct topology

    - must recognize already visited location- backtracking for unexplored openings

    Where to put the nodes?

    Topology-based: at distinctive locations

    Metric-based: where features disappearor get visible


    on stack


    Autonomous Mobile Robots

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    Autonomous Systems LabZrich

    Real Time 3D SLAM with a Single Camera

    This presentation is based on the following papers:

    Andrew J. Davison, Real-Time Simultaneous Localization and Mapping with a Single Camera, ICCV 2003

    Nicholas Molton, Andrew J. Davison and Ian Reid, Locally Planar Patch Features for Real-Time Structurefrom Motion, BMVC 2004

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    118 Outline

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    Visual SLAM versus Structure From Motion

    Extended Kalman Filter for First-Order Uncertainty Propagation

    Camera Motion Model Matching of Existing Features

    Initialization of new features in the map

    Improving feature matching

    5 - Localization and Mapping5


    Structure from Motion:

    Structure From Motion (SFM)

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    Take some images of the object toreconstruct

    Features (points, lines, ) are

    extracted from all frames andmatched among them

    All images are processedsimultaneously

    Both camera motion and 3D structurecan be recovered by optimally fusingthe overall information, up to a scalefactor

    Robust solution but far frombeing Real-Time !

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    120 Visual SLAM

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    (From Davison03)

    Can be Real-Time !

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    121 SLAM versus SFM

    Repeatable Localization

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    Ability to estimate the location of the camera after 10 minutes of motion with the sameaccuracy as was possible after 10 seconds.

    Features must be stable, long-term landmark, no transient (as in SFM)

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    122State of the System

    The State vector and the first order uncertainty are:

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    The State vector and the first-order uncertainty are:


    In the SLAM approach the Covariance matrix is not diagonal, that is, theuncertainty of any feature affects the position estimate of all other features

    and the camera

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    123Extended Kalman Filter (EKF)

    The state vector X and the Covariance matrix P are updated during cameramotion using an EKF:

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    Prediction: a motion model is used to predict where the camera will be in the next timestep (P increases)

    Observation: a new feature is measured (P decreases)


    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    124 A Motion Model for Smoothly Moving Camera

    Attempts to predict where the camera will be in the next time step

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    In the case the camera is attached to a person, the unknown intentions ofthe person can be statistically modeled

    Most Structure from Motion approaches did not use any motion model!

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    125 Constant Velocity Model

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    The unknown intentions, and so unknown accelerations, are taken into account by

    modeling the acceleration as a process of zero mean and Gaussian distribution:

    By setting the covariance matrix ofn to small or large values, we define the smoothness

    or rapidity of the motion we expect. In practice these values were used:





    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    126 Selection of Features already in the Map

    By predicting the next camera pose we can predict where

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    By predicting the next camera pose, we can predict whereeach features is going likely to appear:

    5 - Localization and Mapping5


    Selection of Features already in the Map

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    At each frame, the features occurring at previous step are searched in the elliptic region

    where they are expected to be according to the motion model (Normalized Sum of Square

    Differences is used for matching)

    Large ellipses mean that the feature is difficult to predict, thus the feature inside will

    provide more information for camera motion estimation

    Once the features are matched, the entire state of the system is updated according to EKF

    5 - Localization and Mapping5


    Initialization of New Features in the Database

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    The Shi-Tomasi feature is firstly initialized as a 3D line

    Along this line, 100 possible feature positions are set uniformly in the range 0.5-5 m

    A each time, each hypothesis is tested by projecting it into the image

    Each matching produces a likelihood for each hypothesis and their probabilities are recomputed

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    129 Map Management

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    The number of features to be constantly visible in the image varies (in practice between 6-10) according to

    Localization accuracy Computing power available

    If a feature is required to be added, the detected feature is added only if it is not expectedto disappear from the next image

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    130Improved Feature Matching

    Up to now, tracked features were treated as 2D templates in image space

    Long-term tracking can be improved by approximating the feature as a locally

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    Long term tracking can be improved by approximating the feature as a locallyplanar region on 3D world surfaces

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    131 Locally Planar 3D Patch Features

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    5 - Localization and Mapping5

    132 References

    A. J. Davison, Real-Time Simultaneous Localization and Mapping with a Single Camera, ICCV 2003

    N. Molton, A. J. Davison and I. Reid, Locally Planar Patch Features for Real-Time Structure from Motion, BMVC 2004

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    R. Siegwart, ETH Zurich - ASL

    A. J. Davison, Y. Gonzalez Cid, N. Kita, Real-Time 3D SLAM with wide-angle vision, IFAC Symposium on IntelligentAutonomous Vehicles, 2004

    J. Shi and C. Tomasi, Good features to track, CVPR, 1994.