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St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church May 15, 2022 Pඉකඑඛඐ Mඑඛඛඑඖ Sගඉගඍඕඍඖග: St. John the Evangelist Parish is a welcoming and responsive faith community, nourished by the Word of God and the EucharisƟc Table. We are open and trusƟng in the love of Jesus Christ to advance the power of the Holy Spirit, within the Parish and beyond, by living the Gospel. Pඉකඑඛඐ Iඖඎකඕඉගඑඖ S. Jඐඖ ගඐඍ Eඞඉඖඏඍඔඑඛග Cඉගඐඔඑඋ Cඐඝකඋඐ 5751 Locust Avenue Carmichael CA 95608-1320 Parish Office: (916) 483-8454 Web: www.sjecarmichael.org Email: o[email protected] --PARISH OFFICE HOURS - 9:30 AM-4 PM-- Cඖඎඍඛඛඑඖ/Rඍඋඖඋඑඔඑඉගඑඖ SATURDAYS from 3:45 PM to 4:45 PM S . J ඐඖ ගඐඍ E ඞඉඖඏඍඔඑඛග S උඐඔ WWW.STJOHNEV.COM 5701 Locust Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 Phone: (916) 481-8845 Fax: (916) 481-1319 Email: [email protected] Principal: Christie Horton Pඉකඑඛඐ Cඔඍකඏඡ ඉඖඌ Sගඉඎඎ Pastor Parochial Vicar Pastor Emeritus Mercy San Juan Hospital Chaplain Deacon Deacon SJE Business Manager SJE Parish Secretary Religious Education Coordinator Director of Music & Liturgy SJE Pastoral Council Chairperson SJE Finance Council Chairperson Fr. Bernardin Mugabo Fr. Bit-Shing Abraham Chiu Fr. Thomas Bland Fr. Alban Uba Keith Johnson Jack Wilson Linda Gospodnetich Bernadette Hicks Joanne Giffard William Becker Tom Ennis Mary Ellen Meier Registration/Change of Address: Allow at least 3 months to receive envelopes or for any changes. I want to register in the parish. I have changed my address; my envelope # is ___________ Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________ City: _____________________ ZIP ________ Phone: _______________________________ E-mail: __________________________________________________ ST. VINCENT DE PAUL (916) 483-2161 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (916) 483-4628 Sඋඐඍඌඝඔඍ Mඉඛඛඍඛ Sਭਣਠਸ Mਠਲਲ: SATURDAY VIGIL: 5 SUNDAY: 8 ඉඕ, 10 ඉඕ 5 Dਠਨਫਸ Mਠਲਲ: 6:30 ඉඕ 8:30 ඉඕ (MON-FRI) 8:30 ඉඕ (SATURDAY) Hਮਫਸ Dਠਸਲ: 6:30 ඉඕ 8:30 ඉඕ; 7:00 Hਤਠਫਨਭਦ Mਠਲਲ: 1:30 - 3කඌ Sඝඖඌඉඡ ගඐඍ Mඖගඐ SUNDAY MASS LIVE-STREAMED THROUGH FACEBOOK @ 10 AM

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St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church

May 15, 2022

P M S : St. John the Evangelist Parish is a welcoming and responsive

faith community, nourished by the Word of God and the Eucharis c Table. We are open and trus ng in the love of

Jesus Christ to advance the power of the Holy Spirit, within the Parish and beyond, by living the Gospel.

P I S . J E

C C 5751 Locust Avenue

Carmichael CA 95608-1320 Parish Office: (916) 483-8454 Web: www.sjecarmichael.org

Email: [email protected]


C /R

SATURDAYS from 3:45 PM to 4:45 PM

S . J E S

WWW.STJOHNEV.COM 5701 Locust Avenue

Carmichael, CA 95608 Phone: (916) 481-8845

Fax: (916) 481-1319 Email: [email protected] Principal: Christie Horton


Pastor Parochial Vicar Pastor Emeritus Mercy San Juan Hospital Chaplain Deacon Deacon SJE Business Manager SJE Parish Secretary Religious Education Coordinator Director of Music & Liturgy SJE Pastoral Council Chairperson SJE Finance Council Chairperson

Fr. Bernardin Mugabo Fr. Bit-Shing Abraham Chiu Fr. Thomas Bland Fr. Alban Uba Keith Johnson Jack Wilson Linda Gospodnetich Bernadette Hicks Joanne Giffard William Becker Tom Ennis Mary Ellen Meier

Registration/Change of Address: Allow at least 3 months to receive envelopes or for any changes. I want to register in the parish. I have changed my address; my envelope # is ___________

Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________ City: _____________________ ZIP ________ Phone: _______________________________ E-mail: __________________________________________________

ST. VINCENT DE PAUL (916) 483-2161 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (916) 483-4628



SUNDAY: 8 , 10 5 D M :

6:30 8:30 (MON-FRI) 8:30 (SATURDAY)

H D : 6:30 8:30 ; 7:00

H M : 1:30 - 3 S M


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Pastor’s Page CALLED TO BE GOOD SHEPHERDS: Dear Parishioners, last week, the Gospel was about Jesus the Good Shepherd. As you know, the shepherd loves his sheep, calls them by their names, protects the weak ones as he puts them on his shoulders leading them to a safe place so he can heal them, protect them against wolves and other predators, and leading them to springs of living waters. A good shepherd is

willing to lay down his life for his sheep, instead of abandoning them to the merciless predators. Jesus knows each one of us by our names, He calls us to listen and to follow Him. Most importantly, Jesus died for us on the cross. The sheep, on their part, have the obligation to listen to the voice of their good shep-herd, to follow him. This is all about the love and trust we all need towards each other in our lives. Parents are considered as the “good shepherds” for their children. They love them, feed them and do all they can to protect them against the dangers that their children may have to face in life. I heard in my country that during famines, parents starved themselves so that their children could have a little to eat. But some of us may have had a bad parent, who, instead, is NOT properly taking care of his/her children which has become a nightmare for them. This is a bad shepherd and none of us would like to be one of those bad ones. I saw one day, a car’s bumper sticker on which was written, “My dad is an angel, my mom is a devil.” I felt so bad for that lady to have such a horrible mother. I wished I could talk to her and ask her more details, but there was no way I could have introduced myself. Good political leaders such as presidents, governors, senators, etc… are considered as good shepherds when they stand and protect those who are subject to their authority, especially the most vulnerable. Jesus said: “I didn’t come to be served but to serve and give My life as a ransom for many.” The image of a good shepherd can be applied to any human organization as their CEO. The question is always simple, are you a good shepherd to all those God has entrusted to you? If not, what is missing? What are you doing about it? When are you going to change?... Nowadays, some brave members of the Supreme Court are willing to reverse the Roe V. Wade decision which legalized abortion and has taken so many innocent lives through abortions for almost 50 years in the United States; they say about 62 million babies have been killed. Worldwide, especially in these western countries, there are way too many children killed. Sadly, instead of thanking God that these horrible crimes are about to end, allowing every child a right to life and every mother a right to be called a mother by raising and taking care of their little ones, and a father a right to be called father with his protection, feeding, and caring, we see many people are rioting, claiming that their right to abortion is about to end. What kind of conscience is that? While tamed and wild animals defend their babies to death, the man with the biggest brain, with many laws and regula-tions, is fighting to be allowed to continue killing their own babies. Where is the heart of motherhood and father-hood? Have we become worse than animals? What kind of good shepherd are they? All those who have had an abortion have a guilty conscience when they see their neighbor’s or friends’ children playing, laughing, graduating and entering into marriage, having their grandchildren... Some of them do have mental breakdowns because of their guilty conscience. "You shall not kill" is the Fifth Commandment and cannot be taken away. It doesn’t matter if you are killing a baby in the mother’s womb or a new born baby or even a very elderly person; they are all the same. I hope and pray no Catholic person in good standing would support these evil and demonic movements. We are Catholics called to be good shepherds in the light of Jesus Christ and protecting the most vulnerable in our society. Life must be protected from conception to natural death, from the womb to the tomb. Those political leaders who support and pass funding for the murder of innocent babies through abortion are called bad shepherds too. They are doing what is evil in the eyes of God. If they do not repent, they will perish. Doctors who study to save lives but close their minds in opting for abortion are bad shepherds. They, too, will have to answer to it. I heard doctors who were pro abortion and then repented, speaking at the pro-life rally in San Francisco. It is very touching to hear how they regret it. Dear Parishioners, we are living in a world that is way too much worse than the time of Sodom and Gomorrah. We all need to stand on the side of Jesus Christ, no matter how things may be. We need also to pray for those who walk in darkness that they may see the light and follow Jesus, the Good Shepherd, who leads us to Heaven, our final destination. Let us love what Jesus loves and hate what Jesus hates. This is what the Catholic Church stands for and cannot be changed. God bless, Father Bernardin MUGABO

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Deacon Jack’s Homily (May 15, 2022) SUPERNATURAL LOVE: Television drama shows some mes use a presenta on technique called flashback to highlight something of great importance. It goes like this: As the show opens, our heroes are in a desperate situa on. The bad guys are a er them. Every turn they take seems to make things worse. While hiding as the bad guys come closer, they say to each other how did we get into this? Then the scene fades and since the show has your full a en on, a commercial starts up, but you can’t

wait to see what happens next. When the show returns, it is a peaceful sunny day, there are no bad guys around but a small message appears at the bo om of the screen. – Three days earlier. Ah, now, we are in the flashback. We get to see what happened leading up that the desperate situa on. With the knowledge of what will happen, we can now clearly see the effect of some ac on or statement. I men on this because the readings today sort of use that technique. The First Reading from the Acts of the Apostles is set with Paul and Barnabas a er the Resurrec on. Paul and Barnabas return to An och where they were previously thrown out for preaching the Gospel. They tell the newly formed Church members to persevere in faith, many hardships may fall upon them in order to enter the Kingdom of God. Paul and Barnabas suffer many trials and persecu on as they spread the Gospel, as being a Chris an was not all milk and honey. The Jewish leaders in the towns they visit are all against their preaching, against the message of the Gospel so Paul and Barnabas were forcibly expelled many mes. Why would our heroes go through this? Let’s look at the Gospel reading for today, this was set before the Resurrec on, at the Last Supper. This is our flashback. No scene fade and commercial here as we are commercial free! St. John the Evangelist sets this scene during the Last Supper, to explain what Jesus means when He says: “Love one another.” Jesus says: “As I have loved you, so you should love one another.” Jesus loves us with supernatural love. His commandment here has great significance. The Jewish law asked you to love your neighbor as yourself – a totally human love. Jesus requires us to love as He loves us, a supernatural love. We hear all through Lent of how far Jesus went to love us, to secure our salva on. He willingly went to the Cross for us. We also should be able to see how far God con nues to love us. The sun rises each morning. It shines on the earth to grow the plants which feed our ca le, which feeds us. Our world was set spinning so every part of the earth receives the sun some me during the year. The Church opens for Mass each morning so we can hear the Word. We try to live our lives without sin but we all stumble so the Church offers the Sacrament of Reconcilia on to allow us to hear that our sins have been forgiven. Jesus’ primary mission was to secure our redemp on. Jesus doesn’t stop there. He was also sent by the Father to show us how the Father envisioned our interac on with each other, that was His secondary mission. Through words and deeds, Jesus is the member of the Trinity who best reflects what it is to be truly human in God’s plan for crea on. – supernatural love. Saint Paul knows of this supernatural love. In his le er to the Corinthians, he says: “Love is pa ent, Love is kind. It bears all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” This is why Paul and Barnabas con nue on when they are persecuted – loving others in Corinth, Gala a, Thessalonica as Jesus has loved them. We learn to love each other as we grow up, learn to think of others instead of just ourselves. Jesus asks us today to go beyond our comfort zone of human love. Here is an example I have seen in my life. A friend of mine had four sons who grew up in a loving family. The mother loved her sons will all her heart. As an adult one son, however, became hooked on drugs. He lost his job, lost his car and his place to live. His mother s ll loved him, so she asked him to move in with her, as all of her other sons were married and lived with their families. He tried to quit but it didn’t seem to last very long. His brothers disapproved and were furious when they discovered he had stolen items from the house to support his habit. Mom s ll loved him so she agreed to send him to a place to get be er. When he finished his therapy, he went out on his own in another state to start a new life. Again, this went well for a while, but old habits crept in again and this me he was arrested, sent to jail and spent a few years in prison for trafficking. Upon serving his sentence, he had no home, job or place to go. Mom took him in again. Her love for him triumphed in spite of all the heartaches and trouble he had caused. This is a supernatural kind of love. The story turns out well. Mom is pre y old now and her son does all the cooking, cleaning, repairs around the house, drives her to the doctor’s office and lives a clean life. Love was pa ent, love was kind. It bears all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Jesus called the Apostles “Children” in the Gospel today. Perhaps that is because the human love we share is like a child compared to the mature love God has for us, the love we have been commanded to have for one another. Is there someone in your life that could use supernatural love from you right now?

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office@ sjecarmichael.org

To update your address, phone

number and email address.

Parishioner Update Information

Sacrament of Baptism

SJE Weekly Offertory Collection

Actual Budget Surplus/ Weekend of: (Week): (Week): (Deficit):

May 8, 2022 $10,098 $10,365 ($267)

Weekly Adoration Fr. Bernardin invites you to spend an hour/

some private time with Jesus on Wednesdays & Fridays from 9 am to 5 pm.

Divine Mercy Chaplet and the Rosary are prayed aloud beginning at 4:10pm.

Benediction at 5:00 pm. God bless.


For more information and instructions, please visit our website, www.sjecarmichael.org to download and complete our Baptismal Registration Form or

contact DEACON JACK or DEACON KEITH through our “[email protected]“ email address

for Baptism and Baptism Class Schedules.

Many thanks for your ongoing generosity to St. John’s Church!!

With the joy of the Risen Christ, we turn to our loving and merciful God with these prayers.

For the Church: that we may be known as disciples of Jesus by the love and care that we show one another. Let us pray to the Lord.

LORD, HEAR OUR PRAYER For the grace of insight: that we may recognize all that God is doing in our lives, our faith community, and the world around us so that we may cooperate in bringing forth the reign of God in our me and place. Let us pray to the Lord.

LORD, HEAR OUR PRAYER For freedom of mind and heart: that God will free us from old a achments and help us follow the movement of the Spirit into new rela onships and new forms of service. Let us pray to the Lord.

LORD, HEAR OUR PRAYER For all who have been displaced by war, famine or natural disasters: that God will protect them from harm, touch the hearts of many to reach out and assist them, and lead them to places of safety. Let us pray to the Lord.

LORD, HEAR OUR PRAYER For those who strive to manifest a New Heavens and a New Earth: that God will inspire those working to end injus ce and poverty, assist the elderly and homebound, and be a source of hope for all who are suffering. Let us pray to the Lord.

LORD, HEAR OUR PRAYER For all who are burdened by sickness, disease or chronic illness: that the healing Spirit of the Risen Christ may bring light and wholeness to them. Let us pray to the Lord.

LORD, HEAR OUR PRAYER For all our deceased Parishioners, rela ves and friends: that our merciful God may give them eternal rest. Let us pray to the Lord. LORD, HEAR OUR PRAYER For these inten ons, the inten ons shared by this community during the week that we bring to the Altar, and for the inten ons of all those whom we promised to pray. Let us pray to the Lord.


God of life and love, hear our prayers this day and answer them not according to our will, but Yours. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Liturgy (Intercessory Prayers) for May 15, 2022

Upcoming Special Collection All Parishes throughout the Diocese are asked to participate in Special (Second) Collections throughout the year.

May 28/29, 2022 - C C C Chapel KEYPAD INSTALLED!! SJE Blessed Sacrament Chapel is accessible Monday through

Friday from 9 am to 5 pm. Please call SJE Office (916) 483-8454 for code or admittance.

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Parish News

SJE Prayer List

Please Pray for our sick and their caregivers: Andrea Armstrong, Richard Michael Blalock, Bob Bodem, Nancy Born, Robert Burns, Chuck Carly, Geoff Carter, Melanie Casperson, Ollie Claussen, Alicia Cortez, Corrine Davidson, Russ Davis, Rick DiRegolo, Melissa Duran, Brenda Elazier, Kate Ellis, Karen Emmons, Madeline Endres, Debbie Erichs, Teri Erickson, Velia Escalante, James Espinoza, Juanita Estrellas, Anthony Gabriele, Frank Giana asio, Ella Gomes, Jimi Grant, Steve Guerrero, Donna Harris, Tom Harvey, Margaret Hollatz, Gabe Howser, Mary Jeffries, Eduardo Jimenez, Yelena Kanavalchuk, Tom Karras, Larry Kraus, Dalice Lee, Ray Lloyd, Pat Lobrovich, Karen Lydon, Mary Mandara, Angelica & Cheryl Mar n, Jennifer Mar n, Arielle McLeskey, Pat Minnard, Manuel Molina, Marie Murillo, Tony Nolasco, Baby Dylan Ochoa, Gilles Ouellet, Mary Pai, Lynn Parry, Julie Paul, Mike Peterson, Alex Quiroz, Max Rankin, Jeff Reynolds, Sarah Rizzardo, Aida Saca, Ruth Salazar, Ma Sanders, Monique Sandoval, Rena Scherman, Robert Scholtes, Kim Schultz, Christopher Sco , Paul Scur , Aurora Simental, Lili Simic, Carol Smith, Joan Smith, Dolores Stafford, Hank Thompson, Inge Toner, Kim Van Blaricom, Deanna Vest, Bob Walker, Ka e Walker, Theresa West, Jacqueline Whi le, Amanda Young and all those with COVID-19.


Due to vacations and life challenges, we URGENTLY need several MASS CANTORS to sign up

for our upcoming “Sunday” Masses; please contact Bill Becker, Director of Music ASAP.

--Our next Choir rehearsal-- Wednesday, May 18, at 7pm

For choir up-dates, please email Bill Becker at

[email protected]




New Administration Center Update (In Case You Missed it…) During the summer months, our Building Committee published a plan for a new Administrative Center to be developed in the Mercy Hall Building. As requested by our Diocese, a plan for office space separated from the current Rectory setting was developed. The plan further included the long awaited meeting space for the various ministries in our Parish. The plan was developed and designed to maximize the ample space in Mercy Hall for all administrative functions in one central location. Bids were obtained, and submission was made to the County for required permits. Much to everyone’s surprise, the Fire Department came back with a requirement for an independent sprinkler system to be added. An independent sprinkler system requires a new water main supply. A conservative estimate by our contractor indicated this would increase our costs by at least $200K which would put us well beyond our budget expectations for this project. After several appeals to the county and alterations to the plans, it became clear that we could not meet the basic goals of our project with the monies available. As a result, a decision was made to make minimal alterations to Mercy Hall simply to meet the need to move the office from the Rectory until additional campus planning can be done. Construction on our modified plan has begun on Monday, May 2. Our expected completion timeline is 6-8 weeks. The plan is to include two administrative offices, a reception area, an office for Fr. Bernardin, an updated restroom, along with a meeting room and updates to the kitchen area. The back half of the building will remain as is. None of the alterations being made include any major structural construction work. When this project began some two years ago, our architect suggested that we develop a plan for the entire campus to increase security and a more effective use of campus space. At that time the complete development of Mercy Hall appeared feasible. Fr. Bernadine did not want to consider replacing the Rectory. He preferred a general cleanup to include new paint, carpet, and some new windows. That plan remains intact even with the modified plan for Mercy Hall. Moving forward, we will begin work with our architect to develop a long-term plan for the entire campus to provide direction for increased security and efficient use of space. With mandates for protection of school children, and concerns for the safety of our parishioners, professional planning is indispensable. Such a plan would look out at least 10 years and be implemented in increments allowing for financial planning. Are we disappointed that our original plan did not work as anticipated? Certainly! But the idea that the overall campus setting might improve is a great consolation. Perhaps God’s plan is better than ours!!!

LAST CALL for CRS Rice Bowls Please return your completed CRS Rice Bowls by NEXT weekend into the clear plastic box in the Narthex. Thank you for your donations and continuing support of the CATHOLIC RELIEF SOCIETY.

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Mass Intentions Daily Mass Intentions for the Week of

May 16-21, 2022

Monday: EASTER Weekday 6:30 am Bob (I) and Celeste (I) Greeley 8:30 am Isabelo Arquillano †

Tuesday: EASTER Weekday 6:30 am Eleanor Nieto (I) 8:30 am Gloria Soto †

Wednesday: St. John I, Pope and Martyr 6:30 am John Lubecki † 8:30 am Mary Anne Davis †

Thursday: EASTER Weekday 6:30 am Deceased and Living Members of the Lubecki Family 8:30 am Marjorie Lilly (I)

Friday: St. Bernardine of Siena, Priest 6:30 am Deceased and Living Members of the Lubecki Family 8:30 am Gerald † and Arlis † Bragg

Saturday: St. Christopher Magallanes, Priest and Com-panions, Martyrs 8:30 am John Lubecki †

Readings for the Week

Monday: Acts 14:5-18; Ps 115:1-4, 15-16; Jn 14:21-26

Tuesday: Acts 14:19-28; Ps 145:10-13ab, 21; Jn 14:27-31a

Wednesday: Acts 15:1-6; Ps 122:1-5; Jn 15:1-8

Thursday: Acts 15:7-21; Ps 96:1-3, 10; Jn 15:9-11

Friday: Acts 15:22-31; Ps 57:8-10, 12; Jn 15:12-17

Saturday: Acts 16:1-10; Ps 100:1b-3, 5; Jn 15:18-21

Sunday: Acts 15:1-2, 22-29; Ps 67:2-3, 5-6, 8; Rv 21:10-14, 22-23; Jn 14:23-29

SJE Religious Education May 15, 2022


Grades: Kindergarten through Junior High Phone: 916-483-4628 Email: [email protected]

Last week, on May 8, all our CCD children honored their mothers with Mother’s Day cards. These children were simply delighted to show their appreciation for their mothers in this way. On Sunday, we also shared the history of Our Lady of Fatima, and together we prayed the Hail Mary. Our Saint of the Week is St. Isidore, the Farmer, whose feast day falls on May 15. There actually was nothing exceptional about St. Isidore’s life except for his obvious holiness. In the year 1070, Isidore was born in Madrid, Spain, to poor but devout Catholic parents. He had very little education, and as soon as Isidore was old enough to work, he began working on a farm on an estate near the city as a hired hand. Truthfully, he worked his entire life for Juan de Vergas, a wealthy landowner. Later, he married Maria Torribia, who also shared Isidore’s humble and laborious life. Maria and Isidore had only one child, a son. One day when their son fell into a deep well, Maria and Isidore prayed fervently by this well, and then miraculously the level of the water rose reaching the level of the ground. This enabled his parents to pull their son out of the well before he could drown. Much later, however their son died while he was still in his youth. This holy couple then dedicated their lives to God. St. Isidore was noted for his humility, his deep faith, his reverence for nature and the poor, and his religious attitude toward work. Every morning Isidore woke up early to attend Mass before he began his work. After Mass he would commune with God, his guardian angel, and the saints as he plowed the fields. When his employer discovered that Isidore did not begin his work on time, he went very early to the farm one morning. On both sides of Isidore were strangers, complete with plows and teams of white oxen plowing alongside him. As Juan approached Isidore, these people disappeared, so his employer said to Isidore, “Tell me, who are these men who were ploughing with you just now?” In response, Isidore replied,” I have not seen any person. I ask no help from anyone but God each morning at Holy Mass.” Juan de Vergas then understood that these two men ploughing with Isidore were really angels sent by God to help His faithful servant in return for Isidore’s attending Mass every day. It has also been recorded that later Isidore brought his master’s deceased daughter back to life. In addition, once Isidore caused a totally dry fountain to burst with fresh water to satisfy Juan’s horrible thirst. His wife Maria always kept a full pot of stew in the fireplace, because Isidore frequently brought anyone who was hungry to his humble home. On one occasion when numerous hungry people accompanied Isidore to their home, the pot soon was totally empty. When Isidore instructed his wife to again check this empty pot, she noticed that the pot was now full, so every-one there was able to be fed. At a parish supper, an entire crowd of beggars followed Isidore to the hall. One parishioner mentioned to Isidore that there would not be enough food to feed this crowd, but Isidore replied that there would be more than enough food for these people because Christ would provide for them, and then the food multiplied. Through prayer, Isidore saved the life of a donkey, who had been attacked by a wolf. Similarly, when pigeons were searching for food on the hard surface of frosty ground, Isidore poured half of his sack of wheat onto the ground for the birds. Witnesses observing this occurrence ridiculed Isidore. When Isidore returned to the mill, his bag then became full, and after the wheat was ground, it produced double the expected amount of flour that was expected. On May 15, 1130, Isidore died, and after several years his blessed wife Maria also died. It was on March 12, 1622, that Pope Gregory XV canon-ized St. Isidore. Later his wife, known as Santa Maria de la Cabeza, was also honored as a saint. Some four hundred years after Isidore’s death when King Philip III of Spain fell sick due to a fatal illness, the relics of St. Isidore were brought in a procession to his sickroom, and he recovered as his fever immediately disappeared. St. Isidore’s simple life was totally filled with a sense of God, and over 438 miracles are attributed to his interces-sions. Today, St. Isidore is honored to be the patron saint of farmers, day

Spotlight on - LECTORS Ministry

Religious Education Prayer (Con’t)


All Parishioners, high school age and older are encouraged to join our lector ministry.

Come read and share the “good news” at Mass with your fellow parishioners.

Flexible scheduling, training and a work-book guide is provided that helps direct

you and to pronounce things like “Zacchaeus”

Please contact GLEN ZUFFELATO – Lector Coordinator at (916) 849-8490,

or [email protected]

laborers, peasants, truck drivers and agriculture. He is portrayed in art as a peasant holding a sickle and a sheaf of corn.


Yours in Christ, Mrs. Joanne Giffard, Religious Education Coordinator [email protected] [email protected]

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Save the Date - Rosary Crusade

Our St. Vincent de Paul Conference thanks you for your con nued support.

It is appreciated more than you know.

Do you like helping people in need? Empathizing and listening to their challenges in life? Then, being able to

assist them with financial aid for rent or utilities? Or just answering phone calls?

Then joining the SV P H V T may be for you!

For more information contact J T at 916-743-3918 or email [email protected]

SVdeP’s food closet is open on Wednesdays from 8 am to 10 am if you find yourself in need of food.

Everyone is welcome and meat, fresh veggies, and fruits are in abundance!

The elves who work at the food locker tell me we could use spaghetti sauce, jelly, egg cartons, brown grocery

bags and the heavier reusable plastic bags.

Thank you for your support throughout the year, we couldn’t do this without you.

YOU make a difference! God bless you! Wear a Mask! Stay safe!

A Glimpse of Spirituality by Fr. Abraham

Fr. Bernardin’s Joke from Last Week

People will get hearing aids when they have hearing problems. However, when the heart and mind are blocked, the voice of God cannot be heard by any hearing aids. Those who repeatedly asked who Jesus was had already seen the miracles with their eyes that Jesus performed. With their ears, they had also heard Jesus’ preaching; however, they still could not accept the fact that Jesus was the Messiah. They questioned Jesus, “How long will you keep us in sus-pense? If you are the Christ, tell us plainly.” The noun “suspense” (aireis) refers to a feeling of entangle-ment, which contains excitement, fear, hope, joy, or grief. In short, the crowd’s impression of Jesus is very vague. Simply, they have no faith. Though Jesus has revealed that he was the Messiah by his words and deeds, and the crowd still seemed to be unable to see or hear. Jesus said, “The works that I do in my Father’s name, they bear witness to me.” Everything Jesus did was in the name of the Father. That is to say, the works were entrusted by the Father to Jesus. The term “works” is plural, referring to all the works of Jesus on earth for the glory of the Father, particularly, his incarna-tion and resurrection. It was the way that the Father who re-vealed God’s eternal love to the world through Jesus. With-out God, all miracles and the mysteries of incarnation could not be done on earth. Thus, Jesus emphasized that all works bore witness to him. “Witness” (martyrei) is to prove that Jesus is the Messiah. As a matter of fact, the crowd really did not put what they saw and heard into their heart and mind; just as Jesus said: “you do not believe, because you do not belong to my sheep.” Unbelief is refusal. The refusal against Jesus is to challenge Jesus. This is the unsteady life under the state of unbelief. Life is steady because with Jesus as our support. What we need to be with Jesus is faith. Fr. Abraham Chiu

St. Vincent de Paul

ST. JOHN’S HEALING MASS Our Monthly “Healing Mass” is

Celebrated THIS SUNDAY, May 15th at 1:30 pm in our Church

Confessions from 12:30 pm to 1:25 pm

Monthly Healing Mass

The Funeral Mass for longtime SJE Parishioner


MAY 30TH at 11 am with the recitation of the Rosary at 10:30 am in St. John’s Church.

John De Piazza’s Funeral Mass Date

Journey towards Human Flourishing

K H F All are welcome to join D K to journey toward

human flourishing. God so desires us to peacefully rest in His providence and to know His desire for our happiness.

Your journey will begin on June 2nd at 6:30 pm in St. James Hall. We will begin discussion on the book

Searching for and Maintaining Peace by Father Jacque Philippe. Once the group completes that book, we will be discussing Interior Freedom and then The Eight Doors to

the Kingdom also by Fr. Philippe. Please text D K at (916) 390-5458 or email him at [email protected] if you plan to a end.

Zoom par cipants are welcome to join the discussion. Books can be ordered through

h ps://scepterpublishers.org/.

The young pastor was teaching the 23rd Psalm to the Sunday school children.

He told them that they were the sheep who needed guidance.

Then the priest asked, "If you are the sheep, then who is the shepherd?”-- obviously indicating himself.

A silence of a few seconds followed. Then a young boy said, "JESUS. JESUS is the shepherd."

The young priest, obviously caught by surprise, said to the boy, "Well then, who am I?"

The boy frowned thoughtfully and then said, "I guess you must be the sheep dog."

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