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    NewsMAY 29, 2012 EDITOR: KATIE ARDMORE | [email protected] PAGE 9

    Bicyclist hospitalized after collision

    Abicyclist collided with

    a car on Monday, May

    22, at the intersection o

    Seventh South and First


    Te victim, a middle-aged man

    named Michael Groeseck, was riding

    his bike west along Seventh South.

    Stephanie Chapman, reshman, andLisa Ellison, sophomore, both studying

    animal science saw the accident, and

    Chapman called 9-1-1.

    We saw this guy riding his bike

    down the hill. He tried to put his brakes

    on but was going too ast. His bike was

    Emergency ofcials arrive at an accident scene where a blue Volkswagon Beetle hit a bicyclist on Seventh South. Medics took the victim to Madison County Hospital for treatment. Madison CountyHospital reported that he suffered non-life-threatening injuries.



    Scroll Staff

    wiggling back and orth, Ellison said.

    Te accident occurred around 5 p.m.He was on the right side by the right

    mirror, Ellison said. He was hit by that

    side o the car and was laying by the

    wheel. He was spitting up blood. I think

    he got hit in the stomach by the mirror.

    Paramedics attended to Groeseck and

    took him to Madison County Hospital

    or treatment.

    He looked like he was in shock. He

    was pale white and looking around likehe didnt know what was going on,

    Chapman said.

    Shawn Barber, a senior studying

    accounting, also witnessed the accident

    while driving home with his wie

    Megan Barber, a junior studying early

    childhood special education.

    [Groeseck] was going about as astas we were, maybe 35 miles an hour,

    Shawn Barber

    said. Te car was

    stopped, waiting to

    turn le. It turned

    as the biker crossed

    and hit him.

    Groeseck was

    obviously injured,

    but he was conscious the whole timerom what we saw, Megan Barber said.

    Heather Martin, a senior studying

    nursing, and Bryan Wright, a junior

    studying mechanical engineering,

    arrived on the scene aer the accident

    had occurred.

    Te blue Volkswagon Beetle had

    several dents on the passenger side

    where Groeseck collided with it.You can see the dents in the car. Te

    big dent above the mirror is where he

    hit his head, Wright said.

    Wright and Martin were watching

    the victims bike until directed by

    ofcials to ollow the ambulance.


    BRIANNE SHIRTS | Scroll Photography

    PAGE 10

    Post ofcebudget gaps


    for illegal burnig

    A related video

    is available at



    He was hit by the side ofthe car and was laying by thewheel. He was spitting up



    Fines/jail time

  • 7/27/2019 5-29 full.pdf


    NewsMAY 29, 2012PAGE 10

    Idaho post ofces may change their schedules to ve days instead of six depending on the

    Congress decision. The Rexburg Post Ofce is located on 140 South Center St.

    US post ofces may change schedules

    Mondays would be really hard

    to manage because itd be double the

    workload, Cole said.

    Tey already take care o both

    Sundays and Mondays mail in one day.

    I they dont do deliveries on

    Saturdays, this would add an extra days

    work that needs to be completed on

    RACHEL BROWN | Scroll Photography


    Scroll Staff

    Idaho may be aected by the debate

    between Congress and U.S. Postal

    Service concerning a ve-day delivery

    schedule and shortened hours or postal

    services throughout the country.

    Jerey Cole, Rexburg postmaster, said

    Rexburg postal workers are striving to

    save money and cutting their work week

    back by a day could save billions across

    the nation.

    However, there would be a ew

    problems with eliminating Saturday

    deliveries. Cutting out Saturday

    deliveries would be troublesome or

    those who work on weekends.

    Cole said they may give those people

    a job to ll in or part time workers

    during the week, so they wouldnt

    have to worry too much about losing

    their jobs. Te real problem would be


    National Park Service to

    waive admission fees

    Yellowstone National Park will

    waive its entrance ees on June 9,

    along with all national parks across

    the U.S.

    Yellowstones entrance ee

    is usually $25 or a private,

    noncommercial vehicle, but anyone

    will be able to enter the park or ree

    on June 9.

    However, additional utilities and

    services, such as restaurants and inns

    will still require a ee.

    Tis is a national eort on behal

    o the National Park Service. We do

    a variety o entrance-ee ree days so

    that people can learn, enjoy and be

    inspired by their national parks, said

    Al Nash, a Yellowstone spokesperson.

    Tis isnt the only time that the

    national park service will waive its

    JAYSON BENTLEYScroll Staff

    park entrance ee.

    Tere were 17 ree-admission

    days planned or 2012. Te park

    service recently held ree-admission

    days during National Park Week

    (April 21-29).

    Tis ree admission usually takes

    place on national holidays and this

    one will take place on National Get

    Outdoors Day.

    Other ree-admission days will

    occur on National Public Lands

    Day (Sept. 29) and November 10-11

    (Veterans Day weekend).

    With Rexburg only an hour

    and a hal away rom the worlds

    largest collection o natural geysers,

    Yellowstone could be a short trip or


    Depending upon a cars gas

    mileage, the cost o admission is

    about the same as the cost o gas to

    get to Yellowstone.

    Monday or post oces.

    It would aect the community by

    having people receive more mail on

    Monday instead o Saturday.

    Tere are varying opinions regarding

    this proposed bill among students at


    I would personally not mind that.

    Some postal workers, not all, even work

    six days a week. I think it would be ne

    to let them have the whole weekend, said

    Samuel Reyes, a senior studying art.

    While Reyes would be in avor o the

    shif, Samuel Winegar, a sophomore

    studying health science, elt dierently

    about the change.

    I think that this is direct proo o the

    mismanagement o the Postal Service by

    the government by limiting USPSs ability

    to be competitive, Winegar said. I they

    do this, they need to lif the monopoly

    on letters so that private companies can

    compensate or this latest ailure o the

    public sector.

  • 7/27/2019 5-29 full.pdf


    Apartment complexdisplaces residents

    location to another lot, at the discretion

    o the homeowner.

    Te complex is currently seeking the

    approval and advice o BYU-Idaho and

    the city o Rexburg.

    Considerations or each entity include

    how much o the space will be available

    or single students versus married

    students, how much commercial space

    there will be and how much additional

    pedestrian and vehicle trac the new

    building may bring.

    Were trying to work with what the

    university would like to see and what the

    city would like to see and what we would

    like to see, Sorensen said. Its a work in


    Sorensen is confdent that the

    complex will open in 2014.

    Well probably roll out the complex

    over several months, he said, with

    buildings opening as they are completed.

    It is also expected to have a lot o open

    space and parking or about 45 percent

    o its residents, since the buildings will

    be in the pedestrian emphasis zone.

    Tis zone is designed or students

    who wont bring cars to Rexburg and

    who will need to be within walking

    distance o the university and shopping.

    Its going to be an amazing place,

    Sorensen said.

    A new apartment complex, set to

    open in 2014, is displacing several soon-

    to-be empty homes near the BYU-Idaho

    stadium, a company representative said.

    It will have space or up to 1,078

    residents, said Cory Sorensen, a

    representative o the unnamed project.

    Sorenson said that fgure is subject to

    change, as the complex may make space

    or light commercial use as well.

    Well likely set aside some space or

    retail or ood service, Sorenson said.

    Tere will probably be a ew small

    restaurants or stores, which will take up

    some residence space.

    Te space, which lies on First West

    between First and Second South, is

    currently occupied by private homes.

    Most o these homes are empty, but a ew

    residents still live on the block.

    Te owners o these homes were

    paid two to three times what their homes

    were worth, Sorensen said. Tey were

    happy to sell their homes to us or that


    Te people living on the block will

    move as soon as theyve secured another

    place to live, he said. Some o the homes

    may even be moved rom their current

    NewsPAGE 11MAY 29, 2012

    BRETT EVANSScroll Staff

    Houses like this one on First West between First and Second South have been bought forconstruction of a new housing complex. Other homes on that street are also in line to be bought.

    JORDAN HINCKLEY | Scroll Photography

  • 7/27/2019 5-29 full.pdf


    NewsMAY 29, 2012PAGE 12

    BLM cracks downon illegal burning

    ound some visitors burning old ence

    posts, which le behind six-inch metal

    spikes. Wheeler said debris like that are

    dangerous to other people recreating on

    the dunes.

    Campres are allowed on the dunes

    i they consist o clean materials within

    campre rings.

    People are

    not allowed to

    burn materials

    that leave behind

    debris, like pallets,

    plastics, rubber,

    treated timber

    or household



    encouraged people

    to put out their

    campres beore


    Covering the area with sand and

    walking away while you still have hot

    embers is not appropriate. We want

    people to appreciate [the dunes] but also

    respect them, Long said.

    Individuals could ace nes o up to

    $1,000 and/or spend up to one year in

    jail or burning illegal campres on the

    St. Anthony Sand Dunes, according to

    the Bureau o Land Management (BLM).

    In the past, illegal campre and pallet

    burning were punished with a warning,

    but now law enorcement ocials are

    issuing citations.

    We are becoming increasingly

    concerned with the mess le behind

    when people burn pallets, plastics

    and other inappropriate materials,

    said Jef Long, Idaho Falls district law

    enorcement ocer. Im troubled that

    people dont recognize the damage they

    cause when they continually violate

    these rules.

    According to the BLM, law

    enorcement ocials have written more

    than 20 citations or illegal activities on

    the dunes over the past three weeks.

    Sarah Wheeler, BLM spokesperson,

    said law enorcement ocers recently

    Law enforcement ofcers found this campre on the St. Anthony Sand Dunes and said the debriscould prove dangerous for others on the dunes. Burning materials like pallets are not allowed.


    KATIE ARDMORENews Editor


    Theres currently onewildre in Idaho.Its 6 miles southwestof American Fallsand spans about31 acres, accordingto the Eastern Idahore center.The re started onMay 20 and is undercontrol.

    This map shows the area on the St. Anthony Sand Dunes near where people are allowed to havecampres. Fires consisting of dangerous materials like rubber and furniture are not allowed.

    KATIE ARDMORE | Scroll Illustration


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    Rigby discusses construction

    NewsPAGE 13MAY 29, 2012

    JAILYNN ZENGERCampus Asst. Editor

    MAY 2125

    Editors note:All information contained

    in this section is public record and

    is accessible to anyone through the

    Rexburg Police Department.

    Complaint of small children playing

    with handguns.

    Complaint of a subject holding a rie

    behind Wendys. Male subject had a

    BB gun, shooting rock chucks.

    Hit and run accident. Kensington

    Manor Apartments.

    Theft. Laptop stolen from the Eliza R.

    Snow Building.

    Theft. Missouri license plate stolen

    from a vehicle. 226 South First West.

    Lewd conduct with a minor. 38-year-

    old man was arrested.

    Grafti. Vehicle parked on the street

    at 650 South Sixth South. Had crude

    drawings of body parts on the windows.

    Complaint of two males in a black

    Chevy pickup exposing themselves.

    Theft. Spencer W. Kimball and

    Administration Services Building and

    Jacob Spori Building. Two vending

    machines were broken into.

    Complaint of intoxicated individuals

    at Central Park complex disturbing the


    Unlawful entry. 487 South Third West.

    Three unknown males were asking a

    female some personal questions as she

    left her apartment. Subject left and

    returned to retrieve an item and found

    the three males sitting on her couch.

    Complaint of 3-year-old left in parked

    vehicle at Super Savers.


    Free fshing day scheduledfor June 9


    An employee o Keller Associates

    stood beore Rigby Council members

    on May 22 to discuss the sewer

    construction project underway on 2nd

    North in Rigby.

    Work began on March 5 and the

    completion date is scheduled or Sept. 1.

    I asked the contractor this morning

    i he was rm on that date, because I

    believe we could be done by the end o

    August. Te last ew weeks would be

    added or nal completion and or the

    city to take the nal walk through, said

    Mike Jaglowski, the Keller Associates


    Te projected time or completion

    is 270 days, with the nal walk through

    taking the project to 300 days total.

    As you hit some snags during

    construction and other hazards, does

    that aect the timeline? asked Gerd

    Zimmermann, a member o the Rigby


    Jaglowski believes the workers will

    have enough time to tackle any problems

    they encounter in the amount o

    projected time.

    So ar, approximately 55 percent o

    the total work has been completed. Five

    dierent crews are working together on

    this project.

    Tree open trench crews, a pipe

    bursting crew, a ll pipe crew, and an

    asphalt crew will start working on 3rd

    West next week.

    Phase three, on third West,

    costs came in higher than what we

    expected. We saw that there were some

    anomalies that we hadnt anticipated,

    said Jaglowski reerring to a redesign

    o the sewer pipes. Because o those

    anomalies, we ound there might be a

    better opportunity or design.

    Te workers want to redesign their

    idea and make a triplex li instead o a

    duplex li, meaning there are three pipes,

    instead o two, that will help dispel any

    groundwater that comes in during the

    spring and summer seasons. Te triplex

    system doesnt use as much energy,

    so they wouldnt need to pay or large


    New pipes or the sewer system

    wont clog as easily. Pipes are expensive,

    but they can be custom designed to

    accommodate varying volumes o water

    owing through them. Tese custom

    pipes also have blades placed inside to

    blend any debris that may get caught

    into smaller pieces to better t through

    the pipeline.

    Jaglowski wanted to propose to the

    council the possibility o getting more

    money to pay or the redesign and new

    pipes, which he said will save the city

    money later on.

    IDAHO FALLS While kids under

    the age o 14 always get to sh or ree,

    Free Fishing Day is the one time each

    year when adults too can sh without

    a license.

    Tis year the event alls on

    Saturday, June 9th.

    While all other regulations still

    apply, this opportunity is open to

    everyone, and you dont have to be a

    resident to participate.

    While everyone gets to sh ree, the

    real point o the day is to help expose

    kids to the un o shing.

    Te ofcial sites will have

    experienced sta and volunteers on

    hand to help newcomers get started.

    Many rivers and reservoirs have

    been stocked recently to make sure

    novice anglers will have the best

    possible shot at a successul rst


    All other shing regulations apply.