4th paradigm geo science iitb talk march2011

Presenting the New Technology Data Intensive Science of 21st Century 4th-paradigm-geoscience@googlegroups. com

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Presenting the New TechnologyData Intensive Science of 21st Century

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Science has evolved into a new Paradigm of Data Intensive Discovery.It is different from what most Teaching and Research has pursued.


May 3, 2023G Srikanth. Reliance Industries Ltd. E&P. [email protected],

[email protected] 2

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Evolution of Life - Example of Paradigm Changes

May 3, 2023G Srikanth. Reliance Industries Ltd. E&P. [email protected],

[email protected] 3

Paradigm Change

1.Changes are prolific altering the entire course of evolution

2.Time intervals are smaller

3.Radical 4th http://www.harvestbird.com/blog/2010/03/27/geological-time/

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4th Paradigm of Science

May 3, 2023G Srikanth. Reliance Industries Ltd. E&P. [email protected],

[email protected] 4

2000 1900 1800 1700 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200 11004th Paradigm RomantisismAge of Enlightenment SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION Medivial Universities, GUN Powder (China)

1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100Astronomical Maps ZERO

0 -100 -200 -300 -400 -500 -600 -700 -800 -900Deductive Reasoning Library EUCLID, AXIOMS

-1000 -1100 -1200 -1300 -1400 -1500 -1600 -1700 -1800 -1900Papyrus Medical BOOK 1st LAW of Science

-2000 -2500 -3000 -3500 -4000 -4500 -5000 -5500 -6000 -6500TEXT Numerals Wheel

-6400 -6900 -7400 -7900 -8400 -8900 -9400 -9900 -10400 -10900Art Fire Agriculture Stone Tools

2nd Paradigm

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The Changing Game of Knowledge

Adapted from: The Big Idea. Next Scientific Revolution. Tony Hey Harvard Business Review. November 2010.


May 3, 2023G Srikanth. Reliance Industries Ltd. E&P. [email protected],

[email protected]

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4th ParadigmChange in the Principle of Science1.Construct2.Methodology3.Inference4.Verification5.CommunicationScience is shifting towards inferences heavily dependent on large volumes of data

May 3, 2023G Srikanth. Reliance Industries Ltd. E&P. [email protected],

[email protected] 6

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Components of 4th Paradigm1 Data Capture and Management2 Workflow Centric analysis3 Data, Information, Knowledge

Dissemination and Collaboration

These terms are familiar to most of us.Extent and nature of understanding

commonlyScientific framework requirements of these

May 3, 2023G Srikanth. Reliance Industries Ltd. E&P. [email protected],

[email protected] 7

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1. Data and Databases Data = qualitative or quantitative attributes of a

variable or set of variables Database= Structure, Semantics and inter-

relationships are ‘defined and embedded’ E-R model Data Dictionary Controlled redundancy Integrity checks Method for assessing

Correctness, Completeness and Capability 1982 onwards E&P databases have been designed

and developed 1990 Petrotechnical Open Software Corporation

(POSC) 4th Paradigm Focus on Data, Data

Organization & Access

May 3, 2023G Srikanth. Reliance Industries Ltd. E&P. [email protected],

[email protected] 8888

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Prerequisites for DB

1. Data Standards2. Data Dictionary3. Data Capture and OrganizationNon-Trivial issues in these in 21st century

data1 Data Management Principles and

concepts2 Structure and Semantic Robustness needs

VERY CLEAR COMMON UNDERSTANDING3 Sophisticate Computer Infrastructure

May 3, 2023G Srikanth. Reliance Industries Ltd. E&P. [email protected],

[email protected] 9

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May 3, 2023G Srikanth. Reliance Industries Ltd. E&P. [email protected],

[email protected] 10

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Schematic Layout+

May 3, 2023G Srikanth. Reliance Industries Ltd. E&P. [email protected],

[email protected] 11

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Data source – XMT~

Front View Front LeftBack RightMay 3, 2023

G Srikanth. Reliance Industries Ltd. E&P. [email protected], [email protected] 12

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Data Source – Choke~

May 3, 2023G Srikanth. Reliance Industries Ltd. E&P. [email protected],

[email protected] 13

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Real-Time data visualization*

May 3, 2023G Srikanth. Reliance Industries Ltd. E&P. [email protected],

[email protected] 1414

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May 3, 2023G Srikanth. Reliance Industries Ltd. E&P. [email protected],

[email protected]

Problems in E&P – Field water-cut










Water Cut %Cum

. Oil Produced

1500 blpd3000 blpd4500 blpd


1. Complex trends

2. Economic value

3. Predictability4. Verifiability

GeologySeismicWell LogsReservoirProduction

Data pointing to limitations and fallibility of various results & theories

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Micro-CT Data Core Property Estimate

d ValueConnectivity 6.23Volume Connectivity 9.11Pore Size (Microns) 34Throat Size (Microns) 14Pore-Throat Aspect 3.1Aspect Volume Weighted


May 3, 2023

5 GB of data from each sample.Simulation studies on each scenario 5GB

G Srikanth. Reliance Industries Ltd. E&P. [email protected], [email protected] 16

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Change is no more the only unchanged thing, it is also changing radically

May 3, 2023G Srikanth. Reliance Industries Ltd. E&P. [email protected],

[email protected]

Why is the Paradigm Change

1. Proliferation of Instrumentation2. Precise and Accurate measurements3. Quantum leap in Resolution4. Automatic Data measurement and Capture5. Data pointing to limitations and fallibility of various results

& theories6. Simulation is developing into Real-Time

predictive7. Mathematical and Computation complexity8. New Computational model has evolved

(Cloud)9. Changing culture of open visible life10.Challenge of Science has gone beyond


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2. Workflows and Analysis? WorkflowFormal Workflow characteristicsCollaborative workflows

Workflow Sequence Parallel concurrent Workflows

? AnalysisStatistical AnalysisNumerical AnalysisExploratory Data Analysi

May 3, 2023G Srikanth. Reliance Industries Ltd. E&P. [email protected],

[email protected] 18

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Formal Workflow Systems Taverna : Fully featured, extensible and

scalable scientific Workflow Management System Formal –vs- Informal Workflows Intuitive –vs- Verifiable Workflows Workflow Documentation

Analytics on Large data volume Looking beyond MS-EXCEL R-Programming Sharable Workflows and Analysis

May 3, 2023G Srikanth. Reliance Industries Ltd. E&P. [email protected],

[email protected] 19

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May 3, 2023G Srikanth. Reliance Industries Ltd. E&P. [email protected],

[email protected] 20

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Changing Geoscience Wish based R&D –vs- Need based R&D Earth Systems Science Environmental issues Energy Dynamics Instrumental Geology

Geoscience will follow the Evolving Science Methodologies in Other AGGRESSIVE EARLY ADAPTORS

May 3, 2023G Srikanth. Reliance Industries Ltd. E&P. [email protected],

[email protected] 21

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Future is not what it used to be

May 3, 2023G Srikanth. Reliance Industries Ltd. E&P. [email protected],

[email protected] 22

How will it impact Science

1. Commercial Systems

2. Biotechnology3. Genome project4. Medical Research5. CERN6. Astronomy


1. Rapid Discovery2. Fast changing

inference3. Data

Discovery4. Real-Time

EXAMPLES from Early adoptersIMPACT on Geosciences and E&P

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Commercial world had evolved in late 20th centuryInfer meaning from data and take action - StructuredConvergence of simple measures for action> 90% of IT efforts world over are focused

May 3, 2023G Srikanth. Reliance Industries Ltd. E&P. [email protected],

[email protected] 23

When is 4th Paradigm

1. Astronomy (SDSS) - 20002. Human Genome Project - 19903. Digital Oil Field Initiative - 20034. LHC, CERN - 20085. Heath Care Records (HER,PHR) - 20066. 4th Paradigm formal recognition - 2007


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Geoscience data initiativesINTERNATIONAL

1.NCAR – Data Model, HPC access, Software, Storage, Collaboration, Delivery (http://cdp.ucar.edu/).2.USGS – Spatial Data Standard (http://www.fgdc.gov/nsdi/nsdi.html http://datapreservation.usgs.gov/ Colorado Core Research Center3.Kentucky Geological Survey – (http://www.uky.edu/KGS/ )4.National Resources Canada – (http://gdr.nrcan.gc.ca/index_e.php ) 5.Geological Survey of New South Wales - GADDS - Geophysical Archive Data Delivery System (http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/minerals/geological )INDIAGeological Survey of India (http://www.portal.gsi.gov.in ) Geological Maps, ReportsDGH (http://www.dghindia.org/ ) NELP descriptions. NDR is being discussedNIO, Goa (http://www.nio.org/index/title/HOME ) Data repositories as FilesNRSA (http://www.nrsc.gov.in/ ) Sells data

MILES TO GO May 3, 2023

G Srikanth. Reliance Industries Ltd. E&P. [email protected], [email protected] 24242424

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Tried and Failed

May 3, 2023G Srikanth. Reliance Industries Ltd. E&P. [email protected],

[email protected] 25

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3. Collaborative GeoScience1. Data2. Information3. Knowledge

Individual DIKTeams DIKGiga-Global DIK


Wish Based. Add-on

Local Need. Contribute

BreakthroughMay 3, 2023

G Srikanth. Reliance Industries Ltd. E&P. [email protected], [email protected] 26

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What needs to be Done1. Recognize the 4th Paradigm2. Learn the basic Building blocks3. Start Practicing

Learn Data Modeling Build Data Models (Structure & Semantics) Establish Data Grids Learn and adapt Workflows Learn Analytics on R

May 3, 2023G Srikanth. Reliance Industries Ltd. E&P. [email protected],

[email protected] 2727272727

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May 3, 2023G Srikanth. Reliance Industries Ltd. E&P. [email protected],

[email protected]

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