4.quality culture

Quality Culture in Organizations REFERENCES Total Quality Management by Besterfield et al Quality Planning and Analysis by Juran and Gryna The Management and Control of Quality by Evans and Lindsay

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Page 1: 4.quality culture

Quality Culture in Organizations

REFERENCESTotal Quality Management by Besterfield et al

Quality Planning and Analysis by Juran and Gryna

The Management and Control of Quality by Evans and Lindsay

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Elements of Quality Culture

LeadershipCustomer FocusHuman Resource ManagementFactual Approach to Decision

MakingProcess ManagementContinuous Improvement

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1-Strategic Quality Planning

Quality Policies

Quality Goals

Goal Deployment

Plans to Meet Goals

Resource Allocation


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2-Customer Focus

Who is customer?Quality Dimensions


Customer Feedback (Methods)Service Quality

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3-HRM in Quality OrganizationsEmpowermentTeamworkRecruitmentTrainingCompensation & MotivationRecognition & RewardPerformance Appraisals

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4-Supplier Relationship Management


Long Term Commitment

Supplier Selection


Rating (Score Cards)

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5-Factual Approach to Decision Making

Performance Measurement

Choice of Performance Measures

Quality Cost Analysis



◦ Internal Failure

◦External Failure

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6-Process Management

1. Obtain …2. Add …3. Move to …

Sub-Process 2



Sub-Process 1

Major Processes

We all perform tasks at various levels and are therefore quite familiar with this concept.

Many people think of what they do as a set of activities that they do repeatedly. To create a more effective approach, their thoughts have to transform from activity thinking to process thinking.

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7-Continuous Improvement

5 Ways to Improve1. Reduce resource input2. Reduce errors3. Meet or exceed expectations of

customers4. Make the process Safer5. Make the process more

satisfying for the people doing it

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Continuous Improvement Contd

Types of ProblemsCompliance (Specified by standards),

Unstructured (Not specified by standards), Efficiency (from operations viewpoint), Process Design, Product Design

Improvement StrategiesRefineRepairRenovateReinvent

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