4corners software llc copyright © 2001 – 4corners software llc implementing e-commerce buddhinath...

4Corners Software LLC Copyright © 2001 – 4Corners Software LLC Implementing e-Commerce Buddhinath Jayatilleke 4Corners Software [email protected]

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4Corners Software LLC

Copyright © 2001 – 4Corners Software LLC

Implementing e-Commerce

Buddhinath Jayatilleke

4Corners [email protected]

Page 2: 4Corners Software LLC Copyright © 2001 – 4Corners Software LLC Implementing e-Commerce Buddhinath Jayatilleke 4Corners Software buddhi@4csw.com

4Corners Software LLC

Copyright © 2001 – 4Corners Software LLC


What is e-Commerce? Forms of e-Commerce Key Areas Technology Design Issues Hosting Credit Card Processing Mind-Reading Your Users

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4Corners Software LLC

Copyright © 2001 – 4Corners Software LLC

What is e-Commerce?

In General ….E-Commerce refers to the process of buying or selling a product or service over an electronic network…

Microsoft's Vision …Enable every business to use the Internet to build stronger relationships with employees, customers, and partners …

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4Corners Software LLC

Copyright © 2001 – 4Corners Software LLC

Forms of e-Commerce

Partners You Consumer Consumer*


For consumers trading.




Reaching business partners.

Manufacturers to Retailers, Manufacturer to Supplier etc …




Empower employees

Integrate internal systems

Remove inefficiencies



For existing and new customers.

Click-and-buy based.



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4Corners Software LLC

Copyright © 2001 – 4Corners Software LLC

Key Areas of Consideration

Goal Technology People/Skills Design & Implementation Hosting Credit Card Processing

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4Corners Software LLC

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Common Features of an e-Commerce site Shopping Carts Search lists of products User Logins Dynamic Data Credit card processing Security User customization And many more …..

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4Corners Software LLC

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Available Technologies.

Software Hardware

Microsoft Windows based

• Windows NT/2000

• Visual Studio

• SQL Server/Oracle

Unix based

• Linux/ Solaris/ etc

• Java based

• Oracle

Intel Based

• IBM Netfinity

• Compaq Proliant

RISC based

• Sun Spark based

• other

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4Corners Software LLC

Copyright © 2001 – 4Corners Software LLC

Technology Microsoft Internet Technology


Server Client

Operating System:

Windows NT Server 4.0

Windows 2000 Server

Development Platform:

Active Server Pages

Visual Basic

Web Server

Internet Information Server (IIS)

Database server:

MS SQL Server 7.0/2000

Other Services:

MS Transaction Server

MS Exchange Server for Mail

MS Index Server for page searching

etc :

Operating System:

Any OS that runs a standard browser.

Development Platform:



Other Applications

Java Applets

ActiveX Controls

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4Corners Software LLC

Copyright © 2001 – 4Corners Software LLC

Technology Developers Perspective

Windows NT/2000

SQL ServerDatabase

IIS 4.0(with FP server



ASP and HTMLpages

From disk

Visual InterDevVisual Basic

Visual InterDevFrontPage


HTML Designers


Web Programmers


Graphics Designers

PhotoshopCorelDraw, etc

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4Corners Software LLC

Copyright © 2001 – 4Corners Software LLC

Design Issues

New Technology doesn’t make it better Speed (fast loading) and consistency User Friendliness is the key (Friendly UI) Personalization No! program errors please!!!

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4Corners Software LLC

Copyright © 2001 – 4Corners Software LLC

Hosting Where are you going to host your site?


Host in your own network

Hosting Provider: without a dedicated server

Hosting Provider: with a dedicated server

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4Corners Software LLC

Copyright © 2001 – 4Corners Software LLC

Hosting In your own network

Pluses You have 100% control Updating and making changes are very easy

Minuses Needs a high bandwidth leased line (>128Kbps) Your ISP’s performance effects your users

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4Corners Software LLC

Copyright © 2001 – 4Corners Software LLC

Hosting Hosting Provider: without a Dedicated Server

Pluses Cheaper than hosting in your own network Good for small retail store sites with less transactions. Most providers have high bandwidth networks

Minuses Limited control. (eg: limited disc capacity, database support etc) Has to use the update methods they provide (eg: FTP) Provider preferred payment gateways.

Eg: www.verio.com (price ranges from $29 - $175) www.activeservers.com (price ranges from $50 - $200)

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4Corners Software LLC

Copyright © 2001 – 4Corners Software LLC

Hosting Hosting Provider: with a Dedicated Server

Pluses More control/management power on your server Changes, updates can be done according to your preference (eg: use of tools such as

pcANYWHERE, FTP etc) Most providers have high bandwidth networks

Minuses Expensive than non-dedicated hosting Hardware updates, backup etc will be charged

Eg: www.verio.com (price ranges from $395 - $1700) www.globix.com (price ranges from $695 - $2300)

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4Corners Software LLC

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Hosting- Security

Security For an e-Commerce site (specially with credit card

transactions), strong security is a must.

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4Corners Software LLC

Copyright © 2001 – 4Corners Software LLC

Hosting- Security

What are security holes Spoofing

Creating bogus sites which would deceive customers and thereby collect CC numbers.

Unauthorized disclosureHackers can intercept transmissions and obtain sensitive data (like CC numbers)

Data AlterationHackers can intercept, alter or even re reroute sensitive data.

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4Corners Software LLC

Copyright © 2001 – 4Corners Software LLC

Hosting- Security

How to Secure your Site? Install a Secure Server ID

How to obtain one? You have to apply from a trusted Certification

Authority (CA).

eg: www.verisign.com

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4Corners Software LLC

Copyright © 2001 – 4Corners Software LLC

Hosting- Security

How does a Server ID protect your site? Authenticates your site Encrypts all messages to and from the client

browser with SSL (Secure Socket Layer). This eliminates hackers reading the content.

Checks Message integrity.

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4Corners Software LLC

Copyright © 2001 – 4Corners Software LLC

Hosting- Security What's Required to obtain a Server ID?

Details about your organization D-U-N-S numbers (Dun and Bradstreet number) Certificate Signing Request (CSR) generated from

“Key Manager” IIS. Price

US$ 349 for 40 bit encryption US$ 895 for 128 bit encryption

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Hosting- Security Installing the Server ID

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Credit Card Processing

Main Steps. Authorization

Checks the validity of the number and whether funds are available from the issuers banks.

Capture Transferring funds from CC issuing bank to the merchants bank.

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4Corners Software LLC

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Credit Card Processing Authorization Process


Your WebServer


Payment Gateway


Merchants (Your) Bank

CC IssuingBank


VisaNetFirst Data Corp.Paymentech

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4Corners Software LLC

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Credit Card Processing

Methods of Web based CC Processing Offsite Payment Processors Component Based (with SDK’s)

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Copyright © 2001 – 4Corners Software LLC

Credit Card Processing Offsite Payment Systems

Here your credit card processing is done in a separate site. Which means at the point of payment, the user will be transferred from your site to the processors site.E.g.:www.PayPal.com, www.CCBill.com, www.iBill.com

Pluses Very easy to setup. Near “Zero” Coding Cheaper No Merchant Accounts needed. No secure server needed

Minuses Less control over transactions Look of your site will be lost in the payment step. Data entry duplication

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4Corners Software LLC

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Credit Card Processing Component Based

Here the payment gateway that you select will give the necessary server software (SDK) to communicate with the payment gateway. E.g.:www.CyberCash.com, www.SurePay.com

Pluses You have 100% control over transactions. User never goes out of your site in the payment process.

Minuses Needs a Merchant Account Needs Secure Server Needs more programming to set up communication with payment


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4Corners Software LLC

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Credit Card Processing CyberCash’s CashRegister Service.


Your WebServer

CyberCash Payment Gateway

Merchant Connection Kit (SDK from CC)

Secure Connection

Payment Processing Network(eg: VisaNet)

DES encryption

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4Corners Software LLC

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Mind-Reading Your Users

E-Commerce sites can log each move of a user. Its like having surveillance cameras everywhere in your store/office.

Track click paths What the user bought last time Where most users abandon your site Pages most users visit …. and tons of statistics about user behavior

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4Corners Software LLC

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Mind Reading Your Users

How can we use these data?

Personalize the site for the user Use “Cookies” to keep track of user visits Help the user in selecting Find places where your site fails and correct them. Stream line the site for the customers!!!

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4Corners Software LLC

Copyright © 2001 – 4Corners Software LLC

What we looked at …

Forms of e-Commerce. Microsoft’s range of servers and development

tools to develop and manage e-Commerce sites Hosting methods Securing your site with VeriSign Server ID Credit Card Processing Customizing your site with user behavior


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Thank You

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