46507390 pd 705 revised forestry code of the philippines

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  • 8/9/2019 46507390 PD 705 Revised Forestry Code of the Philippines


    PD 705 Revised ForestryPD 705 Revised Forestry

    Code of the PhilippinesCode of the Philippines As amended by PD 1559, PD 85, As amended by PD 1559, PD 85,

    PD 1775, !P 701, !P 8", RA 711,PD 1775, !P 701, !P 8", RA 711,#$ %77 and $ffi&ial 'a(ette )o* "1#$ %77 and $ffi&ial 'a(ette )o* "1

  • 8/9/2019 46507390 PD 705 Revised Forestry Code of the Philippines


    Forest +tatisti&sForest +tatisti&s

    +pe&ies of flora and fa-na in 1 ha of Philippineforests is e.-ivalent to the spe&ies of entire#-rope

    Philippine forests / 7*% has or   %2 of land area   Closed &anopy / "82

      $pen forests / 52   an3rove / %2   Plantations / 2

  • 8/9/2019 46507390 PD 705 Revised Forestry Code of the Philippines


    Role of Forests in Climate Chan3eRole of Forests in Climate Chan3e

    Forest is not 4-st a R#+$RC# b-t a !6$D##R+6area and part of the terrestrial system of the earth*

    rees are 3enerally %02 &arbon by :ei3ht* Forests &an store 15 tons of &arbon per he&tare per year

    in their biomass and :ood* he val-e of a 50 yr old tree / ;19",%50 < P9

    +-stainably mana3ed forests prod-&e :ood f-els as a&arbon ne-tral alternative to fossil f-els* rees are&onsidered &arbon ne-tral* = :hat :as released in b-rnin3:as absorbed before>*

    Deforestation and forest de3radation &ontrib-ted aro-nd172 of 3lobal &arbon emissions in the last %0 years*

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    +tatisti&s on Forest destr-&tion+tatisti&s on Forest destr-&tion

    %00,000 has* ann-ally P11*9 ! loss yearly Completely den-ded by %0%5

      CA+#+ ?o33in3 =le3al and ille3al> inin3 'eothermal Plants

    Dam Constr-&tion  A3ri&-lt-re Rapid Pop-lation

    here is one =1> forester @ ,000 has of forest

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    hereas Cla-ses =Reasons for thehereas Cla-ses =Reasons for the

    ?a:>?a:> here is an -r3ent need for proper &lassifi&ation, mana3ement and

    -tili(ation of the lands of the p-bli& domain to maBimi(e theirprod-&tivity to meet the demands of o-r in&reasin3 pop-lation

    o a&hieve the above p-rpose, it is ne&essary to reassess the m-ltiple-ses of forest lands and reso-r&es before allo:in3 any -tili(ation

    thereof to optimi(e the benefits that &an be derived therefrom

    6t is imperative to pla&e emphasis not only on the -tili(ation thereof b-tmore so on the prote&tion, rehabilitation and development of forestlands, in order to ens-re the &ontin-ity of their prod-&tive &ondition

    he present la:s and re3-lations 3overnin3 forest lands are notresponsive eno-3h to s-pport reoriented 3overnment pro3rams,pro4e&ts and efforts on the proper &lassifi&ation and delimitation of thelands of the p-bli& domain, and the mana3ement, -tili(ation,prote&tion, rehabilitation and development of forest lands*

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    +e&* % Poli&ies+e&* % Poli&ies

    a*> he m-ltiple -ses of forest lands shall be oriented to thedevelopment and pro3ress re.-irements of the &o-ntry, theadvan&ement of s&ien&e and te&hnolo3y, and the p-bli&:elfare

    b*> ?and &lassifi&ation and s-rvey shall be systemi(ed andhastened

    &*> he establishment of :ood/pro&essin3 plants shall been&o-ra3ed and rationali(ed and

    d*> he prote&tion, development and rehabilitation of forestlands shall be emphasi(ed so as to ens-re their &ontin-ity inprod-&tive &ondition*

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    +e&* " Definitions+e&* " Definitions

    a*> P!?6C F$R#+ is the mass of lands of the p-bli& domain:hi&h has not been the s-b4e&t of the present system of&lassifi&ation for the determination of :hi&h lands are needed forforest p-rposes and :hi&h are not*

    b*> P#RA)#) F$R#+ or F$R#+ R#+#R#+ refer to those

    lands of the p-bli& domain :hi&h have been the s-b4e&t of thepresent system of &lassifi&ation and determined to be needed forforest p-rposes*

    &*> A?6#)A!?# and D6+P$+A!?# ?A)D+ refer to those lands ofthe p-bli& domain :hi&h have been the s-b4e&t of the present

    system of &lassifi&ation and de&lared as not needed forest p-rposes*

    d*> F$R#+ ?A)D in&l-des the p-bli& forest, the permanent forestor forest reserves, and forest reservations*

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    e*> 'RA6)' ?A)D refers to that portion of the p-bli& domain :hi&hhas been set aside, in vie: of the s-itability of its topo3raphy andve3etation, for the raisin3 of livesto&E*

    f*> 6)#RA? ?A)D+ refer to those lands of the p-bli& domain :hi&hhave been &lassified as s-&h by the +e&retary of )at-ral Reso-r&esin a&&ordan&e :ith pres&ribed and approved &riteria, 3-idelines andpro&ed-re*

    3*> F$R#+ R#+#RA6$)+ refer to forest lands :hi&h have beenreserved by the President of the Philippines for any spe&ifi& p-rposeor p-rposes*

    h*> )A6$)A? PAR refers to a forest land reservation essentially ofprimitive or :ilderness &hara&ter :hi&h has been :ithdra:n from

    settlement or o&&-pan&y and set aside as s-&h eB&l-sively topreserve the s&enery, the nat-ral and histori& ob4e&ts and the :ildanimals or plants therein, and to provide en4oyment of thesefeat-res in s-&h a manner as :ill leave them -nimpaired for f-t-re3enerations*

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    i*> 'A# R#F'# or !6RD +A)CAR refers to a forest landdesi3nated for the prote&tion of 3ame animals, birds and fishes and&losed to h-ntin3 and fishin3 in order that the eB&ess pop-lationmay flo: and resto&E s-rro-ndin3 areas*

     4*> AR6)# PAR refers to any p-bli& offshore area delimited ashabitat of rare and -ni.-e spe&ies of marine flora and fa-na*

    E*> +#A+G$R# PAR refers to any p-bli& shore area delimited for

    o-tdoor re&reation, sports fishin3, :ater sEiin3 and related healthf-la&tivities*

    l*> A#R+G#D R#+#RA6$) is a forest land reservationestablished to prote&t or improve the &onditions of the :ater yieldthereof or red-&e sedimentation*

    m*> A#R+G#D is a land area drained by a stream or fiBed bodyof :ater and its trib-taries havin3 a &ommon o-tlet for s-rfa&er-noff*

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    n*> CR66CA? A#R+G#D is a draina3e area of a river systems-pportin3 eBistin3 and proposed hydroele&tri& po:er, irri3ation:orEs or domesti& :ater fa&ilities needin3 immediate prote&tion orrehabilitation*

    o*> A)'R$# is a term applied to the type of forest o&&-rrin3 ontidal flat alon3 the sea &oast, eBtendin3 alon3 stream :here the:ater is bra&Eish*

    p*> A6)'6) refers to a portion of the forest land :hi&h is s-b4e&tedto shiftin3 andHor permanent slash/and/b-rn &-ltivation*

    .*> F$R#+ PR$DC means timber, p-lp:ood, fire:ood, barE,tree top, resin, 3-m, :ood, oil, honey bees:aB, nipa, rattan, orother forest 3ro:th s-&h as 3rass, shr-b, and flo:erin3 plant, the

    asso&iated :ater, fish, 3ame, s&eni&, histori&al,, re&reational and3eolo3i& reso-r&es in forest lands*

    r*> P6)# F$R#+ is a forest type predominantly of pine trees*

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    s*> D6P#R$CARP F$R#+ is a forest dominated by trees ofthe diptero&arp spe&ies, s-&h as red la-an, tan3-ile, tiaon3,:hite la-an, almon, ba3tiEan and mayapis of the Philippine

    maho3any 3ro-p, apiton3 and the yaEals*

    t*> 6)D+R6A? R## P?A)A6$) refers to any forest landeBtensively planted to tree &rops primarily to s-pply ra:material re.-irements of eBistin3 or proposed :ood

    pro&essin3 plants and related ind-stires*

    -*> R## FAR refers to any small forest land or tra&t of landp-rposely planted to tree &rops*

    v*> A'R$/F$R#+R is a s-stainable mana3ement for land:hi&h in&reases overall prod-&tion, &ombines a3ri&-lt-ral&rops, tree and forest plants andHor animials sim-ltaneo-sly orse.-entially, and applies mana3ement pra&ti&es :hi&h are&ompatible :ith the &-lt-ral patterns of the lo&al pop-lation*

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    :*> ?6P?#/+# is the harmoni(ed -tili(ation of theland, soil, :ater, :ildlife, re&reation val-e, 3rass andtimber of forest lands*

    B*> +#?#C6# ?$''6)' is the systemati& removal of themat-re, over/mat-re and defe&tive trees in s-&h manneras to leave ade.-ate n-mber and vol-me of healthyresid-al trees of the desired spe&ies ne&essary to ass-re

    a f-t-re &rop of timber, and forest &over for the prote&tionand &onservation of soil, :ater and :ildlife*

    y*> +##D R## ++# is a silvi&-lt-ral system&hara&teri(ed by partial &lear&-ttin3 leavin3 seed/trees to

    re3enerate the area*

    (*> G#A?G R#+6DA? refers to a so-nd or sli3htlyin4-red tree of the &ommer&ial spe&ies left after lo33in3*

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    a*> ++A6)#D/6#?D A)A'##) implies &ontin-o-s or periodi&prod-&tion of forest prod-&ts in a :orEin3 -nit for the p-rpose ofa&hievin3 at the earliest pra&ti&able time an approBimate balan&ebet:een 3ro:th and harvest or -se* his is 3enerally applied to the

    &ommer&ial timber reso-r&es and is also appli&able to the :ater,3rass, :ildlife, and other rene:able reso-r&es of the forest*

    b*> PR$C#++6)' P?A) is any me&hani&al set-p, devi&e, ma&hine or&ombination of ma&hines -sed for the &onversion of lo3s and otherforest ra: materials into l-mber, veneer, ply:ood, fiberboard,

    bla&Eboard, paper board, p-lp, paper or other finished :oodprod-&ts*

    &*> ?#A+# is a privile3e 3ranted by the +tate to a person to o&&-py andpossess, in &onsideration of spe&ified rental, any forest land of thep-bli& domain in order to -ndertaEe any a-thori(ed a&tivity therein*

    d*> P#R6 is short/term privile3e or a-thority 3ranted by the +tate to aperson to -tili(e any limited forest reso-r&es or -ndertaEe a limiteda&tivity :ithin any forest land :itho-t any ri3ht to o&&-pation andpossession therein*

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    e*> ?6C#)+# is a privile3e 3ranted by the +tate to a person to -tili(eforest reso-r&es :ithin any forest land, :itho-t any ri3ht ofo&&-pation and possession over the same, to the eB&l-sion ofothers, or establish and operate a :ood/pro&essin3 plant, or&ond-&t any a&tivity involvin3 the -tili(ation of any forest reso-r&es*

    f*> ?6C#)+# A'R###) is a privile3e 3ranted by the +tate to aperson to -tili(e forest reso-r&es :ithin any forest land :ith the ri3htof possession and o&&-pation thereof to the eB&l-sion of others,

    eB&ept the 3overnment, b-t :ith the &orrespondin3 obli3ation todevelop, prote&t and rehabilitate the same in a&&ordan&e :ith theterms and &onditions set forth in said a3reement*

    3*> A))A? A??$A!?# C is the vol-me of materials, :hetherof :ood or other forest prod-&ts, that is a-thori(ed to be &-t yearly

    from a forest*

    h*> C6)' CC?# is the n-mber of years bet:een t:o ma4orharvests in the same :orEin3 -nit andHor re3ion*

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    i*> F$R#+ #C$++# refers to the livin3 and non/livin3&omponents of a forest and their intera&tion*

     4*> +6?6C?R# is the establishment, development, reprod-&tionand &are of forest trees*

    E*> RA6$)A?6A6$) is the or3ani(ation of a b-siness or ind-stry-sin3 mana3ement prin&iples, systems and pro&ed-res to attainstability, effi&ien&y and profitability of operation*

    l*> PR6A# R6'G refers to titled ri3hts of o:nership -nder eBistin3la:s, and in the &ase of national minority to ri3hts or possessioneBistin3 at the time a li&ense is 3ranted -nder this Code, :hi&hpossession may in&l-de pla&es of abode and :orship, b-rial3ro-nds, and old &learin3s, b-t eB&l-de prod-&tive forest in&l-siveof lo33ed/over areas, &ommer&ial forests and establishedplantations of forest trees and trees of e&onomi& val-es*

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    +e&* @ 1% amended by #$ 19%=Reor3ani(ation of the D#)R>

    +e&* 1" @ +ystem of ?and Classifi&ation he D#)R +e&retary shall st-dy, devise,

    determine and pres&ribe the &riteria, 3-idelinesand methods for the proper and a&&-rate&lassifi&ation and s-rvey of all lands of the p-bli&domain into a3ri&-lt-ral, ind-strial or&ommer&ial, residential, resettlement, mineral,

    timber or forest, and 3ra(in3 lands, and s-&hother &lasses as may be provided by la: r-lesand re3-lations*

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    +e&* 1 #Bistin3 Past-re ?eases in+e&* 1 #Bistin3 Past-re ?eases in

    Forest ?andsForest ?ands Forest lands :hi&h are not reservations and :hi&h are

    the s-b4e&t of past-re leases shall be &lassified as3ra(in3 lands and areas &overed by past-re permitsshall remain forest lands -ntil other:ise &lassified -nderthe &riteria, 3-idelines and methods of &lassifi&ation tobe pres&ribed by the D#)R +e&*

    Forest land 502 in slope or over shall not be &lassifiedas 3ra(in3 land*

    he administration, mana3ement and disposition of3ra(in3 lands shall remain -nder the D#)R* =asamended by PD 1559>*

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    +e&* 15 opo3raphy+e&* 15 opo3raphy

    )o land of the p-bli& domain 182 in slope or over shall be &lassifiedas alienable and disposable*

    ?ands 182 in slope or over :hi&h have already been de&lared asalienable and disposable shall be reverted to the &lassifi&ation offorest lands by the D#)R, to form part of the forest reserves, -nlessthey are already &overed by eBistin3 titles approved p-bli& landappli&ation, or a&t-ally o&&-pied openly, &ontin-o-sly, adversely andp-bli&ly for a period of not less than "0 years as of the effe&tivity ofthis Code, :here the o&&-pant is .-alified for a free patent -nder theP-bli& ?and A&t*

    +aid lands :hi&h are not yet part of a :ell/established &omm-nities,shall be Eept in a ve3etative &ondition s-ffi&ient to prevent erosion and

    adverse effe&ts on the lo:lands and streams*

    hen p-bli& interest so re.-ires, steps shall be taEen to eBpropriate,&an&el defe&tive titles, re4e&t p-bli& land appli&ation, or e4e&to&&-pants thereof*

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    +e&* 1 Areas needed for forest+e&* 1 Areas needed for forest

    p-rposesp-rposes he ff* lands, even if they are belo: 182 in slope, are needed for

    forest p-rposes, and A )$, therefore be &lassified as alienableand disposable landI

    1*> Areas less than %50 he&tares :hi&h are far from, or are not&onti3-o-s :ith any &ertified AaD land

    %*> 6solated pat&hes of forest of at least 5 he&tares :ith ro&Eyterrain, or :hi&h prote&t a sprin3 for &omm-nal -se "*> Areas :hi&h already been reforested *> Areas :ithin forest &on&essions :hi&h are timbered or have 3ood

    resid-al sto&Ein3 to s-pport an eBistin3, or approved to beestablished, :ood pro&essin3 plant

    5*> Rid3e tops and platea-s re3ardless of si(e fo-nd :ithin, ors-rro-nded :holly or partly, by forest lands :here head:atersemanate

    *> Appropriately lo&ated road/ri3hts/of/:ay 7*> %0m strips of land alon3 the ed3e of the normal hi3h :aterline of

    rivers and streams :ith &hannels of at least 5m :ide

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    8*> +trips of man3rove and s:amplands at least %0m:ide, alon3 shorelines fa&in3 o&eans, laEes, and otherbodies of :ater, and strips of land at least %0m :ide

    fa&in3 laEes 9*> Areas needed for other p-rposes, s-&h as national

    parEs, national histori&al sites, 3ame ref-3es and :ildlifesan&t-aries, forest station sites, and others of p-bli&interest and

    10*> Areas previo-sly pro&laimed by the President asforest reserves, national parEs, 3ame ref-3es, birdsan&t-aries, national shrines, national histori& sites*

    6n &ase an area fallin3 -nder any of the fore3oin3&ate3ories shall have been titled in favor of any person,steps shall be taEen, if p-bli& interest so re.-ires, tohave said title &an&eled or amended, or the titled areaeBpropriated*

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    +e&* 17 #stablishment of+e&* 17 #stablishment of

    !o-ndaries of Forest ?ands!o-ndaries of Forest ?ands

     All bo-ndaries bet:een permanent forests and AaD lands shall be &learly marEed andmaintained on the 3ro-nd, :ith infrastr-&t-re orroads, or &on&rete mon-ments at intervals of not

    more than 500m in a&&ordan&e :ith establishedpro&ed-res and standards, or any other visibleand pra&ti&able si3ns to ins-re prote&tion of theforest*

    6n all &ases of bo-ndary &onfli&ts, referen&e shallbe made to the Philippine Coast and 'eodeti&+-rvey opo map* =as amended by PD 1559>*

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    +e&* 18 Reservations in Forest+e&* 18 Reservations in Forest

    lands and $ff/shore areaslands and $ff/shore areas he PR#+6D#) of the Philippines may establish :ithin any

    lands of the p-bli& domain, F$R#+ R#+#R# and F$R#+R#+#RA6$) for the national parE system, F$RPR#+#RA6$) A+ CR66CA? A#R+G#D+, or for anyother p-rpose, and $D6F !$)DAR6#+ of eBistin3 ones*

    he D#)R +e&retary may reserve and establish any portionof the p-bli& forest or forest reserve as site or eBperimentalforest for -se of the #RD+*

    hen p-bli& interest so re.-ires, any offshore areas neededfor the preservation and prote&tion of its ed-&ational,s&ientifi&, histori&al, e&olo3i&al and re&reational val-esin&l-din3 the marine life fo-nd therein, shall be established asAR6)# PAR+*

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    +e&* 19 -ltiple se+e&* 19 -ltiple se he n-mero-s benefi&ial -ses of timber, land, soil, :ater, :ildlife, 3rass

    and re&reation or aestheti& val-e of forest lands and 3ra(in3 lands shallbe eval-ated and :ei3hted before allo:in3 their -tili(ation, eBploitation,o&&-pation or possession thereof, or the &ond-&t of any a&tivity therein*

    $nly the -tili(ation, eBploitation, o&&-pation or possession of any forestlands and 3ra(in3 lands, or any a&tivity therein, involvin3 one or more ofits reso-r&es, :hi&h :ill prod-&e the optim-m benefits to thedevelopment and pro3ress of the &o-ntry, and the p-bli& :elfare,:itho-t impairment or :ith the least in4-ry to its reso-r&es, shall be A??$#D*

     All forest reservations may be open to development or -ses not

    in&onsistent :ith the prin&ipal ob4e&tives of the reservation* Criti&al :atersheds, national parEs and established eBperimental forests

    shall )$ be s-b4e&t to &ommer&ial lo33in3 or 3ra(in3 operations, and3ame ref-3es, bird san&t-aries, marine and seashore parEs shall )$be s-b4e&t to h-ntin3, or fishin3 and other a&tivities of &ommer&ialnat-re* =as amended by PD 1559>*

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    +e&* %0 ?i&ense A3reement,+e&* %0 ?i&ense A3reement,

    ?i&ense, ?ease or Permit?i&ense, ?ease or Permit )o person may -tili(e, eBploit, o&&-py, possess or &ond-&t any

    a&tivity :ithin any forest and 3ra(in3 land, or establish, install, addand operate any :ood or forest prod-&ts pro&essin3 plant, -nless hehad been a-thori(ed to do -nder a li&ense a3reement, li&ense, leaseor permit*

    hen the national interest so re.-ires, the President may A#)D,$D6F, R#P?AC#, or R#+C6)D any &ontra&t, &on&ession, permit,li&ense, or any other form of privile3e 3ranted*

    pon the re&ommendation of the appropriate 3overnment a3en&y,

    the President may, pendin3 the &ond-&t of appropriate hearin3, orderthe s-mmary s-spension of any s-&h &ontra&t, &on&ession, li&ense,permit, lease or PR66?#'# 3ranted -nder this de&ree for violationof any of the &onditions therein s-&h as those pertainin3 b-t notlimited to reforestation, poll-tion, environment prote&tion, eBportlimitation or s-&h &ondition as are pres&ribed by the D#)R in iss-edre3-lations* =as amended by PD 1559>*

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    )o more ?As P-rs-ant to DA$ 99/5", ?As may be &onverted

    to 6FA ?i&ense a3reement may beI   6FA @ 6nte3rated Forest ana3ement


      C!FA @ Comm-nity !ased Forestana3ement A3reement  A li&ense a3reement is not a &ontra&t prote&ted

    by the non/impairment &la-se*

    ReadI +#CR#AR of )ARA? R#+$RC#+ vs*P6C$P 'R 1%%" De&* ", %009

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    +e&* %1 +-stained ield+e&* %1 +-stained ield

     All meas-res shall be -ndertaEen toa&hieve an approBimate balan&e bet:een3ro:th and harvest or -se of forest

    prod-&ts in forest lands*

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    +e&* %% +ilvi&-lt-ral and Garvestin3+e&* %% +ilvi&-lt-ral and Garvestin3

    +ystems+ystems 6n any lo33in3 operation in prod-&tion forests :ithin forest lands, the

    proper silvi&-lt-ral and harvestin3 system that :ill promote optim-ms-stained yield shall be pra&ti&ed, to :itI

    a*> For diptero&arp forest @ sele&tive lo33in3 :ith enri&hment or

    s-pplemental plantin3 :hen ne&essary*

    b*> For pine or man3rove forest @ the seed tree system :ith plantin3:hen ne&essary*

      +-b4e&t to the approval of the D#)R +e&, any silvi&-lt-ral andharvestin3 system that may be fo-nd s-itable as a res-lt of resear&h

    may be adopted*   )o a-thori(ed person shall &-t, harvest or 3ather any timber,p-lp:ood, or other prod-&ts of lo33in3 -nless he plants "B of the samevariety for every tree &-t or destroyed by s-&h lo33in3 or removal oflo3s* Any violation of this provision shall be s-ffi&ient 3ro-nd for theimmediate &an&ellation of the li&ense, a3reement, lease or permit* =asamended by PD 1559>*

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    C-ttin3 Cy&leC-ttin3 Cy&le

    he D#)R shall apply s&ientifi& &-ttin3&y&le and rotation in all forest lands, 3ivin3parti&-lar &onsideration to the a3e, vol-me

    and Eind of healthy resid-al trees :hi&hmay be left -ndist-rbed and -ndama3edfor f-t-re harvest and forest &over in

    diptero&arp area, and seed trees andreprod-&tion in pine area*

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     Ann-al Ann-al

     Allo:able C-t Allo:able C-t he ann-al allo:able &-t or harvest of any parti&-lar forest land -nder ali&ense a3reement, li&ense, lease or permit shall be determined on the

    basis of the si(e of the area, the vol-me and Eind of harvestable timberor forest prod-&ts and healthy resid-als, seed trees and reprod-&tionfo-nd therein, and the established &-ttin3 &y&le and rotation thereof*

    )o person shall &-t, harvest and 3ather any parti&-lar timber, p-lp:ood,fire:ood and other forest prod-&ts -nless he has been AG$R6#D todo so and the parti&-lar ann-al allo:able &-t thereof has been 3ranted*

    6n the p-bli& interest and in a&&ordan&e :ith the prin&iple of s-stainedyield, the D#)R +e& shall revie: all eBistin3 ann-al allo:able &-t andthere-pon shall pres&ribe the level of ann-al allo:able &-t for the&ommon diptero&arp timber, soft:ood and hard:ood timber &-ttin3 of:hi&h is not prohibited, p-lp:ood, fire:ood and other forest prod-&ts-sin3 as bases the fa&tors as :ell as the -pdated aerial photo3raphsand field inventories of s-&h forest land*

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    D-ration of ?i&ense A3reement orD-ration of ?i&ense A3reement or

    ?i&ense to Garvest imber ?i&ense to Garvest imber  he d-ration of the PR66?#'# to harvest timber in any parti&-lar

    forest land -nder a li&ense a3reement or li&ense shall be fiBed anddetermined in a&&ordan&e :ith the ann-al allo:able &-t therein, theestablished &-ttin3 &y&le thereof, the yield &apa&ity of harvestabletimber, and the &apa&ity of healthy resid-als for a se&ond 3ro:th*

    he privile3e shall A$A6CA?? terminate, even before theeBpiration of the li&ense a3reement or li&ense, the moment theharvestable timber have been -tili(ed :itho-t leavin3 any lo33ed/over area &apable of &ommer&ial -tili(ation*

    he AJ6 period of any privile3e to harvest timber is %5 yrs,rene:able for a period, not eB&eedin3 %5 yrs, ne&essary to -tili(e allthe remainin3 &ommer&ial .-antity or harvestable timber either fromthe -nlo33ed or lo33ed/over area* 6t shall be a C$)D66$) for the&ontin-ed privile3e to harvest timer -nder any li&ense or li&ensea3reement that the li&ensee shall R#F$R#+ all the areas :hi&hshall be determined by the D#)R*

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    D-ration of a3reements is limited to 50 yrs, thatis %5 yrs rene:able for another %5 yrs* @ Arti&le

    J66, +e& % of the Constit-tion

     A ?A holder &annot &ompel D#)R toa-tomati&ally &onvert the ?A to 6FA*

    Read +#CR#AR vs* P6C$P =%009>  he +tate bein3 the o:ner of the nat-ral

    reso-r&es, p-rs-ant to the Re3alian do&trine hasthe f-ll &ontrol and s-pervision over the a&tivities

    relatin3 to eBploration, development and-tili(ation of the nat-ral reso-r&es and &annotleave the a&tivities to the private entity, theli&ense holder*

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  • 8/9/2019 46507390 PD 705 Revised Forestry Code of the Philippines


    +e&* %9 6n&entives to the ood+e&* %9 6n&entives to the ood

    6nd-stry6nd-stry he D#)R +e&, in &ollaboration :ith other 3overnment

    a3en&ies and the :ood ind-stry asso&iations and otherprivate entities in the &o-ntry, shall evolve in&entives forthe establishment of an inte3rated :ood ind-stry in

    desi3nated :ood ind-stry &enters andHor e&onomi& area* he President, -pon the re&ommendations of the )#DA

    and the D#)R, may establish :ood ind-stry import/eBport &enters in sele&ted lo&ations* ?o3s imported fors-&h &enters shall be s-b4e&t to s-&h pre&a-tion as may

    be imposed by the D#)R, in &ollaboration :ith proper3overnment a3en&ies, to prevent the introd-&tion ofpests, inse&ts andHor diseases detrimental to the forests*

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    +e&* "0 Rationali(ation of the+e&* "0 Rationali(ation of the

    ood 6nd-stryood 6nd-stry hile the eBpansion and inte3ration of eBistin3 :ood or forest

    prod-&ts pro&essin3 plants, as :ell as the establishment of ne:pro&essin3 plants shall be en&o-ra3ed, their lo&ations and operationsshall be re3-lated in order to rationali(e the :hole ind-stry*

    )o eBpansion or inte3ration of eBistin3 pro&essin3 plant norestablishment of ne: pro&essin3 plant shall be allo:ed -nlessenvironmental &onsiderations are taEen into a&&o-nt and ade.-atera: material s-pply on a s-stained/yield basis is ass-red*

     A lon3/term ass-ran&e of ra: material so-r&e from forest

    &on&essions andHor from 6Ps, Fs, or AFFs =no: 6FAs andC!FAs> :hose ann-al allo:able &-t andHor :hose harvest isdeemed s-ffi&ient to meet the re.-irement of s-&h pro&essin3 plantshall 3overn, amon3 others, the 3rant of the privile3e to establish,install additional &apa&ity or operate a pro&essin3 plant*

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     All pro&essin3 plants eBistin3, to be eBpanded,

    to be inte3rated or to be established shall obtainoperatin3 permits, li&enses, andHor approvalfrom the D#)R, and shall s-bmit themselves toother re3-lations related to their operation*

    he D#)R +e& may &an&el, s-spend, orphaseo-t all ineffi&ient, :astef-l, -ne&onomi&alor perennially short in ra: material :ood or

    forest prod-&ts pro&essin3 plants :hi&h are notresponsive to the rationali(ation pro3ram of the3overnment* =as amended by PD 1559>*

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    +e&* "1 ood :astes, :eed trees+e&* "1 ood :astes, :eed trees

    and resid-esand resid-es

    imber li&ensees shall be en&o-ra3ed andassisted to 3ather and save the :ood:astes and :eed trees in their

    &on&essions, and those :ith pro&essin3plants, the :ood resid-es thereof, for-tili(ation and &onversion into :ood by/

    prod-&ts and derivatives*

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    +e&* "" ?ands to be reforested+e&* "" ?ands to be reforested

    andHor AfforestedandHor Afforested P-bli& forest landsI a*> !are or 3rass/&overed tra&ts of forest lands b*> !r-shlands or tra&ts of forest lands 3enerally &overed :ith br-sh, :hi&h

    need to be developed to in&rease their prod-&tivity &*> $pen tra&ts of forest lands interspersed :ith pat&hes of forest d*> Den-ded or inade.-ately timbered areas pro&laimed by the President as

    forest reserves and reservations as &riti&al :atersheds, national parEs,3ame ref-3e, bird san&t-aries, national shrines, national histori& sites

    e*> 6nade.-ately/sto&E forest lands :ithin forest &on&essions f*> Portions of areas &overed by past-re leases or permits needin3

    immediate reforestation 3*> River banEs, easements, road ri3ht/of/:ays, deltas, s:amps, former

    river beds and bea&hes

    Private lands a*> Portions of private lands re.-ired to be reforested or planted to trees

    p-rs-ant to PD 95" and 115" and other eBistin3 la:s =as amended by #$%87>

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      Forest Prote&tionForest Prote&tion

    +e&* "7 Prote&tion of all Reso-r&es*

     All meas-res shall be taEen to prote&t theforest reso-r&es from destr-&tion,impairment and depletion*

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    +e&* "8 Control of Con&ession+e&* "8 Control of Con&ession

     Area Area For the effe&tive prote&tion of the forest lands and the reso-r&es thereof

    from ille3al entry, -nla:f-l o&&-pation, Eain3in, fire, inse&t infestation,theft, and other forms of forest destr-&tion, the 6?6A6$) of timbertherein shall not be allo:ed #JC#P thro-3h li&ense a3reements -nder:hi&h the holders thereof shall have the eB&l-sive privile3e to &-t all theallo:able harvestable timber in their respe&tive &on&essions, and the

    additional ri3ht of o&&-pation, possession, and &ontrol over the same, tothe eB&l-sion of all others, eB&ept the 3overnment, b-t :ith the&orrespondin3 obli3ation to adopt all the prote&tion and &onservationmeas-res to ens-re the &ontin-ity of the prod-&tive &ondition of saidareas, &onformably :ith m-ltiple -se and s-stained yield mana3ement*

    6f a holder of a li&ense a3reement over a forest area eBpressly orimpliedly A6#+ the privile3e to -tili(e any soft:ood, hard:ood orman3rove spe&ies therein, a ?6C#)+# may be iss-ed to another personfor the harvest thereof :itho-t any ri3ht of possession or o&&-pationover the areas :here they are fo-nd, b-t he shall, liEe:ise, adoptprote&tion and &onservation ,meas-res &onsistent :ith those adopted bythe li&ense a3reement holder in the said areas*

    + f

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    +e&* "9 Re3-lation of+e&* "9 Re3-lation of

    imber tili(ation in other &lassesimber tili(ation in other &lasses

    of landsof lands

    he -tili(ation of timber in AaD lands, private lands,&ivil reservations and all lands &ontainin3 standin3 or

    felled timber, in&l-din3 those -nder the 4-risdi&tion ofother 3overnment a3en&ies, and the establishmentand operation of sa:mills and other :ood/pro&essin3plants, shall be R#'?A#D in order to prevent themfrom bein3 -sed as shelters for eB&essive and-na-thori(ed harvests in forest lands, and shall nottherefore be allo:ed eB&ept thro-3h a ?6C#)+#

     A'R###), li&ense, lease or permit*

    + 0 i b 6 i h

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    +e&* 0 imber 6nventory in other+e&* 0 imber 6nventory in other


    he D#)R shall &ond-&t a 1002 timberinventory in AaD lands and &ivil reservationsimmediately -pon &lassifi&ation or reservation

    thereof* )o harvest of standin3 or felled timber in AaD

    lands, private lands, &ivil reservation and allother lands in&l-din3 those -nder the 4-risdi&tion

    of other 3overnment a3en&ies, shall be allo:ed-nless a 1002 timber inventory has been&ond-&ted thereon*

    + 1 + i b 6 t

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    +e&* 1 +:orn imber 6nventory+e&* 1 +:orn imber 6nventory


     All reports on timber inventories of forestlands, AaD lands, private lands, &ivilreservations, and all lands &ontainin3

    standin3 or felled timber m-st bes-bs&ribed and s:orn to by all the forestoffi&ers :ho &ond-&ted the same*

    Forest offi&ers may be liable for per4-ry ifthey 3ive in&orre&t and -ntr-thf-l reports*

    + % P i i i i h+ % P ti i ti i th

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    +e&* % Parti&ipation in the+e&* % Parti&ipation in the

    Development of AaDsDevelopment of AaDs

    he privile3e to harvest timber in AaD lands and&ivil reservations shall be 3iven to those :ho &anbest help in the delineation and development ofs-&h areas in a&&ordan&e :ith the mana3ementplan of the appropriate 3overnment eBer&isin3

     4-risdi&tion over the same*

    he eBtent of parti&ipation shall be based on theamo-nt of timber :hi&h may be harvestedtherefrom*

    + " + l d d+ " + l d d

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    +e&* " +:amplands and+e&* " +:amplands and

    an3rove Forestsan3rove Forests

    +trips of man3rove forest borderin3 n-mero-sislands :hi&h prote&t the shoreline, the shorelineroads, and even &oastal &omm-nities from thedestr-&tive for&e of the sea d-rin3 hi3h :inds and

    typhoon, shall be maintained and shall not be A?6#)A#D* +-&h strips m-st be Eept free fromartifi&ial obstr-&tion so that flood :ater :ill flo:-nimpeded to the sea to avoid floodin3 orin-ndation of &-ltivated areas in the -pstream*

     All man3rove s:amps set aside for &oast/prote&tion p-rposes shall not be s-b4e&t to &lear/&-ttin3 operation*

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    +e&* isitorial Po:er +e&* isitorial Po:er 

    he D#)R +e& may, by himself, or thro-3h hisa-thori(ed representative, 6)#+6'A#,6)+P#C and #JA6)# re&ords, booEs and

    other do&-ments relatin3 to the operation of anyholder of a li&ense a3reement, li&ense, lease orpermit, and its s-bsidiary or affiliated &ompaniesto determine &omplian&e :ith the terms and

    &onditions thereof, this Code and pertinent la:s,poli&ies, r-les and re3-lations*

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    +e&* 5 A-thority of Forest $ffi&ers+e&* 5 A-thority of Forest $ffi&ers

    hen in the performan&e of their offi&ial d-ties,forest offi&ers or other 3overnment offi&ials oremployees d-ly a-thori(ed by the D#)R +#Cshall have FR## #)R into areas &overed by a

    li&ense a3reement, li&ense, lease or permit*

    Forest offi&ers are a-thori(ed to administer oathand taEe a&Eno:led3ment in offi&ial matters

    &onne&ted :ith the f-n&tions of their offi&e, andto taEe testimony in offi&ial investi3ations&ond-&ted -nder the a-thority of this Code andthe 6RRs*

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    +e&* +&alin3 stations+e&* +&alin3 stations

    6n &ollaboration :ith appropriate3overnment a3en&ies, the D#)R shallestablish &ontrol of s&alin3 stations at

    s-itably lo&ated o-tlets of timber and otherforest prod-&ts to ins-re that they :erele3ally &-t or harvested*

    + 9 R d d th+ 9 R d d th

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    +e&* 9 Roads and other+e&* 9 Roads and other

    6nfrastr-&t-res6nfrastr-&t-res Roads and other infrastr-&t-re in forest lands shall be &onstr-&ted :ith the

    least impairment to the reso-r&e val-es thereof* 'overnment a3en&ies-ndertaEin3 the &onstr-&tion of roads, brid3es, &omm-ni&ations, and otherinfrastr-&t-re and installations inside forest lands, shall &oordinate :ith theD#)R, espe&ially if it :ill involve the -tili(ation or destr-&tion of timberandHor other forest reso-r&es, or :atershed dist-rban&e therein, in order toadopt meas-res to avoid or red-&e dama3e or in4-ry to the forest reso-r&e


    hey shall liEe:ise eBtend assistan&e in the plannin3 and establishment ofroads, :harves, piers, port fa&ilities, and other infrastr-&t-re in lo&ationsdesi3nated as :ood/pro&essin3 &enters or for the &onvenien&e of :ood/based ind-stries*

    6n order to &oin&ide and &onform to 3overnment plans, pro3rams, standards,and spe&ifi&ations, holders of li&ense a3reements, li&enses, leases andpermits shall not -ndertaEe road or infrastr-&t-re &onstr-&tion or installationin forest lands :itho-t the PR6$R approval of the D#)F, or in AaD lands,&ivil reservations and other 3overnment lands, :itho-t the approval of the3overnment a3en&ies havin3 4-risdi&tion over the same*

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     All roads and infrastr-&t-re &onstr-&ted by holders of li&ensea3reements, li&enses, leases and permits !#?$)' to the +tate andthe -se and administration thereof shall be transferred to the3overnment immediately -pon the eBpiration or termination thereof*

    Prior thereto the D#)R may a-thori(e the p-bli& -se thereof, if it :illnot be detrimental to forest &onservation meas-res*

    here roads are -tili(ed by more than one &ommer&ial forest -ser,the D#)R shall pres&ribe the terms and &onditions of 4oint -sein&l-din3 the e.-itable sharin3 of &onstr-&tion andHor maintenan&e&osts, and of the -se of these roads by other parties and the&olle&tion of s-&h fees as may be deemed ne&essary*

    here shall be indis&riminate &onstr-&tion of lo33in3 roads* +-&hroads shall be strate3i&ally lo&ated and their :idths re3-lated so asto minimi(e &lear/&-ttin3, -nne&essary dama3e or in4-ry to healthyresid-als, and erosion* heir &onstr-&tion m-st not only serve thetransportation need of the lo33er, b-t most importantly, there.-irement to save as many healthy resid-als as possible d-rin3&-ttin3 and ha-lin3 operations*

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    +e&* 5" Criminal Prose&-tion+e&* 5" Criminal Prose&-tion

    ain3ineros, s.-atters, &-lt-ral minoritiesand other o&&-pants :ho entered intoforest lands and 3ra(in3 lands before may

    19, 1975, :itho-t permit or a-thority, shallnot be prose&-ted, provided that they donot in&rease their &learin3s*

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    +e&* 5 Past-re in Forest ?ands+e&* 5 Past-re in Forest ?ands

    )o forest land 502 in slope or over may be-tili(ed for past-re p-rposes*

    Forest lands :hi&h are bein3 -tili(ed for past-reshall be maintained :ith s-ffi&ient 3rass &over toprote&t soil, :ater and other forest reso-r&es*

    6f 3rass &over is ins-ffi&ient, the same shall bes-pplemented :ith trees or s-&h ve3etative&over as maybe deemed ne&essary*

    + 57 $th + i l f+e& 57 $ther +pe&ial -ses of

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    +e&* 57 $ther +pe&ial -ses of+e&* 57 $ther +pe&ial -ses of

    Forest ?andsForest ?ands

    Forest lands may be leased for a period noteB&eedin3 %5 yrs, rene:able -pon the eBpirationthereof for a similar period, or held -nder permit,

    for the establishment of sa:mills, l-mber yards,timber depots, lo33in3 &amps, ri3hts/of/:ay, orfor the &onstr-&tion of sanatoria, bathin3establishments, &amps, salt :orEs, or other

    benefi&ial p-rposes :hi&h do not in any :ayimpair the forest reso-r&es therein*

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    K-alifi&ationsK-alifi&ations he privile3e to -tili(e, eBploit, o&&-py or possess forest lands shall

    be diff-sed to as many .-alified and deservin3 appli&ants aspossible*

    Citi(enship re.-irement* 6n the eval-ation of appli&ations of &orporations, in&reased Filipino

    e.-ity and parti&ipation beyond the 02 &onstit-tional limitationshall be en&o-ra3ed* All other fa&tors bein3 e.-al, the appli&ant :ithmore Filipino e.-ity and parti&ipation shall be preferred*

    Finan&ial and e&hni&al Capability )o li&ense a3reement, li&ense, lease or permit over forest lands

    shall be iss-ed to an appli&ant -nless he proves satisfa&torily thathe has the F6)A)C6A? reso-r&es and #CG)6CA? &apability notonly to minimi(e -tili(ation, b-t also to pra&ti&e forest prote&tion,&onservation and development meas-res to ins-re the perpet-ationof said forest in prod-&tive &ondition*

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    +e&* 1 ransfers+e&* 1 ransfers )o li&ensee, lessee, or permittee may transfer, eB&han3e, sell or &onvey

    his li&ense a3reement, li&ense, lease or permit, or any of his ri3hts orinterests therein, or any of his assets -sed in &onne&tion there:ith)?#++ a-thori(ed by the D#)R +e&*

    he li&ensee, lessee or permittee shall be allo:ed to transfer or &onveyhis li&ense, lease or permit only if the li&ense, lease permit has been

    eBisten&e for at least " yrs, the li&ensee, lessee or permittee has notviolated any forestry la:, r-le or re3-lation and has been faithf-lly&omplyin3 :ith the terms and &onditions of the li&ense a3reement,li&ense, lease or permit, the transferee has all the .-alifi&ations andnone of the dis.-alifi&ations to hold a li&ense a3reement, li&ense, leaseor permit, there is no eviden&e that s-&h transfer of &onveyan&e is bein3made for p-rposes of spe&-lation and the transferee shall ass-me all

    the obli3ations of the transferor*

    he term A++#+ shall not in&l-de &attle and other livesto&Es or animalsraised in 3ra(in3 lands and forest lands, and planted trees and otherprod-&ts raised in 6Ps, AFFs and Fs* =as amended by PD 1559>

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    +e&* % +ervi&e Contra&ts+e&* % +ervi&e Contra&ts he D#)R +e&*, may in the national interest, allo: forest

    prod-&ts li&ensees, lessees or permittees to #)#R into+#R6C# C$)RAC+ for finan&ial, te&hni&al, mana3ement,or other forms of assistan&e, in &onsideration of a fee, :ithany F$R#6') person or entity for the #JP?$RA6$),D##?$P#), #JP?$6A6$) or 6?6A6$) of theforest reso-r&es, &overed by their li&ense a3reements,li&enses, leases or permits* #Bistin3 valid and bindin3 servi&e&ontra&ts for finan&ial, te&hni&al, mana3ement or other formsof assistan&e are re&o3ni(ed as s-&h*

    Relate :ithI

    / Arti&le J66 of the Constit-tion :hi&h re.-ires that forei3n&orporations sho-ld be at least 02 Filipino o:ned

    / ClimaB Arim&o &ase allo:in3 servi&e &ontra&ts :ith forei3n&orporation

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    +e&* " #.-ity +harin3+e&* " #.-ity +harin3

    #very &orporation holdin3 a li&ensea3reement, li&ense, lease, or permit to-tili(e, eBploit, o&&-py or possess any

    forest land, or &ond-&t any a&tivity therein,or establish and operate a :ood/pro&essin3 plant shall form-late and s-bmitto the D#)R +e& for approval a plan for

    the sale of at least %02 of its s-bs&ribed&apital sto&E in favor of its employees andlaborers*

    +e& Char3es Fees and+e& Char3es Fees and

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    +e&* Char3es, Fees and+e&* Char3es, Fees and


    he D#)R +e& shall fiB the amo-nt of &har3es,rental, bonds, and fees for the different Einds of-tili(ation, eBploitation, o&&-pation, possession ora&tivity inside forest lands, the filin3 and

    pro&essin3 of appli&ation therefore, the iss-an&eand rene:al of li&ense a3reements, li&enses,leases and permits, and for other servi&es*

    imber taEen and removed from PR6A# landsshall for &ommer&ial p-rposes shall be eBemptfrom the payment of forest &har3es*

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    +e& 8 eas-rin3 of forest+e& 8 eas-rin3 of forest

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    +e&* 8 eas-rin3 of forest+e&* 8 eas-rin3 of forest

    prod-&ts, invoi&in3 and &olle&tionprod-&ts, invoi&in3 and &olle&tion

    he d-ties in&ident to the meas-rin3 of forestprod-&ts shall be dis&har3ed by theC#)R$HP#)R$*

    he invoi&in3 and &olle&tion of the &har3esthereon shall be done by the !-rea- of 6nternalReven-e -nder re3-lations approved by the

    Department of Finan&e* = as amended by !P!l3* 8", +ept* 17, 1980*

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    +e&* 9 ode of eas-rin3 imber +e&* 9 ode of eas-rin3 imber 

     All timber shall be meas-red and manifested in the ro-nd or s.-ared,before bein3 sa:n or man-fa&t-red*

    ol-me of < area of small B len3th   ro-nd timber of lo3

    he diameter of the lo3 is to be meas-red eB&l-sive of the barE b-t ifthe end of the lo3 is irre3-lar, the avera3e diameter shall be -sed

    6n order to as&ertain the vol-me of a lo3 more than 8m lon3, thediameter of the middle of said lo3 or the avera3e of the diameters atboth ends thereof shall be -sed as basis*

    6f a lo3 in the ro-nd, &-t -nder li&ense, is meas-red and manifested byforest offi&ers, the C#)R$HP#)R$HR#D shall maEe d-e allo:an&e forrot, &avities or other nat-ral defe&ts, b-t from any de&ision in thisrespe&t, an appeal shall lie to the D#)R +e&, :hose de&ision shall befinal*

    he manifest of timber &-t by li&ensees operatin3 sa:mills in or nearthe forest shall be attested by forest offi&ers :henever pra&ti&able*

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    ol-me of < avera3e of the &ross s.-ared timber se&tion B len3th   =02 shall be added

      for loss>

     An appeal shall also lie to the D#)R +e&* :hose de&isionshall be final, on the meas-rement by theC#)R$HP#)R$HR#D :ho shall maEe allo:an&e for rots,

    &avities or other nat-ral defe&ts* he privile3e of manifestin3 timber after s.-arin3 shall

    ho:ever, be 3ranted only to li&ensees :ho have s.-ared theirlo3s in the forests :ith the aB and intend to taEe it to themarEet in this form*

    6f sa:n of other:ise man-fa&t-red timber is fo-nd :hi&h hasnot been manifested in a&&ordan&e :ith the provisions hereof,the &orrespondin3 forest &har3es shall be assessed on %B thevol-me of the a&t-al &ontents of s-&h sa:n or man-fa&t-redtimber* = as amended by !P !l3* 8", +ept* 17, 1980>*

    +e& 70 Char3es on imber &-t in+e& 70 Char3es on imber &-t in

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    +e&* 70 Char3es on imber &-t in+e&* 70 Char3es on imber &-t in

    forest landsforest lands

    here shall be &olle&ted &har3es on ea&h &-bi&meter of timber &-t in forest land, :hetherbelon3in3 to the 1st, %nd, "rd, or th 3ro-p, %52 ofthe a&t-al F$! marEet pri&e based on spe&ies

    and 3radin3*

    6n &ase of p-lp:ood and mat&h:ood &-t in

    forestland, forest &har3es on ea&h &-bi& metershall be 102 of the a&t-al F$! marEet pri&e*=as amended by RA 711, $&tober 10, 1991>

    +e& 71 Char3es on Fire:ood+e& 71 Char3es on Fire:ood

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    +e&* 71 Char3es on Fire:ood,+e&* 71 Char3es on Fire:ood,

    !ran&hes, ood :astes!ran&hes, ood :astes C-ttin3 of A)'R$# spe&ies shall be !A))#D*

    here shall be &olle&ted forest &har3es of P10 on ea&h &-bi& meterof fire:ood &-t in forestland, bran&hes and other re&overable :ood:astes of timber, s-&h as timber ends, tops and st-mps :hen -sed

    as ra: materials for the man-fa&t-re of finished prod-&ts*

    $nly "rd or th 3ro-p :ood &an be taEen for fire:ood* 6f 4ointly a-thori(ed by the +e&retaries of D#)R and DA, 1st and %nd 

    3ro-p :oods may be removed for fire:ood p-rposes from land:hi&h is more val-able for a3ri&-lt-ral than for forest p-rposes* =as

    amended by RA 711>

    +e& 7% Char3es on inor Forest+e& 7% Char3es on inor Forest

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    +e&* 7% Char3es on inor Forest+e&* 7% Char3es on inor Forest


     All $G#R forest prod-&ts of forestland :hi&hare not &overed by the pre&edin3 se&tions shallbe #J#P from any or all forest &har3es,#JC#P RAA), '+ and R#+6)+,

    !##+/AJ, 'AP#RCGA, A?AC6'AR#+6) and !A!$$ :hi&h shall be &har3ed at102 of the a&t-al F$! marEet pri&e* =asamended by RA 711>

      '-taper&ha / resin from alma&i3a  

    +e& 7" Determination of arEet+e& 7" Determination of arEet

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    +e&* 7" Determination of arEet+e&* 7" Determination of arEet

    Pri&e of Forest Prod-&tsPri&e of Forest Prod-&ts he a&t-al F$! marEet pri&e of forest prod-&ts shall be 4-stly determined

    on&e a year by the +e&retary of D#)R*  A &ommittee is &reated &omposed of reps of D#)R, )#DA, D6, !6R and

    the :ood and f-rnit-re ind-stry and &ons-mer se&tors :hi&h shall form-latethe &riteria andHor 3-idelines in the determination of the a&t-al F$! marEetpri&e to be -sed as the basis for the assessment of the ad valorem taB,taEin3 into &onsideration prod-&tion &ost =developin3 &ost, &ontin3en&iesand mis&ellaneo-s &ost>, spe&ies and 3rade of timber, 3overnment share,reforestation, tariff d-ties, taBes, risE involved and reasonable mar3in ofprofit for domesti& and eBport marEet pri&es for :ood and :ood prod-&ts*

    hese forest &har3es shall be applied to nat-rally 3ro:in3 timber and forestprod-&ts 3athered :ithin p-bli& forest lands, AaD lands and private lands*

    Forest &har3es &olle&ted shall be in lie- of the administrative &har3e onenvironment and other fees and &har3es imposed thereon*

    Planted trees and other forest prod-&ts harvested from 6Ps and PR6A#lands &overed by eBistin3 tiller or by approved land appli&ation are#J#P#D from payment of forest &har3es* =as amended by RA 711>

    +e& 7 Char3es on 3-ms resins+e& 7 Char3es on 3-ms resins

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    +e&* 7 Char3es on 3-ms, resins+e&* 7 Char3es on 3-ms, resins

    and other forestand other forest

    $n 3-ms, resins and other forest prod-&ts of forestlands, there is imposed -pon the person removin3 s-&hforest prod-&t a &har3e of 102 of the a&t-al marEetval-e thereof*

    he marEet val-e of the vario-s forest prod-&ts on :hi&hforest &har3es may th-s be &olle&ted shall bedetermined from time to time by a 4oint assessment ofthe !6R and the D#)R Geads, the same to be p-blishedfor the information of the p-bli& in the $', in % daily

    ne:spaper of national &ir&-lation, and posted in a&onspi&-o-s pla&e in the m-ni&ipal b-ildin3 of am-ni&ipality &on&erned* =as amended by !P !l3* 8">

    +e& 75 aB eBemptions of forest+e& 75 aB eBemptions of forest

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    +e&* 75 aB eBemptions of forest+e&* 75 aB eBemptions of forest

    prod-&ts -nder 3rat-ito-s li&enseprod-&ts -nder 3rat-ito-s li&ense

    )o &har3es shall be &olle&ted on forestprod-&ts removed in &onformity :ith theterms of a 3rat-ito-s li&ense iss-ed by the

    D#)R and in &omplian&e :ith the la: andthe re3-lations of the D#)R* =as amendedby !P !l3* 8">

    +e& 7 aB #Bemptions -nder a+e& 7 aB #Bemptions -nder a

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    +e&* 7 aB #Bemptions -nder a+e&* 7 aB #Bemptions -nder a

    ree Farm ?easeree Farm ?ease

    )o &har3es shall be &olle&ted on trees andprod-&ts removed from p-bli& landsplanted to ipil/ipil andHor fal&ata -nder a

    tree farm lease :ith the 3overnment* =asamended by !P bl3* 8">

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    Criminal $ffenses and PenaltiesCriminal $ffenses and Penalties

    +e&* 77 C-ttin3, 'atherin3 andHor Colle&tin3 imber, or otherforest prod-&ts :itho-t ?i&ense

    #lements of the $ffenseI 1*> Any P#R+$) :ho shall C, 'AG#R, C$??#C,

    R#$# timber or other forest prod-&ts from   / any F$R#+ ?A)D or   / AaD land   / PR6A# land, itho-t any AG$R6

    %*> P$++#++ timber or other forest prod-&ts :itho-t the ?#'A?   do&-ments as re.-ired -nder eBistin3 forest la:s and


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    PenaltiesPenalties P-nished :ith the penalties imposed -nder Arti&les "09 and "10

    of the Revised Penal Code* =K-alified heft>

    6n &ase of partnership, asso&iations, or &orporations, the$FF6C#R+ :ho ordered the &-ttin3, 3atherin3, &olle&tion orpossession shall be liable, and if s-&h offi&ers are aliens, theyshall in addition to the penalty, be deported :itho-t f-rtherpro&eedin3s on the part of the Commission on 6mmi3rationDeportation*

      / s-mmary deportation :itho-t hearin3

    he Co-rt shall f-rther $RD#R the C$)F6+CA6$) in favor of

    the 3overnment of the timber or any forest prod-&ts &-t, 3athered,&olle&ted, removed, or possessed, as :ell as the ma&hinery,e.-ipment, implements and tools ille3ally -sed in the area :herethe timber or forest prod-&ts are fo-nd* =as amended by PD 1559and by #$ %77, prom-l3ated L-ly %5, 1987, 8" $' )o* "1, A-3-st ", 1987>

    +e& 77@A Administrative a-thority+e& 77@A Administrative a-thority

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    +e&* 77@A Administrative a-thority+e&* 77 A Administrative a-thority

    of D#)R to order &onfis&ationof D#)R to order &onfis&ation

    6n all &ases of violations of this Code or other forestla:s, r-les and re3-lations, the D#)R Gead or hisd-ly a-thori(ed representative, A $RD#R G#C$)F6+CA6$) of any forest prod-&ts ille3ally &-t,

    3athered, removed, or possessed or abandoned, and A?? C$)#A)C#+ -sed either by land, :ater or airin the &ommission of the offense and to dispose of thesame in a&&ordan&e :ith pertinent la:s, re3-lations orpoli&ies on the matter* =as added by #$ %77>

    Pro&ed-re is 3overned by an D#)R Administrative$rder 

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    +e&* 77/! Re:ards to 6nformants+e&* 77/! Re:ards to 6nformants

     Any person :ho shall provide anyinformation leadin3 to the apprehensionand &onvi&tion of any offender for any

    violation of this Code or other forest la:s,r-les and re3-lations, or &onfis&ation offorest prod-&ts, shall be 3iven a re:ard in

    the amo-nt of %02 of the pro&eeds of the&onfis&ated forest prod-&ts* = as added by#$ %77>

    +e&* 78 nla:f-l $&&-pation or+e&* 78 nla:f-l $&&-pation or

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    +e&* 78 nla:f-l $&&-pation or+e&* 78 nla:f-l $&&-pation or

    Destr-&tion of forestH3ra(in3 landsDestr-&tion of forestH3ra(in3 lands #lements of the $ffense 1*> Any P#R+$) :ho   / #)#R+ A)D $CCP6#+   / P$++#++#+   / A#+ A6)'6) for his o:n private   -se or for others  any F$R#+ land or 'RA6)' land

     6G$ AG$R6 -nder a li&ense   a3reement, lease, li&ense or permit

    %*> Any P#R+$) :ho in any manner   / D#+R$+ s-&h forest land or 3ra(in3 land or part   thereof    / CA+#+ A) DAA'# to the timber stand and other prod-&ts   and forest 3ro:th fo-nd therein   / A++6++, A6D+, or A!#+ any other person to do so   / +#+ a fire, or )#'?6'#)? P#R6+ a fire to be set in any forest land or    3ra(in3 land   / R#F+#+ to ACA# the area :hen ordered to do so p-rs-ant to +e&* 5"


    P l i

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    PenaltiesPenalties F6)# in an amo-nt of not less than P500 nor more than P%0,000 A)D

    6PR6+$)#) for not less than mos nor more than % yrs  A)D be liable to the payment of 10B the rental fees and other &har3es :hi&h

    :o-ld have a&&r-ed had the o&&-pation and -se of the land been a-thori(ed-nder a li&ense a3reement, lease, li&ense or permit*

    6n &ase of an offender fo-nd 3-ilty of maEin3 Eain3in, the penalty shall be6PR6+$)#) for not less than % nor more than yrs A)D a F6)# e.-al to 8Bthe re3-lar forest &har3es d-e on the forest prod-&ts destroyed, :itho-t pre4-di&eto the payment of the f-ll &ost of prod-&tion of the o&&-pied area as determined bythe D#)R*

    he maBim-m of the penalty pres&ribed shall be imposed -pon the offender :ho&ommits the same offense for the " rd time*

    6n all &ases, the Co-rt shall f-rther order the #6C6$) of the offender from theland and the forfeit-re to the 3overnment of all improvements made and allvehi&les, domesti& animals and e.-ipment of any Eind -sed in the &ommission ofthe offense* 6f not s-itable for -se by the D#)R, said vehi&les, domesti& animals,e.-ipment and improvements shall be sold at p-bli& a-&tion, the pro&eeds of:hi&h shall a&&r-e to the Development F-nd of the D#)R*

    6n &ase the offender is a 3overnment offi&ial or employee, he shall, in addition bedeemed a-tomati&ally D6+6++#D from offi&e and permanently dis.-alified fromholdin3 any ele&tive or appointive position* =as amended by PD 1559>

    + 79 P t i ?i t E

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    +e&* 79 Past-rin3 ?ivesto&E+e&* 79 Past-rin3 ?ivesto&E

     Any P#R+$) :ho shall, 6G$ AG$R6 -nder a lease or permit   / 'RA# or   / CA+# to 3ra(e livesto&E in   forest lands, 3ra(in3 lands and AaD   lands :hi&h have not as yet been   disposed of in a&&ordan&e :ith the   P-bli& ?and A&t

    Penalty 6PR6+$)#) for not less than mos nor more than % yrs A)D a F6)#

    e.-al to 10B the re3-lar rentals d-e, in addition to the &onfis&ation of s-&hlivesto&E and all improvements introd-&ed in the area in favor of the

    3overnment* 6n &ase the offender is a &orporation, partnership or asso&iation, the offi&ers

    and dire&tors thereof shall be liable*

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    +e&* 80 6lle3al o&&-pation of nationalparEs / relate :ith 6PA+ ?a:

    +e&* 81 @ Destr-&tion of ildlifereso-r&es/ relate :ith ildlifeConservation A&t

    +e& 8% +-rvey by na-thori(ed+e&* 8% +-rvey by na-thori(ed

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    +e&* 8% +-rvey by na-thori(ed+e&* 8% +-rvey by na-thori(ed


    #lements of the $ffenseI  Any P#R+$) :ho shall 6G$ P#R6 to +R#

    from the D#)R, #)#R any forest lands, :hether&overed by a li&ense a3reement, lease, li&ense or permit

    or not A)D C$)DC or )D#RA# a s-rvey for:hatever p-rpose


    6PR6+$)#) for not less than % nor more than yrs, in addition to the &onfis&ation of the implements-sed in the violation of this se&tion in&l-din3 the&an&ellation of the li&ense, if any*

    +e& 8" is&lassifi&ation and+e&* 8" is&lassifi&ation and

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    +e&* 8" is&lassifi&ation and+e&* 8" is&lassifi&ation and

    +-rvey by 'overnment $ffi&ials+-rvey by 'overnment $ffi&ials

     Any p-bli& offi&er or employee :ho )$6)'?+R#+, C?A++6F6#+, or R#C$#)D+ therelease of forest lands as AaD lands &ontrary to the&riteria and standards established in this Code, or ther-les and re3-lations prom-l3ated here-nder, shall after

    an appropriate administrative pro&eedin3 be D6+6++#Dfrom the servi&e :ith pre4-di&e to reemployment*

    pon &onvi&tion by a &o-rt of &ompetent 4-risdi&tion,s-ffer an 6PR6+$)#) of not less than 1 yr A)D a

    F6)# of not less than P1,000*

    he s-rvey, &lassifi&ation or release of forestlands shallbe n-ll and void*

    +e& 8 aB De&laration on Real+e&* 8 aB De&laration on Real

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    +e&* 8 aB De&laration on Real+e&* 8 aB De&laration on Real


    #lements of the $ffense  Any p-bli& offi&er or employee :ho iss-e a taB

    de&laration on real property :itho-t a &ertifi&ation fromthe D#)R Gead or his d-ly desi3nated representativesthat the area de&lared for taBation is AaD lands, -nless

    the property is titled or has been o&&-pied andpossessed by members of the national &-lt-ral minoritiesprior to L-ly , 1955

    Penalty 6PR6+$)#) for a period of not less than % nor

    more than yrs A)D perpet-al dis.-alifi&ation fromholdin3 an ele&tive or appointive offi&e

    + 85 C i d 6 fl+ 85 C i d 6 fl

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    +e&* 85 Coer&ion and 6nfl-en&e+e&* 85 Coer&ion and 6nfl-en&e

     Any person :ho C$#RC#+, 6)F?#)C#+, A!#+ or P#R+AD#+the p-bli& offi&er or employee referred to in

    / +e&* 7 =Char3es on 3-ms and other Forest Prod-&ts> / +e&* 75 = aB eBemptions on 'rat-ito-s ?i&ense> C$6 any of the a&ts mentioned therein

    Penalty 6PR6+$)#) of not less than 1 yr A)D pay a F6)# of P500 for

    every he&tare or a fra&tion thereof so improperly s-rveyed, &lassifiedor released*

    6n all other &ases, any person :ho &oer&es, infl-en&es, abets orpers-ades the p-bli& offi&er or employee by -sin3 po:er and infl-en&ein de&idin3 any pendin3 &ase or matter in his favor shall be p-nishedby a F6)# of not more than P5,000 A)D 6PR6+$)#) of not lessthan 1 yr* =as amended by PD 1559>

    +e&* 8 Payment, Colle&tion and+e&* 8 Payment, Colle&tion and

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    +e&* 8 Payment, Colle&tion and+e&* 8 Payment, Colle&tion and

    Remittan&e of Forest Char3esRemittan&e of Forest Char3es

     Any person :ho fails to pay the amo-nt d-e and payable -nder the provisionsof this Code, the )6RC, or the r-les and re3-lations prom-l3ated there-nder,shall be liable to the payment of a s-r&har3e of %52 of the amo-nt d-e andpayable*

     Any person :ho FA6?+ or R#F+#+ to R#6 to the proper a-thorities saidforest &har3es &olle&tible p-rs-ant to the provisions of this Code or the )6RC,

    or :ho D#?A+, $!+RC+ or PR##)+ the same, or :ho $RD#R+, CA+#+ or #FF#C+ the transfer or diversion of the

    f-nds for p-rposes other than those spe&ified in this Code

    Penalty For ea&h offense shall, -pon &onvi&tion be p-nished by a F6)# of not

    eB&eedin3 P100,000 andHor 6PR6+$)#) for a period of not eB&eedin3yrs in the dis&retion of the Co-rt*

    6f the offender is a 3overnment offi&ial or employee, he shall in addition, beD6+6++#D from the servi&e :ith pre4-di&e to reinstatement and :ithdis.-alifi&ation from holdin3 any ele&tive or appointive offi&e*

    6f the offender is a &orporation, partnership or asso&iation, the offi&ers anddire&tors thereof shall be liable*

    + 87 + l f d P d t+ 87 + l f d P d t

  • 8/9/2019 46507390 PD 705 Revised Forestry Code of the Philippines


    +e&* 87 +ale of ood Prod-&ts+e&* 87 +ale of ood Prod-&ts )o person shall sell or offer for sale any lo3, l-mber, ply:ood or other

    man-fa&t-red :ood prod-&ts in the international or domesti& marEet -nlesshe &omplies :ith 3radin3 r-les and established or to be established by the'overnment*

    Fail-re to adhere to the established 3radin3 r-les and standards, or any a&tof falsifi&ation of the vol-me of lo3s, l-mber, or other forest prod-&ts shall bea s-ffi&ient &a-se for the s-spension of the eBport, sa:mill, or other li&ense

    or permit a-thori(in3 the man-fa&t-re or sale or s-&h prod-&ts for a periodof not less than % yrs*

     A d-ly a&&redited representative of the D#)R shall &ertify to the &omplian&eby the li&ensees :ith 3radin3 r-les*

    #very dealer in l-mber and other b-ildin3 material &overed by this Code

    shall iss-e an 6)$6C# for ea&h sale of s-&h material and s-&h invoi&e shallstate that the Eind, standard and si(e of material sold to ea&h p-r&haser ineBa&tly the same as des&ribed in the invoi&e*

     Any violation of this +e&tion shall be s-ffi&ient 3ro-nd for the s-spension ofthe dealerMs li&ense for a period of not less than% yrs and in addition thereto,the dealer shall be p-nished for ea&h s-&h offense by a F6)# of not lessthan P%00 $R G# $A? A?# $F G# 6)$6C#, :hi&hever is 3reater*

    +e&* 89 Arrest, 6nstit-tion of+e&* 89 Arrest, 6nstit-tion of

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    +e&* 89 Arrest, 6nstit-tion of,

    Criminal A&tionsCriminal A&tions

     A forest offi&er or employee of the P)P shall arrest:itho-t :arrant any person :ho has &ommitted or is&ommittin3 in his presen&e any of the offenses defined inthe Code*

    Ge shall also sei(e and &onfis&ate, in favor of the

    3overnment, the tools and e.-ipment -sed in &ommittin3the offense, and the forest prod-&ts &-t, 3athered ortaEen by the offender in the pro&ess of &ommittin3 theoffense* he arrestin3 offi&er shall thereafter deliver:ithin ho-rs from the time of arrest and sei(-re, the

    offender and the &onfis&ated forest prod-&ts, tools, ande.-ipment to, and file the proper &omplaint :ith, theappropriate offi&ial desi3nated by la: to &ond-&tpreliminary investi3ation and file information in Co-rt*

    6f the arrest and sei(-re are made in the forest

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    6f the arrest and sei(-re are made in the forest,far from the a-thorities desi3nated by la: to&ond-&t preliminary investi3ations, the delivery

    to, and filin3 of the &omplaint :ith, the latter shallbe done :ithin a reasonable time s-ffi&ient tothe pla&e of delivery* he sei(ed prod-&ts,materials and e.-ipment shall be immediatelydisposed of in a&&ordan&e :ith forestryadministrative orders prom-l3ated by the D#)R+e&retary*

    he D#)R +e& may dep-ti(e any a3en&y,baran3ay or barrio offi&ial, or any .-alifiedperson to prote&t the forest and eBer&ise thepo:er or a-thority provided for in the pre&edin3para3raph*

    Reports and &omplaints re3ardin3 the &ommission of any of the offenses

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    Reports and &omplaints re3ardin3 the &ommission of any of the offensesdefined in this Code, not &ommitted in the presen&e of any forest offi&er oremployee or any personnel of the P)P or any of the dep-ti(ed offi&ers oroffi&ials, shall immediately be investi3ated by the forest offi&er assi3ned inthe area or any personnel of the P)P :here the offense :as alle3edly

    &ommitted, :ho shall there-pon re&eive the eviden&e s-pportin3 the reportor &omplaint*

    6f there is prima fa&ie eviden&e to s-pport the &omplain or report, theinvesti3ation forest offi&er andHor members of the P)P shall file thene&essary &omplaint :ith the appropriate offi&ial a-thori(ed by la: to&ond-&t a preliminary investi3ation of &riminal &ases and file an informationin Co-rt*

    he Armed For&es of the Philippines shall or3ani(e a spe&ial for&e in everyre3ion to help enfor&e the provisions of this A&t -nder s-&h r-les andre3-lations as may be a3reed -pon by the +e&retaries of )at-ral Reso-r&esand Defense*

    6n A?? &ases of violations of this Code and other forest la:s, r-les andre3-lations :here F6)# is the prin&ipal penalty, the D#)R +e& is herebya-thori(ed to impose administratively the penalty &onsistin3 of the fine* =asinserted by PD 1559>