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  • 8/10/2019 414_Fruit Science.pdf


    Department of Fruit Science Page 1

    Navsari is situated in a typically tropical climate, characterized

    by three well defined seasons viz., hot summer, mild winter and warm

    and humid monsoon. The monsoon commences from the second weekof June and lasts up to end of September realized entirely from

    South-West monsoon. artial failure of rains once in three to four

    years is common in the area. July and !u"ust are the months of

    heavy precipitation. The climate of this area is humid and the mean

    relative humidity remains above #$.%& per cent throu"hout the year.

    Temperature durin" the rainy season ran"es from %' to (''). The

    temperature starts droppin" in the be"innin" of November when

    winter season sets in and continues till the middle of *ebruary.

    January and part of *ebruary are the coldest months and !pril and

    +ay are the hottest months of the year. The avera"e maimum

    temperature ran"es from %&.# to (#.'') and minimum temperature

    from %.'to %$.') durin" the year.

    The soil of Navsari is placed under Jalalpore series which is

    deep, moderately drained clayey soil with medium fertility, classified

    as deep black soil. The topo"raphy of the farm is fairly leveled.)hemical properties of the soil are as under

    p / &.01 to $.0 *e / %.& to %'.0 ppm

    2) / '.0 to '.%& dSm +n / %1.% to 31.1 ppm

    4r"anic carbon / '.%& to '.0( 5 6n / '.00 to .$ ppm

    !vailable %40/ (.1 to (#.( k"7ha )u / %.10 to #.%$ ppm

    !vailable 8%4 / %0' to #& k"7ha

    9nformation of :epartment

    Name of the :epartment /

    *ruit Science

    !S22 )olle"e of orticulture ; *orestry

    Navsari !"ricultural

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    Department of Fruit Science Page 2

    >ocation and !"ro-climatic 6one / South ?u@arat eavy Aainfall 6one - 9

    !2S - 999

    %. 4n"oin" schemes of *ruit Sciencewith ob@ectives at Ae"ional

    orticultural Aesearch Station

    . ro@ect for Aesearch in *ruit )rops BC.. 0'3-(D


    . To find out the optimum nutrient reEuirement of ma@or

    horticultural crops viz., man"o, sapota and coconut.

    %. To introduce new fruit crops for the re"ion.

    (. To supply true to type plantin" material.

    3. To produce new variety which may be superior to local in

    man"o and sapota.

    %. Stren"thenin" of orticultural Aesearch and :evelopment

    !ctivities at Navsari. BC.. '10D


    . 9ntroduction and evaluation of new fruits, ve"etable and

    flower crops.

    %. To develop the production technolo"y for hi"h yield, better

    Euality fruits7 ve"etables7flowers includin" the orchard

    mana"ement like nutrition, water mana"ement, use of plant

    "rowth re"ulators, special horticultural plant production,etc.

    (. Standardization of propa"ation techniEues in fruit,

    ve"etable and flower crops includin" seed production


    3. Standardization of protective cultivation includin" off

    season propa"ation and cultivation.

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    Department of Fruit Science Page 3

    0. Fualitative studies of important fruit, ve"etable and flower

    crops and post harvest studies of bio-chemical and

    physiolo"ical aspects. Such as etension of shelf life,nomination of post harvest indices in view of marketability.

    #. :emonstratin" feasibility of horticultural crops in semiarid

    and wastelands includin" problematic soils.

    &. 9nter disciplinary approach to the special problems like

    man"oG irre"ular bearin", spon"y tissue, insect-pest

    mana"ementG sapota-crop re"ulation and corkyness,

    Canana-stunted fruit "rowth.

    $. The research work will be stren"thened on the above ma@or


    (. +!J4A !)T9H9T92S/-

    Aesearch activitiesro@ect7scheme wise research activities are us under.

    D ro@ect for Aesearch in *ruit )rops BC. . 0'3-(D


    2ffect of headin" back and trainin" on "rowth, flowerin", yield

    and Euality in old orchard of 8esar.


    2ffect of headin" back and trainin" on "rowth, flowerin", yield

    and Euality in old orchard of Aa@apuri.


    Study on seasonal variation in fruit "rowth of sapota cv.



    +aintenance of man"o "ermplasm.

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    Department of Fruit Science Page 4


    2ffect of different or"anic sources on "rowth, yield and Euality

    of brin@al cv. Surati Aavaiya.


    +ultilocational trial on custard apple varieties

    %D Stren"thenin" of Aesearch and :evelopment !ctivities of

    orticultural )rops. BC.. '10D

    .2ffect of different or"anics on "rowth, yield and Euality of

    man"o cv. 8esar


    2ffect of foliar application of calcium, 6n, *e and C on

    physiolo"ical attributes, "rowth, yield and Euality of papaya

    B)arica papaya>.D cv. Taiwan Aed >ady.


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    Department of Fruit Science Page 6


    The trainin" to farmers is also "iven which is or"anized by SS8

    and *T).


    articipation in krushi mela, farmerKs day and krushi mahotsava.

    3. +!J4A !)92H2+2NTS/-

    Aesearch recommendations/-

    +an"o/ B+an"ifera indica>.D

    .4ut of % man"o cultivars recommended, the most popular are

    8esar, Aa@apuri and !lphonso.



    Tree/ +edium to bi" size, vi"orous, biennial bearin" habit

    *ruit/ +edium size, cordial shape, yellow colour and

    upper portion remain oran"e, %0' to ('' ". of wei"ht.

    *ruit contain &0.0' 5 pulp, fiberless, hard with "ood

    aroma, "ood keepin" Euality and best for eport. TSS $-

    1.05, Total Su"ar 3.%5 , used for @uice and table


    %. 8esar

    Tree/ +edium in size and vi"orous, re"ular bearin"

    *ruit/ 4val shaped, yellow colour, %0' to ('' ". of fruit

    wei"ht, it contain &0.$5 pulp, fibreless, saffron coloured,

    sweet and hard.

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    To eploit the maimum benefit from etra space up to five to

    seven years in youn" man"o orchard, intercrops of tomato

    BWinterD followed by cluster bean for ve"etable BSummerD shouldbe "rown B1$'D.

    (.The farmers of South ?u@arat, desirin" to establish new

    orchard of man"o cv. 8esar are advised to adopt softwood "raft

    in situfor hi"her yield and net return. B%''&D

    3.The farmers of South ?u@arat, desirin" to establish new

    orchard of man"o cv. !lphonso are advised to plant a filler tree

    of cv. Neelphonso in the centre of re"ularly planted four

    !lphonso trees at ' m ' m for "ettin" hi"her net

    realization and C)A. B%''$D

    Sapota / B+anilkara achras +ill B*osber"DD

    8alipatti is the leadin" variety commercially adopted in the re"ion.


    The bearin" adult tree of sapota should be fertilized at therate of ''' " N I 0'' " %40I 0'' " 8%4 in two eEual splits

    viz. alf in June and remainin" half in 4ctober in addition to 0'

    k" *+ in June B1$&D.

    %.The sapota trees should be irri"ated at an interval of (' days

    durin" winter and 0 days durin" summer B11$D

    Cest for ?u@arat, +aharashtra and 8arnataka.

    Tree / Slow "rowth and branches are develop in

    pyramid shape.

    >eaf / :ark "reen

    *ruit / Aound to oval, sweet taste, avera"e fruit

    wei"ht is #' to &' ". ?ood keepin" Euality.

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    Department of Fruit Science Page 8


    The farmers who are interested in or"anic farmin" are advised

    to apply vermicompost L 0 tons7ha B0' k"7treeD. The farmers

    who can afford hi"her cost can apply vermicompost L 0'k"7tree alon" with %'' k" *+7tree for "ettin" hi"her yield

    with "ood Euality fruits and for maintainin" soil health. B%'''D

    3.*armers are advised to "row cauliflower as an intercrop in youn"

    sapota orchard to "et maimum income per hectare with the

    hi"hest )CA B.&&D. 9f it is not possible then either tomato or

    cabba"e should be taken as an intercrop.B%'''D


    Nurserymen and farmers interested to "row Aayan seedlin"s for

    root stocks of sapota are advised to apply .0 " N7m% B

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    Department of Fruit Science Page 9

    chamber. SubseEuently, pre cooled sapota fruits should be

    packed in perforated polythene ba" B0' micronD and kept in )*C

    bo and then stored at % ') in cold stora"e. This cold chaintreatment etend the shelf life of sapota fruits up to 0 days

    without adverse effect on Euality B%'D.

    Canana / B+usa paradiciaca>.D

    .Casrai and >acatan are the commercial cultivars of the area.


    Casrai banana should be planted usin" preferably fresh suckers

    or suckers rested up to ' days, wei"hin" 0'' to 0'' " in the

    month of June B1$%D.


    Casrai and >acatan banana should be planted at .$ .$ m

    distance for in time harvest of lar"er bunch havin" marketable

    fruits B1$(D.

    3.To eploit more income, banana should be intercropped with

    )urcuma lon"a at distance of (' %' cm and fertilized at the

    rate of '' k" N and 0' k" %40per hectare B1$(D.

    0.To eliminate the re"eneration of banana sucker, farmers are

    advised to apply ( to 0 drops of %, 3-: B/#D solution on cut

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    Department of Fruit Science Page 10

    surface of sucker. To prepare %,3-: solution, #' " %,3-:

    should be added in litre of water B1$3D.

    #.To minimize weed competition, the banana "rowers of South

    ?u@arat are advised to apply :iuron k" a.i. per hectare as

    pre-emer"ence at plantin" time followed by araEuat '.# k" a.i.

    per hectare as post emer"ence each at &0 days after plantin"

    and (' days after earthin" up B%''D.

    &.*armers of South ?u@arat are advised to apply ' k" *+, %0'

    " nitro"en, 30 " phosphorus and %'' " potash per plant alon"

    with # k" S+7ha and # k" !zotobacter7ha for "ettin"

    maimum net return with hi"her cost benefit ratio. *+ should

    be applied as basal before plantin". The bio-fertilizers should

    be applied in two eEual splits after st and %nd month of

    plantin". While, full dose of phosphorus after (rd month ofplantin" and nitro"en and potash should be applied in ( eEual

    splits after (rd,3th and 0th month of plantin" B%''#D.

    $.The farmers of South ?u@arat heavy rainfall zone = 9

    !"ricultural Situation = 999 "rowin" banana cv. ?rand Nain are

    advised to apply ('' " N, 1' " and %'' " 8 per plant for

    obtainin" maimum net return with hi"her benefit cost ratio.

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    Department of Fruit Science Page 11

    *arm yard manure ' k" per plant should be applied as basal.

    Nitro"en should be applied in four eEual splits at %, (, 3 and 0

    months after plantin"G full dose of phosphorus should be appliedat three months after plantin" and potash should be applied in

    three eEual splits at (, 3 and 0 months after plantin" B%''&D.

    1.*armers of South ?u@arat are advised to "row ?rand Nain

    variety of banana for "ettin" early maturity with Euality fruits

    and maimum net income with hi"her benefit cost ratio B%''&D.

    '. *armers of South ?u@arat are advised to

    spray ?!('' m" -on banana bunch cv. ?rand

    Nain after complete openin" and cover the bunch

    with blue polyethylene sleeve B$ micronD for

    better Euality, hi"her production and net return


    . The farmers of South ?u@arat heavy rainfall zone-9, !2S-

    999 "rowin" banana cv. ?rand Naine under medium black and

    clay loam soils are recommended to harvest banana BD at &05

    maturity sta"e B&0 days after shootin"D and store in cold

    stora"e at %' ) for eport purpose Bbunch wei"ht will be

    decreased up to 1.005 at &05 maturity as compared to ''5

    lant medium in hei"ht, hi"her productivity, "oodEuality fruits, bi""er than Casrai. !vera"e bunch

    wei"ht %0 to (' k". ?ood keepin" Euality and "ood

    for eport. TSS. % to %%' Cri

    arvestin" time/ % months

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    apaya/ B)arica papayaD


    The farmers of south ?u@arat heavy rainfall zone B!2S-999D"rowin" papaya var. +adhu Cindu are advised to adopt ferti"ation

    and apply $'5 recommended dose of N and 8%4 B#' " N and

    %'' " 8%47plantD in % eEual splits startin" from 30 days after

    transplantin" and subseEuently at 0 days interval throu"h drip

    irri"ation alon" with '' " %407plant at 7% month and at (

    months after transplantin" as soil application. Cy adoptin" drip

    method of irri"ation and ferti"ation, farmers can "et (% per cent

    increase in yield and %' per cent savin" of water and fertilizeras compared to conventional method of irri"ation alon" with

    maimum benefit cost ratio of (.0'. The distance between two

    2. laterals B#mmD should be %. m and each plant havin" two

    drippers of $ lph capacity placed at (' cm on the either side of

    the plant trunk and run the system at pressure of .% k"7cm%.

    The drip system should be operated for 0' minutes durin" !u"ust

    to September ecept rainy days, &' minutes durin" September to

    *ebruary and % hours from +arch onwards at an alternate day.

    0. *!)9>9T92S/-

    9nfrastructure facilities are as under

    4ffice cum laboratory buildin" =

    )lassroom -

    oly houses = (

    Net houses = %6ero 2ner"y )ool )hamber =

    Store and implement shade

    :rip irri"ation system in %1 ha.

    Submersible pumps with pump house = (

    Tractors with accessories = 3

    +ini tractors = %

    ower tillers - (

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    Department of Fruit Science Page 14

    Tractor drawn eEuipments like cultivator, disc harrow,

    plou"h, di""er, sprayer, leveler, trolley BtrailorsD

    #. TA!NS*2A 4* T2)N4>4?92S/-

    !n establishment of new orchard of man"o cv. 8esar, to adopt

    soft wood "raft in situfor hi"her yi eld and net return.

    To "row tomato BwinterD followed by cluster bean BsummerD as

    an intercrops in youn" man"o orchard.

    To use vermicompost L 0' k"7tree in sapota cv. 8alipatti.

    To "row cauliflower as an intercrop in youn" sapota orchard.

    To eliminate the re"eneration of banana sucker, to apply ( to 0

    drops of %.3-: B/# i.e. #' ". %.3-: in liter of waterD

    solution on cut surface of sucker.

    To apply ' k" *+, ('' ". N, 1' ". and %'' ". 8 per plant

    for obtainin" maimum net return with hi"her benefit cost ratio

    in banana cv. ?rand Naine.

    To "row ?rand Naine variety of banana for "ettin" early

    maturity with Euality fruits.To spray ?!( '' m" l- on banana bunch after complete

    openin" and cover the bunch with blue polyethylene sleeve B$

    micronD for better Euality and hi"her production.

    To obtain two harvest in phalsa, prune the bush at &0-'' cm.

    hei"ht from "round level twice in a year, once in first week of

    September and a"ain in first week of January.

    &. *

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    Department of Fruit Science Page 15


    Study on effect of "raded doses of paclobutrazol on man"o cv.



    *!)T 9N*4A+!T94N/-

    Name :esi"nation Fuali-




    Specialization )ontact

    details:r. T. A. !hlawat !sso. rof. h.:. 0 ears *ruit Science 1$&1%3%&%

    :r. S. J. atil !sso. rof. h.:. 0 ears *ruit Science 111$'%%$

    :r. A. H. Tank !sso. rof. h.:. $ ears *ruit Science 13%#$(&0(

    +r. N. C. atel !sst. rof. +. Sc. % years orticulture 1&%0'(1&03:r. . N. Tandel !sst. rof. h. :. 3 years *ruit Science 1#'%$(($0

    :r. ). A atel !sst. rof. h.:. 3 years *ruit Science 13%$#'1(&

    Name of rofessor and ead /:r. C. H. adhiar

    Fualification /h.:. in !"riculture

    Specialization /orticulture

    Aesearch ublications / BTotalD

    1. 9)!T94N B%''$-%'D /-

    Tandel, . N.G atel, C. >. and atel, !. S. B%'%D. 2ffect of

    maturity standards on shelf life and Euality of man"o

    B+an"ifera indica >.D. aper presented as poster in Nationalseminar on New *rontiers and *uture )hallen"es in

    orticultural )rops N**))-%'%M held on 0-&th+arch,

    %'% at un@ab !"ricultural udhiana., pp. %'$.

    Tandel, . N.G atel, !. S. and atel, C. >. B%'%D. +an"o sap

    burn in@ury/ a post harvest in@ury. aper presented as

    poster in National seminar on New *rontiers and *uture

    )hallen"es in orticultural )rops N**))-%'%M held on

  • 8/10/2019 414_Fruit Science.pdf


    Department of Fruit Science Page 16

    0-&th +arch, %'% at un@ab !"ricultural udhiana., pp. %'-%'%.

    ?ondaliya, . J. and Tandel, . N. B%'%D. *lowerin" re"ulationin man"o. aper presented as poster in National seminar on

    New *rontiers and *uture )hallen"es in orticultural )rops

    N**))-%'%M held on 0-&th +arch, %'% at un@ab

    !"ricultural udhiana., pp. $$.

    Tandel, . N.G atel, N. >.G Tandel, C. +.G andya, . H.G

    riyanka S. atel and atel, !. S. B%'%D. *ruit crop based

    a"roforestry systems for better livelihood security. aper

    presented as poster in National seminar on M!"roforestry /

    !n 2ver"reen !"riculture for *ood Security and

    2nvironmental AesilienceM held on %-3th *ebruary, %'% at

    Navsari !"ricultural .G Tandel, C. +.G andya, . H.G

    ?ondaliya, . J. and atel, C. >. B%'%D. i"h density

    plantin" in fruit crops for livelihood security. aper

    presented as poster in National seminar on M!"roforestry /!n 2ver"reen !"riculture for *ood Security and

    2nvironmental AesilienceM held on %-3th *ebruary, %'% at

    Navsari !"ricultural .G

    armar, 8. :. and atel, S. +. B%'%D. )hallen"es and

    opportunities of Jatropha/ ! biofuel plant. aper

    presented as poster in National seminar on M!"roforestry

    / !n 2ver"reen !"riculture for *ood Security and

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    Department of Fruit Science Page 17

    2nvironmental AesilienceM held on %-3th*ebruary, %'% at

    Navsari !"ricultural . and atil, S. J. B%'D. Ae"ulation

    of flowerin" in "uava Bsidium "ua@ava >.D cv. !llahabad

    Safeda. ?reen *armin" Hol. % B%D/ 13-10+arch- !pril,

    Cimonthly BNew SeriesD.

    +istry . +. and atel C.N. B%''1D, 9mpact of headin" back

    plus paclobutrazol on re@uvenation of old and over crowded

    !lphonso orchards, 9ndian J. ort., ## B3D / 0%'-%.

    atel, C. N. and atel, ?. :. B%''D. Waste mana"ement in

    contet to recision *armin". 9n Souvenir of National

    Seminar on recision *armin", %$-%1 :ec., %'' at)olle"e of orticulture and *orestry, Jhalawar, +

    "/ 00&-0#(.

    atel, C. N., atel, N. N., and Aa@, H. ). B%''D, 9nfluence of

    different weed mana"ement practices on "rowth of man"o

    seedlin", The !sian J. ort., 0 BD/ $1-1%.

    atel, ). +.G atel, N. >.G ?aikwad, S. S. and atil, S. J.B%'D. 2ffect of post-shootin" treatments on yield and

    its attributes of banana B+usa paradisiaca >.D cv ?rand

    Nain. ?reen *armin" Hol. % B%D/ %'-% +arch- !pril,

    Cimonthly BNew SeriesD.

    atel, N. >. and !hlawat, T. A. B%''1D. Socio economic impact

    of man"o orchardin" in tribal areas. 9n )ompendium of

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    Department of Fruit Science Page 18

    9nvited apers and !bstracts for National Seminar on

    Sustainable :evelopment of Tribal !rea throu"h

    9nte"rated and 2co friendly !pproaches, -( :ec.,%''1 at 8rishi Hi"yan 8endra, Wa"hai, Navsari


    Journal of !pplied !"ril. orti. ; !llied Sciences, +arch-

    !pril, Cimonthly BNew SeriesD Hol. B%D/ (.

    Sin"h, HirendraG :ashora, >. 8.G 8aretha, 8. +.G !hlawat, T.

    A. and Carad, !. H. B%''1D. ?rowth, flowerin", fruitin"and yield of "uava Bsidium "ua@ava >.D cv. Sardar "rown

    under hi"h density plantin" system as influenced by

    various or"anic and inor"anic sources. The !sian J. ort.,

    ( B%D/ ($%-($0.

    Solia, C. +.G !klade,S. !.G atil,S. J.G atel, !. .G +alik, +.

    S.G :himmar, S. 8. and atil, A. ?. B%''D. Studies on

  • 8/10/2019 414_Fruit Science.pdf


    Department of Fruit Science Page 19

    efficient use of water and nutrient in banana under South

    ?u@arat conditions. ?reen *armin" an 9nternational

    Aesearch Journal of !pplied !"ril. orti. ; !lliedSciences, Jan-*eb, Cimonthly BNew SeriesD, Hol. BD/


    '. )4NT!)T 9N*4A+!T94N/-

    )ontact 4ffice /

    rofessor B*ruit ScienceD

    !S22 )olle"e of orticulture ; *orestry

    Navsari !"ricultural

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    2perience/ +- years e9perien"e of tea"ing& resear" an# e9tension.


    E9perien"e in Agril. Diploma 1- yrs ; U 12 yrs ; P tea"ing 7


    es. S"i. !ort. for yrs.)

    >e"ommen#ations ' + (for farmers)

    >esear" paper pu6lise# 10 an# + a""epte# in %ational an#

    International repute.

    In all ,1 papers 4ere presente# in 1 %ational Seminars an#

    International onferen"e.

    ?ea# papers #elivere#: +

    3onitore# 1+ #ifferent proe"ts on $ruit "rops& vegeta6le "ropsin"lu#ing nursery

    3em6er of S"ientifi" 6o#ies (Patron in 2 an# life mem6er in 1)

    !wards/+ in"lu#ing 6est tea"er a4ar# for te year 2-11.


    apters in oo@s

    Pra"ti"al 3anuals for stu#ents ,

    E#ite# oo@s in erna"ular language uarati for

    farmers oo@ on ase4 sent for pu6li"ation 1

    Popular arti"les ' more tan 1-


    BrganiCe# risi 3ela on !orti"ultural "rops at various lo"ations

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    Department of Fruit Science Page 22

    Bter a"tivities:

    o'"urri"ulum a"tivities: ultural A#visor 0 yrs (2---'2--*) airman S> of A!$' yrs (2--0'2-1-)

    $ormer Se"retary& !orti"ultural So"iety of uarat

    i"e Presi#ent& !orti"ultural So"iety of uarat (Present)

    from te year 2-1-'11.

    3em6er of oar# of Stu#ies for !orti"ulture

    onvener of Agri"ultural >esear" Su6"ommittee for

    !orti"ulture an# Agro'$orestry of %avsari Agri"ultural

    University for te perio# for 2-12'1 an# 2-1'1+.

    ounsellor of a group of stu#ents for teir "arrier an#
