40k doubles scenarios

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  • 8/4/2019 40K Doubles Scenarios


    Scenario 1:

    Get them out of there!

    One Force is cut off from resupply and reinforcement, surrounded and alone, holding onto their tactically advantageous position,

    can they hold against the onslaught or will they be worn down before help can arrive?

    Side Selection:

    Each team rolls a dice and the winners choose to be either Aggressor or Consolidator. Each side then selects their secret missions

    for the battle as written in the secret mission deck.


    The Consolidators select a minimum of 1x HQ, 1x Troop and one other choice from one of their Forces to be entrenched in the

    middle of the board, a minimum of 18" from any board edge, this is their deployment zone. Inside this deployment zone they must

    then set up two objective markers, no closer than 12" to each other.

    The Aggressor then place 1 additional objective marker anywhere on the board they like, no closer than 12" to an existing objective

    and a minimum of 6" from any board edge.

    Infiltrators for the deployed Consolidators Force can be setup anywhere. Aggressor infiltrators must be held in reserve and enter

    play with the rest of the Force using their normal rules.

    Get Them Out Of There! Deployment Map:


    The remaining consolidators must be placed in reserve and will have the Outflank mission special rule at no extra points cost.

    Aggressors can only hold units with the Deep Strike special rule in reserve.

    First Turn:

    The Aggressor takes the first turn as they move both Forces onto the board from opposite long board edges. (Decided by Aggressor)

    Game Length:

    At the end of turn 5 role a dice, on a 1-2 the game ends immediately on a 3 or more the game continues. If the game continues

    then a D6 is rolled at the end of turn 6 and on a 1- 3 the game ends. If the game continues again then continue to the end of turn 7

    at which point the game will end automatically.

    Victory conditions:

    The side holding the most objectives at the end of the game is declared the winner. If both players are holding the same number of

    objectives then Kill Points will decide who the winner is, if the results are still tied then the game is declared a draw.

    Fall Back:

    Any units falling back will do so towards the nearest board edge.





    2x ObjectivesConsolidator deploys 1x Force

    2x Objectives

    Aggressor Board Edge

  • 8/4/2019 40K Doubles Scenarios


    Scenario 2:

    Secure the Relic:

    A very powerful relic of great importance dating back to the Horus Heresy has been discovered on a desolate planet in the far

    corners of the galaxy believed to have been left in the aftermath of crashing wreckage from a fierce space battle. Various smaller

    artefacts also litter the area and both Armies want them for their own ends, be they for good or evil your missions is to recover themat whatever cost!

    Side Selection:

    Each team rolls a dice and the winners choose to be either Aggressor or Consolidator. Each side then selects their secret missions

    for the battle as written in the secret mission deck.


    For this game each Relic (objective) is deployed prior to any models being placed on the board. There is one major objective in the

    board centre and then 4 minor objectives placed as indicated in the map below, then the players role a dice and the Army with

    the highest role choose to go first or second. TheArmy that goes first choose a board corner and setup at least 1xHQ & 1xTroop

    from one Force Within 12" of the long board edge and within 24" of the short board edge. The Army going second then deploy at

    least 1xHQ & 1xTroop from one of their Forces in the next corner, clock-wise from the first. Then remaining Forces are deployed in

    different corners. (Allies should now be deployed in opposite board corners as indicated in the deployment map below.)

    Infiltrators are deployed after all Forces have deployed following the usual rules for infiltrators except that they cannot be deployed

    within 6" of any objective.

    Secure the Relic Deployment Map:


    Both Armies must place any remaining units in reserve. Reserves enter play at any point 15" along any edge from the corner of their

    Deployment Zone. Any that cannot be placed on the board the turn they arrive are held back until next turn when they will arriveautomatically.

    First Turn:

    The team that is going second can attempt to steal the initiative on a D6 roll of 6.

    Fall Back:

    Any unit falling back will do so toward their Forces table corner by the most direct route.

    Game length:

    The game will last for 6 turns.

    Victory conditions:

    There are 1 major and 4 minor objectives on the board. The major objective is worth 3 points and the minors are all worth 1 point

    each. The player with the most points at the end of the game is the winner. If there are an equal number of points then it will be

    decided on Kill Points. If the game is still a draw then it is a draw.

    12" 12"



    Minor Relic

    Major Relic

    Consolidator DeploymentZone

    Aggressor Deployment Zone

  • 8/4/2019 40K Doubles Scenarios


    Scenario 3:


    Armies are most vulnerable when moving between locations. This leaves the forces spread out with long battle lines to either side.

    Taking this into account the Aggressors have taken the opportunity to launch their attack! The Consolidators are prepared for this

    and have marshalled a sturdy defence which tactic will prevail?

    Side Selection:

    Each team rolls a dice and the winners choose to be either Aggressor or Consolidator. Each side then selects their secret missions

    for the battle as written in the secret mission deck.


    Divide the board in half along its length. The Aggressors now setup their ambush by deploying 1x troop and 1x other choice from

    each Force within 8" of opposite long table edges. The Consolidators now deploy their whole Army within 4" of the central line.

    (If the ConsolidatorArmy contains multiple units that MUST deep strike, a maximum of 4 may be held in reserve). The Aggressors

    then finish their setup by deploying any remaining units in their Forces deployment zone. Infiltrators are setup after all other units

    have been deployed using the normal rules, if both team have infiltrators then roll off and the highest roller chooses first or second.

    Convoy Deployment Map


    The ConsolidatorArmy can have up to 4 units with the deep strikespecial rule in reserve and the Aggressor can have any number

    of units in reserve.

    First Turn:

    The aggressor takes the first turn unless the Consolidator can steal the initiative on a D6 roll of 5+.

    Game Length:

    At the end of turn 5 role a dice, on a 1-2 the game ends immediately on a 3 or more the game continues. If the game continues

    then a D6 is rolled at the end of turn 6 and on a 1- 3 the game ends. If the game continues then continue again to the end of turn 7

    at which point the game will end automatically.

    Fall Back:

    Any consolidator unit forced to fall back will do so towards the centre of the board. Once reaching the centre of the board the unit

    will immediately regroup no matter its casualties.

    Aggressor units forces to fall back will do so towards their Forces board edge.

    Victory Conditions:

    This game uses the Kill Points victory conditions as both sides want to cause as much damage to their enemy as possible while

    achieving their own missions.

    Aggressors Force 1Deployment Zone8"





    Aggressors Force 2Deployment Zone

    ConsolidatorsDeployment Zone

  • 8/4/2019 40K Doubles Scenarios


    Scenario 4:


    During war dastardly deeds are committed by both sides and resources are captured to be bartered with later or heroes taken to be

    tortured for information or just to appease a bloodthirsty god! In this scenario the Consolidator has taken a bounty of pillage from

    the Aggressors (as mentioned above this can be a fallen hero, holy relic, your favourite Squig or something of equal value to you)and is determined to use it for their own ends. The Aggressors have to get it back before they are lost for good and the Armies spirit


    Side Selection:

    Each team rolls a dice and the winners choose to be either Aggressor or Consolidator. Each side then selects their secret missions

    for the battle as written in the secret mission deck.


    The board is divided into 4 quarters. The Consolidators choose 2 opposite quarters to set up in.

    They then deploy up to 1xHQ, 1x Troop and 1x other unit from one Force into one quarter, the second Consolidator then does

    the same in the opposite quarter.

    They then place 2x objective markers in each quarter, no closer than 12" to any of the table edges and not within 12" of each


    The remaining Consolidator units are kept in reserve.

    The Aggressor then deploys a minimum of 1xHQ, 1xTroop and 1x other from 1 Force into one of the remaining table quarters

    At least 6" from any of the central lines and 12" from the central point.

    The 2nd Aggressor Force then does the same in the opposite quarter.

    Infiltrators that are being used from the selection above are then setup anywhere on the board following their usual setup rules.

    Liberatus Deployment Map:


    Any units not deployed on the board at the start of the game are considered to be in reserve and follow the normal reserve rules.

    Reserves enter play anywhere on their Forces board edges no closer than 6" from either central line.

    First Turn:

    The Aggressor always takes the first turn.

    Fall Back:

    Any units forced to fall back will do so towards their Forces board quarter by the most direct route, dropping any objectives they

    may be carrying as a result of their panic.

    Game Length:

    At the end of turn 5 role a dice, on a 1-2 the game ends immediately on a 3 or more the game continues. If the game continues

    then a D6 is rolled at the end of turn 6 and on a 1- 3 the game ends. If the game continues again then continue to the end of turn 7

    at which point the game will end automatically.

    Aggressor Deployment Zones

    2x Objectives 2x Objectives

    Consolidator Deployment Zones

  • 8/4/2019 40K Doubles Scenarios


    Scenario 4 continued:

    Victory Conditions:

    Each of the objectives is worth 2 points to the Aggressors if it is taken back to and held by a scoring unit in their deployment zone.

    (See special rules section below for how this works) and each objective held by a Consolidator scoring unit at the end of the game

    is worth 1 point to the Consolidator. The winning side is the Army with the most points at the end of the game. If the score is equalthen use Kill Points as a decider.

    Special Rules:

    Moving Objectives - Only the Aggressors can move objectives as they are so determined to liberate their fallen commander / pet

    Squig etc whereas the Consolidators are to busy attempting the ritual sacrifice / official execution that they must remain stationary.

    The aggressor may move objectives by moving any infantry unit into base to base contact with it; they can then move the objective

    in their next movement phase. The unit dragging / carrying an objective may still run in the shooting phase. Jump infantry however,

    must move along the ground.

    Shooting and Assault are not affected by carrying an objective except that the unit carrying the objective will always count as

    having moved even if remaining stationary.

    Note: If the unit carrying an objective enters assault the objective will go to whichever side wins, if the assault is a draw then the

    objective will stay with the side that entered combat with it.

    Objectives can be loaded into any transport vehicle and take up no transport slots.

  • 8/4/2019 40K Doubles Scenarios


    Scenario 5:

    Break Through:

    The battles have been hard and demanding up to this point and the Consolidators find themselves holding out at their inner

    defensive line in a last attempt to stop any units from breaking through into their vulnerable inner sanctum. The Aggressors, now so

    close to victory, have to make this final push to smash through the solid defence of their enemy.

    Side Selection:

    Each team rolls a dice and the winners choose to be either Aggressor or Consolidator. Each side then selects their secret missions

    for the battle as written in the secret mission deck.


    The Consolidators choose a long board edge on which to make their last stand, 12" from that board edge is their deployment zone.

    Each Consolidator Force then deploys their HQ and 1 other unit within this deployment zone. The Aggressors then have to set up

    theirArmy within 18" of the opposite board edge. Once this has been done the Consolidators then deploy their remaining units

    within their deployment zone. Infiltrators are deployed after the rest of the units and the Consolidator deploys theirs first.

    Break Through Deployment Map:


    The Consolidators can place any number of units in reserve. The Aggressor must deploy their entire army on the board (Aggressor

    units which MUST arrive from deep strike i.e. Daemons, Drop Pods etc may still do so but must be placed, prior to scatter roll, at

    least 18" from the Consolidators board edge)

    First Turn:

    All 4 players roll off and the highest combined total takes the first turn.

    Game Length:

    At the end of turn 5 role a dice, on a 1-2 the game ends immediately on a 3 or more the game continues. If the game continues

    then a D6 is rolled at the end of turn 6 and on a 1- 3 the game ends. If the game continues again then continue to the end of turn 7

    at which point the game will end automatically.

    Fall Back:

    Any units forced to fall back will do so towards their board edge by the most direct route possible.

    Victory Conditions:

    Each Aggressor unit that makes it off of the board from the Consolidators board edge counts as 1 break through point to the

    Aggressor. Each unit of the Aggressors that is destroyed is 1 kill point to the Consolidator. At the end of the game theArmy with the

    most points is the winner. If the points are equal then use Kill Points as a decider. If the score is still equal then the game is a draw.

    For the purposes of this game, dedicated transports are not worth any break through or kill points to either Army..



    Consolidators Deployment Zone

    Aggressors Deployment Zone