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Post on 10-Nov-2015




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  • Tobias led us to the clearing that he was pretty sure was the same place the Andalite had been caught on tape.

    Something about the slope of the field and a pine tree partially destroyed by lightning had given him a clue. If Ax is our personal clock, Tobias is our personal cartographer and wilderness guide.

    Maybe we should have tried to contact the others first. Waited until morning. But we didnt. Didnt even discuss the possibility of delay. It was starting to get dark. So, I went owl for some serious night vision capability and we were off on what was intended to be a simple reconnaissance mission.


    We circled above the clearing, Tobias, the most experienced flyer, swooping as close to the ground as he dared. Alert to every movement. Every twitching blade of grass and swiftly disappearing tail of mouse or vole or whatever skanky creatures run around after bedtime.

    I said. The world was lit up before me, amazingly clear. But I didnt see anything that shouted "danger!"

    Tobias said.

    But there was nothing. If anyone, man or beast, had made tracks there in the last few days, theyd since been swallowed by the ground, which was still damp from the previous nights heavy rain.

    No evidence of foul play. After almost twenty minutes of futile search

    ing, I suggested we head home. Get some sleep. Get in touch with Jake and the others.

    Ax suggested.

    Im not big into taking unnecessary risks. The idea of morphing in such a dark and lonely place. Especially without having the others around to watch our backs. Nope. The thought did not thrill me.

    I was even less thrilled by the idea of getting


  • stuck with a flea-and-tick problem for the rest of my days.

    So while Tobias kept aerial guard, I landed on the ground, close to the west rim of twisted pines, and quickly began to demorph. Ax, on the other hand, was still descending, several yards away. We thought it safer to stagger our morph-ing.

    SCHLOOP! SCHLOOP! Okay. No wings. But no arms yet, either.

    Great. SPLOOT! SPLOOT! Shriveled arms. Little stubs of fingers at the

    tip. Slowly, slowly filling out. With my still-owl eyes I saw Ax beginning to

    demorph. Decided Id rather not watch. Flipped my eyes to the right. Saw a furry old

    possum. And . . . Tobias called frantically. Too late. I was three-quarters human. It had finally happened. Wed been too care

    less. Underestimated the enemy. We were really dead. And for some reason, I looked over at the pos

    sum. It doubled in size. Doubled again. Again!


    Its gray fur began to turn blue, almost like the color was being poured down each strand from a zillion small vials. Or like one of those goofy pens that change color when you tilt it back and forth.

    It didnt take a rocket scientist to realize this was no ordinary possum.

    It was an Andalite. It was not Visser Three. And it was not the one wed seen on televi

    sion, either. This Andalite had a monstrous tail, long and

    thick. And at its end, a blade that, to my terrified eyes, looked a lot like that scythe thing the Grim Reaper carries.

    I was barely finished demorphing when the Andalite started to walk toward Ax. His tail sliced the night air menacingly, blade glinting in the light of the almost full moon. Each hubcap-sized hoof clomping the dewy ground, sending little clods of soil flying. Field mice scurrying.

    This was no vecol. This guy was massive. Bigger than any Andalite Id ever seen. Bigger than Axs brother, War Prince Elfangor-Sirinial-Shamtul. Bigger than Aloth-Attamil-Gahar. Bigger even than Alloran-Semitur-Corrass, host body to Visser Three.

    Shoulders like a fullback. A chest that was cut like a competition-level bodybuilder. Arms that, except for the blue fur, could pass for those


  • of a middle-weight champion. Even the usually small and delicate many-fingered Andalite hands were broad and toughened. Like those of a carpenter or construction worker.

    Most disconcerting: From the almost human waist to the rounded, deer or horselike haunches, the guy looked like a Clydesdale. A really big one.

    No way was Ax, a kid, an aristh, a match for this guy. Ax is good, a seasoned fighter, but you would have to have been downright dopey not to see that this guy could kick Axs butt with one casual twitch.

    Im not a betting kind of guy, but if I were, Id have laid my money on Mr. Macho for a first-round slice up.

    But the Andalite didnt strike Ax. Or me. He stood there, not five yards away. He was

    ignoring me but he was staring at Ax, who was now also back in his natural form, tail blade cocked. The big Andalite seemed to be waiting for something. For Ax to strike first?

    Tobias said privately, so the Andalite couldnt hear.

    Nervous and unable to answer Tobias, I shot a glance at Ax.

    He stood perfectly still, mimicking the ready stance of his opponent. Waiting for a first move.


    he said, his thought-speak calm and low.

    Too late! "TSSEEER!" Tobias swooped down from the night sky! In

    the white light of the moon, talons suddenly extended for attack, he looked like a hellish feathered demon.

    "TSEEER!" The Andalite flinched. Flinched! Took a

    slight, faltering step backward. Twitched his stalk eyes upward and kept his main eyes on Ax.

    Yes! Tobias was going to do it, hurt or distract him enough to allow us the advantage . . .

    FWAPP! With blinding speed and accuracy the An-

    dalites massive tail cut Tobias out of the sky. And then there was a sickening thud as To

    bias hit the ground. "TOBIAS!"


  • I started running toward Tobiass lifeless body. But a warning glance from Ax held me in my place. What was I going to do? Maybe, at least, retrieve Tobias before his body could be sledgehammered by those monstrous hooves.

    / could morph, I thought wildly. / could . . . Now Ax was a mind reader? Forget it. Id go

    gorilla . . . CLOPCLOP CLOPCLOP! The Andalite galloped at Ax. CLOPCLOP CLOPCLOP! Ax galloped at the Andalite. Ax lunged.


    FWAAAP! Swiped at his opponents throat. And missed. Now the big Andalite had full advantage. Be

    fore Ax could set up another shot. . . THWAAAP! He was struck with the flat of the Big Blues

    blade. And then Ax was on the ground. The Andalite stepped back to allow Ax to

    climb awkwardly to his feet. Then he calmly pressed his broad tail blade to Axs throat.

    the warrior said, his thought-speak thick with contempt. He tossed one eye stalk in the direction of Tobias, still motionless on the dew-soaked ground.

    Ax replied, with an admirable amount of dignity, considering the huge tail blade pressed to his throat.

    Half a second passed. The Andalite appeared to be processing that bit of information. Grappling with it.

    he said finally. Doubtingly.


  • Now the Andalites thought-speak became stronger. Challenging.

    What was this? I felt like a wallflower at some bizarre Andalite Academy reunion. And while they chatted, Tobias . . .

    Ax said.

    The roar of the Andalites angry thought-

    speak was deafening. It actually made my head hurt. I watched helplessly as he pushed his tail blade even deeper into the skin of Axs neck. Drawing a small trickle of blood.

    the Andalite went on, in a slightly more normal tone.

    Ax is no fool. When he spoke, he kept the tone of his thought-speak neutral.

    This was insane. Ax definitely had a career as


    an actor alongside Gwyneth Paltrow in Shakespeare in Love. Or maybe as a diplomat. I was so freaked out that I was about to wet my pants, and Ax was acting like a hero in a witty drawing-room comedy or something. Talk about grace under fire.

    Axs four eyes showed a sudden respect. His

    thought-speak revealed a note of excitement.

    Gafinilan removed his tail blade from Axs neck. He looked embarrassed. Awkward. Not displeased by Axs praise but not pleased, either. He averted his main eyes from Axs own.

    Ax continued, excitedly,

    Gafinilan retorted bitterly.

  • and my responsibility is to care for Mertil. As you have noted,> he added, his tone darkening,

    Ax seemed about to protest. Gafinilan commanded.

    Quietly. No room for argument.

    I stood as still as Id ever stood. Almost at attention. Stiller even than Id stood at my own mothers funeral. Only this time, I was afraid that if I moved so much as a hair Id be killed.

    Rebellious, nonmilitary-issue behavior from an Andalite should not have struck me us as unusual. Or disturbing. Not after the stories wed heard about Alloran on the Hork-Bajir planet. Not after knowing that Elfangor had broken one of his societys strictest laws. And especially not after our recent encounter with Arbat-Elevat-Estoni, a soldier and thinker driven mad by war.

    Still there was something awful and dark and desperate emanating from this stranded alien soldier. I had no doubt whatsoever he meant what hed said. That hed kill us if we came looking for him and Mertil.

    Unless . . .


    Out of the corner of my eye I saw Tobias stir. Was outrageously grateful he was alive. Willed him to be still, not to call attention to himself.

    Gafinilan said


    Gafinilan turned away from us, all four eyes forward as he walked back toward the dark woods. Away from the revealing light of the moon.

    At the edge of the woods, he stopped. He did not turn around, not even his eyes.


  • We followed Gafinilan. Of course. He probably knew we would.

    And now I knew he wasnt going to do anything to us.

    Gafinilan had us trapped and had knocked Tobias out, but he had let us live. We wanted needed to know why.

    And there was something else. The Andalite had seen me demorph. At least,

    I was pretty sure he had. Maybe he hadnt seen the entire process. How

    great were a possums eyes, anyway? I had no idea. Maybe he thought hed missed something, that Id already morphed from my natural Andalite body to human . . .


    Who was I kidding? He had to have seen it all. My gut told me that. Besides, why would any guy with a tail blade morph to a weak-limbed, soft-skinned thing in the face of trouble?

    It didnt matter much what he found out about me from this point on. As long as he didnt live long enough to tell it.

    I went wolf, fast. Ax went harrier. While we morphed, Tobias checked himself out and decided he was okay. So, even though he was still a little wobbly, he took off after Gafinilan.

    I took off. With the wolfs superior sense of smell, with its amazing stamina and agility, we stood a decent chance of tracking Gafinilan. I hoped.

    I called.

    I tore through the dark mass of trees. It was like racing through a maze to reach the prize in the center a prize you really didnt want cause you knew it was dangerous and maybe even lethal. A prize youd have to destroy before it destroyed you. But a prize you had to have, no matter what.

    Around and past dark green pines and small masses of rock. Under heavy, low-hanging


  • branches. The air chilly and damp, masking certain odors and altering others. Still, I was pretty sure the wolfs keen nose detected the big An-dalite. I ran.

    Above me, Ax and Tobias did their best in the lousy flying conditions.

    But their best wasnt good enough. Tobias cried suddenly.

  • cially since we assumed he was a Controller, coming up from the Yeerk pool. But Gafinilan was far more important to us now.

    Hunkered down to the damp ground, my belly touching pine needles and moss and soil, I moved closer to the cave opening and waited in case there were others. After a few minutes, I sniffed at the entrance. Yes, Gafinilan had been here. I was sort of prepared to go down to the Yeerk pool if we had to. To find the Andalite before he could reveal our secret.

    I wasnt prepared for what I found inside the cave.

    Nothing. No false panel or trapdoor or secretly coded keypad. Nothing. Just a small, dusty, hollowed-out space in a big rock.

    I crawled out of the cave.

    Ax, perched on one of the sturdy branches that protected the entrance to the cave, said,

    Of course. Second stupid mistake of the night.

    Tobias called suddenly, from somewhere up above.

    I ran. At the edge of the woods, I demorphed and then went owl.

    We followed Gafinilan to a neighborhood near the university.

    An average neighborhood. We watched him walk up the driveway to the

    front door of an average-looking house. A small ranch, like every other house on the block. The name "H. McClellan" in gold letters on the standard-issue black mailbox.

    He stopped at the door. Looked around. Then reached into his pocket, took out a set of keys, and let himself in.

    We waited. Heard several locks turning and slipping into place.

    No lights went on inside the house, even after almost a full four minutes.

    Tobias said. Ax said.

    I said.


  • Jake, the guy saw me demorph." Rachel jumped from her seat on a wooden

    rail. It was early the next morning, before school, which because of some teacher conference was starting late that day. As usual, we were gathered in Cassies barn. "Great, Marco. Good job," she said sarcastically.

    "But," I went on, "he didnt even flinch. Didnt look at me again, didnt talk to me. Didnt ask Ax about me. It was as if he didnt care or something."

    "I guess then the question is, why?" Jake said. "Remember how Gonrod almost had a heart attack when he found out there were humans


    with the morphing power. This guys got to care. Maybe theres something bigger on his mind right now. Something else going on."

    "Oh, yeah. Has to be. Like I said before, the guy didnt ask questions," I said. "It didnt make any sense. He didnt ask how Ax knew what was going on with the Rakkam Garroo conflict. Didnt ask about me. Didnt ask how many comrades Ax had. Who we were. Come on. No ones that disinterested. Thats selective attention. Thats calculation."

  • should keep an eye on this guy. Make sure hes not working for a Yeerk-run company. Or heading off to the Yeerk pool once every three days."

    "Im there," Rachel said. T i l go, too." Cassie. "Fine. Ax, what do you know about Gafini-

    lan?" Jake asked. Ax said simply. "He almost killed you for insulting his friend,"

    I pointed out. "And he attacked you, a fellow Andalite."

  • you if you dont leave me alone thing. Thanks, big guy."

    Jake grinned back. "No problem. And when you leave, the rest of us will stay put. Watch where he goes, what he does. See if he contacts the Yeerks. Keep an eye out for Mertil, too." He turned to Rachel and Cassie. "But first, try to catch Mr H McClellan before he leaves the house this morning. Tobias, go with them. When they have to get to school, you take over."

    Tobias lifted from his perch in the rafters.

    "What am I supposed to do in the meantime?" I said to Jake after all the others had left. "Until Ax and I pay a visit to Batman and Robin?" ,

    ht ,

    Jake gave me a pained smile. "Uh, Marco, I think youve done enough already. You know, the three of you running off to find this Andalite without telling the rest of us. How about taking it easy for a few hours? Maybe say a prayer, or two? Were gonna need it."


    I m not much for prayers and supplication. Unless, of course, it involves getting a beauti

    ful girl to say "yes" to going out with me. Then, even begging and imploring are options.

    Id joined Tobias up above H. McClellans

    neighborhood. Above blocks of two- and three-bedroom ranches and split-levels, roofs and gables all cedar shake triangles and trapezoids. Above a collection of backyard pools, bright blue circles and squares, and front yards uniformly rectangular and green. A typically American kind of geometric pattern. Actually kind of cool from this perspective.


  • Tobias asked.

    Tobias coasted into a lazy circle, letting the thermals support him.

    I said.

    I glided down, closer to the roof of Henry Mc-Clellans ranch house. Closer to the large green-


    house that was attached to the house itself by a fifteen-foot-long tunnellike extension.

    Tobias warned.

    Tobias mused as we swooped to about twenty feet above the greenhouse.

    I said in a minorly sarcastic voice.

    Tobias ignored my remark. he said instead.

    Gafinilan was barely visible, even to my os-prey eyes, beneath the humid, curved glass of the greenhouse and the proliferation of green stuff growing inside.

    Tobias explained, gardening is a very cool hobby for Andalites. Its an art, really.>

    Tobias landed in a huge old oak tree on Mr. Henry McClellans property.


  • I countered.

    No buts. I was going to get up close and personal with the roof of the greenhouse.

    I glided lower, lower, eyes straining to catch every detail I could when . . .

    ZZZZZAAAAAPPPPP! I hadnt even touched the glass! But a nasty

    electric jolt sent me toppling over, almost upside down, less than a foot from the glass roof. I righted myself, flapped furiously, desperate not to touch the glass, not even to get as close as Id come a second before.

    The greenhouse was surrounded by a force

    field. Only natural for Gafinilan to go to any lengths

    to protect himself. I couldnt. The pain was excruciating. My hu

    man mind was numb with shock. Then I flew. Not toward anything, not even

    away from anything. The ospreys senses took


    over and I just flew, up, then down, flapping madly, lost in the pain.

    I didnt see the surveillance cameras pop up from the roof of the house.

    Until it was too late. Tobiass cries finally pierced my mindless

    panic. I looked back to see Gafinilans head and

    weapon-wielding hands poking through a skylight in the flatfish roof of the house.

    He held a shredder aimed right at me. he bellowed in my head. I didnt answer. Hoping that maybe, just

    maybe, if I kept quiet, he would think I was only some dumb bird.

    Not for the first time, I underestimated him. Tsseeewww! He fired! I saw the flash before I felt the pain. One of my talons, completely gone. he said. Some warning. You cant imagine how disturbing it is to look

    down and see that one of your body parts is miss-


  • ing. No matter what form youre in. See the blank space where it used to be. See the blood and gore oozing out of the stump.

    he commanded. Not much of a choice there. I told Tobias pri

    vately. To Gafinilan: He kept the shredder aimed at me. Didnt

    seem to see Tobias winging off, or didnt care.

  • Gafinilan shot back.
  • he said again, his thought-speak more low and calm.

    Jake. Perfect. "Okay," I said to Gafinilan. "Lets talk." Gafinilan led Ax and me through a door in the

    side of the greenhouses tunnel-like entranceway. From there, we entered the house itself through a very typical back door, screen and all.

    And stepped into a kitchen straight out of Martha Stewart Living or House Beautiful or Architectural Digest. One of those lifestyle magazines my stepmother is always reading.

    "Thats a ranch house for you," I said. "Next time, go for a Cape Cod, at least. Or skylights in every room, not just the kitchen."

    Gafinilan chose to ignore my remark. He led us

    through the kitchen, a veritable shrine to modern domestic technology. A Sub-Zero fridge. Microwave. Viking cooktop and oven. State-of-the-art Bosch dishwasher. Cuisinart. KitchenAid mixer, And everything was sparkling clean. Nora would have been in heaven. Okay. Maybe Ive been spending too much time watching that kitchen show on the Food Network.

    "Yeah, great kitchen, Gafinilan," I said. "But it looks like its never been used. No dirty dishes in the sink, no dustpan against the wall, no soaking wet dish towels thrown on a counter, No way anyones going to believe two guys live here."

    Gafinilan focused his main eyes on me. he said.

    Well, that answered that question. Gafinilan led us through several other rooms in the house, each equally pristine, each obviously unused. I mean, white carpeting? Pink silk upholstery? For two guys with muddy hooves and no ability to sit?

    Clearly, Mertil and Gafinilan actually lived somewhere else in the house.

    The only disturbingly out-of-place items in the otherwise perfect house were a few pieces of

  • artwork, obviously bought at some starving artist sale set up along a highway. You know, paintings on black velvet, sold from the trunk of an old Cadillac. There were the requisite seascapes and even a sad-eyed clown.

    Before I could ask where the crying Elvis was hung, Gafinilan led us back to the kitchen. On the far wall was a keypad. The Andalites massive shoulders blocked our view of it as he punched in the code. A concealed door to the left of the pad slid open.

    In semiprivate thought-speak, Ax let Jake

    know our position. That we were entering a concealed part of the house. That he and the others should be ready to come at our call.

    Then Ax and I stepped forward. I whistled. It was a mini Andalite home-away-from-home.

    Gafinilan explained.

  • the service of the Andalite world. I am Mertils protector and friend. After all,> he added, his thought-speak dark,

    Ax said. There was a trace of sympathy in his thought-speak. Just a trace.

    Gafinilan countered.

    I believed him. "So, where is he?" I asked. "Id like to meet

    him." Ax. Gafinilan. "Oookay. So, can I ask why?" "It is unthinkable to intrude upon the isola

    tion of a vecol,> Ax explained.

    "Well, its not like Im going to point and laugh or anything," I said. "I cant even say hey to the guy?"

    No answer, from either Andalite. Maybe I should have kept my mouth shut.

    Probably. But there are some topics I just cant let alone.

    I faked a laugh. "You Andalites need some se-


    rious attitude adjustment when it comes to the differently abled."

    Ax said simply. Gafinilan said heartily. Changing

    the subject.

    Heres the thing. When Ax is in human morph he cant get enough of cinnamon buns. I mean, its frightening. Well, I saw that same crazed look flit across his normally expressionless Andalite face. The look that says, "Give it to me now or I will be forced to hurt you."

    he said carefully.

    Gafinilan clomped through the back door and led us into the main section of the greenhouse.

    Ax said.

    I know next to nothing about green things, but even I could see this Andalite had a green thumb. As it were. At least ten varieties of flowers, in pots and in orderly beds on the ground. Two kinds of roses, purple peonies, orange day-li l ies Gafinilan had been nice enough to pro-


  • vide clearly labeled signs for the ignorant. Bushes and shrubs, leaves glossy green, some flowering. Several slim potted trees. Even a small section of Japanese rock garden, complete with neatly raked gravel.

    Gafinilan explained. In his oddly huge hand, he held five or six stalks of what looked a lot like scallions. Except pinkish.

    I watched, almost fascinated, as both Andalites placed several stalks of the root on the ground and then proceeded to eat them in the normal Andalite fashion. Crushing the plant beneath their hooves and absorbing its nutrients.

    Then the almost-fascination ended. It seemed the Andalites had forgotten I was there. So I took a closer look at some of the more exotic-looking stuff Gafinilan was cultivating. Strolled down one narrow aisle and up the next, each littered with bags of potting soil, trowels, watering cans, and cacti in flatfish bowls.

    "Bzzzzz!" What the . . . I smacked the air with my hand. Stupid bee. "Bzzzzz!" Another one! Smack! But I was wasting my time. The bees werent

    interested in me. They were interested in the


    sweet and colorful flowers that filled the greenhouse,

    Of course. Gafinilan relied on the bees to help fertilize his plants.

    Quickly, I checked to see if Ax and his host were still absorbed in the illsipar ritual. They were,

    Then checked out the greenhouse for a hive None.

    Checked my brain to see if I know anything about honeybees. Like, do they sting? Nothing there.

    But I was going to acquire a honeybee regardless. If the bees were coming from and returning to a hive somewhere outside the greenhouse without getting zapped by the force field that meant they knew a safe way in and out.

    Just what I needed. I stood still. Hoped I smelled my sweetest.

    And . . , "Bzzzzz!" Got it! Held the bee loosely in my fist and

    hoped I acquired it. Ax! Still clutching the bee, I peeked around a

    potted plant to see the two Andalites had finished their snack.

    Gafinilan answered, one stalk eye pointed my way.


  • I smiled. Gafinilan said.

    "Yes, of course," I said, cutting Ax off. Hop

    ing hed keep quiet. "Well extend your invitation."

    Ax looked back at me, slightly puzzled. I grinned crazily.

    The stupid bee had stung me! Owl I opened my fist, out of sight, and tossed

    the bee to the ground. Then I came forward to join the other two. Suddenly, Gafinilan was all con

    viviality, the host with the most.


    Axs prince and my best friend was not going to pay a visit to Gafinilan before I did a little further investigation on my own.

    But I didnt tell him that. We met at the mall, Ax, in his human morph,

    and I strolling in together, stopping here and there, looking like a couple of normal guys hanging out at the mall.

    Jake on his own. Browsing through the Nike store, pretending to still be interested in something as harmless and normal as sports.

    Tobias with Rachel. She, carrying a bag from Express and one from Bebe. He, looking slightly awkward and out of place.


  • Finally, Cassie. In a pair of jeans that actually fit.

    Accidentally on purpose, we hooked up in the food court. Ax wanted to buy a box of cinnamon buns. Jake thought a Pepsi sounded good. What do you know?

    We gathered at an empty table and while Ax stuffed his face and I pretended to flip through a comic book I pulled out of my back pocket, we told the others what had gone down.

    "You know you took a huge and Ill add, too, stupid risk, Marco," Jake said, keeping his voice low and his expression bland.

    "Yeah, well, we got what we wanted," I said. "We got inside. And we got to confirm that Gafinilan is a bit of a loose cannon."

    "Yes," Ax agreed. Though it was hard to take him seriously with frosting on his chin. "His mood does not seem perfectly stable. Bui. But he is a fine gardener. And he has created an impressive human cover."

    "Yeah, down to the patterned paper towels," I muttered, tossing the comic book on the table. "The place is too perfect."

    Rachel leaned in to the conversation. "Sounds like hes overcompensating. Trying too hard. Its understandable. Hes got to be scared."

    "Of who?" Tobias asked. "Us or the Yeerks?" Jake slurped down the rest of his soda. "He


    wants to meet Axs prince. I say we pay him a visit."

    "Not a good idea, man. Look, Im getting a very bad feeling about this guy. This situation. Im not reading clear motives. I say we wait before sending you in."

    Jake shrugged. "For what? For the visser to grab him? For Gafinilan to tell the visser theres at least one human Andalite bandit?"

    "Its risky," Cassie added. "Marcos right." "We take precautions, per usual. I go in with

    cover." Jake stood. "Gotta get home. My moms cook

    ing one of my favorites tonight for dinner. If Im late, shell wonder."

    "Ill walk out with you," Cassie said. "Lets plan on my meeting Gafinilan as soon

    as possible," Jake said. "Maybe tomorrow night." "Im out of here, too." Tobias stood and

    twitched his arms. "This place weirds me out. Ax-man? You coming?"

    Ax patted his stomach. "Yes, Tobias. I believe I am full for the moment." He stood and gathered up the shredded remains of the Cinnabon box.

    It was me and Rachel, alone. I puffed out my chest and smiled. "Any par

    ticular reason you wanted to be alone with me, Rachel?"


  • "Yeah. So I could watch you act stupid. The usual." She leaned back in her seat. "I mean it, Marco. Im not in the mood."

    I put my hands up, conceding defeat. "Okay, okay. So . . . ?" "A lot of times youre a major cynical freak,

    you know?" I barked a laugh. "Uh, thanks. I guess. "But youre also the best at knowing when

    something genuinely stinks. I can block out your lame jokes but I cant ignore your paranoid instincts."

    "Gee, thanks, again," I said. Rachel frowned. "I mean it. Look, youre not

    letting Jake meet Gafinilan before you go back there yourself. Dont bother to deny it. You have a plan. I want to know what it is."

    Quickly, casually, I glanced around. "Why? So you can tell your Bird-boyfriend and screw me up with Jake?"

    "No, you moron," Rachel hissed. "So I can go with you. Youll need someone to cover your butt."

    "See! I knew you cared." WHAM!

    j , And thats when Rachels foot connected

    squarely with my shin.

    I here wouldnt be time to do my bee morph before my "mission." So I spent a few minutes on the Internet, hoping to discover some pertinent facts about the bees capabilities and weaknesses. Something that might help me know what to expect when the honeybee brain kicked in.

    And I learned something that scared the tar out of me: that honeybees, like ants, are social insects. Just not to the same extent as ants. But they function as part of a greater whole. Not individuals. Machinelike in their dedication to the survival of the colony. Devoted one hundred and fifty percent to the hive.

    Now you know where the saying "busy as a bee" came from.


  • This did not make me happy. Being an ant had been one of the most frightening experiences of my otherwise already-bizarre life.

    Id lost myself, going ant. So had Jake and the others. There had been no sense of self. Of individuality. Most people cant even imagine what losing that part of you feels like. Its one hundred times more intense than your worst nightmare.

    1 took a deep breath. I would have to avoid the actual hive if at all possible.

    I looked at my watch. Time flies when youre scared pee I ess.

    We met way too early in the morning. Rachel used her bald eagle morph and I went osprey. And we flew to Henry McClellans house.

    she asked. We did. Before a full three minutes had passed,

    we spotted a honeybee. And it was headed toward the greenhouse. Perfect. Maybe I wouldnt need to find the

    colony after all. Rachel said.

  • I landed at the foot of Rachels tree. Quickly demorphed and scurried over to stand just below the hive. Cut down on postmorph travel.

    None of us enjoy morphing anything really small. Particularly insects. Particularly ants, which are so, so not human. Honeybees are a lot cuter than ants. All fuzzy and stuff. Maybe this means they are less driven and simpleminded and violent. Right?

    Now or never. I crouched to minimize the insane fall that would come as I shrank down to the size of a Gummy Bear. And I held the image of the honeybee in my mind.

    Morphing is not logical or orderly. It does not proceed in a preordained pattern. It is not predictable.

    This time, the first bit of me to go was the part of my torso that became the bees thorax. Marco to about midway down my chest. Bee thorax. Marco below. Ugh.

    Have I mentioned that the honeybee has an exoskeleton? Which precludes the need for an internal skeleton. So Im pretty sure I was mostly ribless and partially spineless at the moment.

    Rachel remarked helpfully.

    I chose not to respond. Chitin. Thats what the exoskeleton is made


    of, a hard substance that protects the internal organs and also keeps them from drying out.

    Fliip. Fliip. Two sets of flat, thin wings sprang from the

    bees thorax. Membranes, really, lined with veins, the set in front, larger. Together, using a propellerlike twisting motion, the two sets allowed the honeybee to fly.

    Poofpoofpoof . . . Hundreds, thousands of little hairs sprouted

    from all over my body. Rachel noted. Also on the thorax, three pairs of segmented

    legs. When the morph was complete I would be able to walk and even use the frontmost legs to clean my antennae.

    Next to show up were the antennae. Segmented and coated with tiny hairs. Super-important sensory organs. Sensitive to touch and odor. Attached directly to the brain.

    Cool. I could move the antennae because each was set in a socket on my head.

    Huh? Okay, human head was rapidly becoming the kind of triangular head of the bee.

    My human mouth, suddenly sealed. My chin, splitting down the cleft. Shloop! And shooting out of that vertical mouth, a


  • proboscis. A long and hairy tongue that would allow the bee to drink liquids.

    Mandibles, a pair on either side of my head. Kind of like pliers. Useful for eating pollen and manipulating wax and snatching enemies.

    Okay, gross. I was blind, my human eyes gone. Then: Pop! Pop! Popopopopop! Vision. Thousands of teeny lenses showing

    me thousands of pieces of the world. All combining to make one huge-faceted mosaic or gridlike picture.

    The bee couldnt distinguish color as well as a human. That red birdhouse Id spotted before morphing not red to the bee.

    But boy, could I see movement! Forms were not as clear or obvious as was the fluttering of flowers on their stems or the flitting of a butterfly from leaf to leaf.

    Pop! Pop! Pop! Three more eyes, small, shot out above my

    compound eyes. They couldnt really distinguish anything, not movement or form. But the eyes did seem to detect light.

    And here came the abdomen. Oh, lucky me. I was a female. How did I know

    this? Because my abdomen was slimmer than the rounder abdomen of the male drone, for one.

    But mostly because I had a stinger. It was about one eighth of an inch long and at the end


    of my abdomen. Kind of worked like a hypodermic needle. Except the tip was barbed so that it would stick into the skin of the honeybees victim. And it shot poison, not some vitamin formula.

    Nice to have a weapon. But dont use it, Marco, the human brain in me reminded. If I stung an enemy, part of the stinger would remain in the enemy after Id broken free. And I would die. Just like the bee Id acquired. The bee whod stung me.

    But as the morph came to completion, I wasnt thinking about cause and effect sting and die. Thinking about cause and effect that was a human brain thing to do.

    And right then, I was all honeybee. All armored flying insect with a vital mission to work and work and work for the hive. For the queen.

    The hive! I had to get to the hive!


  • I shot up from the ground. A harsh sound. Mean

    ingless to the bee.

    I landed on the lip of the hollowed section of the dead tree. Was met by a guard bee, another worker, like myself. I did not smell like the enemy. So round and round in circles, first this way, then that, the other bee twirled on its three sets of legs. Flicking its wings, my comrade told me the location of a new source of food for the hive.

    All for the hive! I would go and gather. . .


    What. . . man. My brain finally shook itself

    back into place. What was I doing? I left my hive-mate and lifted off. Zoomed out

    and over to Rachel, still perched in the next tree in eagle morph.

    she snapped.

    Rachel conceded. I mused.


  • I zipped off after the two bees. One zoomed off the property, The other seemed headed for the greenhouse.

    So far, on a fairly straight path. ZZZZZZZZ! Not another bee. Not my bee. Another bug. Whoosh! It dropped straight down in front of me! Went

    right for the bee I was following! What the heck was it? Through what seemed like thousands of tiny

    TV screens i could see an insect larger than me, maybe twice my size. Its legs seemed to be covered in spines or spikes. Its nose looked like a big fat needle.

    Rachel called. And then the monster insect hit the bee.

    Hard. Wrapped its horrible legs around it, capturing the smaller insect in a spiny, iron maiden-like prison.

    Like one gigantic mutant insect they flew. The bee struggled but to no effect,

    And then the big bandit stabbed the bee with its needle-nose. Had to be sucking the life from the bee, because when the big insect released the carcass it was withered and dry.

    A terrible close call. But the killer insect had flown out of s i g h t . . .


    ZZZZZZZZZZZ- ! felt one of his barbed legs pierce my ab

    domen. No no no no! A second leg impaled me from the other side I was a skewered snack for a seriously unat

    tractive insect. At least it would be quick. How long had it

    taken this thing to suck the life out of the other bee?

    I felt the proboscis against my back. The very tip of the deadly sucking needle.

    WHOOOOSSSHHH! A massive gust of wind sent me swirling, then

    falling toward the ground. Falling, but not dead. I tried to move my wings, get control. But

    they were still pinned against my body by the grip of the demon on my back.

    Thump! I hit the ground. Stunned but alive. Rachel cried. I said. she said.


  • A bald eagle dive-bombing bugs in the backyard? Not too odd.

    With massive eagle claws, Rachel grabbed me and what was left of the killer. We flew into the dense trees back by the hive where, one at a time, we demorphed and remorphed. Got ready to try this insane thing again.

    This time, Rachel was on the lookout for winged hijackers.

    After about ten minutes, another few bees headed off toward Gafinilans greenhouse. I followed.

    I called out. Let me tell you I more than realized I could

    definitely be fried in the force field, but it was a spectacular thing to actually see. A color Id never seen as a human. Unbelievable. Indescribable. Something I later learned was called "bee-purple." Its the color between yellow and ultraviolet on the spectrum. Too intense for the human eye to see.

    Too bad. Because it was intense. And running right through it, easily marked, was a curving tunnel. Actually quite wide for a bee. And the tunnel led ultimately to a small hole in a glass panel of the greenhouses back wall.


    Cake. A piece of cake. I called to Rachel. Too late. Had to take the chance. I slipped in

    behind another honeybee. Frighteningly close to Gafinilan, who was peering intently at one of his plant labels, holding it close to his two main eyes.

    Suddenly, he swiveled his eye stalks toward us. Noted our appearance. And swiveled them back to his own business.

    I said.

    Id noted on my first visit that Gafinilan hadnt closed the back door of the house, the one that connected the kitchen to the greenhouse. Had counted on his not doing so again.

    Luck was with me. So far, anyway. I zipped through the open door. Flew through every room in the house. The

    immaculately kept living room. Unused dining room. Pristine kitchen.

    And I used the honeybees eyes and antennae to try to pick up more information.

    I smelled the flowers, plants, and potting soil from the greenhouse. The chocolate and raisins of the cookies Gafinilan had stacked inside sev-


  • eral glass Mason jars. A strong, disinfectant smell in the bathroom. Mr. Clean or Top Job or Comet.

    Throughout the house, in every room, Gafini-lans distinctive, not unpleasant odor.

    But there was one thing I distinctly did not see or smell or sense in any way.

    Rachel asked. I said.


    I dont get it. Where is Mertil?" Jake said. But only after he stopped telling me he was getting really ticked at me and this whole Gafinilan thing. After he stopped glaring at Rachel. After he admitted the information about the missing Andalite was valuable. We were all in Cassies barn. And things were getting consistently more confusing. "Did he ever exist? Was the guy on the video a fake?"

    Ax paused thoughtfully.

  • der the impression the academy did not admit vecols.>

    "Yeah," I snapped, "you hate when your hero turns out to be a cripple. Thats pretty crappy."

    "Back to the point," Jake said tightly. "Which is, what do we do about Gafinilan?"

    Rachel sprawled on a stack of hay bales. "He doesnt want to hurt us. Not yet, anyway. But he doesnt want to help us, either. He says he wants us to leave him alone, but then he asks to meet Jake. Doesnt make sense."

    Ax said excitedly.

    I shook my head. "See what?" Ax ex


    "Okay, but . . ."


    "Okay," Jake said. "I still dont understand what this disease has to do with us."

    "And I dont understand," Rachel began, "why, if Gafinilan has the disease, he cant cure himself by morphing. Oh. Wait. Yes I do. His own DNA still has the disease. Its like hes trapped."

    Ax inclined his head.

    Tobias looked at Ax with his intensely fierce hawks eyes.

    "If Gafinilan is sick, why havent we seen signs of his being in pain? And if acquiring another Andalite is what Gafinilan intends," Cassie mused, "why wouldnt he just have acquired Ax?"

    Ax had an answer for that, too.

  • tial. Besides, ! would never give my permission for such an act. As for Gafinilans exhibiting no signs of pain In public, that Is only seemly. A warrior is trained not to show signs of physical weakness or mental strain.> Ax paused.

    !iSo, you think Gafinilan was- or !s, still noping to acquire Visser Threes Andalite . . / ! stopped. "Well, that wouldnt be too difficult or anything."

    "No. Im pretty sure he wants me," Jake said suddenly. "At least, he wants who he thinks I am. A healthy adult Andalite."

    "But Ax said to become the nothlit is an act of cowardice," Cassie pointed out. You think Gafinilan is a coward? \ dont. Not the way he disregards Andalite custom to care for Mertil."

    "Nice, Cassie," ! snapped. "At the very least the guys a liar. And hes big on keeping secrets, i dont trust him as far as I can throw him. Which is about one tenth of an inch. Maybe."

    "I have to agree," Rachel added. "Gafinilan is in a bad place, if hes after an Andalite body, who knows what hell do when if he finds out Jake is human."

    "Same thing he did to Mertil," ! muttered. "Im thinking its not Mertils happiness hes af-


    ter. Im thinking he probably made that tape of his buddy himself. Put it out there to lure any other Andalites who might just be hanging around planet Earth. Then when Mertil did his part, Gafinilan put him out of his misery. The incredible disappearing Andalite."

    "Pretty harsh, Marco." Cassie. Ax said


    Tobias said quietly, enigmatically,

    "Ax?" It was Cassie, beginning to sound excited. "What about the morphing cube? The Es-cafil Device? Could we use that on Mertil? Give him the power to morph?"

    "What difference would that make if hes dead?" Rachel said darkly.

    Ax hesitated.

    Jake stood abruptly. "Look, were not getting any closer to the truth by sitting around speculating. Is Mertil dead or alive? Is Gafinilan a bad guy or isnt he? Only way to know is to get to him. And hope were the first ones there."


  • So we went. I coached Tobias, Rachel, Cassie, and Ax on what to expect when they mor-phed the honeybee. Warned them about clutching the bee too tight when they acquired it. Warned them also about what Cassie told me was a robber fly, the demon insect whod tried to make me into a bee smoothie.

    The plan was for the five of us to sneak onto McClellan/Gafinilans property. Acquire a bee from the resident hive. And fly through the force field and into Gafinilans greenhouse.

    When we were in place, Jake would ring the front doorbell. Id slip into the house and stick with Gafinilan and Jake. The others would hang


    ^ :

    back until if we got in trouble and needed major backup.

    And trouble could come from Gafinilan or the Yeerks. First, we had to make certain the house wasnt being watched before Jake went up the driveway. That meant concentrated surveillance.

    Beyond getting Jake inside to talk to the big Andalite, our plan was vague. Mostly contingent on Gafinilans actions.

    When we were in morph, and safely in the greenhouse, I gave Jake the okay.

    A moment later, he rang the front doorbell. I said. Gafinilan put down the bottle of liquid fertil

    izer he was preparing and headed into the house through the back door. I followed him. Close but not close enough to arouse suspicion and be swatted to death.

    Once in the living room, Gafinilan morphed to Henry McClellan. Then walked to the front door. Opened it as far as the chain lock would allow.

    "Yes?" he said, keeping his body almost entirely behind the door, allowing only part of his face to show.

    "Gafinilan?" Jake kept his voice low. "No. No, my name is Henry McClellan." Gafinilan began to close the door. "I know," Jake said quickly. "Thats your hu

    man name. Aximili told me. Im Jake."


  • Slowly, the door closed. Gafinilan undid the chain. Opened the door again. Stepped back.

    "Come inside," he said. Jake did. Gafinilan relocked the door behind

    him. "You are Aximilis prince?" "Yes," Jake answered. The Andalites human morph relaxed slightly.

    I could hear it in his voice. "I am pleased that you have accepted the in

    vitation to meet with me," he said. "Perhaps it would be better if we spoke in surroundings more comfortable to both of us. Please, follow me."

    Gafinilan led Jake through the sparkling kitchen and into his private quarters. He stepped aside to allow Jake to enter first.

    "Very nice," Jake said. The Andalite followed and programmed the

    door shut behind them. Behind me, too. The three of us were alone. Cut off from the

    others, waiting in the greenhouse. "As I told young Aximili," Gafinilan said, con

    versationally, "Mertil and I were fortunate to have salvaged much from the wreckage of our fighters. Tell me, was there much to be salvaged of the Dome ship? Or did Earths ocean destroy it all?"

    Whoa. Ax had already told Gafinilan he was the only survivor. Except for Gafinilan and Mertil. What was Gafinilan up to?


    Jake looked steadily at Henry McClellan. "The Dome ship was almost completely destroyed," he answered. Noncommittally.

    "Yes, yes." Henrys eyes darted around the room. Then he looked back to Jake. "Jake. It is a good name. Is it a shortened version of something else, like Ax for Aximili?"

    "Its just what people call me." Jake was giving the guy nothing. Gafinilan spoke loudly. With false heartiness.

    "Please, make yourself comfortable. As will I." He stepped toward the center of the grassy

    room. Began to demorph. he asked

    when hed finished. Jake smiled. "I prefer to speak with you in

    this form." Gafinilan coaxed. His own eyes smiling the way Andalites do.

    "My true physical self is irrelevant." Gafinilans voice was forceful

    now, almost threatening.

    "After you explain what you really want from me," Jake countered.

    Gafinilan took a step toward Jake, tail blade raised high, arched forward over his back.


  • And then he stumbled, on nothing. Groaned. Closed all four eyes.

    No doubt about it. The guy was in pain. Ax was right. Soolas Disease. Or something

    else pretty serious and getting worse. Jake started to move forward. Instinctively, to

    help. I said. He stopped himself. Checked the impulse.

    Waited. "Gafinilan . . . " The Andalite opened his eyes, the main ones

    first. Regained his composure. he said, his voice hard but low. He turned away from Jake. Stepped slowly to

    the table of weapons. Picked up a shredder. Turned and pointed it at Jake.


    I called out to the others.

    Gafinilan said.

    Jake stood perfectly still. "What if I am a child?" he said calmly. As if a shredder were not leveled a few feet from his face.

    I said. Gafinilans tail twitched.

    "Hrrooooaaaarrr!!" From the direction of the greenhouse came


  • the menacing roar of a grizzly. The lonely howl of a wolf. The bloodcurdling screech of a raptor.

    Gafinilan jerked toward the sounds. And then there was one loud BABOOM! as

    Rachel crashed through one of the walls like a baseball crashing through a window. But making a lot more mess.

    Cassie, Ax, and Tobias followed almost daintily through the rubble.

    "Im sorry we bore you, Gafinilan," Jake said calmly. "But were bored, too. Tired of your evasions and half-truths. So if its okay with you, this is the moment of reckoning. Time to come clean."

    Gafinilan blustered.

    "Five, if I morph," I said, having demorphed behind the weapons table, walking around to face our host. "Six if Jake does."

    "But were not here to fight, Gafinilan," Jake said. "Just to get some information."

    Gafinilans two stalk eyes swiveled madly for a second. Then a look of shocked understanding came to them.

    "Yes," Jake said. He shot a glance at Tobias. "More or less. We were enlisted by Prince Elfan-gor to fight the Yeerks."


    Ax said matter-of-factly,

    Gafinilan roared, pointing his shredder at Ax.

    Silence. Gafinilans hand began to shake and he lowered the shredder. And then Tobias spoke.

    Cassie added quickly.

    Gafinilan raised the shredder again. he cried, despairingly.

    "Why dont you explain," Jake suggested quietly.

    There was a moment of silence. A moment during which I thought it pretty likely Gafinilan would do something desperate. Tension radiated from every inch of him. And then he shuddered, like hed made a decision, and the tension was replaced by what looked and felt a lot like exhaustion.


  • He lowered the shredder again and spoke.

    Ax said.

  • "Lets do it. Lets rescue Mertil and kick some Yeerk butt."

    Big guess who said that. We all demorphed and Jake introduced us to

    Gafinilan. He explained Tobias and strongly suggested to Gafinilan with a swift glance at all of us that we join forces to recover Mertil.

  • night,> he said after a moment.

    "Why not just keep him in the Yeerk pool complex?" Rachel asked. "Plenty of empty cages, torture equipment, stuff like that."

    Gafinilan answered.

    "So, Mertils in some sort of transport vehicle," Cassie said. "A truck, a horse trailer, something. How do we find it? Aerial surveillance . . ."

    Ax interrupted,

    "Okay, Ax-man," I said, my voice a little less than steady. "Ive been cutting you slack on this handicapped thing because youre part of the team. But when you talk like that, like this guy is some sort of dirty, worthless thing, I have to say youre just not one of us."

  • "So, what?" Rachel said. "Bird morphs, cover every inch of the town until we get close enough to Mertil for Gafinilan to hear specifics? Hope Mertil has been able, at least, to get a glimpse out a window or something."


    I understand ruthless. I understand, maybe more than any of the

    others, what it means to be unsentimental. Cold, even. To see the end in the beginning and the beginning in the end.

    Im not denying that Jake, for example, doesnt make his share of tough decisions. That almost every day he isnt forced to choose between two seemingly impossible, equally degrading choices. That he doesnt feel the agony of those crisis moments. That too often he looks about fifty.

    All Im saying is that I understand, immediately and on some instinctual level, the state of ruthlessness you have to reach almost, to live


  • in to be able to make those impossible choices. To see the right way to the right end.

    To accept being perceived as cruel and heartless.

    To live with the fact that people are afraid of getting too close to someone like me, like maybe itll rub off, my ability to do what needs to be done.

    In spite of my incredible sense of humor, I am not always fun to be around. And there are a lot of reasons why. What would you be like if you had to decide whether to save what was left of your mothers life? Or let Visser One, the Yeerk, live? Calculated risk. I still dont know the results of that particularly agonizing decision, but Id been able to do it. Been able to make the decision.

    So, on some level, I knew what Gafinilan was all about. How hed made the impossible decision to do whatever it took to save his friends life. Even if that meant sacrificing his own. Even if that meant handing over another Andalite, one of his own people, to the Yeerks.

    It was a pretty ruthless thing to do. And I was pretty sure he would do it again if he had to.

    I respected him for that. I spoke privately.


    Jake said, tiredly.

    Gafinilan was in an owl morph hed picked up

    a while back. I was an owl. Cassie was osprey. Jake, peregrine falcon. Rachel, bald eagle and Ax northern harrier. Tobias, of course, was himself.

    For the past half hour wed been flying north of town in a widespread group. Hoping to find a trace of Mertil. So far, radio silence.

    Gafinilans thought-speak was sudden and excited.

    impossible.> Rachel.

  • lar vehicles, somewhat similar to the one in which he is being held. They are made of metal, but rusted. Mertil assumes they have been abandoned^

    I said.

    The old train yard and final station stop had not been in operation since, like, my grandmother was a kid. Now, it was only a vast arena of sharp edges from which to get lockjaw. A place where teenagers hung and had wild parties and did things they could get arrested for.

    We reached the acre or so of dilapidated metal train parts. And saw nothing you wouldnt expect to see in such a place. Even with my superior owl vision, I could make out no suspicious footprints in the dirt or tufts of blue fur stuck to jagged pieces of boxcar.

    And the place was quiet. Too quiet. I circled lower, hoping for some shred of evi

    dence that Mertil was being held on this site. Again, nothing. Hundreds of empty boxcars, each sixty feet long. The occasional caboose or flatcar. Some cattle cars lying on their sides. A locomotive or two.

    I said disgustedly.

    Jake asked.


    I asked generally,

    Cassie. The girlfriend. Figured. Just then I called. The door to one of the abused boxcars was

    sliding open. And the boxcar was disgorging about a dozen Hork-Bajir.

    Another car! And another dozen Hork-Bajir. Oh, yeah. There was definitely something



  • n i ight was falling fast. Maybe the mass of clustered, hulking railroad cars added to the sense of gloom that seemed to be descending over the old yard and station.

    The place had the eerie feel of all abandoned scenes of once-frenzied human activity. In a sense, Mertil was right when he called it a graveyard. No more hustling conductors and scurrying maintenance men. No more excited passengers and no more fretful family members, waiting for those passengers to disembark.

    Now it really was the end of the line. Thick with shadows thrown by a few dim and distant roadway lights. And within those murky shadows, huge, shuffling Hork-Bajir.


    We landed on the far east of the yard, atop a right-side-up passenger car. From there, we could watch the Yeerk shock troops undetected. Watch as they streamed through the mazelike paths between rusted-out corpses and gathered in a small clearing almost exactly at the yards center.

    Watch as they loosely surrounded a fifteen-foot U-Haul truck, the self-rental kind.

    I said.

    Gafinilan paused.

    Jake said.

    Ax asked stiffly.

    Jake said. Jake paused.


  • Gafinilan didnt respond to Jakes statement. Either he really was a good soldier, acknowledging Jake as his prince. Or he was even more calculating than Id assumed.

    We glided off the roof of the car and de-morphed. Then I went gorilla, with cinder-block fists. Jake to tiger, with deadly claws and teeth. Cassie to wolf, lithe and tireless. Rachel used her elephant morph, perfect for bulldozing and busting through pesky walls of metal. Ax and Gafinilan stayed Andalite.

    Suddenly . . . It was a thought-speak voice I

    didnt recognize. Soft and sad. A broken voice. The voice of someone after the boredom and shame of capture sets in.

    Mertil. Truth is, sure, leaving would have been no

    problem. Im not stupid enough to get all excited about wading into bloody battle, four kids, a bird, two aliens one mortally ill and possibly traitorous against a good hundred Hork-Bajir soldiers.

    I glanced at Gafinilan. He was holding tightly to the rusted axle of a caboose. Breathing shal-lowly.

    I said.

    Jake said.


    Way up in the dark sky, Tobias, our own perfect wilderness guide, said,

    We lumbered and stalked and trotted forward. Through the maze of looming abandoned hulks. Tobias guided us until we were within a few dozen yards of the clearing. And, by the light of a smallish bonfire the Hork-Bajir had just built, we could see all too clearly just how outnumbered we were.

    I asked brightly.

    Jake answered.

  • fh aahhh!" The Hork-Bajir hurled himself from the top of

    the car. One lone Hork-Bajir, tearing at the seven of

    us, blades flashing. WHUMPF! He hit the ground when Gafinilan smacked

    him with the side of his enormous tail blade. the Andalite said. Jake.

    Tobias reported.

    Jake snapped.

    Cassie cried.

    Gafinilan said quietly. Out of the gloom, ten Hork-Bajir, charging

    ahead. Too late to hide. One came right at me. I ducked and slammed

    both fists into its belly. WWHUMP! He fell down. "Rrroooooooaaar!" Jake! With outstanding speed and agility he

    leaped forward. The force of the seven-hundred-pound Siberian tiger slammed two more Yeerk warriors onto the ground.

    FWAAP! FWAAP! Ax. Fighting alongside Gafinilan, he was even

    more amazing than usual.


  • A wolfs howl! Trotting away from a fallen Hork-

    Bajir. "Tseeeer!" Yes! Tobias. A howling Hork-Bajir clutched

    the red mess that had once been his eyes. Rachel. Wrapping her trunk around a Hork-

    Bajir and . . . THUWUUUMP! Tossing him somewhere into the gloom. This was too easy. Something . . . More! Another five, ten warriors descending

    on us. Jake ordered. I said. I dodged left. Slipped into the shadows. A moment later, leaped out onto the back of a

    Hork-Bajir. Wrestled him to the ground. Before I could get to my feet, my victims

    buddy brought his elbow blade down onto my shoulder.

    It went deep. FWAAP! Gafinilan! I said, wrenching the de-


    tached blade of the now incapacitated Hork-Bajir from tendon and muscle.

    he replied.

    I swear if the guy had a mouth he would have been grinning.

    I promised. The cut was bad but Id lived through worse. Rachel cried. I knuckle-ran over to Rachel. Somehow shed

    gotten herself in a too-narrow alley between train cars.

    I tore the Hork-Bajir from her flank. Flung him behind me, into the side of a caboose.

    she snapped. But I was already gone, hurling oncoming

    Hork-Bajir left and right. The wound on my shoulder throbbing, my head now bleeding, too. I touched the damage and felt bone.

    It was so dark and suddenly, there were so, so many.

    I stumbled, backed away from the Hork-Bajir coming ever closer. Trapping me in a small corner from which thered be no way out.


  • I realized Id lost Jake and the others, though I could hear their grunts and howls through the terrible roar and brittle clash of battle.

    Okay, I thought crazily, I got myself into this. Now I II get myself out.

    The question was how.


    I bellowed! Pounded my fists against my

    gorilla chest. It was a display of totally false machismo.

    But it worked. Gave me the split second I needed to slip

    through the partially open door of a boxcar, slam it shut behind me.

    Scramble across the dirty floor, bumpy with rat droppings and crunchy with broken glass, and tear open the door on the other side of the car.

    Drop to the ground, slam the door shut behind me.

    Take a deep breath . . . Uh-oh.


  • And realize I was facing another onslaught of Hork-Bajir.

    Hard to tell exactly how far away in the heavy dark.

    I leaned up against the side of the car. Held perfectly still.

    Hoped the gorillas dark hair and skin would help camouflage me. Keep me hidden, just a darker spot in the shadows.

    When youre a kid, you know how you close your eyes and convince yourself that because youre blind youre also invisible?

    Well, it doesnt work when youre surrounded by seven-foot-tall, horned and bladed lizardlike enemies.

    Hork-Bajir vision isnt spectacular in the dark, but their hearing is keen. From the beating of my heart and the hot breaths pumping in and out of my nostrils, theyd know I was here.

    I got ready to start swinging. And then . . . Something made me glance to my right, al

    most over my torn shoulder. A ladder rung. Built into the train car wall. Maybe I could grasp it, swing out from it,

    adding force to my punches and kicks. Unless . . . A ladder rung is part of a ladder.


    Ladders lead to places where you are not. The first two Hork-Bajir were on me! I grabbed

    them by the necks and smashed them together. The daggerlike horns on their heads stabbed into each others flesh. Got stuck.

    Then, as the next two Hork-Bajir skidded to a stop a few feet from their fallen buddies, I scrambled up the ladder.

    Ignored the searing pain in my shoulder. And was almost immediately on top of the

    train car. Fantastic! From here I could see the clearing.

    The remains of the bonfire and the U-Haul truck, still parked.

    But not for long. I screamed. And we were still too far from the clearing to

    stop it. Maybe . . . if we headed toward the main en

    trance, maybe we could cut it off before it hit open road.

    Maybe. I called.

    It was

    Rachel. Good question. I scanned the old train yard.


  • Spotted the dark hulk of the old station. Figured that the parking lot for cars would have been close to the station. Convenience. Figured the main entrance/exit would lead off the parking lot.

    I shouted,

    Tobias said. Jake cried. Going overland was definitely the way. Thud thud thud thud . . . I made my way to the other end of the roof.

    The roof of the next train car to the left was about ten feet away. Too far for me to jump.

    I scanned. Okay. There was another way across the tops of the cars. A way that would get me close to if not right at the old station house. A slightly circuitous path, a weird, twisting metal road over a sea of battle. If I werent stopped by Hork-Bajir, I could make it before the U-Haul left the yard.

    If. . . Thud thud thud thud . . . Closer. Roof to roof. Moving ahead, then,

    slowly, bit by bit, to the left, toward the station. Tobias called. Thudthudthudthud . . .


    Rachel said.


    Jakes thought-speak disappeared. A light. Two. Round and small. Yeah, there

    was the truck, moving slowly with only its own headlights to guide it. I dropped close against the roof of the train car. Crawled the last few feet to the edge.

    And prepared to drop onto the roof of the truck.

    Tobias called. I flew! Launched my big gorilla body down

    onto the metal roof of the U-Haul. WHUMMPF! Landed in a crouch and allowed my weight to

    fall quickly to the side. Safe. And still only going about twenty miles an

    hour. Tobias reported. Well, duh. Id left a big ole dent in the metal

    roofing. This was a surprise attack. I crawled forward across the cargo bay and


  • onto the roof of the trucks cabin. Peered over the side into the drivers seat. Saw a very nervous human-Controller.

    I tore open his door. Reached for him. Too slow! The driver slammed on the brakes. The truck stopped moving. I didnt.


    Forty feet through the air! WHOOF! I hit the ground. Rolled another twenty. Finally, came to a stop. And not a pretty one,

    let me tell you. Hurt but alive. Thanked the stars for the helmetlike gorilla

    skull. SCREEEEEEE! The driver hit the gas! Now he was going to hit the gorilla. Closer! Closer! The grill of the truck loomed. The stench of burning rubber. I scrambled unsteadily to my feet.


  • Then . . . CRAAAAAASSSHHH! A train car! It smashed right into the path of

    the speeding truck, stopping it dead. Above the sizzling wreckage I heard Rachels

    trumpet of triumph. I knuckle-walked toward the

    smash. she

    replied. The cab of the truck was completely im

    pacted. A twisted and bent remnant. The front two wheels were off the ground, resting on the top of the flattened boxcar.

    The drivers door was open. I dont know how he managed to survive the crash. But he had and hed been Yeerk enough to get away.

    I called, loping around to the back of the truck, now in real blackness again because the trucks headlights were destroyed.

    Great. Another Mr. Philosophy. Rachel said. I wrapped my thick gorilla fingers around the

    gate latch on the back of the truck and pulled. Yanked.


    Nothing. The muscles in my chest and arm strained as I tried again.

    Still nothing. Now my shoulder was really on fire.

    Rachel said. I muttered. It was Jake, slinking out of the shadows,

    bloody, but Id seen him worse. Cassie, Ax, and Gafinilan were with him. Each bearing evidence of the fight.

    A second later, Tobias fluttered silently to the top of a nearby caboose.

    Rachel explained.

    Gafinilan stepped forward. Mertil answered.

    Gafinilan said. He moved into place directly behind and fac

    ing the rear door. CLAAAANG! I jumped. Couldnt help it, the sound was

    enormous. Gafinilans battle-ax tail blade had punctured

    the steel door. The guy might be dying, but he was still in

    conceivably strong.


  • SKKREEEEEUUUUULLLL! Cassies wolf whimpered involuntarily at the

    awful sound of Gafinilans tail blade tearing a long gash down the steel door.

    Rachel said. When hed created a sort of tall, elliptical slit,

    Gafinilan stepped back. WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! And Mertil kicked his way out.


    We had found Mertil. Probably saved his life. His dear friend Gafinilan had gone to terrible

    lengths to set him free. Mertil must have been pleased. On some

    level, in some way. But he didnt look all that happy.

    We were in the woods. Far safer than hanging around the train yard, waiting for a stray Hork-Bajir-Controller to find us.

    Mertil said plainly,

    He held the stump of his tail down, as flat as it could go against his body. As if he were ashamed. The position had to be uncomfortable.


  • Cassie said kindly.

    Ax said. He paused. Turned a stalk eye to me and added,

    Rachel said.

  • days honorably and in the company of my dearest friend.>

    Mertil, who was no lousy specimen of An-dalite warrior himself, stood tall.

    Jake pointed out.

    Gafinilan retorted.

    I said.

    Cassie said dryly.

    I said.


    T o u know that old party game, "Who Am I This Time?" Or that nursery rhyme about a doctor, lawyer, baker. Whatever. People tend to get identified by what kind of hat they wear during the day. By what is visible, noticeable, obvious about them.

    So, if youve got one arm or get around in a wheelchair or are blind, youre a handicapped person. Maybe youre also a poet or scholar, a sinner, or a saint. But first and foremost in peoples minds, youre handicapped.

    Not a lot you can do about it, either. My mother is was? host to Visser One.

    Originator of the Yeerk invasion of Earth.


  • Everyone, including my dad and his new wife, thinks shes dead.

    Maybe she is. Maybe she isnt. Maybe she can be saved. Maybe she cant. I just dont know, after the last time we came

    face-to-face. In a Taxxon tunnel off the main Yeerk pool. During her trial by the Council of Thirteen.

    Most times, I dont even pretend to want to know. Though if a call comes again . . .

    Well, Ill wait until that happens to decide. And then Ill do what I have to do.

    Anyway, for the time being, I am "the boy with a dead mother" to people on the outside. To / my friends, Im "the kid with the big mouth and mother stolen by aliens."

    Cant get away from it. Vecol, mentally challenged, handicapped.

    Dumb, psycho, gimp. You just learn to live with it. Jakes the responsible leader. Rachels the gorgeous warmonger. Cassies the tree-hugger. Tobias, Bird-boy. Ax, resident alien. Gafinilan is the one with the fatal disease. Mertil . . . So we rescued Mertil and agreed to leave him


    and Gafinilan in peace. We were pretty sure the Yeerks were going to back away from them, too. At least for a while.

    I mean, like Gafinilan said, what had either Andalite done for them? Nothing. Except exhibit a depth of loyalty totally puzzling, totally incomprehensible to Visser Three and his minions.

    So given the fact that in the Yeerk opinion Gafinilan was, essentially, a dead man and Mertil useless, we figured they stood a fair chance of living unmolested.

    At least until Gafinilan died and Mertil was all alone in Henry McClellans house. Unable to morph. A virtual prisoner in a foreign land.

    How would he survive? Maybe I shouldnt have done i t . . . How often do I say that? A lot. Maybe I shouldnt have done it, but I did. Paid one last, unauthorized visit to the Mc-

    Clellan house. In osprey morph, and while Gafini-lan/Henry was at work.

    I am not totally stupid. I found Mertil in the greenhouse. Called out

    to him from a distance so he wouldnt be scared and zap me with a shredder or something. Identified myself as the handsome gorilla from the other night.


  • Mertil answered, his voice a bit strained.

    I said.

    Nothing. I shifted on my perch in the big old oak tree where Tobias had sat during our first visit to the house.

    Noted a honeybee winging its way toward the greenhouse.

    Waited. Maybe Id offended the guy somehow. I hadnt

    meant to but sometimes my mouth gets in the way of sentiment.

    The silence was awful. And then, suddenly, his voice came booming

    out at me. Strong and energetic and quivering with something that sounded a lot like pride.


    D E E - D E E T ! DE-DEET! The alarm was like a jackhammer to the head.

    I groaned. DE-DEET! Enough, already! I felt for the clock radio. The

    snooze button. Just five more minutes. My hand patted the air vainly. No bedside

    table? I lifted my lids. Where was my . . . My heart stopped. I was staring into a triangular screen. A flat

    computer panel mounted flush in a peeling, white plaster wall across from the bed. Eerie copper letters pulsed at the top of the glowing gray screen. 5:28:16 A.M. Below the time flashed the words "TO DO" and a single entry: "Report to work."

    This was not my room. Not even close. DE-DEET! DE-DEET! My body stiffened to warrior mode and I

    bolted out of bed.

    Dont miss