4 trustee's kale. i laun€¦ · it 4. 1 1, ko a i) time-table- s. iroal.ytlle and ikaohvllle...

It 4. 1 1, KO A I) TIME-TABLE- S. Iroal.Ytlle and Ikaohvllle aad t;rea Btolkrra. U1TL Ktw. daily (except tat.)! 1 1 jh p.m.1 RKX) p.ra. Mail, daily 11:00 .. 8:15 a.m. d'F(eiw" . IM'l" P-- On Salunuy. Ki press runs only tu ATketjie, con necunjc ror Aasnviue. ilrnpbli aad t'tiarleMan. AHHIVK. city ttm Hill jt Express Tr&ln.da.'li 5.40 a m.! 1:1s p. ir bo nervine AouOiuuMslr.tiut I Jslly iexoept buna.-.)-- . . 4 10 p.m.! i. f:10 a.m U VII juuctioo oc., Uiiiiri . .niMlalMlppl and Traimtrr. ItlVL AHKIVE. rt Orleans rail. ti: .j.iiO p.ia i 12UJ5 p.m. OATUIS A.XJOminm L:i;U,Qhl (except sundaiv :i :w p.m. v 20 am. rrl.'ul and amiii) mo I it, d illy (exivpt ttundayst.. . 7:l." m. fiiOO t ta, Mf inph'w and l.Utlc Hoc It. I.K4VR. AHHIV. Mil Train, dally n 20 p.m. I 5.-2- p.m. ) Hi. Oku? nm fun.) rt.ixi a. m Mo p m. f It full in d tt r m pblw. LXAVX. M H 4 1 5 (j. in tJM a m Asc.iFn'tHMn trwln. 7 1) n r Ml) f III. K11am:ial. Yntturdar wai unother vary quiet day Rt tbe built; the Interruption of navigation che-k- s salpine'iU and two or three dvs mu ween itm total difi snlen of cution bare been uu1- -r 2O0 b il-- s, and na d if un.IT lih.1) ba m. Tills, of course. ligQleus Hie business of tbe banks and de- - riMK me amount or excuaitps ouriug wblie roou.y lenialns plenty, wan a very modi rale rail lor 11. Exchange quoted slijbt on New lork and demand on fcr-- Etig a d off; sight on New angiaad ll oil, Bel- ling iU par: on New Orleans, I4 discuunt boylng.sollltig at par. fbelbrovutiir scrip buying at 8,". selling al H). New Imiki Tenuesse note have beeu ottered at 5i, and Mernpnis gas stock at ml. Money S'TIO per mat., ihe l ir nur to bank customers. TB-- ie mM a hiw of ten shares otHeuiphls gas slink at lit, IBr TELEORAFBA PARIS. January 10. Routes, Hit. tiOc NEW ORLEANS. January 10 New York sight, l dlauuunt. Bteriliui excua!i-bauk- em bills, 4.12 1 j. 1 ONDON. Jii:nrr 10. Consnla money. H5 1 1 rt areuuot, f,Vi; Illliioln Ontml, 84: Heiiaarlvi,l;i Cmitral. :(:-l-. nradlux. I J; Krlc. j2': preletrrd, 7t'j: 01 ll, 103-s- ; J, lU4;Dewr,s, NKWYOKK. January 10 Money market. 2l'.3 314 pereeuL; prtm paper. 4 ."; aterlli cxcUanKO. tiankera' bills atrnnn. 4k:ijj; slit in ex- - cnnngetin New Yoik,4H7U. Dry gomls luiporm lor week, l42.(MIO. Hiir silver. lUMl,. Subsidiary aiiyer. iu 1 aincouni. tiovernrtieni doikh active; oounonsof lHl. H.,:ao. IKrt7. 1017l: do. lKiiH. i4U. new iwi. 11171m: new 4la. H).r.tM; new 4s. V'.; ourroitc IJ0. eta 10 bono dull: in.t eonwla U per eem. lower; Tennessea rts, old, HW: Tenneeaee al new, JlCUi: Vlrlnla fa, oid, 27: Virginia B. new. 2K; Missouri rts. . The stock tuaiket was weak at opening, and prlcea declined 14 to hi percent ; littler, fdSlhcMall. Paul declined 1 Knri.t. Iurlbg the allernoon, bowevar, a firmer Uue set In and a general Iniprovt-me- nt of 14 to 1 per cent, eimued, ibe biguest quotatloas of the day being current In some In aiaiices. At Ihe closvtiia prtuuipal changes were ait h percent. In filiaburg. II4 Iu Morris aud Erx and 1 percent. In ieiaw.re, Lscka-vranl- ia and Western. There w.s considerable AO (lrlly Iu the I lib Norlhweslern, St. Faul, Krla and Luke 8:mre. trie was In strong demand, on account cf the favorable report of Us business br lis directors. Transactions, KJS.OOO shares, of which 17.1XK) were hrle, 10.1XMJ Lake bhoie, KOIO NonbwesU-r- n coiiimoi aud 14,(KK) pre- ferred, 14 INK) bu Paul common and rlOOO d, rtlXXJ HUsbarg. 41.IKX) Lackawanna, :)O0 Mlcnlgan Csi.tr J, 'J5U0 Morris aud Kssex, 40O0 Mall. 4UOU St. Louis, Kansas City and Northern, 1400 Iron Mountain, 100U Western I ulon. Closing quotations weie as follows: Western L'ulou teifgritph company, l5; tjulcksllver, 11; (quicksilver preferred. ,H2: tacino Mall, 11'. Mariposa. 1; Mariposa preterred, 1: Adams express company, 5; Wells fargo express company. H414: American express oninpany. 47; I'nlted bltes expreas company, 45; New Yoik Central, 113; trie, 2U&; ile pcererred. iSH: Harleu, 140; Michigan Cen- tral. 77: Panama. 1."; Lnlou Paoillc stock, rtrt; Lake outra, H714; Illinois Cen- tral, Km; Cleveland and Pittsburg, Mil.,; Noilb-wester- n, 51&h; NorUiwestern preferred, 7iSt; Cleveland. Columbus, Cincinnati and Ind:mi apolls, UR: New Jersey Central, li4i-.- : Kock Island, lH'i: l. Paul, :ir.is: tit. Paul pre- ferred, 7fl; Wabash, 2i.; Kon Wayne, 2U; Terre Mauu, ;i; Term ll.Uile prvfernxl, 1; Coliuro and Alun0; Chicago aud Alton preferred, 104; Oulo and sMIsslsslppI, 714: Delaware, Lackawanna und Western 44-x- ; Atlantic and Pacitic telernih com- pany, MW; alssoiirl Pacitic. IU); Chicago, burllux-xo- n and ijuincy, 112; Hannibal and sl Joe, l:'.1; Hauulual and St. Joe preferred, 34; Cen- tral Pacific bonds, ': Lnlon Pacitic bonds, ril; Union Pacitic landgraats, lO'.'L); Union Pacific Inking fund. 1)7 Va- - COTTON. The cotton lf!i'frann showed no PssenHal change: New York s:ots were acaln loer. but Liver- pool deliver! m were tetler. a fact that peibaps ac- counts to some exlect for a rally on tue of ex- ponent, who took more cotton than they had done on an previous day of the w. ek. In our own mar- ket the demand at the reduced quota' Ion of the evening b 'fore was brick; futures were very film In exacUug fully up to quotations. Cotton Kxrhisge (lactational. IBCantarQ lmrifiti L'Ltsitlratwn.i rrxlertfatj. r.ny tvftrr. Ordinary rt t iood Ordinary T it Low middling r? Mldlllng r? M7m iT ool mldnlli.g r? i.i, it wH Middling Talr ?10U tflUU Market stARdr. Salra, BCOO bales, including 2400 to exporters, hoi) to spluuers, aud 100 to steciila-Vorj- . COTKIN KZOBANet. I Mcsu-uis- , January 10. 170. 1 stock on hand September 1. 1878... P54 Kauelved y 722 tieevlved previously 218.1111 214, Shipped to-d-ay . 1,474 2 IB H07 tihlpped previously.. .i::i.iin." i:4.h.i Stock, running account ...H0.748 IMF OUT a. Thus far this we k ,021 Thus far last week ,t. 1 2d Slnoe September 1st 214.(1." Memphis and Charleston rnllrnnd ilOO Mississippi and Tennessee railroad 14 Louisville, Nashville and Great southern K it. 2nS Wagons and other sources fiO Total. 72 KIPOHTd. Thus far this week.. Thus tar last week... .. 1.1,115 riliice bepteiuber 1st. .184.S5H Mewiphls and Charleston railroad :!4S MlsslskJppl and Tennessee Kallroad HiiS Loulsvliui, Nashville and Ureat bouthem ILK. 75 Br rail, north. ,1 (M My rail, south. atss Total 1.474 IBT TKLEtiKAra. The folowlng are the .atest teVgrums of the domestic maifcels a reported yesterday to the cotton exeuange: JMnt frier. Jfurf. ilttx'pti. MiddU-n- . nnlveston Cjuiet. 2,H2 New Orleans Steallcr. 6.i:il ils Mobile. yaleU !l.2i: Savannah Steady. 3,740 -- Ml Charleston uiei. 1.51" Wilmington L"ichgd. 132 Norfolk Hteauy. 1.154 Baltimore Iull. 111 I l)U.i?l'M New York gulet, 1K2 Boston. V-l- et. 20:1 Philadelphia ... gulec. St. Louis. Augusta Steady. hiirti The following are tne New York spot quotations for yesterday: Ordinary. 7a.t;; icood ordinary. 8 low cilddlmg. f !; uilddlimc, PI4C; good mld.Uliuj. lic: mljullug fair. 10 At ID, julet: 121(1. quiet and lowrr; 2:15, qulut; .'), quiet. Sales. S2.00O biles Tne following Is the latest New York telegram of futures: Hunt. iMiy hfurr. January P.22.7 R24 H.lrt'T 9 IX fc'ebmary H.44i?' P.45 V WIT 9.H7 March H.rt:i? t!5 i.r.ri? 9 r.d April ...J p 7i H.70 P.fiid? 9.70 May 9 Uli? H.Pt V.Xl-- t V.XH June ' 10.04r? 10.05 9 94'? 9 95 July lO.IJ. MO. 14 10.0:i'?10 01 August 10.20i? 10.24 10.12tM0.14 The tone of the future market was as follows: At 10:1X. steadier; 10:Ft5, steady; 1 1 :H0. steady; 12:30. eolet and ft-i- ; l :H0. easy; 2.S0, usy; 8:15. steady. Sales, 8.000 bales. The New Orleans market closed easy at 99 for middling. Sales. iMKti) biles; receipts, net, 5931 bales; stock. 805,8tl biles. Th Liverpool telegrams yesterday reported the market with a moderate Iniuiry freely supplied; middling uplands, fi Oileans, 5 bales, 7iMK) bnles: American. fiOOO bales. 7O00 baies. of which 4:i.r. wtre American LlverpiMil arrivals oiwiied with futures partially better; Januaiy-KehruHO- fUd; Kebruary-Mar.- 5Md: Marcb-Aprl- l, 5 April-Ma- 5 I June-Jul- 5 15-2- At the clo-i- rutu'-- s were caster; at 3:'ln. April May, 5 11 82d, and February-March- , 5 The movements at tne potts were reported as Lsit TtvA k I Wet k. I Vrrk. Out Xrtr. Bee'tssir. Friday HH.itsT 13X.H72. llirt.t'H7 ExplstoH.rirlUln. 47.04I 47. KIM! IH1.470 Kxp'tsteCoutioenti nil, IMS f0.Prt9 41 :)ii1 Block I S'lH41f S;7.072l K90.197 The f.'l'imlng Is tne New lork comparative weekly otton statement Net recelpu stall UnlPcd States ports.. . . 119.000 Same wek Iat year 1 :J7. OO ToteJ receipts at all c. s. potts to date.. 22i.(iihi Same date last year 2.t22.0) Experts from all L 8. ports lor the week 10:1,2110 week last yeiir 1:12.000 TotaJ exports from 1. 6. ports to date. . 1.457.0K Bam tal lat year l,:ti 1.000 Stock at all l 8. porta silil.roo Kama Mtna last year K90.IMH) riuwl at all Interior towns 2:10.000 Bams time lat Jf-t- r Mil.tHX) tooa at Llverjioia 40i.XiO Mam time lass year M5.HX) lock of American anoat for (it. Britain . . 244 (KM) dams lime last year ;i3:i.0o0 UEXEKAL TliADE. llard frost and snow-covere- d strata, viith a river covered from bank to bank with running lee, mak business activity Impossible, and we have again few trnac.ion In trad or produce to purcaases from band to inu'h are the rule, bu,lng ruund lots the excptinn. The follow1 g wetrk4 from the St. Louis JtrpuVi'ion, of Thursday: "C.n dull, i.r?r; lower on the week. No. "i. lor cash, awSi J9c: oats In bilik demand tor No. 2. 1 a es art 2097' 4 3; cornmeal. 81 70fM 75 t r city ground, delivered; bran scaree and higher, sales of bulk at 46e, sacks on track at 60c; hay scexos ana THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL--SATUEDA- Y, JA.nSTUA.RY 11. 1879. higher, with a good demand at 25t?50: a ton In ad vance, sales of conic" mixed on track kl in 50, finer tUiiolhy. $lin?K) 75; provisions looking more f vnnble d stronger; lar l held stiff. As soon aa boats can resume at Cairo the connecllea with this c ly by rail as brfme will also be resumed. Sou e ikiiIs are re l iig New Oile-n- s 1 reign t by Uie bf L xiU. Iron Mminialn and Soulb-r- n railway, at Eel-inn- The lUkiu quotes rail irelgbla south, 1 om (tore: ToMi-tnphl- s Hour, 55cperbrl: meats, 3 per cwt. The same paper quotes of pota-- t xa Pe--i less, tl ke and roM!, choice, at 45:? 55o ; psarhMows. 55f?i!ic; sweet pot-iUj- SI 50i2; onions. SI 50' I HO " The New Orleans pjraju', if w ediie-wiay- . I,as the fnl nw'.ng: "Sacked corn In g 0.1 su.ipij-an- flrui at 5iJ'i52c; oats large sui-p- ly and demand g sxl at a si glit ail tun x. tL Loul ( :iii?34c; bran, te parent., prime to clmlce ha. 14'17; eornineal, asking S2 2 ". sales at $2 10' 2 15; n e.gs, 24(?27c: isrtaPes -- early rose aiidneerli ss at S2f 1 15. Jackson whites, western, st8'J 4') J 2 50 perbrl;twet iKKatoes li-- ld at 74c pertrl; cabbegee, 10 per bundled; apples, 82 75 OH " FEED, ETC. frii remained quiet, with the ex-c- Ion or a sale or ;00 ks at 4ic; In s:ore. 50ri tt':. fniA In st ire. :i5t:p'a:. ltrm sale the pre- vious etenliit; "f ;iro s ks at Slrt50. the bujer pa.ing a 111 ntii's towages; In store, S0(?90c per cwt. ii'iy Is quoted at $1 1 15; In store, hot? Wic ( onmiMl IrifKiilar: sal;S generally at S2 25 In dray loa'' l"t-- : In Btre. S2 :i- - V.,r. $:j ro.?5 50. FRUITS AM VKiiETABLKS. very quiet; 111 store, t2i? 2 75. "oitt quirt; too to move them; In xtore, S2 2otr. 2 !I0. Sfftt ViA't!'.. S2. Osvmi quiet; In store, J I 75'? 2. LuliO'ir, &8M) per 100 beid. g t size. Turnip. jji'2 a liarrel. 'ito.m, S- - barreL f arret, 82 a barrel, 64 50 a barrel. Orang, 85ril a barrel. Imwij, S4 5(Vio. .Vrii Tar-gta- . iijc; Brazilian, 9c; iecans, Tex- as, new, ! !( 1 : mbrrts, 14o; pt anuts. 4c per pound; cocoM. t.nr. 1 no per hundred. Lrnrrt Fr'til apples, new, 470c; peaches, new, 4(?5c; oid, HUc Crv.'irrru. i7 a barrel. Kiiltd. POI'LThY, ETC. Eq'j In better de mand at ti J c. tue tatter ior small fa.kages. itiir was quoted as follows common, 9'illc; medium. ld?ltw; choice western, l..Hc; creamer). 2c. lA'oinirciarme, 17c a p und. rhicKrnt hcarcs at i'la'i, from young to bfns. Tnrki at 8'?12; dressetl. 14c a pounu ivk. (,iirr:i a dozen. r,, 14 ro, MliMXLKuL A Ci'U-- r tit barrels. Sh: iwimn tHi?sr0. iins medium navv. SI 7ru?Mi 3Sa bushel, according to quiillly. Linir , 90c i 1 . Ap-;- s Irittrr, 7c per lb. Sf:i 75 per half-bar- - rel; (iNIii barrel. Mmct intnl. Kl-j- per lb. if!ivte, 7c per lb. H'tminy -- III store, r oirrei, 1 m. ar.i'rt, it a nairet, according to si9 ut uarrei; nait oris c- - Dirirs. IT TELEQRA fHA LOL'ISVILLK. Janniry 10 Flour aulet but Arm. Wheat active atd Urm: red. 9()c: amber and white. P5c. Corn dull and lower; whlt, )5t ; mixed, :i.'tlc Oats demand fair and 1, rices higher: white. V7s; mixed. 24le. K)e eastr, 52i. Hay firmer, S9 if I 1. rork. fcH no. L,ara n.m: cnolca lear tierce. ivij'f ic; cnuioe teai keg, .ic bu k meals higher, 2ts'?4'?4in?4i.ic. Hacon scarce and tirm; shoulders. none; riear nn, 41: clear, 4itc. Sugar-cure- d anus, iLirni-uc- n 11 may steady, 51 o.J. CINCINNATI. January 10. Flour wtmrv ami higher: family. S4 :i5i?5 25. Wheat dull: ml hiwI white, 90ii9Mi Com - demand gwod, and tendency upwaru, jvin .j.ji,vm;. uais in goon aeinand at full prices, ; 2 ic. nje aei ve a-- u nrm. b 'aWAc Bar. 'ey In good demand; f.r No 2 fall. 1 lo bid; held higher. Pork- - held S 2nr?K 50. Lard In cood demand; Meam, so'd 5 2lf?5 70c Bulk meats atroDg nnu niKner; hem 2.7.)'2S0. 3K0r3.K5 4c wacon quiet but firm, ai(,aiB'?4-"0- . Whisky iu gooa ueinauu, M ul. NEW YORK. Janunrv IO. Flour stwidv: anriernne oimio aii.i wesiein. ziitL.i mj: rL. .uuis. ..a xiin 5 75. Wneat quint; led spring, 77a rtye dull and nominal. Barley quiet but steady. Malt dull and nominal. Com tinner: ungraded. 4rt'?471c. Ct quiet but Arm. Hops demand fair aim market firm. CoJce dull nugar qmeL Molasses doll and nominal. Nice active and Orm; Carolina, 5a4?,7l4C ork hear) ; mess, new, J7 5067 75. Cut me.ds quiet; lone clear middles. 4sc. Lard quiet; prime steam. 6.05d t!.22Vj5. Whisky firmer, SI IOI4. cniCAtiO. .Tanuary 10. Flour nuieL but firm. Whest unsi-ttled- , but generally higher; closed easy; No. 2 Chlcego spring, H iei KMle cash, 72Vii275c February. 84.'sr?H4.ic March. Corn In good ud at full p :ces; 29Xje cash. 30lkC February; Mitiit. 1. uiu iiiuiQi , ;.4C uasu, K')jC 1HO ruary. 20c Maich. Ryes'eady. Barlev Urmer. 9rt'7i pxc. Pork opened strong and higher; closed at price: S7 75 cash, 87 H5 February. S7 9Vgrr-- 95c March Lrd active, fltm and higher, 5.rt7tjc cash, o.72l,S'?5 75c February. 5.821"!: March. Bulk meats active, nrm and higher, 2 90, 3.90,4.103. n ui?Ky steuoy, 51 tit. ST. LCFLS. January 10. Klour firmer, with a bet ter demand Cornmeal firmer, but not ouotablv higher for upper grades. W heat strong and higher; xo. 2 ten iuii. x4tT9i-s- casn, 94sc January. Com actlv and higher: No 2 m1xd. HOc cash, ftoibe JanuiLry. :t May. Oats active. Ann and higher; No. 2. 21 1? .:2c. Rye qultt, 42l(J 42Vc. Barley mors doing, choice down to Hoc. Whliky steady, SI 04. Provisions a good deal excited and higher, but holders evlnctd Utile disposition to sell at the advance, though there was a good demand. Pork sold in h small way at SS caab. 88 10 March. Bacon nominally higher, nothing oone. Lard higher, 5."c; same bid for la-- lots. Sweet pickled hams. 16V pounus average, w; green nains higher, sales of 15 pounds average at 5c NF.W ORLEANS. January 10. Flour atronv: n- - perflne, $4(?4 25. Oats quiet, 32'?33c. Cornmeal scarce and Urm; held at S'l 2S. Hy steady with a fair demand; p'lme. S16; choice, S17. Fork scarce and Urm; old, S7 87t3'pl; new, Ss 60. Lard scarce and mm; t'.erivw, rlQ'i-Ac- ; kegs. r)34c?7o. Rulfc meats quiet but firm; shoulders, loose, 3V4C; packed, IWo; clear rib 4ic; clear sides. 41.1c bacon quiet and weak; shoulders, 27nc; clear rib, 414c; clear, 6Vc. Sugar-cure- d bams uull at Ha hljc according to size aud brand; uncanvaxed, tli !,!. Whisky quiet but steaoy; western rectified. XI 05? 1 10. Collie quiet b'lt firm : Rio, cargoes, ordinary to prime, ll'idMrlPjC gold. Siuar In good demand at full price;: common to good common. 4yt?5c; fair to tully fair. 5l.(?riHC; prime to choice, Si,i;r?ril4c; yel- low ciarltissi, Hl'ifriXie. Ko'asse In eoial demand- - 21r?22e: fair. 2:i'?25c; cenlrirugal, 20rf 2Sc; prime to choice, 27t?3Ic. Hlce quiet but lirni; Louisiana, orrtiuary 10 choice, BU'oUe. Bran tlnuer, 95r?97V'C DRI GOODS. 1J5F TELEQHAFUA NEW Y'ORK. January 1 0 The cenTal market remains quiet, but jtbo leading makss of cotton nous are a nine more active. Prints are Moving lowly. I)res goods tire In lleht rennest. i.tht. wel bt woolens are In modulate tiem md by the clothing trade. Foreign goods continue dull and steady. ltlVEU NK.VS. Weather n.ud Rivers. Tb ab1 and disnalchps below trive official partlculurs concerning the weather and rivers: Orricn Siunal, SKRViCK Obs. U.S.A., I Memphis, January 10, 189. f Above low Changes. water. STATIONS, Rise Fall Feet. lucres incue inches Cairo 8 Cincinnati .. Froz'n Davenport ..iFroz'n Dubuque. .. IFicz'n Hilenu. Aik... . .. I. Keokuk Froz'n Leavenworth ... 'Ftoz'n Little Rock Louisville. Froz'n tlrninhls Nashville "ii"" 41 .New Orleans... 10 Pittsburg 2 Sareveport. 8 91. Louis. Froz'n Vlcksbunr I tntiow blub water mark 0 Is 24 LOCAL OBSERVATIONS TRSTEtDAY. Time. Bar. ; her Wind. Rain 7:00 a.m. H0.49 13 N.W. i ICIear. 2K.I0 p.m. 30 40 28 S.E. Fair. 9:(X) p.m. 30.M5 27 8.K. Cloudy. Maximum thertaouieter 29 deg. Minimum thermometer 10 (leg. F. M.NEAL. Private. Signal Corps, V. S- - A. Ity Telccraph. CINCINNATI. January rising. Weathor-cle- ar and cold. PITTaBl'RtJ, January lO.-H- lver about 2 feet 11 ln21.es. weather fair and cold. LOUISVILLE, January 10 The stage or.water fa the canal Is 4 leet tl inches stationary. Weather-cl-ear and cold. KVANSVILLE. January lO.-BI- ver falling; 0 feet by tne gsuge. Weather-cle- ar and cold; the mer- cury lai.giug from 2 deg. below to 25 deg. above zeto. NET OkLEANS, January 10. Weather clear; thermometer, 42 deg. Ai rived: Belle of Tex.s and Henry Frank, Memphis: Annie P. Silvtr, Cairo. Departed: City of Altou, Cairo. VICKSBURG, January 10. Weather clondy; ther- mometer, 41 deg. The steamer John B. Maude, laid up here for tbe past few days, did not get away from here to-J- on account of tbe Ice In tne river. CAIRO, January 10 Noon. Ice In the Oblo Is heavier again this morning, and covers nearl) the whole surface, ceveiul boats whleh were preparing to load for the south have postponed It. R ver ris- ing. Weather clear; thermometer, 1 deg. at day- light. Leves Paragraph. No arrivals or departures. Nothing doing on tLe levee. The weather continues cold. Tho H.C. Yaeger Is still In port, ensiles Martin, of the steamer Osceola Belle, Is In the city. The Ruth Is reported in a safe harbor at Cole's creek, near Fort Pillow. To attempt walking down the landing yesterday was a temptlnuof Providence. The Henry Frank, Belle of Texas and Annie P. Sliver arrived at New Orleans yesterday. Tne Big S indy river is reported running out very strong, but not sulncienliy to break up the ice in the Oblo. Several of the coal boats, moored at the foot of Beale street, have been trapped by tbe rapid decline of the river and (be Moating tec The tee has 90 covered the mirks on the govern- ment gauge at tbe tlver, that we are unable to state the exact aecrease of water at this point yes'.erday. The nvtr had not as much Ice In It ytstcrday, and In two or three da)!, should this warm weather con- tinue, steameis will be enabled to resume their regu- lar trips. Tbe East Cairo railroad Incline, owing to tha Ic9, has been removed, but the transler of cars werj re sunie I. showing thsi the ice la the river Is becoming thin ond brokeu. Our Cinclnr ail dispatches or yesterday state that several coal barges were suuk In the Kauawha river, and that the steamer Crossly was carried down the liuayandolte river by Ice, aud Is a total loss Forty-tw- roust-ji- s xt tried yesterday with a "tie check" to walk to Louisville and Cincinnati. As they bawled away th lr money the other night, bow they expect to eat on tbe roil no one knows, you know. Captain O'Neal and Ed Novtland are entitled to be called Arctic explorers. They cleared the rlwrof Ice yesteiday with lbs Alice Brown. Yes, ou bet she Is Browned. Ti.erewiil be lo presentation, or chronica given or accepted. A friend of ours had an Invitation to the bail in Steamboat town I huisday night, and bliluga tine cutter took his sweetheart w ta blm; but the watch- man on tne boat not knowing tbe game, would not permit th'iu to board tin steamer. Yesterday the same gentleman was bunting the fellow that put up the Job, ard. wlih a ciub, swore he would kill him; but be dl In't. y;:u know. In tbe local column of tha IiKlqtr yesterday even- ing appeared the f. ll iwlng: That was a line sell the river iieople put off on their f lends concerning a oall 10 be given on their boats at Fort Piekeriig, last night. Tbelr raft all lie close up to the almost perpennlc-Pt- r bluff, and none cn descend to board them except by cooulng' on ihelr bands and knees, lwould have been ) :ly sport to have seen the boat-peopl- feminine friends going lo a dance la tnls stile, but none v ere ouiie soft eiioogh to try it. Tue trick was good firths marines, but cot for smart towns people." The "weienoer." of tbe same pa- per, had In the following: "There was a pa. a time at Steamboat town last nigbL Kntertauimenta and soirees were given on the Josle Harry a id seve- ral otner steamers of the fleet. Lou o' pretty girls and gallant beaux attended the soiree at Steamboat town last ntent." Siine one of the Ledfrr folk got left, 01 may be all "oooned" dowa, you kuow. . as loOn AMR IMF 1871 DRY GOOBS2 ANOTHER REDUCTION AT Beloz Ietermlaed to Kcvdoce oar Immense Htock of Staple and Fancy Dry Voaala, we have Skude Another Terrific and Hweeplar Kednetlon I DRESS At nie". worth lie. At worth 2)r. At lOe. worth 3e. At 13c, worth 87e. ALL-WOO- L CASHHKRE reduced thirly-thr-.p- tr cad. ALPACAS reduced thirty-thr- ee per cent BLACK SILKS and COLORED SILKS reduced twenty-fiv- e percent. Two hundred pieces REMNANT SILKS, In various lenguts at sacrificing price?. CASSI MERES, WATERPROOFS, LINSF.YS And JEANS ut wonderfully Low Prices. All kinds MERINO UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, GLOVES and NOTIONS awfully reduced. Revo I FOE SWEEPING on 11 Prices Laun CHEMISES, neatly trimmed, 40o. 8KIRT3, tucked and ruffled. 75c. INFANTS' WEAR, In great variety LONQ ST.IPS, at 50c each. We guarantee great bargains In this department. NIGHT OOWN3, 95c LADIES' DBA WEBS, 35c MISSES' UNDERWEAR, slightly soiled, which we will ell at F" r.nu on the Dollar. ST" G GOODS lower than ever before. Our Stock ran ce reduoed.J B.LOWENSTEIP. & BROS. lo&asaw works, HANDLE & LIVERMORE, Prop's, OS Second St., pp. Market Square, JSJenipliis. House Fronts, Wrought and Cast Railings, all kinds of Iron and Brass Castings, Cotton Presses, Gin Gearing. Pu'leys, Shafting, Bolts, Etc, Pipe and Fittings, Brass Good, Judson'a Governors. Steam Pumps, Engines, Jail Work. Get eral Repairs. CryORDEEtS SOLIClTKD.iS3 Send for lUtutraled Catalogue. IS. II. TTAV33 IPOn 750 Brls. "Nelson Distillery" Fire-Copp- er SPRING OF 1373 - -- o FREE AND 511 llltAY A B1VGELY, Merehant Tailors, o. 88 Madison Street. Take pleasure in notifying: their friends and the public generally that they have re- opened their store with a new, lare and full Stock of the very Latest Styles of imported goods. Prices moderate. We solicit those who contemplate ordering their Fall and Winter Clothing to give us a call. si ntit iY i. iiimel,v' W. XV. ny. W. iron 7475 - 76 - -,77 IN BONBi THO.SAS CASEY Dillaro. B. Coffln. a Ooffiflf AXlltEV STEWART, AXDKKYt 1. P. II. HAYLRY, Slew Orleans, Steanphls. Memphis) STEWART, GWY1MEI CO, WHOLESALE GROCERS, COHON FACTORS Nos. 356 and 358 Front St., Memphig, Tenn. aibjf Stewart Brothers & Co., Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants, New Orleans, Louisiana. CAItnUKY. QATiI3 OARBEEY & CASEY, Importers and Wholesale Liquor Merchants, Ho. 347 Front Street. Memphis. Tenn. Cotton Fnctars & Wliolgsale Grocers A.GEXTS FOB THE CELEBRATED O irS.A7--LJIJ.-- OOSON-GH- W. Nos. 296 and 298 Front street, Memphig, Tenn. PR ATT, IRWIN Motions,Hosiery 329 MAIN STREET - - MEMPHIS, - - 329 MAIN STREET The Onlv Notion Jobbing Hons in Memphis. John iuy, a mum It. if. Wholesale Grocers and Gotton Factors, 260 and 262 Front st.. Memnhis. A. VACCAliO. B. YACCAJEC. A. B. VACCAEO. A. VA00ABO & CO., IHFOBTEBS AJSD DEALERS 19 WINES, LIQUORS & G3GABS, Ho. 324 Front street, 32empnis. J EWELRY. JEWELRY. V, B. THAYER HanufacturlQK Jeweler and Dealer la FINEGOLD GOODS, WATCHES, CHAINS, Setts, Plain and Set King? and . Spectacles, 307 MAIN ST, Under Peabody (formerly of Second SI). J. P. Hannon. . . Iteabard. Late ot EaoiKin dc Walker. Southern Dye Works, Hanson &Reahard, FKOPKIK IOB8. Store ana Office: XVH Merond Street. Iye Work: No. it 19 Poatotoe Street. MEMPHIS, TENN. LA0IKS' and Gentlemen's Clothing CLKANED. and REPAIBED at short notice. All Cloths. Woolens, Silks, etc, DYED IN ALL COLORS. All orders ma receive prompt personal attention. Goods lecelved and returned by express, rCTtBtianEP new. EASDALE'S DYE KOUS i 265 W' urricbs. j 28 w Fourth St, CINCOTSfATI, O. ItnwmtH, 9hftwltv Bltkn, Velvet and Clthtn Drcd. lrruAftes lo nil Fabric C'leand without sLae CnrtaJns rleaned. t'rupc t dyed. W rood dyed In th e piece. W. R. TEASDAU. (TT'Send your goods byexpreBS. Write for Circnlazt ATTOISS KYS-AT-LA- A t torney -- at-La w, (irront Uoom over State National Bank,) 289 MAIX STREET. MEMPHIS, TEXN . JP. FOUTJ5, Vttornoy-at-Ija- w, Office: NO. 228 MAIN' STREET. 3NTor Firm. Arch. Wright. Wm. C. Folkes. Luke E. Wright WRIGHT, FOLKES & WRIGHT, Attorneys at Law, Office: No. 15 Union Street, Memphis. WILL practice regularly In the Courts at State and Federal. In the SuDreme Com t at Jackson, and In the courts ol Crittenden county. Arkansas, and of Tunica county, Mlsslssli- - I'l. ana win alien a. upon special retainer, any oi tne Courts in the States of Arkansas, Mississippi and Tennessee. S. K. GAMMON, Attorney-at-La- w, XO. 84 MADISOV STREET, MEMPHIS. W, P.WJXsSOBT, Attorney-at-La- w, 289 Main St., (Over State National Bank.) MemphU : TsnsdMM W. P. BOND. W. K. LEJGH. Attorneys-at-Liaw- , BROWSHVIM!. ... ADMIISISTBATOBS. AdminiUrator's JKotice. HAVTNQ been appointed and qualified as ot the estate of Butler P. Anderson, deceased, notice Is hereby given to all creditors of thn estate to present their claims to me duly authen-- t cated, and peisoos Indebted to the estate are re- quested tu come forward and settle. CiE-JA- WEATHEBFOKD, Administrator. January 8. 1x79. Administrator's Notice. HAVING been auallfled as administrator of the of ArcilbHld Thweatt. deceased, all persons having c alms against the said estate are no- tified to present Iheiu as trefcrlbed by law, and per- sons Indebted to the estate aie requested to come for; ward and settle. GEO. C HARBIN, Administrator, sat 2f57 ilaln street Administrator's Xollce. HAVINtl been appointed ar.d quallned as of the estate of Mis. Joiianna John-s'on- e. deceased, notice is hereby plven toalicredltors of tbe est-it- to present their claims to me duly authenticated, and pf raons ledebted to the estate are requested to i orae forward and settle. C.SdAU WEATUERFuHD, Aflmlnlstratt r. January 8, lST'.i. Administrator's Notice. qualified as the administrator of the HAVING of ltd K T. Worsham deceased, all per- sons Indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make payment ot same, and all holding claims against said estate will present them to me, or my attorney, at No. 27tVs M lln street, duly authenti- cated, in tbe time prescribed by law, or the ?auie will be barred. WILLIAM WORSHAM, Administrator. B. C. WILLIAMSON, Attorney. No 2 7 Ma Main street. Administrator's Notice HAVING quallned as Administrator of F. Rles, I request all persons Indebted to him to come forward and settle. All persons having claims agninst him are notified to present their claims, duly authenticated, within the time pre- scribed by law, or they will be barred. WM. H. HOEGKL. Administrator's Police. HAVING been appointed and qualified as on tue estate of Thomas M. Carrer, deceased, noiice Is hereby given to all creditors ol said estate to presont their claims to me, and al! .Jul sons Indebted to said estate are requested to call and settle. WILLIAM H. CARVER, No. 14 Union street. Administratrix's Notice. qualified as the Administratrix of tbe estateofSamuelTlghe.all persons Indebted to his estate are hereby notified to come foiward and settle the same; and creditors of said estate are re- quired to present their claims duly authenticated within the time prescribed by law or they will be for- ever barred. December 23, 1878. SARAH TIGHE, Administratrix of Samuel Tlghe. M. D. L. Stewart and G. P.Voute. Attorneys. administrator's Notice HAVING qualified as the administrator of the of S. M. Jobe, deceased, all persons in- debted to said estate are hereby notified to make payment of same, and all holding claims against said estate will present them to me, at No. 854 Main street, duly authenticated. In tbe time pre- scribed by law, or the some will be barred. a. i. JObK, Administrator, 354 Main street. George G. Dent. Attorney. Administrator's Notice. HAVING been appointed and qualified by the Court of Shelby county as Adminis- trator on the estate of S. D. Man gum, deceased, notice Is hereby given to all creditors of said estate, to present their claims to my attorney, J. M. Greg- ory, at bis office in Memphis. And all persons In- debted to said estate are lequested to call there and settle, or settle with my aitent. Frank Bauksmlth, ColllervlUe, Tennessee. ANDREW D. G WYNNE, Adm'r Administrator's Notice. HAVING qualified as administrator of the estate C Scbaper. deceased, all persons having cUtms agalnut tbe said estate are requlrec ro present them properly authenticated as prescribe: by law, and persons indebted to the estate are re- quested to come forward and settle. ANDREW RENKERT. Administrator. Administrator's STotlce. HAVING qualified as Administrator with the will of Mrs. Rebecca Burkle, deceased, all persons having claims against tbe said e.tate, are required to present them autlienllcated, as pre fcUiueu by law, and persons Indebted to the estate are lequetted to come forward and settle. WM. M. RANDOLPH. 85 Madison streeL Administratrix's Notice. HAVING qualified as tbe Administratrix or the of M. W. Kenney, noiice Is hereby trtven to all persons Indebted to said estate to come for- ward and pay tbelr Indebtedness; and to all credit- ors to present their claims to the undersigned or hsr attorney, duly authenticated within the time pre- scribed by law or the same will be forever barred. December 23, 1878. CAROLINE KENNKY, Administratrix uf M. W. Kenney. M. P. L. Stewart, Att rney, ete. Administrator's Notice. HAVING qualified as rdminlstrator of tbe of James T. Leatb, deceased, no- tice Is hereby given to all pursuits having claims against said tnUVa, to tireeent I he in to me at 8tl Union street. Memphis, Tenn., for payment within the time prescribed by law; and all persons In- debted to said esLite will please call and settle with me at the same place. . JOH V H. LENOW, Administrator. DeeemD rio. 1 7K TRUSTEE SAL.ES. Trustee's Sale. BY virtue of the terms of a Deed of Trust, to me executed by C. W. rurgerron on the 80th day of June, 1877. and In Chattel Bjok No. 12, pages 311, 312, 813 and 314, 1 will. On Saturday, February 15 1S7, at 10 o'clock a.m- - proceed to sell to the highest bidder, fur cash, at 1 7w Second street, the personal property mentioned and described la said trust deed, the same belli composed ehlefl of the houst bold and klichen firnlturc, etc.. In said building-- , 179 Second street. January 8. 17P. FRANK A. WJILLS, Trustee. ft Weatnerford, Attorney. A World of mm OFFER CHEAPGDODS! Bargains ! 1000 pairs Bed Blankets, 1000 pieces All Wool Flannel?, 00 pieces 10-- 4 Bleached Sheeting:, - 100 pieces Wool Jeans, ..... 200 pieces Canton Flannel, 100 dozen Men's Merino Shirts, ... 100 dozen Ladies' Merino Vests, -- 2000 pairs Ladies' Fine Shoes, 2000 pairs Children's Shoes 50 pieces Black Dress Silk, 200 pieces Wool Dress Goods, -- 1000 Ladies' Cloaks, 200 pieces All-Wo- ol Cashmere, 50c, worth 75c. 31. (iavin. John Late Kent, br OTHERS TO-DA- Y CHEAP&OODS! $1 50. 18c. 20c. 5c. 25c. 81 50. 50c. 10c. S3, 84, 85. THERS. Clark. 91. Clark. JAM )tO-.- , ALL GOODS GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED. S.rtnlllvan, M. Gavin & Go. Wholesale Grocers. Cotton Factors, And Commission 5if rcliants, E'ront Street, 3VXo-- m iplxls, Tenn. Bei em Adams and Jefferson. UlJIiR T T rnVnTT.T. rfMnb. m mnla HmA bilh. Vulohln.,. f ... all TnltAn l.l.,dl ,n Our our charge. We have owr Dtton Warehouse, comer Washington and Second. AM b OO X. X. ESTE8, EatN, Fixer A Co o BO (SUCCESSORS TO Wholesale Grocers, Cotton Factors And Commission Merchants, Hos. IIJ aud 13 Union u. T. PORTER. W. F. Thos. aienaphls. 232 ORTER. TAYLOR & CO. EST KB. FIZER COJ O. W. TORS O ESM AND 300 Street. and Monroe JI em phis. Tennessee. EL J PH USer. COILKU NtTALIC TELl.I'llO. I tbfint III world, mwi th only compIeteW it.ln.-1'al- l A principles! warranted work mile. unaflcietJia IT ii and wldreu Mmple iJjS d1 jX)fwt hvy at 95 percent. dleouDtfrom - V .. which S3, forthegl. iantrumenU. Thit offer will notlioij good atterC" I'eb l51187e.u known to selithreuKi- ?K---5t- l the trade, mud Ws ahall l nrttltmrl trt at rir .. . , w j i"fi-- ; iwi (iui uicm up dj lougwinr to W will n one et f is v-- - handredi testlmotilaalB Roston, ' " km - in ai auy Xvlepbune that v muv uAia ju wnw. Vt'oodm.nd; FARGASO.N, JAMES J. ,Li : 25c. 65c Ft our & Street, 52csMilai8, TAYLOR. MACRAE. AG Rl No. Tseztt liataeen Eladlson T dpeClU one one rrfD.rrott.i "'m''M ltahM.Kt msa - tl v mai.Viin mmII nriiu A oirrcQoiM teat tiui aca e oavv- - ta) ia to wt will refund money aad jmy tnree montn. nearly lVUOol tTiee ud have of Ml mrU ot the countrv Jo 3 CoDtfreiaSt., Ml rumen moa, tor paper wara J. T. J, II. the win. dunur work, tne from WHOLESALE irocers and Cotton Factors 3G9 Front and 32 Clinton g.s., Mempliis. A. C. C. HEIN. J. B. FOSTOX. MEACnAM. Agents. : : iIKSIIIIl.S. TKSN. IMPOBTEB AND DEALEB IN WINiSS, LIQUORS & OIGAES, Wo. 14 Union Street, Memphis, Tenn. MEMPHIS CITY FIRE AND General Insurance Company, DOES A GEXEKAL FUSE AM 31 AltlXE ItUSIKE. OaiDitctl - - - - So O 0,000. OFFICE So. 19 Madison street, Memphis, Tennessee. President K. M. AFPERSO. or K. 31. Apperson A Co. Vlee-Prealde- nt A. VACCABO, of A. Vacoaro & Co. Caihler-HES- KY J. LYBK, DlKGCTOUfl: THOMAS FISHEB, President Emmet Bank, W. N. WILKERSON. of W. N. Wllkerson A Co. M. GAVIN, of M. flavin & Co. NAPOLEON HILL of Hill, Fontaine 4 Co. W. J. COLE, Of Cole Co. JOSEPH W. CALDWELL, of F. M. White 4 Co H. FUBSTENHEI5I, of Furstenhelm 4 Wellford. M. I,. MKACHAM. W. KOBERTS GROCERS, GOTTOM And Salt KO. 9 LMOX STllKiT. Tenn. pair. HOT. FACTORS, Harpmann Bro. Manafactarers. Iatportera and Jobber of Cigars, Chewing, Smoking Tobacco and Pipes Xo. 5886 Slain Street, 23emphii, Te.;u PARTIES wishing to purchase lanv of the above articles should give us fa eau before purchasing 1A)W PBICES and GOOD GOODS U our motto. JOHM OOIBOI, MANUFACTCBZB AKD DEALEB OI NO. 389 MAIN..,,ra 389 MAIN. at the LOWEST PBICES. fVOrden prompUy and lalthrully tilled. DIHFESSAUY. Dr. D. S. olinson's PI1AVA i a; Medical iir. nsarv: So. 17 JEFrEUSr,., STREET, Between Main and f"rs::t, Xeetrtla, uTiBLcnD nt DB. JOHNSON !s arnowit-:.-,.- a p.n In. aa by far tbe mim :ioceir'il r..'jjV.c!na In the treatment of prlv.i or muaiues. ijicir, tnoroutfti and in tvn, c.v, male or female. H"-.- t olw of rtorirrb(a ar.d Syphilis cured In a few lhys. wlL'icit th- - .: 1 1 cfianu-- i of dliH, or hlr. ininoe rrom b.i :w , 6econd;iry Syphilis. tiiM last vos:ls emulca'e-- l nit Out the UHeof merciry. Invclunrary loss ol Ila storped tn a l.or: time. 8uirerar3 rrom liu4er ct or fuss of spinal txrwers restored to trve vtsor tr a f- - weeks. Vlrt!rr:s of Bslf-abu- and exr3.ve vonry, suftprtru? f mm S rmaiorrtiea and lo k Ihy.'cal and mental pOTt-r- , spvedlir and tnn,.-ucntl- y curwl. Particular attention paid to the Diseases er Women, and cures eiiamnwed. Thront and Lur.R LilseaHes ri,rd by new rerariWt. Piles and old sores cured without ihe use of cans Uc or the knife All consultations strictly confidential. Medicines sent by express to all pan. of the coon i try.' Office hours from 8 a.m. to 0 p.m. Sundays fro in a to 5 p.m. I S .TOTTVOOV M T. TRl'MTEB NiLES. Trustee's Kale. BY ilrtue of the terms of iD el of Tnist, made me as Trustee on th-- . th d.iy of Mav, 174, and which w is tilel May 10. 1K74. and recorded May 14. 1H74, In Hv k No. 101 . paire 244. In tue Keidstel's oHice of Shelbv eountv. Tennesj-ee- . to wliich reference Is made for particulars, and ut the request oi ine uenenoiary, i win. On the 4th Day of February, 1S79, st twelve o'clock, noon, on the rremlses, se'.! to the falKbest bidder, for cash, tle foliowlnir real eia'e, cltu-..tr- In the city of Memphis. Shelby couiitv, Tenoeosee. to wit: Lot No. H of W. P. Rnnd'sm b. dlvl-lo- of part of lot No. rt. In block 5.'i, hliuated on Lauderdale street, near Pontotoc, with a rmritape on Lund-rdl- e street of 4MS feet, runnlriir bacK icct u a i uner. rjiiia m is one or inrre con- veyed by W. P. Bond to J. C. rinvlq. and hv him rnn. veved to me m trustee. EqtiWy of relemptlon burred. TiUe bllevel to be good, but I seil and convey a trustee only. C. B. CLARKE, Trustee. jicxirMiH. January inr Trustee' Sale. TTNDEB and bv virtue of a certain trust deed to me LJ executed by M. L. Selden. Julia M. Selrt.,n nn.l C.J. Selden, trustee, of date November 27, 1K71, and recorded In the ieliter's ria;-- e of S!jelby county, Tennessee, In record Iwiok No. S2. p iee fiW, tt seg.. to which reference Is her-b- y made. I. Hssuch iruice. ill inereuuesi or ue benetlciarles iu ald tnit the df lt therein mentioned being past due will, oo Thursday. January 23, IHJO, offer for sale, and sell al nubile vendue, to the hlh. est bidder for cash, the following real estate, with wt ip'.iru?umic-c- inereio DeionKing. situate, lyinp andbelnKln ihecliy ot Mo.nptns. SUeiby coiintji Tennessee, snd as follows, t: uotnmenclne at a utaue on tbe south side of Real. street. In the cUv of Memnhls. ( '! feet A i two hundred and twenty tett lour Inches west l the soulhwent comer of Beale and Lauderdale; thence running south at rl;ht armies with Beaie one hundred anJ ntty iismij Trt to the uorth sl.le ot a twe ve foot nllev ; hence westwrdiy with ;lld fi- - ley one mtmneo leet (HMD to Driver strett; tlienM lunhwanlly with erist sMe of Driver .tiet. one hun- dred und tilty (InD) teelto BeRle s'reet; t ier.ee lth the sou'li sltteof Beale Mrttt one hun- dred (1001 feet lotlie heelnnlriK. be'.n : tue s.ime upon which said M. L. Selden has rectutlyertcl d his resilience ana wuere ne now res'fle. hale will be Biaue a! the front door of the court. hou-se- . In the city of Memphis. Tennessee, at 12 o'clock. Equity of redemption is expressly waived In suld trust dee.1, and title believe.! to be perfect, but I shall sell and convey as (nite only. C. B. WELLhORD. Tnistee. Royster. Waldran 4 Bacon. Auctioneers. Trustee's Sale. IN pursuance to the terms of a Trust Heed, to me on the i:h day of November, 1877. duly reglotered In Chattel Book No. v, page 88, 1 vrtll, On Saturday, llthday ofjanuary, l7, at the residence of Ihe lite J. J. Sears, on Union avenue, proceed to sell at public auction, to the blK''et bidder, for cash, the following personal pioperty. to wit: All the household aud kitchen furniture on sa d place, and tannins; Implement-.- ; one irold watch and chain, one hors- - and bni?ey. two milch cows, one small waon, an i srorunent of valuable books, one bundled county maps, etc Sale between the hours of 10a in. mid 1 p m. t1- - I. M DOWtLL. Iruitee. MEyFHrs, January 1. 1k; Trustee's Hale. BY virtue of the power conferred on me by a Ieed Trust, exeeut.xl to ni as tnistee cn ihe first day of Settember. l73.byn I.. Bilnkhv find It. C Brlnkley. which Is i r .eLor.t la th" Hezist rf office of fjiielby county, Tt ss;, la Book 7, page Oa Tuesday, Juuu..r t VS, 3S;9. at 12 o'clock m., ut th sotit1! ; f Court Rnire, In the city of MempWu. procetu. ' lor c,t-h- , to the highest bidder, the fol!iiis propertv. to- - Alt: One iuu!v...ed half of pan o' l a .;s. panof b;iou lot 4S1 ; oeclnnli at tbe sou'h'.re-- t c- - rer of Jtattl-so- n mid DeSoto streets; th-- nv rt with the south side of Mailson street 140!- - fi e- -: thence s. uth nd parallel with fe:ot. street 1 4l- - teet to an allev, thence e.ist H0lj feet to DtSoti Mre-- t; tuence wiih west tide of Drtnoio street 14bl,i leet to Aiadlson Siteet, to the beginning. .slso, one undivldeil ore-hal- f Intere-- t In lot No. . part of lot4s,-- ; belrvilng at the tou'.hwest corner of Second and Gay. so streets; thenre with Gunso sirectwist 14Slvt et; ihenee south til t: tbei.cv eastuud aiallel wltn Gr.yo-- o street 14Mifeetto Secmd street; thence witu tbewvst sbie orVecond street CI feet t Gajoso Mrtet, to the beginning point. 1 bis sale is ma.ie ft! tbe roque t of tbeber:efict:;ry. de'ault haviiit; been lih.iIp in the paj merit oi th debt secured by tte deed of tiust. ihe title tjtne protierty Is be leve.1 to ;v but I u1ll el! ano or.ver only as trustee. E ju'.iv t.f ie.iemption is wilve.1. t.. ?! HKAtiN Trustee. Trustee's aSe. VY virtue of the pnver cn.ferred on me bv tbe lZ terms of a deed ot trut. eteeut dt le as trustee, on the tweit sixth day i.f uc ober. 1 SV" by T. J. Yarbmugh and his wife. s. J. Yarb iuxh, which Is recorded In tbe Keglstei's oliica of Shelby omuty, Tennessee, In book 1(1. , at pae 11,1 wUl, On January 25, lS;y, between the hours cf 1 ) and 11 o'clock a.m , ot said day, at the southwest ot Vain ,v.l Madi- son stieeLs. in the city of Memnhls, Tennessee, pro- ceed to sell for cash, to the h uhest bidder, the prop- erty conveyed lo said t deed, and nhl.-- Is ed as foilons- - Part of lot No. 3, In blo k Xo. 17. of the Butler Division of siid city of Jiem phis, bounded as Beglnulrg at the noithMest corner of R. and W. Amnion's bit on stieet? lunrtns noit'i with hchols street ,"s teet Inch-- s to A. B. Jewel, lot : thence east to his southeast comer; thence south 5 feet U Inches to R. and w. Amnion's north line: thence west wlih said line tu the beginning on Ecnois street, about ltiil feet; tbe saline lut dt, sctibed in a deed from J. K. Johnston, trustee, to rt. E. Johiistoii, wliich ded is recorded in tt:e rlstef's otMca of SUeiby countr, Teiine.-s- o e. In bock 10. page 474. 1 1 which deed iefetence Is he:e mud-'- . This sale Is made at the request ol tbe beneficiary, default having been made In the ptyaient of tPe debt secured by tbe trust deed. Tbe title to the prop- erty Is believed to be Eood, but I will only convey as trustee, fcquily of redemption 1: rred. S. D. JOHNSTON, Trustee. December li. 1878. 1. D. Cunawat. Auct'oncer. Trnstce's Nale. BY virtue of the power conferred on me by a deed of trust, execu ed to me as trusteee, on the first of Febiuary. 1872, by D. R. Cwt and i. A. Norton, which Is of lecord Iu ibeoiiicr oi Ihe register of Sheiby county, Tennessee, In book No. So, ptiee 145. I will. On Thursday, Fcbrunry 6, 1STO, at half-pa- eleven o'clock forenoon. In fn nt ot the middle tenement of the lrviu block. In the city of Memphis, proceed to sell, for cash, to the h hest bidder, the followlr g described prviK-ity- . A certain lot or l uid situated In county. Ten nessee, and bepii: tmrt of let N. 5ri on tu plat of the city of Memphis. an J bounced rs tullow-- : Be ginning at a point on the north s dc 1 1 Je;tersn slieet, where It Intersects tb- east line of tue nlle lininc Imlely earl ot the I he tier. iu:ii.ln thence east seventy-fou- r feet, thence nortu one humired and f Mty-etg- and one-ha- .f leet to aa al.ev. tuence wtst seventy-tou- r feet, hence souili one hundred and forty-eig- and one h ilf lett I) Hie place ! be- ginning. This Is made tr the ur(.oe ol pay- ment of tbe Indebtedness secured by said tri.si deed. Equity of redemption expiessiy wa.ved. Tlile be- lieved to be iKr.ect. but 1 sell and convey only as triistte. This prority will r e sold beiore tha mid-til- e tenement of tho living LIcK. adertls?d for ::le by me, as tiustee, on same day ks lb s sale, both trust deeds having been given to se. ure the same Indebtedness. L. L. BELCUEit. Tn.-te- By order of J. A. Anderson, administrator of Charles Wintter. beneficiary. Trustee's Sale. BY virtue of the power confered on me by a Deed of Trust, execute-- 1 to -e as Trust- - on the 1st of February, lh72. by P. R Couk. Ui-- ns o: rroird In the office of the Renter ot sheiby county, Tencessoe, In BuOk No. 8o, pae 143, 1 will. On Thursday, the At h of Frt-nmr- IM7V, at twelve o'clo. k, noon, In front of tbo middle tene-mer- .t ( f the Irving b o k, tn ti.e Ur ot S!e i plils, projeed to sell. I. r enst, to the n'gues. ol.loirr. the following described trojerty, tv.ii: A cena.n lot of land situated la the coun'.y of Miell yHi.d Ma e of Tennessee, and In the city of Men ph's, beiiii; a par; ot lo-- s H45 and 84r, on the plan f sMd itv, and bounded s follows: Beglnnli g at a print nn the eit sbleof J l teet rt inches south f tbe alley between JeRersoo and C. urt streets, at the in ddle ot the partition wall between to ten.j.eul of the Irving block; running tbenco 24 feet Inches south to tbe middle i r the tther p r.ttlon wall In raid living bin k; thet ce e.it 14kU f t pi an alley; thence north 24 le. t : Inrh-- s Vy ihe n.icdle f t; e first descr be i pt tllio i v..u.; f ence west 14-- l fatt to the point tf besltimi; It but:. tl.e middle tene- ment ol ihe Irving bl nis. Tins I made furthe poriiose ot paMiiei t of fie li.ii.t-- dre-s se.-ir- . a ly said truit deed Equitj redemption eprts.-l- y walve-1- . Title bellevoo to t - e- - bu. I si.all 5vll and convey as ti tutee on'v. E L,. r i. HER. Trust e. FBy ordf-- r of J. A. An let . Im p.s.r.dor of Charles Winter, bi eficl.iry. Trustee's Hale. IN pursuance of the terms nf alnist !ee t to me by Walker I:, t arter, en trie 22d diyot cepleinber, lb77. and uuy retlstered. eta, I will, on January li'-- i. 1STO. at the southwest corrier of Main and Madison streets In the city of Memphis, pioceed to sell at put. II auo Hon. t tbe hlgiiest bidder for oash. t.cwhartb at "R E. lMf." now ijlng at the wli.srf s,t ihec trur Memphis, Tenneesee. Uvether wua all and sineu'.ir Ihe siars. cables, chains, stages and otiier . purit nances to said whartw,at. Saie beiu.jeu the Hours of 12 m. aud 1 p.m. s. .7. r t'r. T-- Xolirr. STATS NATIONAL BANK. JTtui'irrt Trs-- i . in. I78 A meeting ..f ti e tio of this nana will be heid on Tue-ila- v 14"i day of January next, at tneir Banktngboii-- . i,,r the purpose of electlrg thirteen aliectois to sesve lor the ensuing fear. Pulls open Irvra 1 1 a.m. to p.m. . A. HAYES, Ja.. CashMC

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Page 1: 4 Trustee's Kale. I Laun€¦ · It 4. 1 1, KO A I) TIME-TABLE- S. Iroal.Ytlle and Ikaohvllle aad t;rea Btolkrra. U1TL Ktw. daily (except tat.)! 1 1 jh p.m.1 RKX) p.ra. Mail, daily

It 4. 1 1, KO A I) TIME-TABLE- S.

Iroal.Ytlle and Ikaohvllle aad t;reaBtolkrra.

U1TLKtw. daily (except tat.)! 1 1 jh p.m.1 RKX) p.ra.Mail, daily 11:00 .. 8:15 a.m.

d'F(eiw" . IM'l" P--

On Salunuy. Ki press runs only tu ATketjie, connecunjc ror Aasnviue.

ilrnpbli aad t'tiarleMan.AHHIVK.

city ttmHill jt Express Tr&ln.da.'li 5.40 a m.! 1:1s p. irbo nervine AouOiuuMslr.tiut I

Jslly iexoept buna.-.)-- . . 4 10 p.m.! i. f:10 a.mU VII juuctioo oc., Uiiiiri .

.niMlalMlppl and Traimtrr.ItlVL AHKIVE.

rt Orleans rail. ti: .j.iiO p.ia i 12UJ5 p.m.OATUIS A.XJOminm L:i;U,Qhl

(except sundaiv :i :w p.m. v 20 am.rrl.'ul and amiii) mo I it,

d illy (exivpt ttundayst.. . 7:l." m. fiiOO t ta,

Mf inph'w and l.Utlc Hoc It.I.K4VR. AHHIV.

Mil Train, dally n 20 p.m. I 5.-2- p.m.) Hi. Oku? nm fun.) rt.ixi a. m Mo p m.

f It full in d tt r m pblw.LXAVX.

M H 4 1 5 (j. in tJM a mAsc.iFn'tHMn trwln. 7 1) n r Ml) f III.

K11am:ial.Yntturdar wai unother vary quiet day Rt

tbe built; the Interruption of navigation che-k- s

salpine'iU and two or three dvs mu ween itm totaldifi snlen of cution bare been uu1- -r 2O0 b il-- s,

and na d if un.IT lih.1) ba m. Tills, of course.ligQleus Hie business of tbe banks and de--

riMK me amount or excuaitps ouriugwblie roou.y lenialns plenty, wan a verymodi rale rail lor 11. Exchange quoted slijbton New lork and demand on fcr-- Etig a d

off; sight on New angiaad ll oil, Bel-ling iU par: on New Orleans, I4 discuunt boylng.sollltigat par. fbelbrovutiir scrip buying at 8,". selling alH). New Imiki Tenuesse note have beeu otteredat 5i, and Mernpnis gas stock at ml. MoneyS'TIO per mat., ihe l ir nur to bank customers.TB-- ie mM a hiw of ten shares otHeuiphls gas slinkat lit,

IBr TELEORAFBAPARIS. January 10. Routes, Hit. tiOcNEW ORLEANS. January 10 New York sight, l

dlauuunt. Bteriliui excua!i-bauk- em bills, 4.12 1 j.1 ONDON. Jii:nrr 10. Consnla money. H5 1 1 rt

areuuot, f,Vi; Illliioln Ontml, 84: Heiiaarlvi,l;iCmitral. :(:-l-. nradlux. I J; Krlc. j2': preletrrd,

7t'j: 01 ll, 103-s- ; J, lU4;Dewr,s,

NKWYOKK. January 10 Money market. 2l'.3314 pereeuL; prtm paper. 4 ."; aterllicxcUanKO. tiankera' bills atrnnn. 4k:ijj; slit in ex- -

cnnngetin New Yoik,4H7U. Dry gomls luiporm lorweek, l42.(MIO. Hiir silver. lUMl,. Subsidiaryaiiyer. iu 1 aincouni. tiovernrtieni doikh active;oounonsof lHl. H.,:ao. IKrt7. 1017l: do. lKiiH.

i4U. new iwi. 11171m: new 4la. H).r.tM; new 4s. V'.;ourroitc IJ0. eta 10 bono dull: in.teonwla U per eem. lower; Tennessea rts, old,HW: Tenneeaee al new, JlCUi: Vlrlnla fa,oid, 27: Virginia B. new. 2K; Missouri rts. .The stock tuaiket was weak at opening, andprlcea declined 14 to hi percent ; littler, fdSlhcMall.

Paul declined 1 Knri.t. Iurlbg the allernoon,bowevar, a firmer Uue set In and a general Iniprovt-me- nt

of 14 to 1 per cent, eimued, ibe biguestquotatloas of the day being current In some Inaiaiices. At Ihe closvtiia prtuuipal changes were ait

h percent. In filiaburg. II4 IuMorris aud Erx and 1 percent. In ieiaw.re, Lscka-vranl- ia

and Western. There w.s considerable AO(lrlly Iu the I lib Norlhweslern, St. Faul,Krla and Luke 8:mre. trie was In strong demand,on account cf the favorable report of Us business brlis directors. Transactions, KJS.OOO shares, ofwhich 17.1XK) were hrle, 10.1XMJ Lake bhoie,KOIO NonbwesU-r- n coiiimoi aud 14,(KK) pre-ferred, 14 INK) bu Paul common and rlOOO d,

rtlXXJ HUsbarg. 41.IKX) Lackawanna,:)O0 Mlcnlgan Csi.tr J, 'J5U0 Morris aud Kssex,40O0 Mall. 4UOU St. Louis, Kansas City andNorthern, 1400 Iron Mountain, 100U WesternI ulon. Closing quotations weie as follows:Western L'ulou teifgritph company, l5;tjulcksllver, 11; (quicksilver preferred. ,H2:tacino Mall, 11'. Mariposa. 1; Mariposapreterred, 1: Adams express company, 5; Wells

fargo express company. H414: American expressoninpany. 47; I'nlted bltes expreas company,45; New Yoik Central, 113; trie, 2U&; ilepcererred. iSH: Harleu, 140; Michigan Cen-tral. 77: Panama. 1."; Lnlou Paoillcstock, rtrt; Lake outra, H714; Illinois Cen-tral, Km; Cleveland and Pittsburg, Mil.,; Noilb-wester- n,

51&h; NorUiwestern preferred, 7iSt;Cleveland. Columbus, Cincinnati and Ind:miapolls, UR: New Jersey Central, li4i-.- : KockIsland, lH'i: l. Paul, :ir.is: tit. Paul pre-ferred, 7fl; Wabash, 2i.; Kon Wayne, 2U; TerreMauu, ;i; Term ll.Uile prvfernxl, 1; Coliuro andAlun0; Chicago aud Alton preferred, 104; Ouloand sMIsslsslppI, 714: Delaware, Lackawanna undWestern 44-x- ; Atlantic and Pacitic telernih com-pany, MW; alssoiirl Pacitic. IU); Chicago, burllux-xo- n

and ijuincy, 112; Hannibal and sl Joe, l:'.1;Hauulual and St. Joe preferred, 34; Cen-tral Pacific bonds, ': Lnlon Pacitic bonds,ril; Union Pacitic landgraats, lO'.'L); Union Pacific

Inking fund. 1)7 Va- -

COTTON.The cotton lf!i'frann showed no PssenHal

change: New York s:ots were acaln loer. but Liver-pool deliver! m were tetler. a fact that peibaps ac-counts to some exlect for a rally on tue of ex-

ponent, who took more cotton than they had doneon an previous day of the w. ek. In our own mar-ket the demand at the reduced quota' Ion of theevening b 'fore was brick; futures were very film InexacUug fully up to quotations.

Cotton Kxrhisge (lactational.IBCantarQ lmrifiti L'Ltsitlratwn.i

rrxlertfatj. r.ny tvftrr.Ordinary rt tiood Ordinary T it

Low middling r?Mldlllng r? M7m iT

ool mldnlli.g r? i.i, it wHMiddling Talr ?10U tflUU

Market stARdr. Salra, BCOO bales, including 2400to exporters, hoi) to spluuers, aud 100 to steciila-Vorj- .


Mcsu-uis- , January 10. 170. 1

stock on hand September 1. 1878... P54Kauelved y 722tieevlved previously 218.1111 214,

Shipped to-d-ay . 1,474 2 IB H07tihlpped previously.. .i::i.iin." i:4.h.iStock, running account ...H0.748

IMF OUT a.Thus far this we k ,021Thus far last week ,t. 1 2dSlnoe September 1st 214.(1."

Memphis and Charleston rnllrnnd ilOOMississippi and Tennessee railroad 14Louisville, Nashville and Great southern K it. 2nSWagons and other sources fiO

Total. 72KIPOHTd.

Thus far this week..Thus tar last week... .. 1.1,115riliice bepteiuber 1st. .184.S5HMewiphls and Charleston railroad :!4SMlsslskJppl and Tennessee Kallroad HiiSLoulsvliui, Nashville and Ureat bouthem ILK. 75

Br rail, north. ,1 (MMy rail, south. atss

Total 1.474IBT TKLEtiKAra.

The folowlng are the .atest teVgrums of thedomestic maifcels a reported yesterday to the cottonexeuange:

JMnt frier.Jfurf. ilttx'pti. MiddU-n- .

nnlveston Cjuiet. 2,H2New Orleans Steallcr. 6.i:il ilsMobile. yaleU !l.2i:Savannah Steady. 3,740 --

MlCharleston uiei. 1.51"Wilmington L"ichgd. 132Norfolk Hteauy. 1.154Baltimore Iull. 111 I l)U.i?l'MNew York gulet, 1K2Boston. V-l- et. 20:1Philadelphia ... gulec.St. Louis.Augusta Steady. hiirti

The following are tne New York spot quotationsfor yesterday: Ordinary. 7a.t;; icood ordinary.8 low cilddlmg. f !; uilddlimc, PI4C; goodmld.Uliuj. lic: mljullug fair. 10 At ID,julet: 121(1. quiet and lowrr; 2:15, qulut;

.'), quiet. Sales. S2.00O bilesTne following Is the latest New York telegram of

futures:Hunt. iMiy hfurr.

January P.22.7 R24 H.lrt'T 9 IXfc'ebmary H.44i?' P.45 V WIT 9.H7March H.rt:i? t!5 i.r.ri? 9 r.dApril ...J p 7i H.70 P.fiid? 9.70May 9 Uli? H.Pt V.Xl-- t V.XHJune ' 10.04r? 10.05 9 94'? 9 95July lO.IJ. MO. 14 10.0:i'?10 01August 10.20i? 10.24 10.12tM0.14

The tone of the future market was as follows: At10:1X. steadier; 10:Ft5, steady; 1 1 :H0. steady;12:30. eolet and ft-i- ; l :H0. easy; 2.S0, usy;8:15. steady. Sales, 8.000 bales.

The New Orleans market closed easy at 99 formiddling. Sales. iMKti) biles; receipts, net, 5931bales; stock. 805,8tl biles.

Th Liverpool telegrams yesterday reported themarket with a moderate Iniuiry freely supplied;middling uplands, fi Oileans, 5bales, 7iMK) bnles: American. fiOOO bales.

7O00 baies. of which 4:i.r. wtre AmericanLlverpiMil arrivals oiwiied with futures partially

better; Januaiy-KehruHO- fUd; Kebruary-Mar.-

5Md: Marcb-Aprl- l, 5 April-Ma-

5 I June-Jul- 5 15-2- At the clo-i-

rutu'-- s were caster; at 3:'ln. April May, 5 11 82d,and February-March- , 5

The movements at tne potts were reported as

Lsit TtvA k

I Wet k. I Vrrk. Out Xrtr.Bee'tssir. Friday HH.itsT 13X.H72. llirt.t'H7ExplstoH.rirlUln. 47.04I 47. KIM! IH1.470Kxp'tsteCoutioenti nil, IMS f0.Prt9 41 :)ii1Block I S'lH41f S;7.072l K90.197

The f.'l'imlng Is tne New lork comparative weeklyotton statement

Net recelpu stall UnlPcd States ports.. . . 119.000Same wek Iat year 1 :J7. OO

ToteJ receipts at all c. s. potts to date.. 22i.(iihiSame date last year 2.t22.0)Experts from all L 8. ports lor the week 10:1,2110

week last yeiir 1:12.000TotaJ exports from 1. 6. ports to date. . 1.457.0KBam tal lat year l,:ti 1.000Stock at all l 8. porta silil.rooKama Mtna last year K90.IMH)

riuwl at all Interior towns 2:10.000Bams time lat Jf-t- r Mil.tHX)

tooa at Llverjioia 40i.XiOMam time lass year M5.HX)

lock of American anoat for (it. Britain . . 244 (KM)

dams lime last year ;i3:i.0o0

UEXEKAL TliADE.llard frost and snow-covere- d strata, viith

a river covered from bank to bank with runninglee, mak business activity Impossible, and we haveagain few trnac.ion In trad or produce topurcaases from band to inu'h are the rule, bu,lngruund lots the excptinn. The follow1 g wetrk4from the St. Louis JtrpuVi'ion, of Thursday: "C.ndull, i.r?r; lower on the week. No. "i. lor cash,awSi J9c: oats In bilik demand tor No. 2. 1 a esart 2097' 4 3; cornmeal. 81 70fM 75 t r cityground, delivered; bran scaree and higher, sales ofbulk at 46e, sacks on track at 60c; hay scexos ana

THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL--SATUEDA- Y, JA.nSTUA.RY 11. 1879.higher, with a good demand at 25t?50: a ton In advance, sales of conic" mixed on track kl in 50,finer tUiiolhy. $lin?K) 75; provisions looking moref vnnble d stronger; lar l held stiff. As soon aaboats can resume at Cairo the connecllea with thisc ly by rail as brfme will also be resumed. Sou eikiiIs are re l iig New Oile-n- s 1 reign t by Uie bfL xiU. Iron Mminialn and Soulb-r- n railway, at Eel-inn-

The lUkiu quotes rail irelgbla south,1 om (tore: ToMi-tnphl- s Hour, 55cperbrl: meats,3 per cwt. The same paper quotes of pota-- t

x a Pe--i less, tl ke and roM!, choice, at 45:? 55o ;

psarhMows. 55f?i!ic; sweet pot-iUj- SI 50i2;onions. SI 50' I HO " The New Orleans pjraju',if w ediie-wiay- . I,as the fnl nw'.ng: "Sacked corn Ing 0.1 su.ipij-an- flrui at 5iJ'i52c; oats large sui-p- ly

and demand g sxl at a si glit ail tun x. tL Loul (:iii?34c; bran, te parent., prime to clmlce ha.14'17; eornineal, asking S2 2 ". sales at $2 10'2 15; n e.gs, 24(?27c: isrtaPes -- early roseaiidneerli ss at S2f 1 15. Jackson whites, western,st8'J 4') J 2 50 perbrl;twet iKKatoes li-- ld at 74cpertrl; cabbegee, 10 per bundled; apples, 82 75OH "

FEED, ETC. frii remained quiet, with the ex-c-

Ion or a sale or ;00 ks at 4ic; In s:ore. 50ritt':. fniA In st ire. :i5t:p'a:. ltrm sale the pre-vious etenliit; "f ;iro s ks at Slrt50. the bujerpa.ing a 111 ntii's towages; In store, S0(?90c percwt. ii'iy Is quoted at $1 1 15; In store, hot? Wic( onmiMl IrifKiilar: sal;S generally at S2 25 In drayloa'' l"t-- : In Btre. S2 :i- - V.,r. $:j ro.?5 50.

FRUITS AM VKiiETABLKS. veryquiet; 111 store, t2i? 2 75. "oitt quirt; too

to move them; In xtore, S2 2otr.2 !I0. Sfftt ViA't!'.. S2. Osvmi quiet; Instore, J I 75'? 2. LuliO'ir, &8M) per 100beid. g t size. Turnip. jji'2

a liarrel. 'ito.m, S- - barreL farret, 82a barrel, 64 50 a barrel. Orang,85ril a barrel. Imwij, S4 5(Vio. .Vrii

Tar-gta- . iijc; Brazilian, 9c; iecans, Tex-as, new, ! !( 1 : mbrrts, 14o; pt anuts. 4c perpound; cocoM. t.nr. 1 no per hundred. Lrnrrt Fr'til

apples, new, 470c; peaches, new, 4(?5c; oid,HUc Crv.'irrru. i7 a barrel.

Kiiltd. POI'LThY, ETC. Eq'j In better demand at ti J c. tue tatter ior smallfa.kages. itiir was quoted as followscommon, 9'illc; medium. ld?ltw; choicewestern, l..Hc; creamer). 2c. lA'oinirciarme,17c a p und. rhicKrnt hcarcs at i'la'i, fromyoung to bfns. Tnrki at 8'?12; dressetl. 14ca pounu ivk. (,iirr:i a dozen. r,, 14 ro,MliMXLKuL A Ci'U-- r tit barrels. Sh: iwimn

tHi?sr0. iins medium navv. SI 7ru?Mi 3Sabushel, according to quiillly. Linir , 90c i 1 . Ap-;- s

Irittrr, 7c per lb. Sf:i 75 per half-bar- -

rel; (iNIii barrel. Mmct intnl. Kl-j- per lb.if!ivte, 7c per lb. H'tminy -- III store, r

oirrei, 1 m. ar.i'rt, it a nairet, according tosi9 ut uarrei; nait oris c- - Dirirs.

IT TELEQRA fHALOL'ISVILLK. Janniry 10 Flour aulet but Arm.

Wheat active atd Urm: red. 9()c: amber and white.P5c. Corn dull and lower; whlt, )5t ; mixed,:i.'tlc Oats demand fair and 1, rices higher: white.V7s; mixed. 24le. K)e eastr, 52i. Hay firmer, S9if I 1. rork. fcH no. L,ara n.m: cnolca lear tierce.ivij'f ic; cnuioe teai keg, .ic bu k meals higher,2ts'?4'?4in?4i.ic. Hacon scarce and tirm; shoulders.none; riear nn, 41: clear, 4itc. Sugar-cure- d

anus, iLirni-uc- n 11 may steady, 51 o.J.CINCINNATI. January 10. Flour wtmrv ami

higher: family. S4 :i5i?5 25. Wheat dull: ml hiwIwhite, 90ii9Mi Com - demand gwod, and tendencyupwaru, jvin .j.ji,vm;. uais in goon aeinand at fullprices, ; 2 ic. nje aei ve a-- u nrm. b 'aWAc Bar.'ey In good demand; f.r No 2 fall. 1 lo bid; heldhigher. Pork-- held S 2nr?K 50. Lard In cooddemand; Meam, so'd 5 2lf?5 70c Bulk meatsatroDg nnu niKner; hem 2.7.)'2S0. 3K0r3.K54c wacon quiet but firm, ai(,aiB'?4-"0- . Whiskyiu gooa ueinauu, M ul.

NEW YORK. Janunrv IO. Flour stwidv: anriernneoimio aii.i wesiein. ziitL.i mj: rL. .uuis. ..a xiin5 75. Wneat quint; led spring, 77a rtye dull andnominal. Barley quiet but steady. Malt dull andnominal. Com tinner: ungraded. 4rt'?471c. Ctquiet but Arm. Hops demand fair aim marketfirm. CoJce dull nugar qmeL Molasses doll andnominal. Nice active and Orm; Carolina, 5a4?,7l4C

ork hear) ; mess, new, J7 5067 75. Cut me.dsquiet; lone clear middles. 4sc. Lard quiet; primesteam. 6.05d t!.22Vj5. Whisky firmer, SI IOI4.

cniCAtiO. .Tanuary 10. Flour nuieL but firm.Whest unsi-ttled- , but generally higher; closed easy;No. 2 Chlcego spring, H iei KMle cash, 72Vii275cFebruary. 84.'sr?H4.ic March. Corn In good ud

at full p :ces; 29Xje cash. 30lkC February;Mitiit. 1. uiu iiiuiQi , ;.4C uasu, K')jC 1HOruary. 20c Maich. Ryes'eady. Barlev Urmer. 9rt'7ipxc. Pork opened strong and higher; closed at

price: S7 75 cash, 87 H5 February. S7 9Vgrr--95c March Lrd active, fltm and higher, 5.rt7tjc

cash, o.72l,S'?5 75c February. 5.821"!: March. Bulkmeats active, nrm and higher, 2 90, 3.90,4.103.n ui?Ky steuoy, 51 tit.

ST. LCFLS. January 10. Klour firmer, with a better demand Cornmeal firmer, but not ouotablvhigher for upper grades. W heat strong and higher;xo. 2 ten iuii. x4tT9i-s- casn, 94sc January. Comactlv and higher: No 2 m1xd. HOc cash, ftoibeJanuiLry. :t May. Oats active. Ann and higher;No. 2. 21 1? .:2c. Rye qultt, 42l(J 42Vc. Barleymors doing, choice down to Hoc. Whliky steady,SI 04. Provisions a good deal excited and higher,but holders evlnctd Utile disposition to sell at theadvance, though there was a good demand. Porksold in h small way at SS caab. 88 10 March. Baconnominally higher, nothing oone. Lard higher, 5."c;same bid for la-- lots. Sweet pickled hams. 16Vpounus average, w; green nains higher, sales of15 pounds average at 5c

NF.W ORLEANS. January 10. Flour atronv: n- -perflne, $4(?4 25. Oats quiet, 32'?33c. Cornmealscarce and Urm; held at S'l 2S. Hy steady with afair demand; p'lme. S16; choice, S17. Fork scarceand Urm; old, S7 87t3'pl; new, Ss 60. Lard scarceand mm; t'.erivw, rlQ'i-Ac- ; kegs. r)34c?7o. Rulfcmeats quiet but firm; shoulders, loose, 3V4C; packed,IWo; clear rib 4ic; clear sides. 41.1c bacon quietand weak; shoulders, 27nc; clear rib, 414c; clear,6Vc. Sugar-cure- d bams uull at Ha hljc accordingto size aud brand; uncanvaxed, tli !,!. Whiskyquiet but steaoy; western rectified. XI 05? 1 10.Collie quiet b'lt firm : Rio, cargoes, ordinary to prime,ll'idMrlPjC gold. Siuar In good demand at fullprice;: common to good common. 4yt?5c; fair totully fair. 5l.(?riHC; prime to choice, Si,i;r?ril4c; yel-low ciarltissi, Hl'ifriXie. Ko'asse In eoial demand- -

21r?22e: fair. 2:i'?25c; cenlrirugal, 20rf2Sc; prime to choice, 27t?3Ic. Hlce quiet but lirni;Louisiana, orrtiuary 10 choice, BU'oUe. Brantlnuer, 95r?97V'C


NEW Y'ORK. January 1 0 The cenTal marketremains quiet, but jtbo leading makss of cotton

nous are a nine more active. Prints are Movinglowly. I)res goods tire In lleht rennest. i.tht.

wel bt woolens are In modulate tiem md by theclothing trade. Foreign goods continue dull andsteady.


Weather n.ud Rivers.Tb ab1 and disnalchps below trive official

partlculurs concerning the weather and rivers:Orricn Siunal, SKRViCK Obs. U.S.A., I

Memphis, January 10, 189. fAbove low Changes.

water.STATIONS, Rise FallFeet. lucres incue inches

Cairo 8Cincinnati . . Froz'nDavenport ..iFroz'nDubuque. .. IFicz'nHilenu. Aik... . .. I.Keokuk Froz'nLeavenworth ... 'Ftoz'nLittle RockLouisville. Froz'ntlrninhlsNashville "ii"" 41.New Orleans... 10

Pittsburg 2Sareveport. 891. Louis. Froz'nVlcksbunr I

tntiow blub water mark 0 Is 24LOCAL OBSERVATIONS TRSTEtDAY.

Time. Bar. ; her Wind. Rain

7:00 a.m. H0.49 13 N.W. i ICIear.2K.I0 p.m. 30 40 28 S.E. Fair.9:(X) p.m. 30.M5 27 8.K. Cloudy.Maximum thertaouieter 29 deg.Minimum thermometer 10 (leg.

F. M.NEAL. Private. Signal Corps, V. S- - A.Ity Telccraph.

CINCINNATI. January rising.Weathor-cle- ar and cold.

PITTaBl'RtJ, January lO.-H- lver about 2 feet 11ln21.es. weather fair and cold.

LOUISVILLE, January 10 The stage or.water fathe canal Is 4 leet tl inches stationary. Weather-cl-ear

and cold.KVANSVILLE. January lO.-BI- ver falling; 0 feet

by tne gsuge. Weather-cle- ar and cold; the mer-cury lai.giug from 2 deg. below to 25 deg. above zeto.

NET OkLEANS, January 10. Weather clear;thermometer, 42 deg. Ai rived: Belle of Tex.s andHenry Frank, Memphis: Annie P. Silvtr, Cairo.Departed: City of Altou, Cairo.

VICKSBURG, January 10. Weather clondy; ther-mometer, 41 deg. The steamer John B. Maude,laid up here for tbe past few days, did not get awayfrom here to-J- on account of tbe Ice In tne river.

CAIRO, January 10 Noon. Ice In the Oblo Isheavier again this morning, and covers nearl) thewhole surface, ceveiul boats whleh were preparingto load for the south have postponed It. R ver ris-ing. Weather clear; thermometer, 1 deg. at day-light.

Leves Paragraph.No arrivals or departures.Nothing doing on tLe levee.The weather continues cold.Tho H.C. Yaeger Is still In port,ensiles Martin, of the steamer Osceola Belle, Is In

the city.The Ruth Is reported in a safe harbor at Cole's

creek, near Fort Pillow.To attempt walking down the landing yesterday

was a temptlnuof Providence.The Henry Frank, Belle of Texas and Annie P.

Sliver arrived at New Orleans yesterday.Tne Big S indy river is reported running out very

strong, but not sulncienliy to break up the ice in theOblo.

Several of the coal boats, moored at the foot ofBeale street, have been trapped by tbe rapid declineof the river and (be Moating tec

The tee has 90 covered the mirks on the govern-ment gauge at tbe tlver, that we are unable to statethe exact aecrease of water at this point yes'.erday.

The nvtr had not as much Ice In It ytstcrday, andIn two or three da)!, should this warm weather con-tinue, steameis will be enabled to resume their regu-lar trips.

Tbe East Cairo railroad Incline, owing to tha Ic9,has been removed, but the transler of cars werj resunie I. showing thsi the ice la the river Is becomingthin ond brokeu.

Our Cinclnr ail dispatches or yesterday state thatseveral coal barges were suuk In the Kauawha river,and that the steamer Crossly was carried down theliuayandolte river by Ice, aud Is a total loss

Forty-tw- roust-ji- s xt tried yesterday with a "tiecheck" to walk to Louisville and Cincinnati. Asthey bawled away th lr money the other night, bowthey expect to eat on tbe roil no one knows, youknow.

Captain O'Neal and Ed Novtland are entitled to becalled Arctic explorers. They cleared the rlwrof Iceyesteiday with lbs Alice Brown. Yes, ou bet she IsBrowned. Ti.erewiil be lo presentation, or chronicagiven or accepted.

A friend of ours had an Invitation to the bail inSteamboat town I huisday night, and bliluga tinecutter took his sweetheart w ta blm; but the watch-man on tne boat not knowing tbe game, would notpermit th'iu to board tin steamer. Yesterday thesame gentleman was bunting the fellow that put upthe Job, ard. wlih a ciub, swore he would kill him;but be dl In't. y;:u know.

In tbe local column of tha IiKlqtr yesterday even-ing appeared the f. ll iwlng: That was a line sellthe river iieople put off on their f lends concerninga oall 10 be given on their boats at Fort Piekeriig,last night. Tbelr raft all lie close up to the almostperpennlc-Pt- r bluff, and none c n descend to boardthem except by cooulng' on ihelr bands and knees,lwould have been ) :ly sport to have seen the boat-peopl-

feminine friends going lo a dance la tnlsstile, but none v ere ouiie soft eiioogh to try it. Tuetrick was good firths marines, but cot for smarttowns people." The "weienoer." of tbe same pa-per, had In the following: "There was a pa. a timeat Steamboat town last nigbL Kntertauimentaand soirees were given on the Josle Harry a id seve-ral otner steamers of the fleet. Lou o' pretty girlsand gallant beaux attended the soiree at Steamboattown last ntent." Siine one of the Ledfrr folk gotleft, 01 may be all "oooned" dowa, you kuow.

. as

loOn AMR IMF 1871


Beloz Ietermlaed to Kcvdoce oar Immense Htock of Staple and Fancy DryVoaala, we have Skude Another Terrific and Hweeplar Kednetlon I

DRESSAt nie". worth lie. At worth 2)r. At lOe. worth 3e. At 13c, worth 87e.

ALL-WOO- L CASHHKRE reduced thirly-thr-.p- tr cad. ALPACAS reduced thirty-thr- ee

per cent BLACK SILKS and COLORED SILKS reduced twenty-fiv- e percent. Twohundred pieces REMNANT SILKS, In various lenguts at sacrificing price?.


GLOVES and NOTIONS awfully reduced.




on 11 PricesLaunCHEMISES, neatly trimmed, 40o. 8KIRT3, tucked and ruffled. 75c. INFANTS' WEAR, In greatvariety LONQ ST.IPS, at 50c each. We guarantee great bargains In this department. NIGHTOOWN3, 95c LADIES' DBA WEBS, 35c MISSES' UNDERWEAR, slightly soiled, which we will

ell at F" r.nu on the Dollar.ST" G GOODS lower than ever before. Our Stock ran ce reduoed.J


lo&asaw works,HANDLE & LIVERMORE, Prop's,

OS Second St., pp. Market Square, JSJenipliis.House Fronts, Wrought and Cast Railings, all kinds of Iron and Brass Castings, Cotton Presses, Gin

Gearing. Pu'leys, Shafting, Bolts, Etc, Pipe and Fittings, Brass Good, Judson'a Governors. Steam Pumps,Engines, Jail Work. Get eral Repairs. CryORDEEtS SOLIClTKD.iS3 Send for lUtutraled Catalogue.


TTAV33 IPOn750 Brls. "Nelson Distillery" Fire-Copp- er

SPRING OF 1373---o


511 llltAY A B1VGELY,Merehant Tailors, o. 88 Madison Street.

Take pleasure in notifying: their friendsand the public generally that they have re-opened their store with a new, lare and fullStock of the very Latest Styles of importedgoods. Prices moderate. We solicit thosewho contemplate ordering their Fall andWinter Clothing to give us a call.

si ntit iY i. iiimel,v'

W. XV. ny. W.


7475-76 --,77



Dillaro. B. Coffln.a


AXlltEV STEWART, AXDKKYt 1. P. II. HAYLRY,Slew Orleans, Steanphls. Memphis)


Nos. 356 and 358 Front St., Memphig, Tenn.aibjf

Stewart Brothers & Co.,Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants,

New Orleans, Louisiana.



OARBEEY & CASEY,Importers and Wholesale Liquor Merchants,

Ho. 347 Front Street. Memphis. Tenn.

Cotton Fnctars &Wliolgsale GrocersA.GEXTS FOB THE CELEBRATED

O irS.A7--LJIJ.-- OOSON-GH- W.

Nos. 296 and 298 Front street, Memphig, Tenn.


Motions,Hosiery329 MAIN STREET - - MEMPHIS, - - 329 MAIN STREET

The Onlv Notion Jobbing Hons in Memphis.


iuy, amumIt.


Wholesale Grocers and Gotton Factors,260 and 262 Front st.. Memnhis.



WINES, LIQUORS & G3GABS,Ho. 324 Front street, 32empnis.



HanufacturlQK Jeweler and Dealer la


Setts, Plain and Set King? and .


307 MAIN ST,Under Peabody (formerly of Second SI).

J. P. Hannon. . . Iteabard.Late ot EaoiKin dc Walker.

Southern Dye Works,Hanson &Reahard,

FKOPKIK IOB8.Store ana Office: XVH Merond Street.Iye Work: No. it 19 Poatotoe Street.


LA0IKS' and Gentlemen's Clothing CLKANED.and REPAIBED at short notice. All

Cloths. Woolens, Silks, etc, DYED IN ALL COLORS.All orders ma receive prompt personal attention.Goods lecelved and returned by express,

rCTtBtianEP new.

EASDALE'S DYE KOUSi 265 W'urricbs. j 28 w Fourth St,

CINCOTSfATI, O.ItnwmtH, 9hftwltv Bltkn, Velvet and Clthtn

Drcd. lrruAftes lo nil Fabric C'leand withoutsLae CnrtaJns rleaned. t'rupc t dyed.W rood dyed In th e piece. W. R. TEASDAU.

(TT'Send your goods byexpreBS. Write for Circnlazt


A t torney -- at-La w,(irront Uoom over State National Bank,)


. JP. FOUTJ5,Vttornoy-at-Ija- w,

Office: NO. 228 MAIN' STREET.

3NTor Firm.Arch. Wright. Wm. C. Folkes. Luke E. WrightWRIGHT, FOLKES & WRIGHT,

Attorneys at Law,Office: No. 15 Union Street, Memphis.WILL practice regularly In the Courts at

State and Federal. In the SuDremeCom t at Jackson, and In the courts ol Crittendencounty. Arkansas, and of Tunica county, Mlsslssli- -I'l. ana win alien a. upon special retainer, any oi tneCourts in the States of Arkansas, Mississippi andTennessee.

S. K. GAMMON,Attorney-at-La- w,


W, P.WJXsSOBT,Attorney-at-La- w, 289 Main St.,

(Over State National Bank.)MemphU : TsnsdMMW. P. BOND. W. K. LEJGH.

Attorneys-at-Liaw- ,


AdminiUrator's JKotice.HAVTNQ been appointed and qualified as

ot the estate of Butler P. Anderson,deceased, notice Is hereby given to all creditors ofthn estate to present their claims to me duly authen-- t

cated, and peisoos Indebted to the estate are re-quested tu come forward and settle.

CiE-JA- WEATHEBFOKD, Administrator.January 8. 1x79.

Administrator's Notice.HAVING been auallfled as administrator of the

of ArcilbHld Thweatt. deceased, allpersons having c alms against the said estate are no-tified to present Iheiu as trefcrlbed by law, and per-sons Indebted to the estate aie requested to come for;ward and settle.

GEO. C HARBIN, Administrator,sat 2f57 ilaln street

Administrator's Xollce.HAVINtl been appointed ar.d quallned as

of the estate of Mis. Joiianna John-s'on- e.

deceased, notice is hereby plven toalicredltorsof tbe est-it- to present their claims to me dulyauthenticated, and pf raons ledebted to the estateare requested to i orae forward and settle.

C.SdAU WEATUERFuHD, Aflmlnlstratt r.January 8, lST'.i.

Administrator's Notice.qualified as the administrator of theHAVING of ltd K T. Worsham deceased, all per-

sons Indebted to said estate are hereby notified tomake payment ot same, and all holding claimsagainst said estate will present them to me, or myattorney, at No. 27tVs M lln street, duly authenti-cated, in tbe time prescribed by law, or the ?auiewill be barred.

WILLIAM WORSHAM, Administrator.B. C. WILLIAMSON, Attorney.

No 27Ma Main street.

Administrator's NoticeHAVING quallned as Administrator of F. Rles,

I request all persons Indebted tohim to come forward and settle. All persons havingclaims agninst him are notified to present theirclaims, duly authenticated, within the time pre-scribed by law, or they will be barred.


Administrator's Police.HAVING been appointed and qualified as

on tue estate of Thomas M. Carrer,deceased, noiice Is hereby given to all creditors olsaid estate to presont their claims to me, and al!.Jul sons Indebted to said estate are requested to calland settle.

WILLIAM H. CARVER,No. 14 Union street.

Administratrix's Notice.qualified as the Administratrix of tbe

estateofSamuelTlghe.all persons Indebtedto his estate are hereby notified to come foiward andsettle the same; and creditors of said estate are re-quired to present their claims duly authenticatedwithin the time prescribed by law or they will be for-ever barred. December 23, 1878.

SARAH TIGHE,Administratrix of Samuel Tlghe.

M. D. L. Stewart and G. P.Voute. Attorneys.

administrator's NoticeHAVING qualified as the administrator of the

of S. M. Jobe, deceased, all persons in-

debted to said estate are hereby notified to makepayment of same, and all holding claims againstsaid estate will present them to me, at No. 854Main street, duly authenticated. In tbe time pre-scribed by law, or the some will be barred.

a. i. JObK,Administrator, 354 Main street.

George G. Dent. Attorney.

Administrator's Notice.HAVING been appointed and qualified by the

Court of Shelby county as Adminis-trator on the estate of S. D. Man gum, deceased,notice Is hereby given to all creditors of said estate,to present their claims to my attorney, J. M. Greg-ory, at bis office in Memphis. And all persons In-debted to said estate are lequested to call there andsettle, or settle with my aitent. Frank Bauksmlth,ColllervlUe, Tennessee.


Administrator's Notice.HAVING qualified as administrator of the estate

C Scbaper. deceased, all personshaving cUtms agalnut tbe said estate are requlrec ropresent them properly authenticated as prescribe:by law, and persons indebted to the estate are re-quested to come forward and settle.

ANDREW RENKERT. Administrator.

Administrator's STotlce.HAVING qualified as Administrator with the will

of Mrs. Rebecca Burkle, deceased,all persons having claims against tbe said e.tate,are required to present them autlienllcated, as prefcUiueu by law, and persons Indebted to the estateare lequetted to come forward and settle.

WM. M. RANDOLPH. 85 Madison streeL

Administratrix's Notice.HAVING qualified as tbe Administratrix or the

of M. W. Kenney, noiice Is hereby trtvento all persons Indebted to said estate to come for-ward and pay tbelr Indebtedness; and to all credit-ors to present their claims to the undersigned or hsrattorney, duly authenticated within the time pre-scribed by law or the same will be forever barred.December 23, 1878. CAROLINE KENNKY,

Administratrix uf M. W. Kenney.M. P. L. Stewart, Att rney, ete.

Administrator's Notice.HAVING qualified as rdminlstrator of tbe

of James T. Leatb, deceased, no-tice Is hereby given to all pursuits having claimsagainst said tnUVa, to tireeent I he in to me at 8tlUnion street. Memphis, Tenn., for payment withinthe time prescribed by law; and all persons In-debted to said esLite will please call and settle withme at the same place.

. JOH V H. LENOW, Administrator.DeeemD rio. 1 7K


Trustee's Sale.BY virtue of the terms of a Deed of Trust, to me

executed by C. W. rurgerron on the 80th day ofJune, 1877. and In Chattel Bjok No. 12,pages 311, 312, 813 and 314, 1 will.

On Saturday, February 15 1S7,at 10 o'clock a.m-- proceed to sell to the highestbidder, fur cash, at 1 7w Second street, the personalproperty mentioned and described la said trustdeed, the same belli composed ehlefl of the houstbold and klichen firnlturc, etc.. In said building-- ,179 Second street. January 8. 17P.

FRANK A. WJILLS, Trustee.ft Weatnerford, Attorney.

A World of



Bargains !

1000 pairs Bed Blankets,1000 pieces All Wool Flannel?,

00 pieces 10-- 4 Bleached Sheeting:, -100 pieces Wool Jeans, .....200 pieces Canton Flannel,100 dozen Men's Merino Shirts, ...100 dozen Ladies' Merino Vests, --

2000 pairs Ladies' Fine Shoes,2000 pairs Children's Shoes

50 pieces Black Dress Silk,200 pieces Wool Dress Goods, --

1000 Ladies' Cloaks,200 pieces All-Wo- ol Cashmere, 50c, worth 75c.

31. (iavin. John





$1 50.


25c.81 50.


10c.S3, 84, 85.

THERS.Clark. 91. Clark.

JAM )tO-.- ,



M. Gavin & Go.Wholesale Grocers. Cotton Factors,

And Commission 5if rcliants,E'ront Street, 3VXo-- m iplxls, Tenn.

Bei em Adams and Jefferson.UlJIiR T T rnVnTT.T. rfMnb. m mnla HmA bilh. Vulohln.,. f ... all TnltAn l.l.,dl ,n

Our our charge. We have owr Dtton Warehouse, comer Washington and Second.

AM b OOX. X. ESTE8, EatN, Fixer A Co


Wholesale Grocers, Cotton FactorsAnd Commission Merchants,

Hos. IIJ aud 13 Unionu. T. PORTER. W. F.






O. W.




300 Street.and Monroe JIem phis. Tennessee.

E LJ PHUSer. COILKU NtTALIC TELl.I'llO.I tbfint III world, mwi th only compIeteW

it.ln.-1'al- l Aprinciples! warranted work mile. unaflcietJia IT iiand wldreu Mmple iJjS

d1 jX)fwt hvy at 95 percent. dleouDtfrom - V . .which S3, forthegl. iantrumenU. Thit offer will notlioij good atterC"I'eb l51187e.u known to selithreuKi- ?K---5t- lthe trade, mud Ws ahall l nrttltmrl trt at rir

. . ., w j i"fi-- ; iwi (iui uicm up dj lougwinr

toW will n one et f

isv-- -

handredi testlmotilaalB

Roston,' " km - in ai auy Xvlepbune that

v muv uAia ju wnw. Vt'oodm.nd;


J. ,Li







Street, 52csMilai8,




No. Tsezttliataeen Eladlson



rrfD.rrott.i "'m''M

ltahM.Kt msa -

tl v mai.Viin mmII nriiu A

oirrcQoiM teat tiui aca e oavv--

ta) ia to wt will refund money aad jmytnree montn. nearly lVUOol tTiee ud have of Ml mrU ot the countrv

Jo 3 CoDtfreiaSt., Mlrumen moa, tor

paper wara

J. T.





dunurwork, tne



irocers and Cotton Factors3G9 Front and 32 Clinton g.s., Mempliis.

A. C. C. HEIN.


Agents.: : iIKSIIIIl.S. TKSN.


WINiSS, LIQUORS & OIGAES,Wo. 14 Union Street, Memphis, Tenn.


General Insurance Company,DOES A GEXEKAL FUSE AM 31 AltlXE ItUSIKE.

OaiDitctl - - - - So O 0,000.OFFICE So. 19 Madison street, Memphis, Tennessee.

President K. M. AFPERSO. or K. 31. Apperson A Co.Vlee-Prealde- nt A. VACCABO, of A. Vacoaro & Co.Caihler-HES- KY J. LYBK,

DlKGCTOUfl:THOMAS FISHEB, President Emmet Bank, W. N. WILKERSON. of W. N. Wllkerson A Co.M. GAVIN, of M. flavin & Co. NAPOLEON HILL of Hill, Fontaine 4 Co.W. J. COLE, Of Cole Co. JOSEPH W. CALDWELL, of F. M. White 4 Co

H. FUBSTENHEI5I, of Furstenhelm 4 Wellford.








Harpmann Bro.Manafactarers. Iatportera and Jobber of

Cigars, Chewing, Smoking Tobacco and PipesXo. 5886 Slain Street, 23emphii, Te.;u

PARTIES wishing to purchase lanv of the above articles should give us fa eau before purchasing1A)W PBICES and GOOD GOODS U our motto.


NO. 389 MAIN..,,ra 389 MAIN.at the LOWEST PBICES. fVOrden prompUy and lalthrully tilled.


Dr. D. S. olinson'sPI1AVA i a;

Medical iir. nsarv:So. 17 JEFrEUSr,., STREET,

Between Main and f"rs::t, Xeetrtla,uTiBLcnD nt

DB. JOHNSON !s arnowit-:.-,.- a p.n In.aa by far tbe mim :ioceir'il r..'jjV.c!naIn the treatment of prlv.i or muaiues. ijicir,tnoroutfti and in tvn,c.v, male or female. H"-.- t olw of rtorirrb(aar.d Syphilis cured In a few lhys. wlL'icit th- - .: 1 1

cfianu--i of dliH, or hlr. ininoe rrom b.i :w ,6econd;iry Syphilis. tiiM last vos:ls emulca'e-- l nitOut the UHeof merciry. Invclunrary loss ol Ilastorped tn a l.or: time. 8uirerar3 rrom liu4er ctor fuss of spinal txrwers restored to trve vtsor tr af- - weeks. Vlrt!rr:s of Bslf-abu- and exr3.vevonry, suftprtru? fmm S rmaiorrtiea and lo kIhy.'cal and mental pOTt-r- , spvedlir and tnn,.-ucntl- y

curwl.Particular attention paid to the Diseases er

Women, and cures eiiamnwed.Thront and Lur.R LilseaHes ri,rd by new rerariWt.Piles and old sores cured without ihe use of cansUc or the knifeAll consultations strictly confidential.Medicines sent by express to all pan. of the coon itry.'Office hours from 8 a.m. to 0 p.m. Sundays

fro in a to 5 p.m.I S .TOTTVOOV M T.

TRl'MTEB NiLES.Trustee's Kale.

BY ilrtue of the terms of iD el of Tnist, mademe as Trustee on th-- . th d.iy of Mav, 174,and which w is tilel May 10. 1K74. and recordedMay 14. 1H74, In Hv k No. 101 . paire 244. In tueKeidstel's oHice of Shelbv eountv. Tennesj-ee- . towliich reference Is made for particulars, and ut therequest oi ine uenenoiary, i win.

On the 4th Day of February, 1S79,st twelve o'clock, noon, on the rremlses, se'.! to thefalKbest bidder, for cash, tle foliowlnir real eia'e,cltu-..tr- In the city of Memphis. Shelby couiitv,Tenoeosee. to wit: Lot No. H of W. P. Rnnd'sm b.dlvl-lo- of part of lot No. rt. In block 5.'i, hliuatedon Lauderdale street, near Pontotoc, with a rmritapeon Lund-rdl- e street of 4MS feet, runnlriir bacK

icct u a i uner. rjiiia m is one or inrre con-veyed by W. P. Bond to J. C. rinvlq. and hv him rnn.veved to me m trustee. EqtiWy of relemptlonburred. TiUe bllevel to be good, but I seil andconvey a trustee only. C. B. CLARKE, Trustee.

jicxirMiH. January inrTrustee' Sale.

TTNDEB and bv virtue of a certain trust deed to meLJ executed by M. L. Selden. Julia M. Selrt.,n nn.l

C.J. Selden, trustee, of date November 27, 1K71,and recorded In the ieliter's ria;-- e of S!jelbycounty, Tennessee, In record Iwiok No. S2. p iee fiW,tt seg.. to which reference Is her-b- y made. I. Hssuchiruice. ill inereuuesi or ue benetlciarles iu aldtnit the dflt therein mentioned being past duewill, oo

Thursday. January 23, IHJO,

offer for sale, and sell al nubile vendue, to the hlh.est bidder for cash, the following real estate, withwt ip'.iru?umic-c- inereio DeionKing. situate, lyinpandbelnKln ihecliy ot Mo.nptns. SUeiby coiintjiTennessee, snd as follows, t:

uotnmenclne at a utaue on tbe south side of Real.street. In the cUv of Memnhls. ( '! feet A itwo hundred and twenty tett lour Inches west l thesoulhwent comer of Beale and Lauderdale; thencerunning south at rl;ht armies with Beaieone hundred anJ ntty iismij Trt to the uorth sl.le ota twe ve foot nllev ; hence westwrdiy with ;lld fi--ley one mtmneo leet (HMD to Driver strett; tlienMlunhwanlly with erist sMe of Driver .tiet. one hun-dred und tilty (InD) teelto BeRle s'reet; t ier.ee

lth the sou'li sltteof Beale Mrttt one hun-dred (1001 feet lotlie heelnnlriK. be'.n : tue s.imeupon which said M. L. Selden has rectutlyertcl d hisresilience ana wuere ne now res'fle.

hale will be Biaue a! the front door of the court.hou-se- . In the city of Memphis. Tennessee, at 12o'clock. Equity of redemption is expressly waivedIn suld trust dee.1, and title believe.! to be perfect,but I shall sell and convey as (nite only.

C. B. WELLhORD. Tnistee.Royster. Waldran 4 Bacon. Auctioneers.

Trustee's Sale.IN pursuance to the terms of a Trust Heed,

to me on the i:h day of November,1877. duly reglotered In Chattel Book No. v, page88, 1 vrtll,

On Saturday, llthday ofjanuary, l7,at the residence of Ihe lite J. J. Sears, on Unionavenue, proceed to sell at public auction, to theblK''et bidder, for cash, the following personalpioperty. to wit: All the household aud kitchenfurniture on sa d place, and tannins; Implement-.- ;one irold watch and chain, one hors- - and bni?ey. twomilch cows, one small waon, an i srorunent ofvaluable books, one bundled county maps, etc

Sale between the hours of 10a in. mid 1 p m.t1- - I. M DOWtLL. Iruitee.MEyFHrs, January 1. 1k;

Trustee's Hale.BY virtue of the power conferred on me by a IeedTrust, exeeut.xl to ni as tnistee cn ihe firstday of Settember. l73.byn I.. Bilnkhv find It.C Brlnkley. which Is i r .eLor.t la th" Hezist rfoffice of fjiielby county, Tt ss;, la Book 7, page

Oa Tuesday, Juuu..r t VS, 3S;9.at 12 o'clock m., ut th sotit1! ; f Court Rnire,In the city of MempWu. procetu. ' lor c,t-h-, tothe highest bidder, the fol!iiis propertv. to- - Alt:One iuu!v...ed half of pan o' l a .;s. panof b;ioulot 4S1 ; oeclnnli at tbe sou'h'.re-- t c- - rer of Jtattl-so- n

mid DeSoto streets; th-- nv rt with the southside of Mailson street 140!- - fi e- -: thence s. uth ndparallel with fe:ot. street 1 4l- - teet to an allev,thence e.ist H0lj feet to DtSoti Mre--t; tuence wiihwest tide of Drtnoio street 14bl,i leet to AiadlsonSiteet, to the beginning.

.slso, one undivldeil ore-hal- f Intere-- t In lot No. .part of lot4s,-- ; belrvilng at the tou'.hwest cornerof Second and Gay. so streets; thenre with Gunsosirectwist 14Slvt et; ihenee south til t: tbei.cveastuud aiallel wltn Gr.yo-- o street 14MifeettoSecmd street; thence witu tbewvst sbie orVecondstreet CI feet t Gajoso Mrtet, to the beginningpoint.

1 bis sale is ma.ie ft! tbe roque t of tbeber:efict:;ry.de'ault haviiit; been lih.iIp in the paj merit oi thdebt secured by tte deed of tiust. ihe title tjtneprotierty Is be leve.1 to ;v but I u1ll el! anoor.ver only as trustee. E ju'.iv t.f ie.iemption is

wilve.1. t.. ?! HKAtiN Trustee.

Trustee's aSe.VY virtue of the pnver cn.ferred on me bv tbelZ terms of a deed ot trut. eteeut d t le astrustee, on the tweit sixth day i.f uc ober. 1 SV" byT. J. Yarbmugh and his wife. s. J. Yarb iuxh,which Is recorded In tbe Keglstei's oliica of Shelbyomuty, Tennessee, In book 1(1. , at pae 11,1 wUl,

On January 25, lS;y,between the hours cf 1 ) and 1 1 o'clock a.m , otsaid day, at the southwest ot Vain ,v.l Madi-son stieeLs. in the city of Memnhls, Tennessee, pro-ceed to sell for cash, to the h uhest bidder, the prop-erty conveyed lo said t deed, and nhl.-- Is ed

as foilons- -

Part of lot No. 3, In blo k Xo. 17. of the ButlerDivision of siid city of Jiem phis, bounded as

Beglnulrg at the noithMest corner of R. andW. Amnion's bit on stieet? lunrtns noit'iwith hchols street ,"s teet Inch-- s to A. B. Jewel,lot : thence east to his southeast comer; thence south5 feet U Inches to R. and w. Amnion's north line:thence west wlih said line tu the beginning onEcnois street, about ltiil feet; tbe saline lut dt,sctibed in a deed from J. K. Johnston, trustee, to rt.E. Johiistoii, wliich ded is recorded in tt:e rlstef'sotMca of SUeiby countr, Teiine.-s-o e. In bock 10.page 474. 1 1 which deed iefetence Is he:e mud-'- .

This sale Is made at the request ol tbe beneficiary,default having been made In the ptyaient of tPedebt secured by tbe trust deed. Tbe title to the prop-erty Is believed to be Eood, but I will only convey astrustee, fcquily of redemption 1: rred.

S. D. JOHNSTON, Trustee.December li. 1878.1. D. Cunawat. Auct'oncer.

Trnstce's Nale.BY virtue of the power conferred on me by a deed

of trust, execu ed to me as trusteee, on thefirst of Febiuary. 1872, by D. R. Cwt and i. A.Norton, which Is of lecord Iu ibeoiiicr oi Ihe registerof Sheiby county, Tennessee, In book No. So, ptiee145. I will.

On Thursday, Fcbrunry 6, 1STO,at half-pa- eleven o'clock forenoon. In fn nt otthe middle tenement of the lrviu block. In the cityof Memphis, proceed to sell, for cash, to the h hestbidder, the followlr g described prviK-ity- . Acertain lot or l uid situated In county. Tennessee, and bepii: tmrt of let N. 5ri on tu plat ofthe city of Memphis. an J bounced rs tullow-- : Beginning at a point on the north s dc 1 1 Je;tersnslieet, where It Intersects tb- east line of tue nllelininc Imlely earl ot the I he tier. iu:ii.ln thenceeast seventy-fou- r feet, thence nortu one humiredand f Mty-etg- and one-ha- .f leet to aa al.ev. tuencewtst seventy-tou- r feet, hence souili one hundredand forty-eig- and one h ilf lett I) Hie place ! be-ginning. This Is made tr the ur(.oe ol pay-ment of tbe Indebtedness secured by said tri.si deed.Equity of redemption expiessiy wa.ved. Tlile be-lieved to be iKr.ect. but 1 sell and convey only astriistte. This prority will r e sold beiore tha mid-til- e

tenement of tho living LIcK. adertls?d for ::leby me, as tiustee, on same day ks lb s sale, bothtrust deeds having been given to se. ure the sameIndebtedness. L. L. BELCUEit. Tn.-te-

By order of J. A. Anderson, administrator ofCharles Wintter. beneficiary.

Trustee's Sale.BY virtue of the power confered on me by a Deed

of Trust, execute-- 1 to -e as Trust- - on the 1stof February, lh72. by P. R Couk. Ui-- ns o: rroirdIn the office of the Renter ot sheiby county,Tencessoe, In BuOk No. 8o, pae 143, 1 will.On Thursday, the At h of Frt-nmr- IM7V,at twelve o'clo. k, noon, In front of tbo middle tene-mer- .t

( f the Irving b o k, tn ti.e Ur ot S!e i plils,projeed to sell. I. r enst, to the n'gues. ol.loirr. thefollowing described trojerty, tv.ii: A cena.n lot ofland situated la the coun'.y of Miell yHi.d Ma e ofTennessee, and In the city of Men ph's, beiiii; a par;ot lo-- s H45 and 84r, on the plan f sMd itv, andbounded s follows: Beglnnli g at a print nn theeit sbleof J l teet rt inches south ftbe alley between JeRersoo and C. urt streets, at thein ddle ot the partition wall between to ten.j.eulof the Irving block; running tbenco 24 feet Inchessouth to tbe middle i r the tther p r.ttlon wall Inraid living bin k; thet ce e.it 14kU f t pi an alley;thence north 24 le. t : Inrh-- s Vy ihe n.icdle f t; efirst descr be i pt tllio i v..u.; f ence west 14-- l fattto the point t f besltimi; It but:. tl.e middle tene-ment ol ihe Irving bl nis. Tins I made furtheporiiose ot paMiiei t of fie li.ii.t-- dre-s se.-ir-. a lysaid truit deed Equitj redemption eprts.-l- y

walve-1- . Title bellevoo to t - e- - bu. I si.all 5vlland convey as ti tutee on'v.

E L,. r i. HER. Trust e.FBy ordf-- r of J. A. An let . Im p.s.r.dor ofCharles Winter, bi eficl.iry.

Trustee's Hale.IN pursuance of the terms nf alnist !ee t

to me by Walker I:, t arter, en trie22d diyot cepleinber, lb77. and uuy retlstered.eta, I will, onJanuary li'--i. 1STO.

at the southwest corrier of Main and Madison streetsIn the city of Memphis, pioceed to sell at put. II auoHon. t tbe hlgiiest bidder for oash. t.cwhartb at"R E. lMf." now ijlng at the wli.srf s,t ihec trurMemphis, Tenneesee. Uvether wua all and sineu'.irIhe siars. cables, chains, stages and otiier . puritnances to said whartw,at. Saie beiu.jeu the Hoursof 12 m. aud 1 p.m.

s. .7. r t'r. T--

Xolirr.STATS NATIONAL BANK. JTtui'irrt Trs--i .

in. I78 A meeting ..f ti e tioof this nana will be heid on Tue-ila- v 14"iday of January next, at tneir Banktngboii-- . i,,r thepurpose of electlrg thirteen aliectois to sesve lor theensuing fear. Pulls open Irvra 1 1 a.m. to p.m.. A. HAYES, Ja.. CashMC