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© Copyright 2004-2010 All Rights Reserved. Do not reproduce without the express writtenconsent of an official 4 the World representative. Robert Keith Froom / Mark McLemore.

Explore the World.

Help the World.

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Thank you for checking out our volunteer program!

Volunteers play a crucial role in helping us to provide safe,

accessible education and health care to those who need help.

Currently volunteer excursions are to projects sites in Belize and

Guatemala. This document contains general information aboutthese opportunities.

Excursions are coordinated on an individual basis to match our volunteers’ skills, availability, and personal preferences with the

needs of our projects.

Once you know how our program works, please fill out our Application so that we may contact you with more specificinformation on opportunities that might be right for you!


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Volunteer Excursions……………………………………….…………. 1

Expedition Types (Work Teams,

Medical/Health , Education )……………….…………..…..…………. 2

Work and

Cultural Activities…………………………………………….…………. 3

 Applicant Qualifications/Requirements………………...…...……….. 4

Typical Group Size & Length of Stay…………………..…….……… 5

Lodging, Meals, & Transportation…………………………….……… 5

In-Country Assistance………………………………………….……… 5

Costs…………………………………………………..……………...…. 6

Project Donations…………………………………………….………… 7

Ways To Help…………………………………………..………………. 8

Testimonials &

Success……………………………………………………..…………… 9

Next Steps.…………………………………………………..…..……… 10

Contact…………………………………………………………………... 11


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Ready to join or organize a volunteer expedition? 

Submit a contact 4 the World so that we can start the process of 

finding the right opportunity for you.

The purpose of our volunteer excursions is to…

Help Meet Community Needs Volunteers help to meet communityneeds that would be difficult or impossible for our local partners tofulfill without assistance. This may consist of labor, supplies, financialresources, expert skills and knowledge, etc.

Strengthen our Programs

We believe that the best way to provide effective, accessibleeducation and health services to those in need is by establishingsustainable, community-based health care programs. Volunteershelp by focusing their efforts on building the capacities andresources of local communities.

Experience Cultural Exchange

Excursions provide both volunteers and locals with opportunities for mutual learning, sharing, and relationship building. Also, volunteersare able to explore natural, historical, and cultural sites, while gettinga taste of what it’s like to live and work in a developing country – anoften life-changing experience.

Volunteer Excursions

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Our volunteer excursion categories:

1. Work Team Excursions

You don’t have to be a doctor to help save lives. Work teams support

our programs by helping with construction or renovation of importanteducation/ health facilities. No special skills are required, aside from

a basic level of good health. We generally send teams of 5-10volunteers on excursions lasting one to two weeks. Groups, as wellas individuals looking to join a group, are welcome to apply.

2. Medical/Health Excursions Medical/Health teams support our programs by training local staff, helping with community education,and treating patients. We generally send 5-10 volunteers on

excursions lasting one to two weeks. Practicing and retired healthprofessionals from a wide variety of fields are needed. A practicingphysician must accompany medical students in order to participate inmedical activities.

3. Education Excursions

Education teams support our programs by training local staff andhelping with community education projects. We generally send 5-10volunteers on excursions lasting one to two weeks.

Excursion Types

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Our local partners design a work plan for each excursion. Since our overallgoal is to establish sustainable, community-based education and health careprograms, volunteer work focuses on enhancing the knowledge, abilities,infrastructure, and resources of local health workers.

Volunteers also help our in-country partners by bringing much-needed suppliesand equipment. Often, we receive “wish lists” describing our partners’ most

urgent needs, which teams can use to plan their collection efforts. Since 4 the

World works to gather supplies on an on-going basis from various donors,volunteers can also help by transporting extra boxes of supplies.

Medical/Health projects: often involve assisting with: home visits; staff training;community health education outreach; and/or treating patients in clinics andhospitals.

Work Team projects: focus on the construction or renovation of schools andhealth facilities that enable our partners to meet the needs of their communities. Activities include building, painting, or working to resolve water and sanitation needs.

Education projects: involve assisting with: school visits; ESL programs;community outreach and assisting teachers in a school setting.

Cultural Activities & Sight-SeeingTo help our volunteers experience the area where we are working, we arrangecity tours, nature walks, bird watching, insect and butterfly adventures, trips toMayan ruins, river tubing and artisan markets, etc. Each of our projectcommunities has its own unique natural and cultural attractions.

Work & Culture

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All volunteers must be in good health. Applicants over 65 years of age or with special medical needs must receive written approval froma physician.

In most cases, volunteers are NOT required to speak the locallanguage. If needed, translation services may be arranged.

Work Team Excursions call for volunteers of all ages, backgrounds,and skills. This includes professionals, retirees, students(chaperoned if under the age of 18), church or club groups, etc.

No special abilities are required, although construction and Spanishskills are particularly useful.

Medical/Health Excursions call for a variety of practicing or retiredmedical and public health professionals. This includes nurses,doctors, dentists, EMTs, and other health professionals.

Medical students are welcome to apply for medical/health, work team

excursions. All types of trips offer outstanding service-learningopportunities and exposure to the fields of international public health,rural health care, health education, etc.

However, A practicing physician must accompany medical studentsin order to perform medical duties.

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Excursions are generally comprised of:

5 to 10 volunteers for a Medical/Health Expedition;

10 + volunteers for a Work Team Expedition;

Teams typically spend one to two weeks in country, but longer tripsor shorter trips are also arranged.

Housing, Meals, & Transportation

4 the World works with our local partners to arrange all in country

transportation, lodging, and meals. Since excursions are coordinatedon a case-by-case basis, we often have the flexibility to adjustarrangements according to the team’s preferences and budget.


Teams are provided with airport pick-up and drop-off (in countryhosts meet the volunteers at the airport when they arrive), dailytransportation to and from work sites, and special transportation for group activities, such as visits to cultural sites. Aside from theoccasional city taxi, private transportation is arranged for the group,as public transportation may not be suitable.

Group Size &

Length of Stay

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Lodging facilities differ according to project sites. In most sites,volunteers stay in small, basic, moderately priced resorts. In morerural sites, teams may have the option to stay in the projectcommunity (in more rustic conditions, similar to camping) or to stayin a home in the villages where project is located. We also arrange

for hotels in a nearby town and commute to the site each day. In allcases, we do everything we can to ensure that accommodations areclean and safe.


Meal arrangements also differ according to project sites. In somecases, the hotel provides breakfast and cooks are hired to serve

lunch and possibly dinner at the work site. In other cases, groupreservations are made at local restaurants.

In-Country Assistance

Our local partners provide volunteers with direction and assistancethroughout the excursion. They meet teams at the airport upon

arrival, help to execute the work plan, and coordinate meals, lodging,and transportation. They are also glad to offer advice on the localarea and culture. In some cases, a 4 the World Volunteer Coordinator accompanies teams to help with in-country logistics,translation, and other needs.


Details cont’d

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 Although volunteer costs are different for each expedition, the following provides a generaloverview.

Expedition Fee

On average, $500 – $1000 per person for a week stay.

Each volunteer pays an expedition fee to cover basic trip costs. The total varies according tolength of stay, activities, lodging preferences, etc.

This fee covers:



In-Country Transportation (including airport pick-up/drop-off)

Travel health insurance (if needed)

 Administrative support

 Accompaniment/Leadership by a 4 the World Volunteer Coordinator 

Cultural activities and tours (optional)


Cost varies according to destination and time of year.

Please note that airfare is not included in the expedition fee. Volunteers must purchaseflights separately.

Project Donation

Historically, $3,000 to $5,000 per team (ex: $300 to $500 per person for a team of 10people, if each person raised funds separately).

Often, our in-country partners also ask that teams contribute a minimum donation to theproject they will be working on. These donations constitute a vital part of their funding andare used to cover costs such as building materials, medical supplies, patient care, andprescriptions. We encourage each team to raise as much money as possible for their projectdonation, and we are happy to provide fundraising tips, tools, and support.


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Historically, $3,000 to $5,000 per team (ex: $300 to $500 per person for a team of 10people, if each person raised funds separately).

Often, our in-country partners also ask that teams contribute a minimum donation tothe project they will be working on. These donations constitute a vital part of their funding and are used to cover costs such as building materials, medical supplies,patient care, and prescriptions. We encourage each team to raise as much moneyas possible for their project donation, and we are happy to provide fundraising tips,

tools, and support.

Why Do We Ask For Project Donations?

We realize that our volunteers are already contributing their time, energy, andresources to our programs, and for this we couldn’t be more thankful!

However, we also realize that our partners rely heavily on volunteer donations to

help them meet the needs of their communities. Therefore, we encourage everyteam to raise as much money as possible to be donated directly to the projects.

The exciting part is that, unlike most donors, volunteers are often able to see their contributions being used to make a difference right before their eyes. For example:

Funds raised by Work Teams are used to purchase building materials and suppliesneeded for construction, renovation, and staffing of facilities. Also, building materials

are purchased in country in order to support the local economy.

Funds raised by Medical/Health Teams help to cover medical expenses for patientswho cannot afford to pay for services or medications. This includes the on-goingcare that is often required after Medical/Health Volunteers have returned home.

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We are adding new expeditions on an ongoing basis. Be sure to check our website @ 4theworld.org for the latest opportunities!

1. Volunteer Excursions

2. Administrative Volunteer

 At the heart of all our activities is a commitment to better the lives of those in need. Our supporters, staff and volunteers make all of this possible. Donating your time is just asimportant as donating money and can make a huge difference to our work.

Fundraisers and Grant Writers

We always welcome grant writers and fundraisers to help us gain the much needed fundingthat will help our organizations do its work. Join now and make a difference.

3. Disaster Fund DonationsDonations to the 4 The World’s Disaster Fund will go toward long-termrecovery and rebuilding, as well as to meeting the immediate needs of familiesaffected by disasters.

4. Fundraisers

Fundraising provides money to improve the quality of life for many people. Italso allows 4 the World to operate otherwise we would not be able to do our important work. Fundraising ensures that 4 the World will continue to exist inthe United States and continue helping people in need all over the world.

5. Donations In-Kind

We use these donations to supply schools, equip volunteers in the field, and tohelp advance under-developed communities. We can use help from innovativeresourceful people to help us locate and ship these items.

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Ways To Help


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Excursion trip to Belize:

“4theWorld is a great organization to volunteer for! 2 summers ago raised

money and traveled to Belize with Keith and other volunteers for a week. Keithis so generous and nearly 100% of the money donated goes straight to thosethe organization helps. If you are considering traveling for a volunteer trip Iwould highly recommend going with 4theWorld. I met some great people, didsome awesome sight-seeing and met many locals that we helped directly”

- Dina

Medical Clinic Teams- In 2009 4 the World helped 5 villages with limitedaccess to healthcare and provided 2 clinics with much needed medicines andsupplies in Belize and 2 clinics in Guatemala also received medical suppliesand medicines.

School Refurbishing- Belize, Guatemala & Nicaragua4 the World hasrefurbished several primary schools in Belize, Guatemala, and the Philippinesby providing school materials, building classrooms, computer labs and feedingcenters. Our projects have improved school conditions and communities areexperiencing vast improvements in student performance on standardized tests,after the implementation of these resources.

Computer Centers- 4 the World has helped 8 primary schools in Belize,

Guatemala, and the Philippines implement computer centers. Over 1600students now have access to computers.

Testimonials & Success

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We are adding new expeditions on an ongoing basis. Be sure to checkour website @ 4theworld.org for the latest opportunities!

Volunteer projects are offered annually to interested individuals, schools,and corporate sponsors to go to these underserved communities. Fill outthe attached Application Form or complete the volunteer form at


Contact us today to start planning your volunteer Excursion trip! E-mail usat [email protected] or phone us at (919) 278-7584.

Next Steps

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Robert Keith Froom

Founder and Executive Director

+1 (919) 278-7584

[email protected]

Mark McLemore

Marketing Director

+1 (256) 366-1071

[email protected]

Contact Information

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