4 th pillar of islam the fasting in ramadan (the expression of divine love through self-discipline)...

4 th Pillar of Islam The Fasting in Ramadan (The Expression of Divine Love Through Self-Discipline)

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Page 1: 4 th Pillar of Islam The Fasting in Ramadan (The Expression of Divine Love Through Self-Discipline) 4 th Pillar of Islam The Fasting in Ramadan (The Expression

4th Pillar of IslamThe Fasting in

Ramadan(The Expression of Divine Love

Through Self-Discipline)

4th Pillar of IslamThe Fasting in

Ramadan(The Expression of Divine Love

Through Self-Discipline)

Page 2: 4 th Pillar of Islam The Fasting in Ramadan (The Expression of Divine Love Through Self-Discipline) 4 th Pillar of Islam The Fasting in Ramadan (The Expression

Definition of Fasting:

Technically defined as ‘to refrain from eating, drinking, and having intimate relation from dawn to sunset with an

intention.’ Who is obliged to fast in Ramadan?On every MuslimWho is SaneMatureAware of its obligation

Literal meaning: Sawm/Siyaam – Comes from the word(withdrawal/stop/avoid)

Page 3: 4 th Pillar of Islam The Fasting in Ramadan (The Expression of Divine Love Through Self-Discipline) 4 th Pillar of Islam The Fasting in Ramadan (The Expression

Traveler (does not intend to stay at a particular destination for more then 14 days)

Pregnant Women and Nursing Women

Who are extremely elderly and frail

With Chronic ailments


Fidya ((ransom)-1.6kg of wheat or 3.2kg of barley to a poor person or pay its value in cash per fast

Note: No one can fast on behalf of another person

Who is not obliged to fast in Ramadan?

Page 4: 4 th Pillar of Islam The Fasting in Ramadan (The Expression of Divine Love Through Self-Discipline) 4 th Pillar of Islam The Fasting in Ramadan (The Expression

Kaffarah-Expiation • Fast for 60 days

consecutively in Ramadan

• Punishment• Not a

punishment• Can make it up


Qada-Make up

Page 5: 4 th Pillar of Islam The Fasting in Ramadan (The Expression of Divine Love Through Self-Discipline) 4 th Pillar of Islam The Fasting in Ramadan (The Expression

What is Kaffara?

1. To deliberately break the fast2. To in take medication3. To swallow the saliva of one’s spouse

Kaffara Expiation

Kaffara is:

To fast for 60 days consecutively . If a person is unable to do

this, he may;

Feed 60 people 2 meals

Feed one poor person two meals a day for 60 days

Give 60 poor people 1.6kg of wheat or its equal value in


Give 1 poor person 1.6kg of wheat or its equal value in

cash every day for 60 days

Page 6: 4 th Pillar of Islam The Fasting in Ramadan (The Expression of Divine Love Through Self-Discipline) 4 th Pillar of Islam The Fasting in Ramadan (The Expression

Things That Break Fast:

1. To eat something that is not considered food ex. Paper, dough, flour etc.

2. Forced to eat, drink or have intimate relationship3. Taking enema or inserting medicinal drops into the nostrils4. Putting eardrops in the ear5. Accidently swallow water when rinsing the mouth6. Deliberately vomiting a mouthful, or to swallow vomit after

vomiting a mouthful or less then a mouthful unintentionally7. To eat or drink deliberately after eating and drinking accidently8. To have intimate relationship intentionally after having if

accidently 9. To smoke or to inhale second hand smoke10. To brake the fast due to intense hunger or thirst11. To eat something stuck between ones teeth that is the size of a

chickpea or larger12. To break the fast before sunset while assuming the sun has set

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Things that do not break the fast:

1. To eat, drink or have intimate relationship forgetfully

2. To vomit unintentionally or vomit less than a mouth full


3. To gather saliva in the mouth and swallow it

4. To take injection or give a blood test

5. Applying surma (kuhl) to the eye

6. Applying oil to the body or hair

7. Having water enter the ear holes while taking a bath or shower

8. Cleaning the ears out with a Q-Tip

9. To swallow something stuck between the teeth that is smaller

then a chickpea

Page 8: 4 th Pillar of Islam The Fasting in Ramadan (The Expression of Divine Love Through Self-Discipline) 4 th Pillar of Islam The Fasting in Ramadan (The Expression

Types of Fasting:1.Fardh: Specific- (Ramadan)

: Not Specific- (Making up fast of Ramadan)2. Wajib: Specific- (If I win in the Stock-market

game I will fast on Monday) : Not Specific- (If I win I will fast)

3. Sunnah: (fasting at least 3 days a month)4. Mustahab: (Fasting Monday’s and Thursday’s)5. Disliked: (Friday’s)6. Prohibited: (Prohibited on Eid Days)Disliked: (a) Affects the physical form of fasting.

Anything coming to your internal stomach or mind.

(b) Affects spiritual form of fasting (e.g. Movies)

Page 9: 4 th Pillar of Islam The Fasting in Ramadan (The Expression of Divine Love Through Self-Discipline) 4 th Pillar of Islam The Fasting in Ramadan (The Expression

I’Tikaaf (retreat)• I’tikaaf means to enter the masjid with the

intention of remaining therein (in worship)• M’utakif: One who makes I’tikaf.

Wajib: To vow or pledge to make I’tikaaf (on a fixed day)

Types of I’tikaaf (retreat)

Sunna Mu’akkada: To reside the last 10 nights and days of Ramadan in the Masjid (Mosque) is Sunnah Muakkadah ‘ala kifaya Mustahab or Nafl: This I’tikaaf can be for any amount of time, even for a few minutes.

NOTE: No fast is conditional for Mustahab or Nafl I’tikaaf.

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Conditions of I’tikaaf: Islam Sanity Tahara Intention It is makruh to remain silent intending to be

a form of worship. A woman’s I’tikaaf in in her area of prayer

and ‘ibada (musallah) in her home.

NOTE: Middle of the house is better then front part, and the back is better then the middle.