4 point quality plan blank

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  • 8/8/2019 4 Point Quality Plan Blank


    Operating GuidelinesSubject: Quality Control Program

    Approved By: Safety DepartmentDate: 11/21/2006

    Four Point Quality Control Plan

    I. Prephase Planning Meeting

    A. Identify Scope of WorkB. Identify time limits to complete tasksC. Review approved samples and mock up samples from Architect (if any)D. Establish Quality Standards acceptable and what will not be acceptable.E. Review manpower and staffing.F. Review safety requirements and affects of Contractors operation on other

    Contractors.II. Initial Inspection

    A. Superintendents to follow up one week from start of work to check that contractoris in compliance with standards established during prephase planning meeting.

    B. If quality standards not acceptable, Contractor to be advised verbally by JobsiteSupervisor and written Documentation (pink slip) stating why quality of work notacceptable. Contractor will have to respond as to how work will be corrected inwriting within 48 hours and how they intend to monitor their work in the future.

    C. Jobsite Supervisor to keep documentation on site. If Contractor does notrespond, payment withheld until proper response is received.

    D. Problem Solving Steps Implemented

    1. Review Situation.2. Determine all possible solutions.3. Evaluate all possible solutions.4. Select best solution to solve situation.5. Implement Solution.

    E. Jobsite Supervisor to make sure Contractor implements corrections immediately.III. Follow Up Inspections

    A. Jobsite Supervisor to perform follow up inspections once a week.B. If quality of work still not acceptable, written documentation (pink slips) issued

    requiring response within 24 hours. Contractor Company officials to becontacted.

    C. Previous work to be corrected before continuing with new work.

    D. Contractor Foreman/Superintendent qualifications to be reviewed.E. Prephase planning meeting and standards to be re-reviewed prior to starting


    IV. Final Phase Closeout

    A. Jobsite Supervisor to inspect product for conformance to quality standardsestablished.

    B. Areas of product not meeting quality standards to be corrected immediatelybefore punchlist established.

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    C. Written documentation from Jobsite Supervisor to follow up on inspection andcorrection by Contractor.

    1.0 Purpose

    1.1 The intended purpose of the Quality Control Program is to establish a formalprocess to ensure compliance of the construction effort at or above therequirements of the project specification and drawing requirements. Only by

    monitoring the quality of the individual component parts of the project through thevarious construction phases can any assurance of the quality of the ultimateproject be assumed. It is the mission of this program not only to delineateindividual quality control personnel responsibilities, but to instill in each worker onthe project their belief that attention to quality at all times is paramount.

    2.0 Scope

    2.1 It is solely the responsibility of XXXXXXXX Construction, LLC. to provide andmaintain an effective Quality Control Program throughout the duration of thecontract. To accomplish the goal of construction in compliance with the contractdocuments, XXXXXXXX Construction, LLC. shall:

    2.1.1 Ensure that sufficient inspections and tests of all items of work,including that of subcontractors, will be performed to ensure quality ofmaterials, workmanship, functional performance and conformance tospecifications and drawings.

    2.1.2 XXXXXXXX Construction, LLC. shall employ personnel competent inthe field of knowledge for the various Quality Control Managementpositions, and/or subcontract with qualified agencies or contractors, asrequired, to perform the desired services.

    3.0 Responsibilities

    3.1 In addition to the job-supervisory staff, a separate and independent QualityAssurance (QA) Representative from Risk Management will audit the QualityProgram. He or She will only be responsible to the Senior Vice President ofXXXXXXXX Construction, LLC., but will strive to maintain a close workingrelationship with the job-supervisory staff. The Quality Management Group shallconsist of the following staff as a minimum: Senior Vice President, Director ofRisk Management, QA Representative, Mechanical/Electrical Coordinator.

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    4.0 Table of Contents

    Section # Section Description Division CSI Page

    5 Bidding Requirements 00 4

    6 General Requirements 01 5-6Quality Control 01400

    7 Sitework 02Earthwork 02200Piles 02350Caissons 02380Paving and Surfacing 02500Sewerage and Drainage 02700Irrigation Systems 02810Landscaping 02900

    8 Concrete 03Concrete Formwork 03100Concrete Reinforcement 03200Cast-in-Place Concrete 03300

    Precast Concrete 03400

    9 Masonry 04Unit Masonry 04200

    10 Metals 05Structural Steel 05120Metal Joists 05200Metal Decking 05300Metal Fabrications 05500

    11 Wood and Plastics 06Rough Carpentry 06100

    Prefabricated Structural Wood 06170Finish Carpentry 06200Architectural Woodwork 06400

    12 Thermal and Moisture Protection 07Waterproofing 07100Insulation 07200Cementitious Fireproofing 07250Shingles and Roofing Tiles 07300Membrane Roofing 07500Fully Adhered EPDM Sheet Roofing on

    Metal Deck07532

    Flashing and Sheet Metal 07600

    13 Doors and Windows 08Metal Doors and Frames 08100Wood and Plastic Doors 08200Entrances and Storefronts 08400Metal Windows 08500Hardware 08700Glazing 08800Glazed Curtain Walls 08900

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    Section # Section Description Division CSI Page

    14 Finishes 09Lath and Plaster 09200Gypsum Board 09250Tile 09300Terrazzo 09400Stone Facing 09450

    Acoustical Treatment 09500Wood Flooring 09550Stone Flooring 09600Resilient Flooring 09650Carpet 09680Special Flooring 09700Painting 09900Wall Coverings 09950Acoustical Wall Panel 09953

    15 Specialties (No Sections Included) 10

    16 Equipment (No Sections Included) 11

    17 Furnishing 12Manufactured Casework 12300Window Treatment 12500

    18 Special Construction (No SectionsIncluded)


    19 Conveying Systems (No SectionsIncluded)


    20 Mechanical 15Fire Protection 15300Plumbing 15400

    Heat Generation (Including Liquid HeatTransfer)


    Refrigeration 15650Air Distribution 15800

    21 Electrical 16Basic Electrical Materials and Methods 16050Service and Distribution 16400Lighting 16500Communications 16700

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    5.0 Division 00 Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms & Conditions of the Contract

    5.1 General Conditions as applied to Contract.

    5.2 Supplementary Conditions or Special Conditions as applied to specific project.

    5.3 Addenda and other modifications to the Contract are included.

    5.4 Date of start of construction is established by Notice to Proceed or otherinstrument in writing.

    5.5 The time period for construction is understood.

    5.6 Contract Documents are identified.

    5.7 Regulatory agencies are notified if necessary.

    5.8 Permits are obtained and provided on site as required.


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    6.0 Division 01 General Requirements

    6.1 A list of Contractors, Subcontractors, Second-Tier Subs (with contact names andnumbers), Vendors and Material Suppliers is included.

    6.2 A list of Owner Furnished Contractor Installed (OFCI) is included for coordinationpurposes.

    6.3 Verify Owner Furnished equipment list matches the Approved construction plans.

    6.4 Verify OFCI equipment is assigned to the proper contractor for utilityconnections.

    6.5 Codes and other Regulatory Requirements are listed or otherwise identified.

    6.6 Procedures for payment are defined including Schedule of Values, payment forstored materials and progress payments; inspectors involvement in suggestingamounts for progress payments is established.

    6.7 Project meetings including pre-construction, progress meetings on weekly or

    other basis, periodic visitations are scheduled and defined.

    6.8 Submittal list including substitutions, shop drawings, samples, catalog data areprovided; only those bearing Architects stamp reviewed with No Exceptions orMake Corrections Shown shall be used on the job.

    6.9 Temporary utilities, as-built temp utilities, construction aids, safety and securitybarriers and lights, temporary controls are defined or in place.

    6.10 Contract Closeout requirements including who produces punch list, submissionof warranties, project cleaning, equipment schedules, spare parts andmaintenance manuals, and project record documents are defined and provided.

    6.11 Testing and adjusting procedures including starting of systems and balancing areunderstood and records made.

    6.12 Party(s) responsibility for job safety is understood.

    6.13 Jobsite address for deliveries posted.

    6.14 Emergency phone numbers listed.

    6.15 Emergency utility shut off locations are posted.

    6.16 Jobsite trailer security keys, code numbers and monitoring if required.

    6.17 Emergency egress evacuation plan with muster points posted.

    6.18 Verify mechanical floor and wall penetrations shown on MEP (MechanicalElectrical Plumbing) drawings match Architectural and Structural drawings.

    6.19 Verify who provides starters for equipment, electrical and mechanical.

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    6.20 Verify code clearances for disconnects. Distribute to coordinatingSubcontractors.

    6.21 Lockout Tagout procedure.


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    Division 01 1400 Quality Control

    6.22 Extent of testing laboratory services required is understood. Schedule ofservices and inspections required is understood. Verify who performsinspections testing and inspection laboratory, engineers, agencies,manufacturers representatives, etc.

    6.23 Inspections calendar and log in Superintendent office.

    6.24 Proper scheduling and notification as required is given for field inspection beforefield installation.

    6.25 All laboratory services and inspections are performed as required.

    6.26 Observe tests and inspections performed in the field.

    6.27 Record information such as location and conditions of concrete pours, grouting,etc.

    6.28 Verify who takes samples. Storage and delivery method is as required.

    6.29 Collect, review, and file all copies of tests, certificates, reports, delivery tags, etc.,issued by onsite and offsite parties, agencies, and inspectors.

    6.30 Special offsite inspection for pre-cast concrete, casework, lumber grading,laminated wood, welding, plant inspection, etc., is performed as required andcertificates are provided.

    6.31 Welding certificates are available for review.

    6.32 Verify on-site storage facility for concrete cylinders.


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    7.0 Division 02 Sitework

    Division 02 02200 Earthwork

    7.1 Soil information report is on job and reviewed. Note elevation of water table.

    7.2 Job survey is reviewed; monuments and stakes are located. Limits of work areestablished.

    7.3 Observe removal of existing buildings and foundations.

    7.4 Monitor and record any movement of existing building foundations adjacent tonew excavation holes or basements.

    7.5 Note condition of, or photograph, offsite and onsite improvements to remain,such as paving curbs, gutters, and walks before work begins.

    7.6 Existing vegetation to remain is protected.

    7.7 Existing utility lines to remain are located, staked, and protected. Observe

    conditions of uncovered lines. Verify utility companies have been notified. Alllines to be removed or abandoned are properly capped. If unknown lines areencountered, notify appropriate parties.

    7.8 Utility tie-in responsibility is clearly identified. Verify tie-in elevations prior to startof pipe installation.

    7.9 Adjacent property is protected. Verify whether adjacent property owner isnotified as required by work or code.

    7.10 Shoring and underpinning is provided if required.

    7.11 Shoring is engineered if required.

    7.12 Extent of grubbing and removal of stumps and matted roots is performed.Depressions are properly filled and compacted.

    7.13 Spillage of materials or soil on streets and sidewalks is promptly removed forpublic safety. All hazardous material handling regulations are followed.

    7.14 Spillage of gas, oil, slurry, etc., is prevented in areas to be planted or nearexisting vegetation to be retained.

    7.15 Contractor provides public safety methods such as protective covers, fences,

    barricades, lighting, warning devices, signs, etc., as required.

    7.16 Stripping of site, preservation and depth of removal of topsoil, and location ofstockpile are performed and established.

    7.17 Observe that topsoil is not contaminated with subsoil and is free from roots,stones, and other deleterious materials.

    7.18 Check that satisfactory materials are used and unsuitable materials are disposedof properly and legally in waste areas. Do not allow contamination.

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    7.19 Observe removal of material and note unusual conditions. Subsoil conditions areobserved for irregularities such as soft spots, springs, previous debris, etc.

    7.20 Excavation is performed in scheduled sequence if required.

    7.21 Excavating does not cause unusual rutting and appears adequate for work to beperformed.

    7.22 Observe that over excavation does not occur. Survey as-built of over excavatedarea!

    7.23 Drainage is provided continuously as excavation progresses, other dewateringmethods such as well points are provided, drainage ditches are maintained, andponding does not occur.

    7.24 Excavations are bermed at the end of the day in order to create proper drainageto storm sewers with erosion control in place.

    7.25 Testing, inspection, and compaction are performed during excavation and fillingas required.

    7.26 Borrow excavation procedures and materials are adequate.

    7.27 Source and type of imported materials are as approved. Verify samples aretested and approved.

    7.28 Compaction is performed in lifts as required.

    7.29 Building layout is properly established, setbacks are observed, and batterboardsand elevations are established. See that compacted material extends beyondfoundation line as required.

    7.30 Inspect foundation excavating for adequacy, bracing, form clearances, type ofsoil, etc.

    7.31 See that corrective measures are performed where over excavation occurs.

    7.32 Observe methods of dewatering foundation excavations and see that footingbeds are not disturbed or softened. Methods for surface drainage are provided.

    7.33 Footing drains are installed in manner specified.

    7.34 Backfill materials are from approved source. They are installed in specifiedlayers and adequate compaction equipment is used. Relative density of backfill

    is checked. Walls are properly cured before backfilling.

    7.35 Waterproof membranes are protected against damage during backfillingoperations.

    7.36 Observe fine grading, deposits of topsoil in scheduled areas, proper drainageconditions, and job cleanup.

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    7.37 Preservation of monuments and markers is observed. Construction surveygrading stakes are in place prior to grading and are protected or replaced toensure proper site grading elevations are achieved.

    7.38 Record survey of site is performed if required.

    7.39 Have soils suspected to be contaminated with hazardous materials tested beforereuse onsite.

    7.40 Have soils engineering representative on site as needed, to certify compactionand method of soil work.

    7.41 Review erosion control plan and ensure that appropriate measures areundertaken during the wet season. Make sure erosion control devices arereplaced at the end of each days work.

    7.42 Check to see if contractor has permit from Underground Service Alert or otherappropriate agency or authority governing excavation near existing undergroundutilities. Underground Service Alert (USA), is a central agency which alerts allutilities who have underground services at least 48 hours before any excavationwork is commenced at a particular site, so that such utilities may mark their

    services and post appropriate surface warning signs. In Colorado, notification ofand obtaining a permit number from USA is mandatory by law [per Section4216 and 4217 of Governing Code] at least 48 hours before work commences.The USA toll free number for Colorado is 1-800-922-1987. For other areas, callinformation.

    7.43 Check to see if a National Pollution Discharge Efficiency System (NPDES) Noticeof Intention plan has been filed, if required and is being complied with.

    7.44 Import or export haul routes have been approved by local agencies, if required.

    7.45 Install of access road with gravel and mirafi as necessary.

    7.46 Install of sump and drainage pit / manhole with roof drain leaders. Determinetemp power needs.

    7.47 Determine corrective measures for removal of boulders and large rocksinterfering with concrete foundation.

    7.48 Confirm site survey after grading is performed.

    7.49 Determine fire truck lane and approval by Fire Department.

    7.50 Determine if temp site drainage ponds and/or culverts are needed during


    7.51 Permits for blasting are obtained when necessary.


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    8.0 Division 02 - 02350 Piles

    8.1 Check whether test piles are required.

    8.2 Known underground utilities are protected.

    8.3 Note conditions of nearby structures. Record and report to architect if cracks andother deficiencies are evident.

    8.4 Definition of refusal for this work is understood.

    8.5 If pre-drilling is proposed, verify that approval has been granted.

    8.6 Check whether jetting is allowed.

    8.7 Precast concrete piling length, dimensions, delivered condition, mix utilized testrun, type and time of curing. Note inspectors marks if plant inspected.

    8.8 Steel piling dimensions of H or pipe piling; test reports as required. Verifythickness of pipe and condition of interlock for steel sheet piling.

    8.9 Steel shell piling gauge, diameter and length of sections to be driven and filledwith concrete. Check fit of driving mandrel.

    8.10 Mark piles as necessary to observe compliance with requirements.

    8.11 Waterproofing at joints is provided if required on shells.

    8.12 Concrete delivery method is approved tremie, pump, limited free fall, etc.

    8.13 Proper driving block or shoe is used to avoid end damage.

    8.14 Record:

    Make and method of hammer energy source.Weight of striking parts*Height of fall of striking parts*Weight of pileBlows per unit of penetrationAbnormal difference in sound of driving

    8.15 Plumbness before driving.

    8.16 As-driven location is within tolerances required.

    8.17 Report excessive vibration during driving.

    8.18 Visually check steel shells in place for plumbness, straightness, and damagefrom driving look for water in pipe and metal shells to be filled with concrete.

    8.19 Observe condition of tops of precast and wood piles after driving.

    8.20 Observe heaving; check as required.

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    * For double-acting pile driver,record energy per blow in ft. lb.from manufacturers data sheet.Check required steam or waterpressure for rated energy duringdriving. Check height of fall fordiesel hammers.

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    8.21 Rebar cages size, spacing, steel grade, clearances, dowel and tendonextensions.

    8.22 Agency inspections made if required.

    8.23 Check driving equipment to insure it meets or is capable of meetingspecifications for driving.


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    9.0 Division 02 - 02380 Caissons

    9.1 Caisson precon meeting with Driller/Testing Agency/Contractor is key!!

    9.2 Drilling apparatus for diameter and bucket and reamer, if belled bottoms arerequired.

    9.3 Material removed is correlated with soil report. Understand soils report!

    9.4 Stability of material; caving.

    9.5 Sufficient quantity of casing available at site if required.

    9.6 Water encountered; record depths.

    9.7 Rebar cages; size, length, and grade of verticals, and size and spacing of ties,etc.

    9.8 Concrete delivery method is approved tremie, pump, limited free fall, etc.

    9.9 Holes are dry. If wet, check that an approved method of handling water is used pump, bail, dry mix, tremie, etc.

    9.10 Check bottom of hole for cleanliness; use light or downhole inspection ifnecessary.

    9.11 Record location, depth, and diameter.

    9.12 Observe placement of steel. Check clearances and dowel projections. Arealignment bars required?

    9.13 Check to see if anchor bolts project into caissons.

    9.14 Observe placement of concrete. Check coordination of casing withdrawal, whererequired, and placement of concrete. Casing should remain below surface ofconcrete at all times.

    9.15 Check for straightness and plumbness.

    9.16 Agency inspections made if required.

    9.17 Review if casing caisson is required.

    9.18 Review if coring thru rock is required for caisson.

    9.19 Determine who hauls off caisson spoils.

    9.20 Determine safety procedures and fall protection tie off procedures prior to drillingholes.

    9.21 Determine how open holes will be barricaded after drilling is complete.

    9.22 Determine who will be responsible to verify top of caisson elevation onceconcrete is placed.

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    9.23 Determine how rebar cages will be placed in caisson.

    9.24 Determine acceptable rebar splice overlap length and who will monitor properplacement.

    9.25 Keep a log/checklist of every caisson drilled elevation/ dowels / size / sheerrings / yards / etc.

    9.26 Check curing and weather protection requirements.

    9.27 Check top of caisson for mushrooming. Clean top of caisson of debris whichhas collected or fallen on top.

    9.28 No caisson holes are left empty at end of the day.

    9.29 Do not exceed minimum distance required between new caissons.


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    10.0 Division 02 - 02500 Paving and Surfacing

    Subgrades and Bases

    10.1 Subgrade is to proper elevation and cross-section.

    10.2 Subgrade is dense and properly compacted.

    10.3 All drains, utilities, and other underground construction are in place.

    10.4 Trench backfilling is performed as required.

    10.5 Control testing of subgrade and subgrade materials is being performed andrecorded if required.

    10.6 Subbase and base courses are of source, type, thickness and material specified.

    10.7 Source of material is sampled and approved by testing laboratory.

    10.8 Verify import material contains no toxic waste products (have material tested).

    10.9 Materials delivered are of uniform quality.

    10.10 Hauling equipment does not produce ruts in subgrade.

    10.11 Location of all manholes, outlets, and surface features is known and marked withvisible markings or flagging.

    10.12 Provide proof roll of subgrade prior to placing asphalt.

    Priming and Tack Coats

    10.13 Soil sterilization is provided if required.

    10.14 Prime coat is provided and applied as specified. (Verify whether prime coat isrequired by local governing authorities, e.g. Air Quality Management Board.)

    10.15 Prime coat properly seals the surface voids and provides proper binding.

    10.16 Prime coat is applied to water free surface free of objectionable substances.

    10.17 Prime coat is applied uniformly and receives proper curing time.

    10.18 Tack coat is applied to all confirming concrete and asphalt surfaces.

    Asphalt Paving

    10.19 Concrete against which paving is to be placed is to be at least 7 days old.

    10.20 Truck beds are tight and smooth.

    10.21 Suitable covers are provided to protect mix, if required or because of climaticconditions.

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    10.22 Spreading equipment is suitable.

    10.23 Size and type of roller and paving equipment is as specified.

    10.24 Asphalt is of proper mix and approved for this work.

    10.25 Plant inspection has been made if required.

    10.26 Temperature of mix when delivered is within limits required.

    10.27 Weather limitations are observed.

    10.28 Records of placement and suspension of operations are kept.

    10.29 Headers and screeds are properly installed for thickness control and as required.

    10.30 Materials are properly spread, raked, and placed for thickness and uniformity.Raking to be kept to a minimum.

    10.31 Rollers are operated within speed range and have proper backup features, drumscrapes, and wetting devices. Roller is backed only over compacted areas.

    10.32 Correction of humps and depressions to obtain smoothness and uniformity is tobe performed before the start of compaction.

    10.33 Remove cracking asphalt and repair subgrade material prior to placement of finallift asphalt.

    10.34 Temperature after final rolling is within limits.

    10.35 Tie-ins to adjacent surfaces are as required.

    10.36 Damage of adjacent surfaces is corrected.

    10.37 Saw cut edges of existing asphalt and remove damaged.

    10.38 Drainage tests are made.

    10.39 If required, seal coat is properly applied and of material called for, and withproper curing period before and after installation.

    10.40 Special topping surfaces, color coatings, striping, etc., are applied of materialsrequired; proper curing times are observed.

    10.41 A copy of all truck delivery tags is collected as trucks enter site and kept for

    reference. The total weight of asphalt delivery is equal to or over the calculatedweight required for the project. If underweight, possible thin areas in the pavingmay exist and core thickness tests may be warranted.

    10.42 Confirm minimum temperature of asphalt for placement in cold weather.

    Concrete Paving

    10.43 Requirements for mixes, batching plant, and mixing plant are met and approvedif specified. Admixtures are as approved.

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    10.44 All paving equipment is available on job, is in good condition, and meetsrequirements.

    10.45 Base course is maintained in a firm, moist condition and is as required.

    10.46 All forms, headers, outlets, boxes, and equipment are in place before pouring.

    10.47 All embedded items, sleeves, dowels, and reinforcement are as required. Verify

    that reinforcement is not shifted or forced to the bottom of the pour.

    10.48 Joint methods and materials are provided and observed.

    10.49 Grade, slope, pitch, and thickness control is provided as required.

    10.50 Concrete is deposited, rodded, and vibrated to suit conditions. See thatreinforcement is maintained at elevation required.

    10.51 Time interval between pours allows for continuous working.

    10.52 Control joints, construction joints, and expansion joints are provided as required.

    10.53 Color, if required, is of proper type, tone and amount.

    10.54 Finishing treatment and texture is as required.

    10.55 Curing provisions are as required and work is properly protected.

    10.56 Overtroweling is avoided.

    10.57 Jointing of old concrete to new work is properly performed.

    10.58 Forms are not removed until minimum required time after placement has


    10.59 Sawed joints are made at proper time and are properly aligned.

    10.60 Sawed joints are of proper width and depth.

    10.61 Joints are cleaned and cured as required.

    10.62 See that concrete is protected from damage during backfilling.

    10.63 Tests for drainage and surface variation are made.

    10.64 Agency requirements are met for design regarding sidewalks, curbs, gutters,aprons, etc.

    10.65 Insure that contractor protects against vandalism while concrete is still green andable to be marked. Inspect first thing next morning for marks which can then bestoned out.

    10.66 Verify location and layout of parking for disabled persons.

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    10.67 Verify wheelchair curb cuts, slopes of sidewalks, curb cuts, ramps, marking ofstairs for visually impaired.

    10.68 Confirm anticipated curing methods and weather protection is acceptable.

    10.69 Before placing concrete slab, dampen subgrade if needed.

    10.70 Check curing compounds for compatibility with future substrates.

    10.71 Mock-up for type of finish and joints is approved.

    10.72 No adding of water to concrete or refer to specifications for adding water.

    10.73 Verify if handicap ramps are to be red concrete (City of Denver).


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    11.0 Division 02 - 02700 Sewerage and Drainage

    11.1 Familiarize self on where all surface site drainage is directed. In general, all sitedrainage will be directed to underground storm drain systems, which will carry itoffsite. If there are areas of the site draining directly onto adjacent sites and /or ifcatch basins located in low points would back storm water into a structure if thecatch basin becomes blocked, bring these facts to the architects attention.

    11.2 Familiarize self on where all underground site drainage is directed, making surethat there is no reverse flow in pipes. Review plans for possible conflictsbetween underground storm drain pipes and other utility lines, especially othergravity flow pipes (sanitary sewer lines). If possible conflicts, expose conflictbefore storm drain excavation is begun and have surveyor verify that no verticalconflicts exist.

    11.3 Review standards for catch basins and manholes (or junction boxes). Requiresubmittal of catalog cut be submitted to architect if structures are precast.

    11.4 Verify elevations of tops and bottoms of drainage structures and flow lines ofstorm drain pipes against layout survey stakes.

    11.5 Review backfill standards for drainage structures and storm drain lines. Havesoils engineer test and certify backfill methods and compaction.

    11.6 Familiarize self with types of storm drain pipes allowed. If ACP is allowed,special handling, cutting and disposal requirements apply, as asbestos isconsidered a hazardous material. Obtain manufacturers recommendations on

    jointing methods. Review bedding against local codes and manufacturersrecommendations.

    11.7 Review safety shoring requirements for excavations over 5 feet in depth.

    11.8 Familiarize self with concrete mix and strength requirements. Collect deliverytags. Obtain certificate of conformance to specifications. Take concrete slumptests and cylinders, if required.

    11.9 Test site for finish drainage slopes by water testing all site areas and looking forbird baths.

    11.10 Have contractor clean all catch basins and flush all storm drain lines prior to jobacceptance.

    11.11 Review inside of all drainage structures for rock pockets and defects inworkmanship. All forms to be removed.

    11.12 Insure that an encroachment permit is obtained by the contractor, if required, fortying-in site drainage storm drain lines into the jurisdictions main lines.

    11.13 Inspect all storm drain lines for joint integrity, that lines are true for slope andhorizontal alignment, and that bedding is proper prior to allowing contractor tobackfill storm drain lines and structures.

    11.14 Perform photographic / remote control camera testing of PVC sewer pipe toverify alignment and slope if required.

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    12.0 Division 02 - 02810 Irrigation Systems

    12.1 Layout of main service heads, valves, controllers, vacuum breakers, etc., is asrequired. Record field conditions as required.

    12.2 Trenching depth and backfill are as required. Refer to Section 15400,Plumbing, for applicable items concerning installation of piping, connectors andequipment.

    12.3 Pressure tests are performed.

    12.4 Electrical work is provided as required. Observe work related to lighting oflandscape features.

    12.5 Controller installed as required. Observe installation.

    12.6 Observe operation, adjustment and coverage of completed irrigation system,including controller timing.

    12.7 Determine who will do re-seeding at access roads and when.

    12.8 Determine who maintains landscape and irrigation systems shut down at winter.

    12.9 Is tagging of trees required as purchased?

    12.10 Verify available water pressure is sufficient for irrigation design. Are boosterpumps required?

    12.11 Ensure all required irrigation sleeving is in place prior to paving and site concrete.


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    13.0 Division 02 - 02900 Landscaping

    Site work and Existing Vegetation

    13.1 Existing trees and other vegetation to remain are protected as required.Barricades and fencing are provided if required.

    13.2 Traffic, parking, storage of materials, or debris is not allowed within drip line oftrees.

    13.3 Existing trees and other vegetation are maintained by regular feeding andwatering during construction, if required.

    13.4 Pruning of branches is performed only by qualified persons.

    13.5 Observe excavation adjacent to existing trees. Unless otherwise required, do notallow exposing of root systems; keep equipment beyond drip line.

    13.6 Ponding around base of existing trees does not occur.

    13.7 Existing vegetation not to be saved is removed as required.

    13.8 Depth of cuts and other conditions required are met for retainage and/or reuse ofon-site topsoil. Observe required stockpiling and that topsoil is not intermixedwith deleterious materials.

    13.9 Subgrade is carried sufficiently below finish grade to provide depth of topsoilrequired. Do not allow in subgrade debris that is detrimental to landscaping.

    13.10 Elevations of manholes, catch basins, valves, boxes, etc., are coordinated tofinished grades required on landscaping plans. Verify coordination to other


    13.11 Backfill against foundation walls that receive planting is clean and free of rocks,concrete, and debris.

    13.12 Paints, solvents, oils, old plaster, and other debris is not placed in areas toreceive planting. Do not allow maintenance of construction equipment to beperformed in areas to receive planting.

    13.13 In general, all deep utility work is to be done before soil preparation, all shallowutilities such as irrigation laterals are done after soil preparation.

    Finish Grading

    13.14 Subgrade is scarified as required and prepared to receive finish grading.

    13.15 Stockpiled topsoil is distributed, prepared, and of depths required.

    13.16 Import, borrow, or selected off-site soil is used as required. Get certificates,weight tags, etc., if required. Source is as required.

    13.17 Topsoil mixture including amendments and preparation is as required.

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    13.18 Installation of sleeves, raceways, boxes, and piping required for irrigation,drainage, electrical, etc., is provided as required, and is installed in coordinationwith site improvements, paving, and walks.

    13.19 Areas to receive planting are not excessively compacted by traffic storage orequipment.

    13.20 Scheduling of phases of landscaping work is in accordance with overall

    construction. Work is scheduled to avoid out-of-phase sequences that couldcause damage or require rework. In general all deep utility work is to be donebefore soil preparation all shallow utilities such as irrigation laterals are doneafter soil preparation.

    Landscape Construction

    13.21 Layout of landscape construction such as walls, fences, paving, paths, benches,etc., is as required.

    13.22 Verify grades and elevations. Record field conditions as required.


    13.23 Planting areas are in horticultural condition required.

    13.24 Verify that required drainage conditions are provided.

    13.25 Verify layout of major plant materials and adjustment to field conditions isprovided as required.

    13.26 Plant materials are as approved and inspected before installation as required.

    13.27 Staking, pruning, spraying, etc., are as required.

    13.28 Plants to be watered in after planting to settle soil around root ball.

    13.29 Plants are protected from acid backsplash used to clean or etch concrete. Donot allow diluted acid near root zones of trees or shrubs.

    13.30 To avoid scorching of foliage, hot tar boilers are not allowed near trees orvegetation.

    13.31 Maintenance is provided as required during construction, and arrangements withpermanent maintenance are coordinated as required.

    13.32 Determine what can be planted if there are water restrictions.

    13.33 Protect planters and curb and gutter while planting and backfilling. Remove andreplace if damaged.


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    14.0 Division 03 Concrete

    Division 03 03100 Concrete Formwork

    14.1 Formwork materials are as specified. Formwork is properly sealed, oiled, orwetted and treatment is compatible with other materials to be applied.

    14.2 Reused formwork is properly reconditioned and treated for reuse.

    14.3 Construction provides mortar-tight condition, free from offsets and defects.Engineered formwork notes are followed concerning lift frequency and addmixtures.

    14.4 Completed formwork provides structural sections required.

    14.5 Observe type of form spacers, ties, and bracing used. Ties indicated to be set topattern are of proper type and spacing. Exposed tie patterns are installed perapproved shop drawings. Ties are arranged to be withdrawn or snapped off toleave no metal within specified or required distance to surface of concrete.

    14.6 Temporary spreaders are arranged for easy removal. Verify removal.

    14.7 Foundation forms are deepened as required for pipes, conduits, soft spots, etc.Foundation forms are installed per drawings.

    14.8 Sleeves for piping and conduits are provided as required. Sleeves need to besubmitted and approved by Structural Engineer.

    14.9 Forms are secured against movements during placing operations. Referencelines are established. Screeds are set high to allow for deflection when needed,and deflection is checked during pour.

    14.10 Chamfer strips, nailer strips, chases, and rustication strips are accurately placed,aligned adequately, fastened, and protected. Once set, the strips are checkedfor coordination with other architectural aspects.

    14.11 Cleanouts are provided at ends and low points of forms. Ports are provided inhigh forms. Verify number and location. Brick ledge forms are installed withsteps located correctly to match exterior final grades and architectural plans.

    14.12 Expansion, construction, and contraction joints are provided as required orindicated.

    14.13 Temp safety filler is installed and securely fastened in expansion joints.

    14.14 Free movement of expansion and contraction joints can occur. No reinforcementor fixed metal continues through the joint.

    14.15 Form cut-offs and bulkheads are established in locations approved. Verify dooropening locations match architectural plans and allow for door frame roughopening.

    14.16 Forms are in alignment, especially at top of walls.

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    14.17 Forms provide for depressed slab areas, cut outs, curbs, etc.

    14.18 Form surface treatment and pattern for architectural concrete is as required.Non-corrosive nails are used to hold curtains.

    14.19 Forms are taped and prepared as required for architectural concrete. Jointpatterns are formed as indicated.

    14.20 Keys are provided in construction joints. Provisions for waterproofing are met.

    14.21 Forms allow sufficient space and openings for depositing of concrete. Contactarchitect if field conditions appear difficult. Review void form requirements. Ishigh density required?

    14.22 Forms provide for features such as doors, windows, openings, etc., and they areremovable. Cross bracing is provided in formed openings to prevent bowing.

    14.23 Proper provisions are made during pour for sawed joints; locations, equipment,personnel, and timing.

    14.24 Forms are properly cleaned of all debris and surface-treated as required prior topour.

    14.25 Note appearance of obvious defects in formwork that might impair its ability towithstand concrete pressure without excessive deflection.

    14.26 Shoring is checked for location and bearing. Check shores for settlement duringpouring. Verify engineered shoring installed per shop drawings.

    14.27 Trench ducts, boxes, cleanouts, flanges, etc., are set at proper elevation to allowfor flush or required installation of finish floor. Sufficient anchorage is provided toavoid movement. Safety rails and toeboards are provided as required for

    concrete placement.

    14.28 Scaffolds or other accessories appear adequate and do not affect form work.

    Form Removal

    14.29 Concrete cylinder strength tests must be performed by qualified testing lab toverify concrete is sufficiently strong before removal of forms and surfaces are notdamaged or spalled by too early removal.

    14.30 Forms remain in place until expiration of curing period required.

    14.31 Forms are tightened and maintained snug against concrete surfaces.

    14.32 Reshoring requirements are observed.

    14.33 All wood formwork is completely removed above and below grade.

    14.34 Preparations for patching are made as soon as practicable and methods areapproved if required.

    14.35 Determine who provides sleeves and layout for all penetrations.

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    15.0 Division 03 03200 Concrete Reinforcement

    15.1 Grade of steel delivered to jobsite is identified as required.

    15.2 Steel is installed in accordance with approved drawings and of grade and sizesindicated: bar length, bar diameter, bar-to-bar spacing. Spacing is coordinatedto suit units where masonry walls are scheduled.

    15.3 Required clearance of steel from earth and forms is provided.

    15.4 Splice lapping, length of splices, and staggering of splices is as required. Core istaken at bulkheads to allow for proper splicing.

    15.5 Bends are within radii and tolerance required and are uniformly made.

    15.6 Additional bars, such as wall intersection bars, trim bars, at openings, and cornerbars, are provided.

    15.7 Reinforcement is cleaned of all loose or flaky rust or scale, dried concrete, oil,bondbreaker, and other foreign material that might reduce bond. Tags are


    15.8 Dowels are provided for marginal bars at wall ends and openings.

    15.9 Beam and slab bars are spliced near supports for bottom steel and near midspanfor top steel.

    15.10 No bent bars and tension members are installed except where approved.

    15.11 Vertical bars at wall ends are installed inside horizontal bars unless otherwiserequired.

    15.12 Extra turns are provided at top and bottom of spiral columns.

    15.13 Reinforcement is tied and supported securely to prevent displacement duringplacement.

    15.14 Reinforcement spacers, tie wires, chairs, and supports are provided of type, size,and finish required.

    15.15 Conduits are separated from other conduit and rebar by three diametersminimum.

    15.16 No conduit or piping is placed below rebar mat in suspended slabs unless

    approved by consultant.

    15.17 No secured pipes are embedded in concrete (liquid carrying).

    15.18 No contact of bars is made with dissimilar metals.

    15.19 Bars are not placed near surfaces that might allow rusting.

    15.20 Rebars are welded only with consultants approval, in accordance withreinforcing steel welding code, AWS D1.4.

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    15.21 Determine who has welding of rebar in scope.

    15.22 Adequate space and clearance are provided for proper deposit of concrete anduse of vibrators.

    15.23 Unless otherwise required, embedded items are securely anchored in place andin proper location.

    15.24 Unless approved, boxing-out is not allowed for subsequent grouting-in.

    15.25 All embedded items are supplied and installed as required. Generally reviewdrawings for anchor bolts, piping, sleeves, conduits, boxes, special items, etc.All items are suitably protected from damage during placement operations.

    15.26 If conflict occurs between embedded items and reinforcing bars, allow no cutting,bending, or omission without consultants approval.

    15.27 Check placing tolerances of reinforcing.

    15.28 Rules of thumb for bar splices (check with the Structural Engineer):

    For 24d lap: multiply bar size by 3 = lap in inches.For 32d lap: multiply bar size by 4 = lap in inches.For 40d lap: multiply bar size by 5 = lap in inches.

    15.29 Avoid bending rebar excessively (hickeying). Max slope = 1:6. Field bending ofpartially embedded bar should be done with consultants approval.

    15.30 Agency inspection is performed if required.

    15.31 Review documents for breakout dowels or form savers.

    15.32 Determine who installs site rebar.

    15.33 Determine who drills for rebar for masonry.

    15.34 Review documents for slick dowels in slabs.

    15.35 Review formwork drawing and space requirements for rebar in tight areas i.e.bottom of pans, waffle deck, caisson caps, grade beams, columns, etc.

    15.36 Determine who cleans rebar after sitting in mud.


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    16.0 Division 03 03300 Cast-in-Place Concrete

    16.1 Agency approval of forms and rebar is obtained prior to pour, if required.

    16.2 All requirements of concrete specifications have been met before delivery orplacement of concrete tests, mix design, ingredients, inspections, etc.

    16.3 Testing laboratory is notified prior to pour, and testing is arranged at plant and


    16.4 All areas to receive concrete are cleaned, wetted, or otherwise prepared asrequired. Foundations are free of frost and water. Previously placed concrete isproperly prepared to receive new.

    16.5 All necessary tools on hand are in working condition. Vibrators and standbyvibrators are available and in working condition. Frequency and amplitude arechecked if required.

    16.6 Conveying equipment and depositing equipment is capable of reaching all areasof placement without segregation, loss of ingredients, formation of air pockets, or

    cold joints.

    16.7 Adequate manpower is available for timely placement.

    16.8 Temporary form openings, tremies, chutes, etc., are provided. Check spec onfreefalling concrete.

    16.9 Pockets are vented to prevent air entrapment.

    16.10 Sub-base and capillary fills are compacted and membrane is provided andinstalled as required.

    16.11 Arrangements have been made for specified curing, sawed joints, and protectionincluding cold weather protection, if needed.

    16.12 Cylinders, measuring equipment, and slump cone are at site and samples areproperly taken.

    16.13 Add water per specifications and ACI standards.

    16.14 Delivery of concrete and sequence of delivery is scheduled to allow continuousplacement to prevent cold joints.

    16.15 Age of concrete is within specified or required time limit and delivery tickets

    contain proper information.

    16.16 Modified grout provided at first lift and where rebar congestion occurs, asrequired.

    16.17 Layers are kept approximately horizontal and do not exceed required lifts. Donot exceed formwork supplier recommended pour rates. Admixtures areapproved by agency and form supplier.

    16.18 Bolts and loose items to be embedded are properly located and installed.

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    16.19 Date and location of pours is recorded. See attached sample of Concrete PourCard.

    16.20 Grades, elevations, alignment, form adjustment, and supports are being checkedduring pouring.

    16.21 Time delay is made for concrete in columns, piers, walls, and openings to allowconcrete to settle before placing concrete above them; however, initial set is to

    be avoided.

    16.22 Vibration performed properly, using correct equipment, and forms are notdamaged.

    16.23 Verify instruction or obtain approval concerning watering at site.

    16.24 Cylinders are cast and stored and slump and other tests are performed asrequired (shrinkage bars, air entrainment, unit, etc.).

    16.25 Determine testing requirements of concrete at pump, chutes, formwork, etc.

    16.26 Inform concrete supply that if trucks do not maintain proper intervals they will beturned away at no cost to the G.C.

    Finishing and Curing

    16.27 Type of finish on unformed surfaces is checked and provided as required. Verifythat smooth, rubbed, broomed, nonslip, exposed aggregate, colored, etc.,finishes are provided.

    16.28 Screeds are provided as required. All wood screeds are removed.

    16.29 Overtroweling is avoided. Troweling is not performed while bleed water is on


    16.30 Curing methods are started as soon as possible. Curing compounds are asrequired and compatible with subsequent finishes.

    16.31 Finishing method provides evenness, smoothness, and levelness of surfaceswithin tolerance indicated. Slopes are provided to properly drain. Marks left bytools are removed.

    16.32 See that joints, edges, and corners are carefully finished and/or match.

    16.33 Wet spray or moist curing method is adequately performed.

    16.34 Waterproof paper or similar covers are applied with sufficient lap and seal andadequately protected during curing period. (Colored surfaces may requirespecial covers to avoid staining, etc.).

    16.35 Loading and traffic are controlled over surfaces to protect concrete.

    16.36 Methods of repairing defective areas, removal of fins, form marks, ties, etc., onformed surfaces are understood and provided as soon as possible upon removalof forms.

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    16.37 Complete mock-ups of color, finish, and edging.


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    17.0 Division 03 03400 Pre-Cast Concrete

    17.1 Required samples have been submitted and approved as to color, texture, form,finish, treatment, anchors, reinforcement, etc. Mock-up is provided and approvedif required.

    17.2 Special items and conditions are understood.

    17.3 Conditions to receive precast material are as required. Structural supportmembers are properly located, installed, and within tolerance. Erectioncontractor accepts conditions. Require bracing plan from Precastor.

    17.4 Masons and welders are qualified as required. Precast tolerances are adheredto and checked prior to installation.

    17.5 Testing procedure is scheduled and performed at fabrication source and in field.

    17.6 Connectors, anchors, and fasteners are of type, metal, finish, and size requiredand are installed as required.

    17.7 Shields to protect materials are provided during welding. Welding certificates forall welders on file.

    17.8 Lead buttons or soft wood wedges are used to prevent crushing of mortar andare removed as required. Patching is performed.

    17.9 Cutting or drilling material to accommodate others work is accurately andproperly performed, per engineer.

    17.10 Flexible gaskets for joints are properly sealed.

    17.11 Non-staining back-up caulking, cement, or materials are provided and tests are

    performed or attested to in respect of non-staining qualities.

    17.12 Joint caulking, sealing, painting, etc., is performed under required conditions.

    17.13 Joint caulking, sealing, painting, etc., is of type, color, and method of installationrequired.

    17.14 Bolt or dowel holes in top of copings are grouted.

    17.15 Expansion or control joints are located and provided as required.

    17.16 Built-in flashings are properly formed and located as required. Weep holes are


    17.17 Joint and panel alignment is within specified tolerances.

    17.18 Water-repellent treatments are applied, using materials and methods required.

    17.19 Protection is provided for pre-cast sills and projecting work. Care is taken toprotect panels while being transported and installed.

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    17.20 Cleaning of work is performed as required, proceeding from top of buildingdownward.

    17.21 Adjacent metal and other materials are protected during cleaning operations.

    17.22 Submit and distribute restrictions of drilling into precast i.e. no drilling in bottom oftee.

    17.23 Determine if galvanized or stainless steel connections are required and by who.

    17.24 Determine who re-primes welded connections.

    17.25 Determine who fireproofs connections.

    17.26 Determine routing of MEP thru walls, tees, inverted beams.

    17.27 Determine who washes construction debris off the precast.

    17.28 Determine who installs wall dowels to CIP footing if required.

    17.29 Review shop drawings for window/opening drip edges.


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    18.0 Division 04 Masonry

    Division 04 04200 Unit Masonry

    18.1 Materials are suitably stored off the ground and covered with waterproof material.

    18.2 Site materials match approved samples for color, texture, grade, and size andcontain no defects such as chips, cracks, crazing, warps, kiln marks on face, and

    size differential, except for tolerances as allowed by the appropriate AmericanSociety for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard. Verify all required types andshapes are available and compatible with field materials.

    18.3 Schedule of test and inspections is arranged before installation. Wall prisms,group prisms, grout tests, mortar tests, type of mortar, mix and ingredients are asapproved and required.

    18.4 Sample panels have been provided and approved as required

    18.5 Wetting of bricks is properly performed if required to assure that mortar will bondto brick. Concrete masonry units are not wet.

    18.6 Mortar color is provided and approved if required.

    18.7 Layout of work, coursing and dimensions are as required or indicated. Story-poleis used if required.

    18.8 Joint size, type, tooling method, and equipment are understood and produced.

    18.9 Mortar is mixed as required, and methods and equipment are suitable to producethe approved mix.

    18.10 Indicated bonding patterns are provided. Uniformity of laying is observed.

    Bonding is as required.

    18.11 Generally observe mortar application to materials full head and bed joints,shoving, buttering, etc. Include complete filling of collar joints as required incomposite wall construction.

    18.12 Joints are tooled in such a manner as to provide a dense surface unlessotherwise specified.

    18.13 Cutting of units is as required.

    18.14 Cleanouts are provided as required.

    18.15 Spaces between wythes are of sizes required and kept free of excess droppings.

    18.16 Provisions are adequate to protect work at least 48 hours from freezing or longerif required to properly cure. Consult with International Masonry Institute, All-Weather Council for cold weather requirements. Provide acceptable cold

    weather precautions when temperature is less than 40 F.

    18.17 Methods of cleaning are understood and performed as required. Droppings andsplatters on finished surfaces are cleaned as soon as possible.

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    18.18 Anchors and ties are of type of material and size required and are installed asrequired.

    18.19 Reinforcement, as required, is of type, size, splacing, and spacing required properly doweled, tied, and otherwise installed. Additional reinforcement isprovided as required for corners, intersections, openings, lintels, etc. Refer alsoto 03200 Concrete Reinforcement.

    18.20 Do not allow bending rebar excessively to fit masonry cells. Obtain approval ifrequired.

    18.21 Bucks, anchors, forming, supports, and other embedded materials are available,secured, plumb, or level and otherwise properly installed.

    18.22 Provision for flashings, cut-outs, and later installation of other items is made.

    18.23 Provision for parging or treatment of backs of walls which are to receive backfill isperformed as required.

    18.24 Expansion joints for brick masonry and control joints for concrete masonry are

    located and provided as indicated or required.

    18.25 Weeps holes are provided if required.

    18.26 All structural members to receive masonry are located, supported and anchoredand have suitable attachments as required.

    18.27 Prior to grout pour, all wythes, reinforcement, etc., are properly cleaned. Seethat precautions such as ties and braces are considered so as to avoid blow-outs.

    18.28 Pipes, conduits, sleeves, and boxes are located, secured, protected, insulated,

    and spaced as required.

    18.29 Measuring box is used for job mixed grout. Allow no shovel measures.

    18.30 Agency inspection is performed before grouting, if required.

    18.31 Wall prisms are made at proper frequency and are properly stored, delivered,cured and tested, all as required.

    18.32 Lifts of grout are poured in a timely sequence and as required. Generallyobserve bond beam filling and compaction methods, including consolidation. Note height limitations required for lifts.

    18.33 Hollow metal frames are filled solid.

    18.34 Backfilling is performed only after proper curing or support units are provided andas required.

    18.35 Pointing, replacement of defective units, and repair of other defects are promptlyperformed and as deemed necessary.

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    18.36 Waterproofing of walls is performed if required. Moisture content prior towaterproofing is as required or specified.

    18.37 Methods of final cleaning are as required.

    18.38 The lay-up of existing walls, in particular full-length header courses, shall be incompliance with code requirements.

    18.39 The quality of the existing mortar shall be determined by performing in-place

    shear tests in accordance with code requirements which also mandate numberand location of tests.

    18.40 Existing wall anchors to be used must be tested in-place in accordance with thecode requirements.

    18.41 Special inspection or testing of all new shear bolts and combined tension andshear bolts must be performed in accordance to the code.

    18.42 Archaic materials must be investigated and/or tested in accordance with coderequirements.

    18.43 Pointing of unreinforced masonry when required due to deteriorated mortarpoints shall be in accordance with the code.

    18.44 Determine who supplies and installs misc. flashings.

    18.45 Determine if block is flexible bond and ensure proper testing.

    18.46 Determine who provides shoring.

    18.47 Inform Owner of effervescence prior to it happening.

    18.48 Coordinate rough openings for windows/openings. Coordinate with structural


    18.49 Vapor barrier is installed per agencys instructions.

    18.50 Weeps are in place as required and trimmed so they do not protrude past grout.


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    19.0 Division 05 Metals

    Division 05 - 05120 Structural Steel

    19.1 Setting of foundation anchor bolts, size, and location are as required.

    19.2 Foundations are provided as required under all column locations.

    19.3 Testing and inspection laboratory has observed shop fabrication as required or


    19.4 Delivered materials are of correct size, shape, and weight.

    19.5 Beams made up of welded plates are not substituted for specified rolled sectionswithout approval.

    19.6 Size and type of bolts, rivets, washers, and hole diameters are as required.

    19.7 Welds on delivered materials are of size required.

    19.8 Shop painting is provided as required and items to be embedded are not shop

    coated unless required.

    19.9 Delivered steel is new, undamaged, and free of distortions.

    19.10 Steel is suitably stored, blocked off ground, and covered where prolongedstorage occurs.

    19.11 Observe erection contractors proposed methods, sequence of operations, anderection equipment. Long trusses are to be erected by double choker or slingmethod to avoid overstress.

    19.12 Column ends are milled and protected if required.

    19.13 Provide anchor bolt verification for concrete strength achieved to steel erectorprior to start of steel.

    19.14 Observe setting of base and bearing plates. See that full engagement of nutoccurs and that bending of anchor bolts or undue chipping of concrete does notoccur. Verify clearances required for finish coverings or materials are provided.

    19.15 Temporary connections to hold steel in place are provided and members areaccurately wedged, shimmed, plumbed, fitted, aligned, or leveled before finalrivets, bolts, or weld connections are made.

    19.16 Engineered drawing required for base plate modifications in field.

    19.17 See that concrete is cleaned and free of dirt and laitance, and grouting isproperly performed. Space between concrete and bottom of bearing plateusually must not exceed 1/24 bearing plate width. See that dry pack mortar isproperly rammed and cured.

    19.18 Shims are steel plates of varying thickness and not odd pieces of metal.

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    19.19 See that temporary connections, guys, and braces are provided to hold work inplace before permanent connections are completed. Work is installed plumb andto tolerances required.

    19.20 Drift pins are used to bring together the parts, but should not damage or distortmetal.

    19.21 Beam members are set with natural camber up. Camber is furnished whererequired. Verify with Structural Engineer the camber is sufficient for expected

    deflection and floor finish tolerances.

    19.22 The Engineer should provide a bracing plan.

    19.23 As-built columns set at proper elevations throughout erection.

    19.24 Steel members have stud bolts, or other method of connection is provided toattach other materials suitably.

    19.25 Steel members are not cut for passage of conduit, pipes, etc., unless soindicated on shop drawings or Structural Engineer approves.

    19.26 Prime paint over all welded connections on site.

    19.27 Ensure compatibility with fireproofing material and paint primer or no paint.

    19.28 In accordance with OSHA Sub Part R no cutting of structural steel withoutEngineers approval document on site.

    19.29 Regarding constructability of SOMD confirm concrete placement procedures.Pour level or gauged thickness.

    19.30 Regarding floor level tolerance, discuss with design team the expected floorfinish and deflection tolerance for steel and metal deck.

    19.31 Confirm use of steel shot pins for steel studs is acceptable. Typically grade 50steel will not allow.

    19.32 Elevator hoist beam is coordinated to withstand design loads.


    19.33 Burning of misaligned or unfair rivet holes is not permitted. Drifting to enlargeholes is not permitted. Holes to be enlarged must be reamed.

    19.34 No space occurs between members to be riveted. Rivets must not be used to

    pull members together.

    19.35 Heads of rivets should be in line, since a rivet that is not centered on the holedoes not have full value.

    19.36 Pitted or pockmarked heads indicated overheating or burning of rivets.

    19.37 Marks or deformations in steel around edge of rivet must not occur, since thesesigns indicate that gun was against steel. Rivets with derbies, jockey cap, etc.,indicate rivet driven was too cold.

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    19.38 By tapping with a hammer, see that rivets are not loose.

    19.39 Mark defective rivets with chisel end of hammer and see that they aresatisfactorily replaced.

    19.40 Rivets are painted after driving if required.


    19.41 Bolts and rivets are not allowed in same connection unless otherwise required.

    19.42 Type, size, and length of bolt, size and type of washer, and size of hole are asrequired.

    19.43 All heads and nuts are resting squarely against metal; check to see that boltshave been drawn adequately tight.

    19.44 Holes are properly aligned. Burning to correct misalignment is not permitted.

    19.45 Verify use of ribbed bolts or turned bolts.

    High Strength Bolting

    19.46 Identification of bolt is made, and washer and nut are of proper type. (Testingmay be required.)

    19.47 Verify whether paint is allowed on contact surface. Generally, all deleteriousmaterials such as dirt, oil, or loose scale, or defects such as burrs or pits shouldnot be present.

    19.48 Verify that impact wrenches are accurately calibrated and that frequency ofcalibration checks. Turn-of-the-nut method is allowed. Direct tension indicator

    devices are acceptable.

    19.49 Slope of flanges (1:20); beveled washers as required.

    19.50 Hardened washers are provided as required.


    19.51 Review of mill certificate.

    19.52 Review of welding procedures.

    19.53 Review of welder certifications (on site, in file).

    19.54 Inspect weld preparation prior to welding (inspecting agency).

    19.55 Inspect welding.

    19.56 See that non-destructive testing is performed as required.


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    20.0 Division 05 - 05200 Metal Joists

    20.1 Proper equipment is used for unloading and handling. Inspect rigging daily.Dont drop!!

    20.2 Joists stored with top or bottom chords up.

    20.3 Joists are coated with type of paint and number of coats required.

    20.4 Fasten joists during erection to prevent movement and possible fall hazard.

    20.5 Visually inspect welds for length and size (testing agency).

    20.6 Nailer on top and/or bottom chord is provided if required.

    20.7 Holes in bearing plate at one end have been slotted if required.

    20.8 Verify point loads are established and designed into joists prior to fabrication.

    20.9 Joists are lifted in place by top chord members at panel points recommended by


    20.10 Joists are accurately spaced and have proper bearing and anchorage.

    20.11 Review anticipated loads of any equipment scheduled to sit on top of or hang offof all joists to verify what paint loads will exist.

    20.12 Installation and connections are as required.

    20.13 Ceiling extensions are provided where required.

    20.14 Bridging and anchoring are installed as soon as joists are placed and before

    application of loads.

    20.15 Ends of bridging lines terminating at walls or beams are anchored at plane of topand bottom chords as required.

    20.16 Allow no cutting or drilling of web or chord members.

    20.17 Do not allow excessive concentrated loads of heavy building materials or movingof heavy equipment over joists.

    20.18 All rust, scale, slag, and splatter are removed and joist is clean before it ispainted.

    20.19 Confirm fastening requirements of other trades materials to joists. Typicallyhaving to hang from top chord.

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    21.0 Division 05 - 05300 Metal Decking

    21.1 Material is of approved type, material, finish, shapes, gauge, and size. Approvedsamples are on job if required. Review approved decking layout submissions.

    21.2 Material is properly stored on site and protected.

    21.3 All accessory items are furnished and approved type and sequence of fastening

    is performed.

    21.4 Verify deck overlaps occur at joist or beam location, overlaps at mid spanbetween joists not permitted.

    21.5 Closures at edges, over walls, etc., are provided as required.

    21.6 Welders are certified if required. Welding inspection by a testing laboratory isprovided if required. Make sure decking is in contact with beams and joists toinsure proper tack welds.

    21.7 Deck cutouts over 12 in diameter require support steel. Coordinate between

    MEP subs and Structural Engineer.

    21.8 Provisions such as tabs, hangers, and supports are met in regard to mechanicaland electrical equipment, hung ceiling, etc.

    21.9 Coordination is performed with related trades: sheet metal, roofing, insulation,electrical, etc.

    21.10 Deck to be fireproofed to be primed or cleaned to receive fireproofing.

    21.11 Decking is continuous over supports if required, and welded connections andspacing are as required. Observe panel-to-panel seams for tack weld or, button

    punch connections. Check seam welding for burn-outs. Verify welding spotsare not burned out.

    21.12 Reinforcement around columns and at penetrations is provided as required.Review MEP drawings to ensure all openings are provided for.

    21.13 Reinforcement at locations of major concentrated loads is as required.

    21.14 No torch cutting of deck use saw.

    21.15 Seams are aligned. Type and spacing of seam connections are as required.

    21.16 Electric cell units are aligned, and no rough or dented edges occur so thatinsulation is not damaged when wire is pulled through cell. Observe that buttends are taped to keep concrete fill out of cell.

    21.17 No concentrated loads are placed on decking during construction. Get loadingrequirements from Structural Engineer.

    21.18 If decking is to receive concrete topping, verify if shoring is required.

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    22.0 Division 05 - 05500 Metal Fabrications

    22.1 Delivered materials are fabricated from approved shop drawings, if required, andmeet specifications of steel fabrication, riveting, welding, galvanizing, sheetmetal, or other metals required.

    22.2 Loose lintels over 200 lbs. are usually considered structural steel set by steelerector. Verify with contractor.

    22.3 Templates are furnished for proper placement and anchorage if required.

    22.4 Prior provisions are made for adequate bracing, blocking and anchorage ofitems.

    22.5 Sleeves, bolts, cut-outs, holes, and connectors are located and provided asrequired.

    22.6 Verify if galvanized at exterior is required for lintels, bollards, etc.

    22.7 Materials are protected from damage before and after installation.

    22.8 Opening bucks, angles, and thresholds are adequately braced, anchored, andaligned and bear labels if required.

    22.9 On railings, see that heights, vertical spacing, returns, and anchorage will meetcode requirements after installation. Notify architect of discrepancies.

    22.10 On metal stairs, bearing of supports, levelness, variation of risers, coordinationwith adjacent finish surfaces, spacings, and tolerances required are adequate.Nosings of pan treads are protected.

    22.11 Verify sill angles are installed at elevators during concrete stage if required.

    22.12 Verify support steel such as folding panel partition supports, basket ball goalsupports, gym divider curtain supports, shower seat supports, etc. arecoordinated with approved vendor shop drawings.

    22.13 Observe installation techniques and workmanship: smooth and ground welds,touch-up, caulking, galvanizing, touch-up shop coats, etc.

    22.14 Verify closed risers, smooth nosings, railing extensions for stairs and ramps,marking of stairs for visually impaired and other accessibility compliance itemsare observed.

    22.15 Develop an itemized listing of misc. metals and delivery dates.

    22.16 Confirm who provides supports for counter tops, AHU, AHU curbs, etc.

    22.17 Confirm all dimensioned steel by this subcontractor all gauged by 09250.

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    23.21 Blocking is provided for equipment and other features to be attached.

    23.22 Plates are lapped and properly connected.

    23.23 Metal connectors will not protrude or interfere with finish surfaces.

    23.24 Metal connectors are adequately nailed or fastened.

    23.25 Connections to metal are as required.

    23.26 Framing members are doubled where required.

    23.27 Headers are of size required, have proper bearing, and are suitably connected.

    23.28 Attention is given to ventilation of lumber and enclosed spaces.

    23.29 Plywood sheathing is applied as specified: grade, dimension, staggering, nailing,blocking, etc.

    23.30 Clearances are provided, such as for chimneys and flues; or other spacing

    requirements are indicated.

    23.31 Furring and grounds are as required, properly aligned and plumb.

    23.32 All bolts are tight or retightened before closing up.

    23.33 Sealing, especially for acoustical or waterproofing purposes, is provided whererequired.

    23.34 Sheathing paper air infiltration or vapor barrier is provided as required, installedproperly and not damaged.

    23.35 Seasoned, preservative-treated, or fire-resistive lumber is identified and isprovided where required.

    23.36 Termite prevention, such as shields or spacing from earth, or other treatment areprovided as required.

    23.37 Agency inspection is provided before closing-up if required.

    23.38 Review blocking requirements. Will surface mounted metal bow the wall andinterfere with subsequent finish trades work and appearance?

    23.39 Confirm who has plywood for roofing underlayment.

    23.40 Review blocking for handrails is in proper location.

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    24.0 Division 06 - 06170 Fabricated Structural Wood

    24.1 Testing laboratory and inspection report are provided before erection if required.

    24.2 Material is handled on site, using proper equipment, and is suitably stored andprotected.

    24.3 Protective covering is provided if required and is not damaged.

    24.4 Type, species, grade and finish are as specified for glue-laminated beams andwood trusses.

    24.5 Water resistant adhesive is used for exterior exposure.

    24.6 Cutting, notching, drilling, and fitting are performed in a workmanlike manner.

    24.7 Fastenings and connections are provided as required.

    24.8 Field splices and connections are observed.

    24.9 Allow no unscheduled drilling or notching without consultants approval.

    24.10 All cuts are sealed as required.

    24.11 Exposed work is protected from weather and humidity.

    24.12 Bracing schedule is provided during erection sequence.

    24.13 Metal end fittings are furnished and fitted by fabricator of structural laminatedtimber if required.


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    25.0 Division 06 - 06200 Finish Carpentry

    25.1 Materials delivered to site are of grade, species, type, and sizes approved orspecified and are suitably stored. Kiln dried materials are not exposed toconditions that affect moisture content.

    25.2 Inspect for condition of materials warps, splits, graining and finishing.

    25.3 Preservative treatment or backpriming are performed if required. All woodresting against masonry or concrete usually requires treatment.

    25.4 Observe workmanship sawing, fitting, splicing, coping, shouldering, andmitering.

    25.5 Observe fastening and that types and methods are understood.

    25.6 Fastenings such as bolts and nails on exterior work are usually required to becorrosion resistant. Verify with requirements.

    25.7 Type of nail head, set of nails, exposure of nails, pattern of nails, and puttying are

    provided as required. Excessive nailing is avoided.

    25.8 Material is of length to provide indicated joints, splicing is staggered andavoidance of excessive splicing is observed.

    25.9 On exterior work, metal installation and accessories should be observed forweather tightness.

    25.10 Grounds and anchorage provisions are adequate for finish attachment.

    25.11 Kerfing and hollow backs are provided if required or indicated.

    25.12 Work is sanded smooth. Edges are eased as required.

    25.13 Gluing and other means of fastenings are of types or methods required.

    25.14 Splits due to nailing should be pointed out during installation and corrected. Soshould hammer marks and dents, poor quality material, etc.

    25.15 Sequence of setting base to floor is understood. If shoe mold is required, nailingis to base only.

    25.16 Doors are installed with necessary beveling and uniform tolerances as requiredfor proper operation and good practice. Warped doors are not installed.

    25.17 Top and bottom edges of doors are immediately sealed, stained, painted orotherwise protected.

    25.18 Clearances required for thresholds, carpeting, weather-striping, etc., on doorsare understood.

    25.19 Scribing or scribe strips are provided as required.

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    25.20 Installation of equipment furnished by others is done in accordance withrequirements.


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    26.0 Division 06 - 06400 Architectural Woodwork

    26.1 Furring and blocking are provided and installed as required to receive materials.

    26.2 Subsurfaces to receive finish materials are as required. Moisture is checked asrequired and documented from time of delivery through installation.

    26.3 Finish materials are not delivered before closing-in building, and interior

    conditions such as temperature, humidity, sequence, etc., are as required.

    26.4 Materials are of grade, species, treatment, construction, thickness, pattern, finish,matching, and appearance required.

    26.5 Methods of installation and connection are as required. Workmanship isadequate, with no tool marks, open joints, or other defects.

    26.6 Surfaces are thoroughly cleaned and finished as required.

    26.7 Surfaces are protected as required.

    26.8 Verify requirements for access to kitchen counters and lavatory countertops forpersons with physical disabilities.

    26.9 Verify who caulks product to walls.

    26.10 Confirm who cuts and provides grommets.

    26.11 Confirm who provides metal supports.

    26.12 Confirm who provides cutouts for electrical, mechanical and plumbing.

    26.13 Review elevator finishes.

    26.14 Review what is delivered finished at shop and on site.

    26.15 Review who is to provide protection to finishes.


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    27.0 Division 07 Thermal and Moisture Protection

    Division 07 - 07100 Waterproofing

    27.1 Materials stored on job site are to be kept at temperatures between 50 and 90..

    27.2 Before waterproofing or dampproofing subcontractor is allowed to commencetheir work, see that:

    27.2.1 Surfaces are free from foreign material.

    27.2.2 Excess mortar or concrete is removed; all holes, joints, and cracks arepointed, and rough or high spots are ground smooth.

    27.2.3 Wood nailers or other attachment conditions are adequate.

    27.2.4 Surfaces are dry to receive heated asphalt, coal tar or other membrane.Check for dampness as necessary.

    27.2.5 Special conditions are provided as required at corners, intersections,and connections to existing works.

    27.2.6 Before applying waterproofing materials, ensure concrete and masonrysurfaces are fully cured. A special primer may be utilized on uncuredconcrete.

    27.3 Damp surfaces may be allowed for coal tar emulsions, asphalt emulsions, andpolyvinyl acetate emulsions if no surface water film is present. Installation shouldnot proceed if temperature is below 40F or weather is damp or foggy.

    27.4 Hot-applied bituminous materials are not overheated. If asphalt is being used,heated requirements is EVT (Equiviscous Temperature), plus or minus 25F, atpoint of application. EVT is the temperature at which asphalt will attain a

    viscosity of 125 centistokes which is the practical and optimum temperature forwetting and fusion at the point of application. In the event EVT information is notfurnished by the manufacturer, the following maximum heating temperaturesshould be used as guidelines:

    Dead Level Asphalt Type I 475F maximumFlat Grade Asphalt Type II 500F maximumSteep Grade Asphalt Type III 525F maximumSpecial Steep Asphalt Type IV 525F maximum

    In no case should kettle or tanker be heated above flash point. Do not exceedfinal blowing temperature for more than four hours. Kettle temperature is

    observed. Method and sequence of transporting and application of bituminousmaterial are adequate.

    27.5 Surfaces are properly primed as required.

    27.6 Ensure patching compounds used to fill voids, depressions, etc. are a factoryprepared, fast-setting, non-shrinking cementitious adhesive product.

    27.7 Pipes, ducts, conduits, and other items penetrating membrane are flashed ormade watertight as required.

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    28.0 Division 07 - 07200 Insulation

    28.1 Materials are of type required (surfaces, treatment, ratings, thickness, etc.).

    28.2 Materials are stored to prevent moisture infiltration and are installed dry.

    Rigid Insulation

    28.3 Wood nailers/stops are provided at perimeters, eaves, etc. as required.

    28.4 Vapor barrier is provided if required. Observe installation, nailing, or moppingrequirements. Check that vapor barrier seals insulation at gravel stops, walls,and openings.

    28.5 Method of installing over decking, under topping, vapor barrier, etc., is asrequired.

    28.6 Fasteners, when specified, are of proper type and spaced as required. Observefastener penetration through decking if required. Ensure proper penetration offasteners through metal deck.

    28.7 Joints are staggered, except when joints are to be taped. When two layers arebeing installed, vertical joints should be offset. Do not allow joints over fluteopenings in steel deck.

    28.8 Insulation is installed in conjunction with roof membrane when required. Watercut-offs, if required, are installed at end of each days work. Insure insulation iscovered by roofing each day.

    28.9 Fire-resistant and as-specified adhesives are provided where required.

    28.10 Expansion provisions are observed.

    28.11 Insulation remains dry until covered by roofing.

    28.12 Insulation at roof drains should permit proper drainage. Insulation may requirerouting or back cutting.

    Fibrous and Reflective Insulation

    28.13 Batt insulation is of adequate width to fit between joints and studs and ofthickness and facing required.

    28.14 Batts are installed with flanges in position, with insulation material making firm

    butt contact and providing air space required. Fastening method is adequate asrequired.

    28.15 Voids I headers and double studs are insulated properly at windows and doors,etc.

    28.16 Pack insulation around door frames and windows. Pre-pack King Studs asrequired.

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