4 ij :. z. e · 2017-12-25 · hut cv

THE DI KE OT s.lXoNY IE ToW.S. HIS TOUT* OF TIIK WORLD NK.ARLY ENDED.DE- Wm.JU WITH TH!'. VM«*EI> STATES. His Iltchi.e-.-i Prince Hernani of Saxe Weimar, Duke of Saxoni. arrlv.-d in town last evening from San Fran- (Ossa, and expect- to te* St the Fifth Avenue Hotel for about a week. The Ibike has several other HUM te side, tb.ose mentioned above ar.d ls a cusin of the dctd -sepsis*- ..f Oat.arfi IVmdsrlsl m. ne int OsSOsaay ht November la-t to make a tour nf the world, and with hU travelling companion. I'.aron R. V. NnidhifT. ha- visited India. China and .Upan, visiting all thc principal points of Intere-i throiighotit the East. At te.Mg "'ev tURoi up a man servant called Kamo I->sah. who is still with (hem and will continue In the link."- Mitta after bU return to IhS Fstherlsnd. Tiiey were on the Ta¬ ri fie b'-tu-cen Japan and San Francisco In ihe steamer <'arlie at the time of Emperor Frederick's lea Mi, ."" '.001 iisidly surprised at tbe sail news on :h. lr arrival In thi- conntrv. as tbe dally bulletins printed In Japan had prepared them for l(. nolie I- a small man. of fair complexion, with a heaal almost bald and tremendous mu-* tat hrs Ile ls affable and pleasant, bit sneaks little Encll-h. I'.eron Nordhoff _ tall and well built, looks like an Englishman with bis single eyeglass, and talks F.ng luh with ease The imo viii roma lrI In (his country long enough to vl-.lt the principal summer resorts, and will then sall for Orman v. Bett expres-ed them¬ selves la*t orating a* dcllg'itcai with what they had seen In the United Mate*, and raised their hand- tit a-ionlshment at the \a-tn.-s. ((f things on this eootl ir.-.it and particularly tbe diStanOM. Tl.e Date -aid be could not have believed the I'ni'ed states to be -. wondarfal a country if he had nut i-*-en :t htuiaeH Ile win po to Newport shortly. CHERI ll MENDERS OX AN EXCURSION TWO HENPRF.n OF DR TALMAuK's FLOCK SAIL AWAY FOR Kilt.'IT. Neath 900 tj. artes* of Dr. Ta.¦afe's fb-ch aalirri ye-trrday morning on th-* stOtaasMp Servia on a seven wee_-if excursion to t.roat ttritaln and the continent. At the Cunard pier early yesterday there was the WtMeet kind of eteltearNat, when nearly fifty mamas and tw1.*e that number of daughters, with ¦ mlehty following || hu-bond-. brothers and friends, wero bidding one snot har good-by, each anxious for the la.«t marri andi each Jcalou-.ly poshing and erowdjng for Itt. pos-.-s-icn. What an amount of kissing and p and teadate.tog th,uv mu, and the words of advice and hopes of a good time would fill a laic.-i book than the recent dl.'tlcnary. Finally, every em* wno wa-> giilt.g gol aboard, and tha-e who wero not pal rmhon sod ware kept then by the Bsaya> ttl pianls of the gang-plank. Hut cv<*n that didn't stop tte kiiring, for kisses enough to la*t a d07.cn couples through a.s many courtship* ard honeymoon- were rock le-as ly thrown again. the breeze In the direction nf the ship. Then every one rm waled tn tho rall aid threw ki .--.¦ ¦ u_*k: every one e_ccpt thc men, who smiled grimly and bore wiih stutdy nstgaatkm tte temonstratlooi af thedr aird fii'-n-'.s. However, lt wa*. altogether a Jolly patty and, unless (he qualm- st S..lekBSM fend them all down b-low the Mp will be a happy ti Tie traveller* am ender the 1mm. of Thorium il Hendrickson, who has looeoaafu.y man aced ntl.er lara. TateewKle eneunloBs. The pai-tv ..111 vi*ir London, leighton, Paris, Liverpool anil parts cf Scotland. Belslnm and Qermeay. Not tn a mas* will tteaf place- be v'-tted. however, for lt will be broken np In detached bodies, each going as In¬ clination IraiK The whole party will return on the Etruria In August. AN ALLEGED FOOTS BAIL BOND. LOXG ISLAND CITY OFFICERS TO BE ASKED TO I Xl'LAIN WHERE IHF.Y GOT IT. Sheriff .'olin I, .Mitchell, of Qaaeas .'minty, and Toliee Jnsttae Stephen ,L Kavaimmgh, of Loin; Island City, will to-day confer tofStter, and It ls not un¬ likely Itel twa or three SSIOS. niay follow. The whole affair leaked out only yesterday afternoon, on Friday Asa Jones, Oorge Jone*, .lames M.-Keon and Thomas Malone \rere held in SOOO each i.y Juatlee Kavanaucii, having been arrested at Rockaway Blteh tte BlS.I before. (,n complaint of Louis VVallenwebber. v-ho charged them with swindling .SS. The prtsoaen, being unable to furnish ball, were sent to the Queens County ja!1. At stoat !. o'clock. Conrad Diestel, the Recorder of Vital Statistics, who ls also a deputy shtStR, and Constable '"Tim" Joass, I brother of one of the ptisonet.-,, rang the bell of the prison and mimd to iee Warden Joseph Quinn, who was appointed only two weeks ago. When they saw him. said that they ha/1 come -arith th.* bond to SOettH the rob-a-e of ajaj Jones, si tte same tim's prod.sins a tend from Mayer Gleason's court, signed by E. E. Vowsdi, of Kn. kn way. ate pledged hisnell la tlie sum of KJOO for tte pri-on-r's appearance. The ll.natnrc was acknowledged talon Thomas Cony, the Mayor's clerk, waa !< a notary public, neither the Mayor's llgnatnre nor he a al ..f hh* rdoos na* arti-jeri. Warden Quinn, knowing that the men were officers, release.i Josee. After the.' departure Quinn took the bond to Dis¬ trict Aitoi a. > i terning, wi... assured bim it was worth¬ less. The warden then started pest i:a-te titer Jones and found bim With DtSstel and "Tim'' Jones in Iront of the bar of thc Bevan llooto. When tho warden rearrested hint, Jones mail** a show ..f mist.see, but a pi-toi clapped to I.i- head soon brought him to term;-, and te was swated back lo Jail. CESEEOES LIFTS FOR POOR SICK BABIES. St. John'- Guild graiefnlly acknowledges the receipt of the Sallowing contribatlons Henry l. Ward) ll.lino no ¦II. H. I'.". ti i". Mrs. Enily a. ZoUlckolter. U00 V. II. Brown I Ca, sgeata Cunsid Htesra* -:.... Co.; collected on board oin- uf tho Cu na il steamships . 2i on "ll. ll," li)).'.ch " l.'.eiurii,' Telegram"... 100 C. C. Irish, through " Puck". loon I \ .. tte poot sit k babies. i .'." Lni.-i Groabe.i, through Waltei stantun. lu oo "- '1, I) \ " lot Hiv; altk babies tillouri! Jobtl I', faure. 80 00 "M. J.". BOO .T>ivi<l M I"i/a. loon W. Il ll<;»\n,-i|i. Coo Lout* n. MeCagg . 20 00 - iperlntendem of Mount Bins! Ii.-i.ir.ii Lexington-ave. and Ooth-t. thn.uch J I' 1 SU . 500 . iiav Belle. Barlow. Mi«s N. Hiaa rr.,.-.ir. l ii Lent, ana Master Wiltnir Carri bmltli Lent Ring bine. "** 31 *. rt, B I. £0 00 Bteuoo t'.ts u.h Harry O. Low, with .'.iv | .-*.»,... 41 M Ihe J_., Li'.iiiiiain Company. 10 00 amount reeatved up to dat*'.a-i.--.. .... The work of the tiro hospital- is now In full opera non. The changing and varying weather has caused ¦eran sickness lo maay children, and their needs are urgent Contribatlons an- aske.l fruin a generous pub- :. l mny be -ent tn tte tn.nine of the Guild, ( bari. , No. -_i QniTerslty-place/New-Yorfc Pty._ SOT noiSC, TO EVY FART OP HOVTH BEACH. K repo'-t publish'! >.-. --r iv thai UM OM Iiominion i lip c..nipan*-. .* thi- slip, waa aagettattng Ne Bis purchase of Kvenl estes ..f natai ttomt sa the tenth BoaeS st Clifton, anti tha*, this rumor bad excited loii-ld'-rable sty ..n .Statc:i Iaiand- T..c maiiap. r of the cur'.parry. t, InTermed a "MslSt* ISpWSSl y. -n .-day that theis- waa ael itloa for tte rumor. Cap- tali) A. ta, Kltiit. nf the -nine' in p.iti.v. «ald " I Bte on Sui. n Is! j uri, uni am acquainted with all IO. eM-hans"- .-.¦hlrh nour in the net-nhborhoorl and I know tbat no »ucb I .- planned o* even thought of." A BLOW AT-SOCIAL CLUBA" .Philadelphia. Julv H Wpaiilal) Thlllll I- consider¬ able discontent amoutig tte numerous social clubs, In consequence of .Inri.- BUena'S thrillena, announcing that lt was a vtolattaa of tte High Li. en-" law to sdi ltq-ior of any kind In a clubroom. If this action ls catrled out. there will bc almost as many "social clui.r." that win tuddenly cease, to exist, a- there wero ki.ocked out" tavern- un j,,,,,. __Ii"/riL OE THE VmiRIA. The Cunard rtSSSSSklf tu.bria patMd Fire Island at ten minutes pa*t IO o'rl.,. k |ajf evening, on her wai Into port fche will come up to her pier this mo.-ni ii g. a*-, Tj7j! PRESIDENCY OPPWEIWBOB COLLEGE. Carlisle. l*enn July 14 (Special).-It ls reported to¬ night that tbe trustees nf Kl. kin-on ( SflSfP have t-t, dered the pnSldsae] 'n ex-f-overiior Bater! K I'alli aoii, of rblla.iiphla, vice Ur. John A. McCauley ro- 6l**ned. -? - A PRISON CIPHER IN tIEOntilA. Bavsnnah dispatch fa The Atlanta Chimltutiun. Pot aever»i dtiya ihe jail S.SMN hnvo Iw-en trying to solve a cipher systsin of communication which Hms si Cbai pr.-amtra have. The prlaoiiora tut (rt nlepi-aphy. They have aubaututa-sj flgurea for lett*ra, and \>y caJlliiR out numenala have communlcatod with one another, aid the r_u-du could not iel! what waa pa.lng. A note wrrten by a pilaoner nanied John soc a few day* ac., tu Tom Casaldy waa dropped In the wrong cell, and Caaaldy never gol lt. IS ib«J cote John vin aaya ¦ Snilth is on to our telegraph, and likely han given li away, bul I don't --ive a- (or him or any of .e rest of them If th. y try to do me .ij **".*~ 7oa "»-" ba'1 y"'" llf(' J" "x ttess, when bmiib's trial come* «.:( and they arc well aware ot the fact" The note aaa.SSS a great deal >.f languass that lu not choice. After Ut Jail olDcists dis- ntsnd thst a cipher ianttu»g« waa te.4 mad, Cn-y w|Kh'.-d attentit-ely fi' di M-lopmcotv Bet..i turned ap yesterday, though Cassidy was chaiiged io a new cell, and Jol.son and bmlth we-u pul on the lim foor. In CatHidy's cell the olllca'rs discovered evldancoa of .MShM attempt lo oasape. Tom hafl u-icd a _s_t blade to saw Ul bars In his Mil door, and lui cul through one about heit et sn Inch. A. mme bona was also lound hi.leu lu lila cell. a picture on the wail SMSMaSl s place where be had tried to dig cul BEYOND THE BIG BRIDGE. WHAT PEOPLE IN BROOKLYN ARE TALK IN-; ABOCD One of the uppermost topic* In TronRiyn Ftlll Seth Low's detection from the Republican party. Many people mi-is- not much «urprlsed when he cain*' jut flat-fo..ted again-t the BepahMoas policy o( pre¬ lection, lt ls ailmltted thai tte y..¦>n_ rim hi I. nil the chances he ever bad of political advancement; lad it is known thal he had no small ambition not lung ago. When he was elected Mayor smile of tn* moro enthusiastic frl.-nds Indulged In the wildest sort >f -peculation on the MiL'.'Ct. and th*v seem to have IIBvated to him some of their own unbounded belief n the possibilities which they believed thi future to hold In store for him. One of them, lt ls now re- ralled with a smile, predicted that there would te three stages In the young Mayor's career.-the Mav malty, the Oovernorshlp. and tte I're-rldency. In tact, they would have been willing to advance him so rapidly as to defy the provision of the Constitution which requires tie President to be thirty-Ave yean of age. _ Mr. Low made an excellent Mayor: all (he people nf Brooklyn admit that; but "-till they had lo laugh at his pretensions once In a while. His addr»*s- tn tte "Bags of Brooklyn"1 was -perhaps tte lonnie-' Incident In hi- official rareer. This address ITgBd them not to kindle burrill-*- aa election night, and lt was Issued with as much gravity as any -state paper" Riven out while Mr. Low was Mayor. Another thins that Brooklyn -nilled at was the Mayor's pm sonni appeal to the citizens on the Height-; to d-rorate thc houses between his own house and the City Hall on the day Ihe big Bridge was opened. Hut these things were looked on as the hsrmless ebullitions of youth and were readily forgiven. The ex Mayor ts older now than he was then, and the p«>ple take him more seriously. Nobody, however, takes him a- seri*.dy as he taji.es himself._ The Bridge Trnstees are at Ihelr old trie*. again. Their fii-st meeting -Inc.' they knew they were not to r>» legislated out of oflioe this year was to be held la-t Monday. Only six of them were able to get to i. Tills was precisely what was tn be ex¬ pected. Everybody would have been surprise: tn -ec a quorum present at tte July m etiug. During ihe summer the lu rice Tiu-tee< declare an Inter- r"_-nuni and let the great structure confided to Heir caro take care sf ttselt Ihat is la lay, tte president and the nentnry (tte only salaried mem¬ bers of the Beard) do a- they please. It almost passel belief that otterwin respectable and hoaarnhle citizens should l"* m. wiiiitrtr t. aeglecl their grave Battas a- Unsteas. Tte Bridge li a DeaseemHi pol- in. al machine and (.overnor Hill vetoed thc Bridie bill, or nttel lei lt die, at the dictation of .. Bo s" BcLaagb.n. Everybody rn Brooklyn knows that; bat what they ean'i understand I- why thees tr not all of whom an* McLaughlin's creatures, should Let the thing be run as tt ls without a word of pretest Brooklyn has enjoyed the Brldee now for tva pian, but the psepls are never tired af :.iiK.n: abrut lt and dilating on its advantages. They delight, loo. in reminiscences of what they u-.ed to do .n tl.e old l»>s wlier. there was no possible war if ceiling auay from Lang Island without taking a larry -....it. Tale- .f expi'iienccj on the river when the ice .--as thick ire plentiful. Ons of tte stories whleh 1 Ifswatter I- that tobi of the managing editor of a New .Otk paper who had a very bard time in going to hr- .Mee jue evening. After he got there :t ls sahl that he -al down and wrote an editorial paragraph to this .fleet: -Now ls the time for tte stockholder .* of the BnoltJyn Bridge to put their stock on the market.'' fortunately, some noe better 'nformed .saw th" p.-oof ami advised the sapient editor that the Brldi*e was a public enterprise, one-third New York's and thirds Brooklyn's, and that nf course th-re was no stock to be put on tte mai kel and so (he paragraph was quietly ** killed.¦ Speaking of the Bridge and the ferries recalls a ronversatlon which I beard tbe other dav A new resident in what ls still railed the City of Channa*, although Hs claim to that title I- longer good, whatever lt mav have been once, had been Slowly examining a package of Bridge HefeBtS SIMS as every habitu. goer lo Brooklyn constantly keeps In his pocket, and had made what te eon.-idercd an Import¬ ant discovery. On (he face of the ticket, beneath the (Ino engraving of the Bridge and the river, and tte -ignature of " C. C. Martin. Chief Engineer m.d BnpotIntendant,** he had found the words "not good if detached."' .'That'- vary odd." he remarked to a friend. "I have always been In the habit ol tearing ot! a tie] fhn.wing lt Into the box. and I have seen bandndl of other people doing it too. Nothing ha- ever t.¦ said to me about lt. Vet here lt savs 'Not good if dctac!i"d.'"' .. Why. don't you know what that mean-:~ said the friend. ..N... I dont, a-,d what's more. I believe then sn lots of people who don't. Tell nc what lt iO **To d.. that." wai Bm answer, I -hall baie te i back a doses yeai-.s or m-oi**. In the old ila * - tte i nioti Kcny Company osed m nil nveateen -. for a quarter. That wa- a cent and a half while tte single fare was tin rants, except :, '. dock aii'l halfpa-t 7 mon.lue a::d even lng, when lie* fa:.- WM only one cent. Ri travellers n-.si to earry tickets, whercbj they saved hali a eent dorins a.. tl bo irs eaecpt those named; but during Hms.- hour- they saved bf.I s cent bj sol using a ttctet Weil, atong In *"."¦ or '7v. I think, ¦ lot of street sassies began to buy packages of tickets .ir the raj.- of a <cnt a-, i i half each rnid retail them, out-.'de the ferry bousi ' course, al I oi d iplece to transient travellers or people who dldnl ha; baie ticket-. The I, .. :.<¦ C'-tits on every package, ami the company soon le.an to Ard Its re colpa* lalllnt; oh*. It wa- given ant tba*, it mu.- losing at tte rale a! several hundred dollar* a week Tba. lory i alwrii- regarded with sosplch n. Al any rai.-. they determined to stop thc practice. At tlr«t they tried to get the police to do it for th.-m : bul th hopeless. The Boys mer*- driven away from the :n ni'iliat'* neighborhood ..{ the terrs houses but the carried en their tra<i» a few blocks away, aad it would lav required Dearly ail the polioe in the cities to l nak up the hnslaeas. A goixl many men. 1 wera, in sympathy wfth the bots and bought tickets from them i*eg-.arty Instead of patronising the tom piny directly. finally the officers (lf tte eompanj hit upon tte dnvi.e of hating the ticketf printed lt. form and raqalrinc thai they should be d**- i .1 in tte pnosaoe af tine teiiynsster. This rule was riskily enforced (or a Bise. Of eonne, lt put a -top effectually te tte boy-' cntTprisi'. The rule r* relaxed now. and one can t/tar efl hi- tlrket befon leaving home If he chooses, bal lt can be put In teiee a* an\ _me if neeeosary. Whan the Bridge authoi Ittea adopt.-d ths ticket system tjiey profited by th** f. ray company's experience and didn't give th" itreet bo'yi an opportunity to ear. a ten .- t!:<-(r e\pei,-'. That ls the nason whv 'Not god If tte- tached' ls printid on every ticket. No attempt ls made to enfott-o such a rub now: the*v> |s bo need tel it but, If at any time it stoulri be found that tickets ¦orr* ix-itig ulai -ni the street, no detaching >f tickets Wt uid be permitted except under the eye of the man '.ii charge of the chopping box." OUT-0F-T0 WE POLITICIANS. The big form Of P. B. Elkins sppearcd among th" polittClMM uptown yesterday. Ile ha- bees Bruk. Md.. s;nee tlM I'hlcago Convantll :.. SftS mg a vUlt io Osaanl BsrriSOS at Indianapoll- Tmete was a Mg washout on tho \le-t Virginia central road two or three day- airo. which re pille 1 hil a't-Mi lion and prevented him from Boating on bets- tn the or¬ ganization of the National CoSUnittee. Ile Intends te mata sobm speaeteo in this campaign, the Int ..( which will te delivcre.l in Wail Virginia, where |,e has had his legal residence for three lear*. His 1 latensts tem haaotas io fesrfs sad Important m ta require nearly all his time and enei-y, but he will devols as much attention ts iho campaign as pi Mayor Itoche ind Ferdinand IV.';, of hi 'ago, ar rived here on Friday mehi and were anion** the ju,li delan- uptown yesterday. They are worn ml with their laban in connection with the Chicago Conran (lon and ai-e seeking tr-t. Mr. 1 lent of tte .i--ociatlon whlcti own* tte auditorium where tim c.iiiientlon was held. Ile |- going to Euron Wednesday. Mayos Baste arin join his fanni-, on tte Lln.d.. Island coast. The Mayor said that the cnn ventlon eo-t ChBago rltlsens about ifCll.noO. They lalsed 800.000 at the outset and wnulU 1. ,- difllriilty In getting the balance when it wa< determined Ex-Congressman "Tom*1 Keogh, of North Carolina, who was at one lime a prominent figure In "southern and National politics, waa in New-York yesterday on business. IB*- ls engaged In developing coal and Iron mttw.*« In ld- slate, on well as railroads, sad mai te SM uf the milli.neille, ol iii" Ba* soiiri, |( h_ plans pSSSpsr. He ls an ardent Bepublican. -It is pris pta that holds a man.*' he -aid. " under tlie condition- that exWt wl(h un. If there waa not a greal principle Involved. I should tesl like leaving li. We ai-e not hope!- ,s that Bcpubli. an nile may still prevail In tte country, which will enable the Republicans of the Isath to hoi I up Ita. heads at Ica-t " ROI A (ASK Of WHITE HOUSE EXTKAVA''ANCE 1mm Tbe l*hilad"lphla I/t-dger ( leveland han bought a new pitcher lor tfC.OOO, apparently a pretty stiff price (or a single one. Shu (.ii v-Und ls lo O'lilo aad the pitcher U O'Urten, THK EMPEROR'S .lol KN KV. UrUUUlfTTCj-LLT BB HU _D 41 KIEL. -Mifial ST.XT TO THK HOW Af. IT. EB? I .\" TENT ion ( vrr i Mi!.;*, ii: *f_BDKBIC-*1 PA!BBB BIACT afkaik.s wm. h will CLAIM 111 *.TT!:.NTI'iN'-A QUESTION OOKCCBirXXO THE vitu _M Copyright IHSS ( fly TO, NV. *". rk dSMS.SSd Preen. Herlln, July 14.Emperor William- departure from Kiel prssSBtSd a speetarle -.plet'dld levotid ntiythln-.' ever Wore WttBSSaSd on the i.rrinan -'»-¦ Tl and harbor .ere nlfasly deeoiaicl. The route froni tte -.tallon to the harbor wan lined with ma*-ts punted with oak leaves and adorned with weapons and ban ncr-. The .-ban and Ilolalaln color- were eonspieiioiis. Triumphal airlie, and Sara! derorallorm In which naval desi pi's predominated, entlrelj formed the aspect nf (he old town. Ihe Emperor dross -lowly toward the harbor, glvMg, a- he went, special preeiitic- to the gdlUs and corporation* which lined i' The yacht BeteaasBsrs wa- moored a' DtcyenbWOh, at tte OOteC end of thc harbor. A man-of-war's boat ronveved the Emperor to the yacht at io:.lo. in- Majesty was isteUed by Prince II"iny. Vice Admiral Liane, chief of the Hallie Sta¬ tion, and Admiral Mont-. The squadron, composed of Ironclad*! and frigates, with part of the torpedo flotilla, sailed pa Imperial yacht la splendidI order and With psrtset pnatshm, the manoeuvres commanding great adnrlia- lion. Shortly after ll o'clock the imperial yacht put out to -e.,. e-i-i rt ci 11 v Ihe torpedo letfllaaad 'he iron lsd* A number of private steamers accompanied tte Berni fnr several mll.s. Os t'10 |g|*_| <),,. dar's DeijSVa, will receive the Emperor William OS at (ronstadt. Thc Emperor will remain his at petersburg, and return by sea !.. KM. in Beptemhw he win v_ll rilssialiaislmi meeting the King of the lirlf-lans at strasburc At the end nf September te wl'.l po to Vienna, and will re vis 11 tte .lag of Italy In Oct,der. Till. EBFBB0B SEN08 LETTERS TO HI** BOTHER. oaunnn ¦ Bmoeror winiam la Iii mother wet-" transmitted fmrn Spanduu last evening. and bom Kiel to-day. 'rbi- (act, .rangs laUti hi Itaelf, ha- S sl.iltirance In the face Of Ihe pt r-l-tent forel (.-ii scandals regarding the alleged nnhappy rela¬ tions existing betweao Hi- Majesty ami the iM.wa.:.-r Kn,pr -- Victoria. If the message-i only referred to ;t.¦* iu iffresa nf the son's first expedition a* Kr they . 'I showed thal the differences' between him have not approached a "OISiTTI'rs .IVER TIIK. UTE EM I'll*.' ll- PA Tte Empress Dowager Victoria frequently sees Di Priedterg, Omul Btolberg snd otter Inttatata friends lats -i pe ot l'red-rich. D.puti continne lo exM between terse. and tte _mperm in regard to tte lllap neal ol i.mp.-roi frederick's ornate tt which the Empress Dowager ms personal, apalmf the contention of the Emperor that they arc -tv property and ought lo be deposited In the Btate archives The cont dress believes tm plicitiv that thc difference can be arranged In the near future by the Bm) ibe documents reiatim* to tie* regency a'.d the Km perot Frederick's memoranda on hi- own plan foi sd ministering 'ti" reirm. tho bulb "f bis rorreap to be left with the Bat* -"¦ ¦ Victoria. Is THE DOCTOBS- QEARREL UK ALL V 0V-B1 Hr. Baekenstet report, accompanied bv iho-- nf Dr. Kraass, Dr. I.ryden and Dr. Bevan t- expected -....;.. Dr. Baekensle ls in no way hindered from glv lng a strictly medirai statement arith hi- report quarrel ends with th" statement that Hr. Hil (UM nil and his associates will not reply to Dr. Back"*.SM. TBB ii tBC-LLOB'S vacation" ncT A i-.r.n V OKI rrince Btemnrek*s period of repeal at Friedriehsruhe PTO.ises to be brief. Knr about a fortnight he will enjoy solitude. Throughout the department lt I* 'nod that affairs are too exigent to pei mil ol a prolonged leave while the Bmw ¦ '»IIo arc working toward new poll-i.-al comb' while tte otii. ui world must knaa Prince Bismarck*! Interview with Signor cn-pi. the I be the flt-t slgS of lil- le-umptiou nf active labor. lt i- now litiely that inttterut nf a CO.terence Conni Ralnoky, Signor "ri-j-t and the German Chancellor will meet al < arista l. mini Herbert Hbman k* mi the Interview at Petersburg -vs. 11 than ba in the hands of tho hancellor, who "ill meet neither Count Kalnoky noi pl nntll he knows wbai can be obtained from the sar. Signor i r-i-;.i. . In pressing need of '.rmany's suppuri li the 'nan, wai make i delay :n seeing Count fflsmaick. THE VATLAN IN* ( ' VTINENTA I. EOLITH - Boaslgaor Oallmtortl, Papal Buneki si Vienna, bas i tte proadss ".' tte Aastriaa (jovernment io -r.stain th»j '. ..-:'¦ [talina Government's red violation of the law. andei Vatican has hitherto hean held es torlal to the municipal government of writ.- ns if signor CrSpl had received rarte l lanebe to do ur. * bel let io.....' n be e tl st Pi I. t the Vs hu of gu ai ¦ ;hl to I..- nnassal question. Involving, a- i. does, the tl of the rope from Homo, ls an argent om foi - CrlspL CABNOT SPEAKS FOB THE GOVERNMENT lill. PBESXOBHT OF PB-RCX BEFEB8 IN I'l'HLH IO Tin: kamoes DUE. Paris, July 11. Presldenl led n trrmd review nf troop-; a! Longchamps to da-,. , Ile trai irreeted wiih eries of "Vive Carnot,'1 fol! ned bj -vive Kioi-uer ami "Vive la BepubHque." When the review ci..-ci then wn- a bo.y demonstration In whleh friends and opponents of General Bot.an* me tonk sides. \t a banqnei which followed. President Carnot thanked those present In Um name of the Government, for thu- emphasising the principle ai National tii.it.. "Yesterds i iw tte irlor::. of s p-eat elttzen. who. In hl- .;. tte defence sf tte -..il ami the Nat honor. Today, with patristic emotion, ire ha- my strong atM disciplined, trlth trusting snd I ic.-i.i-r-*. Imbned with a sense >.f Its I nu, which should in-trite eonddaoee ..:.': tacurity In the Country aid assure peace from abroad. "Von will press rs ;i laeolleeBon >.f .i nei. - republican elty. You srlll tell your mllea townsmen that hei-e mu found l..-a"'- bealing n uni atti nn i, men reuotved i. defend Ibe li mon coan.7 and nut lo ! tl themselves be seduced sj fallacious. BOisy ei t.-ip: r.v tr mi HIS HAT. From The Buffalo Express. .f tte rmrideats sf Bryant-st were sainseil rigly a tow evanlags ac. bv the t... drunken man had With his hat. H * loo-e -tune in tte walk and f»-ll. laadtBi on t.r ami his Lai wi- lammed was down «.\ei hi* ce ile .at nu and tried to RBI it .1 I. * head, bul .attempt knocked lt on still further. Ba then tried to set un with it on. an '. ¦ ¦.- tell scnin am; tussina in alli at bis dilapidated dicer. .\Ttci leveral *' work be eui tte hat off, and alter ¦ at it for a moment with a b'.ik nf di-dain. be ar..- *. deposited i: upon the ground and pul hr* .v., inion it. Attar M-caUlim all shape oul ..f ii !... and ejaciil*t">l " Lat hat. you can't fool me nu more.* Hi on a short dis-anr.;. leaving hit bat behli the ital "I turee l si *t p on st] hat if J want to." said he- to the oflicer as te in.irrhed away. _ _ .1 BUBDAYMCBOOL PIC.MC incident. From The Buffalo Courier. has been tte b I ll U' 'arne ., a tttutlon in the countrv. i .-nie for iirieh ntnu-e mani without it retching the truth a part le man na- telling the Kroundel ¦> enili ,.i" Some .!. beans finnie.i nari .,! Un tmong ii.. vere twa bottles ol vin ¦reil a little at SUI li :k in..: in vinegar, but proceeded ',. sprinkle tome from one bottle on bH beans, ii- Ii ok s rn looked at tbe bes the ol er chew, t rolled I:- eyes wildli around the **..!- ducked bis bead under tl ¦-.' and bro | in view arith . mach relieved asnrassloa on his bas -What we... ir0u loo.na the taMe " n*i,..i minister. "My handkerchief." refill.*.! the mendaclouM ronna man. Then he ;a- k«--i in voice I- tun. ine-ktai In ii..' bis botflr?" "Oh. n... tba''** lead tea." said one. uh """ -aid the yosag man. -4>-- RI REI. SYMPATHIZERS ABUSIBB F.LAISF. Fiom The Cincinnati Commercial Gssetla Ihe tune of the Blt.lh PISSS toUShlBg Mr. Lint'M and the epnblicaii pai .t the principles ol tne Bepublican*!, I- precise'] that of Hio t'opp. and dude sheets of the United States. Each >i:rfy fabrication that find* itu way into Demo eratic circulation tera ls kure to te found Iii tte Itnii-h journals, backed by a p..moon- pnsumpUon tr -.babbi llaaue of .'als.'!,ii.xl I- an UIN)ue*Uonabk RX k el truth, tried with the hammer ami (..iiml ulthuut a rtaw. . \. ¦ Ind spread out in tte editorials of Tbe London Tatograph" the meaneal Inalnuatfcini against Mi Blaine, pet.md by th.- malicious writ.!-; at Chi tin- br-e-d of dud.- ... Ives as i elected sycophant! ..I i loveland, and who baie maiie personal detraction of iilaiir- Tli.- same pnurr ol perversity it dliplay* in t,.|t Br. Bmlne'i deed f magaaalmlty in refusing * nomination ths onfesslon nf euilt and d> feat as a I Ile man. u displayed throuahoul the war In nrftini; up tl.." Confederacj am! it- heroes and Meering down Ibe fries l- of lbs Ballon. lt wa- ju the Mtier enemy of Anu-rican nationality thea that it i American folley ol tte protection of our Ind* now "The Telegraph" nscoitnirer. in th" pollay of Clova. land and bl- dowd tho Con federate and C.ont.j Idea of iubordlnattnn to the mother country.that we ahould hew her wood and draw her water for her In the way of pro*. .1 j ia-, mn'' ral*, and make the Atlantic an -nnel fur iiilil-h nea trad-r**. .SELECTIONS e7(0\1 THE MAIL " WOOL TA sir." IN ICOTTOH. I ll e E il i n I- Of Ihe i r li u I > In lour Journal of .lune _:i I tlnd from the "Amerb-an Pub-Ik Health Association." the following word-: li dreaalag a mutton the woolly coat stenM not be i '.. touch the Beeb. Then- is .pille a f.cr .. pt il.- difference in the flavor of mutton tak'*n from a fattened anther walsh has ben fm mai tkae d' Of n'l ..\."*- In hftS woolly rn.-lt. atlfl nf Chat taken from « -hep whleh ha- i.eaw leesa Ii ls such lll-con-id'-red language and oteerveMSM as thfs which brlii** "Bllenee-' inti, eonfllet with Bomana sense, and consequent di-repute with the p ISSI I have been fed on mutton for s lifetime, butchered at home, and for a half century have (riven through tte prom tte lias saasss si the ''wool taste" in mutton, bal in vain. Error holds Its way all the Mata Oat cause af ttds want of wMs knowledge of truth In SfplimBaial Journals ls the poor practice of not copying tte beal tteaght from other Journals for fear fit advertising a rival. One nf the best agricultural Journals In these States |- now ** The rn i'lrititer." of Itirhmnnd, Virginia. whose article- ai-e ..ff--n eclectic, and therefore giving the b'-st thongbl of tte whole I'cpublic. Of ill methods of improving the soil and destroying we.-,]., .hep are ti,.- ti.-i. Of all domestic meats mutton -ls the most. wb..b*-ome, being a spclti. for maia- di-.-a-e*. It ls the most con¬ venient tn the farmer a- butchering meat. history of mankind lt ha- played 'he nio-t Important part In bl- nce-m-* giving wool, hide*; milk and butter. If all of the Industries of these States were pm io tte h il of survival or destraetlon, IM ttM.P would remain as tte lir**' lietel In Stell.a- (lon. The " wimiI taate" the.) comes not ot the touch of the wind or the length sf tl.e wool on the sheep, but of tte infti-ion of the excretions af tte intea.aea into tte eire*.atloo, which taints tte leah with tte sive wool taate." The lining strata of tte mtosrines provest tte offensive entrance sf tte ezereta Into tte capillary tubes of the absorbing surfaces. But il powers cease l selty "f ri .(stance ces ii' unpurtfled excrel.i ru-.* In- fuaed mt.) the venous circulation. In consequence ni thees teeta, it*K be-t t.. -tarve ¦'ii f'-r twentj four hears before Ullllng, giv¬ ing water, however, ptentifully. This empties tte ''..lunch snd b..we|. ol tte sheep and dlminisbes tte tendenej ol Infusion. Thc -heep, all ready, tts ld havi the throat cut ail mund to the thus bleeding lt fr-civ. As mon a- th.- *.-i ii. butty of the victim ls lost, ll should be skinned partly on the hind quarters to nve time, then hutu* up arid II __ng rapidly completed and tte whola entrails at ..i.e.- taken out. The Bosh to then parietal] peri eptlble. A- the wool grows and I- pus .>- the our.., barb e, no circulation returns from tli" ends ol tte wool, and how then rsa Us length hit.-et Ttl*. mutton 1 Hut as the ~unl ha-, been ami continua before and after birth, ¦Cat absurd! v i- it m eui the wool ..ff a -hurt time before .liing! If tbe sheep ls butchered rightly you mar iafe!y wran the caira-- in the wool and lay Li used di tte bunters of my circle In eai ly life we Wi ton -.1 io latte ont ihe Intentlnes of the -..inn el- and hares a.- -non aa* shot, before*cooling. kl once art ven different ne of ti,, ihops of the reach a "high Savor," the flavor which delights the dog (rom h.- half-decayed buried mea. De cns-ibu- non dtspuiandem est. Bo tte Ponttc monarchs fed I lived lave u* (rom the Doctors, the lus-iiaci.k'uaf and Ihe flogs I \.-I - M. ri.AV. V it- ll .il. Ky., July t. i--- PLOWEBfl FOB THK. TEXEMF.VT rn. ir To i h e Editor af The Tribune. Hr; Untidied- of little hearts In the crowded tenements have been ilsldlillld flinn gfa loving gifts of (iou. d iring tte Me.-ii, hy s glimpse of ihe sum¬ mer Bel their syes mav never sea In re- -poii-e tn the appeal for rt.iw.M-*, sn manv e.me thrai the birre room ->.' ,1'iart for their n*. eptlon at No rion Bulberry «t. by ( barlee a. O'Bonrto wa- banty sufficient for them. Snnday-schoohi. public school classes In conn tr] towns ..f thies .¦'ate- to-iped t.. bind bouquets tor the poor, I.adi-- sent them from the bu Im IS men carried them m. A ii-t of ihe givers would ;;n half a **,i-mm. Thai the will to help ls then wa.- shown, and now .-.I opportunities, new channels of distribution are wanted. That the-e may te prov!.led promptly. II I all aseneles nrgSnlSQd for help that reach the ir-.* invited lo communicate al once wi'h the ..iii.-e. neighborhood guilds and young met '- districts e- -j.*'- iially. Dr. rltj missionaries are lending a .- 'ii reaching the sick with these tl..wei*, supple- .- excellent work of the Flower and Fruit ll. Tin* summer tenement d vho begin wort In earnest this nek. will report n. Volunteers a bo s 111 help wers to these strichen b..n-es are wanted. A n cnn -p-nc a hoi-.* and llsh I to speed thia wort of delivery for sn hom nr two In the s lp grs Hy i'i t...- work. Too ir. ii". Bowen cannot be sent. Tbe demand i- ead of the supply. They should be sent when .Ie. In old boxes or baskets thai need aol be retun ' Flowers for- the tenements. Police Headquarters. *- Rall- ai: help j marted free. Children who -pend their vecatli ,:" a great work In i.eli.inc to gather the flowers, 'i'he business men who ¦¦ srrylng them t., the ¦* md erring for themselves the Joy m.ev give. JACOB a. BUB. ]--¦». wrii) PIB8T CALLED THBB " PHI 11 -TIN* ES-I n I'. e gd l tar nf The Tribmme. <iv. \ cenc.pop.dent asks this gueetlou in ymir l-siie. I.ktttew Arnold, thijiicti probably the flr-t ti who need tte term. dM not Invent lt, bul bund ll ls Ihe (..ei-nian literature, where lt ha¬ in u-e for nmre than a cenrurv. having been adopted from what mav be called the madents* -lan.-, li- orisls i- credited to the student- of tte ancient t'nlverslty ..f Relmstadt, aft.-m-ard removed to '..e-r!i i." n the ln-tltui|nn when* many nf eur eminent em Bancroft, Motley, tal¬ lou student snd lifelong Intimate friend of Hismarrk- recetved i nm toconsldrrnble jiart. af their education. Tha students ol Petaiatadf not lem tt.an those of other uermaa anlvandtlaa, ail ..f which were, until laal centur-v. located In small towns. with .i '¦'.¦¦! lersble degree of dlsdala upon the -mall burghers and tradesmen ol these towal who, la those du-, amie intellectually far more widely -eparated fmm the scholarly Biasses than is ¦mw a om tte -av roath! disliked all tte nu .- they maaag sta debt erith theil less cultured nelghbon . icntly looked Upon rm a- their namral enemies. This splril mav baie been particularly prevalent U Belmatadt, ami undoubtedly led to a good many brawls in the streets of iha: li"!'- i..wti. sueh ss oecui even dov occasionally in some Aswriosfl college inWIl*. Bow it happened that over tte portal nf ihe uni ai Belmstndt stead ¦ group sculptured ls rentes! ¦ -1 slaving' tte wbal relation thi* sculpture had ti rr lt becanu the unii'i-ii.v aud Samson is it tren i -aim of the students, and their enemies wert ni* c..h.ie*. : ¦ *1*4_stadi to other unlvervltles In those day* . ls -\ ."fished li- COU -.- at mw university the? carried this notion arith ihem. and ii.ii- i'i.iI,- ir.. l.t.m. a form of contempt fo: I,,.;-.,, i of ns mal f-fecl ungenerous ,,.|.. ed to i 'd. Wealistle view- of Um nnlar. Boberi Schumann bad boen i itudanl of law.and s pn ml iii tb, and e of I wa- *nh ulm undoubtedl** onlti habitual. .?. ». .Nev. . .uk. .1.11V 1. 1888, ? TTir. SE Of Ul-, Tn <he I il I nr n I 1 he Tr i '. " .. f-ir: I teer -.. lunch ..,.! b] Democrats about tin ncce-.ai>- of lile and the latin* os them, that I wai think, li lue for wnrkllu geoplt II seems to mt thai good weans ire ¦_i arv thing a working man or womaa cai have lr.i- flat S .heap coat one., ii ii ami working for reds ed wagm s whole yssi fa um ..id rigmarole Itel .ed la b< i ll *t<>. Lilli , died to see Mr. I leveland that nnn-ren-" .n hi- message. llARBI80B. .Mattcawan. B. V., July :i. IBU, ? * - A TAI.I ol' WO.» T o the BBiter ej Tho rr I Ba ne. Slr: Ttl te ban tata t.B WSSM IS mick the boson nf poverty, le wnrk from snit] hlldtedd u> an ag< iff earne-t cure fur tte declining that ls to com.- ..nd, kin)*lng thal my rai nina's have been spent fm a iiialni. loin.e nf a little family, paying (teeter*! hill- and billing gnwsysidl f"i Uh- -ame. willi.mt punier in rheabs tte eireum laaaaa sf BE*, ami know m. Iliai \ihai little surplus I ir.uild ..blain. -a*.-' a lull, used fm a minute's pie a-,'ire, was put loin the I'ati'iil that i might un *aj Bttls family aaal tteg ile-.-r-ied. and. knowing that my Inventions wnn. im .'...I linn; BM uy a dastardly foigcri In thc l'aieni O.les, and knowing that I am powerless to hdve Jua lice done me. mb nothint hut aarlums. chain and ban and tte sea**henes staring me in tte fa****, i*5 enough to crush the heart ol tte Stoutest man OS earth. I would thal my lather and mother hail l»-ci: eaten i.y before thej had born nu to thia world. B'F.I.!.*<'il .". HAliIii'.M.l.i.' if I'roildence, lt. I.. July 10, 1---. MAKIN': IOU Of DKATH. To Ihe F'I i ur nf fh» /ri'imi. Slr: Keadlng your editorial. "¦nSSSJS.I by Elec¬ tricity.". and the dreadful posslblliiy of the current tot preduelag death, taBsd to mind a clause in tte **ill sf tte I.* Slr Kdward lilli** er lt (ton, who hail a great fear nf beiag bulled alive. The elm-.e rn- leland that al his death, and at any time previous la interment, tbe attending physician should sever tho i.in,lld anerles. As this coiihl In SS MSaS SO con sl'lered a mulllall'in of th" body, why -hould eel a clause to this otfect have a pine* in tte law I i.KX. l'nit t olden. N. J., Juli I. 1 ¦--. puberal ot bbbebal jbbbe c. smth. The funeral o( (ieneral .Ie--*.' C. Sm'.th. who died of paralysis at hts home. No. *t:i Willow st.. Itnoklyn. n Vedaeedap, was held yeateedap morning at st. Ann's hataaasal Bp.eopel Chars., CBateaet., BioeB lyn. A short service fur the family v-a.s held at thc hou-e, after which the body wa- taken to th.* church, where it lay In state for a BS time and wa*, viewed I.y many prominent people. The Kev. I>r. BSSTM Al-..p. reeler of r-t. Afrn'-k, ciindueti-.l the si-rv!ee*i, assisted hy Ute Kev. Dis. (harli*. II. Hall, rector of II) Iv Trinity. and c. ii. .Mal.om, Dr. Al¬ sop's a--tstant ; and the Kev. MSaSTS. De rn.i-. reetor of I hrist Chnreh, tirev Neck. L L, M.-..Hirey and BTeBwaod. A fi.Il n'ale choir sang a* a pilSSasllliml hymn "Prom All Tbv Saint* In (.lory.'' At Um main entrance the choir and mit.l-ters met the body, and as lt was carri.si up the al-le the Rev. Mr. ric "rmi- read tte opening Bf tte Wirla! ten fee, The choir teas chanted "Lord. Lei Ms Enow My Bad.1 The service and teamas loliowed. ¦". "paradise" wa.- sung a- tha rimesatonal The pail bearers were a. ii. i»- K'ltt, Edward* Daw, Edwin Goodwin Dr. william u allai-e. i;. i; Bard, Thomas ll Messenger, Charles Demor, B. Kuiton Cutting, «u:s Averill, Joseph Bryan, a. D. Matthews aj.d i.iit-ert s. ng. -o- IW.VT SC IRE THE LOCOMOTIVE. From Th'* Detroit free Tie.-. It l-n't -o awn] years .ince the rallto.id wa.s ex¬ tended io Aiu County nnd the day on arhieh tte reached the Jubilant li'ti.- city in which I am tarry- Ins was observed a- a boll lay. a barbecue wa- heM. ami i don't know hoi many oxen roasted, near to sc ¦ tho Mi aciiuaintanoc stood on the platform af tim -tat,on Just a* the nain was coming In. him -too.i a raw countryman, who had sever i train of oats before, an.i who wa- watching tte ap¬ proaching locomotive wiih open-mouthed and wide- eyed aw.- .md wonder. At tiri* moment ll beean to rain, and (be countryman naturally raised his um¬ brella, lilt that down 1" exclaimed my acquaintance with a cautionary psstare, -you all] frighten tte locomotive." The iitnbrjlia came down. -? . A SO ii le BMVBBBM From The Hermit Pres ric.. A Wolf one tey Bi una! out a Fox who had been Particularly Recommended to him for hi- Astuteness and -aid: - I have passed the Linn on several Occasions and he does not Deign to Not ice nm." And yuii wan' Re* course "* I du. I want to iiinke bis lb-art r-ad.very Sad."1 - H.- is ii.,nc-t lu Business !" '.uh, yes." "" Pays hi* Debts Promptly 1" " Ile line*.- .I...es to Church and keeps clear of scandal*"' Ye-."- 1 ls too Strong for you to Atiaek'"' "gssettv: yon see how i am Mtnated." *" I da There I- but om* Way PX you to get even. Pit.-b tn and locure his Nomination fur office and then Lia about and Defeat him." PBOTBCTIOB ASD POLITICS. Press Th- .roy Ce.a ile Wi \\e reeogaise do n*f retailed f..r politics, and proud"! :1c* eraakeda m bs Slssoidsd sad he. u a m. \rr no neiiei geed man may nut .dalga In pal .--,.-. \,» frankly ida.I if UM flection in r.h.« near t;,.. He"pubUeai_ would easily wm «i*h ¦ . Ar present, tie- ..Bay 1- «I I *|i!".'ld over bs Issac sf fr-*" trade snd pi ectlon. res Republiean i lavs espouse*! tbs J,rill, 'j ri.- rill refer"!'. <. ',. UM .urpius as au anaeeeaaarj elemen In tbs dlaeiualen, ana 1 ... .1 ir.i 'll til- i'.. .. ir it apread b oed a-' ck* Du't* nt Den ive im- Jreat nt Dei They lava eat teat s i.iniT irerins cbesp la'ior. tourer wages nnt all Um squsier uni wretchedness ..f tba Baropean laborer, lt. u an i*ii-uif laaua t.< mi-., by a] ia ssijitenei M bear evil fruit. During the interval between sow mt .I.-, n.ii. .:.¦¦- d ocrai il .-- ¦¦!¦¦. i." Slea baaed ni thia ic-...ii, tbs ll lin- will I." n bread-and-buttei esovaas, anet th' pir-v i. . lal TEorp.T.F. IX A PARISIAB EACC.iRAT CLUB. Pit ii i.r tha Lu.' taral .' .- :.. tte* aelfthbe mi- been having a lt lately. Dorins theoi ni" Pioneer, earned sway avi -.j. ,i. aenaati ¦ ¦ i* eauaa-d t.v cane nf n\ n banh an BBaoanesd an .iniitnited Tl" punter* planked down their money 11 a ts loss tli.- i aidea .ai.I". ."*. -...,., had i.'* won in.-- Knight soups than the ino.ii.*- row, coll ..,_--. ,1:1 room, whereupon mm >.f th" players called (.ir- a count .f tie- car!-, sa*, intf. I have a aUaplcIOB nf foul pirn.'' un th.- ra- le belag ni" rrouplei Ksvered that, there were twenty the n-ro aumher in the pn. w. Th" banker \- placed thom gs ¦. arrange 1 tx torch ia i, os ir," top of tl baa led to I \ embers who ha-"i inst, (intnnnitnfl -:..it tbs dub sii..u;.t aisha goad 'h.rr lab rules, this had ta bs lana, There ls likely t>. be fur-lie- trouble ..vcr the natter, i.nt, without, distinct, proof ...' eh sting, 1 fail :.. ma »ha'. ..an be 'J..nc -*- Cl.LYE!.ASD WEESTUBB KITH A TOCGH JOE Krum The LUM It ls arc:.": od in Democratic etretea tha- rh.- 4sta| in ih" pe (ter ol u ¦.¦ l- in ih" tnteteau i,f the -,.i ¦¦. lil vet ha- ri Milt Batted t<> the aaamd\ md -.f.. rai sf ahrewdoesa and coherence i\ na- rant aad maai have i- a latter nial Will shun ... ni.-s- Mg* is a stn.iiif [.lei for the proteeUoo of SmerlMi la¬ ni ni i* mi a -..un fnr-pr.i'.'.-'i'.n plaifcrm. The letter of th" PiesldSBI 1- Um only m. an- ot tatami lett fr...ri the Menders st the i- bas aoasesja and the lt, L..i. - platform, .mri n aaaa -.... ..ireful..- Tha party hat got to Mamas Its old ita.-.. .. un til" fen andi reUnd letter ls a work of art that must, lie ,.f st a te-mun-I, ip before li ls launched over the ni.vss. The orecon election h.i- inmmoned Um enure party te the anxious "'11. .mi rm paul teat «.n aver mote sainsm in his Inquiry: " What, shall I d... TER WEATHER REPORT. r.OVF.RMMEVT I*-*'1ICATtOVS FOR 90 Hflt'ltl. Washi*»<ito*». july lt.-Fur NewEn.'iaod, KaSSSri Now- vork, Kastern Paaaaylvaala, Kaw-Jaraay Dalawere and Marylamt, stationary temperature, followed at nlKht by warinar. fair, yamble winda For District of Colombia Virginia and North Carolina. tbrbtlr warmer nnd fair, yarrabie w'.a.ls. For South CasaUaa Oaargla, Florida. Alabama. Misti*. sipDt, feslsllSS. Kastera T.-taa aud Arkansas, cooler and fair (cenerial aoiitherly win :a. For Tseassaes aid Kentuckr. warmer and f.nr. For \Vpat Vir-t'.n-.a. Weatern I'.-nnsylvanla, Western Kaw- v«.rk and ohio, warmer sad tatt For Indiana, minora. Mich,nan and Wisconsin, warmer and farr. For Minneaor.i and 'Soathwestern Dakota, cooler and fair, fallowed by Ima! rains. For Iowa, Nebraska, Minourl and Kansas, warmer and (a.r. followed by locu For Colorado, cooler and fair. TRin*"N"R LOCAL OMSSTAITOn, BAn. :'. [moUlva aior..Lr '". Mai.l. 1 inches ""'I *." "* 4,*-7- "]" ".*' * ** " *^ * "*...¦-ll :'<».'» .':^-_tj-^:'., .-j^L'i _. 4_i"j___:._z._____E ; sr. - -:A TRturxK nrnrr.. July IS, 1 a. m..Fair, cool and dry weather prerailed ye-a-j-riMy The temporalura nngeA be¬ tween Ul and S3 ', ihe areraa;" (Tl") bein/ tH' hixher than on Friday. la "ind near this city ic day .ere will probably be fair. Warmer weather. ( EBTRAL PAUK -ETBOBOLOGIC-X UPOBT. I'rolisaor Draper, ot tli* Central I'ark obaervatory. mates thi* folioiilin- reporl lur the wash aadSSl at noon yeiteMay Barometer. lucho*. T,i'nit<nt\rttr. Dvirr-e. Muan. .'UT.-' Mrau.-. "Jtrl.tl Un rn. Jiilvl. l'.'p ru. 2'A :'o- Mai'm. July ll. ft p m.. 65.11 M;n tn. July I".*, 0 a. in. W.S0U Miiiinium, July 13, 5a.m. 54.0 IU.i-e.,',i)8 lunge.. . 31.0 Dla.nea trareUed by th* wind. Viii mil.. Hainf.L. .SI h.. ii. THE BOMABCM OP A LOCVht HEDt.E. tram Tue Atlanta Constitution. aImhii forty years ifs .SN WSS a ynuna la.lv In i.iiin.in Coanty wea t.^i '**.>. sweethearts, ami. ti .t ilile tu ileeiie l, ,,llt i -ia \iii.i iiH-u-t huehes in the >a>-.t eaialas ai ea. h nf her l.>*.e~. ami betterl.g ta ths nhl -latte K hs levee BM 'hat bush mil gro**""; ami -a.' lng tn her (aitli. sn lt lia')[i«>ti.«,i mit., hr." Ona af Um hushes rery soon withered, bul the other lear |a_Ml; ami. In Ihe ninia,' .,( time, Sha iiiitiii*! tie* -tiileiiiau (*.r uhnm the - n, ¦» 111,- bsah Mas nam. il. They ral-e.l a larif.- family, ulm am trail hnown tliruugbnut sevt-ral enmities and the locust bush also grew and inultipii.-.j. Time has laid barr the soot upon which .,** old dwelilng stood, and nothing ¦..malms- fo mark the -|te nf tl - hume hui the ine.i-t bnshm af whleh lhere a a tmenteue h.-i . r... h.ii .1,e.i yerila in taft.*. This may team ..* a fairy tale, b ll lt I- trna The, laily I- a Methi*.al mlnliter's ilauehter and tb** a***-- ileinan a Baptist minister's h.n rn- AFTER A "HEALTH TBBPmVPmmX* Pr. II H. OSs, et 'he " sm maier <-<>rp«." "¦'bo waa Inspecting tenement Iintf-a-* in hN ftMrlct yesterday, ..¦nt the M ' rls at BmttU tarv Il< lul'iuait-'i-: '. I«*ar sirr I learned to-day that a mn ealllng him*, -elf Dr il.-ll-r and rlalmltig to lie an In- siH-etnr of the l;oa*d of Health, v! \i-n the terian**« nf So. -.*.-" Ka-t Nli.tv therm -\. M .Inly 3, orA. aft.-r es-amlnlni*. them and tftaeswerAii* a SSS.hSf of .illftier.ts. guaranteed t.. cure them on the paymre**] of *e io in Mvaasa Bi st.lasi a.partial paimem of SI *>o fruin earii of two women and pm mlnert to return In a week for the asleaae He falleal to r-v tara, of i*<..irv*, and th'* penj'!- ate BOW '.erv much pre] ml!, .il ac.n-f anv oi lal ming ennnra-tli-n **1»h the Bears i.' ii. all Thc panta baie haas asked ta * sith fur t:,e man. A B_VMOMI PRBXIUM PM VOTF.*-. Every veter and eva«rv person vaiio wishes to know four BlODtl;* liefor,* election t»!ui ta be our next I'resi.lrnl can have, this ttiforBiutlon anS I M " Dishaway " it tam I'en br seniiini: SStet.S Caw's Iel and I*, ra <*.. lat BreeAwey. ttaw-Tork. ter full peruealers rr<*rd- tii.- this geiitrous offer seo "Tithesa" of July .'.'.fa page- _ _ AT TnF. FASHIONABLE SI" MM ER RESORT* near! Abele's Ruby Royal .-.-«.<" is the favorite cham¬ pagne this seana:.. -? A torpid/ liver moans a toroid brain bath are bronana into healthy anion by Takvast* SBSSSBB ArattiiNi. Demil of a I'i .minei.t I 'Ulxa.I at a snmuirr te ..rt laal week frew e'o-ri tnorbns wise % great ss.-ek to anltr. A timely nee ol sham by * &SADY-KADI 'i -A on .I have saraji bia lit-. His last honrs wete n.a a '.le by mosnnltoa-a. Bia at. tendant h-ivine (ailed lose, ri Hi i.ronapiitu.jU Pastilu:- tor r.e.r destruction before Varian: the eily. ll-.- i*. si Ilir-h.t lass- ( iaareties. Kitaey Bree.' *"pecui Favo irt. DIED. ADAMS.Al start.Seaes at Saaraiala Ju'r nm th* trna leer Of hu aaa "."¦'ll.iain Adams, son of Hie lat* William A lama, Funeral sOTTiees fross his home at Sitarslats on Toeadsv J ny IT. on arrival of irain on Harlem lt H., leanag Grant Cen-nl D);i<l. at S-M :>. m. BOYLBTOX.frldar, Iniy IK ttmU W. "Moriston, tn tha 77iti y«-ar of h Funi-raleervic.-B wiil tie held at hrs lute rssileuce, 19t Lei. lagtao it in li r.diy, July iii. alt o'clock. Please amit BOWI ra. Ut/TI. Kl: 'in Thora'ay. "fal? lt, UU* SSSMsSM other ii..-.-. Mrs. A. '.'- "'I*. S w-Brighton. - I.. ''.-..'.u Aaa Butler, yaaagesi aaagatar af th. . Batist si this e.l'.. Fnnera. at Trinity i.'Uurcti. New Vork, --linday. Joly IS. at ti An o'clock p. ss. DtVWIDDIE.Oa Thnr«dav. Jmr 1". athis residee** ta tins SUV, Robert DinW -'. Ire. rn IBS 77r.h year of hisaee. Funeral a.-rvi. r-a trim 117 Weet Li Mt., on Monday. Jury Ifl, at lo o'clock a tn. OkHNKY Mn lilnr--l.-»-. Ja!v 12. CaDt.a Joseph Ii. Ced. nee. tn the 77th re ir hts Relatives an.', trieu ia ire invite I to stt.-nd t!ie funeral fe-*-a hts tata res.,leno.-. Mjnilt'.tie. k, NV., on Moaday. l.SlA lest, al 9 sn o'elocs. Tram UaTi s 'Jtand r.ntral r*epot at 102. Wiiminutoo. n. c.. paean steam sagg KIOOIMB. Eaters! mm rest ea watara-ar morumr. Julr IS, Mary i- Biggtaa, wnlaw st the late i.eorze ii.aunt, in the T'it'.i vear ot her age. Relatives an t friends sr.- Invited to attead the fneeral see. vieeeastas reeldeooe other aoo-in-lav, Mr. iraak Little-. Hoi-. 3h Weat I27tfc-*t., Mundar .Taarir. nt 7.W. Int-riueat at tke convenience ol the (amily. Ki I.!-:aN.At PraahaM. K J. rtiur«lai morning. Joly 17, Margaretta II.ill. w.feof Am/i U Kl I.ein. Funeral on Monda.-. J nv IS. at ** .io p. m.. at her resttenco. BEKVRS. At Ph.en;* - Pa - U r!av, JiiiT 14, An.usU Jturnu Morer, tieleved w.fent Ellis II l'.eov»s, and daugl*. t.r sf Albert Ster-jr. »f (few-Tars I itv. Interni.-nt ar, dreaaw m CarrUi-es (rom fool o' Liberty-st., l.o ':ck noon, Tnesdty. .luir 17 Relativeeand friends «re invited. BOBS On Friday afternoon, Jn'y 13. 'ieorge ll. Ross, ia his s.t| year. Funeral serviees will behe',,1 at his late residence. Ill Ea.it Vie st.. on Monday, at » Boas.Oa July i:». 1S8S» at Tremont, Kaw-TaeB city, sata Oaaly. Mn. aarah B ia year ot har aaa. Funeral on Mondav. July IS, a' Se'etoC. (r.>-i F:rsi Pr«shy--i ter. ni Church, Waa at. Morns. ama. B f. Train leaves, via llariein R. g., Orar.d Central Station, al at 1 -30 p. m. SMITH Mr. fssae ... Smth. athis late residenes, tn W<sst-» erlr. 1*. I.. Juiy 13, l»*is. ugaO ol yaars. Cpccial iVoticcs. A paiapari to mool society isa t-ox of SVOSTS noohons' "Aiwava inrr-nr Ilonboris. li.x'.'lalej ami fholce ."aa. Ilea .,ualny u leqaallei!. >i res F-ilton-st.. C. ¦*. Hotel ..j-. And Parg Kow, t r.oors from ti.e llrid*{a. KsSSh liahe.l 1.1.1D. Try o'ir L ¦-.win Pro us "i Ii*- 11u'..ri Fouutnin Pro. Warranted H-karrr- lsfsctlon. Alwara Wrlres f.-eelr atid NI'.VI..". gem out sf orler. TRY ONT., and yea will nevr ns.- any other. iSetit hy ¦ tor tl oO. D ms S un.IN". SSS BBO-D- KY S V. UAj«rj7ACTUl.KO M* \Ti NF.l'. AMD fcTK\"-t PRINTER Qaslw in asefal 0FFI< spl Cl \r.Tir.s nd i.vboh SAVIN., d-\;. ¦¦¦- lliNivi ...- KEB! Il ANT*-, and AC COCNTAh.- OJBAOQUART.IUI tr- .,.. STATlOBt.BT M"PI*1.IIa. W.DD.HG INVITATIONS, VISITING CARDS, fea Bead for I.LC-TRAT.D CATALOGUE. r I «r the Imprrial llair Ifraeiirrntor ter gray ans bleaeheJ hair, Brary eater sal shaae. li lnv. , - '.List,ns Hit:is .lo not affect it. Does eat prereat earlies ar erlnptaa ffersals byaM .lrugtjists. fiaasral Dasel sud igalliaasa ueoms, it Weat 'jrisi-et- Now York._____^ a'oat OSrs SenaSk Should bo read daily by .i liiivikiated, as cbau-^»s mar oeeur ni any Um.:. i- ' ' '.be specially ai. dre-.-e.l (ol lispstch DJ ar.V pur ular sim -i.' ii...... i 4ni ssasa merdai . txing - 1 I _! Vk.i. e..,-.J (prora "i ¦- a- ti :;ows; SUNDAY.At I p. ni. tor UaaUn. uer steaoist.ii) K H. Wiri, jr., lruiu New-uriMni. MmN'OaN . Kl '. p. iu. .r Coats luca vis I.inion, tier stearn. ship Foxhall, fieri, .n. w TUBeOAT.AS 1 a, ni for Bra/il and the La Piata cauiiirros v.a BSSSll. f..r st. rbossas an.. - na ai Phomas tar Barbrtdas sui t..r Trlailad .i.I I)*>inerara. vu Barbalaa, p»r slea.ship Adi ante, frons Baa gmt News ..;ieis lor -...ri Islands rana . ¦.¦! "p»r Advaaea' ,t I a ri f..r Kurop.-. per steaaislirp Ari.O'.a i kMwn i.-tter-j for (..rniauy. Austria DantoarK. Bass'aa. siarwag'. Baa* tia and rnrScVBasteadirected "par AlIsaea") at A \> io. i. ii ate-ii.11.a aad t* ier: urtei aer st.un ship Prof. M..rae, N^w reaii*. a- lu.fr. L.r BlUeflO.S, per »r ¦. BSSIS, ir.iin WLUXKsliAV-At StSS a ai. for Irrland. jssr staasishle i.eriLaQn*. vu - ... tlettera f... i.rea; Brrtais a-i 1 otlier Enropaaa .rr.-a tni.t be .tirnatal " pas Uermaaie*')j ¦' sa ter Bm rotie. ¦ i - 4 .|it«.n and Kr.-naaa lacs tar Irelaaat inuat tm .;..¦ rr t. . 4j a. ii), lor lt. 1.maa linet, per -esruslup "A'aoslan^, vi, Antwerp atters i.uat la '.ire. ud -par B lani'' at 1 a. O', tor ttie Bahama W.auds and Havit le-teept i'. rr au I'rruce . x:t. (lattars lor .- ir ia * ;i>:i.-i "ear Airs at 1 |. m. tor at Croix sud St Tkoro is. via ."st. Croix, also tl.e Wladwaf.1 Islands ilin-ct, \, e ateamsiua llerinuda at '.' ;. rn (or Caespeaha. Uta.aaa, Tahaa.:.) aol Yu.ritaa. pers.ei. ..io natters for other Ksilcaa -alas must be rtireciel ** per Harm toga", il '-' li. id. '.er Tero Itrr... p.-r stsaauhlp rata at i p. in. for Ral I .r late. Bala, per steariiah.ii Crr.y ef I-ail..a. fl.eu New-, irleaus. THtrit-HAY-Al ll a m. (or Cahitua (sand.. Jamaica, Baaaa .i-: Taro sal sst, Hit ¦.., v Moa, poe »r-..,:;),hip Alien a. ... m. t..r ....! main-. Austria, l.enma.k, ."¦Wedeu. Isorwar, Kusaia BM 1 urkey. per Maaauhty Wtciaad, via Uaateeri lars (or utter Bm reScas " P yin iulli and :. rMsrg, -mist Le dins. ie't - ;.. r Wiela lp rn. for Bsrasrata, MS stoamahlp Triaiaa.1: at 8:"iti p. ta. tot New(o.*nil cor steamer ir.er, Bal .^ ¦¦ - .io p. nu ior si. I* le na Kl%eelaa, fer strumer fi,.: Ha. rn BBIOAY.Al Ma.. 'ii America and Kout*! 1'a.itlc ports, per aieainnrj <'ooi. vu AsplnwaU (letleri f.,i .-uateiuaia n.ris. baSltaSWl " per loiua SA'l L'KDAY vi i ... m. 'or Fr Mia*. Ita.y. Spain amt I'ortu. pral. per ale kinship La, |iourc<.gne, vis H»vr.) at U a. m. for liayi p-r steaaiahip Alas. M ll .»> a. ia. foi hutu pe. per steamship I inl.r.a. via sinrsnislowQ .mtiers (or Uerma if, Aaauia, iu-lii ats, >w-.,.»n. >-0rway I'.uas-.a aaa Tarkev must ea Strsetea **aar Lmiiru' i ;. sc .«. a> tor Uermanv, a ., ru, Da.aark, sweden. Norway, Kaaala aal . nrk.-y. por aiea.nahip Knlda, vi* Hreruen dellars tor or. , cauutriss -. , auutiiiiiipton. rn i* i"I; at I p m. Ior scotiau t direct, per ata.iraship Imvoma. vii Uiasgow (letter. .-r Heron »' »tt p. m. for in- .sethel.ands, vu Am.ier-tam. per stearn. a'np 1-..: i.n .."'"rs mu-.; ..- di aotad "poi K.iaai i, at p.. t.r TraxUlO, par ate-ms'iio 1. I.MU To. Baw-OrtmeS; at 3 ;: ra. tor Pio-reao, per aleainaiiia bi callas. r Malls for rhni and Japan, per «teini»h:p Ctr of New Ynrlt Itraw ...ese'.ere lu \ [j .; I niin,,. M.i.a ' ter Auslra ...i, Na* /.ami. llawa.i iu, Klji ami PU ruo aa IslsaaS. ger alaau.sri:;. /.ealau.ru iiruui nan Kra.. ua. o), ar OB arr t ,: ¦ . ,' lork of siea.nalilp Aurania, w.tli UrillsU mais tor Aus¬ tralia! .Mails f»r the -society is.au.ts. por sii.p City ot l'apeili (rom san Fran.:*... ..rae hara Jalr -J al 7 n m. Ma.'a fm Ulina bjr rail te Tampa, l .a.. aid tneaco by 4tearn«r. i Uk Key i\ aei, i'la,, elmo au .te ottt.a¦UllV ai ili.ti)»-in. .Tliesrhelrilaof chislr.vof Trans-Picil.: malls ls at.anna-1 anthe pre.u an ,.. BBlaterraated .i-rlan I iraas.l ._._ * * s from tha Bast srttvtas sa tm* at Ssa Krin.is, .,oii the day o." sauiug o', sieausai'. a.* SliuaU-at lliouie 'Ue same day BBTO PB A .HNs, Postmaster. Cost Offl.-e. N'ow-York. J.ny la. .iHS. Political Xoticce. llend-iuanera tor int IT.-. AL N KT BANNERSl Traosi pslenir.ea, and I'auipatan .iiiiinoeuta _ m. h LttV) aOOi, ST Waaataes-,Bt, I'i. ... Net lt un rr- I Min Ml A.VD DiKi'llS-s. CAMPAIGN KlNNKIt AX I) OL' I FIT CO_ tli VB.-sBY-ST., N. Y. CeliQions Xotirts. ri Vi-". POINTS HOI >:. OF UfDCart-T, Ul Worts. .. WU.I.i i-,| V HAHN li:..>. rv; - of song ik.ry Baa.iy at 3 So o«sa.ck j>,. a.rvlce ia Slnioat »h,.I.y by thc chlldicu ot tho liialHuiiO. Puhlla set.¦ni| msman _ . ST. IGNATK'S C Uti:, ll. M >VSel mthmU R»» ARTUL'K ltlTi'lUK. lb '¦- Sunday, T 7 (J 10 "4 and ll a. m. 4 :30 p. m. daily, 7 a. ia, iluiy da ia. >_ fri-iys. Ut a. m., axUs. beau tru* » .msmmmjj

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His Iltchi.e-.-i Prince Hernani of Saxe Weimar, Duke

of Saxoni. arrlv.-d in town last evening from San Fran-

(Ossa, and expect- to te* St the Fifth Avenue Hotel for

about a week. The Ibike has several other HUM teside, tb.ose mentioned above ar.d ls a cusin of the

dctd -sepsis*- ..f Oat.arfi IVmdsrlsl m. ne int

OsSOsaay ht November la-t to make a tour nf the

world, and with hU travelling companion. I'.aron R. V.

NnidhifT. ha- visited India. China and .Upan, visitingall thc principal points of Intere-i throiighotit the

East. At te.Mg "'ev tURoi up a man servant

called Kamo I->sah. who is still with (hem and will

continue In the link."- Mitta after bU return

to IhS Fstherlsnd. Tiiey were on the Ta¬

ri fie b'-tu-cen Japan and San Francisco In

ihe steamer <'arlie at the time of Emperor Frederick's

lea Mi, ."" '.001 iisidly surprised at tbe sail news on

:h. lr arrival In thi- conntrv. as tbe dally bulletins

printed In Japan had prepared them for l(.nolie I- a small man. of fair complexion, with

a heaal almost bald and tremendous mu-* tat hrs Ile

ls affable and pleasant, bit sneaks little Encll-h.I'.eron Nordhoff _ tall and well built, looks like an

Englishman with bis single eyeglass, and talks F.ngluh with ease The imo viii roma lrI In (his countrylong enough to vl-.lt the principal summer resorts, andwill then sall for Orman v. Bett expres-ed them¬selves la*t orating a* dcllg'itcai with what they hadseen In the United Mate*, and raised their hand- tita-ionlshment at the \a-tn.-s. ((f things on this eootlir.-.it and particularly tbe diStanOM. Tl.e Date -aidbe could not have believed the I'ni'ed states to be -.

wondarfal a country if he had nut i-*-en :t htuiaeHIle win po to Newport shortly.CHERI ll MENDERS OX AN EXCURSION


AWAY FOR Kilt.'IT.Neath 900 tj. artes* of Dr. Ta.¦afe's fb-ch aalirri

ye-trrday morning on th-* stOtaasMp Servia on a seven

wee_-if excursion to t.roat ttritaln and the continent.At the Cunard pier early yesterday there was theWtMeet kind of eteltearNat, when nearly fifty mamas

and tw1.*e that number of daughters, with ¦ mlehtyfollowing || hu-bond-. brothers and friends, wero

bidding one snot har good-by, each anxious for thela.«t marri andi each Jcalou-.ly poshing and erowdjngfor Itt. pos-.-s-icn. What an amount of kissing and

p and teadate.tog th,uv mu, and the words ofadvice and hopes of a good time would fill a laic.-ibook than the recent dl.'tlcnary. Finally, every em*

wno wa-> giilt.g gol aboard, and tha-e who wero not

pal rmhon sod ware kept then by the Bsaya>ttl pianls of the gang-plank.

Hut cv<*n that didn't stop tte kiiring, for kissesenough to la*t a d07.cn couples through a.s manycourtship* ard honeymoon- were rock le-as ly thrownagain. the breeze In the direction nf the ship. Thenevery one rmwaled tn tho rall aid threw ki .--.¦ ¦ u_*k:every one e_ccpt thc men, who smiled grimly and borewiih stutdy nstgaatkm tte temonstratlooi af thedr

aird fii'-n-'.s. However, lt wa*. altogether a

Jolly patty and, unless (he qualm- st S..lekBSMfend them all down b-low the Mp will be a happyti Tie traveller* am ender the 1mm.of Thorium il Hendrickson, who has looeoaafu.y manaced ntl.er lara. TateewKle eneunloBs. The pai-tv..111 vi*ir London, leighton, Paris, Liverpool anilparts cf Scotland. Belslnm and Qermeay. Not tn amas* will tteaf place- be v'-tted. however, for lt willbe broken np In detached bodies, each going as In¬clination IraiK The whole party will return on theEtruria In August.



Sheriff .'olin I, .Mitchell, of Qaaeas .'minty, andToliee Jnsttae Stephen ,L Kavaimmgh, of Loin; IslandCity, will to-day confer tofStter, and It ls not un¬

likely Itel twa or three SSIOS. niay follow. Thewhole affair leaked out only yesterday afternoon, on

Friday Asa Jones, Oorge Jone*, .lames M.-Keon andThomas Malone \rere held in SOOO each i.y JuatleeKavanaucii, having been arrested at Rockaway Bltehtte BlS.I before. (,n complaint of LouisVVallenwebber. v-ho charged them with swindling .SS.

The prtsoaen, being unable to furnish ball, weresent to the Queens County ja!1. At stoat !. o'clock.Conrad Diestel, the Recorder of Vital Statistics, who lsalso a deputy shtStR, and Constable '"Tim" Joass, Ibrother of one of the ptisonet.-,, rang the bell of theprison and mimd to iee Warden Joseph Quinn, who was

appointed only two weeks ago. When they saw him.said that they ha/1 come -arith th.* bond to SOettH

the rob-a-e of ajaj Jones, si tte same tim's prod.sinsa tend from Mayer Gleason's court, signed by E. E.Vowsdi, of Kn. kn way. ate pledged hisnell la tlie sumof KJOO for tte pri-on-r's appearance. The ll.natnrcwas acknowledged talon Thomas Cony, the Mayor'sclerk, waa !< a notary public, neither the Mayor'sllgnatnre nor he a al ..f hh* rdoos na* arti-jeri.

Warden Quinn, knowing that the men were officers,release.i Josee.

After the.' departure Quinn took the bond to Dis¬trict Aitoi a. > i terning, wi... assured bim it was worth¬less. The warden then started pest i:a-te titer Jonesand found bim With DtSstel and "Tim'' Jones in Irontof the bar of thc Bevan llooto. When tho wardenrearrested hint, Jones mail** a show ..f mist.see, buta pi-toi clapped to I.i- head soon brought him to

term;-, and te was swated back lo Jail.

CESEEOES LIFTS FOR POOR SICK BABIES.St. John'- Guild graiefnlly acknowledges the receipt

of the Sallowing contribatlonsHenry l. Ward) ll.lino no¦II. H. I'.". ti i".

Mrs. Enily a. ZoUlckolter. U00V. II. Brown I Ca, sgeata Cunsid Htesra*

-:.... Co.; collected on board oin- uf tho Cunailsteamships . 2i on

"ll. ll," li)).'.ch " l.'.eiurii,' Telegram"... 100C. C. Irish, through " Puck". loon

I \ .. tte poot sit k babies. i .'."Lni.-i Groabe.i, through Waltei stantun. lu oo"- '1, I) \ " lot Hiv; altk babies tillouri! Jobtl

I', faure. 80 00"M. J.". BOO.T>ivi<l M I"i/a. loonW. Il ll<;»\n,-i|i. CooLout* n. MeCagg . 20 00

- iperlntendem of Mount Bins!Ii.-i.ir.ii Lexington-ave. and Ooth-t. thn.uchJ I' 1 SU . 500

. iiav Belle. Barlow. Mi«s N.Hiaa rr.,.-.ir. l ii Lent,

ana Master Wiltnir Carribmltli Lent Ring bine. "** 31

*.rt, B I. £0 00Bteuoo t'.ts u.h Harry O. Low, with

.'.iv | .-*.»,... 41 MIhe J_., Li'.iiiiiain Company. 10 00

amount reeatved up to dat*'.a-i.--.. ....

The work of the tiro hospital- is now In full operanon. The changing and varying weather has caused¦eran sickness lo maay children, and their needs are

urgent Contribatlons an- aske.l fruin a generous pub-:. l mny be -ent tn tte tn.nine of the Guild,

( bari. , No. -_i QniTerslty-place/New-YorfcPty._SOT noiSC, TO EVY FART OP HOVTH BEACH.K repo'-t publish'! >.-. --r iv thai UM OM Iiominion

i lip c..nipan*-. .* thi- slip, waa aagettattng Ne Bispurchase of Kvenl estes ..f natai ttomt sa the tenth BoaeSst Clifton, anti tha*, this rumor bad excited loii-ld'-rable sty

..n .Statc:i Iaiand- T..c maiiap. r of the cur'.parry.t, InTermed a "MslSt* ISpWSSl y. -n .-day that

theis- waa ael itloa for tte rumor. Cap-tali) A. ta, Kltiit. nf the -nine' in p.iti.v. «ald " I Bte on

Sui. n Is! j uri, uni am acquainted with all IO.eM-hans"- .-.¦hlrh nour in the net-nhborhoorl and I knowtbat no »ucb I .- planned o* even thought of."

A BLOW AT-SOCIAL CLUBA".Philadelphia. Julv H Wpaiilal) Thlllll I- consider¬

able discontent amoutig tte numerous social clubs, Inconsequence of .Inri.- BUena'S thrillena, announcingthat lt was a vtolattaa of tte High Li. en-" law to sdiltq-ior of any kind In a clubroom. If this action lscatrled out. there will bc almost as many "socialclui.r." that win tuddenly cease, to exist, a- there weroki.ocked out" tavern- un j,,,,,.

__Ii"/riL OE THE VmiRIA.The Cunard rtSSSSSklf tu.bria patMd Fire Island

at ten minutes pa*t IO o'rl.,. k |ajf evening, on herwai Into port fche will come up to her pier thismo.-ni ii g.


Tj7j! PRESIDENCY OPPWEIWBOB COLLEGE.Carlisle. l*enn July 14 (Special).-It ls reported to¬

night that tbe trustees nf Kl. kin-on ( SflSfP have t-t,

dered the pnSldsae] 'n ex-f-overiior Bater! K I'alliaoii, of rblla.iiphla, vice Ur. John A. McCauley ro-6l**ned.

-? -

A PRISON CIPHER IN tIEOntilA.Bavsnnah dispatch fa The Atlanta Chimltutiun.

Pot aever»i dtiya ihe jail S.SMN hnvo Iw-en trying tosolve a cipher systsin of communication which Hms siCbai pr.-amtra have. The prlaoiiora tut (rt nlepi-aphy.They have aubaututa-sj flgurea for lett*ra, and \>y caJlliiRout numenala have communlcatod with one another, aid

the r_u-du could not iel! what waa pa.lng. A note

wrrten by a pilaoner nanied John soc a few day* ac., tu

Tom Casaldy waa dropped In the wrong cell, and Caaaldynever gol lt. IS ib«J cote John vin aaya ¦ Snilth is on to

our telegraph, and likely han given li away, bul I don't--ive a- (or him or any of .e rest of them If th. y

try to do me .ij **".*~ 7oa "»-" ba'1 y"'" llf(' J" "x

ttess, when bmiib's trial come* «.:( and they arc wellaware ot the fact" The note aaa.SSS a great deal >.f

languass that lu not choice. After Ut Jail olDcists dis-

ntsnd thst a cipher ianttu»g« waa te.4 mad, Cn-yw|Kh'.-d attentit-ely fi' di M-lopmcotv Bet..i turnedap yesterday, though Cassidy was chaiiged io a new cell,and Jol.son and bmlth we-u pul on the lim foor. In

CatHidy's cell the olllca'rs discovered evldancoa of .MShMattempt lo oasape. Tom hafl u-icd a _s_t blade to saw

Ul bars In his Mil door, and lui cul through one about

heit et sn Inch. A. mme bona was also lound hi.leu lu

lila cell. a picture on the wail SMSMaSl s place wherebe had tried to dig cul



ABOCDOne of the uppermost topic* In TronRiyn Ftlll l«

Seth Low's detection from the Republican party.Many people mi-is- not much «urprlsed when he cain*'

jut flat-fo..ted again-t the BepahMoas policy o( pre¬lection, lt ls ailmltted thai tte y..¦>n_ rim hi I.

nil the chances he ever bad of political advancement;lad it is known thal he had no small ambition not

lung ago. When he was elected Mayor smile of tn*

moro enthusiastic frl.-nds Indulged In the wildest sort

>f -peculation on the MiL'.'Ct. and th*v seem to have

IIBvated to him some of their own unbounded beliefn the possibilities which they believed thi future to

hold In store for him. One of them, lt ls now re-

ralled with a smile, predicted that there would tethree stages In the young Mayor's career.-the Mav

malty, the Oovernorshlp. and tte I're-rldency. In

tact, they would have been willing to advance himso rapidly as to defy the provision of the Constitutionwhich requires tie President to be thirty-Ave yeanof age. _

Mr. Low made an excellent Mayor: all (he peoplenf Brooklyn admit that; but "-till they had lo laughat his pretensions once In a while. His addr»*s- tn

tte "Bags of Brooklyn"1 was -perhaps tte lonnie-'

Incident In hi- official rareer. This address ITgBdthem not to kindle burrill-*- aa election night, and lt

was Issued with as much gravity as any -state paper"Riven out while Mr. Low was Mayor. Another thinsthat Brooklyn -nilled at was the Mayor's pmsonniappeal to the citizens on the Height-; to d-rorate thc

houses between his own house and the City Hall on

the day Ihe big Bridge was opened. Hut these thingswere looked on as the hsrmless ebullitions of youthand were readily forgiven. The ex Mayor ts oldernow than he was then, and the p«>ple take him more

seriously. Nobody, however, takes him a- seri*.dyas he taji.es himself._The Bridge Trnstees are at Ihelr old trie*. again.

Their fii-st meeting -Inc.' they knew they were not to

r>» legislated out of oflioe this year was to be heldla-t Monday. Only six of them were able to get to

i. Tills was precisely what was tn be ex¬

pected. Everybody would have been surprise: tn

-ec a quorum present at tte July m etiug. Duringihe summer the lu rice Tiu-tee< declare an Inter-

r"_-nuni and let the great structure confided to Heir

caro take care sf ttselt Ihat is la lay, ttepresident and the nentnry (tte only salaried mem¬

bers of the Beard) do a- they please. It almost

passel belief that otterwin respectable and hoaarnhlecitizens should l"* m. wiiiitrtr t. aeglecl their graveBattas a- Unsteas. Tte Bridge li a DeaseemHi pol-in. al machine and (.overnor Hill vetoed thc Bridiebill, or nttel lei lt die, at the dictation of .. Bo s"BcLaagb.n. Everybody rn Brooklyn knows that;bat what they ean'i understand I- why thees tr

not all of whom an* McLaughlin's creatures, should

Let the thing be run as tt ls without a word of pretest

Brooklyn has enjoyed the Brldee now for tvapian, but the psepls are never tired af :.iiK.n: abrut

lt and dilating on its advantages. They delight, loo.in reminiscences of what they u-.ed to do .n tl.e old

l»>s wlier. there was no possible war if ceiling auay

from Lang Island without taking a larry -....it. Tale-

.f expi'iienccj on the river when the ice .--as thick

ire plentiful. Ons of tte stories whleh 1 IfswatterI- that tobi of the managing editor of a New .Otkpaper who had a very bard time in going to hr- .Meejue evening. After he got there :t ls sahl that he

-al down and wrote an editorial paragraph to this

.fleet: -Now ls the time for tte stockholder .* of the

BnoltJyn Bridge to put their stock on the market.''fortunately, some noe better 'nformed .saw th" p.-oofami advised the sapient editor that the Brldi*e was a

public enterprise, one-third New York's and

thirds Brooklyn's, and that nf course th-re was no

stock to be put on tte mai kel and so (he paragraphwas quietly ** killed.¦

Speaking of the Bridge and the ferries recalls a

ronversatlon which I beard tbe other dav A new

resident in what ls still railed the City of Channa*,although Hs claim to that title I- n« longer good,whatever lt mav have been once, had been Slowlyexamining a package of Bridge HefeBtS SIMS as every

habitu. goer lo Brooklyn constantly keeps In his

pocket, and had made what te eon.-idercd an Import¬

ant discovery. On (he face of the ticket, beneath

the (Ino engraving of the Bridge and the river, and

tte -ignature of " C. C. Martin. Chief Engineerm.d BnpotIntendant,** he had found the words "not

good if detached."'.'That'- vary odd." he remarked to a friend. "I

have always been In the habit ol tearing ot! a tie]fhn.wing lt Into the box. and I have seen bandndl

of other people doing it too. Nothing ha- ever t.¦

said to me about lt. Vet here lt savs 'Not good if

dctac!i"d.'"'.. Why. don't you know what that mean-:~ said the

friend...N... I dont, a-,d what's more. I believe then sn

lots of people who don't. Tell nc what lt iO

**To d.. that." wai Bm answer, *¦ I -hall baie te i

back a doses yeai-.s or m-oi**. In the old ila * - ttei nioti Kcny Company osed m nil nveateen -.

for a quarter. That wa- a cent and a half

while tte single fare was tin rants, except:, '.dock aii'l halfpa-t 7 mon.lue a::d even

lng, when lie* fa:.- WM only one cent. Ritravellers n-.si to earry tickets, whercbj they savedhali a eent dorins a.. tl bo irs eaecpt those named;but during Hms.- hour- they saved bf.I s cent bj sol

using a ttctet Weil, atong In *"."¦ or '7v. I think, ¦

lot of street sassies began to buy packages of tickets.ir the raj.- of a <cnt a-, i i half each rnid retail them,out-.'de the ferry bousi ' course, al I oi d ipleceto transient travellers or people who dldnl ha;baie ticket-. The I, .. :.<¦ C'-tits on every

package, ami the company soon le.an to Ard Its re

colpa* lalllnt; oh*. It wa- given ant tba*, it mu.- losingat tte rale a! several hundred dollar* a week Tba.

lory i alwrii- regarded with sosplch n. Al any rai.-.

they determined to stop thc practice. At tlr«t theytried to get the police to do it for th.-m : bul thhopeless. The Boys mer*- driven away from the :n

ni'iliat'* neighborhood ..{ the terrs houses but thecarried en their tra<i» a few blocks away, aad it wouldlav required Dearly ail the polioe in the cities tol nak up the hnslaeas. A goixl many men. 1wera, in sympathy wfth the bots and bought ticketsfrom them i*eg-.arty Instead of patronising the tom

piny directly. finally the officers (lf tte eompanjhit upon tte dnvi.e of hating the ticketf printed lt.

form and raqalrinc thai they should be d**-i .1 in tte pnosaoe af tine teiiynsster. This rule

was riskily enforced (or a Bise. Of eonne, lt put a

-top effectually te tte boy-' cntTprisi'. The ruler* relaxed now. and one can t/tar efl hi- tlrket befonleaving home If he chooses, bal lt can be put In teieea* an\ _me if neeeosary. Whan the Bridge authoiIttea adopt.-d ths ticket system tjiey profited by th**f. ray company's experience and didn't give th" itreetbo'yi an opportunity to ear. a ten .- t!:<-(r

e\pei,-'. That ls the nason whv 'Not god If tte-tached' ls printid on every ticket. No attempt lsmade to enfott-o such a rub now: the*v> |s bo need telit but, If at any time it stoulri be found that tickets¦orr* ix-itig ulai -ni the street, no detaching >f ticketsWt uid be permitted except under the eye of the man

'.ii charge of the chopping box."


The big form Of P. B. Elkins sppearcd among th"

polittClMM uptown yesterday. Ile ha- beesBruk. Md.. s;nee tlM I'hlcago Convantll :.. SftSmg a vUlt io Osaanl BsrriSOS at Indianapoll-Tmete was a Mg washout on tho \le-t Virginia central

road two or three day- airo. which re pille 1 hil a't-Mi

lion and prevented him from Boating on bets- tn the or¬

ganization of the National CoSUnittee. Ile Intends

te mata sobm speaeteo in this campaign, the Int ..(

which will te delivcre.l in Wail Virginia, where |,e hashad his legal residence for three lear*. His 1

latensts tem haaotas io fesrfs sad Important m ta

require nearly all his time and enei-y, but he will

devols as much attention ts iho campaign as pi

Mayor Itoche ind Ferdinand IV.';, of hi'ago, ar

rived here on Friday mehi and were anion** the ju,lidelan- uptown yesterday. They are worn ml with

their laban in connection with the Chicago Conran

(lon and ai-e seeking tr-t. Mr. 1 lent of

tte .i--ociatlon whlcti own* tte auditorium where tim

c.iiiientlon was held. Ile |- going to EuronWednesday. Mayos Baste arin join his fanni-, on tteLln.d.. Island coast. The Mayor said that the cnn

ventlon eo-t ChBago rltlsens about ifCll.noO. Theylalsed 800.000 at the outset and wnulU 1. ,-

difllriilty In getting the balance when it wa< determined

Ex-Congressman "Tom*1 Keogh, of North Carolina,

who was at one lime a prominent figure In "southernand National politics, waa in New-York yesterday on

business. IB*- ls engaged In developing coal and Iron

mttw.*« In ld- slate, on well as railroads, sad mai te SM

uf the milli.neille, ol iii" Ba* soiiri, |( h_ planspSSSpsr. He ls an ardent Bepublican. -It is prispta that holds a man.*' he -aid. " under tlie condition-

that exWt wl(h un. If there waa not a greal principleInvolved. I should tesl like leaving li. We ai-e not

hope!- ,s that Bcpubli. an nile may still prevail In ttecountry, which will enable the Republicans of the

Isath to hoi I up Ita. heads at Ica-t "

ROI A (ASK Of WHITE HOUSE EXTKAVA''ANCE1mm Tbe l*hilad"lphla I/t-dger

( leveland han bought a new pitcher lor tfC.OOO,apparently a pretty stiff price (or a single one. Shu(.ii v-Und ls lo O'lilo aad the pitcher U O'Urten,



-Mifial ST.XT TO THK HOW Af. IT. EB? I.\"TENTion ( vrr i Mi!.;*, ii: *f_BDKBIC-*1PA!BBB BIACT afkaik.s wm. h will


vitu _MCopyright IHSS ( fly TO, NV. *". rk dSMS.SSd Preen.

Herlln, July 14.Emperor William- departure fromKiel prssSBtSd a speetarle -.plet'dld levotid ntiythln-.'ever Wore WttBSSaSd on the i.rrinan -'»-¦ Tland harbor .ere nlfasly deeoiaicl. The route fronitte -.tallon to the harbor wan lined with ma*-ts puntedwith oak leaves and adorned with weapons and banncr-. The .-ban and Ilolalaln color- were

eonspieiioiis. Triumphal airlie, and Sara! derorallormIn which naval desi pi's predominated, entlreljformed the aspect nf (he old town. Ihe Emperordross -lowly toward the harbor, glvMg, a- he went,special preeiitic- to the gdlUs and corporation* whichlined i' The yacht BeteaasBsrs wa- mooreda' DtcyenbWOh, at tte OOteC end of thc harbor. A

man-of-war's boat ronveved the Emperor to the yachtat io:.lo. in- Majesty was isteUed by Prince

II"iny. Vice Admiral Liane, chief of the Hallie Sta¬

tion, and Admiral Mont-.The squadron, composed of Ironclad*! and frigates,

with part of the torpedo flotilla, sailed paImperial yacht la splendidI order and With psrtsetpnatshm, the manoeuvres commanding great adnrlia-lion. Shortly after ll o'clock the imperial yacht put out

to -e.,. e-i-i rt ci 11 v Ihe torpedo letfllaaad 'he iron lsd*A number of private steamers accompanied tte Bernifnr several mll.s. Os t'10 |g|*_| <),,. dar'sDeijSVa, will receive the Emperor William OS

at (ronstadt. Thc Emperor will remain hisat petersburg, and return by sea !.. KM.in Beptemhw he win v_ll rilssialiaislmi meetingthe King of the lirlf-lans at strasburc At the end

nf September te wl'.l po to Vienna, and will revis 11 tte .lag of Italy In Oct,der.Till. EBFBB0B SEN08 LETTERS TO HI** BOTHER.

oaunnn ¦ Bmoeror winiam la Iiimother wet-" transmitted fmrn Spanduu last evening.and bom Kiel to-day. 'rbi- (act, .rangs laUtihi Itaelf, ha- S sl.iltirance In the face Of Ihe pt r-l-tent

forel (.-ii scandals regarding the alleged nnhappy rela¬tions existing betweao Hi- Majesty ami the iM.wa.:.-rKn,pr -- Victoria. If the message-i only referred to;t.¦* iu iffresa nf the son's first expedition a* Krthey . 'I showed thal the differences' between him

have not approached a

"OISiTTI'rs .IVER TIIK. UTE EM I'll*.' ll- PATte Empress Dowager Victoria frequently sees Di

Priedterg, Omul Btolberg snd otter Inttatata friendslats -i pe ot l'red-rich. D.puti

continne lo exM between terse. and tte _mperm in

regard to tte lllapneal ol i.mp.-roi frederick'sornate tt which the Empress Dowager ms

personal, apalmf the contention of the Emperor thatthey arc -tv property and ought lo be deposited In

the Btate archives The cont dress believes tmplicitiv that thc difference can be arranged In thenear future by the Bm)ibe documents reiatim* to tie* regency a'.d the Km

perot Frederick's memoranda on hi- own plan foi sdministering 'ti" reirm. tho bulb "f bis rorreapto be left with the Bat* -"¦¦ Victoria.

Is THE DOCTOBS- QEARREL UK ALL V 0V-B1Hr. Baekenstet report, accompanied bv iho-- nf

Dr. Kraass, Dr. I.ryden and Dr. Bevan t- expected-....;.. Dr. Baekensle ls in no way hindered from glvlng a strictly medirai statement arith hi- reportquarrel ends with th" statement that Hr. Hil (UM niland his associates will not reply to Dr. Back"*.SM.TBB ii tBC-LLOB'S vacation" ncT A i-.r.n V OKI

rrince Btemnrek*s period of repeal at FriedriehsruhePTO.ises to be brief. Knr about a fortnight he will

enjoy solitude. Throughout the department lt I*

'nod that affairs are too exigent to pei mil ol a

prolonged leave while the Bmw ¦ '»IIoarc working toward new poll-i.-al comb'while tte otii. ui world must knaa PrinceBismarck*! Interview with Signor cn-pi. the

I be the flt-t slgS of lil- le-umptiou nfactive labor.

lt i- now litiely that inttterut nf a CO.terence ConniRalnoky, Signor "ri-j-t and the German Chancellor willmeet al < arista l. mini Herbert Hbman k*mi the Interview at Petersburg -vs. 11 than ba in thehands of tho hancellor, who "ill meet neither CountKalnoky noi pl nntll he knows wbaican be obtained from the sar. Signor i r-i-;.i. .

In pressing need of '.rmany's suppuri li the'nan, wai make i delay :n seeing Count


Boaslgaor Oallmtortl, Papal Buneki si Vienna, basi tte proadss ".' tte Aastriaa (jovernment io

-r.stain th»j '. ..-:'¦ [talina Government'sred violation of the law. andei

Vatican has hitherto hean held es

torlal to the municipal government ofwrit.- ns if signor CrSpl had

received rarte l lanebe to do ur.* bel let io.....' n be e tl st Pi I.

t the Vshu of gu ai ¦ ;hl to I..- nnassalquestion. Involving, a- i. does, the tlof the rope from Homo, ls an argent om foi -


IO Tin: kamoes DUE.Paris, July 11. Presldenl led n trrmd

review nf troop-; a! Longchamps to da-,. , Ile trai

irreeted wiih eries of "Vive Carnot,'1 fol! ned bj-vive Kioi-uer ami "Vive la BepubHque." Whenthe review ci..-ci then wn- a bo.y demonstration Inwhleh friends and opponents of General Bot.an*me tonk sides.

\t a banqnei which followed. President Carnotthanked those present In Um name of the Government,for thu- emphasising the principle ai Nationaltii.it.. "Yesterds i iw tte irlor::.of s p-eat elttzen. who. In hl-.;. tte defence sf tte -..il ami the Nathonor. Today, with patristic emotion, ire ha-

my strong atM disciplined, trlth trusting sndI ic.-i.i-r-*. Imbned with a sense >.f Its I

nu, which should in-trite eonddaoee ..:.':

tacurity In the Country aid assure peace from abroad."Von will press rs ;i laeolleeBon >.f .i nei.

- republicanelty. You srlll tell your mllea townsmen that hei-emu found l..-a"'- bealing n uni atti nn i,men reuotved i. defend Ibe limon coan.7 and nut lo ! tl themselves be seduced sjfallacious. BOisy ei t.-ip:

r.v trmi HIS HAT.From The Buffalo Express.

.f tte rmrideats sf Bryant-st were sainseilrigly a tow evanlags ac. bv the t...

drunken man had With his hat. H *

loo-e -tune in tte walk and f»-ll. laadtBi on t.rami his Lai wi- lammed was down «.\ei hi* ce

ile .at nu and tried to RBI it .1 I. * head, bul.attempt knocked lt on still further. Ba then triedto set un with it on. an '. ¦

¦.- tell scnin am; tussina inalli at bis dilapidated dicer. .\Ttci leveral*' work be eui tte hat off, and alter ¦

at it for a moment with a b'.ik nf di-dain. be ar..- *.

deposited i: upon the ground and pul hr* .v., .¦

inion it. Attar M-caUlim all shape oul ..f ii !...and ejaciil*t">l " Lat

hat. you can't fool me nu more.* Hion a short dis-anr.;. leaving hit bat behli

the ital "I turee l si *t p on st]hat if J want to." said he- to the oflicer as te in.irrhedaway.


.1 BUBDAYMCBOOL PIC.MC incident.From The Buffalo Courier.

has been tte bI ll U' 'arne .,

a tttutlon in the countrv. i.-nie for iirieh ntnu-e

mani without it retching the truth a part leman na- telling the Kroundel ¦> enili

,.i" Some .!.beans finnie.i nari .,! Un tmong ii..

vere twa bottles ol vin¦reil a little at SUI li :k in..:

in vinegar, but proceeded ',. sprinkle tome from one

bottle on bH beans, ii- Ii ok s rnlooked at tbe bes

the ol er chew, t

rolled I:- eyes wildli around the **..!- ducked bisbead under tl ¦-.' and bro |in view arith . mach relieved asnrassloa on his bas-What we... ir0u loo.na the taMe " n*i,..i

minister. "My handkerchief." refill.*.! themendaclouM ronna man. Then he ;a- k«--i invoice I- tun. ine-ktai In ii..' bis botflr?" "Oh.n... tba''** lead tea." said one. uh """ -aid the yosagman.


RI REI. SYMPATHIZERS ABUSIBB F.LAISF.Fiom The Cincinnati Commercial Gssetla

Ihe tune of the Blt.lh PISSS toUShlBg Mr. Lint'Mand the epnblicaii pai .t the principles oltne Bepublican*!, I- precise'] that of Hio t'opp.and dude sheets of the United States.

Each >i:rfy fabrication that find* itu way into Demoeratic circulation tera ls kure to te found Iii tte Itnii-h

journals, backed by a p..moon- pnsumpUon tr

-.babbi llaaue of .'als.'!,ii.xl I- an UIN)ue*Uonabk RX kel truth, tried with the hammer ami (..iiml ulthuut a

rtaw. .

\. ¦ Ind spread out in tte editorials of Tbe LondonTatograph" the meaneal Inalnuatfcini against MiBlaine, pet.md by th.- malicious writ.!-; at Chitin- br-e-d of dud.- ... Ives as

i elected sycophant! ..I i loveland, and who baiemaiie personal detraction of iilaiir-Tli.- same pnurr ol perversity it dliplay* int,.|t Br. Bmlne'i deed f magaaalmlty in refusing *

nomination ths onfesslon nf euilt and d> feat as a IIle man. u displayed throuahoul the war In nrftini;up tl.." Confederacj am! it- heroes and Meering downIbe fries l- of lbs Ballon. lt wa- ju the Mtierenemy of Anu-rican nationality thea that it i

American folley ol tte protection of our Ind*now"The Telegraph" nscoitnirer. in th" pollay of Clova.

land and bl- dowd tho Con federate and C.ont.j Ideaof iubordlnattnn to the mother country.that we ahouldhew her wood and draw her water for her In the way

of pro*. .1 j ia-, mn'' ral*, and make the Atlantic an-nnel fur iiilil-h nea trad-r**.


I ll e E il i n I- Of Ihe i r li u I >

In lour Journal of .lune _:i I tlnd from the

"Amerb-an Pub-Ik Health Association." the followingword-:

li dreaalag a mutton the woolly coat stenM not bei '.. touch the Beeb. Then- is .pille a f.cr

.. pt il.- difference in the flavor of mutton tak'*n froma fattened anther walsh has ben fm mai tkae d'

Of n'l ..\."*- In hftS woolly rn.-lt. atlfl nf Chattaken from « -hep whleh ha- i.eaw leesa

Ii ls such lll-con-id'-red language and oteerveMSMas thfs which brlii** "Bllenee-' inti, eonfllet with

Bomana sense, and consequent di-repute with the

p ISSII have been fed on mutton for s lifetime, butchered

at home, and for a half century have (riven throughtte prom tte lias saasss si the ''wool taste" in

mutton, bal in vain. Error holds Its way all the

Mata Oat cause af ttds want of wMs knowledgeof truth In SfplimBaial Journals ls the poor practiceof not copying tte beal tteaght from other Journalsfor fear fit advertising a rival. One nf the best

agricultural Journals In these States |- now ** Thern i'lrititer." of Itirhmnnd, Virginia. whose

article- ai-e ..ff--n eclectic, and therefore giving the b'-st

thongbl of tte whole I'cpublic.Of ill methods of improving the soil and destroying

we.-,]., .hep are ti,.- ti.-i. Of all domestic meatsmutton -ls the most. wb..b*-ome, being a spclti.for maia- di-.-a-e*. It ls the most con¬

venient tn the farmer a- butchering meat.

history of mankind lt ha- played 'he nio-t

Important part In bl- nce-m-* giving wool, hide*;

milk and butter. If all of the Industries of these

States were pm io tte h il of survival or destraetlon,IM ttM.P would remain as tte lir**' lietel In Stell.a-(lon.

The " wimiI taate" the.) comes not ot the touch ofthe wind or the length sf tl.e wool on the sheep, butof tte infti-ion of the excretions af tte intea.aea into

tte eire*.atloo, which taints tte leah with ttesive wool taate." The lining strata of tte mtosrinesprovest tte offensive entrance sf tte ezereta Intotte capillary tubes of the absorbing surfaces. But

il powers cease l selty "f ri.(stance ces ii' unpurtfled excrel.i ru-.* In-fuaed mt.) the venous circulation.

In consequence ni thees teeta, it*K be-t t.. -tarve

¦'ii f'-r twentj four hears before Ullllng, giv¬ing water, however, ptentifully. This empties tte''..lunch snd b..we|. ol tte sheep and dlminisbes ttetendenej ol Infusion. Thc -heep, all

ready, tts ld havi the throat cut ail mund to thethus bleeding lt fr-civ. As mon a- th.- *.-i ii.

butty of the victim ls lost, ll should be skinned partlyon the hind quarters to nve time, then hutu* up arid

II __ng rapidly completed and tte whola entrailsat ..i.e.- taken out. The Bosh to then parietal]

peri eptlble. A- the wool growsand I- pus

.>- the our.., barb e, no circulation returnsfrom tli" ends ol tte wool, and how then rsa Uslength hit.-et Ttl*. mutton 1 Hut as the ~unl ha-, beenami continua before and after birth,¦Cat absurd! v i- it m eui the wool ..ff a -hurt timebefore .liing! If tbe sheep ls butchered rightlyyou mar iafe!y wran the caira-- in the wool and lay

Li useddi tte bunters of my circle In eai ly life

we Wi ton -.1 io latte ont ihe Intentlnes of the-..inn el- and hares a.- -non aa* shot, before*cooling.

kl once art ven differentne of ti,, ihops of the

reach a "high Savor," the flavor which delights thedog (rom h.- half-decayed buried mea. De cns-ibu-non dtspuiandem est. Bo tte Ponttc monarchs fed

I lived lave u* (rom the Doctors, thelus-iiaci.k'uaf and Ihe flogs I \.-I - M. ri.AV.

V it- ll .il. Ky., July t. i---

PLOWEBfl FOB THK. TEXEMF.VT rn. irTo i h e Editor af The Tribune.

Hr; Untidied- of little hearts In the crowdedtenements have been ilsldlillld flinn gfa loving giftsof (iou. d iring tte Me.-ii, hy s glimpse of ihe sum¬

mer Bel their syes mav never sea In re-

-poii-e tn the appeal for rt.iw.M-*, sn manv e.me thrai

the birre room ->.' ,1'iart for their n*. eptlon at No

rion Bulberry «t. by ( barlee a. O'Bonrto wa- bantysufficient for them. Snnday-schoohi. public schoolclasses In conntr] towns ..f thies .¦'ate- to-iped t..

bind bouquets tor the poor, I.adi-- sent them from thebu Im IS men carried them m. A

ii-t of ihe givers would ;;n half a **,i-mm.

Thai the will to help ls then wa.- shown, and now

.-.I opportunities, new channels of distributionare wanted. That the-e may te prov!.led promptly.

II I all aseneles nrgSnlSQd for help that reach their-.* invited lo communicate al once

wi'h the ..iii.-e. neighborhood guilds and young met '-

districts e- -j.*'- iially. Dr.

rltj missionaries are lending a *¦ .-

'ii reaching the sick with these tl..wei*, supple-.- excellent work of the Flower and Fruit

ll. Tin* summer tenement dvho begin wort In earnest this nek. will report

n. Volunteers a bo s 111help wers to these strichen b..n-es are

wanted. A n cnn -p-nc a hoi-.* and llshI

to speed thia wort of delivery for sn hom nr

two In the s lp grs Hy i'i t...- work.

Too ir. ii". Bowen cannot be sent. Tbe demand i-

ead of the supply. They should be sent when

.Ie. In old boxes or baskets thai need aol beretun' Flowers for- the tenements.

Police Headquarters.*- Rall-ai: help j

marted free. Children who -pendtheir vecatli ,:" a great work In

i.eli.inc to gather the flowers, 'i'he business men who¦¦ srrylng them

t., the ¦* md erring for themselves theJoy m.ev give. JACOB a. BUB.


wrii) PIB8T CALLED THBB " PHI 11 -TIN* ES-In I'. e gd l tar nf The Tribmme.

<iv. \ cenc.pop.dent asks this gueetlou in ymirl-siie. I.ktttew Arnold, thijiicti probably the flr-t

ti ;¦ who need tte term. dM not Invent lt,bul bund ll ls Ihe (..ei-nian literature, where lt ha¬

in u-e for nmre than a cenrurv. having been

adopted from what mav be called the madents* -lan.-,

li- orisls i- credited to the student- of tte ancient

t'nlverslty ..f Relmstadt, aft.-m-ard removed to'..e-r!i i." n the ln-tltui|nn when* many nf eur eminent

em Bancroft, Motley, tal¬lou student snd lifelong Intimate friend of Hismarrk-recetved i nm toconsldrrnble jiart. af their education.

Tha students ol Petaiatadf not lem tt.an those ofother uermaa anlvandtlaa, ail ..f which were, until

laal centur-v. located In small towns.

with .i '¦'.¦¦! lersble degree of dlsdala upon the

-mall burghers and tradesmen ol these towal who, lathose du-, amie intellectually far more

widely -eparated fmm the scholarly Biasses than is

¦mw a om tte -av roath! disliked alltte nu .- they maaag sta debt eriththeil less cultured nelghbon . icntly looked

Upon rm a- their namral enemies.This splril mav baie been particularly prevalent

U Belmatadt, ami undoubtedly led to a good many

brawls in the streets of iha: li"!'- i..wti. sueh ss oecui

even dov occasionally in some Aswriosfl collegeinWIl*.

Bow it happened that over tte portal nf ihe uni

ai Belmstndt stead ¦ group sculptured lsrentes! ¦ -1 slaving' tte

wbal relation thi* sculpture had tirr lt becanu

the unii'i-ii.v aud Samson is it treni -aim of the students, and their enemies wert

ni* c..h.ie*. : ¦ *1*4_stadito other unlvervltles In those day*

. ls -\ ."fished li- COU -.- at mw

university the? carried this notion arith ihem. andii.ii- i'i.iI,- ir.. l.t.m. a form of contempt fo:I,,.;-.,, i of ns mal f-fecl ungenerous,,.|.. ed to i 'd. Wealistle view- of Um

nnlar.Boberi Schumann bad boen i itudanl of law.and s

pnml iii tb, and e of Iwa- *nh ulm undoubtedl** onlti

habitual. .?. »..Nev. . .uk. .1.11V 1. 1888,


TTir. SE Of Ul-,Tn <he I il I nr n I 1 he Tr i '. " ..

f-ir: I teer -.. lunch ..,.! b] Democrats about tin

ncce-.ai>- of lile and the latin* os them, that I wai

think, li lue for wnrkllu

geoplt II seems to mt thai good weans ire ¦_iarv thing a working man or womaa cai

have lr.i- flat S .heap coat one., ii

ii ami working for reds ed wagm s whole yssi faum ..id rigmarole Itel .ed la b<

i ll *t<>. Lilli, died to see Mr. I leveland

that nnn-ren-" .n hi- message. llARBI80B..Mattcawan. B. V., July :i. IBU,

? * -

A TAI.I ol' WO.»T o the BBiter ej Tho rr I Ba ne.

Slr: Ttl te ban tata t.B WSSM IS mick the bosonnf poverty, le wnrk from snit] hlldtedd u> an ag<

iff earne-t cure fur tte declining that ls to com.-

..nd, kin)*lng thal my rai nina's have been spent fma iiialni. loin.e nf a little family, paying (teeter*! hill-and billing gnwsysidl f"i Uh- -ame. willi.mt punierin rheabs tte eireum laaaaa sf BE*, ami know m.

Iliai \ihai little surplus I ir.uild ..blain. -a*.-' a lull,used fm a minute's pie a-,'ire, was put loin the I'ati'iil

that i might un *aj Bttls family aaal ttegile-.-r-ied. and. knowing that my Inventions wnn.

im .'...I linn; BM uy a dastardly foigcri In thc l'aieni

O.les, and knowing that I am powerless to hdve Jualice done me. mb nothint hut aarlums. chain and

ban and tte sea**henes staring me in tte fa****, i*5

enough to crush the heart ol tte Stoutest man OS earth.I would thal my lather and mother hail l»-ci: eaten i.y

before thej had born nu to thia world.B'F.I.!.*<'il .". HAliIii'.M.l.i.' if

I'roildence, lt. I.. July 10, 1---.

MAKIN': IOU Of DKATH.To Ihe F'I i ur nf fh» /ri'imi.

Slr: Keadlng your editorial. "¦nSSSJS.I by Elec¬tricity.". and the dreadful posslblliiy of the currenttot preduelag death, taBsd to mind a clause in tte**ill sf tte I.* Slr Kdward lilli** er lt (ton, who haila great fear nf beiag bulled alive. The elm-.e rn-

leland that al his death, and at any time previous lainterment, tbe attending physician should sever tho

i.in,lld anerles. As this coiihl In SS MSaS SO con

sl'lered a mulllall'in of th" body, why -hould eel a

clause to this otfect have a pine* in tte law I i.KX.l'nit t olden. N. J., Juli I. 1 ¦--.

puberal ot bbbebal jbbbe c. smth.The funeral o( (ieneral .Ie--*.' C. Sm'.th. who died of

paralysis at hts home. No. *t:i Willow st.. Itnoklyn.n Vedaeedap, was held yeateedap morning at st.

Ann's hataaasal Bp.eopel Chars., CBateaet., BioeBlyn. A short service fur the family v-a.s held at thc

hou-e, after which the body wa- taken to th.* church,where it lay In state for a BS time and wa*, viewed I.y

many prominent people. The Kev. I>r. BSSTM Al-..p.reeler of r-t. Afrn'-k, ciindueti-.l the si-rv!ee*i, assisted

hy Ute Kev. Dis. (harli*. II. Hall, rector of II) Iv

Trinity. and c. ii. .Mal.om, Dr. Al¬

sop's a--tstant ; and the Kev. MSaSTS.De rn.i-. reetor of I hrist Chnreh, tirev Neck. L L,M.-..Hirey and BTeBwaod. A fi.Il n'ale choir sang a*

a pilSSasllliml hymn "Prom All Tbv Saint* In (.lory.''At Um main entrance the choir and mit.l-ters met the

body, and as lt was carri.si up the al-le the Rev. Mr.ric "rmi- read tte opening Bf tte Wirla!ten fee, The choir teas chanted "Lord. Lei MsEnow My Bad.1 The service and teamas loliowed.¦". "paradise" wa.- sung a- tha rimesatonal The pailbearers were a. ii. i»- K'ltt, Edward* Daw, EdwinGoodwin Dr. william u allai-e. i;. i; Bard, Thomas llMessenger, Charles Demor, B. Kuiton Cutting, «u:sAverill, Joseph Bryan, a. D. Matthews aj.d i.iit-ert s.


IW.VT SC IRE THE LOCOMOTIVE.From Th'* Detroit free Tie.-.

It l-n't -o awn] years .ince the rallto.id wa.s ex¬tended io Aiu County nnd the day on arhieh ttereached the Jubilant li'ti.- city in which I am tarry-Ins was observed a- a boll lay. a barbecue wa-

heM. ami i don't know hoi many oxen roasted, .¦

near to sc ¦ thoMi aciiuaintanoc stood on the platform af tim

-tat,on Just a* the nain was coming In.him -too.i a raw countryman, who had sever itrain of oats before, an.i who wa- watching tte ap¬proaching locomotive wiih open-mouthed and wide-eyed aw.- .md wonder. At tiri* moment ll beean torain, and (be countryman naturally raised his um¬brella,

lilt that down 1" exclaimed my acquaintancewith a cautionary psstare, -you all] frighten ttelocomotive."

The iitnbrjlia came down.-? .

A SO ii le BMVBBBMFrom The Hermit Pres ric..A Wolf one tey Bi una! out a Fox who had been

Particularly Recommended to him for hi- Astutenessand -aid:

- I have passed the Linn on several Occasions andhe does not Deign to Not ice nm."

And yuii wan' Re* '¦ course "*

I du. I want to iiinke bis lb-art r-ad.very Sad."1- H.- is ii.,nc-t lu Business !"'.uh, yes.""" Pays hi* Debts Promptly 1"" Ile line*.-.I...es to Church and keeps clear of scandal*"'Ye-."-

1 ls too Strong for you to Atiaek'"'"gssettv: yon see how i am Mtnated."*" I da There I- but om* Way PX you to get even.

Pit.-b tn and locure his Nomination fur office and thenLia about and Defeat him."

PBOTBCTIOB ASD POLITICS.Press Th- .roy Ce.a ile Wi

\\e reeogaise do n*f retailed f..r politics,and proud"! :1c* eraakeda m bs Slssoidsd sad he. u a

m. \rr no neiiei geed man maynut .dalga In pal .--,.-. \,»

frankly ida.I if UM flection in r.h.« near

t;,.. He"pubUeai_ would easily wm «i*h ¦. Ar present, tie- ..Bay 1- «I I *|i!".'ld over

bs Issac sf fr-*" trade snd pi ectlon. resRepubliean i lavs espouse*! tbs

J,rill, 'j ri.- rill refer"!'. <. ',. UM.urpius as au anaeeeaaarj elemen In tbs dlaeiualen, ana

1 ... .1 ir.i 'll til-i'.. .. ir it apread b oed a-' ck* Du't* nt

Den ive im-Jreat nt Dei They lava

eat teat si.iniT irerins cbesp la'ior. tourer wages nnt all Um squsieruni wretchedness ..f tba Baropean laborer, lt. u an

i*ii-uif laaua t.< mi-., by a] ia ssijiteneiM bear evil fruit. During the interval between sow

mt .I.-, n.ii. .:.¦¦- d ocrai il .-- ¦¦!¦¦. i." Sleabaaedni thia ic-...ii, tbs lllin- will I." n bread-and-buttei esovaas, anet th' pir-v

i. . lal


ii i.r tha Lu.' taral .' .- :.. tte* aelfthbemi- been having a lt lately.

Dorinstheoi ni" Pioneer, earned sway avi -.j. ,i.

aenaati ¦ ¦ i* eauaa-d t.v cane nf n\ n

banh an BBaoanesd an .iniitnitedTl" punter* planked down their money 11 a

ts loss tli.- i aidea.ai.I". ."*. -...,., had i.'* won in.-- Knight soupsthan the ino.ii.*- row, coll ..,_--. ,1:1room, whereupon mm >.f th" players called (.ir- a count .ftie- car!-, sa*, intf. I have a aUaplcIOB nf foul pirn.'' unth.- ra- le belag ni" rrouplei Ksveredthat, there were twenty the n-ro aumher inthe pn. w. Th" banker \- placed thom gs

¦. arrange 1 tx torch ia i, os ir," top of tlbaa led to I \ emberswho ha-"i inst, (intnnnitnfl -:..it tbs dub sii..u;.t aisha goad

'h.rr lab rules, this had ta bslana, There ls likely t>. be fur-lie- trouble ..vcr the natter,i.nt, without, distinct, proof ...' eh sting, 1 fail :.. ma »ha'...an be 'J..nc



It ls arc:.": od in Democratic etretea tha-rh.- 4sta| in ih" pe (ter ol

u ¦.¦ l- in ih" tnteteau i,f the -,.i ¦¦. lil vet ha-ri Milt

Batted t<> the aaamd\ md -.f.. rai sf ahrewdoesaand coherence i\ na- .¦ rant aad maai havei- a latter nial Will shun ... ni.-s-

Mg* is a stn.iiif [.lei for the proteeUoo of SmerlMi la¬ni ni i* mi a -..un

fnr-pr.i'.'.-'i'.n plaifcrm. The letter of th" PiesldSBI 1- Umonly m. an- ot tatami lett fr...ri the Menders st the i-

bas aoasesja and the lt, L..i. - platform, .mri n aaaa-.... ..ireful..- Tha party hat got to Mamas Itsold ita.-.. .. un til" fen andi reUnd letterls a work of art that must, lie,.f st a te-mun-I, ip before li ls launched over the ni.vss. Theorecon election h.i- inmmoned Um enure party te theanxious "'11. .mi rm paulteat «.n aver mote sainsm in hisInquiry: " What, shall I d...


r.OVF.RMMEVT I*-*'1ICATtOVS FOR 90 Hflt'ltl.Washi*»<ito*». july lt.-Fur NewEn.'iaod, KaSSSri Now-

vork, Kastern Paaaaylvaala, Kaw-Jaraay Dalawere andMarylamt, stationary temperature, followed at nlKht bywarinar. fair, yamble windaFor District of Colombia Virginia and North Carolina.

tbrbtlr warmer nnd fair, yarrabie w'.a.ls.For South CasaUaa Oaargla, Florida. Alabama. Misti*.

sipDt, feslsllSS. Kastera T.-taa aud Arkansas, cooler andfair (cenerial aoiitherly win :a.For Tseassaes aid Kentuckr. warmer and f.nr.For \Vpat Vir-t'.n-.a. Weatern I'.-nnsylvanla, Western Kaw-

v«.rk and ohio, warmer sad tattFor Indiana, minora. Mich,nan and Wisconsin, warmer

and farr.For Minneaor.i and 'Soathwestern Dakota, cooler and fair,

fallowed by Ima! rains.For Iowa, Nebraska, Minourl and Kansas, warmer and

(a.r. followed by locuFor Colorado, cooler and fair.


:'. [moUlva aior..Lr'". Mai.l. 1 inches

""'I *." "* 4,*-7- "]" ".*' * * * " *^ * "*...¦-ll :'<».'»

.':^-_tj-^:'., .-j^L'i_. 4_i"j___:._z._____E ; sr. - -:A -¦

TRturxK nrnrr.. July IS, 1 a. m..Fair, cool and dryweather prerailed ye-a-j-riMy The temporalura nngeA be¬

tween Ul and S3 ', ihe areraa;" (Tl") bein/ tH' hixher thanon Friday.

la "ind near this city ic day .ere will probably befair. Warmer weather.

( EBTRAL PAUK -ETBOBOLOGIC-X UPOBT.I'rolisaor Draper, ot tli* Central I'ark obaervatory. mates

thi* folioiilin- reporl lur the wash aadSSl at noon yeiteMayBarometer. lucho*. T,i'nit<nt\rttr. Dvirr-e.

Muan. .'UT.-' Mrau.-. "Jtrl.tlUn rn. Jiilvl. l'.'p ru. 2'A :'o- Mai'm. July ll. ft p m.. 65.11M;n tn. July I".*, 0 a. in. W.S0U Miiiinium, July 13, 5a.m. 54.0

IU.i-e.,',i)8 lunge.. . 31.0Dla.nea trareUed by th* wind. Viii mil.. Hainf.L.

.SI h.. ii.

THE BOMABCM OP A LOCVht HEDt.E.tram Tue Atlanta Constitution.

aImhii forty years ifs .SN WSS a ynuna la.lv Ini.iiin.in Coanty wea t.^i '**.>. sweethearts, ami. ti .t

ilile tu ileeiie l, ,,llti -ia \iii.i iiH-u-t huehes in the >a>-.t eaialas aiea. h nf her l.>*.e~. ami betterl.g ta ths nhl -latteK hs levee BM 'hat bush mil gro**""; ami -a.'

lng tn her (aitli. sn lt lia')[i«>ti.«,i mit., hr." Ona afUm hushes rery soon withered, bul the other lear|a_Ml; ami. In Ihe ninia,' .,( time, Sha iiiitiii*! tie*-tiileiiiau (*.r uhnm the - n, ¦» 111,- bsah Mas nam. il.They ral-e.l a larif.- family, ulm am trail hnowntliruugbnut sevt-ral enmities and the locust bushalso grew and inultipii.-.j. Time has laid barr thesoot upon which .,** old dwelilng stood, and nothing

¦..malms- fo mark the -|te nf tl - hume huithe ine.i-t bnshm af whleh lhere a a tmenteue h.-i .

r... h.ii .1,e.i yerila in taft.*. This may team..* a fairy tale, b ll lt I- trna The,

laily I- a Methi*.al mlnliter's ilauehter and tb** a***--ileinan a Baptist minister's h.n


AFTER A "HEALTH TBBPmVPmmX*Pr. II H. OSs, et 'he " sm maier <-<>rp«." "¦'bo waa

Inspecting tenement Iintf-a-* in hN ftMrlct yesterday,..¦nt the M

' rls at BmttUtarv Il< lul'iuait-'i-:

'. I«*ar sirr I learned to-day that a mn ealllng him*,

-elf Dr il.-ll-r and rlalmltig to lie an In-

siH-etnr of the l;oa*d of Health, v! \i-n the terian**«

nf So. -.*.-" Ka-t Nli.tv therm -\. M .Inly 3, orA.aft.-r es-amlnlni*. them and tftaeswerAii* a SSS.hSf of.illftier.ts. guaranteed t.. cure them on the paymre**] of*e io in Mvaasa Bi st.lasi a.partial paimemof SI *>o fruin earii of two women and pmmlnert to

return In a week for the asleaae He falleal to r-v

tara, of i*<..irv*, and th'* penj'!- ate BOW '.erv muchpre] ml!, .il ac.n-f anv oi lalming ennnra-tli-n **1»hthe Bears i.' ii. all

Thc panta baie haas asked ta * sith fur t:,e man.

A B_VMOMI PRBXIUM PM VOTF.*-.Every veter and eva«rv person vaiio wishes to know four

BlODtl;* liefor,* election t»!ui i« ta be our next I'resi.lrnlcan have, this ttiforBiutlon anS I M " Dishaway " ittam I'en br seniiini: SStet.S Caw's Iel and I*, ra <*..lat BreeAwey. ttaw-Tork. ter full peruealers rr<*rd-tii.- this geiitrous offer seo "Tithesa" of July .'.'.fapage- _ _

AT TnF. FASHIONABLE SI"MMER RESORT*near! Abele's Ruby Royal .-.-«.<" is the favorite cham¬pagne this seana:..


A torpid/ liver moans a toroid brain bath are bronana

into healthy anion by Takvast* SBSSSBB ArattiiNi.*»

Demil of a I'i .minei.t I 'Ulxa.Iat a snmuirr te ..rt laal week frew e'o-ri tnorbns wise %

great ss.-ek to anltr. A timely nee ol sham by *

&SADY-KADI 'i -A on .I have saraji bia lit-.His last honrs wete n.a a '.le by mosnnltoa-a. Bia at.tendant h-ivine (ailed lose, ri Hi i.ronapiitu.jUPastilu:- tor r.e.r destruction before Varian: the eily.

ll-.- i*. si Ilir-h.t lass- ( iaareties.

Kitaey Bree.' *"pecui Favo irt.

DIED.ADAMS.Al start.Seaes at Saaraiala Ju'r nm th* trnaleer Of hu aaa "."¦'ll.iain Adams, son of Hie lat* WilliamA lama,

Funeral sOTTiees fross his home at Sitarslats on ToeadsvJ ny IT. on arrival of irain on Harlem lt H., leanagGrant Cen-nl D);i<l. at S-M :>. m.

BOYLBTOX.frldar, Iniy IK ttmU W. "Moriston, tn tha77iti y«-ar of h

Funi-raleervic.-B wiil tie held at hrs lute rssileuce, 19t Lei.lagtao it in li r.diy, July iii. alt o'clock.

Please amit BOWI ra.

Ut/TI. Kl: 'in Thora'ay. "fal? lt, UU* SSSMsSM otherii..-.-. Mrs. A. '.'- "'I*. S w-Brighton. - I.. ''.-..'.u AaaButler, yaaagesi aaagatar af th. . Batist sithis e.l'..

Fnnera. at Trinity i.'Uurcti. New Vork, --linday. Joly IS. atti An o'clock p. ss.

DtVWIDDIE.Oa Thnr«dav. Jmr 1". athis residee** tatins SUV, Robert DinW -'. Ire. rn IBS 77r.h year of hisaee.

Funeral a.-rvi. r-a trim 117 Weet Li Mt., on Monday. Jury Ifl,at lo o'clock a tn.

OkHNKY Mn lilnr--l.-»-. Ja!v 12. CaDt.a Joseph Ii. Ced.nee. tn the 77th re ir hts

Relatives an.', trieu ia ire invite I to stt.-nd t!ie funeral fe-*-ahts tata res.,leno.-. Mjnilt'.tie. k, NV., on Moaday. l.SlAlest, al 9 sn o'elocs.

Tram UaTi s 'Jtand r.ntral r*epot at 102.Wiiminutoo. n. c.. paean steam saggKIOOIMB.Eaters! mm rest ea watara-ar morumr. Julr

IS, Mary i- Biggtaa, wnlaw st the late i.eorze ii.aunt,in the T'it'.i vear ot her age.

Relatives an t friends sr.- Invited to attead the fneeral see.

vieeeastas reeldeooe other aoo-in-lav, Mr. iraak Little-.Hoi-. 3h Weat I27tfc-*t., Mundar .Taarir. nt 7.W.

Int-riueat at tke convenience ol the (amily.Ki I.!-:aN.At PraahaM. K J. rtiur«lai morning. Joly 17,Margaretta II.ill. w.feof Am/i U Kl I.ein.

Funeral on Monda.-. J nv IS. at ** .io p. m.. at her resttenco.

BEKVRS.At Ph.en;* - Pa - U r!av, JiiiT 14, An.usUJturnu Morer, tieleved w.fent Ellis II l'.eov»s, and daugl*.t.r sf Albert Ster-jr. »f (few-Tars I itv.

Interni.-nt ar, dreaaw mCarrUi-es (rom fool o' Liberty-st., l.o ':ck noon, Tnesdty..luir 17

Relativeeand friends «re invited.BOBS On Friday afternoon, Jn'y 13. 'ieorge ll. Ross, iahis s.t| year.

Funeral serviees will behe',,1 at his late residence. Ill Ea.itVie st.. on Monday, at »

Boas.Oa July i:». 1S8S» atTremont, Kaw-TaeB city, sataOaaly. Mn. aarah B ia year ot har aaa.

Funeral on Mondav. July IS, a' Se'etoC. (r.>-i F:rsi Pr«shy--iter. ni Church, Waa at. Morns.ama. B f.

Train leaves, via llariein R. g., Orar.d Central Station, alat 1 -30 p. m.

SMITH Mr. fssae ... Smth. athis late residenes, tn W<sst-»erlr. 1*. I.. Juiy 13, l»*is. ugaO ol yaars.

Cpccial iVoticcs.A paiapari to mool society isa t-ox of SVOSTS noohons'

"Aiwava inrr-nr Ilonboris. li.x'.'lalej ami fholce ."aa.Ilea .,ualny u leqaallei!. >i res F-ilton-st.. C. ¦*. Hotel

..j-. And Parg Kow, t r.oors from ti.e llrid*{a. KsSShliahe.l 1.1.1D. Try o'ir L ¦-.win Prous

"i Ii*- 11u'..ri Fouutnin Pro.

Warranted H-karrr- lsfsctlon. Alwara

Wrlres f.-eelr atid NI'.VI..". gem out sf orler.TRY ONT., and yea will nevr ns.- any other.

iSetit hy ¦ tor tl oO.

D ms S un.IN".SSS BBO-D- KY S V.

UAj«rj7ACTUl.KO M* \Ti NF.l'. AMD fcTK\"-tPRINTER

Qaslw in asefal 0FFI< spl Cl \r.Tir.s nd i.vbohSAVIN., d-\;. ¦¦¦- lliNivi ...- KEB! Il ANT*-, and ACCOCNTAh.-




I «r the Imprrial llair Ifraeiirrntorter gray ans bleaeheJ hair, Brary eater sal shaae. li lnv.

, - '.List,ns Hit:is .lo not affect it. Doeseat prereat earlies ar erlnptaa ffersals byaM .lrugtjists.fiaasral Dasel sud igalliaasa ueoms, it Weat 'jrisi-et-Now York._____^

a'oat OSrs SenaSkShould bo read daily by .i liiivikiated, as cbau-^»s mar

oeeur ni any Um.:.i- ' ' '.be specially ai.

dre-.-e.l (ol lispstch DJ ar.V pur ular sim-i.' ii...... i 4ni ssasa

merdai . txing-

1 I _! Vk.i. e..,-.J(prora "i ¦- a- ti :;ows;

SUNDAY.At I p. ni. tor UaaUn. uer steaoist.ii) K H. Wiri,jr., lruiu New-uriMni.

MmN'OaN . Kl '. p. iu. .r Coats luca vis I.inion, tier stearn.

ship Foxhall, fieri, .n. w

TUBeOAT.AS 1 a, ni for Bra/il and the La Piatacauiiirros v.a BSSSll. f..r st. rbossas an.. -

na ai Phomas tar Barbrtdas sui t..r Trlailad .i.II)*>inerara. vu Barbalaa, p»r slea.ship Adi ante, fronsBaagmt News ..;ieis lor -...ri Islandsrana . ¦.¦! "p»r Advaaea' ,t I a ri f..rKurop.-. per steaaislirp Ari.O'.a i kMwn i.-tter-jfor (..rniauy. Austria DantoarK. Bass'aa. siarwag'. Baa*tia and rnrScVBasteadirected "par AlIsaea") at A \> io.i. ii ate-ii.11.a aad t* ier: urtei aer st.un ship Prof. M..rae,

N^w reaii*. a- lu.fr. L.r BlUeflO.S, per »r¦. BSSIS, ir.iin

WLUXKsliAV-At StSS a ai. for Irrland. jssr staasishlei.eriLaQn*. vu - ... tlettera f... i.rea;Brrtais a-i 1 otlier Enropaaa .rr.-a tni.t be.tirnatal " pas Uermaaie*')j ¦' sa ter Bmrotie. ¦ i - 4 .|it«.n and Kr.-naaa

lacs tar Irelaaat inuat tm .;..¦ rr t. . 4ja. ii), lor lt. 1.maa linet, per -esruslup "A'aoslan^,

vi, Antwerp atters i.uat la '.ire. ud -par Blani'' at 1 a. O', tor ttie Bahama W.auds and Havitle-teept i'. rr au I'rruce . x:t. (lattarslor .-ir ia * ;i>:i.-i "ear Airsat 1 |. m. tor at Croix sud St Tkoro is. via."st. Croix, also tl.e Wladwaf.1 Islands ilin-ct, \, eateamsiua llerinuda at '.' ;. rn (or Caespeaha. Uta.aaa,Tahaa.:.) aol Yu.ritaa. pers.ei. ..io nattersfor other Ksilcaa -alas must be rtireciel ** per Harmtoga", il '-' li. id. '.er Tero Itrr... p.-r stsaauhlprata at i p. in. for Ral I .r late.Bala, per steariiah.ii Crr.y ef I-ail..a. fl.eu New-, irleaus.

THtrit-HAY-Al ll a m. (or Cahitua (sand.. Jamaica,Baaaa .i-: Taro sal sst, Hit ¦.., v Moa, poe »r-..,:;),hipAlien a. ... m. t..r ....! main-. Austria, l.enma.k,."¦Wedeu. Isorwar, Kusaia BM 1 urkey. perMaaauhty Wtciaad, via Uaateeri lars (or utter BmreScas " P yin iulli and :. rMsrg, -mist Ledins. ie't - ;.. r Wiela lp rn. for Bsrasrata, MSstoamahlp Triaiaa.1: at 8:"iti p. ta. tot New(o.*nilcor steamer ir.er, Bal .^ ¦¦ - .io p. nu ior si. I* lenaKl%eelaa, fer strumer fi,.: Ha. rn

BBIOAY.Al Ma.. 'ii America and Kout*!1'a.itlc ports, per aieainnrj <'ooi. vu AsplnwaU(letleri f.,i .-uateiuaia n.ris. baSltaSWl " per loiua

SA'l L'KDAY vi i ... m. 'or Fr Mia*. Ita.y. Spain amt I'ortu.pral. per ale kinship La, |iourc<.gne, vis H»vr.) at Ua. m. for liayi p-r steaaiahip Alas. M ll .»> a. ia. foihutu pe. per steamship I inl.r.a. via sinrsnislowQ .mtiers(or Uerma if, Aaauia, iu-lii ats, >w-.,.»n. >-0rwayI'.uas-.a aaa Tarkev must ea Strsetea **aar Lmiiru' i;. sc .«. a> tor Uermanv, a ., ru, Da.aark, sweden.Norway, Kaaala aal . nrk.-y. por aiea.nahip Knlda, vi*Hreruen dellars tor or. , cauutriss -. ,auutiiiiiipton. rn i* i"I; at Ip m. Ior scotiau t direct, per ata.iraship Imvoma. viiUiasgow (letter. .-r Heron »' »ttp. m. for in- .sethel.ands, vu Am.ier-tam. per stearn.a'np 1-..: i.n .."'"rs mu-.; ..- di aotad "poi K.iaai i, at

p.. t.r TraxUlO, par ate-ms'iio 1. I.MU To.Baw-OrtmeS; at 3 ;: ra. tor Pio-reao, per aleainaiiiabi callas.


Malls for rhni and Japan, per «teini»h:p Ctr of New YnrltItraw ...ese'.ere lu \ [j .; I niin,,. M.i.a


ter Auslra ...i, Na* /.ami. llawa.i iu, Klji ami PU ruoaaIslsaaS. ger alaau.sri:;. /.ealau.ru iiruui nan Kra.. ua. o),

ar OB arr t ,: ¦ . ,'lork of siea.nalilp Aurania, w.tli UrillsU mais tor Aus¬tralia! .Mails f»r the -society is.au.ts. por sii.p City otl'apeili (rom san Fran.:*... ..rae hara Jalr -J al 7n m. Ma.'a fm Ulina bjr rail te Tampa, l .a.. aid tneacoby 4tearn«r. i Uk Key i\ aei, i'la,, elmo au .te ottt.a¦UllVai ili.ti)»-in.

.Tliesrhelrilaof chislr.vof Trans-Picil.: malls ls at.anna-1anthe pre.u an ,.. BBlaterraated .i-rlan I iraas.l

._._ * * s from tha Bast srttvtas sa tm* atSsa Krin.is, .,oii the day o." sauiug o', sieausai'. a.* SliuaU-atlliouie 'Ue same day

BBTO PB A .HNs, Postmaster.Cost Offl.-e. N'ow-York. J.ny la. .iHS.

Political Xoticce.llend-iuanera tor int IT.-. AL N KT BANNERSl Traosi

pslenir.ea, and I'auipatan .iiiiinoeuta_

m. h LttV) aOOi, ST Waaataes-,Bt,I'i. ... Net lt un rr-


tli VB.-sBY-ST., N. Y.

CeliQions Xotirts.ri Vi-". POINTS HOI >:. OF UfDCart-T, Ul Worts.

.. WU.I.i i-,| V HAHN li:..>. rv; -

of song ik.ry Baa.iy at 3 So o«sa.ck j>,. a.rvlce iaSlnioat »h,.I.y by thc chlldicu ot tho liialHuiiO. Puhllaset.¦ni| msman



ST. IGNATK'S C Uti:, ll. M >VSel mthmU R»»ARTUL'K ltlTi'lUK. lb '¦- Sunday, T 7 (J 10 "4and ll a. m. 4 :30 p. m. daily, 7 a. ia, iluiy daia. >_fri-iys. Ut a. m., axUs. beau tru*

» .msmmmjj