4. ic engine mech gate ies notes (4)


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Page 1: 4. Ic Engine Mech Gate Ies Notes (4)

MECHANICAL : gate IES & psu 4. Ic engine

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Page 2: 4. Ic Engine Mech Gate Ies Notes (4)


o- Jl, Ervorrug

Saeks -Hc-itteillhw

- L'c Wrys 4 v,aq\+aL{aluqrilu1)-!-- r-' c Enrint< ay Mqtn,/r & sv:arrna .


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Page 2

Page 3: 4. Ic Engine Mech Gate Ies Notes (4)

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- Dqe lo thi mis q,frr,4,t\d


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Voktme to ht slroke llolw1

v.rheru nofouse is Tqheru idt

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cleqronee natioqa - Tie r'qlio { dwvo*,o? Jie b'ston is Kmwn- at degrq',w ralio .\,,

CIP@,ehce rolro is tho ra;'iu

#) sa'ne {"r.rl }xocc*sorccsu,^a-t '

Page 3

Page 4: 4. Ic Engine Mech Gate Ies Notes (4)

l/olurne rolio - fie raho tt laW volqmt to lee,, rolurne {or qnw hocecs

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Page 4

Page 5: 4. Ic Engine Mech Gate Ies Notes (4)

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P =" cltct .CN .p)

Ye.rnuns unshtrt'Hlsru: hqat qd-dtie?r---.hres hlaLL at--ooru[.vof .rba au*unP@-ig Khorrc"a__q( 1b"e crri<fultld._-3c)e o& OTTz 4*-. WhW _b@ o.rllinan +aW Wa_ Lwt&nLprcfSUrc r's krrorcrt

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N,rf fr-,nn' pq4{

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I Volqme - hlshrrl-ccure - rhrxarel-

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frtlee*t | fr-F and WsLtYe W in same wdn)Tev+ Qeuranes, , g**ff = co"ns'fqnt

He-ok R"qectrono

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Page 5

Page 6: 4. Ic Engine Mech Gate Ies Notes (4)

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,cerrle c{ope t.' *?;f p*.;oro

fturn ir, lao,HA-HR = ttlo& fune

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Page 6

Page 7: 4. Ic Engine Mech Gate Ies Notes (4)

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Page 8: 4. Ic Engine Mech Gate Ies Notes (4)

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Page 9: 4. Ic Engine Mech Gate Ies Notes (4)

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9.t*U, . U3o-tK do,,w = HA - ttR.

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Page 10: 4. Ic Engine Mech Gate Ies Notes (4)



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s"l:ng ,; L= + ,;t,* = V :@

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Page 11: 4. Ic Engine Mech Gate Ies Notes (4)


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Page 12: 4. Ic Engine Mech Gate Ies Notes (4)

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V"tvs tVlG.Xh .t-Vs: Vr

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Page 13: 4. Ic Engine Mech Gate Ies Notes (4)

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,p" vo|l_, pbva\'3 __

€ r<--+vg O.L-(Vga

04, 0.2( X 2-. 93V3 lz.ggvL : o.?f Vs.1-Vc

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Vs :'1 ,9 VL'g,: Vcj-vg - g.g


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Page 14: 4. Ic Engine Mech Gate Ies Notes (4)

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Page 15: 4. Ic Engine Mech Gate Ies Notes (4)

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--\L : Vc tVs : O.l\ka Vs z- | 'l V* = Va-

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Ur: P,V, * ?rV> : CLuw

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l.tl - l

Nb' ru: Pqvr

[^]D , pa xVgs'9 x tos us f

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Page 16: 4. Ic Engine Mech Gate Ies Notes (4)

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a Gq.qzs+1.Y3 t s. e). ror v6 > l(oo


vr'- $dinl; 4/r xt.sd

= E. l3xlo-" = { d Lx l.sd

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-+ = I bqr

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Page 17: 4. Ic Engine Mech Gate Ies Notes (4)


(P' c)

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,aa 1; - goix sll:l *

" ' ar'89'r' t K

.--?rv,i = Prrr' + t;; f-t+)L_0t, P-= ?" = b

Frowgl q - I&;+203j(&S-KTTL

WCetA 3:Y_fr.q O--


".? Tg = 2190't K

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The d,{al G4busfii,r: ile w*lro- midiuxd Qde

Sqtne &.1 is, tt-s?d rrrl diese)

{h( cu de , s afu o cetled s*r, - dtere,l cn*de .u

Scnna p,ocex te of"pl rc{. m thJi,

cttdz - +hr^{'Jt


Page 17

Page 18: 4. Ic Engine Mech Gate Ies Notes (4)

Dies?,| CycJs Du"t e1c/e

.morcheal addr^Ho _@

r Eoy-4rsel--u1d"-,rrp,".rioh t"l,B,Lnue-{rc-ia-lp-) rud-_&r-d;es4


. D.tol cqdz-rs--lnoast u^iddy v*d in-fhy, %,Li--:pU4tu-W*P--- bZe ir ]g-s-s l

,-:-E_tr[fzLLsno rq&bl1pC*r trlq- li leil - PoltuI'oa ( so-t{ nil- ytzafr'qt ,

. roloP:cer.u,ofl ratr-o -@ & 6-:10 .Bv-qn,ry 4+{@gh\qu i"n -cqe"br-ut$4 oJtdi's-'d&b 't( lrytort t-hgt ,q $n yiddla

. toLnobw$rcfl fatr_o _fol_ O

. tf - -hot q4oLten^ &krr llaecJirct

0**r'do-g the pista rnovn^q d"U h"!oAd 1!vA tl-,c t"notbD ,rrlU clritrn,le

[,oeer.r . Tfut +dtr nN, * oh'sn. is not.


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Page 19: 4. Ic Engine Mech Gate Ies Notes (4)

. The rq-h^o "l t-ho pre+r ure du:i*g *l& crm'sTqo.t voturryre hed ^dd;fuproc*ts is F,,b*n q M'ou ('nn L!u. b?.raa{r,losion ralb rs)

. Thc e$uiwu1-4-t).r," &Sr, ,ri4r-tr W*u tvtan -lhuf- qltta fua]-%cle^

ar cUq"pess;on-fai$ tuu 'O,rru.l tff4e id l"e*t:-' for. dtua W)a-pi t6 +o.U2

u-- -

'fie &a{ c.r,r de "tA--a_-'Furi lcaau-eo@re,utsvr rctio-, ttu tound Pollctfu4-"b \ea

d,iue)coun d

. Dqe le --lus 6+thvt.tsr'so rchb, 1tv .treLail -seegl tk d"Lqee*,q,tnz is ,nfuuA. Wd64, )he sr?e o/ ll-rUq,^Jo-oaib r.lsefrftfE

n Tu^ ^^d

*t.:^"na*.n0ncz ,c 'i%*. uo rnairrlqrnavlLe,^I0&l

is obo r.cdu ,r-).


- I =-9 ,W q{foJf rato.v:C(" ,tu" natlptolion rofi-o_u


- fEe *fian sioo rolrb t

=lL x f,-' = -4- *v-Uf.r!-y.

ncl Crn - "r;)




1.' I -fft- =r

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Page 20: 4. Ic Engine Mech Gate Ies Notes (4)

Detail of Full Notes Set Regarding Mechanical Engineering ForGATE IES & PSU For Technical and Mathematics & Aptitude PartS. NO. SUBJECT NAME NUMBER OF TOTAL PAGES1. ENGINEERING & FLUID MECHANICS 2972. MACHINE DESIGN 2103. MACHINE TOOL 2074. IC ENGINE 1125. PRODUCTION 3416. POWER PLANT 2177. HEAT AND MASS TRASFER 1768. RAC 1059. INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING 17410. THERMODYNAMICS 15411. SOM 31512. TOM 20713. ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS 29014. APTITUDE 100Note:

1. These Notes are available in Xerox format(Hard Copy/Photo Copy)Only You can’t get its soft copy2. If you want then these notes full Xerox set available for you at a negligible price of Rs 1150 Rs(2900+ Pages Xerox

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can consult from me5. Ram Niwas Facebook ID : https://www.facebook.com/mission.possible.yuth6. Kamal Choudhary Facebook ID : https://www.facebook.com/kamal.choudhary.56232938

7. Mail ID Kamal Choudhary & Ram Niwas : [email protected]. Contact Number : 09784236981(Ram Niwas) Whatsapp Number : 097842369819. If you are 100% to willing to buy then mail on given mail ID or contact at given number10. Note : Don’t aspect any chitchat from us if you need anything then directly you should call us11. E-books and practice papers with guidance will be available at free

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complete solution with Guidance : Regards Raghuveer Singh 08459398740 & My profile Link ishttps://www.facebook.com/mahanraghu

8. Also available for EC/EE/IN/CIVIL/CS-IT and here I am giving you full list of all subject on next pages which isavailable with Us

Page 21: 4. Ic Engine Mech Gate Ies Notes (4)

BRANCH CS-IT EC EE MECH CIVIL IN1. Algorithm Analog Analog Fluid Mechanics Building Material Analog

2. Data Structure Signal System Signal System M/C Design SOM Signal System

3. TOC Communication Communication M/C Tool Fluid Mechanics Communication

4. Compiler Control Control IC Engine Surveying Control System

5. Computer N/W Digital Digital Production Structural Digital

6. Digital EDC Machine Power Plant CPM-PERT EMI

7. S/W Engg EMFT EMFT HMT Environmental Microprocessor

8. Web Tech EMI EMI RAC Hydrology Analytical & Biomedical

9. Computer Org Material Science Material Science Industrial Engg Railway Process Control

10. Operating System Microprocessor Microprocessor Thermodynamics RCC N/W or Circuit

11. DBMS Microwave Network/Circuit SOM Highway -Transportation Transducer

12. Discrete Math N/W or Circuit Power Electronic TOM Design of Steel Structure Mathematics

13. Engineering Math Engineering Math Power System Mathematics Irrigation APT & Reasoning

14. Reasoning & APT Reasoning & APT Mathematics APT & Reasoning Soil Mechanics English Grammar

15. English Grammar English Grammar APT &Reasoning

English Grammar Mathematics & APT

16. Vocabulary Vocabulary EnglishGrammar

English Grammar

17. GK & GS GK & GS GK & GS GK & GS GK & GS GK & GS

IF YOU WANT ANY KIND OF NOTES FROM ABOVE THESE ACCORDING TO BRANCHWISE YOU CAN MAIL US AT [email protected] These Notes are prepared by GATE-IES toppers from Top Engineering Institution which cover fully syllabus with topic wise GATE Question Solution If you want to see sample of these then please mail us according to branch wise EC/IN/EE : [email protected] CS-IT : [email protected] Mechanical : [email protected] Civil : [email protected] Best Group to Join : GATE Handwritten Notes for all Branch : https://www.facebook.com/groups/gate.dream2doit/