4. daily plan - science year 6

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  • 8/12/2019 4. Daily Plan - Science Year 6


    Science Year 6

    (Unit 1)

    1Learning area: Investigating Living Things Unit 1: Interaction Among Living Things

    Lesson 1: Living Together or In solitary

    Learning Outcomes: At the end o the lesson! "u"ils #ill $e a$le to: i) state that some animals livein grou"s others live in solitary ii) give e%am"les o animals that live in

    grou"s and in solitary&

    Scientiic S'ills: O$serving! ommunicating! ma'ing inerences

    Thin'ing S'ills: elating! lassiying*alues: +eing than'ul to ,od! A""reciating the $alance o nature! +eing coo"erative! -aving an

    interest and curiosity to#ards the environment&

    Activities:1& .u"ils tell their e%"erience a$out animals that they have seen&/& 0ame the animals that live in grou"s and in solitary&

    & eer to .& / and o Te%t$oo' and discuss #hich animals live in grou"s and in solitary&

    2& Teacher leads discussion and concludes that some animals live in grou"s and others live in solitary&

    3& Loo' at 4y5&


    Learning area: Investigating Living Things Unit 1: Interaction Among Living Things

    Lesson 1: Living Together or In SolitaryLearning Outcomes: At the end o the lesson! "u"ils #ill $e a$le to: i) e%"lain #hy animals live in

    grou"s or in solitary ii) state that coo"eration is a orm o interaction among

    animals&Scientiic S'ills: O$serving! ommunicating! ma'ing inerences

    Thin'ing S'ills: elating! lassiying

    *alues: +eing than'ul to ,od! A""reciating the $alance o nature! +eing coo"erative! -aving an

    interest and curiosity to#ards the environment&Activities:

    1& eer to .& and 2 in Te%t$oo'! discuss on the reason #hy animals live in grou"s or solitary&

    /& Teacher e%"lains ho# living in grou"s hel" animals to survive rom the enemies! "redators and rivals&

    & eer to .& 3 and 6 o the Te%t$oo' to see some e%am"les o the animals that live in solitary&2& .u"ils classiy animals sho#n under their categories&

    3& arry out the activity: -o# 5o Ants Live7 (T+ "& 8)

    Learning area: Investigating Living Things Unit 1: Interaction Among Living Things

    Lesson /: Animals InteractionLearning Outcomes: At the end o the lesson! "u"ils #ill $e a$le to: i) state that living things

    interact #ith one another in the environment ii) list the actors that animals

    com"ete or iii) give reasons #hy animals com"ete or

    Scientiic S'ills: O$serving! ommunicating! Use and handle science a""aratus

    Thin'ing S'ills: 4a'ing inerences*alues: +eing than'ul to ,od! A""reciating the $alance o nature! -aving an interest and

    curiosity to#ards the environment&

    Activities:1& eer to T+ "& 9! teacher as's uestions a$out ood chains and ood #e$s&

    /& ;%"lain the term e to "u"ils that com"etition may only ta'e "lace #hen:a) t#o or more animals share the same resource at the same time

    $) the resources are limited&

    3& 5iscuss a$out the actors and the reasons that animals com"ete or& ("& 9 ? 1@)

    Learning area: Investigating Living Things To"ic: Unit 1: Interaction Among Living Things

    Lesson : .lants om"etition

    Learning Outcomes: At the end o the lesson! "u"ils #ill $e a$le to: i) list the actors that "lantscom"ete or ii) give reasons #hy "lants com"ete&

    Scientiic S'ills: O$serving! ommunicating! Use and handle science a""aratusThin'ing S'ills: 4a'ing inerences&

    *alues: +eing than'ul to ,od! A""reciating the $alance o nature! -aving an interest and curiosity to#ards the environment&


    1& eer to T+ "& 1/ and 1! discuss a$out the actors that "lants com"ete or!

    /& .u"ils should $e a$le to conclude that "lants com"ete or #ater! sunlight! nutrient and s"ace&& arry out .ractical /: Limit 4y ood (.+ "& 8)

    2& Interactive activities&

    Learning area: Investigating Living Things To"ic: Unit 1: Interaction Among Living ThingsB

    Lesson 2: *anished and ;ndangered

    Learning Outcomes: At the end o the lesson! "u"ils #ill $e a$le to: i) give e%am"les o e%tinctand endangered animals ii) give e%am"les o e%tinct and endangered "lants

    iii) suggest #ays to "revent animals and "lants rom e%tinction&

    Scientiic S'ills: O$serving! ommunicating! Use and handle science a""aratusThin'ing S'ills: 4a'ing inerences&*alues: +eing than'ul to ,od! A""reciating the $alance o nature! -aving an interest and

    curiosity to#ards the environment&


    1& eer to T+ "& 13 to /@! discuss on the e%am"les o e%tinct and endangered "lants and animals&/& .u"ils should $e a$le to list the e%tinct and endangered "lants and animals&

    & .u"ils suggest #ays to "revent animals and "lants rom e%tinction&

    2& 4ultimedia ,allery: .& /1 on 4y 5B

  • 8/12/2019 4. Daily Plan - Science Year 6


    Learning area: Investigating Living Things To"ic: Unit 1: Interaction Among Living ThingsB

    Lesson 3: ;nvironmental 5estruction

    S'ill: 1&2 Cno#ing the im"act o human activities on environment&BLearning Outcomes: At the end o the lesson! "u"ils #ill $e a$le to: i) give e%am"les o

    environmental destruction caused $y humans ii) e%"lain ho# human

    activities cause environmental destructions iii) "redict #hat #ill ha""en to

    the earth i human activities are not controlled&Scientiic S'ills: O$serving! ommunicating! ma'ing inerences and "redicting

    Thin'ing S'ills: elating! generating ideas&

    *alues: A""reciating the $alance o nature! -aving an interest and curiosity to#ards theenvironment +eing res"onsi$le a$out the saety o onesel! others and environment&


    1& *ie# video or see "ictures o environmental destruction caused $y humans:

    a) erosion $) landslide c) lashDlood d) #ater "ollution e) air "ollution

    /& *ie# video and discuss human activities that cause destruction to the environment: a) illegal and e%cessive logging $) illegal and e%cessive hunting

    c) im"ro"er management o develo"ment&

    & 5iscuss #hat #ill ha""en to the earth i human activities that caused environmental

    destructions are not controlled&2& .re"are a scra" $oo' on environmental destruction caused $y human activities and ste"s

    ta'en to reduce its eect& ("& //D /3)

    (Unit /)

    Learning area: Investigating orce and ;nergy Unit /: orceBLesson 1: Ehat is orce7 S'ill: 1&1 Understanding that "ull and "ush are orces&

    Learning Outcomes: At the end o the lesson! "u"ils #ill $e a$le to: i) state that "ush and "ull are

    orces ii) state that orce cannot $e seen $ut its eect can $e o$served&

    Scientiic S'ills: O$serving! Inerring! lassiyingThin'ing S'ills: 4a'ing onclusion

    *alues: -aving an interest and curiosity to#ards the environment ii) reali>ing that science is a

    means to understand nature&

    Activities:1& .u"ils "ush and "ush each otherFs "alms to eel the eect o orce&

    /& ;%"eriment: .ush a car! "ush a ta$le! "ull a heavy $o%! "ull a string! etc to see their eects&

    & 5iscuss and conclude that a orce cannot $e seen $ut its eect can $e o$served&2& +ased on the a$ove activity! "u"ils discuss and conclude that a orce cannot $e seen $ut its eect can $e o$served&

    Learning area: Investigating orce and ;nergy Unit /: orceBLesson /: orce to doG S'ill: 1&/ Understanding the eects o a orce&

    Learning Outcomes: At the end o the lesson! "u"ils #ill $e a$le to: i) state that a orce can move

    a stationary o$Hect ii) state that a orce can change the motion o an o$Hectiii) state that a orce can change the sha"e o an o$Hect&

    Scientiic S'ills: O$serving! Inerring

    Thin'ing S'ills: ,enerating ideas! attri$uting

    *alues: +eing systematic! $eing le%i$le and o"enDmindedActivities:

    1& arry out activities and discuss the eects o "ushing:

    a) "ushing a stationary $all $) "ushing a moving $all /& .ress! t#ist or suee>e o$Hects such as "lasticine! s"onge and s"ring&

    & O$serve and discuss the eects o orces&

    2& 5iscuss and conclude that a orce can:

    a) move a stationary o$Hect $) sto" a moving o$Hect c) change the direction o a moving o$Hect d) ma'e an o$Hect move aster or slo#er

    e) change the sha"e o an o$Hect&


    Learning area: Investigating orce and ;nergy Unit /: orceB

    Lesson : riction in Action S'ill: 1& Understanding Analy>ing riction&

    Learning Outcomes: At the end o the lesson! "u"ils #ill $e a$le to: i) state that riction is a ty"eo orce ii) descri$e the eect o riction&

    Scientiic S'ills: O$serving! 4a'ing inerences! .redicting! communicating

    Thin'ing S'ills: om"aring and contrasting

    *alues: +eing honest and accurate in recording and validating data $eing res"onsi$le or thesaety o onesel! others and the environment&


    1& O$serve an o$Hect such as a $oo' or a coin sliding on a surace&/& 5iscuss that riction slo#s do#n a moving o$Hect and conclude that riction is a orce&

    & carry out and conclude that it is easier to o"en a lid o a Har #ith dry hands $ecause o greater riction&

    2& arry out activities that involves riction:a) ru$$ing their "alms $) "ulling a heavy o$Hectc) ru$$ing an eraser against a surace&

    3& +ased that activities! "u"ils e%"lain the eects o riction:

    a) riction "roduces heat $) riction o""oses motion c) riction cause #ear and tear

    Learning area: Investigating orce and ;nergy Unit /: orceB

  • 8/12/2019 4. Daily Plan - Science Year 6


    Lesson 2: educing and increasing riction S'ill: 1& Analy>ing riction

    Learning Outcomes: At the end o the lesson! "u"ils #ill $e a$le to: i) descri$e #ays to reduce

    riction ii) descri$e #ays to increase riction&Scientiic S'ills: .redicting! ommunicating& 4a'ing conclusion

    Thin'ing S'ills: 4a'ing onclusion

    *alues: +eing systematic! $eing coo"erative! $eing than'ul to god&Activities:

    1& .u"ils com"are the eect o riction $y ru$$ing their "alms:

    a) #ith oil $) #ithout oil

    /& 5iscuss and conclude that oil reduces riction& & .u"ils com"are the eect o riction $y ru$$ing their "alms:

    a) #ith gloves on $) #ithout gloves

    2& 5iscuss and conclude that rough suraces increase riction& 3& ,ive other #ays to reduce or increase riction&

    Learning area: Investigating orce and ;nergy Unit /: orceB

    Lesson 2: educing and increasing riction S'ill: 1& Analy>ing riction

    Learning Outcomes: At the end o the lesson! "u"ils #ill $e a$le to: i) state the advantages and

    disadvantages o riction ii) conclude that riction occurs #hen t#o suraces are in contact iii) design a air test to ind out ho# dierent ty"es o suraces

    eect the distance a trolley moves $y deciding #hat to change! #hat to 'ee"

    the same and #hat to measure&Scientiic S'ills: .redicting! ommunicating& 4a'ing conclusion

    Thin'ing S'ills: 4a'ing onclusion

    *alues: +eing systematic! $eing coo"erative! $eing than'ul to god&

    Activities:1& ,ather inormation on the advantages and disadvantages o riction in our everyday lie&

    /& 5iscuss various situation #here riction occurs and conclude that riction is "roduced #hen suraces are in contact #ith one


    & .lan and carry out an e%"eriment to investigate ho# dierent ty"es o suraces aect the distance a trolley move&

    (Unit )

    Learning area: Investigating orce and ;nergy Unit 3: Movement*

    Lesson 1: Eatch Your S"eed S'ill: &1 Understand s"eed

    Learning Outcomes: At the end o the lesson! "u"ils #ill $e a$le to: i) state that an o$Hect #hich4oves aster travels a longer distance in a given time ii) state that an o$Hect

    Ehich moves aster ta'es a shorter time to travel in a given distance iii) state #hat s"eed is iv) solve

    "ro$lem using ormula&

    Scientiic S'ills: 4easuring and using num$ers! relating

    Thin'ing S'ills: 4a'ing onclusion*alues: +eing systematic! $eing coo"erative! A""reciate the contri$ution o science and

    technology! $eing honest and accurate in recording and validating data&

    Activities:1& As' "u"ils ho# they travel to school! or or a holiday&

    /& Teacher leads the discussion to identiy ast moving vehicles and slo# moving vehicles rom the "icture on .& 3/ (T+)&

    & arry out .ractical 6: -o# ar! ho# ast7 .& /3 (.+)

    Learning area: Investigating orce and ;nergy Unit 3: Movement*

    Lesson /: Eatch Your S"eed S'ill: &1 Understand s"eedLearning Outcomes: At the end o the lesson! "u"ils #ill $e a$le to: i) state that an o$Hect #hich

    4oves aster travels a longer distance in a given time ii) state that an o$Hect

    Ehich moves aster ta'es a shorter time to travel in a given distance iii) state #hat s"eed is iv) solve

    "ro$lem using ormula&Scientiic S'ills: 4easuring and using num$ers! relating

    Thin'ing S'ills: 4a'ing onclusion*alues: +eing systematic! $eing coo"erative! A""reciate the contri$ution o science and

    technology! $eing honest and accurate in recording and validating data&Activities:

    1& Teacher e%"lains to "u"ils the term and the unit o s"eed&

    /& Introduce the terms such as lo# s"eed! high s"eed! >ero s"eed! scalar uantity! velocity or vector uantity&

    & 4ultimedia ,allery (.& 3 on 4y5)&

    (Unit 2)

    Learning area: Investigating orce and ;nergy Unit 4: Food Preservation*Lesson 1: 4ighty 4icro$es S'ill: 2&1 Understanding ood S"oilage

    Learning Outcomes: At the end o the lesson! "u"ils #ill $e a$le to: i) descri$e #hat s"oilt ood is ii)

    identiy characteristics o s"oilt ood iii) state that microorganisms can s"oil ood iv) state theconditions or microorganisms to gro#&

    Scientiic S'ills: O$serving! communicating! using s"aceDtime relationshi"! controlling varia$les

    handle s"ecimens correctly and careully&Thin'ing S'ills: Attri$uting! 4a'ing onclusions*alues: +eing systematic! $eing coo"erative! A""reciating and "racticing clean and healthy living!

    -aving an interest and curiosity to#ards the environment! $eing res"onsi$le a$out the

    saety o onesel! others! and the environment&

    Activities:1& .u"ils o$serve and identiy the characteristics o s"oilt ood&

    /& .u"ils record and descri$e the conditions o "otato stri"s 'e"t in dierent conditions&

    & .u"ils name the varia$le involved in the investigation on conditions needed or microorganisms to gro#&

  • 8/12/2019 4. Daily Plan - Science Year 6


    2& .u"ils ma'e conclusions regarding the conditions needed or microorganisms to gro#&

    Learning area: Investigating orce and ;nergy Unit 4: Food Preservation*

    Lesson /: 4a'e It Lasts S'ill: 2&/ Synthesi>ing the conce"t o ood "reservation&Learning Outcomes: At the end o the lesson! "u"ils #ill $e a$le to: i) descri$e #ays to "reserve ood ii) give e%am"les o ood or

    each ty"e o ood "reservation iii) give reasons #hy each #ay o ood "reservation is used iv) state

    #hat ood "reservation is v) design and carry out a "roHect to "reserve certain ty"e o ood&

    Scientiic S'ills: lassiying! ma'ing inerences! using s"aceDtime relationshi"! use and handlescience a""aratus and su$stances&

    Thin'ing S'ills: om"aring and contrasting! relating! ma'ing generali>ations

    *alues: +eing systematic! $eing than'ul to ,od! A""reciating the contri$ution o science andtechnology! -aving an interest and curiosity to#ards the environment! "atriotism!historical values&


    1& .u"ils classiy sam"les o ood into the dierent methods used to "reserve it& (T+ "&6)

    /& .u"ils ma'e inerences a$out the ty"e o "reservation method used rom the o$servation o ood sam"les&& .u"ils descri$e the loo' and taste o ree>e dried "a"ayas&

    2& .u"ils identiy the similarities and dierences ound in sam"les o ood to classiy them according to the ty"e o "reservation

    method used&

    (Unit 3)Learning area: Investigating 4aterials Unit 5: Waste Management*

    Lesson 1: Easte S'ill: 3&1 Understanding the eect o im"ro"er dis"osal o #aste on environment&

    Learning Outcomes: At the end o the lesson! "u"ils #ill $e a$le to: i) identiy the ty"e o #aste ii identiy the source o #aste iii)state the im"ro"er #ays o dis"osal iv) state the "ro"er #ays o dis"osal

    Scientiic S'ills: lassiying! measuring and using num$ers! communication

    Thin'ing S'ills: 4a'ing conclusion! attri$uting! visuali>ing

    *alues: +eing honest and accurate in recording and validating data! A""reciating clean and healthy lie!-aving an interest and curiosity to#ards the environment!


    1& eer to .& 8! classiy the ty"es o #astes rom the dust$in&

    /& .u"ils measure and record the mass o dierent ty"es o #aste& +. ("& 8! 9)& .u"ils "resent their indings in a creative #ay or suita$le gra"hic in Activity Jone ("& 88)

    2& .u"ils conclude the ty"es o #aste they "roduced in school& +. "& &

    Sem /


    Learning area: Investigating 4aterials Unit 3: Easte 4anagement

    Lesson : Easte S'ill: 3&1 Understanding that some #aste decay&Learning Outcomes: At the end o the lesson! "u"ils #ill $e a$le to: i) give e%am"les o #aste that decay ii) state that

    microorganisms can cause #aste to decay iii) state the advantages and disadvantages o #aste decaying iv) "redict #hat #ill ha""en

    to the environment i #aste do not decay&Scientiic S'ills: O$serving! deining o"erationally

    Thin'ing S'ills: .redicting! 4a'ing conclusion

    *alues: +eing honest and accurate in recording and validating data! A""reciating clean and healthy lie!

    -aving an interest and curiosity to#ards the environment! $eing coo"erativeActivities:

    1& .u"ils discuss in grou"s to "resent their reasons ho# the environment can $e eected i #astes do not decay&

    /& .u"ils investigate ho# #aste decay aects "lant gro#th&

    & 5o the interactive e%ercise on 4y5 to classiy #aste that decay and do not decay&

    (Unit 6) /Learning area: Investigating the ;arth and Universe Unit 6: Eclipses*

    Lesson 1: Understanding the ecli"se o the moon

    Learning Outcomes: At the end o the lesson! "u"ils #ill $e a$le to: i) state #hat ecli"se o the moon is ii)state the "osition o the 4oon! the ;arth and the Sun during the ecli"se o the moon iii)

    e%"lain #hy ecli"se o the moon occurs&

    Scientiic S'ills: O$serving! ommunicating! ma'ing inerences

    Thin'ing S'ills: O$serving! ma'ing inerences! generating ideas&*alues: A""reciating the $alance o nature! +eing coo"erative! -aving an interest and curiosity to#ards the



    1& Teacher uses models to simulate the movement o the ;arth! the 4oon and the Sun&

    /& *ie# a video or com"uter simulation a$out "artial and total ecli"se o the 4oon&& 5iscuss and conclude that ecli"se o the moon occurs $ecause:

    i) the ;arth is in the $et#een the 4oon and the Sun&

    ii) The Sun! the ;arth and the 4oon are in a straight lineiii) The 4oon is the shado# o the ;arth&

    2& 5ra# the "osition o the Sun! the ;arth and the 4oon during the ecli"se o the moon&

    Learning area: Investigating the ;arth and Universe Unit 6: Eclipses*

  • 8/12/2019 4. Daily Plan - Science Year 6


    Lesson /: Understanding the ecli"se o the sun

    Learning Outcomes: At the end o the lesson! "u"ils #ill $e a$le to: i) state #hat ecli"se o the sun is ii)

    state the "osition o the 4oon! the ;arth and the Sun during the ecli"se o the sun iii)e%"lain #hy ecli"se o the sun occurs iv) "redict the scenario on the earth during the

    ecli"se o the sun&

    Scientiic S'ills: O$serving! ommunicating! ma'ing inerencesThin'ing S'ills: O$serving! ma'ing inerences! generating ideas&

    *alues: A""reciating the $alance o nature! +eing coo"erative! -aving an interest and curiosity to#ards the environment&


    1& Teacher uses models to simulate the movement o the ;arth! the 4oon and the Sun&/& *ie# a video or com"uter simulation a$out "artial and total ecli"se o the sun&

    & 5iscuss and conclude that ecli"se o the moon occurs $ecause:

    a& the 4oon is in the $et#een the ;arth and the Sun&$& The Sun! the 4oon and the ;arth are in a straight linec& The Sun is the shado# o the 4oon&

    2& 5ra# the "osition o the Sun! the ;arth and the 4oon during the ecli"se o the sun&

    3& 5iscuss and "redict the scenario on the earth during the ecli"se o the sun&

    (Unit 8)

    2Learning area: Investigating Technology Unit 7: Machines*

    Lesson 1: Sim"le machines

    Learning Outcomes: At the end o the lesson! "u"ils #ill $e a$le to: i) e%"lain #hat sim"le machine is ii)state ty"es o sim"le machines iii) give an e%am"le or each ty"e o sim"le machine&

    Scientiic S'ills: O$serving! ommunicating! ma'ing inerences

    Thin'ing S'ills: O$serving! inerring! communicating

    *alues: A""reciating the contri$ution o science and technology $eing coo"erativeActivities:

    1& .u"ils try to move the lid o tin using $are hands and s"oon&

    /& om"are the diiculty to com"lete the tas' and discuss the unction o s"oon&

    & 5iscuss that a sim"le machine is a device that allo#s us to use less orce to ma'e #or' easier and aster&2& ;%amine and mani"ulate the ollo#ing sim"le machines: #heel and a%le lever #edge "ulley gear incline "lane scre#&


    Learning area: Investigating Technology Unit 8: 4achinesBLesson /: Analysing a com"le% machine

    Learning Outcomes: At the end o the lesson! "u"ils #ill $e a$le to: i) identiy a sim"le machine in a com"le% machine ii) conclude

    that a com"le% machine is made u" o more that one sim"le machine iii) give e%am"les o com"le%machine&

    Scientiic S'ills: O$serving! ommunicating! ma'ing conclusion

    Thin'ing S'ills: O$serving! inerring! communicating

    *alues: A""reciating the contri$ution o science and technology $eing coo"erative

    Activities:1& .u"ils identiy the sim"le machines in a $icycle or a #heel $urro#&

    /& 5iscuss and conclude that a com"le% machine is a machine that made u" o more than one sim"le machine&

    & .u"ils "re"are a scra" $oo' on e%am"les o com"le% machines&6

    Learning area: Investigating Technology Unit 8: 4achines

    Lesson : A""reciating the invention o machines that ma'e lie easier

    Learning Outcomes: At the end o the lesson! "u"ils #ill $e a$le to: i) "redict ho# lie is #ithout machines ii) e%"lain ho# machinesma'e our lives easier iii) design a "ro$lem and design a machine to solve the "ro$lem

    Scientiic S'ills: .redicting! ommunicating

    Thin'ing S'ills: ;valuating*alues: A""reciating the contri$ution o science and technology $eing coo"erative


    1& .u"ils carry out simulation to ind out ho# lie #ould $e #ithout machines&

    /& 5iscuss and "redict ho# lie #ould $e #ithout machines&& 5iscuss and e% "lain ho# machines ma'e our lives $etter&

    2& Identiy a "ro$lem and design a machine to solve the "ro$lem&