3d printing mohomad a. abu-ghannammason.gmu.edu/~mabughan/final reserach paper.docx moe (1...3d...

Running head: 3D PRINTING 1 3D Printing Mohomad A. Abu-Ghannam George Mason University Course: IT 104 Section 001 February 27, 2017 "By placing this statement on my webpage, I certify that I have read and understand the GMU Honor Code on http://oai.gmu.edu/the-mason-honor-code-2/ and as stated, I as student member of the George Mason University community pledge not to cheat, plagiarize, steal, or lie in matters related to academic work. In addition, I have received permission from the copyright holder for any copyrighted material that is displayed on my site. This includes quoting extensive amounts of text, any material copied directly from a web page and graphics/pictures that are copyrighted. This project or subject material has not been used in another class by me or any other student. Finally, I certify that this site is not for commercial purposes, which is a violation of the George Mason Responsible Use of Computing (RUC) Policy posted on http://copyright.gmu.edu/?page_id=301 web site."

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Page 1: 3D Printing Mohomad A. Abu-Ghannammason.gmu.edu/~mabughan/Final Reserach paper.docx moe (1...3D PRINTING 2 Abstract 3D Printing is an invention that could change the world. Firstly,

Running head: 3D PRINTING 1

3D Printing

Mohomad A. Abu-Ghannam

George Mason University

Course: IT 104 Section 001

February 27, 2017

"By placing this statement on my webpage, I certify that I have read and understand the

GMU Honor Code on http://oai.gmu.edu/the-mason-honor-code-2/ and as stated, I as student

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lie in matters related to academic work. In addition, I have received permission from the

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quoting extensive amounts of text, any material copied directly from a web page and

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Page 2: 3D Printing Mohomad A. Abu-Ghannammason.gmu.edu/~mabughan/Final Reserach paper.docx moe (1...3D PRINTING 2 Abstract 3D Printing is an invention that could change the world. Firstly,



3D Printing is an invention that could change the world. Firstly, this paper will go through a brief

Introduction of what 3D printing is and how it is currently used. It then will talk about its ethical,

legal, social and security perspectives along with the future of 3D printing. 3D printing is a very

beneficial invention that could help us as humanity, however, it also had disadvantages that come

with it. In this paper, it list the benefits of 3D printing and the cons of 3d printing. Somehow or

some way, 3D Printing will affect your life directly or indirectly. As we take a look at what 3D

printers offer, it will ultimately come down to the reader to decide whether or not 3D printing

should continue to advance in the coming years.

Page 3: 3D Printing Mohomad A. Abu-Ghannammason.gmu.edu/~mabughan/Final Reserach paper.docx moe (1...3D PRINTING 2 Abstract 3D Printing is an invention that could change the world. Firstly,


3D Printing

3D printing is a technology that will change the way the world works. The 3D printer was

invented in 1983 by creator Chuck Hall. Unlike other normal printers, 3D printers have the

ability to make any complex objects or designs you wish. The process is somewhat simple, but

every 3D printer has a different process. For example, most objects in a 3D printer are made out

of plastic but the food that comes out of a printer is made with ingredients. Each 3D printer will

be created for a certain purpose. An example is one 3D printer being made just for food while

another one is made specifically to make objects. It is a very unique but complex process when

3D printers are working. According to a magazine called Next generation of print, they have

said, “Creating a solid 3D object or framework via an additive process (layers of materials are

laid down in succession as the form is created)” (2013). Each object is made slice by slice until it

is complete. 3D printing is an amazing invention but people do not understand what it could

mean for them. For instance, 3D printers bring ethical and legal issues. When it comes to the

ethics of 3D printing, how are lawmakers going to decide what is morally right when it comes to

the use of 3D printers and what legal laws will be made for it. Also, how will 3D printers effect

society through its social perspective? It could be positive or negative. Finally, the most

important thing is the security concerns 3D printers will bring. Will 3D printers cause a scare in

people because of the objects it can make? These are all issues that people need to realize and

figure out what the future of 3D printers are going to be.

Current Use

Even though 3D printing sounds new, it has been around for long time now and has been

used in certain industries. 3D Printing is being used in places such as stores, hospitals, and local

Page 4: 3D Printing Mohomad A. Abu-Ghannammason.gmu.edu/~mabughan/Final Reserach paper.docx moe (1...3D PRINTING 2 Abstract 3D Printing is an invention that could change the world. Firstly,


libraries. Most communities and places want to see how 3D printing works and how much it can

help them before they actually start implementing them. Scientist, have even did experiments to

see what the best environment is for a 3D printer to be put in. In a journal called Methodology of

technological evolution for three-dimensional printing, it stated that “diverse predictions for 3D

printing technology have been introduced in many academic and industrial fields” (Park, Kim,

Lee, Jang, and Jun 2016). As one can see, they want to see if certain environments can handle

3D printers and if they will benefit it from it. 3D printers as of now, are also being tested to see if

they can actually preform what they are actually supposed to do. For example, Norm Morin said

how “one high-school student inventor has designed a simple prosthetic hand that can be

manufactured by a 3D printer” (2013). 3D printers are being tested to see how useful they could

be in the future when it comes to making objects the person wishes to be made. As of now, 3D

printers seem to be more common, but people tend not to use them because they do not

understand how to. Most people that use 3D printers today, are research companies, hospitals,

military and government organizations.

Ethical Perspective

When it comes to the ethical perspective of 3D printing, there are a lot of views about it.

Even if 3D printers are legal and have rules, it does not stop people from doing things that are

morally wrong. For instance, if someone goes and buys a 3D printer, takes it home and makes a

gun with it, who can stop that person? What that person is doing is morally wrong because that is

not what a 3D printer is supposed to be used for. A great example is pointed out in a journal

called The impact of 3D printing technology on the society and economy. The authors have said,

“Last spring, news that a functioning plastic handgun had been created using a 3D printer, and

Page 5: 3D Printing Mohomad A. Abu-Ghannammason.gmu.edu/~mabughan/Final Reserach paper.docx moe (1...3D PRINTING 2 Abstract 3D Printing is an invention that could change the world. Firstly,


that the file for making the gun was available online, led several city and state legislators to

introduce bills banning 3D-printed guns” (Pîrjan and Petrosanu, 2013). Even if bills are given to

regulate what can be made with 3D printers, it will not stop people from finding a way to create

what they want and this is an ethical issue that will play a huge role in the development of 3D

printing. However, even though 3D printers have some issues when it comes to the ethics of it,

3D printers also brings a huge ethical benefit. It will create more jobs for people in the market. A

great example was said in a journal called The impact of 3D printing technology on the society

and economy. It is said that “3D printing technology's development and spreading will result in

creating new professions, jobs and industries” (Pîrjan and Petrosanu. 2013). 3D printing will

create tons of jobs benefiting industries and people giving them a better opportunity to become

employed. It will come down to what people think about 3D printing with its pros and cons.

Legal Perspective

While it comes to the legal perspective of 3D printers, there are a lot of issues and

concerns. One legal perspective problem that comes with 3D printing is intellectual property.

Anybody will be able to re-make any current item and make, utilize, or appropriate it without

consent from its unique maker. According to Maya Eckstein in a journal she published called

The intriguing new legal questions raised by 3D printing, she has said, “Users and manufacturers

of 3D printers and 3D printed objects will encounter issues involving patents, trademarks,

copyright, and other IP rights, whether their own or owned by others” (2016). With 3D printers

having the ability to make any object the user wishes, there will be tons of problems involving

copyright laws and patents laws. Instead of people buying products, people will be able to make

them on their own even if it is not their product. This is huge legal issue involving 3D printers.

Another legal issue with 3D printers are the liabilities it brings and the safety of people. For

Page 6: 3D Printing Mohomad A. Abu-Ghannammason.gmu.edu/~mabughan/Final Reserach paper.docx moe (1...3D PRINTING 2 Abstract 3D Printing is an invention that could change the world. Firstly,


instance, anyone will be able to create any medicine they wish from their 3D printer, but what

happens if the product the consumer makes harms them or a product they make somehow kills

them? Who will be held liable? According to researcher Maya Eckstein, she has said, “Defects in

printed products or injuries resulting from printed products is likely to result in products liability

litigation” (2016). Someone has to be held liable, but no one knows who. It could be the

manufacture of the printer, the owner of the printer or even yourself for using the printer. No one

knows who is liable because there has not been any laws made yet and it is a concern for people

when it comes to the legal perspective of 3D printing.

Social Perspective

The social Perspective of 3D printing is impacting the world in a way no one thought it

would. One way it is through the field of medicine. 3D printers will be able to print out organs

and prosthetic body parts making life easier for some people. No more waiting for a transplant or

prosthetic body part and not having enough money to pay the bills. 3D printers will be able to

make all of these and for a low cost. For example, a journal called The Impact of 3D printing

technology on the society and economy states that “researchers have managed to create a 3D

printer useful in creating prosthetics, parts of the human body, organs and tissues”( Pîrjan, and

Petrosanu, 2013). Prosthetic, human body parts and organs will no longer be a scared resource.

3D printers will be able to produce as many as the owner of that printer wills. This will change

the way healthcare works when it comes to money especially for low income families and will

save countless lives. 3D printers will also benefit our environment by producing zero waste

reduction. For instance, the journal “The Impact of 3D printing technology on the society and

economy has said, “A very important advantage of creating objects using 3D printing technology

instead of traditional manufacturing methods is the waste reduction” (Pîrjan, Petrosanu, 2013).

Page 7: 3D Printing Mohomad A. Abu-Ghannammason.gmu.edu/~mabughan/Final Reserach paper.docx moe (1...3D PRINTING 2 Abstract 3D Printing is an invention that could change the world. Firstly,


When manufacturing products, there is always left over waste that needs to be taken care of and

that’s how the waste reductions methods were made to help society. However, instead of using

waste reduction methods to try to limit the harmful waste harming earth, we can get rid of it

completely making environments more maintainable. 3D printers produce zero waste when

making products.

Security Perspective

The security concerns for 3D printers are very alarming. Governments, organizations and

communities, are freighted of the weapons 3D printers will be able to make such as knives, guns

and chemical weapons. There is no way of telling if a certain induvial has bad intentions of

making hazardous weapons to harm people. Another down side to that is that everyone has easy

access to 3D printers. You can find 3D printers at libraries, local stores such as staples and even

schools. With such concerns about 3D printers, there is a high chance 3D printers will be

problematic without proper cautions in the coming years. For example, a newspaper called

Targeted News Services have stated that “some of the most high-profile concerns, which have

attracted the attention of lawmakers, relate to what criminals or terrorists might do with 3D

printing capabilities” (2013). Lawmakers, are attempting to make regulations on 3D printers so

people cannot use them to make dangerous weapons. Lawmakers want to ensure certain laws

will be made on 3D printers such as restricting them to make anything they want expect for

weapons. They can do this by adding certain software that put a limitation of what 3D printers

can make but people can always hack them and change the way they work. In fact, this has

already been a problem. For example, authors Pîrjan and Petrosanu have published a journal

about the security of 3D printing and have said, “there can be printed guns (and this has already

happened), weapons, parts for aircrafts, military parts, counterfeit parts for commercial or

Page 8: 3D Printing Mohomad A. Abu-Ghannammason.gmu.edu/~mabughan/Final Reserach paper.docx moe (1...3D PRINTING 2 Abstract 3D Printing is an invention that could change the world. Firstly,


defense operations (designed for sabotage), drugs or chemical weapons” (2013). The general

public has already started using 3D printers for unlawful reasons and to cause danger in today’s

world. Without proper legislation to 3D printers such as making them to ensure weapons won’t

be created, the security concerns will be very risky. The journal also stated that gaining weapons

through 3D printers is very cheap and easy for criminals. They can also hide weapons in unique

ways through 3D printers which is very scary especially if security systems or people cannot

detect them.

Future use

The future of 3D printing, is going to heavily rely on how the world takes it. Its future

looks bright to some, while for others it looks dark. But the possibilities it offers are amazing. 3D

printers might soon be everywhere in another decade. According to a magazine called Next

generation of print, they have said, “You can expect a boom in adoption rates among consumers,

schools, and industries as prices continue to drop” (2013). Once they become more common and

are everywhere, it will change the world. A lot of companies are already starting to invest into

3D printers. For example, hospitals will be able to make prosthetic body parts more affordable,

testing designs on 3D printers will help companies save money and it can draw up anything that

comes to your mind. In fact, a journal called Methodology of technological evolution for three-

dimensional printing have said, “If not all, most people would agree that 3D printing technology

is one of the leading technologies to improve the quality of life” (Park, Kim, Lee, Jang, and Jun,

2016). 3D printers will be able to benefit the lives of people for the better with cheaper

prosthetics, advancement on scientific research and the advance objects it can make. It will make

harder tasks easier. Once they become more common and are everywhere, it will change the

world. Another example of the future use of 3D printing is how it will revolutionize the world.

Page 9: 3D Printing Mohomad A. Abu-Ghannammason.gmu.edu/~mabughan/Final Reserach paper.docx moe (1...3D PRINTING 2 Abstract 3D Printing is an invention that could change the world. Firstly,


For instance, according to Jason Jones “customized running shoes, earphones, wearables, printed

clothing...all of these topics are in the early stages of commercialization enabled by additive

technologies” (2016). No more going to markets and stores to get your everyday products. You

will be able make them right from home. This will also save a lot of people money but also hurt

business because all the shopping will be done at the house.


3D printers offer limitless potential for helping the world such as making the

environment more suitable with its zero waste reduction ability and with its gift of making

organs and prosthetic body parts to help save human lives. It also offers huge advancement in

research when it comes to designing complex projects and materials. The future looks very

bright when you look at it from a social perspective. However, 3D printers offer too many issues

and concerns when it comes to the ethical, legal and security perspectives. No one can control

what people make with 3D printers no matter what laws and regulation are put on it because the

intentions of the user are unknown. This leads to the security aspect of 3D printers. Only time

will tell what the future of 3D printing is going to be but hopefully it is bright.

Page 10: 3D Printing Mohomad A. Abu-Ghannammason.gmu.edu/~mabughan/Final Reserach paper.docx moe (1...3D PRINTING 2 Abstract 3D Printing is an invention that could change the world. Firstly,



Eckstein, M. M. (2016). The intriguing new legal questions raised by 3D printing. Inside

Counsel.Breaking News, Retrieved from https://search-proquest-


This journal covers my topic about 3D printings legal, social and ethical issues. The source was

published in 2016 and is a scholarly journal. It is a very reliable source because its list of laws

are commonly known when it talks about the legal aspect of 3D printing. It was also made

recently and the company it was written from was the FDA. This source will provide great and

useful information in the legal perspective of 3D printing because its publication subject is law.

Jones, J. B., PhD. (2016). Will 3D printing touch your life? Manufacturing Engineering, 156(5),

11-12. Retrieved from https://search-proquest-


This source covers my topic about the social perspective of 3D printing. It talks about how 3D

printing can help make people’s lives better. The source is very reliable. It is a trade journal and

was published in 2016. It gives real world examples of how 3D printers will affect people’s lives

directly or indirectly. It even list examples for me to use in my paper.

Morin, N. (2013, Feb 18). 3D printer offer fascinating possibilities. The Sun Retrieved from


Page 11: 3D Printing Mohomad A. Abu-Ghannammason.gmu.edu/~mabughan/Final Reserach paper.docx moe (1...3D PRINTING 2 Abstract 3D Printing is an invention that could change the world. Firstly,


The source is very reliable. It was published in a newspaper in 2013. It talks about the benefits of

3D printing and how it has been used to help people. It gives real life examples of how people

get prosthetic body parts. This article covers the topics of 3D printer’s future use and current use.

Park, S., Kim, J., Lee, H., Jang, D., & Jun, S. (2016). Methodology of technological evolution

for three-dimensional printing. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 116(1), 122-146.

Retrieved from https://search-proquest-


This source covers the topics of the future use of 3D printing and how companies will use it. It

talks about its current use and a background of what it is. It also talks about the social

perspectives of 3D printing and how it can change the world. The source is a scholarly journal

and was written in 2016 which is very recent. The material is very reliable because it gives data

and facts to support its claims.

Pîrjan, A., & Petrosanu, D. (2013). THE IMPACT OF 3D PRINTING TECHNOLOGY ON

THE SOCIETY AND ECONOMY. Journal of Information Systems & Operations

Management, , 1-11. Retrieved from https://search-proquest-


This source is scholarly journal and was written in 2013. The material in this journal is very

reliable. It gives me a lot of information to help me write my paper. For instance, it covers

various topics in my paper such as its security concerns, social issues and ethical perspectives. It

Page 12: 3D Printing Mohomad A. Abu-Ghannammason.gmu.edu/~mabughan/Final Reserach paper.docx moe (1...3D PRINTING 2 Abstract 3D Printing is an invention that could change the world. Firstly,


also is focused strictly on the technology of 3D printing and how it works and what it can cause.

It gives a lot of facts on how 3D printing can cause more harm than good that I can use in my

ethical and security perspectives.

Realizing the full benefits of 3D printing will require openness, experts say. (2013, Oct 25).

Targeted News Service Retrieved from https://search-proquest-


This will cover my topics of ethical and social, security concerns and background information

for my introduction along with 3D printer’s future use. The material in this newspaper is very

reliable and it was published in 2013. It also talks about how 3D printers are being used today

with actual events and facts to support its claims. It also quotes scientist and researchers to prove

its point of stated information which makes it a very useful source to use.

The next generation of print. (2013, Jul). Information Today, 30, 21. Retrieved from


This source is also very reliable. It is a magazine and was published in 2013. It talks about the

future use of 3D printing and how it’s going to be used. Unlike my other sources, this one

explains how 3D printers work in detail and compares it to other 3D printers. It explains the

designs and development of 3D printers which making the material reliable because it supports it

with facts.

Page 13: 3D Printing Mohomad A. Abu-Ghannammason.gmu.edu/~mabughan/Final Reserach paper.docx moe (1...3D PRINTING 2 Abstract 3D Printing is an invention that could change the world. Firstly,