39a. bill corum

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  • 8/3/2019 39A. Bill Corum


    H.I.S.-tory by Vince Ciotti

    2011 H.I.S. Professionals, LLC

    Episode 39A:

    R.I.P:Bill Corum

    VP McAuto

  • 8/3/2019 39A. Bill Corum


    Sad Day in HIS-tory

    Received very sad new this week that Bill Corum,

    VP at McDonnell-Douglas Automation Company,passed away at his CA home on January 11.

    So were interrupting our story on micro vendor

    HMDS to pay tribute to this truly wonderful man

    who left an amazing footprint in our industry. Computerworld ran this brief notice on the

    right about Bill making VP way back in June of

    1981, during my brief stint at McAutos HSD. Bill

    started there in 1957 (thats 30 years with the

    same HIS vendor!) as an engineering draftsman

    and then advanced to Deputy Director of

    Computer Ops in 69. He became Manager of

    Tech Services in 71, the year HSD was formed.

    He held an MBA from California State College.

  • 8/3/2019 39A. Bill Corum


    Vice President at McAutos HSD Contributing author to

    this textbook, Billspromotion to VP at

    McAuto was amazing:

    Chuck Barlow was the

    only other VP there, asthe parent airplane firm

    had hundreds of VPs and

    was loath to let out too

    many titles to such a small

    subsidiary as HSD...

    When Chuck took ill in

    81, Bill became the

    interim exec, and led the

    firm until Chicks recovery

  • 8/3/2019 39A. Bill Corum


    Truly a Class Act! When I went to McAuto from SMS in 1980, Bill immediately

    impressed me as a really unique individual in the HIS world: Veryintelligent easily one of the smartest and most

    knowledgeable of the dozens of executives at SMS & McAuto.

    Great Leader his troops would follow him off the proverbial

    cliff whenever he led a new program or special project. Hard Working part of the Saturday Club which at SMS &

    McAuto was a small group of fools who worked Sat. AM

    Nice Guy considering the dog-eat-dog corporate vendor

    world, Bill never had anything bad to say about anybody

    His door was always open, he listened to anyones problems, and

    always offered honest and usually spot-on advice on issues...

    He car-pooled with Art Randall in a beat-up old Chevy II from

    their homes in Chesterfield, MO, which he drove as hard as he

    drove his troops! I could barely keep up with him in my Porsche

  • 8/3/2019 39A. Bill Corum


    Later Years When McDonnell-Douglas finally put McAutos HSD up for sale in

    the late 80s, it was acquired by Systems Associates Inc (SAI), whichhad been acquired by American Express/First Data Corporation.

    Bill left McAuto after over 30 years of loyal service, and joined

    another HIS-tory hero, Dick Schopp, who you may remember from

    an earlier HIS-tory installment on HIS Inc. in Brooklyn, NY.

    Dick was an early sales maven at McAuto who sold scores of

    hospitals on HFC before joining me at HIS Inc., where he sold several

    hospitals on a system that didnt exist at the time!

    De rigueurtoday, but an amazing feat in the 80s

    When Dick left HIS Inc, he formed a consulting firm

    called Healthcare Computing Strategies (HCS) and

    Bill Corum, his old friend from McAuto, joined Dick

    as VP and together they grew the firm to over 100

    employees and $10M in annual revenues by Y2K.

  • 8/3/2019 39A. Bill Corum


    Last Gig Together

    Bill was so sharp that when Y2K threatened, we sub-contracted him

    for one of our gigs at Brazosport Hospital in south Texas in 1998.

    Bill and I had a big date with their Meditech reps one day to review

    Y2K preparedness, when a Tropical Storm blew in from Galveston.

    Shades of the 1915 hurricane, the Meditech reps had the sense to

    cancel before getting stranded down those low-lying flood plains Bill & I on the other hand, ever eager for work (and a billable day!)

    sloughed through the storm and met at the Holiday Inn in

    Brazosport, having to literally wade through water in the lobby!

    Ever the consummate professional, Bill tookhis laptop into the hospital the next day and

    started his inventory of PCs while the winds

    howled outside! I left town early afraid of

    getting stranded, while Bill kept working until

    he got all the data needed for his report...

  • 8/3/2019 39A. Bill Corum


    Requiescat in pace Bill retired from HCS in the mid-2000s, and suffered a number of

    health problems but, in his loving wife Ellens words: ..he onceagain bounced back. I couldnt tell you if he felt as goodas he looked and acted or whether it was that positiveattitude of Bills shining through. In our house of yinand yang, he was the energetic, up-beat one always. For

    over 56 years I relied on him to keep me lifted up. Bill met Ellen when they were 15, and she has taken over the email

    account that Bill set up and welcomes notes, so if anyone out there

    who has other reminiscences about Bill, feel free to email her at:

    [email protected]

    Or send her a card at:

    Ellen Corum

    12420 Patricia Drive

    Cerritos, CA 90703