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39 CLOW STREET, DANDENONG PHONE 8571 1805 OR 8571 1000

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39 CLOW STREET, DANDENONG PHONE 8571 1805 OR 8571 1000

39 CLOW STREET, DANDENONG PHONE 8571 1805 OR 8571 1000

What’s in this booklet? 1. General Information What you need to know 2. General Fee Information How fees are set and how to pay fees 3. Family Day Care Policies Our plans for the best Family Day Care service for you!

We respect your privacy. We will not sell or give away your personal information, unless required by law. Occasionally, we may use your details for our own research purposes or to let you know about other council information. If you want to see your personal data, modify your details, or if you receive information from us you do not want in the future please contact Council on 8571 1000.

Want to know more? www.startingblocks.gov.au/ Starting Blocks is a source of reliable information with helpful tips for parents on what to look for to ensure their child gets a quality care and learning experience. Starting blocks will assist you to make the best child care choice for your child and your family. Starting Blocks also provides information on the national quality standards that early education and care services are assessed against. These ratings are another way to help you assess the suitability of a service for your child.

39 CLOW STREET, DANDENONG PHONE 8571 1805 OR 8571 1000

Family Day Care Co-ordination Unit Address: 39 Clow Street, Dandenong 3175 Postal Address: PO Box 200, Dandenong, 3175. E-Mail: [email protected] Telephone: 8571 1805 or 8571 1000 Fax: 8571 5196 Educators have access to a 24 hour mobile phone number. Office Hours Office Open Monday 8.30 am - 5pm Tuesday 8.30 am - 5pm Wednesday 8.30 am - 5pm Thursday 8.30 am - 5pm Friday 8.30 am - 5pm Co-ordination Unit Lani Johaan Team Leader Monday to Friday Jan Smith 2IC/Field Officer Monday to Friday Alison Sharpe Field Officer Tues, Wed & Fri Kerry Hoy Field Officer Monday to Thursday Melda Rasool Field Officer Monday to Friday My Hue Nguyen Bi-lingual Field Officer Monday to Friday Ana Martinez Field Officer Monday to Friday Kim Tao Bi-lingual Field Officer Monday to Friday Ann-Marie Caspanello Field Officer Monday to Friday Kelly Adams Business Support Officer Monday to Friday Deborah Descubes Business Support Officer Monday to Friday Educational Leader My Hue Nguyen Team Leader - Co-ordinates the overall operation of the Family Day Care Scheme Field Officers – Visit Educators, arrange placements and monitor the quality of care Bi-lingual Field Officers- Assist with information to the Vietnamese community, arrange placements and monitor the quality of care Business Support Officers - Administer payment of Child Care Subsidy and runs the office and assists with office administration No time to call? When you’re pressed for time EMAIL US [email protected]

• Updating contact details • Statement Inquiries • CCS/ACCS Queries

39 CLOW STREET, DANDENONG PHONE 8571 1805 OR 8571 1000

The City of Greater Dandenong is committed to ensuring that people have access to quality services that address the many needs of children and families today. They provide a range of services to support the needs of families and children within the municipality. As a Child Friendly City, the City of Greater Dandenong is a city in which all children are valued, respected and celebrated. 1. General Information Welcome to the Greater Dandenong Family Day Care Scheme. Greater Dandenong Family Day Care is a not for profit, Council owned and operated, home-based child care service. We have been providing quality child care to our community for over 40 years. Our family day care service provides flexible child care options for children 0-12 years old (and older in special circumstances). Our educators are qualified, passionate and experienced. They are committed to providing an early learning program tailored to meet the care and learning needs of every child. They understand that partnerships with families and the community are vital to providing an environment where every child belongs and thrives. Services Offered Through Family Day Care

• Full time care • Part time care • Before and After School Care • Care for shift workers’ children • Care for children with additional needs. • Organised playgroups, nature play sessions and regular inter-generational music activities for Educators and children. • Payment of Child Care Subsidy (for help with fees)

39 CLOW STREET, DANDENONG PHONE 8571 1805 OR 8571 1000

We set the highest standards Greater Dandenong Family Day Care is governed by the National Quality Framework. Research shows quality education and care early in life leads to better health, education and employment outcomes later in life. The early years are critical for establishing self-esteem, resilience, healthy growth and capacity to learn. That’s why the National Quality Framework (NQF) was introduced – to give every child the best start to life and learning. The NQF introduces legal requirements and a new quality standard to improve education and care for all early childhood services, including Family Day Care. Key objectives of the National Quality Framework are:

• To ensure the safety, health and wellbeing of children attending education and care services • To improve the educational and developmental outcomes for children attending education and care services • To promote continuous improvement in the provision of quality education and care services In 2014 our service was rated as EXCEEDING THE NATIONAL QUALITY STANDARD. Less than one quarter of services nationally have achieved an exceeding rating. This is what the ACECQA assessor said about our service: “The service demonstrated quality in all areas to achieve an overall of exceeding in the assessment and rating process. The service is to be commended for the effective governance arrangements which led the service and drove a positive organisational culture building on a professional learning community. The strong and collaborative partnerships with families and communities were evident throughout the organisational culture and were strongly demonstrated in each residence visited. Co-ordinators and educators worked collaboratively to provide care arrangements that offered flexibility to meet a diverse range of needs. The service is acknowledged for its commitment to continuous improvement and its positive participation in the assessment and rating process.” WE CAN ALWAYS DO BETTER! We are always working on ways to improve our service to our children and our families. We have a Quality Improvement Plan which guides this process. Our Quality improvement Plan is based on self-assessment, reflection and feedback from all participants. We welcome your participation in this process. Please contact us, or talk to your Educator, if you would like to know more.

39 CLOW STREET, DANDENONG PHONE 8571 1805 OR 8571 1000

About our Educators: Family Day Care Educators are approved, early childhood education and care professionals who engage in the principles and practices of the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and work within the requirements of the National Quality Framework. Our Educators are carefully recruited through a rigorous selection process. They must: • Hold at least a Certificate 111 level education and care qualification. • Meet national standards which include maintaining quality learning programs, safe and hygienic child care environments, record keeping and qualifications • Maintain current first aid and CPR certificates and training in the emergency management of asthma and anaphylaxis • Maintain a clearance for working with children • Participate in regular support and monitoring visits conducted by our coordination unit. • Regularly attend training and workshops to maintain currency of skills and knowledge. • Hold current public liability insurance.

Help in finding the right educator'. All placements are arranged through the Family Day Care Office. 1. Applications are taken over the phone. Contact the Family Day Care Co-ordination Unit: Telephone 8571 1805. 2. We will respond to your application within five working days. We will give you the names and telephone numbers of Educators who have vacancies and who best suit your family’s needs. We strongly advise parents to interview all of the Educators suggested before making your final decision, 3. Once you have selected your Educator you will come to the office to complete the necessary paperwork. This is an opportunity to meet the Field Officer who will be visiting your child in care. Priority of access One of the main reasons the Australian Government funds child care is to meet the needs of Australian families. The Australian Government has Priority of Access Guidelines which services must follow when placing children, the guidelines are as follows: Priority 1 - a child at risk of serious abuse or neglect Priority 2 - a child of a single parent who satisfies, or of parents who both satisfy, the work, training study test under section 14 of the A New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act 1999 Priority 3 - any other child

39 CLOW STREET, DANDENONG PHONE 8571 1805 OR 8571 1000

How to Select an Educator Because you want to choose the best for your child, you need to talk about all your child’s needs with the Educator. This will help you to select the right Educator. Guidelines of issues to discuss EDUCATOR’S PROGRAM & ENVIRONMENT * Play areas * Sleep areas/bedding * Usual routines - Child’s * Equipment - e.g. car seat/cot * Behaviour Guidance * Television * Early Learning play sessions * Activities provided * Medical/special needs/allergies * Fears of child * Pets, guidelines * Other members of the house ADMINISTRATIVE * Hours of care required * Emergency Phone Numbers & Parent Work Phone Numbers * Fee Agreement Form * Payment of fees (when/how) * Timesheets/Attendance Records * e-signatures * Public Holidays * Holding fees, R.D.O’s, rosters, etc. * Holidays - Educators and parents * School holiday care * Sick children/infectious diseases * Medication

DAILY REQUIREMENTS *Clothing requirements *Food requirements and - who provides it *Any cultural or religious considerations *Delivery/collection of child OTHER *Use of car *Usual outings undertaken school, kinder *Other outings

39 CLOW STREET, DANDENONG PHONE 8571 1805 OR 8571 1000

Making Your Decision The decision to go ahead with Family Day Care is yours. After you have met the Educator, think about how comfortable you felt and how your child interacted with the Educator, and the other children in the house. Does the Educator provide the sort of care you want for your child and will she be able to meet your child’s individual needs? Preparation for Care If you show your child you are relaxed and pleased about the care situation, it will help your child happily settle into care. Settling your Child into Care Settling children into care can be emotional for both children and families. We suggest you start with short periods of care before a child experiences a full day the time can depend on the age and personality of the child and whether or not the child has been in child care before. However, for the younger child (15 months and under) you may want to allow two days for settling. A suggested amount of time for the first day of care is 2 to 3 hours, then longer on the second day which might include a sleep period for example. This way, your child can become slowly familiar with his/her new environment, and he/she is not away from you for too long at first. Tell your child about how Family Day Care works e.g. who is going to be at the house, what variety of things he/she will do, what time you will pick him/her up. Spend some special time at home with your child. Often when a child is not settling into care it is because she/he has missed you – rather than not liking the care! If you are experiencing difficulties talking to an Educator we are here to help. Please talk to your Field Officer if settling is not going as well as expected. Establishing a Relationship with Your Educator During those first weeks in care you and your child will be getting to know your Educator and vice versa. To help this relationship grow, talk with your Educator about how your child is getting on. Discuss any problems that have come up immediately and make a few minutes available at the beginning of each day’s care to let your Educator know about anything that may affect your child’s day –e.g. what time he/she woke and/or had his/her first bottle, if he/she had a disturbed night. Your Educator, at the end of the day, will do the same for you.

39 CLOW STREET, DANDENONG PHONE 8571 1805 OR 8571 1000

Parents are responsible for: • Seeing that their children arrive at the Educator’s home clean, fed, and in good health • Telephoning the Educator if the usual routine changes • Letting the Educator know if their child is unhappy for some reason. For example, a sleepless night or a missed breakfast • Following the Fee Agreement. Educators should never have to ask for their payment • Talking over any concerns immediately and honestly • Being polite and respectful to the Educators at all times Educators are responsible for: • Encouraging parents to ask questions about the way they relate to children, such as the limits they set, and the expectations they have for your child • Telling parents anything that happened during the day which might affect your child’s behaviour • Respecting ideas that may be different from their own, for example, cultural differences • Clearly stating what they expect of parents such as: keeping to booked times, procedures with sick children and prompt payment of fees • Being polite and respectful to parents at all times Babies’ requirements Parents are required to supply baby’s dietary needs including, milk formula, juice and bottles. Child Protection If an Educator has any concerns about the welfare of a child in care she will talk with the child’s parent. The Co-ordination Unit will be told of this. Where there are reasonable grounds to believe that neglect or abuse is taking place the Co-ordination Unit will notify the appropriate authority. Clothing Please send your preschool child with a change of clothes. A baby may need more than one change. Our weather can vary so send clothes for both warm and cold days. Dress your child for active play and outings. In winter your child will need a warm coat and sturdy shoes for outside play. From September to April please be Sunsmart (www.sunsmart.com.au) and send a sunhat and sunscreen every day. Before your child is toilet trained please provide enough nappies for the care period. Six nappies are the recommended amount for an eight hour day. Used cloth nappies will be placed in a plastic bag. It is not the Educator’s responsibility to wash nappies. If disposable nappies are used, Educators have the right to ask parents to dispose of them.

39 CLOW STREET, DANDENONG PHONE 8571 1805 OR 8571 1000

Re-commencing Care If you require care after an extended absence (for which a fee has not been paid), please telephone the Family Day Care office to: • Check if a place in the scheme is still available • Update/rewrite your Enrolment Record/Parents’ Consent Agreement & CCMS form • Find an Educator for you - PLEASE, DO NOT ASSUME YOUR PREVIOUS EDUCATOR IS AVAILABLE • If care re-commences, telephone the Family Assistance Office to update your Child Care Subsidy. Arranging alternative care when your Educator is unavailable On some occasions, your Educator may not be able to care for your child e.g. illness, holidays etc. Family Day Care will try to organise an alternative Educator but this may not always be possible. It is important that you arrange for a relative or friend who can care for your child if an emergency arises and we cannot help you. Educators must notify the office and parents when they are not available, giving as much notice as possible. Parents must then ring the office if an alternative Educator is required. If an emergency arises out of office hours, it is the Educator’s responsibility to contact the Family Day Care, 24 hour contact service. If alternative care is arranged with another Educator, please inform the Family Day Care Office as soon as possible. Please remember that Educators set their own fees and will vary from Educator to Educator. Getting to know your scheme' Our Scheme has Policies for Educators – available to parents on request, and briefly covered in Section 3 of this Handbook. We have also outlined some of particular importance for parents below: Activities Provided for Children Educators provide a range of activities for the children. With the support of the Co-ordination Unit through *Early Learning Play sessions, *excursions and home visits, children are able to participate in stimulating and varied activities promoting play and learning. (* for a variety of reasons not all Educators are available to attend play sessions and excursions. If you particularly want your child to participate in these activities please discuss this during your initial interview). Communication Communication is vital between Educators, Parents and the Co-ordination Unit. Confidentiality Must be observed at all times.

39 CLOW STREET, DANDENONG PHONE 8571 1805 OR 8571 1000

Change to Enrolment Record Please notify both the Educator and the Co-ordination Unit if there is any change in any information on the Enrolment Record. Parents should ensure that the Educator has up to date information in the case of an emergency. Behaviour Guidance Please Note: Educators are not allowed to smack a child, even with the parents’ permission. Complaints/Grievance Aim: To ensure that all complaints are dealt with in a just, effective and prompt manner. To ensure that all complaints are resolved by negotiation and discussion between the parties. Please refer to Section 3 of this Information Book - Family Day Care Policies Long Distance Outings Family Day Care is home based and long distance trips are not encouraged. Occasionally however, an outing in the best interest of the children in care may be undertaken. Signed parental permission will be sought on these occasions. It is not recommended that Family Day Care children would attend inappropriate outings - e.g. visiting an Educator’s sick relative in hospital, an Educator’s medical appointment or the large weekly shopping. A permission form signed by the parent/guardian is required for non-routine/ special excursions and outings. Accident/Injury/Sudden Illness Educators must record all accidents & injuries on an Accident/Injury/Sudden Illness Report form. Educators must notify the Co-ordination Unit as soon as practical. Parents should sign the Accident/Injury/Sudden Illness Report form when collecting their child. Late Pick-ups Emergency telephone numbers on the Enrolment Record and Parent Consent Agreement will be contacted if parents are uncontactable and over one hour late. Leave arrangements – Educator Educators are requested to give parents at least 10 working days’ notice, where circumstances permit, before taking leave. Every effort will be made to offer you another Educator; however this may not always be possible. Parents are requested to meet the alternative Educator prior to children being placed in care. Educators do not receive any fee whilst they are on holidays, or are unavailable to offer care.

39 CLOW STREET, DANDENONG PHONE 8571 1805 OR 8571 1000

Number of children in care Four (4) pre-schoolers including the Educator’s own can be cared for at any one time. The total number of children in care will not exceed seven (7) including the Educator’s own children. Early Learning Play Sessions Play sessions are for babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers and their parents or Educators. Pre-school children are going through a stage of rapid brain and skill development. Play sessions encourage that development. Babies are offered play experiences to stimulate their senses, toddlers practise their developing physical, intellectual and language skills, and pre-school children practise social skills – important preparation for kindergarten and school. All parents are welcome to attend Play sessions. Play sessions provide a variety of stimulating and fun activities in a large group setting and gives children an opportunity to access additional Family Day Care resources and equipment. It creates a weekly opportunity for staff, Educators and children to meet, exchange ideas and have a good time. Pets Children must be fully supervised when in contact with pets Nutrition/Meals/Food Family Day Care encourages good nutrition. Parents and Educators are encouraged to discuss what your child eats on a regular basis. There must be enough food to satisfy your child’s dietary needs. If insufficient food or no food supplied, a meal charge will apply. Parents need to be respectful of Educator’s time, concerning preparation of meals. Educators and parents need to agree on food preparation/heating and breast feeding. It is the parent’s responsibility to provide fruit for kindergarten and all food requirements for school. Where meals are provided by the Educator, the parent can have input into what is provided. This is to reflect the cultural background of the children in care. Where children require a special diet, parents will be asked to provide a written list of suitable food preferences. The majority of snacks shall be chosen from quality high nutrition food. Good snacks are essential. Food such as cakes, chips, biscuits and lollies are fine occasionally. Water will be encouraged as the main drink. Sweet drinks like cordial, soft drinks and flavoured mineral water is discouraged. For further information on nutritional meals go to www.raisingchildren.net.au

Illness and Infectious Diseases in Children – We have a public health responsibility to protect your child from outbreaks of infectious illness. We understand the pressure of sick children can impact on your work/studies. Please do not take your child to childcare if he/she is unwell. Children who are unwell are very miserable when away from home. Educators have a number of children they are responsible for, and it is not possible to give children the individual attention they need. Communicable Diseases Information Line Free call 1300 651 160 www.health.vic.gov.au

39 CLOW STREET, DANDENONG PHONE 8571 1805 OR 8571 1000

Illness–Educator Every effort will be made to offer you an alternative placement if your Educator is ill. Infectious Diseases If children have been diagnosed as having an infectious disease, it is important for parent’s to notify their Educator immediately. In some cases a doctor’s certificate may be required before the child can return to care. Parents will be notified by the Educator if one of the children in care has an infectious disease. If the Educator or any member of the Educator’s household has an infectious disease then alternative care can be arranged for the Family Day Care children. Medication Permission Medication will only be administered to children with the written permission of the Parent/Guardian. Medication is not to be administered unless the consent form which includes times and dosages required has been signed by the Parent/Guardian. Where a child becomes ill after being dropped off, the Parent/Guardian may be contacted by phone to give verbal permission for medication to be administered. The medication record is to be completed when the child is picked up. For conditions such as asthma, diabetes, epilepsy and severe allergic reactions, where there is a known risk of emergency situations, management plans must be provided by the Parent/Guardian. Refer to the Life Threatening Medical Conditions Policy (9.1) for more information. If an Educator is concerned about the content of such a plan, they should contact the FDC office. Educators need Parent/Guardian permission before using non-prescription and over the counter medications such as Panadol, nappy rash creams, teething gels and sunscreen. Parents/Guardians are responsible for providing such items.

39 CLOW STREET, DANDENONG PHONE 8571 1805 OR 8571 1000

Infectious Diseases Schedule 7 Minimum Period of Exclusion from Primary Schools and Children's Services Centres for Infectious Diseases Cases and Contacts (Public Health and Wellbeing Regulations 2009) In this Schedule, medical certificate means a certificate of a registered medical practitioner. Condition Exclusion of Cases Exclusion of Contacts Amoebiasis (Entamoeba histolytica)

Exclude until there has not been a loose bowel motion for 24 hours. Not excluded.

Campylobacter Exclude until there has not been a loose bowel motion for 24 hours. Not excluded.

Chickenpox Exclude until all blisters have dried. This is usually at least 5 days after the rash appears in unimmunised children, but may be less in previously immunised children.

Any child with an immune deficiency (for example, leukaemia) or receiving chemotherapy should be excluded for their own protection. Otherwise not excluded. Conjunctivitis Exclude until discharge from eyes has ceased. Not excluded. Diarrhoea Exclude until there has not been a loose bowel motion for 24 hours.

Not excluded. Diphtheria Exclude until medical certificate of recovery is received following at least two negative throat swabs, the first not less than 24 hours after finishing a course of antibiotics and the other 48 hours later.

Exclude family/household contacts until cleared to return by the Secretary.

Hand, Foot and Mouth disease Exclude until all blisters have dried. Not excluded. Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)

Exclude until at least 4 days of appropriate antibiotic treatment has been completed. Not excluded.

Hepatitis A Exclude until a medical certificate of recovery is received, but not before 7 days after the onset of jaundice or illness.

Not excluded.

39 CLOW STREET, DANDENONG PHONE 8571 1805 OR 8571 1000

Condition Exclusion of Cases Exclusion of Contacts Hepatitis C Exclusion is not necessary. Not excluded. Herpes ("cold sores") Young children unable to comply with good hygiene practices should be excluded while the lesion is weeping. Lesions to be covered by dressing, where possible.

Not excluded.

Human immuno-deficiency virus infection (HIV/AIDS) Exclusion is not necessary. Not excluded.

Impetigo Exclude until appropriate treatment has commenced. Sores on exposed surfaces must be covered with a watertight dressing.

Not excluded.

Influenza and influenza like illnesses Exclude until well. Not excluded unless considered necessary by the Secretary. Leprosy Exclude until approval to return has been given by the Secretary.

Not excluded. Measles* Exclude for at least 4 days after onset of rash. Immunised contacts not excluded. Unimmunised contacts should be excluded until 14 days after the first day of appearance of rash in the last case. If unimmunised contacts are vaccinated within 72 hours of their first contact with the first case, or received NHIG within 144 hours of exposure, they may return to the facility. Meningitis (bacteria - other than meningococcal meningitis)

Exclude until well. Not excluded.

Meningococcal infection* Exclude until adequate carrier eradication therapy has been completed. Not excluded if receiving carrier eradication therapy.

Mumps* Exclude for 9 days or until swelling goes down (whichever is sooner). Not excluded.

39 CLOW STREET, DANDENONG PHONE 8571 1805 OR 8571 1000

Condition Exclusion of Cases Exclusion of Contacts Poliomyelitis* Exclude for at least 14 days from onset. Re-admit after receiving medical certificate of recovery. Not excluded.

Ringworm, scabies, pediculosis (head lice) Exclude until the day after appropriate treatment has commenced.

Not excluded. Rubella (German measles) Exclude until fully recovered or for at least four days after the onset of rash.

Not excluded.

Salmonella, Shigella Exclude until there has not been a loose bowel motion for 24 hours. Not excluded.

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Exclude until medical certificate of recovery is produced.

Not excluded unless considered necessary by the Secretary. Streptococcal infection (including scarlet fever) Exclude until the child has received antibiotic treatment for at least 24 hours and the child feels well.

Not excluded.

Tuberculosis Exclude until receipt of a medical certificate from the treating physician stating that the child is not considered to be infectious.

Not excluded.

Typhoid fever (including paratyphoid fever) Exclude until approval to return has been given by the Secretary.

Not excluded unless considered necessary by the Secretary. Vero toxin producing Escherichia coli (VTEC) Exclude if required by the Secretary and only for the period specified by the Secretary.

Not excluded.

Worms (Intestinal) Exclude until there has not been a loose bowel motion for 24 hours. Not excluded.

The Public Health and Wellbeing Regulations 2009 are available from the Victorian Legislation and Parliamentary Documents website maintained by the Department of Premier and Cabinet. Exclusion of cases and contacts is NOT required for Cytomegalovirus Infection, Glandular fever (mononucleosis), Hepatitis B or C, Hookworm, Molluscum contagiosum, or Parvovirus (erythema infectiosum fifth disease). Contacts, those who have been living in the same house as the person with the disease, must not attend during the period stated under the heading ‘Contacts’.

39 CLOW STREET, DANDENONG PHONE 8571 1805 OR 8571 1000

cont’dE Illness Fever A child with a fever of more than 38 degrees Celsius must be kept at home for at least 24 hours. Their activity level and appetite should be back to normal before returning to care. Vomiting A child who is vomiting should be kept out of care for 48 hours. Micro-organisms which cause vomiting and diarrhoea are highly contagious.

39 CLOW STREET, DANDENONG PHONE 8571 1805 OR 8571 1000

2. Child Care Fees Fee setting, charging and payment Aim: To ensure that all Parents/Guardians are aware of their rights and responsibilities regarding the setting, charging and payment of child care fees. Policy: The service provided will be equitable and fair to all families. Procedure: • The contract of care is between the service and the parent/guardian. The service will provide all families with a current fee schedule prior to the commencement of care. • Fees are reviewed annually. Parents/Guardians will be given at least 4 weeks’ notice of any changes and the date when they will come into effect. • Fees are not charged if the Educator is unavailable for agreed booked hours of care. • Core hours of care are defined as the hours between 8am and 6pm Monday to Friday. • Non-Core hours of care are the hours between 6pm and 8am Monday to Friday, and weekends. • Educators are not required to provide care on gazetted public holidays. If a child’s normal booked day falls on a public holiday the normal fee applies even when care is not provided. • One hundred (100) per cent of the normal fee is charged when a child is absent from their agreed booked hours of care. Council Service Levy • The service levy is collected by your Educator on behalf of Council. It does not form part of your Educator’s income. The service levy covers the cost of the Coordination Unit who oversee the delivery of the service, monitor quality, administer families’ subsidy entitlements and Child Care Management System accountability requirements, recruit and support Educators and assist families to meet their child care needs. Child Care Subsidy • All Parents/Guardians will be provided with information relevant to claiming Child Care Subsidy (CCS and ACCS). It is the Parent/Guardian’s responsibility to ensure that their CCS is current and information provided to the Family Assistance Office is accurate. • Parents/Guardians will provide the service with all appropriate documentation required to claim Child Care Subsidy in accordance with Commonwealth Government Guidelines. • The educator will collect on behalf of the service the portion of the total fee not covered by subsidy entitlement (gap fee). The amount payable includes the service levy. Fee Range • In line with the Australian Government Department of Education guidelines the Service will set an approved fee range. This range is reviewed annually. Individual educator fees will be set within the approved range. Educator’s individual fees reflect their qualifications, experience and the level of service provided.

39 CLOW STREET, DANDENONG PHONE 8571 1805 OR 8571 1000

Collection of Fees/Authorisation • The Service is responsible for the processing of fortnightly timesheets/attendance records. Timesheets/attendance records are completed by authorised parent/guardian and reflect the actual time children were in care and the hours being charged for. • The service submits the timesheet information to the department (CCMS). The department processes the information provided and authorises the payment of both CCS and ACCS to the service. • The service forwards a payment report to the educator detailing the family’s childcare usage, the CCS/ACCS payment and the amount (gap fee) owed by the parent. • The service authorises the Educator to act as an agent of the service for the purposes of fee payment, and the collection of any debts incurred by non-payment. • The Educator will, be encouraged, as good business practice, to provide the parent with a receipt for payment. The receipt must clearly identify the service as the approved provider. • The Service will fortnightly and at the end of each quarter provide each parent with a child care usage statement that meets departmental compliance requirements and details the full amounts (costs) of their Childcare usage for that quarter. This statement will show the CCS, ACCS and parent portion and meets the requirements of a receipt for taxation purposes. Fortnightly statements will be emailed. Quarterly statements will be posted. Debt recovery • Financial problems that may arise for some parents are not related to the Educator’s right to payment for service provision. Parents experiencing temporary exceptional hardship may ring the Family Day Care office to discuss the situation. • The Educator is responsible for nominating the due date for payment. Educators are required to notify the Co-ordination Unit if fee payment is not received within 7 days. • If fee payment is overdue, the Educator shall request payment of outstanding fees and note time and date of this request. The Educator will inform the Coordination Unit of any steps taken to recover debts. Where practical and relevant, all parties will receive copies of correspondence in relation to late payment / non-payment. • If payment is not received within one week of request, the Educator may, in consultation with the service, terminate care arrangements. The Educator and the service will pursue any outstanding debts. The debt is a debt to the service and will stand until the debt is recovered. • Families leaving our service at any time with outstanding debts to Educators will not be offered another child care place until all existing debts are paid in full. Source: Education and Care Services National Law and Regulations 2011 – Reg 168 (2) (n) National Quality Standards (Element 7.3.5) Australian Government, Department of Education, 8th April 2014, Australian Government, accessed from; http://education.gov.au/ Australian Government, Department of Employment, 23rd October 2013, Australian Government, accessed from; http://employment.gov.au/ or www.deewr.gov.au/childcarehandbook Australian Government, Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, 2012, Child Care Services Handbook 2012-2013 Family Day Care Australia (FDCA), 2014, Family Day Care Australia, Gosford, NSW, Australia, Checkpoint series – Payment of fees - Introduction Revised May 2014

39 CLOW STREET, DANDENONG PHONE 8571 1805 OR 8571 1000

Fee Issues To Consider Before commencing care Please make sure you discuss all fees and charges with the Educator of your choice BEFORE commencing care. Fee Agreements for school age children School age children may require two Fee Agreement forms. One for the school terms and one for school holidays. It is essential to make it clear if you are booking for school terms only. This is important because if you book for holidays as well as school terms and do not really require school holiday care, absences (holding fees) can be applied and you will quickly exceed the 42 days of absence that CCS/ACCS can be paid on. Collection of children Children must be signed in and out at the time of pick up/drop off at the Educator’s home by a responsible person who is at least 18 years of age and is listed on the Enrolment Record/Parent Consent Agreement & CCMS form, as authorised to collect the child/children. Meals Parents may provide meals themselves or come to an arrangement with the Educator to provide meals and/or snacks. Special dietary requirements are to be provided by the parent, as are prepared bottles for infants. Please ensure that the food you send for your child: • is pre-prepared • is nutritious, no chips, lollies, chocolate bars etc • is of sufficient quantity to satisfy your child’s dietary needs • a sufficient quantity of suitable drinks (e.g. milk, juice) should also be provided If insufficient food, or no food, is supplied meal charges will apply Pre-school charges Educators are paid for the hours a child attends a preschool session when: • The Educator is available for the child should the Educator be contacted whist the child is at preschool • The child would be the Educator’s responsibility, except for the attendance at pre-school. • The child actually received care from the Educator for some part of the day.

39 CLOW STREET, DANDENONG PHONE 8571 1805 OR 8571 1000

GREATER DANDENONG FAMILY DAY CARE PHILOSOPHY VISION We will be recognized as an education and care sector leader by achieving and maintaining the highest quality outcomes for children. MISSION We aim to provide the highest quality education and care service for all families in a safe, respectful and inclusive environment that nurtures and realizes the full potential within each child. We welcome and respect all members of our diverse community, including new settlement groups and the original inhabitants of this land. OUR VALUES Children: We passionately believe that children are our future. We believe we have a responsibility to pass on a sustainable future to our children. We support each child's inherent right to a sense of belonging, being and becoming. We facilitate children's learning through enriching play based experiences, discovery, creativity, exploration of the natural and built environments, and social and community interactions In our everyday practice, we consistently strive to build and maintain inclusive, responsive and trusting relationships with children in our care Professionalism We recruit staff and Educators who are committed to the provision of high quality education and care services and who reflect the diversity of our community We value the knowledge, skills and commitment of our staff and Educators. We support a lively culture of professional inquiry for staff and Educators. Staff and Educators have access to, and are supported by educational (pedagogical) leaders. Staff and Educators will be provided with a range of professional learning opportunities that challenge and extend current thinking and are informed by sound, tested and diverse theoretical perspectives Partnerships We recognize the critical importance of children, families and Educators as partners in children’s learning. We work with the wider community, other agencies and professionals to support children and families, and by actively promoting our service in the community

39 CLOW STREET, DANDENONG PHONE 8571 1805 OR 8571 1000


39 CLOW STREET, DANDENONG PHONE 8571 1805 OR 8571 1000


39 CLOW STREET, DANDENONG PHONE 8571 1805 OR 8571 1000

5. INFORMATION COLLECTION AND RELEASE PARENT/GUARDIAN DOCUMENTED INFORMATIION CONFIDENTIALITY AND PRIVACY RECORD KEEPING MEDIA GREATER DANDENONG FAMILY DAY CARE PHILOSOPHY VISION We will be recognized as an education and care sector leader by achieving and maintaining the highest quality outcomes for children. MISSION We aim to provide the highest quality education and care service for all families in a safe, respectful and inclusive environment that nurtures and realizes the full potential within each child. We welcome and respect all members of our diverse community, including new settlement groups and the original inhabitants of this land. OUR VALUES Children: We passionately believe that children are our future. We believe we have a responsibility to pass on a sustainable future to our children. We support each child's inherent right to a sense of belonging, being and becoming. We facilitate children's learning through enriching play based experiences, discovery, creativity, exploration of the natural and built environments, and social and community interactions In our everyday practice, we consistently strive to build and maintain inclusive, responsive and trusting relationships with children in our care Professionalism We recruit staff and Educators who are committed to the provision of high quality education and care services and who reflect the diversity of our community We value the knowledge, skills and commitment of our staff and Educators. We support a lively culture of professional inquiry for staff and Educators. Staff and Educators have access to, and are supported by educational (pedagogical) leaders. Staff and Educators will be provided with a range of professional learning opportunities that challenge and extend current thinking and are informed by sound, tested and diverse theoretical perspectives Partnerships We recognize the critical importance of children, families and Educators as partners in children’s learning. We work with the wider community, other agencies and professionals to support children and families, and by actively promoting our service in the community

39 CLOW STREET, DANDENONG PHONE 8571 1805 OR 8571 1000

POLICY - CHILDREN AND FAMILIES All children are provided with high quality, developmentally appropriate home based care and learning experiences that meet their individual needs. Families from all cultures and nations are welcomed, well informed and involved in the service. POLICY- FAMILY DAY CARE STAFF AND CONTRACTORS Greater Dandenong Family Day Care implements effective recruitment, professional development and occupational health and safety practices to ensure Coordination Unit Staff and Educators have the qualifications, experience and expertise required to support the provision of a high quality Family Day Care Service that reflects its diverse community. POLICY - HEALTH AND SAFETY Greater Dandenong Family Day Care ensures that all persons are provided with a high level of safety and protection during the hours of the service’s operation. The Service will provide a home based care and education environment which positively supports children’s health and well-being and protects their safety at all times. It is understood by staff/Educators that there is a shared responsibility between the Service and all stakeholders that the Health and Safety Policy and procedures are accepted as a high priority. POLICY - FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Greater Dandenong Family Day Care will ensure that the Service provides quality, well maintained, developmentally appropriate facilities which are welcoming and accessible to children and their families. POLICY - FDC INFORMATION COLLECTION AND RELEASE Greater Dandenong Family Day Care implements an up to date, efficient record management system with clear and consistent procedures for the maintenance and confidential management of family, Educator and staff records. Grievance and complaints handling procedures are accessible, transparent, easy to follow and respectful for families, Educators and staff.

39 CLOW STREET, DANDENONG PHONE 8571 1805 OR 8571 1000

COMPLAINTS / GRIEVANCE Will be conducted according to the Greater Dandenong Grievance Procedure – An overview of which follows: • Families, Educators and staff members are entitled to have a grievance addressed through all levels of Greater Dandenong management (Please refer to Organisational Chart overleaf). • The person making the complaint shall first attempt to resolve the grievance directly with the person concerned. • Educators, Parents/Guardians and staff are encouraged to build open communicative relationships and discuss any concerns directly with each other. All are encouraged to contact the Coordination Unit and / or management for advice on approaching difficult concerns. • If the complaint cannot be resolved with the person concerned, the person making the complaint should contact the Coordination Unit and / or the Children’s Services Co-ordinator at the earliest possible time, to avoid a situation escalating. • If needed or requested the Coordination Unit will supply an experienced independent person acting as a mediator if appropriate. • The details of complaints made over the phone will then be formally recorded. • The Team Leader or Children’s Services Co-ordinator will ensure that a written acknowledgement is sent to the person making the complaint within 2 working days of receiving a formally recorded complaint. • Educators and Co-ordination Unit Staff will be informed about any complaint made about them and given the right to respond. • A copy of the Greater Dandenong Family Day Care Complaints / Grievance policy will be made available to all parties within 2 working days of receiving a formally recorded complaint. • Educators and Coordination Unit Staff have the right to seek assistance from a support person when responding to a complaint about them. • Unacceptable conduct / Breach of Contract will be referred to and acted on if applicable. • Until the matter is finalized, the status quo is to be maintained unless the health or safety of a child in care is at risk. • All parties to a dispute will be treated fairly and impartially while the matter is investigated. All information will be documented and treated according to the relevant Greater Dandenong Family Day Care policies. • All parties to a dispute will be issued with a letter confirming the resolution or outcome of the investigations. • Following finalization of a complaint, the Coordination Unit will review its practices with a view to improvement and avoiding similar complaints.

Greater Dandenong Family Day Care Scheme If you have a complaint… Let’s talk about it!

Referral to appropriate Council Officer/Department as required

Manager, Children, Youth & Family Services Jim Davine: 8571 5160

Children’s Services Co-ordinator Jackie Gray: 8571 1829

Family Day Care Team Leader Lani Johaan: 8571 1805

Educator/Family/FDC Field Officer