3.4.1 week 4 discussion


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Post on 14-Jun-2015




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This is my Week 4 Discussion Post.


  • 1. Priyank P. Patel MDM530 BRAND DEVELOPMENT 3.4.1 WEEK 4 DISCUSSION

2. Project Company United Airlines 3. Company Overview & ZAG Zag: United Airlines is the only company that sets the highest industry standard towards safety and security while providing world-class service. United Airlines was founded in 1926. Uniteds main competitors are Delta Airlines, American Airlines and Southwest Airlines . United flies both domestic and international flights. Currently they operate 12 different fleets of aircraft worldwide. United Airlines 4. Brand Ideals Vision: The goal is to have the most comprehensive global airline network. Along with partnership and customer loyalty, they are able to deliver on a global level. Meaning: United believes in safety towards their customers and a healthier environment. Currently they are the industry leader towards airline safety. Authenticity: United created a digital boarding pass which allows customers to check in without standing in long lines. United Airlines 5. Brand Ideals Flexibility: United provides flexibility by partnering with other airlines to support their network. They also have flexible work schedules for their employees and flexible health benefits. Value: United values a strong sustainable long term value to their customers and communities. Commitment: United is committed to provide a level of service to their customers that makes them a leader in the airline industry. United Airlines 6. Onliness Statement United Airlines is the only company that sets the highest industry standard towards safety and security while providing world-class service. United Airlines 7. Need For Rebranding United Airlines need for rebranding is to focus their business towards the younger generation. United Airlines 8. Key Differences and Similarities To Competitors Differences: Focuses on safety towards customers More leg room for passengers Additional fees for checked in baggage. Similarities: Has a strong focus towards environmental issues. Adds network by partnering with other airlines Created a digital boarding pass United Airlines 9. S.W.O.T Analysis Strengths: Keeping the operation cost low. Effective management style, bottom up model Stimulate to potential markets Multiple fleet line up increase overall efficiency. Weakness: Limited manpower can not handle additional hours. Fewer domestic hubs. More flights with longer layovers Poor training program for new hires United Airlines 10. S.W.O.T Analysis Opportunities: Adding new routes and airport decals. Adding inflight options marketed towards kids. Increasing first class cabins to have more room Building high tech customer check-in application Threats: High fuel prices decreasing profits. Trying to increase customer confidence in this environment. Winning over government strict policies through congress. Increase operational cost by adding additional services. United Airlines 11. Action Plan Brand Positioning: For all the domestic and international travelers, United Airlines is a global airline that provides high class accommodations to over 1.1 million travelers world wide. Unlike other airlines, United provides a combination of extraordinary convenience, low prices, and comprehensive flight selections. Value Proposition: United is best known for their high-class flight accommodations and innovation towards airline travel. Among one of the nations leading airline industry, United has added over 150 advanced aircrafts to their lineup. Majority of Uniteds cabins has been upgraded to adopt to the latest technology changes, including in-flight texting and video games. This clearly expresses the products competitive advantage. United Airlines 12. Action Plan Sustainable Competitive Advantage: The technology industry is one of the leading industries with respect to strong research and innovation. And when it comes to setting the pace using innovation as leverage; Apple and Sony are the two companies that have held their leadership position using innovation as a competitive advantage. United has developed a strong sustainable competitive advantage by providing unique services and having a good reputation towards customer service. United Airlines 13. Brand Strategy Recommendation To United Airlines for the purpose of being a brand leader in the market is by focusing on developing technology to be targeted towards both their younger and more elite audiences. United Airlines 14. Short Term Action Plan Recommendation Focus developing technology advancements towards a younger crowd. Build in advance features that we will see tomorrow. Technology connects United Airlines with its customers at a closer level. Focus on developing and setting a benchmark for Environmental issues globally. This will help make it more of a green brand and will help United Airlines passengers fly safer in the skys. Research and build new planes that are more fuel efficient, environmentally safer and produce less footprints on the Earth we live on. Lets have United Airlines as a global leader that will surface and show how it can help others as well do the same. United Airlines 15. Project Conclusion United Airlines is a global brand leading the airline industry with innovation and strong business tactics. United Airlines will continue to grow and develop its technology and ways it connects to its customers with the constant uprising in customer demands. United Airlines 16. Sources ArIte, M. (2014, March 3). Quality and Innovation. Retrieved August 17, 2014. Best, K. (2006). Design management: Managing design strategy, process and implementation. Switzerland: AVA Publishing. Details (2007, June 8). Retrieved August 6, 2014, from https://www.flickr.com/photos/janoid/888869166 Expressions (2007, June 8). Retrieved August 6, 2014, from https://www.flickr.com/photos/ingetjetadros/5919120554/sizes/l Great Flexibility ! (2007, June 8). Retrieved August 6, 2014, from https://www.flickr.com/photos/khalid-almasoud/474399662 Neumeier, M. (2007). Zag: The number-one strategy of high-performance brands : A whiteboard overview (No ed., pp. 115-143). Berkeley, Calif.: AIGA Wheeler, A. (2013). Designing brand identity: An essential guide for the whole bradning team (Vol. 4). Hoboken: J. Wiley & Sons. United Airlines 17. SourcesUnited Airlines Image: http://www.trbimg.com/img-531f4b80/turbine/la-fi-mo-united-airlines-refunds-20140311-001/600/16x9 Image: http://i.huffpost.com/gen/1223703/thumbs/o-IPAD-AIRPLANE-facebook.jpg Image: http://cdn.sheknows.com/articles/2013/03/handsome-pilot-horiz.jpg Image: http://cospilot.files.wordpress.com/2008/10/j0430598.jpg Image: http://www.travelmonitor.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Economy-Class-basic-design-Dreamliner-787.jpg Image: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-sjIJUhcG0yc/U6MR7xGDKmI/AAAAAAAAAJM/kgYPKtp189I/s1600/sunexpress+air+hostess_5.jpg Image: http://elaviadorsv.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/dreamliner-united-airlines.jpeg Image: http://images.forwallpaper.com/files/images/5/5466/5466709f/229314/aircraft-aviation-flying-sky-clouds.jpg Image: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8c/United_Continental_airliner_tails.jpg Image: http://www.shedexpedition.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/united-airlines-jumbo.jpg Image: http://babybeasbakeshop.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/United-Logo-Cookies.jpg Image: http://gojetting.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/United-787-Dreamliner-Exterior_3.jpg Image: http://www.armstrongaviationclothing.com/images/Cabin_Crew_female.jpg