3.1 relations

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  • 7/28/2019 3.1 Relations


    Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 1

    Chapter 7 Relations: The Second Time Around

    Relations: The Second Time


    Chapter 7

    Equivalence Classes

  • 7/28/2019 3.1 Relations


    Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 2

    Chapter 7 Relations: The Second Time Around7.1 Relations Revisited: Properties of Relations

    Ex. 7.3 Consider a finite state machine M =(S , I ,O,v,w).(a) For s1, s2 in S , define s1R s2 if v( s1, x)= s2 for some x in I .

    Relation R establishes the first level of reachability .(b) The second level of reachability . s1R s2 if v( s1, x1 x2)= s2

    for some x1 x2 in I 2. For the general reachability relation we

    have v( s1, y)= s2 for some y in I *.(c) Given s1, s2 in S , the relation 1-equivalence , which is denoted

    by s1E1 s2, is defined when w( s1, x)=w( s2, x) for all x in I . Thisidea can be extended to states being k-equivalence , where

    s1Ek s2 if w( s1, y)=w( s2, y) for all y in I k .If two states are k -equivalent for all k in Z +, then they are calledequivalent .

  • 7/28/2019 3.1 Relations


    Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 3

    Chapter 7 Relations: The Second Time Around7.1 Relations Revisited: Properties of Relations

    Def. 7.2 A relation R on a set A is called reflexive if for all x in A, ( x, x) is in R.

    Ex. 7.4 For = {1,2,3,4}, a relation R will be reflexiveif and only if R {(1,1),(2,2),(3,3),(4,4)}. R = {( , )|

    , , } is reflexive on .

    Ex. 7.5 If | |= , | |= There are relations on .How many of these are reflexive?

    We must include {( The remaining pairscan be either included or excluded from the relation. Therefore,

    there are reflexive relations.



    A A A x y

    x y A x y A

    A n A A n A

    a a a A n n


    i i

    n n


    , )| }.






  • 7/28/2019 3.1 Relations


    Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 4

    Chapter 7 Relations: The Second Time Around7.1 Relations Revisited: Properties of Relations

    Def. 7.3 Relation R on set is call symmetric if ( , ) R ( , ) R, for all , . A x y y x x y A

    Ex. 7.6 With A={1,2,3}, we have:(a) R 1={(1,2),(2,1),(1,3),(3,1)}, symmetric, but not reflexive;

    (b) R 2={(1,1),(2,2),(3,3),(2,3)}, reflexive, but not symmetric;(c) R 3={(1,1),(2,2),(3,3)}, R 4={(1,1),(2,2),(3,3),(2,3),(3,2)},

    both reflexive and symmetric;(d) R 5={(1,1),(2,3),(3,3)}, neither reflexive nor symmetric.

  • 7/28/2019 3.1 Relations


    Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 5

    Chapter 7 Relations: The Second Time Around7.1 Relations Revisited: Properties of Relations

    To count the symmetric relations on = { writeas where and


    subsets of

    the form {( Therefore, there are

    symmetric relations on . And reflexive andsymmetric relations on .

    Def. 7.4 For a set , a relation R on is called if for all , , , ( ,

    11 2


    A a a a A A A A A a a i n A

    a a i j n i j A n n

    a a a a

    A A

    A A transitive x y z A x y

    ni i

    i j

    i j j i nn n

    n n

    , , , },, {( , | }

    {( , )| , , }. ( )

    , ), ( , )}.( )

    ( )

    21 2






    2 2




    ), ( , ) R ( , ) R. y z x z

  • 7/28/2019 3.1 Relations


    Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 6

    Chapter 7 Relations: The Second Time Around7.1 Relations Revisited: Properties of Relations

    Ex. 7.8 Define the relation R on the set Z + by aR b if a exactlydivides b. Then R is transitive, reflexive, but not symmetric (2R6,

    but not 6R2)

    Ex. 7.9 Consider the relation R on the set Z where R when0. Then R is reflexive, symmetric, but not transitive.

    (3R0,0R - 7, but not 3R - 7)

    Def. 7.5 Consider a relation R on a set , R is calledif for all , , ( R and R ) = .Ex. 7.11 the subset relation: R if , reflexive, transitive,antisymmetric, but not symmetric.Ex. 7.12 = {1,2,3}, R = {(1,2), (2,1),(2,3)} is neither symmetricnor antisymmetric. R = {(1,1), (2,2)} is both symmetric andantisymmetric.

    a bab

    A antisymmetrica b A a b b a a b

    A B A B


  • 7/28/2019 3.1 Relations

    7/49Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 7

    Chapter 7 Relations: The Second Time Around7.1 Relations Revisited: Properties of Relations

    To count the antisymmetric relations on = { writeas where and


    subsets of

    the form {( There are 3 choices for this kind of

    subsets: select one or none of them. Therefore, there are

    antisymmetric relations on . Andreflexive and antisymmetric relations on .

    11 2


    A a a a A A A A A a a i n A

    a a i j n i j A n n

    a a a a

    A A

    ni i

    i j

    i j j i

    n n n n n

    , , , },, {( , | }

    {( , )| , , }. ( )

    , ), ( , )}.

    ( ) ( )

    21 2






    2 3 32 2

  • 7/28/2019 3.1 Relations

    8/49Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 8

    Chapter 7 Relations: The Second Time Around7.1 Relations Revisited: Properties of Relations

    Def. 7.6 A relation R os a set A is called a partial order , or a partial ordering relation , if R is reflexive, antisymmetric, andtransitive. (It is called a total order if for any a ,b in A, either a R b or bR a).

    Examples of partial order: , , , ,

    Ex. 7.15. Define the relation R on the set Z + by aR b if a exactlydivides b. R is a partial order.

    Def. 7.7 An equivalence relation R on a set A is a relation that is

    reflexive, symmetric, and transitive.Examples: aR b if a mod n=b mod n

    The equality relation {(a i,a i)|a i in A} is both a partial order andan equivalence relation.

  • 7/28/2019 3.1 Relations

    9/49Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 9

    Chapter 7 Relations: The Second Time Around7.2 Computer Recognition: Zero-One Matrices and Directed Graphs

    Def. 7.8 If , , and are sets with R and R then the composite relation R R is a relation from todefined by R R and there are exists

    with ( , ) R R

    1 21 2

    1 21 2

    A B C A B B C A C x z x A z C

    y B x y y z


    {( , )| , ,, ( , ) }.

    (Note the different ordering with function composition.)Ex. 7.17 A={1,2,3,4}, B={w, x, y, z }, and C={5,6,7}. Consider R 1={(1, x),(2, x),(3, y),(3, z )}, a relation from A to B, and R 2={(w,5),( x,6)}, a relation from B to C . Then R 1 R 2={(1,6),(2,6)}

    is a relation from A to C .Theorem 7.1 Let A, B, C, and D be sets with R R and R Then R R R ( R R R

    12 3 1 2 3

    1 2 3

    A B B C C D

    ,, . ( )

    ) .

  • 7/28/2019 3.1 Relations

    10/49Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 10

    Chapter 7 Relations: The Second Time Around7.2 Computer Recognition: Zero-One Matrices and Directed Graphs

    Def. 7.9 Given a set and a relation R on , we define theR recursively by (a) R R; and (b) for Z R

    R R

    Ex. 7.19 If = {1,2,3,4} and R = {(1,2), (1,3), (2,4), (3,2)}, thenR R and for 4, R

    Def. 7.10 - (Use boolean operation, 1 +1 =1)

    Ex. 7.20


    is a 3 4 (0,1) - matrix.

    1 + +1

    2 3

    A A power of n


    zero one matrix





    {( , ), ( , ), ( , )}, {( , )}, .1 4 1 2 3 4 1 4

    0 0 1

    0 1 0 11 0 0 0

  • 7/28/2019 3.1 Relations

    11/49Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 11

    Chapter 7 Relations: The Second Time Around7.2 Computer Recognition: Zero-One Matrices and Directed Graphs

    Ex. 7.21 A={1,2,3,4}, B={w, x, y, z }, and C={5,6,7}.R 1={(1, x),(2, x),(3, y),(3, z )}, a relation from A to B, and R 2={(w,5),( x,6)}, a relation from B to C .

    relation matrix M M


    x y

    z w x y z

    M M M

    ( ) , ( )

    ( ) ( ) (

    R R

    5 6 7

    R R R

    1 2

    1 2




    0 1 0 0

    0 1 0 00 0 1 1

    0 0 0 0

    1 0 0

    0 1 00 0 0

    0 0 0

    0 1 0 00 1 0 0

    0 0 1 1

    0 0 0 0

    1 0 00 1 0

    0 0 0

    0 0 0

    0 1 00 1 0

    0 0 0

    0 0 0

    1 2)R

  • 7/28/2019 3.1 Relations

    12/49Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 12

    Chapter 7 Relations: The Second Time Around7.2 Computer Recognition: Zero-One Matrices and Directed Graphs

    Let A be a set with | A|=n and R a relation on A. If M (R) is therelation matrix for R, then(a) M (R)= 0 (the matrix of all 0's) if and only if R is empty(b) M (R)= 1 (the matrix of all 1's) if and only if R= A A (c) M( Rm)=[ M (R)} m, for m in Z +.

    Def. 7.11 Let = ( , = ( be two (0,1) -matrices. We say that precedes, or is less than, , and wewrite , if for all , .

    Ex. 7.23 With = 10



    and = 10



    we have .

    In fact, there are eight (0,1) - matrices for which .

    E e F f m n E F

    E F e f i m j n

    E F E F

    G E G

    ij m n ij m n

    ij ij

    ) )



    1 1

  • 7/28/2019 3.1 Relations

    13/49Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 13

    Chapter 7 Relations: The Second Time Around7.2 Computer Recognition: Zero-One Matrices and Directed Graphs

    Def. 7.12 For Z is the (0,1) - matrix

    whereif =

    if Def 7.13 Let = ( be a (0,1) - matrix. The transpose of

    , written , is the matrix ( wherefor all 1 , .

    Ex. 7.24 =



    tr * *


    n I n ni j

    i j A a

    A A a a ai m j n

    A A

    n ij n n

    ij m n

    ji n m ji ij

    , ( ),


    ) ,

    , .



    10 1

    0 01 1







  • 7/28/2019 3.1 Relations

    14/49Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 14

    Chapter 7 Relations: The Second Time Around7.2 Computer Recognition: Zero-One Matrices and Directed Graphs

    Theorem 7.2 Given a set with | |= , and a relation R on ,let denote the relation matrix for R. Then(a) R is reflexive if and only if

    (b) R is symmetric if and only if =

    (c) R is transitive if and only if =

    (d) R is antisymmetric if and only if




    A A n A M

    I M

    M M

    M M M M

    M M I






    .( , )0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1

  • 7/28/2019 3.1 Relations


    Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 15

    Chapter 7 Relations: The Second Time Around

    Proof of (c) Let If ( , ), ( , ) R,

    1 1 1 Hence ( , ) R.

    Conversely, if R is transitive and is the relation matrix for R,

    let be the entry in row and column of with

    For to be 1 in there must exist at least one where

    in . This happens only if ( , ), ( , ) R. WithR transitive, it then follows that ( , ) R.




    M M x y y z

    M x z


    s x z M s

    s M y A

    m m M x y y z x z

    xy yz xz

    xz xz


    xy yz



    , .



    1 So and2


    M M xz 1


    7.2 Computer Recognition: Zero-One Matrices and Directed Graphs

  • 7/28/2019 3.1 Relations


    Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 16

    Chapter 7 Relations: The Second Time Around7.2 Computer Recognition: Zero-One Matrices and Directed Graphs

    Def. 7.14 Directed Graphs G=(V , E ) (Digraph)

    Ex. 7.25

    1 2

    4 3 5isolated vertex (node)

    a loop V ={1,2,3,4,5} E ={(1,1),(1,2),(1,4),(3,2)}

    1 is adjacent to 2.2 is adjacent from 1.

    Undirected graphs: no direction in edges

  • 7/28/2019 3.1 Relations


    Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 17

    Chapter 7 Relations: The Second Time Around7.2 Computer Recognition: Zero-One Matrices and Directed Graphs

    Ex. 7.26

    ( s1) b:=3;( s2) c:=b+2;( s3) a :=1;( s4) d :=a*b+5;( s5) e:=d -1;( s6) f :=7;( s7) e:=c+d ;( s8) g :=b* f ;

    Construct a directed graph G=(V , E ), whereV ={ s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8} and ( s i, s j) in E if s i must be executed before s j.




    s4 s2 s8

    s5 s7

    precedence graph

    precedence constraint scheduling3 processors: 3 time units2 processors: 4 time units

    In general, n tasks,m processors: NP-completem=2: polynomialm=3: open problem

  • 7/28/2019 3.1 Relations


    Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 18

    Chapter 7 Relations: The Second Time Around7.2 Computer Recognition: Zero-One Matrices and Directed Graphs

    Ex. 7.27 relations and digraphs

    A={1,2,3,4}, R={(1,1),(1,2),(2,3),(3,2),(3,3),(3,4),(4,2)}




    directed graphrepresentation




    associatedundirected graph

    a connected graph : a path exists between any two


    cycle : a closed path (thestarting and ending vertices

    are the same)

    path : no repeated vertex

    Def. 7.15 Strongly connected digrapha directed path exists between any two vertices

    The above graph is not strongly connected. (no directed path from 3 to 1)

  • 7/28/2019 3.1 Relations


    Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 19

    Chapter 7 Relations: The Second Time Around7.2 Computer Recognition: Zero-One Matrices and Directed Graphs

    Ex. 7.28 Components

    1 2

    3 4

    two components

    1 2

    3 4

    one component

    Ex. 7.29 Complete Graphs: K nK



    3 K 4K


    (n vertices with n(n-1)/2 edges)

  • 7/28/2019 3.1 Relations


    Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 20

    Chapter 7 Relations: The Second Time Around7.2 Computer Recognition: Zero-One Matrices and Directed Graphs

    directed graphs relations

    adjacency matrices relation matrices

    Ex. 7.30 If R is a relation on finite set A, then R is reflexive if

    and only if its directed graph contains a loop at each vertex.Ex. 7.31 A relation R on a finite set A is symmetric if and onlyif its directed graph contains only loops and undirected edges.

    Ex. 7.31 A relation R on a finite set A is transitive if and only if inits directed graph if there is a path from x to y, ( x, y) is an edge.A relation R on a finite set A is antisymmetric if and only if inits directed graph there are no undirected edges aside from loops.

  • 7/28/2019 3.1 Relations


    Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 21

    Chapter 7 Relations: The Second Time Around7.2 Computer Recognition: Zero-One Matrices and Directed Graphs

    Ex. 7.33 A relation on a finite set A is an equivalence relation if and only if its associated (undirected) graph is one completegraph augmented by loops at every vertex or consists of thedisjoint union of complete graphs augmented by loops at everyvertex.

    reflexive: loop on each vertexsymmetric: undirected edgetransitive: disjoint union of complete graphs

  • 7/28/2019 3.1 Relations


    Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 22

    Chapter 7 Relations: The Second Time Around7.3 Partial Orders: Hasse Diagrams

    natural counting: N x+5=2 : Z 2 x+3=4 : Q

    x2-2=0 : R x2+1=0 : C

    Something was lost when we wentfrom R to C . We have lost the abilityto "order" the elements in C .

    Let A be a set with R a relation on A. The pair ( A,R) is calleda partially ordered set , or poset , if relation R is a partial order.

    Ex. 7.34 Let A be the courses offered at a college. Define R on A by xR y if x, y are the same course (reflexive) or if x is a prerequisitefor y. Then R makes A into a poset.

  • 7/28/2019 3.1 Relations


    Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 23

    Chapter 7 Relations: The Second Time Around7.3 Partial Orders: Hasse Diagrams

    Ex. 7.36 PERT (Performance Evaluation and Review Technique)

    J 1 J 6

    J 3

    J 2 J 5

    J 4

    J 7

    Find each job's earliest start time and latest start time.Those jobs which earliness equals to lateness are critical.All critical jobs form a critical path.

    A poset

  • 7/28/2019 3.1 Relations


    Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 24

    Chapter 7 Relations: The Second Time Around7.3 Partial Orders: Hasse Diagrams

    not partial order

    1 21



    not antisymmetric not transitive or not antisymmetric

    Ex. 7.37 Hasse diagram


    2 3



    2 3


    a partialorder

    corresponding Hasse diagram

    Read bottom up .reflexivity andtransitive links

    are not shown.

  • 7/28/2019 3.1 Relations


    Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 25

    Chapter 7 Relations: The Second Time Around7.3 Partial Orders: Hasse Diagrams

    Ex. 7.38{1,2,3}

    {1,2} {1,3} {2,3}

    {1} {2} {3}

    subset relation exactly division relation





    2 3 5 72 3 5 7 11





  • 7/28/2019 3.1 Relations


    Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 26

    Chapter 7 Relations: The Second Time Around7.3 Partial Orders: Hasse Diagrams

    Def. 7.16 If ( A,R) is a poset, we say that A is totally ordered if for all x, y in A either xR y or yR x. In this case R is called a total order .

    For example, are total order for N,Z,Q,R. But partiallyordered in C.

    But can we list the elements for a partially ordered set insome way?

    sorting for a totally ordered set

  • 7/28/2019 3.1 Relations


    Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 27

    Chapter 7 Relations: The Second Time Around7.3 Partial Orders: Hasse Diagrams

    topological sorting for a partially ordered set



    B E

    G F D

    Hasse diagram for a set of tasks

    How to execute the tasks one at a timesuch that the partial order is not violated?

    For example, BEACGFD, EBACFGD, ...

  • 7/28/2019 3.1 Relations


    Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 28

    Chapter 7 Relations: The Second Time Around7.3 Partial Orders: Hasse Diagrams

    topological sorting sequence (linear extension)

    a b

    c d

    a^bc^d: 2 jumps

    a^bd^c: 2 jumps

    b^ac^d: 2 jumps

    b^a^d^c: 3 jumps

    bd^ ac: 1 jumps

    Find a linear extensionwith minimum jumps.

    (an NP-complete problem)

  • 7/28/2019 3.1 Relations


    Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 29

    Chapter 7 Relations: The Second Time Around7.3 Partial Orders: Hasse Diagrams

    Def. 7.17 If ( , R) is a poset, then an element of is calleda of if for all , ( , ) R.( R = ) An element is called a minimal element of

    if whenever and , then ( , ) R ( R = ).

    Ex 7.42 With R the "less than or equal to" relation on the set Z,(Z, ) is a poset with neither a maximal nor a minimal element.The poset (N, ), however, has a minimal element 0 but nomaximal element.

    A x Aimal element A a A a x x a

    x a x a y A A b A b y b y b y b y


  • 7/28/2019 3.1 Relations


    Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 30

    Chapter 7 Relations: The Second Time Around7.3 Partial Orders: Hasse Diagrams

    {1,2} {1,3} {2,3}

    {1} {2} {3}

    1 min



    8 max

    2 3 5 72 3 5 7 11






    max and min



    unique max and min

  • 7/28/2019 3.1 Relations


    Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 31

    Chapter 7 Relations: The Second Time Around7.3 Partial Orders: Hasse Diagrams

    Theorem 7.3 If ( , R) is a poset and is finite, then has botha maximal and a minimal element.Proof: Let . If there is no element where and

    R , then is maximal. Otherwise there is an elementwith and R If no element , satisfies

    R , then is maximal. Otherwise we can find so thatwhile R and R Continuing in this

    manner, since is finite, we get to an element with( R for any where

    11 1

    1 2 22 2

    3 1 2 2 3

    A A A

    a A a A a aa a a a A

    a a a a a A a aa a a a Aa a a a a a a a

    A a Aa a a A a a



    2 13

    3 2 1

    . ,

    , .

    , ) n na, so is maximal.The proof for minimal element is similar.

    In topological sorting, each time we find a maximal element,or each time we find a minimal element.

  • 7/28/2019 3.1 Relations


    Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 32

    Chapter 7 Relations: The Second Time Around7.3 Partial Orders: Hasse Diagrams

    Def 7.18 If ( , R) is a poset, then an element is calleda element if R for all . Element is called aelement if R for all .

    Ex. 7.44 Let = {1,2,3} and R be the subset relation.

    (a) With = ( ), the poset ( , ) has as a least elementand as a greatest element.(b) For = the collection of nonempty subsets of , the poset ( , ) has as a greatest element. There is no leastelement.

    (c) For = the collection of proper subsets of , the poset ( , ) has as a least element. There is no greatestelement

    A x Aleast x a a A y A greatest a y a A


    A P U AU B U

    B U

    C U C

  • 7/28/2019 3.1 Relations


    Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 33

    Chapter 7 Relations: The Second Time Around7.3 Partial Orders: Hasse Diagrams

    Theorem 7.4 If the poset ( A,R) has a greatest (least) element,then that element is unique.Proof: Suppose that x, y in A and that both are greatest elements.Then ( x, y) and ( y, x) are both in R. As R is antisymmetric, itfollows that x= y. The proof for the least element is similar.

    Def. 7.19 Let ( , R) be a poset with . An element iscalled a ( ) for if R ( R ) for all .An element ' is called a , , (

    , ) if it is a lower bound (upper bound) of andfor all other lower bounds (upper bounds) " of we have

    "R ' ( 'R ").

    A B A x Alower upper bound B x b b x b B

    x A greatest lower bound least upper bound B

    x B x x x x


  • 7/28/2019 3.1 Relations


    Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 34

    Chapter 7 Relations: The Second Time Around7.3 Partial Orders: Hasse Diagrams

    Ex. 7.46 Let U ={1,2,3,4}, with A=P( U ), let R be the subsetrelation on A. If B={{1},{2},{1,2}}, then {1,2}, {1,2,3},{1,2,4}, and {1,2,3,4} are all upper bounds for B(in A),whereas {1,2} is a least upper bound (in B). Meanwhile, agreatest lower bound for B is the empty set , which is not in B.

    Ex. 7.47 Let R be the "less than or equal to" relation for the poset( A, R). (a) If A=R and B=[0,1] or [1,0) or (0,1] or (0,1), then Bhas glb 0 and lub 1. (b) If A=R , B={q in Q |q2

  • 7/28/2019 3.1 Relations


    Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 35

    Chapter 7 Relations: The Second Time Around7.3 Partial Orders: Hasse Diagrams

    Theorem 7.5 If ( ,R) is a poset and , then has at mostone lub (glb).

    Def 7.20 The poset ( ,R) is called a if for any ,the element lub{ , } and glb{ , } both exist in .

    Ex. 7.48 For = N and , N, define R by . Then{ , } = { , }, { , } = { , }, and (N, )

    is a lattice.

    Ex. 7.49 ( ( ), ) is a lattice with lub{ , } = and{ , } = for , .

    A B A B

    A lattice x y A x y x y A

    A x y x y x y x y x y x y x y

    P U S T S T S T S T S T U

    lub max glb min


  • 7/28/2019 3.1 Relations


    Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 36

    Chapter 7 Relations: The Second Time Around7.4 Equivalence Relations and Partitions

    Def. 7.21 Given a set and an index set , let for each . Then { is a partition of if (a) = and (b) for all , where .

    Each subset is called a or of the partition.

    Ex. 7.51 = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}, then each of the followingdetermines a partition of :(a) b)c)


    A I A Ai I A A A A A A i j I i j

    A cell block

    A A

    A A A A A A i i

    ii i I

    ii I

    i j




    { , , , , }, { , , , , }( { , , }, { , , , }, { , , }( { ,

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101 2 3 4 6 7 9 5 8 10


    22 3

    }, .

    [ , ).}

    1 5



    A i A i i A

    ii i

    Ex. 7.52 = R, and for each Z, let Then{ is a partition of R.Z

  • 7/28/2019 3.1 Relations


    Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 37

    Chapter 7 Relations: The Second Time Around7.4 Equivalence Relations and Partitions

    Def. 7.22 Let R be an equivalence relation on a set . For any , the equivalence class of , denoted is defined by R

    Ex. 7.53 R if 4| ( - ) for , Z. For this equivalence wefind that 0 Z

    1 Z2 Z3

    A x A x x x y A y x

    x y x y x yk k

    k k k k

    ,{ | }.

    { , , , , , , } { | }{ , , , , , , } { | }{ , , , , , , } { | }{ , , , , , , } {

    8 4 0 4 8 47 31 5 9 4 16 2 2 6 10 4 25 1 3 7 11

    4 3

    1 2 3k k Z | }.

    , , , }And { 0 provides a partition of Z.

  • 7/28/2019 3.1 Relations


    Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 38

    Chapter 7 Relations: The Second Time Around7.4 Equivalence Relations and Partitions

    Ex. 7.54 For , Z, R if Then R is an equivelencerelation. What can we say about the corresponding partition of

    Z? In general, forn any Z Therefore,

    Z = [ ]

    Theorem 7.6 If R is an equivalence relation on a set , and, , then (a) [ ]; (b) R if and only if and

    (c) [ ] = [ ] or [ ] [ ] = .




    a b a b a b

    n n n n n


    A x y A x x x y x y

    x y x y





    , { , }.



  • 7/28/2019 3.1 Relations


    Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 39

    Chapter 7 Relations: The Second Time Around7.4 Equivalence Relations and Partitions

    Ex. 7.58 If an equivalence relation R on A={1,2,3,4,5,6,7} inducesthe partition ? What is R? A { , } { } { , , } { }1 2 3 4 5 7 6R = ({1,2} {1,2}) ({3} {3}) {(4,5,7} {4,5,7})

    ({6} {6}), |R|= 2 2

    1 3 1 152 2 2 .

    Theorem 7.7 If A is a set, then (a) any equivalence relation R on A induces a partition of A, and (b) any partition of A gives rise to anequivalence relation on A.

    Theorem 7.8 For any set A, there is a one-to-one correspondence between the set of equivalence relations on A and the set of partitions of A.

  • 7/28/2019 3.1 Relations


    Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 40

    Chapter 7 Relations: The Second Time Around7.4 Equivalence Relations and Partitions

    Ex. 7.59 (a) If = {1,2,3,4,5,6}, how many relations on areequivalence relations?one - to - one correspondence between equivalence relationsand partitions

    ( , )(b) How many of the equivalence relations satisfy 1,2 4

    1,2,4 are in the same partition. ( , )


    A A

    S i

    S i



    6 203

    4 15






  • 7/28/2019 3.1 Relations


    Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 41

    Chapter 7 Relations: The Second Time Around7.5 Finite State Machines: The Minimization Process

    Given s1, s2 in S , the relation 1-equivalence , which is denoted by s1E1 s2, is defined when w( s1, x)=w( s2, x) for all x in I . Thisidea can be extended to states being k-equivalence , where

    s1Ek s2 if w( s1, y)=w( s2, y) for all y in I k .

    If two states are k -equivalent for all k in Z +, then they are calledequivalent , denoted by s1E s2. Hence our objective is to determinethe partition of S induced by the equivalence relation E and select one state for each equivalence class .

    h l h d d

  • 7/28/2019 3.1 Relations


    Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 42

    Chapter 7 Relations: The Second Time Around7.5 Finite State Machines: The Minimization Process

    observations:(1) If two states in a machine are not 2-equivalent, could they possibly be 3-equivalent?

    No. If and are not 2 - equivalent, then there exists in

    such that ( , ) ( So for any ,(

    = (

    1 22 s s xy

    I w s xy w s xy z I w s xyz w s xy w v s xy z w s xy w v s xy z

    w s xyz

    1 21 1 1 2 2


    , )., ) ( , ) ( ( , ), ) ( , ) ( ( , ), )

    , ).

    In general, to find states that are ( k +1)-equivalent, we look atstates that are k -equivalent.

    Ch 7 R l i Th S d Ti A d

  • 7/28/2019 3.1 Relations


    Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 43

    Chapter 7 Relations: The Second Time Around7.5 Finite State Machines: The Minimization Process

    observations:(b) Suppose E We wish to determine whether EThat is does ( ( for all strings

    Because E E w(sConsequently, ( ( if

    ( ( ( ( That is, if ( E

    In general, for s

    2 1 3

    2 1 1


    s s s sw s x x x w s x x x

    x x x I s s s s x w s xw s x x x w s x x x

    w v s x x x w v s x x xv s x v s x

    1 2 21 1 2 3 2 1 2 3

    1 2 33

    1 2 1 2 1 2 1

    1 1 2 3 2 1 2 31 1 2 3 2 1 2 31 1 2 1

    . ?, ) , )

    ? , , ) ( , )., ) , )

    , ), ) , ), )., ) ( , ).

    1 2 1 +1

    , s we have E if and only if (i) E and (ii) ( E for all .

    S s s s s v s x v s x x I

    k k k

    1 22 1 2, ) ( , )

    Ch 7 R l i Th S d Ti A d

  • 7/28/2019 3.1 Relations


    Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 44

    Chapter 7 Relations: The Second Time Around7.5 Finite State Machines: The Minimization Process

    s1 s4 s3 0 1 s2 s5 s2 1 0 s3 s2 s4 0 0 s4 s5 s3 0 0 s5 s2 s5 1 0 s6 s1 s6 1 0

    Ex. 7.60

    0 1 0 1v w step 1: determine 1-equivalent states byexamining outputs

    P 1: { s1},{ s2, s5, s6},{ s3, s4}

    input 0

    s5 s2 s1 s2 s5

    P 2: { s1},{ s2, s5},{ s6},{ s3, s4}

    input 1 s2 s5 s4 s3

    P 3= P 2, the process is complete with 4 states.





    Ch 7 R l i Th S d Ti A d

  • 7/28/2019 3.1 Relations


    Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 45

    Chapter 7 Relations: The Second Time Around7.5 Finite State Machines: The Minimization Process

    Could it be that P 3= P 2, but P 3= P 4?

    Def. 7.23 If are any partitions of a set , thenis called a refinement of and we write if everycell of is contained in a cell of When and

    we write This occurs when at least one cellin is properly contained in a cell in

    In the minimization process, because ( + 1) -equivalence implies - equivalence. So each successive

    partition refines the preceding partition.

    2 21

    2 1 22 22 1


    P P A P P P P

    P P P P P P P P

    P P

    P P k k

    k k

    12 1

    11 1


    ,, ,



    Ch 7 R l i Th S d Ti A d

  • 7/28/2019 3.1 Relations


    Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 46

    Chapter 7 Relations: The Second Time Around7.5 Finite State Machines: The Minimization Process

    Theorem 7.9 In applying the minimization process, if 1and and are partitions with thenfor any + 1.Proof: If not, let ( + 1) be the smallest subscript such that

    Then so there exist with E but E But E E for all .And with we then find that E for all . So

    + + +

    + + 1

    + 1

    k P P P P P P

    r k r k

    P P P P s s S s s s s s s v s x v s x x I

    P P v s x v s x x I

    k k k k r r

    r r r r r

    r r r r r r

    1 1 1

    1 1 1 2 2

    1 1 2 2 1 1 21 1 2


    . , ,. ( , ) ( , )

    , ( , ) ( , ) s s P P r r r 1 + +E Consequently,1 2 1. .

    If there must be a smallest integer 0 such that

    E but E That is, there is an such that( (but they will agree on the first outputs)is called a for and


    1 1+

    1 2

    s s k

    s s s s x I w s x w s x k x distinguishing string s s

    k k k

    22 1 2


    1 2


    ., ) ( , ).


    Ch t 7 R l ti Th S d Ti A d

  • 7/28/2019 3.1 Relations


    Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 47

    Chapter 7 Relations: The Second Time Around7.5 Finite State Machines: The Minimization Process

    How to find the minimal length distinguishing string?



    s3 0 1 s2 s5 s2 1 0

    s3 s2 s4 0 0 s4 s5 s3 0 0s

    5 s 2 s 5 1 0 s6 s1 s6 1 0

    0 1 0 1v w

    Ex. 7.61 P 1: { s1},{ s2, s5, s6},{ s3, s4}

    input 0

    s5 s2 s1 s2 s5

    P 2: { s1},{ s2, s5},{ s6},{ s3, s4}

    input 1

    s2 s5 s4 s3

    A distinguishing string for s2 and s6 is 00 (or 01).

    Ch t 7 R l ti Th S d Ti A d

  • 7/28/2019 3.1 Relations


    Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 48

    Chapter 7 Relations: The Second Time Around7.5 Finite State Machines: The Minimization Process

    s1 s4 s2 0 1

    s2 s5 s2 0 0 s3 s4 s2 0 1 s4 s3 s5 0 1 s5 s2 s3 0 0

    0 1 0 1v w P 1: { s1 , s3, s4},{ s2, s5}

    input 1 s2 s2 s5 s2 s3

    input 1 s2 s2 s5

    Ex. 7.62

    P 2: { s1 , s3, s4},{ s2},{ s5}

    P 3: { s1 , s3},{ s4},{ s2},{ s5}

    distinguishing string for s1 and s4: 111

    Ch t 7 R l ti Th S d Ti A d

  • 7/28/2019 3.1 Relations


    Chapter 7 Relations: The Second Time Around

    Exercise: P318:10P330:20P340:26P346:10P356:14