31 reasons to use email marketing (as told by small business owners)

© Constant Contact 2015 31 Reasons to Use Email Marketing (As Told by Small Business Owners)

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© Constant Contact 2015

31 Reasons to Use Email Marketing (As Told by Small Business Owners)

There’s plenty of data to back up the benefits of email marketing.

For example…

MarketingSherpa, 2015

91 percent of US adults like to receive promotional emails from companies they do business with.

McKinsey, 2014

Email is almost 40 times more effective than Facebook and Twitter combined in helping your business acquire new customers.

DMA, 2013

66 percent of consumers have made a purchase as a result of an email marketing message.

But if you really want to find out how email can work for your business, why not ask other small business

owners to hear how it works for them?

That’s what we did.

We spoke with owners of…. Restaurants Retail Stores

Real Estate Agencies Yoga Studios

Lawn Care Businesses Marketing Companies

Financial Offices And more…

We asked, “Why do you use email

marketing?” Here’s what they had to say…

Brandon Stewart Realtor, David Griffin & Company Realtors

Constant Contact customer since 2009

The emails are an important reinforcement of brand. I get calls from people I’ve never met all the time. They get the newsletter, or a friend of theirs gets the newsletter, and they know I’m the person to call. It really helps establish credibility upfront.


1. Establish credibility

Five years ago, we started with zero contacts, but we have a great database now – we have 7,000 email addresses. That means I can push out a social event or a holiday and let 7,000 people know instead of advertising it for $500 in a newspaper.


2. Grow your audience

Frank Galuppi Owner, Galuppi’s Restaurant

Constant Contact customer since 2010

For years, in large part to the newsletter I think, I’ve never had trouble attracting new clients and the right kinds of clients. People will read my newsletter and be able to tell if I’m the right person for the project before they even call me.


3. Reach new clients

Tom Ahern Founder, Ahern Donor Communications

Constant Contact customer since 2008

When we first started, I really wasn’t sure how it would work for us. I’m not a professional marketer, and thought I would need a lot of training. But I decided to give it a try and I was able to teach myself everything I needed to know.


4. Get started quickly

Anca Bala Coordinator, Gallery Above Penn Square

Constant Contact customer since 2013

Email is our prime mode of communication…We rely really heavily on it because whenever I send something out, I’ll get a flood of telephone calls.


5. Generate calls

Victor Terrazas Owner, Rejuvenate Therapeutic Massage

Constant Contact customer since 2013

It has definitely been the easiest way to reach people. If we have a slower day and know that we want to reach local people, we can create a quick email and will get at least a few calls right away. The response is immediate.


6. Boost sales

Christine Copertino Spa Director, Allegria Spa

Constant Contact customer since 2011

We sent a plea out to our database, explaining the situation and asking for help… The response was amazing; we raised over $10,000 from individual donors.


7. Increase donations

Laura Carlock Founder, Rescued Pets Movement

Constant Contact customer since 2013

Email has definitely helped us with web traffic and attendance at our events. I like that after I send an email out, I can go back and see how many people clicked through on which links. That way I can tell people are interacting with our content and click through to our website.


8. Learn what works

Ally Whittaker, Public Relations Manager, The Local Good

Constant Contact customer since 2009

Constant Contact is very cost-effective for our marketing, because I can do all of it and I don’t have to hire a designer or someone coming up with content for us.


9. Get more from your investment

Marc Lodovico Manager, Vicky’s of Santa Fe

Constant Contact customer since 2010

I want to know that if someone gets our email, no matter where they are, they can look at it. When I sent our last flyer I got three phone calls. That’s big! And I am almost positive that all of those people were on their phones, not in an office.


10. Reach people on any device

Carol Singer Owner, Arlington Promotional Products

Constant Contact customer since 2009

Email definitely works. We see people clicking through to our website and we have people coming into the shop telling us that they saw our newsletter.


11. Increase website traffic

Dawn Noble Owner, La Provence

Constant Contact customer since 2011

Email marketing is great, because it doesn’t have to take a lot of effort to have a BIG effect.


12. Get more from doing less

Terri Jasen Program Director, Pajama Program

Constant Contact customer since 2008

I do the best I can to put all my contacts in separate lists so I can email just the development community, or just businesses, or elected officials, depending on what kind of event announcement or email I’m sending.


13. Market with a personal touch

Courtney Hendricson Assistant Town Manager, Town of Enfield

Constant Contact customer since 2013

We get really good feedback from the newsletters. The new templates have been working great for us. We’re getting a ton of opens.


14. Look professional

Todd Starnes President, Bicycle Adventures

Constant Contact customer since 2002

It’s rewarding because we always get an immediate response through orders. Whenever we need to trigger sales, we’ll think of a great special to put out there.


15. Get immediate results

Karen Kowal Founder, Mother Earth Pillows

Constant Contact customer since 2010

It’s been great for generating leads. People that are thinking about using our service will usually sign up for the newsletter. I’ll see them pop up for a couple of weeks in my reader-base, and then they’ll call and make an appointment. It’s not long until we pull them in as a customer.


16. Generate leads

Meghan Blair-Valero Owner, Fogged in Bookkeeping, Inc. Constant Contact customer since 2011

After each email, I get three to five calls. Some people see my email and get reminded they want a consultation, others will just want to talk about a news article.


17. Start a conversation

Paula Harris Co-owner, WH Cornerstone Investments

Constant Contact customer since 2003

It’s always nice to hear someone tell us how much they enjoyed reading our newsletter and thanking us for reminding them to come visit the store or give us a call. The personal touch really makes the difference.


18. Build excitement

Sue Bedell Owner, Second Bloom Design

Constant Contact customer since 2010

We’ve had people say that they’ve really noticed that there’s more communication going on. It can be something small…we try to send out an email right away letting our residents know that’s happening, and sometimes get an email right back saying thank you.


19. Improve communication

Julia Mason Marketing Manager, Bucci/Pollen Group

Constant Contact customer since 2013

Our email marketing started off as an experiment. But our open rates are usually higher than 50 percent and we get service calls every time we send a newsletter out, so I think it’s working.


20. Promote services

Matthew Taylor Co-owner, Green Solutions Lawn Care &

Pest Control Constant Contact customer since 2011

We started with email marketing to communicate and share industry updates. It’s really grown into one of our best drivers for brand awareness. We’re noticing more people talking about our business, and we have more people showing up at our events.


21. Improve brand awareness

Julia Mason Marketing Manager, Bucci/Pollen Group

Constant Contact customer since 2013

Before Constant Contact, we were manually keeping track of everyone we had reached out to — it was crazy, the amount of time it took. Now, I can send out an email to about 300 people in less than five minutes.


22. Stay organized

Ruth Weening Catering Manager, Basil Tree Catering

Constant Contact customer since 2008

We make it easy for our customers to book classes right online through our emails. Once an email goes out, we see the sign-ups come in shortly after.


23. Book more classes

Arlet Koseian Founder, extendYOGA

Constant Contact customer since 2011

Every time I send out an email, I get a sale in 15 minutes. Overall, I get up to four times as many sales with these newsletters than I did with my old ones, and they’ve gone from about $50 per order to $100.


24. Increase your value

Irene Schmoller Founder, Cotton Clouds

Constant Contact customer since 2010

If you don’t have a plan for reaching out to vendors on a regular basis, it’s easy to let some people fall through the cracks. You want to make sure you’re maintaining relationships with both your core vendors and any of the smaller ones you may be working with.


25. Maintain vendor relationships

Lee Klacher Founder, Octane Press

Constant Contact customer since 2011

People get to see my work, which is great, and these are often people who I never get to meet with one-on-one. The timing of each newsletter is going to be right for somebody, and having the opportunity to show people what I’m doing has just been a great way to grow my business and my reach.


26. Attract new clients

Jill Singer Owner, Jill Singer Graphics

Constant Contact customer since 2011

A great thing about Constant Contact is if you’re having a problem, you can just pick up the phone and someone will solve your problem in a matter of minutes.


27. You’re not alone

Dan Plouffe Co-owner, MyCollingwood.com

Constant Contact customer since 2006

The biggest benefit of email marketing, from a staff perspective, is efficiency. I have a template made so it’s easy to pull together an email quickly. I think the rest of my staff thinks it takes me a lot longer to create an email than it actually does!


28. Save time

Kayla Peck FAO Schwarz Foundation fellow,

Strong Women, Strong Girls Constant Contact customer since 2005

The biggest benefit for us is that our members feel more connected. We’re able to keep people informed about our upcoming events and provide another way for our more than 400 members to recognize each other and feel more connected.


29. Stay connected

Elizabeth Stigler Communications Director, The Chicago Network

Constant Contact customer since 2010

Almost all of our donations come through our email newsletters. Using email marketing to maintain relationships and build personal connections has been a key to our success. And the biggest part of that has been staying in touch and top of mind throughout the year.


30. Stay top-of-mind

Julie Taulman Executive Director, Steamboat Adaptive

Recreational Sports Constant Contact customer since 2009

Our problem in the past would be when people were not aware of all the trips we had available. Up until we started using Constant Contact we just had everything on our website. From a marketing sense, that’s the wrong approach because it puts the burden on our customers.


31. Improve visibility

Joe McDonald Co-founder, McDonald Wildlife Photography

Constant Contact customer since 2011

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