30 de ani de world wide web - dfcti.ifin.rodfcti.ifin.ro/docs/outreach.dulea2019- · 1980: la cern,...

30 DE ANI DE WORLD WIDE WEB There is no sector of society that has not been transformed by the invention, in a physics laboratory, of the web. From research to business and education, the web has been reshaping the way we communicate, work, innovate and live. The web is a powerful example of the way that basic research benefits humankind.Rolf Heuer, CERN Director-General (2009-2015) Harta Internetului (2006-2015) [1 ] M. Dulea, IFIN-HH, 12.03.2019

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“There is no sector of society that hasnot been transformed by theinvention, in a physics laboratory, ofthe web.From research to business andeducation, the web has beenreshaping the way we communicate,work, innovate and live.The web is a powerful example of theway that basic research benefits


Rolf Heuer, CERN Director-General (2009-2015)

Harta Internetului (2006-2015) [1]

M. Dulea, IFIN-HH, 12.03.2019




“When users click from one page to another whilelooking through online scientific journals, theygenerate a chain of connections between thingsthey think belong together.

... a fascinating snapshot of the web ofinterconnections between disciplines, which somedata-mining experts believe reveals the degree towhich work that is not often cited ... is widelyconsulted and can form bridges between scientificdisciplines.”


Evidentierea unor noi relatii deinterdisciplinaritate in activitatea dedocumentare online a cercetatorilor.



Pentru a ne face o idee, facem o scurta incursiune in perioada cand exista deja Internetul, dar inca nu fusese inventat Web-ul

Astazi suntem atat de obisnuiti cu Web-ul incat uneori nu ne dam seama cand il folosim. ("surfing-the Web is already so much a part of our lives that familiarity has clouded our perception of the Web" [TimBL'99])

Motivati de afirmatia lui R. Heuer, sa presupunem ca Web-ul nu ar fi existat, sau ar disparea subit. (=> YouTube, Netflix...)

Care ar fi impactul asupra:

CERCETARII STIINTIFICEcare utilizeaza Web-ul pentru colaborare la distanta, diseminarea (deschisa sau nu) a informatiei cucaracter stiintific, documentare electronica, metode de cercetare online (web-based research), etc.

EDUCATIEIcare foloseste WWW, de exemplu, pentru e-learning, teste/examene la distanta, etc.


Impactul asupra:

• Profiturilor unor mari companii cu profil IT - Apple, Microsoft, Alphabet/Google, Facebook, etc.

• Companiilor specializate in comert electronic - Amazon.com, Alibaba, eBay, etc.

• Pietei de dispozitive portabile (de ex. smart phone-uri); retelelor de socializare in general

• Averilor celor mai bogati miliardari - Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, etc.



Netiquette: "The one unbending rule is that thou shalt not post commercial announcements. It isn't written anywhere, butheaven help the user who tries to broadcast an advertisement" [©1988 The Washington Post]

1985: 2.000 de sisteme de calcul conectate; 1987 - aproape 30.000 conectate; 1988 - 60.000 sisteme conectate din 8 tari.1988: Latimea de banda a celei mai rapide componente a Internetului (NSFNET) devine 1,5 Mbit/sec.

Conceptul de Internet, ca 'retea de retele', capabila de transfer de date intre sisteme de calcul utilizand acelasi protocol(TCP/IP*), apare in anii '70.

Internetul incepe sa fie implementat treptat in anii '80, pornind de la ARPANET (Advanced Research Project Agency Net.),mai intai prin conectarea unor retele din mediul de cercetare si academic care fusesera dezvoltate independent. [NNets'86]

'88: Primul atac de refuz al serviciului (DoS - Denial of Service) - viermele Morris - scoate temporar din uz 10% din Internet

SERVICII DE INFORMARE PRIVATE SI PUBLICE• Posta electronica• Transfer de fisiere (prin FTP - File Transfer Protocol)• Servicii de stiri (News Services) pt. news groups in UseNet (distribuit)• Buletine de informare (Bulletin Board Systems - BBS): (in/des)carcare

date; mesagerie in grupuri, chat; schimb de software; jocuri online ...

4* TCP/IP - Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol (Protocol de control al transmisiei / Protocol Internet)


HIPERTEXT = solutie alternativa: text cu referinte la alte texte accesibile direct

WAIS (Wide Area Information Server) = primul sistem de indexare si publicare ainformatiilor pe Internet; datele publice din retele mari devin cautabile [wais'91]

Archie: primul motor de cautare (folosind FTP anonim). Fisierele indexate dupanume (!). Pentru descarcare necesita cunoasterea structurii de fisiere a gazdei.

1945: Vannevar Bush propune pentru cautarile in arhive de microfilmeinlocuirea indexarii cu selectarea prin asociere a informatiei, in analogie cumodul de operare al creierului uman [htext'45]. Utilizatorul memex-ului creeazatrasee asociative (associative trails) prin unirea diferitelor notiuni ('items')associate. Traseele se memoreaza pentru posibila reutilizare ulterioara.

1963-5: Theodor (Ted) Nelson inventeaza si 'boteaza' conceptul de hipertext

Acumularea masiva de date in UseNet si BBS-uri a facut curand dificilaclasificarea si mai ales cautarea informatiilor in sistemele organizate ierarhicsau dupa cuvinte cheie.




1962-8: Inspirat de memex, Douglas Engelbart concepe prima versiunefunctionala de sistem hipertext - NLS (oN-Line System). NLS oferea, printrealtele, link-uri de referinta pentru saltul intre propozitiile unui document si dela un document la altul.


"The vision I have for the Web is about anything being potentially connected with anything"

Solutia a fost conceputa in 1989 de catre Tim Berners Lee, care a profitat de conectarea CERN la Internet pentru apropune un sistem de documentare ce imbina utilizarea hipertextului cu facilitatile de comunicare oferite de Internet.Propunerea sa (“Information Management: A Proposal”), formulata in martie 1989, consta in dezvoltarea unui sistemdistribuit unic de gestiune a informatiilor despre acceleratori si experimente, pentru uzul comunitatii de cercetatori.

TBL este licentiat in fizica si inginer software, un profil profesional cautat si astazi de catre CERN Computing pentru cei ceurmeaza sa edifice infrastructura de calcul a experimentelor de la High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC)

1980: La CERN, influentat de ideile lui Ted Nelson, TBL dezvolta primul sau sistem hipertext (Enquire) pentru evidentaparticipantilor la proiecte, a software-ului asociat fiecarui program, precum si a software-ului care rula pe fiecarecomputer.


1989: CERN se conecteaza la Internet (ARPANET)Acumularea si prelucrarea/analiza datelor experimentale de la LEP (Large Electron-Positron collider), precum sipartajarea acestora catre un numar mare de cercetatori din intreaga lume a facut necesara crearea unui sistemelectronic unic de gestiune a informatiilor care sa fie usor de accesat si actualizat de catre nespecialisti IT.

Plecand de la aceasta initiativa, in 1990 definitiveaza, impreuna cu Robert Caillau, conceptele fundamentale ale web-ului(adresa web - URL, protocolul http, limbajul html)*, dezvolta primul server web si primul browser (in mod linie decomanda) - numit initial WorldWideWeb (redenumit ulterior Nexus). Primul browser functiona doar pe sisteme NeXT.

* URL - Uniform Resource Locator; http = hypertext transmission protocol; html = hypertext markup language

1. Diseminarea pe scara larga a WWW

1990-1: Line Mode Browser (LMB), portabil la diferite SO-uri

1991: TBL difuzeaza in grupul de stiri alt.hypertext instructiuni privinddescarcarea serverului web si a LMB

Demonstreaza public serverul CERN httpd (cu support FTP care facegrupurile de stiri Usenet si directoarele FTP accesibile prin pagina web.

In 1991 80% din capacitatea internet alocata in Europa pentru traficul international era instalata la CERN


2. Licentiere Open Source

1993: Licenta asupra tehnologiei web si codului este transferata de catre CERN in domeniul public

3. Browsere mai avansate

1992 – Lynx (browser text, nu poate afisa grafica)

1993 – Mosaic primul care a permis imagini incluse in text - primul browser 'cel mai popular' din lume.

1994 – Netscape Navigator primul care a permis tranzactiile securizate (deci e-comertul)

WWW se extinde in comunitatea HEP si in centre de cercetare si universitati din Europa

1993: CERN publica codul sursa al WWW (serverul web, browser-ul si o biblioteca de programe).



1. Sistemul de indexare: utilizarea deficitara a hipertextului

HTTP utilizeaza documente HTML ce contin link-urile scrise de autori.

Gopher contine pointerii catre documente in fisiere de meniu separate.

Admin. de sistem trebuie sa creeze si sa actualizeze fisierele de meniu.

Protocol, server si client create in 1991; utilizeaza meniuri pentru accesul la fisiere si informatii, fara sa fie necesara localizarea acestora de catre utilizator.


3. Avantajele modelului de sistem deschis

- standard de comunicare deschisa- software open source

3. Publicitatea

Avantajul 'botezarii' World Wide Web (care indica un produs cu acoperire mondiala inca inainte de a deveni public) contra'Gopher' (denumit dupa mascota universitatii Minessota, sugera utilizarea locala, in universitate)

2. Interfata Mosaic superioara oricarui client Gopher

Mosaic: GUI; imagini in documente; poate naviga utilizand protocoale FTP, HTTP si Gopher


Suedia se conecteaza la Internet in 1988, prin Swedish University Network, SUNET



Intarzierea profiturilor s-a datorat in mare parte limitarilor tehnice existente in cadrul Web 1.0 (date statice), care au fost depasite dupa 2001 prin facilitarea interactiei dinamice intre site-uri si useri, realizata in faza Web 2.0 (date interactive).

Figura: diferenta dintre procentajele detinutede companiile IT in ceea ce priveste valoareade tranzactionare a actiunilor pe piata decapital si, respectiv, valoarea profiturilor =>

Incepand din 1994 mediul de afaceri a realizat perspectiva generarii de profituri majore prin utilizarea site-urilor webcomerciale in cadrul comertului electronic.Companii precum eBay, Amazon, Yahoo, Paypal, Lycos au investit masiv in IT, chiar daca initial in pierdere, in perspectivaunor profituri ulterioare.

In perioada 1997-2000 valoarea speculativa aactiunilor IT listate la bursa a crescut rapid,depasind substantial valoarea lor intrinseca.

Fenomenul, cunoscut ca 'Bula Dot-Com', a luatsfarsit in 2001 prin prabusirea valorii actiunilor,conducand la disparitia unor firme sau lapierderi ireversibile (Yahoo, Lycos).

10O parte dintre supravietuitorii bulei dotcom au devenit gigantii de astazi Amazon, eBay, Paypal


Opinia unui jurist [Kerr'16], care citeaza din documentatia tehnica a WWW:

Incercari repetate de deturnare a interesului utilizatorului de la subiectul pe care acesta il solicita initial (se face prin'sugestii' si ghidarea utilizatorului catre receptorii de informatii ai furnizorului privind preferintele, etc)


HTTP este “a generic, stateless, object-oriented protocol” for “distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems.”"The means of operation are general and open. The Web works by allowing anyone to make a request for a webpage.Anyone can send a request without any authentication.... the server responds to anyone who has made the request."

We noticed you’re blocking ads.Keep supporting great journalism by turning off your ad blocker.

Or purchase a subscription for unlimited access to real news you can count on.Try 1 month for $1

Unblock ads

"Although the Web is open by default, website operators often place limits and restrictions on access to information."

Din ce in ce mai multe site-uri comerciale refuza servirea continutului atunci cand considera ca vizitatorul: 1) nu lefurnizeaza in schimb informatii profitabile pentru ei si partenerii lor (pe baza carora se stabileste profilul utilizatorului si seadapteaza reclamele care i se vor servi), sau 2) nu accepta reclamele servite, etc.

Exemplu "unblock adds or purchase subscription":


Doresc cautare pe Google dupa: brains work faster during sleep

Presupunand ca utilizatorul rezista ispitei, prima pagina servita de Google =>

Google sugereaza completari conform celor mai frecvente cautarianterioare (la care are deja raspunsuri). Sugestiile Google il pot face peutilizator sa amane/renunte la intentia initiala (de ex., devine subit atrasde '...exam' si amana cautarea dupa '...sleep') ('hindi' <= Sundar Pichai ?)


Aleg primul titlu (care a fost propus decatre furnizor cel mai probabil dinmotive pur comerciale).

Pagina respective apare si dispareautomat in mai putin de o secunda,fiind inlocuita de un anunt alfurnizorului de continut


Furnizorul imi solicita consimtamantulpentru a-i permite accesul, pentru a-mistoca cookie-uri si a-mi folosi datepersonale, el si partenerii sai.

Aleg 'Manage options'.

Daca nu fac ce spune, furnizorul nu malasa sa-i accesez in continuare paginile.In plus, dezactiveaza butonul 'Back',astfel incat sa raman blocat.

(Se rezolva in Firefox cu click dreaptaetc...)


MESAJ LA A 28-A ANIVERSARE A WWW (fragmente) [TimBL'17]


"I imagined the web as an open platform that would allow everyone, everywhere to share information, accessopportunities and collaborate across geographic and cultural boundaries. ... But over the past 12 months, I’ve becomeincreasingly worried about three new trends..."

1) We’ve lost control of our personal data"The current business model for many websites offers free content in exchange for personal data.Many of us agree to this - albeit often by accepting long and confusing terms and conditions documents - butfundamentally we do not mind some information being collected in exchange for free services. But, we’re missing a trick.As our data is then held in proprietary silos, out of sight to us, we lose out on the benefits we could realise if we had directcontrol over this data, and chose when and with whom to share it..."

2) It’s too easy for misinformation to spread on the web"Today, most people find news and information on the web through just a handful of social media sites and searchengines. These sites make more money when we click on the links they show us. And, they choose what to show us basedon algorithms which learn from our personal data that they are constantly harvesting. The net result is that these sitesshow us content they think we’ll click on – meaning that misinformation, or ‘fake news’, which is surprising, shocking, ordesigned to appeal to our biases can spread like wildfire..."

3) Political advertising online needs transparency and understanding"...political campaigns are now building individual adverts targeted directly at users... Targeted advertising allows acampaign to say completely different, possibly conflicting things to different groups. Is that democratic ?"


MESAJ LA A 29-A ANIVERSARE A WWW (fragmente) [TimBL'18]


"The web is under threat. Join us and fight for it.""I want the web to reflect our hopes and fulfil our dreams, rather than magnify our fears and deepen our divisions"

Close the digital divide

Make the web work for people"The web that many connected to years ago is not what new users will find today. What was once a rich selection of blogs and websites has been compressed under the powerful weight of a few dominant platforms. This concentration of power creates a new set of gatekeepers, allowing a handful of platforms to control which ideas and opinions are seen and shared.These dominant platforms are able to lock in their position by creating barriers for competitors. They acquire startup challengers, buy up new innovations and hire the industry’s top talent. Add to this the competitive advantage that their user data gives them and we can expect the next 20 years to be far less innovative than the last.What’s more, the fact that power is concentrated among so few companies has made it possible to weaponise the web at scale.""Companies are aware of the problems and are making efforts to fix them — with each change they make affecting millions of people. The responsibility — and sometimes burden — of making these decisions falls on companies that have been built to maximise profit more than to maximise social good."

Bring more voices to the debate on the web’s future"Two myths currently limit our collective imagination: the myth that advertising is the only possible business model for online companies, and the myth that it’s too late to change the way platforms operate."

'How Sir Tim Berners-Lee is returning the Web to the people' [solid'18]



"I’ve always believed the web is for everyone."

"But for all the good we’ve achieved, the web has evolved into an engine of inequity anddivision; swayed by powerful forces who use it for their own agendas"

Un instrument open source pentru controlul utilizatorului asupra informatiilor proprii:

SOLID (SOcial LInked Data)

Solid POD = spatiul personal de stocare a datelor


"customers have become the products that organisations sell – often without theirknowledge or informed consent" [solid'18]


Cati dintre Dvs., atunci cand au uitat o informative cu character general, au preferat sa o caute imediat pe Web in loc saincerce sa si-o aminteasca ?

Exista posibilitatea ca, in timp, capacitatea intrinseca de reamintire sa scada datorita 'extensiilor de memorie virtuala' ?


Cati dintre Dvs. au apreciat ocazional valoarea dupa numarul de 'like'-uri, evitand sau amanand o analiza proprie ?Exista posibilitatea ca, in timp, mediile de socializare, IA, etc. sa reduca puterea intrinseca de analiza a creierului uman ?

Google effect: 'when we know information is available online, we put less effort into storing that information in thebrain' [cogn'16]

Doua subiecte de cercetare actuale in psihologia cognitiva privind efectele IT: capacitatile de memorare si de analiza

The power of the Like: 'adolescents ... were more likely to like photos depicted with many likes than photos with fewlikes; this finding showed the influence of virtual peer endorsement and held for both neutral photos and photos ofrisky behaviors (e.g., drinking, smoking).' [like'16]

“Digital Natives” gravitate toward “shallow” information processing behaviors characterized by rapid attention shiftingand reduced deliberations. They engage in increased multitasking behaviors that are linked to increased distractibilityand poor executive control abilities. <They> also exhibit higher prevalence of Internet-related addictive behaviors thatreflect altered reward-processing and self-control mechanisms. Recent neuroimaging investigations have suggestedassociations between these Internet-related cognitive impacts and structural changes in the brain. [neuro'15]


[1] Reprezentari ale rutelor Internet in 2006, 2009, 2012, 2015, http://time.com/3952373/internet-opte-project/

[TimBL'99] Tim Berners-Lee, 'Weaving the Web', Harper Collins Publishers, 1999

[TimBL'17] Tim Berners-Lee, https://webfoundation.org/2017/03/web-turns-28-letter/

[TimBL'18] Tim Berners-Lee, https://webfoundation.org/2018/03/web-birthday-29/

[inrupt'18] Tim Berners-Lee, 'One Small Step for the Web…', https://inrupt.com/blog/one-small-step-for-the-web

[NNets'86] John S. Quarterman and Josiah C. Hoskins, 'Notable computer networks', Commun. of the ACM vol 29, p. 932 (1986)

[struc'93] Curt Stevens, 'Knowledge–Based Assistance for Accessing Large, Poorly Structured Information Spaces', (1993)

[htext'45] Vannevar Bush, 'As We May Think', The Atlantic Report, 101, July 1945, https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/toc/1945/07/

[cogn'16] Richard Heersmink, 'The Internet, Cognitive Enhancement, and the Values of Cognition', Minds & Machines (2016) 26:389–407

[solid'18] Internet of Business, 30.09.2018, https://internetofbusiness.com/solid-pods-how-sir-tim-berners-lee-aims-to-inrupt-the-web-from-within/

[Kerr'16] Orin S. Kerr, Norms of Computer Trespass, 116 Columbia Law Review 1143 (2016)

[like'16] Lauren E. Sherman, Ashley A. Payton, Leanna M. Hernandez, Patricia M. Greenfield, and Mirella Dapretto, 'The Power of the Like in Adolescence: Effects of Peer Influence on Neural and Behavioral Responses to Social Media', Psychological Science2016, Vol. 27(7) 1027–1035

[neuro'15] Kep Kee Loh and Ryota Kanai, 'How Has the Internet Reshaped Human Cognition?', The Neuroscientist 1–15 (2015)

[wWar'18] Gideon Rose, 'World War Web', Foreign Affairs vol 97, Issue: 5 Published: SEP-OCT 2018

[wais'91] Brewster Kahle, WAIS launch lecture, https://archive.org/details/wais_supercomputer_parc#




Clasificare dupa accesibilitate:

• Web-ul de suprafata (site-uri indexate de catre motoare de cautare)

• Web-ul ascuns / de adancime (deep web) (site-uri neindexate)

• Web-ul intunecat (dark web) (anonimizarea adresei IP a site-urilor, prin utilizare Tor, etc.)

• Conform netlore (folclorul Internet) si amatorilor de teorii conspirationiste ar exista inca 5 niveluri mai adanci.


Splinternet si World War Web

In prezent Internetul si (accesul la informative prin) WWW sunt reconfigurate datorita:

• intereselor companiilor mari

• intereselor statale

• ...


Romania se conecteaza la Internet prin Viena in 1992, la 9.6 kbps