3 products similar to ancillary 2

3 products similar to Ancillary 2 The King of Limbs - Radiohead The Poster has 'Radiohead' written at the centre of the poster, positioned backwards, in a large white font, with the whole background being black, this poster doesn’t include the album name, this could have been done for one of two reasons the first is because it is a way that Radiohead are getting the point across that they sell an album on the status of their name, rather than the quality of their album. Secondly it could be because the album name is longer than the band name, therefore to make the presentation look the better; they’ve not included the album name. Following the written language, we see the image that has created for, and associated with The King Of Limbs album, in some ways it could described as a filler to take up some of the space of the poster, but you would guess it's their due to the relevance of the album artwork, in which it is included on the album. Finally, next to this is the XL Recordings logo, they will want people to know Radiohead are on their label; therefore will want to be included on the poster. Altogether this looks quite basic, but it doesn't look bad, tacky or rushed in any case. This gives me confidence that I could create something simplistic that would still work well. What did you expect from The Vaccines? – The Vaccines The poster in many ways could be deemed quite simple, largely because the writing is keep minimal, and is kept in a black font. The name of the album is placed in

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3 products similar to Ancillary 2 The King of Limbs - Radiohead

The Poster has 'Radiohead' written at the centre of the poster, positioned backwards, in a large white font, with the whole background being black, this poster doesn’t include the album name, this could have been done for one of two reasons the first is because it is a way that Radiohead are getting the point across that they sell an album on the status of their name, rather than the quality of their album. Secondly it could be because the album name is longer than the band name, therefore to make the presentation look the better; they’ve not included the album name.

Following the written language, we see the image that has created for, and associated with The King Of Limbs album, in some ways it could described as a filler to take up some of the space of the poster, but you would guess it's their due to the relevance of the album artwork, in which it is included on the album.

Finally, next to this is the XL Recordings logo, they will want people to know Radiohead are on their label; therefore will want to be included on the poster. Altogether this looks quite basic, but it doesn't look bad, tacky or rushed in any case. This gives me confidence that I could create something simplistic that would still work well.

What did you expect from The Vaccines? – The Vaccines

The poster in many ways could be deemed quite simple, largely because the writing is keep minimal, and is kept in a black font. The name of the album is placed in large font at the centre of the page, this is done so that people will be attracted to the name of the album as soon as they see it. Underneath is the date that the album was released, this is in a smaller font, and isn’t in bold, simply because this isn't quite as an important piece of information, compared to the name of the album.

Also the Album Cover has included on the bottom left of the page, so that now when people see the album in a show they will know that it is The Vaccines album. Also the backdrop to the poster, is the centre piece from the album itself, this helps

give the poster more life, it's also the image phase The Vaccines that been going through during this album.

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Overall, I believe this is the quite a simple in its own respect, they are helping to their album into people’s minds, by having catch the readers eye, as it is based in the centre of the page. The affective simplicity is something I believe I could recreate on my poster.

Viva La Vida – Coldplay

 The final poster I’ve chosen to analyse is Coldplay’sViva La Vida album poster. The context of the poster consists mainly of the band, the colour black (a running theme) and the bold font. The main attention on this poster is the band that is placed right in the middle of the poster. I feel that this image and the way that it’s positioned are really effective as there’s a sense of everything else on the poster being centred on them. As they are a band it’s important that the poster reflects each of them individually and as a band as well to reflect the chemistry. Again this works well with each of the individual’s poses and stance and as a band, how they’ve been grouped together and the corresponding outfits reflects how close they are. With the main singer at the front again portrays that band image and informs the audience how the band works together and who takes the dominant role etc.The font used is one that’s been continuously used through their development giving a sense of recognition and build of band image. The layout of the writing on the page again works

well with the overall layout. The initial attention is on the image which engages the reader; then they instantly read a page from the top to the bottom, therefore the focus will be on the lines at the top which on this poster is the essential information. The layout of the writing gives a sense of coming in to the band, as the writing is positioned as though it’s a ‘V’ shape giving the effect of coming in which again reflects the central focus of the band. Then at the bottom of the page the writing goes from in to out. I feel on my final poster I should consider this particular layout as I find it really effective; however I must consider my image to ensure it works well as an overall effect.