3 pm3 c_5%20-%20work%20authorization

1 3PM3_T_B – Planning Time PROJE CT TOTALS Jan 05- Jan 06- Jan 07- Jan 08- Jan 09- Dec 05 D ec 06 Dec 07 Dec 08 D ec 09 Total Hours Yr H ours: 8,076.6 6,172.3 5,219.4 4,529.9 320.4 Cum H ours: 8,076.6 14,248.9 19,468.3 23,998.2 24,318.6 Total B urdened Yr D ollars: 579,414 433,204 460,534 703,185 27,529 Cum D ollars: 579,414 1,012,619 1,473,152 2,176,337 2,203,867 A tCom plete: HOURS PRIM E OVERHEAD G & A COM FEE LABOR 24,319 865,664 919,347 132,150 0 0 M ATERIAL 0 45,126 4,060 3,342 0 0 O THER DIR ECT COSTS 0 355,964 0 23,168 0 0 SUBCONTRACTOR 0 0 0 0 0 0 TRAVEL 0 13,706 0 1,040 0 0 Subtotals 24,319 1,280,459 923,407 159,699 0 0 TotalB urdened/C ost/D ollars/Price 2,203,867 2,363,566 2,363,566 2,363,566 D istributed Budget M M ARY Basis of CCA M odification Z Equipment Re-design P repared B y: Signatu re: D ate: A pproved By: Signatu re: D ate: M M ARY SPREA D (R)ec / M at/OD C (N )re raceable H istory Standards Param etric CER ExpertJudgm ent (Charge No.): Other : 6 18 8 8 20 10 10 10 5 20 20 5 20 10 TOTAL Program M anagem ent Identify replacementparts E lectricalE ngineering Com ponents E ngineering M anufacturing E ngineering Procure/build prototype CCA Prepare/board S058 with compliance matrix ProjectE ngineering E lectricalE ngineering Configuration M anagem ent Raise/board related CRs ProjectE ngineering E lectricalE ngineering Configuration M anagem ent M echanicalengineering E ngineering drawing changes (CCA P/L,G A ) D rafting M echanicalE ngineering A ssum ptions: 1.6w duration;allFY 2006 M odify CCA to improve function Basis of Estim ate (BO E) E ngineering W ork O rder EW O Title Prop osal/BOE Referen ce: EC P: PO #: F unction H ours M at/ODC Ch arge # P rojectE ng ineering Softw are E ngin eering System s E ngineering E lectricalE ngineering M echanicalE ngineering T estE ngineering A pproval: D istribution: CAMs(M A,CT,S N ,SE,SW ,P A);Affected Fu nction L ead s; IP T L ead; Pro gram Manager;Prog ram A n alyst; P ro gra m C on tro ller;O ther: W ork Order C ontrol Accounts C ontractPrice N egotiated C ontractC ost C ontractB udget B ase (C B B) Performance M easurem ent B aseline (PM B) D istributed B udget Fee & Profit Authorized/ N on-priced W ork (non-negotiated) M anagem entR eserve U ndistributed B udget C ontrol Accounts Planning W BS W ork P ackages Planning Packages Fee & Profit Authorized/ N on-priced W ork (non-negotiated) M anagem entR eserve U ndistributed B udget C ontrol Accounts Planning W BS W ork P ackages Planning Packages W ork Breakdow n Structure Cost Estimation Work Authorization Cost Budgetting

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Slide 1

Cost Estimation

Work AuthorizationCost Budgetting

#3PM3_T_B Planning TimeAuthorizing Work in the BudgetOnce budget has been allocated to a Control Account, the scope flowdown has been matched to the funding flowdownWe have work in assignable packages = Work PackagesWe have the money assigned to fund these packagesThe last step in planning is now to authorize the work to go ahead - this is done by Work AuthorizationMethods:Informal email advising related functions of work scope authorized and charge number to useFormal (preferred) work authorization form issued

#3PM3_T_B Planning TimeSample Work Authorization FormAuthorization Reference #References to program scope: PO #; WBS Work Package # Description of work scope authorizedBudget authorization details by function and element of cost (ie. Labour, material, travel, etc.)Charge # referencesApprovals: CAM, Project Manager

#3PM3_T_B Planning TimeWork Authorization RulesNo work can happen until authorizedWork authorized has to be in the Work Package scope.May authorize:all work packages at oncejust some work packages (eg. The near term ones)just portions of a work package (must make the limits clear on the Work OrderBUTThe sum of all authorized work must be less than the Control Account budget Work has to stop when the budget runs out

#3PM3_T_B Planning Time

Work Authorization

Cost EstimationCost Budgetting

#3PM3_T_B Planning Time