3. klasifikasi tanah

POKOK BAHASAN A.Umum. B.Tujuan Klasifikas i Tanah. C.Jenis Test. 1. Analisa Ayakan 2.Analisa Hidrometer 3. Kurva Distribusi D. Sistem Klasifikas i Tanah. A. Umum 1. WHY DO WE NEED TO CLASSIFY SOILS ??????? To describe various soil types encountered in the nature in a systematic way and gathering soils that have distinct physical properties in groups and units. 2. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS OF A SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM: a- Based on a scientific method b- Simple c- Permit classification by visual and manual tests. d- Describe certain engineering properties e- Should be accepted to all engineers. KLASIFIKASI TANAH

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POKOK BAHASANUmum.Tujuan Klasifikasi Tanah.Jenis Test. 1. Analisa Ayakan 2.Analisa Hidrometer 3. Kurva DistribusiD. Sistem Klasifikasi Tanah.A. Umum1. WHY DO WE NEED TO CLASSIFY SOILS ??????? To describe various soil types encountered in the nature in a systematic way and gathering soils that have distinct physical properties in groups and units.

GENERAL REQUIREMENTS OF A SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM: a- Based on a scientific method b- Simple c- Permit classification by visual and manual tests. d- Describe certain engineering properties e- Should be accepted to all engineers.KLASIFIKASI TANAHPOKOK BAHASANUmum.Tujuan Klasifikasi Tanah.Jenis Test. 1. Analisa Ayakan 2.Analisa Hidrometer3. Kurva Distribusi D. Sistem Klasifikasi Tanah.VARIOUS SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEMS:

a- Geologic Soil Classification System b- Agronomic Soil Classification System c- Textural Soil Classification System (USDA) d- American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials System (AASHTO) e- Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) f- American Society for Testing and Materials System (ASTM) g- Federal Aviation Agency System (FAA)A. Umum (lanjutan) POKOK BAHASANUmum.Tujuan Klasifikasi Tanah.Jenis Test. 1. Analisa Ayakan 2.Analisa Hidrometer3. Kurva Distribusi D. Sistem Klasifikasi Tanah.Klasifikasi Tanah : mengelompokkan tanah yang berbeda-beda tapi mempunyai sifat serupa kedalam group-group dan sub group.

Tujuannya : untuk mendapatkan gambaran umum mengenai perilaku suatu tanah.

Dasar Klasifikasi Tanah : Plastisitas tanah. Ukuran butiran.

B. Tujuan Klasifikasi Tanah POKOK BAHASANUmum.Tujuan Klasifikasi Tanah.Jenis Test. 1. Analisa Ayakan 2.Analisa Hidrometer3. Kurva Distribusi D. Sistem Klasifikasi Tanah.C. Jenis TestJenis test untuk mendapatkan ukuran Butiran :1. Analisa / Test Ayakan (Gambar 3.1).2. Analisa / Test Hydrometer (Gambar 3.2)

Analisa ayakan :1. Ayakan yang dipakai : ayakan US-Standard.2. Dasar : ukuran lubang ayakan.

Analisa hydrometer 1. Menggunakan alat hydrometer 2. Dasar : prinsip sedimentasi dari butiran tanah didalam air

8POKOK BAHASANUmum.Tujuan Klasifikasi Tanah.Jenis Test. 1. Analisa Ayakan 2.Analisa Hidrometer3. Kurva Distribusi D. Sistem Klasifikasi Tanah.Gambar 3.1. Ayakan US-Standard


POKOK BAHASANUmum.Tujuan Klasifikasi Tanah.Jenis Test. 1. Analisa Ayakan 2.Analisa Hydrometer 3. Kurva DistribusiD. Sistem Klasifikasi Tanah.2. Analisa HydrometerFaktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kecepatan mengendap : bentuk, ukuran, dan berat butiran tanah.

Gambar 3.2b Gelas ukurGambar 3.2a Alat Hydrometer POKOK BAHASANUmum.Tujuan Klasifikasi Tanah.Jenis Test. 1. Analisa Ayakan 2.Analisa Hidrometer 3. Kurva DistribusiD. Sistem Klasifikasi Tanah.

Gambar 3.2c Sketsa alat Hydrometer dan alat Hydrometer didalam gelas ukur yang berisi tanah yang sudah dicampur dengan cairan standard.Gambar 3.2d Percobaan Hydrometer di laboratorium Mekanika Tanah ITS.POKOK BAHASANUmum.Tujuan Klasifikasi Tanah.Jenis Test. 1. Analisa Ayakan 2.Analisa Hidrometer3.Kurva Distribusi D. Sistem Klasifikasi Tanah.Hasil analisa ayakan dan analisa Hydrometer digambarkan dalam kertas semi-log (Gambar 3.3);b. Kurva hasil test diberikan dalam Gambar 3.4c. Kurva pada Gambar 3.4 dinamakan: KURVA DISTRIBUSI UKURAN BUTIRAN (GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION)3. Kurva distribusi ukuran butiran (grain size distribution)

Gambar 3.3 Kertas semi-log untuk menggambar hasil analisa ayakan dan hydrometer

Gambar 3.4 Kurva distribusi ukuran butiran (Grain size distribution)POKOK BAHASAN

D30 : Diameter butiran dimana 30% dari total butiran lolos / lebih kecil dari diameter tersebut.D60 : Diameter butiran dimana 60% dari total butiran lolos / lebih kecil dari diameter tersebut.d. Tiga parameter dapat ditentukan dari kurva grain size distribution (lihat Gambar 3.5): - UKURAN EFEKTIF (EFFECTIVE SIZE) D10 : Diameter butiran dimana 10% dari total butiran lolos / lebih kecil dari diameter tersebut.- KOEFISIEN KESERAGAMAN (UNIFORMITY COEF.) = Cu- KOEFISIEN GRADASI (GRADATION COEF.) = Cc

Umum.Tujuan Klasifikasi Tanah.Jenis Test. 1. Analisa Ayakan 2.Analisa Hidrometer3.Kurva Distribusi D. Sistem Klasifikasi Tanah.3. Kurva distribusi ukuran butiran (lanjutan)




Gambar 3.5 Cara menentukan D10,, D 30 , D 60POKOK BAHASANUmum.Tujuan Klasifikasi Tanah.Jenis Test. 1. Analisa Ayakan 2.Analisa Hidrometer3.Kurva Distribusi D. Sistem Klasifikasi Tanah.e. Bentuk Kurva dapat dikelompokkan dalam 3 group (lihat Gambar 3.6):

- GAP GRADED :Tanah dimana 1 atau lebih ukuran butir tidak ada.

- WELL GRADED :Tanah dimana ukuran butirannya terbagi merata dalam suatu batasan yang luas (hampir semua ukuran butir ada).

- UNIFORM GRADED :Tanah yang ukuran butirannya hampir sama.3. Kurva distribusi ukuran butiran (lanjutan)

Gambar 3.6a. Bentuk kurva hasil test Ayakan dan test HydrometerGrading curves

WWell graded

20Grading curves

WWell gradedUUniform

21Grading curves

WWell gradedUUniformPPoorly graded

22Grading curves

WWell gradedUUniformPPoorly gradedCWell graded with some clay23Grading curves

WWell graded UUniformPPoorly gradedCWell graded with some clayFWell graded with an excess of fines24POKOK BAHASANUmum.Tujuan Klasifikasi Tanah.Jenis Test. 1. Analisa Ayakan 2.Analisa Hidrometer3.Kurva Distribusi D. Sistem Klasifikasi Tanah.

Gambar 3.6b. Sketsa tekstur tanah yang butirannya well-graded dan gap-gradedPOKOK BAHASANUmum.Tujuan Klasifikasi Tanah.Jenis Test. 1. Analisa Ayakan 2.Analisa Hidrometer3.Kurva Distribusi D. Sistem Klasifikasi Tanah.D. Sistem Klasifikasi TanahSistem klasifikasi yang di pakai :

USCS( Unified Soil Classification System) Gambar 3.7 & Tabel 3.1AASHTO ( American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials) Gambar 3.9 & Tabel 3.2.Persamaan USCS & AASHTO

1. Klasifikasi tanah dengan sistim USCS dan AASHTO menggunakan dasar yang sama yaitu: - ukuran butir, dan - plastisitas tanah2. USCS dan AASHTO memisahkan tanah kedalam 2 kategori : - tanah berbutir kasar ( coarse grained) - tanah berbutir halus ( fine grained)POKOK BAHASANUmum.Tujuan Klasifikasi Tanah.Jenis Test. 1. Analisa Ayakan 2.Analisa Hidrometer3.Kurva Distribusi D. Sistem Klasifikasi Tanah.PERBEDAAN USCS & AASHTOURAIAN PERBEDAANUSCSAASHTO1. Tanah dikatakan berbutir kasar bilaLolos ayakan no 200 50%Lolos ayakan no 200 35%2. Ayakan yang dipakai untuk memisahkan pasir dan kerikilAyakan no 4Ayakan no 103. Perbedaan tanah-2 yang gravelly, sandy, silty, dan clayey soilDibedakan secara jelasTidak dibedakan4. Klasifikasi untuk tanah organikOL, OH, PtTidak diberikan5. Arti dari simbol tanahLihat penjelasanTidak adaD. Sistem Klasifikasi Tanah (Lanjutan)POKOK BAHASANUmum.Tujuan Klasifikasi Tanah.Jenis Test. 1. Analisa Ayakan 2.Analisa Hidrometer3.Kurva Distribusi D. Sistem Klasifikasi Tanah.Penjelasan 2 simbol huruf pada USCS

1.Huruf PERTAMA menggambarkan komponen utama dari tanah, yaitu:

a. Tanah berbutir kasar: G = Gravel / Kerikil S = Sand / Pasir b. Tanah berbutir halus M = Silt / Lanau C = Clay/ Lempung c. Tanah organik O = Organik Pt = Peat .Huruf KEDUA menggambarkan keadaan tanah: a. Bergradasi baik / well graded (W) b. Bergradasi jelek / poorly graded (P) c. Tercampur lanau / kelanauan / silty (M) d. Tercampur lempung / kelempungan / clayey (C) e. Mempunyai plastisitas rendah / low plasticity (L) f. Mempunyai plastisitas tinggi / high plasticity (H)POKOK BAHASANUmum.Tujuan Klasifikasi Tanah.Jenis Test. 1. Analisa Ayakan 2.Analisa Hidrometer3.Kurva Distribusi D. Sistem Klasifikasi Tanah.Run sieve analysis< 50% pass #200> 50% of coarse fraction retained on #4Gravel< 50% of coarse fraction retained on #4Sand> 50% pass #200Use plasticity chart (Fig. 3.8)Silt, organic,or clayGambar 3.7a. Sistem Klasifikasi USCSSISTIM KLASIFIKASI TANAH USCSPOKOK BAHASANUmum.Tujuan Klasifikasi Tanah.Jenis Test. 1. Analisa Ayakan 2.Analisa Hidrometer3.Kurva Distribusi D. Sistem Klasifikasi Tanah.G> 12 % pass #200GCGMGC-GMUse gradation curve and plasticity chart to designate (Gb.3.8) 12 % pass #200SCSMSC-SMUse gradation curve and plasticity chart to designate0.75LL and PI plot below A-lineLL and PI plot in shaded areaLL and PI plot above A-lineMLCL-MLCLLLR 50%LLR0.75LL and PI plot below A-lineLL and PI plot above A-lineMHCHPOKOK BAHASANUmum.Tujuan Klasifikasi Tanah.Jenis Test. 1. Analisa Ayakan 2.Analisa Hidrometer3.Kurva Distribusi D. Sistem Klasifikasi Tanah.POKOK BAHASANUmum.Tujuan Klasifikasi Tanah.Jenis Test. 1. Analisa Ayakan 2.Analisa Hidrometer3.Kurva Distribusi D. Sistem Klasifikasi Tanah.Gambar 3.8. Plasicity Chart Persamaan garis A : PI = 0.73 (LL 20)

Tabel 3.1c. USCS ( Silt or Clay, Peat)POKOK BAHASANBAB IIIKLASIFIKASI TANAHMata kuliah MEKANIKA TANAH (PS-1335)Prof. Ir.Noor Endah Msc. Ph.D.

Umum.Tujuan Klasifikasi Tanah.Jenis Test. 1. Analisa Ayakan 2.Analisa Hidrometer3.Kurva Distribusi D. Sistem Klasifikasi Tanah.2. SISTIM KLASIFIKASI TANAH AASHTO51%Pass #40 4 and 1 < Cc < 3 and fines classify as ML or MHGW - GMWell graded gravel with siltCu< 4 and 1 >Cc > 3 and fines classify as CL or CHGP - GCPoorly graded gravel with clayCu< 4 and 1 >Cc > 3 and fines classify as ML or MHGP - GMPoorly graded gravel with siltMore than 12%Fines classify as CL or CH ( LL and PL above A-line)GCClayey gravelFines classify as ML or MH ( LL and PL below A-line)GMSilty gravelFines classify as CL - ML ( LL and PL in shaded area)GC - GMSilty, clayey gravelSandRun sieve analyasis and if less than 50% passed the #200 sieve, then the soil is coarse. If less than 50% of the coarse material is retained on the #4 sieve, then the soil is sand% passing #200 sieveUnified Soil Classification CriteriaGroup SymbolGroup NameLess than 5%Cu> 6 and 1 < Cc < 3SWWell graded sandCu< 6 and 1 >Cc > 3SPPoorly graded sandBetween 5 % & 12%Cu> 6 and 1 < Cc < 3 and fines classify as CL or CHSW - SCWell graded sand with clayCu> 6 and 1 < Cc < 3 and fines classify as ML or MHSW - SMWell graded sand with siltCu< 6 and 1 >Cc > 3 and fines classify as CL or CHSP - SCPoorly graded sand with clayCu< 6 and 1 >Cc > 3 and fines classify as ML or MHSP - SMPoorly graded sand with siltMore than 12%Fines classify as CL or CH ( LL and PL above A-line)SCClayey sandFines classify as ML or MH ( LL and PL below A-line)SMSilty sandFines classify as CL - ML ( LL and PL in shaded area)SC - SMSilty, clayey sandSandRun sieve analyasis and if less than 50% passed the #200 sieve, then the soil is fine.Run liquid limit and plastic limit tests on materials passing #40 sieve. Note that ASTM requires that the liquid limit be determined using oven dried and undried samplesLiquid LimitUnified Soil Classification CriteriaGroup SymbolGroup NameLess than 50%LLR < 0.75OLOrganic silt or clayLLR > 0.75 and PI < 4 or plots below A-line in Fig.MLInorganic siltLLR > 0.75 and PI > 7 or plots above A-line in Fig.CLLean clayLLR > 0.75 and PI > 7 and LL and PI in shaded area of Fig.CL-MLSilty clayMore than 50%LLR < 0.75OHOrganic silt or clayLLR > 0.75 and PI plots below A-line in Fig.MHElastic siltLLR > 0.75 and PI plots on or above A-line in Fig.CHFat clay





ucsUnified Classification SystemMajor divisionsGroupTypical namesClassification CriteriaSymbolsGravels50% or more of coarse fraction retained on No. 4 sieveClean GravelsGWWell-graded gravels ang gravel-sand mixtures, little or no finesClassification on basis of percentage of finesGW,GP,SW.SPGM,GC,SM,SCBorderline classification requiring use of dual symbolsGreater than 4Between 1 and 3GPPoorly graded gravels and gravel sand mixtures, little or no finesNot meeting both criteria for GWGravels with FinesGMSilty gravels, gravel-sand-silt mixturesAtteberg limits plot below "A" line or plasticity index less than 4Atteberg limits plotting in hatched area are borderline classification requiring use of dual symbolsLess than 5% pass No. 200 sieveMore than 12% pass No. 200 sieve5% to 12% pass No. 200 sieveGCClayey gravels, gravel-sand-clay mixturesAtteberg limits plot below "A" line and plasticity index greater than 7SandsMore than 50% of coarse fraction passes on No. 4 sieveClean SandsSWWell-graded sands and gravelly sands, little or no finesGreater than 6Between 1 and 3SPPoorly graded sands and gravelly sands, little or no finesNot meeting both criteria for SWSands with finesSMSilty sand, sand-silt mixturesAtteberg limits plot below "A" line or plasticity index less than 4Atteberg limits plotting in hatched area are borderline classification requiring use of dual symbolsSCClayey sands,sand-clay mixturesAtteberg limits plot below "A" line and plasticity index greater than 7Silts and ClaysLiquid Limit 50% or lessMLInorganic silts, very fine sands, rock flour, silty or clayey fine sands200CLInorganic clays of low to medium plasticity, gravelly clays, sandy clays, silty clays, lean clays1005807307OLOrganic silts and organic silty clays of low plasticity042544500Silts and ClaysLiquid Limit greater than 50%MHInorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous fine sand or silts, elastic silts5060CHInorganic clays of high plasticity,fat claysOHOrganic clays of medium to high plasticityHighly Organic SoilsPTPeat, muck and other highly organic soilsVisual - manual identification, see ASTM Designation D2488


Liquid LimitPlasticity IndexPlasticity chart

aashtoGeneral ClassificationGranular materialsSilt-clay materials(35% or less of total sample passing No.200)( more than 35% passing No.200 )Group classificationA-1A-3A-2A-4A-5A-6A-7A-1-aA-1-bA-2-4A-2-5A-2-6A-2-7A-7-5A-7-6Sieve Analysis(percentage passing)No. 1050 max.51 min.No. 4030 max.50 max.51 min.No. 20015 max.25 max10 max.35 max35 max35 max35 max36 min36 min36 min36 minCharacteristic of fraction passing No.40

MHOHML &OHCL &CH &CL-MLA lineFor classification of fine grained soils and fine fraction of coarse grained soils.Atteberg limits plotting in hatched area are borderline classification requiring use of dual symbolsEquation of A line : PI = 0.73 (LL-20)

Sheet3GravelRun sieve analyasis and if less than 50% passed the #200 sieve, then the soil is coarse. If more than 50% of the coarse material is retained on the #4 sieve, then the soil is gravel.% passing #200 sieveUnified Soil Classification CriteriaGroup SymbolGroup NameLess than 5%GWWell graded gravelGPPoorly graded gravelBetween 5 % & 12%GW - GCWell graded gravel with clayGW - GMWell graded gravel with siltGP - GCPoorly graded gravel with clayGP - GMPoorly graded gravel with siltMore than 12%Fines classify as CL or CH ( LL and PL above A-line)GCClayey gravelFines classify as ML or MH ( LL and PL below A-line)GMSilty gravelFines classify as CL - ML ( LL and PL in shaded area)GC - GMSilty, clayey gravelSandRun sieve analyasis and if less than 50% passed the #200 sieve, then the soil is coarse. If less than 50% of the coarse material is retained on the #4 sieve, then the soil is sand% passing #200 sieveUnified Soil Classification CriteriaGroup SymbolGroup NameLess than 5%SWWell graded sandSPPoorly graded sandBetween 5 % & 12%SW - SCWell graded sand with claySW - SMWell graded sand with siltSP - SCPoorly graded sand with claySP - SMPoorly graded sand with siltMore than 12%Fines classify as CL or CH ( LL and PL above A-line)SCClayey sandFines classify as ML or MH ( LL and PL below A-line)SMSilty sandFines classify as CL - ML ( LL and PL in shaded area)SC - SMSilty, clayey sandSandRun sieve analyasis and if less than 50% passed the #200 sieve, then the soil is fine.Run liquid limit and plastic limit tests on materials passing #40 sieve. Note that ASTM requires that the liquid limit be determined using oven dried and undried samplesLiquid LimitUnified Soil Classification CriteriaGroup SymbolGroup NameLess than 50%LLR < 0.75OLOrganic silt or clayLLR > 0.75 and PI < 4 or plots below A-line in Fig.MLInorganic siltLLR > 0.75 and PI > 7 or plots above A-line in Fig.CLLean clayLLR > 0.75 and PI > 7 and LL and PI in shaded area of Fig.CL-MLSilty clayMore than 50%LLR < 0.75OHOrganic silt or clayLLR > 0.75 and PI plots below A-line in Fig.MHElastic siltLLR > 0.75 and PI plots on or above A-line in Fig.CHFat clay





ucsUnified Classification SystemMajor divisionsGroupTypical namesClassification CriteriaSymbolsGravels50% or more of coarse fraction retained on No. 4 sieveClean GravelsGWWell-graded gravels ang gravel-sand mixtures, little or no finesClassification on basis of percentage of finesGW,GP,SW.SPGM,GC,SM,SCBorderline classification requiring use of dual symbolsGreater than 4Between 1 and 3GPPoorly graded gravels and gravel sand mixtures, little or no finesNot meeting both criteria for GWGravels with FinesGMSilty gravels, gravel-sand-silt mixturesAtteberg limits plot below "A" line or plasticity index less than 4Atteberg limits plotting in hatched area are borderline classification requiring use of dual symbolsLess than 5% pass No. 200 sieveMore than 12% pass No. 200 sieve5% to 12% pass No. 200 sieveGCClayey gravels, gravel-sand-clay mixturesAtteberg limits plot below "A" line and plasticity index greater than 7SandsMore than 50% of coarse fraction passes on No. 4 sieveClean SandsSWWell-graded sands and gravelly sands, little or no finesGreater than 6Between 1 and 3SPPoorly graded sands and gravelly sands, little or no finesNot meeting both criteria for SWSands with finesSMSilty sand, sand-silt mixturesAtteberg limits plot below "A" line or plasticity index less than 4Atteberg limits plotting in hatched area are borderline classification requiring use of dual symbolsSCClayey sands,sand-clay mixturesAtteberg limits plot below "A" line and plasticity index greater than 7Silts and ClaysLiquid Limit 50% or lessMLInorganic silts, very fine sands, rock flour, silty or clayey fine sands200CLInorganic clays of low to medium plasticity, gravelly clays, sandy clays, silty clays, lean clays1005807307OLOrganic silts and organic silty clays of low plasticity042544500Silts and ClaysLiquid Limit greater than 50%MHInorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous fine sand or silts, elastic silts5060CHInorganic clays of high plasticity,fat claysOHOrganic clays of medium to high plasticityHighly Organic SoilsPTPeat, muck and other highly organic soilsVisual - manual identification, see ASTM Designation D2488


Liquid LimitPlasticity IndexPlasticity chart

aashtoGeneral ClassificationGranular materialsSilt-clay materials(35% or less of total sample passing No.200)( more than 35% passing No.200 )Group classificationA-1A-3A-2A-4A-5A-6A-7A-1-aA-1-bA-2-4A-2-5A-2-6A-2-7A-7-5A-7-6Sieve Analysis(percentage passing)No. 1050 max.51 min.No. 4030 max.50 max.51 min.No. 20015 max.25 max10 max.35 max35 max35 max35 max36 min36 min36 min36 minCharacteristic of fraction passing No.40

MHOHML &OHCL &CH &CL-MLA lineFor classification of fine grained soils and fine fraction of coarse grained soils.Atteberg limits plotting in hatched area are borderline classification requiring use of dual symbolsEquation of A line : PI = 0.73 (LL-20)

Sheet3GravelRun sieve analyasis and if less than 50% passed the #200 sieve, then the soil is coarse. If more than 50% of the coarse material is retained on the #4 sieve, then the soil is gravel.% passing #200 sieveUnified Soil Classification CriteriaGroup SymbolGroup NameLess than 5%GWWell graded gravelGPPoorly graded gravelBetween 5 % & 12%GW - GCWell graded gravel with clayGW - GMWell graded gravel with siltGP - GCPoorly graded gravel with clayGP - GMPoorly graded gravel with siltMore than 12%Fines classify as CL or CH ( LL and PL above A-line)GCClayey gravelFines classify as ML or MH ( LL and PL below A-line)GMSilty gravelFines classify as CL - ML ( LL and PL in shaded area)GC - GMSilty, clayey gravelSandRun sieve analyasis and if less than 50% passed the #200 sieve, then the soil is coarse. If less than 50% of the coarse material is retained on the #4 sieve, then the soil is sand% passing #200 sieveUnified Soil Classification CriteriaGroup SymbolGroup NameLess than 5%SWWell graded sandSPPoorly graded sandBetween 5 % & 12%SW - SCWell graded sand with claySW - SMWell graded sand with siltSP - SCPoorly graded sand with claySP - SMPoorly graded sand with siltMore than 12%Fines classify as CL or CH ( LL and PL above A-line)SCClayey sandFines classify as ML or MH ( LL and PL below A-line)SMSilty sandFines classify as CL - ML ( LL and PL in shaded area)SC - SMSilty, clayey sandSILT OR CLAYRun sieve analyasis and if less than 50% passed the #200 sieve, then the soil is fine.Run liquid limit and plastic limit tests on materials passing #40 sieve. Note that ASTM requires that the liquid limit be determined using oven dried and undried samplesLiquid LimitUnified Soil Classification CriteriaGroup SymbolGroup NameLess than 50%LLR < 0.75OLOrganic silt or clayLLR > 0.75 and PI < 4 or plots below A-line in Fig.MLInorganic siltLLR > 0.75 and PI > 7 or plots above A-line in Fig.CLLean clayLLR > 0.75 and PI > 7 and LL and PI in shaded area of Fig.CL-MLSilty clayMore than 50%LLR < 0.75OHOrganic silt or clayLLR > 0.75 and PI plots below A-line in Fig.MHElastic siltLLR > 0.75 and PI plots on or above A-line in Fig.CHFat clay





ucsUnified Classification SystemMajor divisionsGroupTypical namesClassification CriteriaSymbolsGravels50% or more of coarse fraction retained on No. 4 sieveClean GravelsGWWell-graded gravels ang gravel-sand mixtures, little or no finesClassification on basis of percentage of finesGW,GP,SW.SPGM,GC,SM,SCBorderline classification requiring use of dual symbolsGreater than 4Between 1 and 3GPPoorly graded gravels and gravel sand mixtures, little or no finesNot meeting both criteria for GWGravels with FinesGMSilty gravels, gravel-sand-silt mixturesAtteberg limits plot below "A" line or plasticity index less than 4Atteberg limits plotting in hatched area are borderline classification requiring use of dual symbolsLess than 5% pass No. 200 sieveMore than 12% pass No. 200 sieve5% to 12% pass No. 200 sieveGCClayey gravels, gravel-sand-clay mixturesAtteberg limits plot below "A" line and plasticity index greater than 7SandsMore than 50% of coarse fraction passes on No. 4 sieveClean SandsSWWell-graded sands and gravelly sands, little or no finesGreater than 6Between 1 and 3SPPoorly graded sands and gravelly sands, little or no finesNot meeting both criteria for SWSands with finesSMSilty sand, sand-silt mixturesAtteberg limits plot below "A" line or plasticity index less than 4Atteberg limits plotting in hatched area are borderline classification requiring use of dual symbolsSCClayey sands,sand-clay mixturesAtteberg limits plot below "A" line and plasticity index greater than 7Silts and ClaysLiquid Limit 50% or lessMLInorganic silts, very fine sands, rock flour, silty or clayey fine sands200CLInorganic clays of low to medium plasticity, gravelly clays, sandy clays, silty clays, lean clays1005807307OLOrganic silts and organic silty clays of low plasticity042544500Silts and ClaysLiquid Limit greater than 50%MHInorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous fine sand or silts, elastic silts5060CHInorganic clays of high plasticity,fat claysOHOrganic clays of medium to high plasticityHighly Organic SoilsPTPeat, muck and other highly organic soilsVisual - manual identification, see ASTM Designation D2488


Liquid LimitPlasticity IndexPlasticity chart

aashtoGeneral ClassificationGranular materialsSilt-clay materials(35% or less of total sample passing No.200)( more than 35% passing No.200 )Group classificationA-1A-3A-2A-4A-5A-6A-7A-1-aA-1-bA-2-4A-2-5A-2-6A-2-7A-7-5A-7-6Sieve Analysis(percentage passing)No. 1050 max.51 min.No. 4030 max.50 max.51 min.No. 20015 max.25 max10 max.35 max35 max35 max35 max36 min36 min36 min36 minCharacteristic of fraction passing No.40

MHOHML &OHCL &CH &CL-MLA lineFor classification of fine grained soils and fine fraction of coarse grained soils.Atteberg limits plotting in hatched area are borderline classification requiring use of dual symbolsEquation of A line : PI = 0.73 (LL-20)

Sheet3GravelRun sieve analyasis and if less than 50% passed the #200 sieve, then the soil is coarse. If more than 50% of the coarse material is retained on the #4 sieve, then the soil is gravel.% passing #200 sieveUnified Soil Classification CriteriaGroup SymbolGroup NameLess than 5%GWWell graded gravelGPPoorly graded gravelBetween 5 % & 12%GW - GCWell graded gravel with clayGW - GMWell graded gravel with siltGP - GCPoorly graded gravel with clayGP - GMPoorly graded gravel with siltMore than 12%Fines classify as CL or CH ( LL and PL above A-line)GCClayey gravelFines classify as ML or MH ( LL and PL below A-line)GMSilty gravelFines classify as CL - ML ( LL and PL in shaded area)GC - GMSilty, clayey gravelSandRun sieve analyasis and if less than 50% passed the #200 sieve, then the soil is coarse. If less than 50% of the coarse material is retained on the #4 sieve, then the soil is sand% passing #200 sieveUnified Soil Classification CriteriaGroup SymbolGroup NameLess than 5%SWWell graded sandSPPoorly graded sandBetween 5 % & 12%SW - SCWell graded sand with claySW - SMWell graded sand with siltSP - SCPoorly graded sand with claySP - SMPoorly graded sand with siltMore than 12%Fines classify as CL or CH ( LL and PL above A-line)SCClayey sandFines classify as ML or MH ( LL and PL below A-line)SMSilty sandFines classify as CL - ML ( LL and PL in shaded area)SC - SMSilty, clayey sandSILT OR CLAYRun sieve analyasis and if less than 50% passed the #200 sieve, then the soil is fine.Run liquid limit and plastic limit tests on materials passing #40 sieve. Note that ASTM requires that the liquid limit be determined using oven dried and undried samplesLiquid LimitUnified Soil Classification CriteriaGroup SymbolGroup NameLess than 50%LLR < 0.75OLOrganic silt or clayLLR > 0.75 and PI < 4 or plots below A-line in Fig.MLInorganic siltLLR > 0.75 and PI > 7 or plots above A-line in Fig.CLLean clayLLR > 0.75 and PI > 7 and LL and PI in shaded area of Fig.CL-MLSilty clayMore than 50%LLR < 0.75OHOrganic silt or clayLLR > 0.75 and PI plots below A-line in Fig.MHElastic siltLLR > 0.75 and PI plots on or above A-line in Fig.CHFat clayPEATHighly organic soils. Normally more than 20% by weight is organicPrimary organic matter, dark in color and organic odorPtPeat



