3 fun games dream dinners franchisees can encourage during dinnertime

3 Fun Games Dream Dinners Franchisees Can Encourage During Dinnertime

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Post on 06-Aug-2015




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3 Fun Games Dream Dinners Franchisees Can Encourage During Dinnertime

Page 2: 3 Fun Games Dream Dinners Franchisees Can Encourage During Dinnertime

3 Fun Dinnertime Games

We understand that with you and your children’s hectic schedules, sometimes dinner is the only regular time you have to share as an entire family. But after action-packed days of work, school, sports and other activities, you and your kids may be left tired and cranky, unwilling to open up and have some fun.

Many Dream Dinners franchisees find that while their customers come in excited about preparing their family’s meals, they express that it’s not always easy to get their family excited about this shared time together. However, by adding some traditions – like playing family games - to your dinnertime routine, your family members will begin to look forward to this family time. Today, Dream Dinners franchise reviews some of our customers’ stories about how they make dinnertime fun for their family and why Dream Dinners franchisees should encourage mealtime traditions.

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"With three active children, dinnertime with our entire family is sporadic. My husband and I make mealtime fun by using conversation games to get each member involved in the discussion. One such idea was called ‘The Rhyming Game.’ A designated member of the family would choose a starting word. Each family member would take turns saying a word rhyming with the starting word. The last person to have a word rhyming with the starting word was the winner. In our house, dinner isn’t just about the food, it’s about using the time together to share our lives through conversation. What better way to bring everyone together than through a fun mealtime game?”

- Carla O.

Rhyme Time

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"My husband and I often found that talking to our children was like pulling teeth. They would often answer our dinnertime questions with, ‘nothing’ or shrug their shoulders until we came up with ‘The Best/Worst Game.’ Every night we gather around the table for dinner and… then share the worst part of our day. These worst parts turn into full conversations with ways to deal with our worst parts. We then share our best parts. We always end on a positive note, and often hear stories of success in the classroom that we would otherwise hear nothing about. We have started a tradition that the kids yearn for and look forward to nightly. As parents we have learned so much about their daily events, and are so thankful for the communication this simple game has brought to us."- Jennifer R.

The Best/Worst Game

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“With four children, games are always a hit and one of our favorites around the table is ‘Truth or Fib.’ We each get a turn as we go around the table and share something noteworthy that happened to us that day and then we tell an untruth - something that did not happen. The goal is to try to confuse the other family members as to which is the truth and which is the fib. The ultimate ‘winner’ is the family member who guessed correctly the most times. Not only is this game good fun with a lot of laughter and good storytelling, but it also lets us share a slice of our day in a creative way with each other. It connects us as a family over yummy nutritional food. And the memories are unforgettable. In a world where everyone is dashing in a million different directions laughter around a healthy meal is priceless! And not only are we being nourished physically and emotionally, but we are learning the particular details, the likes and dislikes, the hopes and fears, about every individual in our unique but delightful family."- Kristen H.

Truth or Fib?

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We encourage all of our Dream Dinners franchisees to share these ideas with their customers so you can help get everyone excited about dinnertime. For more tips on how you can encourage your customers to make dinnertime fun, check out these two videos!

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