3 ethnicity 2 representation

Do now. . Use your mark scheme to self assess your homework on the editing in the clip from Hustle.

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Do now.

• .Use your mark scheme to self assess your homework on the editing in the clip from Hustle.

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Starter• Watch this clip: How many different ethnic groups can you

identify.• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4pOsV_lSPE

• The mainstream British media has attempted to represent the multicultural nature of Britain in recent years.

• Put it simply there are more black and Asian faces on TV then there were 10 years ago!

• The clip from ‘Casualty’ features at least 5 primary black and Asian characters. The idea of the ‘ethnic minority' on TV is less of an issue.

• However as we have discussed how many Chinese, Filipino or Arab characters do we see on TV? Some group are still under-represented.

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Representation and TV Drama

Learning Objective: To define and redefine notions of ethnicity.To explore how TV drama uses ethnicity to

create audience meaning.

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What determines ethnicity?

• Ethnicity is a distinctiveness based on a number of factors

• What contributes to a persons ethnicity?

• Family origins – where your family are from.• Cultural upbringing – customs, music and food?• Personal perception – how someone views


• To conclude: Ethnicity is a complex issue – it involves more than just place of birth or colour of skin

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What is nationality?

• The place you were born?

• The place you reside in?

• What passport you hold?

• How do we combine ethnicity and nationality to define ourselves?

• Black American, British Asian, Italian Canadian.

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‘Culture clash’

• Ethnicity analysis, like gender might focus on how differing ethnicities are- binary opposites or a ‘culture clash’.

• Eg: Moral v immoral

• Can we think of any other binary opposites?

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Ethnic stereotyping• Stereotyping is a simplified or limited representation of a

particular group.

• Task: List some of the common ethnic stereotypes of our ethnic groups:

• Chinese• Eastern European• Pakistani• African• Latin American

• Task: in groups make a list of all the media personalities (actors/characters, presenters, musicians, etc) you can name from the following ethnicities.

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Ethnic caricatures• Can we think of any other ethnic caricatures?

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• Define ethnicity

• Define nationality

• What does multicultural mean?

• What does under-represented mean?

• What is ethnic stereotyping?

• Define ethnic caricatures?

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Ethnic Caricatures- funny or offensive?

• What does caricature mean?• An over exaggerated representation of a

particular demographic produced for comic effect.

• Task: watch the opening to ‘Citizen Khan’.• Is it funny or offensive?• Depends on your ethnic background.• How easily offended you are!

• Comedy can use ethnic stereotypes to create humour…but it has to be careful!

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Do now• Look at the key term/concept in

your groups. Discuss what we said about them last lesson.

• LO: To be able consolidate our prior learning on how ethnicity is represented in the modern British media.

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To start

• So how ethnically diverse is the mainstream British media?

• Read the article ‘British TV not engaging ethnic minorities’.

• 1 Highlight any keywords.• 2 Write down 3 points of interest in your books.• 3 Analyse one quote from the report findings in

your books.• Do we agree with the report? Opinions?????

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Ethnicity and the media

•Task: Can you think of any media products that are specifically targeting their audience based on ethnicity. •What ethnicity are they aiming at?•Is it exclusively for the one group?

•For example: It could be said that Nollywood films are aimed specifically at the Nigerian market. That’s not to say people from other ethnicities can’t watch and enjoy them!

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Diverse consumption- a survey• Task: everyone stand up!!!

• Be seated if you…

• 1- Have never watched a Bollywood film.

• 2- Have ever never listened to music in Spanish.

• 3- Have never watched a British soap opera.

• What was the point in doing that?• Conclusion: that the media may under represent certain

cultures but we as an audience do consume a diverse range!

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Group Analysis• Task: Watch this clip and make notes in groups

on how ethnicity is represented.

• Think about the following representational issues:

• The representation of the characters and the ethnic stereotyping

• Do the characters subvert or conform?

• Does the clip represent multicultural Britain?

• How would you adjectively their representations.

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Making links with the technical aspects.

• In pairs. Think about how the specific technical aspects make meaning for the audience.

• Consider

• The cinematography- angles, shots and movements.

• The use of sound

• The mise-en-scene

• The editing

• How do these techniques emphasise or tell us something about a character’s ethnicity?

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• HW: ‘How do the technical aspects construct the representation of ethnicity constructed in the clip from Compulsion?