3) creating your questions

creating your questions coursemology guide 3\

Upload: luo-yanjie

Post on 12-Jun-2015




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Page 1: 3) creating your questions

creating your questions

coursemology guide


Page 2: 3) creating your questions

what will be covered?

e) What are the differences between missions and trainings?

f) How do I set up my trainings?

g) How do I set up my missions?

Now that you’ve set up your game mechanics, it is time to set up your questions!

Page 3: 3) creating your questions

e) What are the differences between missions and trainings?


Page 4: 3) creating your questions

e) What are the differences between missions and trainings?


Auto-graded Lecturer / Tutor needs to grade


Meant to be self-directed

More of assignments and higher order


Page 5: 3) creating your questions

e) What are the differences between missions and trainings?


Mostly MCQ / Self-

processing code

Open-ended questions that require manual


Page 6: 3) creating your questions

e) What are the differences between missions and trainings?

MissionsTrainingsDo a few trainings before

missions to resolve lower-order thinking


Higher quality answers for


Page 7: 3) creating your questions

f) How do I set up my trainings?

Page 8: 3) creating your questions

f) How do I set up my trainings?

1) Click on the button “Trainings” in your left navigation.

Page 9: 3) creating your questions

f) How do I set up my trainings?

1) Click on the button “Trainings” in your left navigation.

This is the training page.

Page 10: 3) creating your questions

f) How do I set up my trainings?

1) Click on the button “Trainings” in your left navigation.

Main !these are compulsory trainings for your students

Page 11: 3) creating your questions

f) How do I set up my trainings?

1) Click on the button “Trainings” in your left navigation.

Extra (Optional) these are optional trainings for your students

Page 12: 3) creating your questions

f) How do I set up my trainings?

1) Click on the button “Trainings” in your left navigation.

Overview !This is a page for you to have a bird’s eye view of all your trainings and make all the amendments at one go.

Page 13: 3) creating your questions

f) How do I set up my trainings?

1) Click on the button “Trainings” in your left navigation. 2) To create a new training, click on “New Training”.

Click on “new training”

Page 14: 3) creating your questions

f) How do I set up my trainings?

1) Click on the button “Trainings” in your left navigation. 2) To create a new training, click on “New Training”.

Insert the title of your Training

Enter the description of your training.

Insert the max. number of EXPs you can earn from this training

Page 15: 3) creating your questions

f) How do I set up my trainings?

1) Click on the button “Trainings” in your left navigation. 2) To create a new training, click on “New Training”.

Set when you want the training to be made available.

Page 16: 3) creating your questions

f) How do I set up my trainings?

1) Click on the button “Trainings” in your left navigation. 2) To create a new training, click on “New Training”.

Choose if you want this training to be a Main training or optional training.

Page 17: 3) creating your questions

f) How do I set up my trainings?

1) Click on the button “Trainings” in your left navigation. 2) To create a new training, click on “New Training”.

If you want a early-bird bonus, set the cut-off date…

Page 18: 3) creating your questions

f) How do I set up my trainings?

1) Click on the button “Trainings” in your left navigation. 2) To create a new training, click on “New Training”.

…and include the bonus amount of EXPs the students will earn if they finish the training early.

Page 19: 3) creating your questions

f) How do I set up my trainings?

1) Click on the button “Trainings” in your left navigation. 2) To create a new training, click on “New Training”.

Check this to publish the training so that the students can see it. If you prefer to hide it for the time being, uncheck this option

Page 20: 3) creating your questions

f) How do I set up my trainings?

1) Click on the button “Trainings” in your left navigation. 2) To create a new training, click on “New Training”.

If you want to include lesson materials for students to refer to for this training, do so here.

Page 21: 3) creating your questions

f) How do I set up my trainings?

1) Click on the button “Trainings” in your left navigation. 2) To create a new training, click on “New Training”.

Once done, click on “Create Training” to create your questions.

Page 22: 3) creating your questions

f) How do I set up my trainings?

This page will be loaded once you’ve finalised your training details.

Page 23: 3) creating your questions

f) How do I set up my trainings?

If you still want to edit your training details, click on the grey edit icon.

Page 24: 3) creating your questions

f) How do I set up my trainings?

If you would like to delete this training, click on this red delete icon.

Page 25: 3) creating your questions

f) How do I set up my trainings?

Click on “New MCQ Question” to start creating your first MCQ question for this training.

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f) How do I set up my trainings?

Page 27: 3) creating your questions

f) How do I set up my trainings?

Insert your question here

Page 28: 3) creating your questions

f) How do I set up my trainings?

Use the formatting bar to emphasise certain words

Page 29: 3) creating your questions

f) How do I set up my trainings?

You can also insert pictures into your question

Page 30: 3) creating your questions

f) How do I set up my trainings?

These are the boxes to key in your options

Page 31: 3) creating your questions

f) How do I set up my trainings?

If you have less than 4 options, just leave the empty options blank. So for example, I would only need 3 options. Hence, I left the last box blank.

Page 32: 3) creating your questions

f) How do I set up my trainings?

If you need more than 4 choices, click on “Add more choices”

Page 33: 3) creating your questions

f) How do I set up my trainings?

Check this box to indicate that this option is the correct answer.

Page 34: 3) creating your questions

f) How do I set up my trainings?

If you have more than 1 correct answers, choosing any 1 of the correct answers will allow the student to progress to the next question.

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f) How do I set up my trainings?

But if you prefer that your student choose all correct answers to progress to the next question, check on this option.

Page 36: 3) creating your questions

f) How do I set up my trainings?

Once done, press “Create MCQ” to continue”

Page 37: 3) creating your questions

f) How do I set up my trainings?

Once done, your question will appear below.

Page 38: 3) creating your questions

f) How do I set up my trainings?

Click on the grey bar and drag if you wish to re-order your questions

Page 39: 3) creating your questions

f) How do I set up my trainings?

Click on the grey edit icon to edit this question

Page 40: 3) creating your questions

f) How do I set up my trainings?

Click on the red delete icon to delete this question

Page 41: 3) creating your questions

f) How do I set up my trainings?

Click on the blue button to create the next question.

Page 42: 3) creating your questions

f) How do I set up my trainings?

Once you’re done, you can just leave the page. Your training has been saved to reflect the changes.

Page 43: 3) creating your questions

g) How do I set up my missions?

Page 44: 3) creating your questions

g) How do I set up my missions?

It’s very much similar to setting up your trainings!

Page 45: 3) creating your questions

g) How do I set up my missions?

1) Click on the button “Missions” in your left navigation.

Page 46: 3) creating your questions

g) How do I set up my missions?

1) Click on the button “Missions” in your left navigation.

This is the Missions page.

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g) How do I set up my missions?

1) Click on the button “Missions” in your left navigation.

Missions!these tab contains all the missions for your students

Page 48: 3) creating your questions

g) How do I set up my missions?

1) Click on the button “Missions” in your left navigation.

Overview !This is a page for you to have a bird’s eye view of all your missions and make all the amendments at one go.

Page 49: 3) creating your questions

g) How do I set up my missions?

1) Click on the button “Missions” in your left navigation. 2) To create a new mission, click on “New Mission”.

Click on “New Mission”

Page 50: 3) creating your questions

g) How do I set up my missions?

1) Click on the button “Missions” in your left navigation. 2) To create a new mission, click on “New Mission”.

Page 51: 3) creating your questions

g) How do I set up my missions?

1) Click on the button “Missions” in your left navigation. 2) To create a new mission, click on “New Mission”.

Insert the title of your Mission

Enter the description of your Mission.

Page 52: 3) creating your questions

g) How do I set up my missions?

1) Click on the button “Missions” in your left navigation. 2) To create a new mission, click on “New Mission”.

Insert the max. number of EXPs you can earn from this mission

Page 53: 3) creating your questions

g) How do I set up my missions?

1) Click on the button “Missions” in your left navigation. 2) To create a new mission, click on “New Mission”.

Set when do you want this mission to be made available to students

And your submission deadline

Page 54: 3) creating your questions

g) How do I set up my missions?

1) Click on the button “Missions” in your left navigation. 2) To create a new mission, click on “New Mission”.

Check this to publish the mission so that the students can see it. If you prefer to hide it for the time being, uncheck this option

Page 55: 3) creating your questions

g) How do I set up my missions?

1) Click on the button “Missions” in your left navigation. 2) To create a new mission, click on “New Mission”.

Check this if you want students to submit files instead of just keying texts into the system here.

Page 56: 3) creating your questions

g) How do I set up my missions?

1) Click on the button “Missions” in your left navigation. 2) To create a new mission, click on “New Mission”.

If you prefer to give your questions in a separate file (Eg: PDF, Word) instead of having questions in the system with textboxs for students to key in their answers, check this box.

Page 57: 3) creating your questions

g) How do I set up my missions?

1) Click on the button “Missions” in your left navigation. 2) To create a new mission, click on “New Mission”.

Dependency !For eg: If I prefer students to have completed Mission A before they can start on this mission, I’ll select “Mission A” from this drop-down menu as a Dependency

Page 58: 3) creating your questions

g) How do I set up my missions?

1) Click on the button “Missions” in your left navigation. 2) To create a new mission, click on “New Mission”.

If you would like to include attachments in this mission (especially if you have checked the “questions are contained in mission files” box), upload it here.

Page 59: 3) creating your questions

g) How do I set up my missions?

1) Click on the button “Missions” in your left navigation. 2) To create a new mission, click on “New Mission”.

Once you’ve keyed in all the details, click on “Create Mission”!

Page 60: 3) creating your questions

g) How do I set up my missions?

1) Click on the button “Missions” in your left navigation. 2) To create a new mission, click on “New Mission”.

You’ll arrive at this page once you’ve click on “Create Mission”

Page 61: 3) creating your questions

g) How do I set up my missions?

1) Click on the button “Missions” in your left navigation. 2) To create a new mission, click on “New Mission”.

If you still want to edit your mission details, click on the grey edit icon.

Page 62: 3) creating your questions

g) How do I set up my missions?

1) Click on the button “Missions” in your left navigation. 2) To create a new mission, click on “New Mission”.

If you would like to delete this mission, click on this red delete icon.

Page 63: 3) creating your questions

g) How do I set up my missions?

1) Click on the button “Missions” in your left navigation. 2) To create a new mission, click on “New Mission”.

These buttons will appear only if you did not check the box “Questions will appear in Mission Files” in the previous page.

Page 64: 3) creating your questions

g) How do I set up my missions?

1) Click on the button “Missions” in your left navigation. 2) To create a new mission, click on “New Mission”.

Click on “Add Question” to add questions into your mission.

Page 65: 3) creating your questions

g) How do I set up my missions?

1) Click on the button “Missions” in your left navigation. 2) To create a new mission, click on “New Mission”.

Page 66: 3) creating your questions

g) How do I set up my missions?

1) Click on the button “Missions” in your left navigation. 2) To create a new mission, click on “New Mission”.

Insert your question here

Page 67: 3) creating your questions

g) How do I set up my missions?

1) Click on the button “Missions” in your left navigation. 2) To create a new mission, click on “New Mission”.

Use the formatting bar to emphasise certain words

Page 68: 3) creating your questions

g) How do I set up my missions?

1) Click on the button “Missions” in your left navigation. 2) To create a new mission, click on “New Mission”.

You can also insert pictures into your question

Page 69: 3) creating your questions

g) How do I set up my missions?

1) Click on the button “Missions” in your left navigation. 2) To create a new mission, click on “New Mission”.

Set the max score a student can achieve by answering this question.

Page 70: 3) creating your questions

g) How do I set up my missions?

1) Click on the button “Missions” in your left navigation. 2) To create a new mission, click on “New Mission”.

Once done, press “Create Question” to continue”

Page 71: 3) creating your questions

g) How do I set up my missions?

1) Click on the button “Missions” in your left navigation. 2) To create a new mission, click on “New Mission”.

Once done, your question will appear below.

Page 72: 3) creating your questions

g) How do I set up my missions?

1) Click on the button “Missions” in your left navigation. 2) To create a new mission, click on “New Mission”.

Click on the grey bar and drag if you wish to re-order your questions

Page 73: 3) creating your questions

g) How do I set up my missions?

1) Click on the button “Missions” in your left navigation. 2) To create a new mission, click on “New Mission”.

Click on the grey edit icon to edit this question

Page 74: 3) creating your questions

g) How do I set up my missions?

1) Click on the button “Missions” in your left navigation. 2) To create a new mission, click on “New Mission”.

Click on the red delete icon to delete this question

Page 75: 3) creating your questions

g) How do I set up my missions?

1) Click on the button “Missions” in your left navigation. 2) To create a new mission, click on “New Mission”.

Click on the blue button to create the next question.

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g) How do I set up my missions?

Once you’re done, you can just leave the page. Your mission has been saved to reflect the changes.

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creating your questions

coursemology guide

end of
