3 axis machining

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  • 8/2/2019 3 Axis Machining


    3 Axis urface Machining




    Where to Find More Information

    hat's Newetting Started

    Operation-oriented Machining

    Entering the Workbench

    Rough Machining the Part

    ZLevel Machining of the Outside of a Part

    ZLevel Machining of the Inside Walls of a Part


    Checking the Results

    Creating a Rework Area


    Generating an NC Output File

    Generating NC Shopfloor Documentation

    Area-oriented Machining

    Entering the Workbench

    Defining the Areas to Machine

    Defining the Tools to Use

    Sweep Roughing the PartSweeping the Top Surface

    Sweeping the Side Areas

    ZLevel on Vertical Walls

    Reworking Between Contours

    Generating an NC Output File

    Generating NC Shopfloor Documentation

    asic Tasks

    Roughing Operations

    Sweep Roughing

    Geometric Components

    Machining Strategy

    Macro Data


    Geometric Components

    Machining Strategy

    Macro Data

  • 8/2/2019 3 Axis Machining


    Automatic Rough Stock

    Finishing and Semi-finishing Operations


    Geometric Components

    Machining Strategy

    Macro Data

    ZLevel Machining

    Geometric ComponentsMachining Strategy

    Macro Data

    Spiral Milling

    Geometric Components

    Machining Strategy

    Macro Data

    Contour-driven Machining

    Geometric ComponentsMachining Strategy

    Macro Data


    Reworking Operations

    Pencil Operations

    Geometric Components

    Machining Strategy

    Macro Data

    Roughing ReworkMachining Areas

    Defining an Area to Machine

    Defining an Area to Rework

    Defining Offsets

    Tool path Editor

    Editing a Point

    Editing an Area

    TransformationsConnecting Tool paths

    Reversing a Tool path

    Tool Path Approaches and Retracts

    Packing and Unpacking a Tool Path

    Checking for Tool Holder Collision

    Importing Files

    STL Files

  • 8/2/2019 3 Axis Machining


    NC Code Files

    orkbench Description

    Menu Bar


    Machining Operations Toolbar

    Tool Path Editor Toolbar

    Machining Areas Toolbar

    Edge Selection ToolbarFace Selection Toolbar

    Specification Tree



  • 8/2/2019 3 Axis Machining



    Axis Surface Machining is a new generation product that defines and manages NC prograAxis Surface Machining is dedicated to the machining of 3D geometry work parts with 3-aachining techniques. It is particularly adapted to the needs of mold, die and tool makers aototype manufacturers in all branches and at all levels of industry.

    Axis Surface Machining offers easy-to-learn and easy-to-use shopfloor-oriented tool pathefinition for 3-axis manufacturing. 3 Axis Surface Machining is based on industry-recognizeading-edge technologies which offer the tightest integration between tool path definition,erification and instant cycle updates.

    Axis Surface Machining covers full design-to-manufacture processes offering functions for

    defining the areas you want to machine,rough machining either by vertical or horizontal planes,roughing rework,sweeping,

    ZLevel machining,pencil operations,contour-driven operations,profile contouring,drilling,detecting residual material,defining areas to rework,visualization of the result of the machining program,the production of shopfloor documentation.

    Axis Surface Machining gives you the freedom to choose the working methods that best sour needs.




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    Surface Machining is a versatile application, fully adapted to your needs and yourworking methods whether they are machining area-oriented or operation-oriented. Yo

    can either define the machining areas on your part and then assign an operation to ea

    of them or you can define your machining process as a series of operations with an ar

    to machine for each operation.A machining area can be:

    the whole part (for example, in roughing),a subset of the faces on the part,a subset of faces on the part with a limiting contour.

    The Getting Started chapter contains two sections, one which demonstrates

    operation-oriented machining and another which demonstrates area-oriented machini

    Before starting work with Surface Machining, please ensure that you have an open file

    (CATPart or CATProduct) and that you are in the Surface Machining workbench (StarNC Manufacturing > Surface Machining).

    Here is a suggested order for operations in a machining program:

    rough machining operations,(semi-)finishing operations,detection of unmachined areas,reworking of unmachined areas,generation and output of documentation.

    rea-oriented Area-oriented methodology is useful when you have a complex pato machine and you know in advance what kind of operation you agoing to apply to each separate area.

    This approach is of great use when, for example, you are going tomachine a "family" of similar parts and when you have dedicatedmachines for mass production.

    You define the areas on one part, you assign an operation to eacarea, and then you machine. At the end you have a program that can apply to all of the "members" of the "family" at least working cbecause:

    the machining strategy has already been defined (chosenoperations),the tool has already been defined,only the area need be redefined,you know exactly what kind of output you require,

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    and as a result the computation can be run in batch to furthreduce time loss.

    1. Define all of the separate areas to machine on your work piece.

    2. Select the area or areas you want to machine with a particularoperation.

    3. Click on the appropriate icon (for example, sweeping).

    4. Change the parameters in that operation (if required).

    The only mandatory data for a operation is the area to machine (wthe exception of roughing which requires a rough stock too) and athe other parameters have default values.

    We recommend that you use the default parameters first unless yare sure of the values you wish to enter.

    5. Compute the operation. If the results are satisfactory, repeat step3, and 4 for all of the other areas to machine.

    Operation-oriented Use operation-oriented machining when you want to progressiveldefine your machining program operation-by-operation sequentiaEach operation has the area it deals with defined as part of its dat

    This approach is useful for single or limited part production becauit allows you to define your requirements step-by-step.

    1. Choose the operation you want to use.

    2. Click the "part" area in the geometric components of the operation

    3. Select the area(s) to machine either as the whole part with thecontextual menu or as a face or group of faces with the faceselection wizard.

    4. Change the other parameters in the operation (if required).

    The only mandatory data for a operation is the area to machine (wthe exception of roughing which requires a rough stock too) and a

    the other parameters have default values.

    We recommend that you use the default parameters first unless yare sure of the values you wish to enter.

    5. Compute the operation. If the results are satisfactory, continuedefining the remaining operations for your machining program.

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    you intend to create complementary geometry, before you start 3 Axis Surface MachiningTools/Optionsand, in the Display tab of the NC Manufacturing options, tick the box thatows you to create a CATPart to store necessary geometry. If you are not going to modify

    eometry, then make sure that this box is not ticked.

    efore starting 3 Axis Surface Machining, go to Tools/Optionsand in the Operationtab of thC Manufacturingoption and tick the Use default values of the current programbox. This wnsure that when a new operation is created its parameters will be initialized with default vaat are appropriate to that operation and not with the values from the operation just before

    ou should save your CATProcess before generating HTML workshop documentation.

    you have defined a safety plane, you should deactivate the Optimize retractsoption. If youot, the safety plane will be ignored.

    an operation, if you cannot see the whole dialog box (particularly the OK, Applyand Can

    uttons), exit your CATIA session and use Settings > Control Panel > Display > Settingsto:

    give a higher value for your screen resolution,or, if you are using large fonts, use small fonts.

    epending on your screen size, you may have to use both of the solutions.

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    Where to Find More Information

    rior to reading this book, we recommend that you read the Version 5 Manufacturingfrastructure User's Guide.

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    What's New

    General functions

    ew: There is a new cycle, spiral milling, that has been developed to finish-mill flat surfaces

    ew: There are three new types of approach and retract for sweeping, contour-driven and

    encil operations.

    ew: There is now an option that allows you to extend paths in a straight line to link two are

    a part when they are separated by a hole or a gap. You can find this option in the sweep

    nd contour-driven operations.

    Part to machine

    ew: You can now apply an overall default offset to an offset group.

    nhanced: The Face selection wizard now has an option that lets you select faces that are

    ormal to an axis or parallel/perpendicular to a selected face.

    ew: You can now use faces from existing machining areas or offset areas to form a new

    achining area.

    ools to use

    ew: tapered tool/conical mill for sweeping, contour driven and pencil operations and also

    ework areas.


    ew: You can now choose whether or not you want to contour the rough stock before millin

    his option is intended for use with zig-zag tool path style only.


    ew: You can now use variable offsetsin ZLevel operations.

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    ool Path Editor

    ew: You can now create multiple transformations of a tool path. All of the tool paths now

    ppear in the specifications tree under the operation they belong to.

    nhanced: If a tool path is not closed (for example, if you have cut an area out of it), you we informed of this by the word open after its name in the specifications tree.

    nhanced: When you reverse a tool path, a message now tells you that it has been revers

    ew: You can now add approaches or retracts to a tool path via an item in the tool path

    ontextual menu.

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    Getting tarted

    efore getting to grips with all of the Surface Machining capacities, here are two short step-ep tutorials that will help guide you through the key functionalities.

    ou will learn how to use the functions listed below and learn how to define areas on the paachine, use specific machining operations on the part and output data.

    here are two ways of defining your machining program, you can either base it on operationefinition or on area definition. Try both tutorials to see which method suits your workingchniques best.

    The tutorials should take you 30 minutes each to complete.



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    Operation-oriented Machining

    peration-oriented machining is a method where you define each operation one-by-one. Wou define an operation you decide (using the geometry tab) which areas of the part you wa machine with that particular operation.

    his tutorial teaches you how to:define the operations necessary for the machining of the part below,run the program to create the tool paths,check for residual material,rework the unmachined areas,and produce an APT file and a workshop document.










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  • 8/2/2019 3 Axis Machining


    Entering the Workbench

    This task shows you how to open a part and enter the Surface Machining workbench.

    1.Open the SurfaceMachining3.CATProduct file in the samples directory.

    2. Select NC Manufacturing > Surface Machining from the Start menu.

    The Surface Machining workbench is displayed.

    The part surrounded by the rough stock is displayed in the Set Up Editor window along with manufacturing specifications.

    3. Select Product1 containing the shape to machine and the rough stock in the specifications tr

    and display them in wireframe mode using this icon .

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    Double click Part Operation.1 in the tree. In the dialog box that is displayed, click the designicon, select the part in the viewer and double click in the viewer to validate your selection anredisplay the dialog box. Then click the stock icon, select the rough stock in the viewer anddouble click in the viewer to redisplay the dialog box.

    Click Ok to confirm.

    The design part defines the reference part that will be used by the application to calculate thresidual material.

    The rough stock it the rough stock for the overall part. Each successive operation works on t

    residual material that is left by the operation before it in the manufacturing program.4. Select Manufacturing Program.1 (under PartOperation.1) in the specifications tree to make i

    current entity.

    A program must be current before you can insert program entities such as machiningoperations, tools and auxiliary commands.

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    Rough Machining the Part

    This task shows you how to insert a rough machining operation in the program.

    As this operation will use the default tool and options proposed by the program, you juspecify the geometry to be machined.

    1. Select the Roughing icon .

    A Roughing.1 entity and a default tool are added to the program.

    The Roughing dialog box is displayed.

    The status light on the geometric components tab is red ( ) which means tyou must select the part geometry in order to create the operation.

    There are sensitive areas that are colored red in the tab. These are areas thatrepresent geometry that must be defined. In roughing, they are the part tomachine and the rough stock.

    2. Hold MB3 down over the red area (do not click) that represents the part.

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    Choose Body in the contextual menu. The dialog box shrinks to allow you to sethe part in the viewer.

    3. In the viewer, click on the part inside the rough stock. Double click anywhere inviewer to confirm your selection and to redisplay the dialog box. The red area inthe geometric area is now green to indicate that the geometry has been selecte

    4. Click the sensitive area that represents the rough stock. The dialog box shrinksallow you to select the rough stock in the viewer.

    5. In the viewer, click on the geometry that defines the rough stock. The red area i

    the geometric components tab is now green to indicate that the geometry has bselected.

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    6. Click Replay.

    7. The tool path is displayed and the display and analysis dialog box is called up.

    Click OK.

    8. The tool path is erased from the viewer and you come back to the operation diabox.

    Click OK to close the dialog box.

    Now we are going to use ZLevel machining on the walls of the pocket and theoutside of the part.

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    ZLevel Machining of the Outside of a Pa

    This task shows you how to use ZLevel machining for finishing the outside of the part

    Make sure that Roughing.1 is the current entity so that the ZLevel operation will be

    inserted after it.

    To simplify the selection of faces in this task, select Rough Stock in the ProductList anusing the Hide/Show option in the contextual menu, make it invisible. Then select Sha

    to Machine in the ProductList and display it in shading with edges mode ( ).

    1.Select the ZLevel machining icon .

    A Zlevel.1 entity is added to the program.

    The Zlevel dialog box is displayed.

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    2. Click the sensitive red area. The dialog box shrinks and the face selection wizarddisplayed.

    Select all of the walls that form a belt around the part. Click OK.

    The dialog box is redisplayed and the red area is now green.

    In the viewer, theedges around the selected faces are highlighted.

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    3. Click the check element in the sensitive icon and select the upper face of the par

    4.Go to the machining strategy tab ( ) and choose Outer part for the Machininmode.

    5. Click Replay.

    6. The tool path is displayed and the display and analysis dialog box is called up.

    Click OK.

    7. The tool path is erased from the viewer and you come back to the operation dialobox.

    Click OK to close the dialog box.

    The operation you have just created should still be the current entity. Now we aregoing to define the ZLevel machining of the pocket.

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    ZLevel Machining of the Inside Walls of Part

    This task shows you how to use ZLevel machining for finishing the inside walls of pocket.

    Make sure thatZLevel.1 is the current entity so that this operation will be inserted ait.

    1.Select the ZLevel machining icon .

    A Zlevel.2 entity is added to the program.

    The Zlevel dialog box is displayed.

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    2. Click the sensitive red area. The dialog box shrinks and the face selection wizard displayed.

    Select all of the faces that form the inside wall of the pocket. Click OK.

    The dialog box is redisplayed and the red area is now green.

    In the viewer, theedges around the selected faces are highlighted.

    3.Go to the machining strategy tab ( ) and choose Pockets only for the Machinmode.

    4. Click Replay.5. The tool path is displayed and the display and analysis dialog box is called up.

    Click OK.

    6. The tool path is erased from the viewer and you come back to the operation dialogbox.

    Click OK to close the dialog box.

    The operation you have just created should still be the current entity.

    Now we are going to define a sweeping operation for the top surface of the part anthe bottom of the pocket.

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    This task shows you how to use sweeping for finishing the part.

    You are going to define two separate operations one for the top surface and another fthe bottom of the pocket.

    Make sure that ZLevel2 is the current entity so that the sweeping operation will beinserted after it.

    1.Select the Sweeping icon .

    A Sweeping.1 entity is added to the program.

    The Sweeping dialog box is displayed.

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    2. Click the sensitive red area. The dialog box shrinks and the face selection wizard displayed.

    Select the top surface of the part. Click OK.

    The dialog box is redisplayed and the red area is now green.

    In the viewer, theedges around the top surface are now highlighted.

    3. Click Replay.

    4. The tool path is displayed and the display and analysis dialog box is called up.

    Click OK.

    5. The operation you have just created should still be the current entity.

    Repeat all of the above steps for the bottom surface of the pocket.

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    Checking the Results

    This task shows you how to visually check the machined part resulting from the topaths for the operations you defined in your machining program.

    Your specification treeshould look like this.

    1. Select Manufacturing Program.1.

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    2. In the contextual menu, choose Manufacturing Program.1 object > Tool Path Repl

    The Display and Analysis dialog box is displayed.

    Click this icon to go from one operation to the next displaying the computedpath after each operation. If any of the operations were not computed with Replaythey will be computed at this stage.

    You can display a photo of how the finished part would look with .

    Press OK to close the dialog box.

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    Creating a Rework Area

    This task shows you how to define an area to rework from the areas of the part that wnot machined with the tool used in the operations.

    You must compute the tool paths for your machining program first.

    You should also make sure that you defined a reference part and rough stock.

    1.Click the Rework Area icon .

    2. Hold MB3 down over the red area (do not click) that represents the part. ChooseBody in the contextual menu. The dialog box shrinks to allow you to select the pathe viewer. Select the part. Double click anywhere in the viewer to confirm yourselection and to redisplay the dialog box.

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    3. Enter a value of 10mm for theEntry diameter and 2mm for theCorner radius (values used in themachining operations).

    4. Click Compute. This creates a Rework Area which remains the current entity. Theareas that we are going to rework are displayed.

    5. Click OK to close the dialog box.

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    This task shows you how to rework the areas of the part that have not been machinedand were there is residual material.

    You must have created a rework area. A rework area is an area that cannot be machi

    with a given tool.

    The rework area must be the current entity.

    If you have doubts about whether the rework area you just defined is still the currententity or not (i.e. if you performed another action since), click the Manufacturing Featu

    icon .

    1.Click the ZLevel icon and click OK.

    2.In the Manufacturing Features window ( ), double click the tool that isassociated with the third ZLevel operation.

    3. Double click the tool diameter.

    Enter a value of 5.

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    Press OK to confirm the tool diameter and then OK to close the tool definition diabox.

    4. Still in the Machining Features window, double click ZLevel.3 to display the ZLevdialog box.

    5.Go to the strategy tab .

    In the Machining tab, choose Outer part for the Machining mode.

    5. Press Replay. The new tool path is displayed.

    6. Click OK to close the operation dialog box and Close to close the manufacturingview.

    Now we are going to generate an NC data file.

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    Generating an NC Output File

    This task explains how to interactively generate NC code from the program you have created.

    1. Save your program with File/Save as ... in the directory of your choice (here we haa directory called models)

    and call your program MySurfaceMachining.

    Press Save.2. Select Manufacturing Program.1 in the specifications tree and select Generate NC

    Code interactively in the contextual menu.

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    In the dialog box that is displayed, call your file SurfaceMachining (the aptsource sis automatic). Browse to the directory where you want to save it (here we have choto put it in the same directory as the CATProcess but this is not obligatory).

    Click Save to create the APT file.

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    The APT file can be read with any kind of text editor.

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    Generating NC hopfloor Documentatio

    This task explains how to interactively generate shopfloor NC documentation in HTMLformat from the program you have just created.

    1.Select the Generate documentation icon .

    The process documentation dialog box is displayed.

    2. Select the SurfaceMachinist4.CATScript file from the samples directory.

    Leave "Process" as the process name.

    Choose the directory where you want to store your new file (we have chosenMyFiles, but this is not obligatory).

    Leave "Process" in the Base field.

    3. Press Document now.

    Your NC document has been created.

    Press Done to close the dialog box.

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    Area-oriented Machining

    rea-oriented machining is a method where you define all of the separate areas you want toachine on the part before assigning an operation to each one.

    this tutorial you are going to learn how to:

    define areas (including a rework area) on the part below,define tools to use on the areas,use a safety plane,change a tool axis,create an APT file and a workshop document.











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    Entering the Workbench

    This task shows you how to open a part and enter the Surface Machining workbench.

    1.Open the Gets2.CATPart in the samples directory.

    2. Select NC Manufacturing > Surface Machining from the Start menu.

    The Surface Machining workbench is displayed.

    The part is displayed in the viewer along with the manufacturing specifications.

    3. Press MB2 and MB3 at the same time and turn the part round so that it looks like this.

    4. Double click Part Operation.1 in the tree. In the dialog box that is displayed, click thedesign part icon and click the part in the viewer.

    The double click anywhere in the viewer and press OK.

    This step is necessary for the visualization and analysis part of the process.

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    Defining the Areas to Machine

    This task teaches you how to define the specific areas on the part that you are going tmachine. You are going to define:

    the whole part as a machining area for rough machining purposes

    four other areas for use with different cycle typesand a rework area.

    1.Click on the Machining Area icon .

    2. Place your mouse cursor over the red, sensitive area in the dialog box and presMB3.

    3. Choose Body(ies) in the contextual menu.

    4. Click the part in the view. The whole part is selected.Double click anywhere in viewer to redisplay the dialog box.

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    5. Give the machining area a name. Replace the text in the name box by Whole.

    Click OK. You have just created your first machining area.

    6. Now create an area on the top of the part. Select the Machining area icon and c(MB1 this time) on the red, sensitive area in the dialog box. Now select the area

    that you see selected in the picture below.

    Click on OK in the face selection toolbar.

    Call this area Top.

    7. Now do the same for the left side of the part with these faces:

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    Call this area Left.

    8. Define a third area with these faces and call it Right.

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    9. Finally, create the last machining area with the faces below and call it Bottom.


    Check the areas that you have just created in the Manufacturing view .

    The view should look like this:

    11. Now you are going to create a rework area to use when removing residualmaterial.. Select Whole in the manufacturing view.

    12.Click the Rework area icon .

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    13. In the dialog box that is displayed, change the Entry diameter to 10 mm, theCorner radius to 5 mm and the name to Rework.

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    14. Press Compute to compute the area. The rework area should look like this on thpart:

    15. Press OK to close the dialog box.

    Press Close to close the manufacturing view.

    The next step is to define the tools that you will need to machine the areas youhave just defined.

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    Defining the Tools to Use

    This task defines the three tools that you are going to need to machine the part.

    1.Click Manufacturing Program.1 in the PPR and then click the End mill tool chan

    icon . If you cannot see this icon, use View > Toolbars and activate AuxiliaOperations.

    2. In the dialog box that is displayed, click the box to select a ball-end tool

    and confirm with OK.3. Click the End mill tool change icon again.

    4. Tick the ball-end tool box.

    5. Double click the diameter.

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    6. Enter a value of 20 in the dialog box that is displayed.

    Click OK

    7. Change the tool name to T2 End Mill D 20.

    Click OK.

    8. Now define a third tool that:

    is ball end,has a diameter of 4 mm,and is called T3 End Mill D 04.

    9. You now have the three tools that you will need to machine the part. Your PPRshould look like this:

    We are now going to move on to the next step where you will rough machine thpart.

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    weep Roughing the Part

    This task will show you how to rough machine the whole part using a sweeproughing operation.


    Open the manufacturing view by clicking this icon .

    2. Select Whole from the list of areas.

    3.Click the Sweep roughing icon .

    4. Go to the geometry tab and click on Part autolimit.


    5. Go to the tool tab and choose tool T2 End Mill D20.

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    6. Press Replay to compute the operation. The toolpath is displayed on the part.Press OK to close the small dialog box that is displayed (bottom right).

    7. Press OK to close the operation dialog box.

    Now you are going to machine the Top surface.

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    weeping the Top urface

    This task will show you how tosweep the top surface of the part and how tochange a tool.

    1. In the manufacturing view, select the machining area called Top from the list ofareas.

    2. Click the Sweeping icon .

    3. In the strategy tab, give a stepover distance value of 1mm.

    4. Go to the geometry tab and make sure that Part autolimit is turned on.

    5. Go to the tool tab and choose tool T1 End Mill D 10.

    6. Press Replay to compute the tool path.

    7. Press OK to close the operation dialog box.

    Now you are going to machine the sides of the part.

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    weeping the ide Areas

    This task is going to teach you how to:

    sweep machining areas Left and Right and

    change the orientation of the tool axis.

    1. In the manufacturing view, select the machining area called Left.

    2.Click the Sweeping icon .

    3. In the strategy tab, define a new tool axis like this:

    4. Go to the tool tab and change the tool like this:

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    Press Replay to compute the tool path.

    6.Press OK to close the operation dialog box.

    7. Now you are going to machine the area called Right. Select it in the manufactuview.


    Click the Sweeping icon .

    9. Change the tool axis like this:

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    10.Define the same tool as for area Left.

    11.Press Replay to compute the tool path.

    12.Press OK to close the operation dialog box.

    The next step is to machine the area called Bottom.

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    ZLevel on the Vertical Walls

    This task teaches you how to:

    use ZLevel millingchange a tool axisuse the safety plane.

    1. In the manufacturing view, select the machining area called Bottom.

    2.Click the ZLevel icon .

    3. In the strategy tab, define a new tool axis like this:

    Click here:

    Define the tool axis with these settings:

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    4. Go to the geometry tab. Click the safety plane in the sensitive icon.

    Then click the top face of the part to define the safety plane. The purpose of this iensure that the tool rises high enough over the area to avoid gouging the rest of th


    5. Press Replay to compute the tool path.6. Press OK to close the operation dialog box.

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    Reworking Between Contours

    This task shows you how to take an area that has not been machined because the tooused was too big and rework it with a smaller tool.

    1. Select Rework in the manufacturing view.

    2.Click the Contour-driven operation icon .

    3. Go to the Stepover tab and choose Constant on part.

    4. Now go to the tool tab and select tool T3 End Mill D 04.

    5. Press Replay to compute the tool path.

    6. Press OK to close the operation dialog box.

    Now, you are going to create an APT file.

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    Generating an NC Output File

    This task explains how to interactively generate NC code from the program you have created.

    1. Save your program with File/Save as ... in the directory of your choice (here wehave a directory called models)

    Call your program MyGettingStarted.

    Press Save.

    2. Select Manufacturing Program.1 in the specifications tree then select the

    Generate NC Code Interactively icon .

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    Call your file SurfaceMachining (the aptsource suffix is automatic). Browse to thdirectory where you want to save it (here we have chosen to put it in the samedirectory as the CATPRocess but this is not obligatory).

    Click Save to create the APT file.

    The APT file can be read with any kind of editor.

    Next you are going to generate workshop documentation in HTML format.

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    Generating NC Workshop Documentatio

    This task explains how to interactively generate shopfloor NC documentation in HTMLformat from the program you have just created.

    1.Select the Generate documentation icon .

    The process documentation dialog box is displayed.

    2. Select the SurfaceMachinist4.CATScript file from the samples directory.

    Leave "Process" as the process name.

    Choose the directory where you want to store your new file (we have chosenMyFiles, but this is not obligatory).

    Leave "Process" in the Base field.

    3. Press Document now.

    Your NC document has been created.

    Press Done to close the dialog box.

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    Basic Tasks

    he basic tasks in this section involve creating, editing and managing machining operationnd other entities of the manufacturing process.

    Roughing operations

    Finishing and semi-finishing operations

    Reworking operations

    Axial machining operations

    Machining areas

    Tool path editor

    Reading STL files

    Auxiliary operations

    Part operation and manufacturing program

    Managing manufacturing entitiesVerification, simulation and program output

  • 8/2/2019 3 Axis Machining


    Rough Machining Operations

    hese are the tasks that you will use for rough machining the part.

    Create a sweep roughing operation: Select the sweep roughing icon, choose a part to

    machine and specify the tool to be used. You can also specify machining parameters,feedrates and spindle speeds.

    Create a roughing operation: Select the roughing icon, choose a part to machine andspecify the tool to be used. You can also specify machining parameters, feedrates andspindle speeds.

  • 8/2/2019 3 Axis Machining


    weep Roughing

    This task shows you how to insert a sweep roughing operation into the program. Sweroughing is an operation which allows you to rough machine parts by vertical planes.

    To create the operation you define:

    the geometry of the part to machine ,

    the parameters of the machining strategy ,

    the tool to use ;only end mill tools are available for this operation,

    the feedrates and spindle speeds ,

    the macros .

    Only the geometry is obligatory, all of the other requirements have a default value.Either:

    make the Manufacturing Program current in the specification tree if you want todefine an operation and the part/area to machine at the same time,or select a machining feature from the list if you have already defined the area

    machine and now you want to define the operation to apply to it.

    Below we are going to see how to do the first of these.

    Open file Basic1.CATPart then select NC Manufacturing > Surface Machining in the S


    1.Select the sweep roughing icon .

    A SweepRoughing entity and a default tool are added to the program.

    The dialog box opens at the geometry tab page .

    This page includes a sensitive icon to help you specify the geometry to be machin

    The area that represents the part geometry is colored red indicating that the geomis required for defining the area to machine. All of the other geometry parameters aoptional.

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    2. Press MB 3 over the red area in the sensitive icon and choose Body(ies)

    and click on the part in the viewer.Then double click anywhere in the viewer to confirm your selection and redisplay tdialog box.

    3. Press Replay. You will see that the top area of the part has been rough machined.

    You can cancel toolpath computation atany moment before

    100% completion.

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    You can also define the following parameters:

    Stop position defines where the tool stops:

    outside stops the tool outside the limit line,inside stops inside the limit line,on stops the tool on the limit line.

    Stop mode defines which part of the tool is considered at the Stop Position, i.e. whe

    it is the contact point or the tool tip.Offset is the distance that the tool will be either inside or outside the limit line depenon the Stop Mode that you chose.Part autolimit. If you activate Part autolimit, the tool will not go beyond the edge of thpart.

    Part autolimit and the limiting contour can beused individually or together to define thearea you want to machine. In the pictures, theblue outline is the part edge, the yellow part

    is the area that will be machined, the blackline is the limiting contour:

    If you use Part autolimit, the wholepart is machined.

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    If you use Limiting contour, only thearea inside the limiting contour ismachined.

    You can now either run the operation on the part, store the operation that you have jdefined or define other parameters in the machining strategy, tool data, speeds and

    rates, or macro data tabs first.

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    weep Roughing - Machining trategy

    In the machining strategy tab, you can define the cycle type, the tool path style, themachining tolerance, the stepover distance and the maximum cut depth. You can alsochoose the tool stepover direction and the tool axis.

    The sensitive icon illustrates the roughing type you select:

    ZOffset; the tool path is offset from the part.

    ZPlane; the part is machined plane by plane.

    ZProgressive; the part is machined by interpolating the tool path between the pand the top of a theoretical rough stock.

    You can change the tool axis and the machining direction in the sensitive icon.

    Change the tool axis and the machining direction with Select in the contextual menuwhich will display a dialog box where you can choose between selection by angle andselection by coordinates. Selection by angle lets you choose the tool axis by rotation

    around a main axis. Angle 1 and Angle 2 are used to define the location of the tool axaround the main axis that you select. There is also a button that lets you reverse thedirection of the axis with respect to the coordinate system origin.

    Selection by coordinates has the following options:Feature-defined; you select a 3D element such as a plane that will serve toautomatically define the best tool axis.

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    Selection; you select a 2D element such as a line or a straight edge that will seto define the tool axis or machining direction,Manual; you enter the XYZ coordinates,Points in the view; click on two points anywhere in the view to define the tool axor machining direction.

    The machining tab concernsthe tool path style, stepoverside and machiningtolerance. Consider thetolerance value to be theacceptable chord error.

    The tool path style can be:

    Zig-zag; the tool path

    alternates directionsduring successivepasses,

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    One-way next; the toolpath always followsthe same directionduring successivepasses and goesdiagonally from theend of one tool path tothe beginning of the

    next.One-way same; thetool path always hasthe same directionduring successivepasses and returns tothe first point in eachpass before moving onto the first point in the

    next pass.The stepover side can beeither to the left or the right ofthe tool path and is definedwith respect to the machiningdirection.

    The strategy tab allows you

    to definethe distance which isthe width of theoverlap between twosuccessive passesand the maximumdepth of cut.

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    weep Roughing - Macro Data

    he Macro tab defines the tool approach and retract data.

    he approach/retract mode can be:

    Along tool axis; the tool moves along the tool axis,Along a vector; the tool moves along a vector that you define with the Approach/Retdirection: X/Y/Z boxes,Normal; the tool moves in a direction perpendicular to the surface being machined,Tangent to movement; the approach/retract is tangent at its end to the rest of the toopath.and None; no approach/retract.

    ou can also define an approach/retract distance for all of the values and XYZ value to defe vector used in Along a vector.

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    This task shows you how to insert a roughing operation into the program. Roughis an operation which allows you to rough machine parts by horizontal planes.

    To create the geometry you define:

    geometric components ,

    machining strategy ,

    tool data ;only end mill tools are available for this operation,

    speeds and rates ,

    macro data .

    Only the geometry is obligatory, all of the other requirements have a default valuEither:

    make the Manufacturing Program current in the specification tree if you wto define an operation and the part/area to machine at the same time,or select a machining feature from the list if you have already defined the

    area to machine and now you want to define the operation to apply to it.

    Below we are going to see how to do the first of these.

    Open file SurfaceMachining3.CATProduct, then select NC Manufacturing > Surf

    Machining in the Start menu.

    Then display the model in wireframe mode with this icon .

    1.Select the Roughing icon .

    A roughing entity and a default tool area added to the program.

    The dialog box opens at the geometry tab page .

    This page includes a sensitive icon to help you specify the geometry to bemachined.

    The red area in the sensitive icon represents the part geometry. It is obligatory, is the rough stock. All of the other parameters are optional.

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    2. Press MB3 overthe red area in thesensitive icon andchoose Body(ies).

    Click on the part inthe viewer.

    Then double clickanywhere in theviewer to confirmyour selection andredisplay thedialog box.

    3. Click on the rough stock in the sensitive icon.

    Click on the stock in the viewer.

    Then double click anywhere in the viewer to confirm your selection and redisplathe dialog box.

    4. Press Replay to compute the operation. You will see that the part has been rougmachined.

    You can canceltool pathcomputation at anymoment before100% completion.

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    Roughing - Geometric Components

    n the geometric component tab. You can define the area to machine either:

    by clicking on the face definition area and using the face selection wizard,by passing the mouse over the face definition area and choosing Body in the contexmenu if you wish to machine a whole part and not just an area on it,

    or by choosing a pre-defined area like this:

    The other geometric components that you can select in the view (but that are not obligatoryre:

    the rough stock. If you do not have a rough stock you can create one automatically.

    the check element. The check is often a clamp that holds the part and therefore is nan area to be machined.

    an area to avoid if you do not wish to machine it (the small light brown corner near tpart selection area).

    the safety plane. The safety plane is the plane that the tool will rise to at the end of ttool path in order to avoid collisions with the part. You can also define a new safetyplane with the Offset option in the safety plane contextual menu. The new plane willoffset from the original by the distance that you enter in the dialog box.an upper plane which defines the highest plane that will be machined on the part,a lower plane which defines the lowest plane that will be machined on the part,an imposed plane that the tool must obligatorily pass through. Use this option if the that you are going to machine has a particular shape (a groove or a step) that you wto be sure will be cut,a start point where the tool will start cutting. Use this option when accessing the par

    from the outside.the offset on the part.the offset on the check element.

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    You can also define the following parameters:

    Position defines where the tool center stops:

    outside stops the tool outside the rough stock,inside stops the tool inside the rough stock,on stops the tool on the rough stock.

    Offset defines the distance that the tool can overshoot the Position. It is expressed apercentage of the tool diameter. This parameter is useful in cases where there is an

    island near the edge of the part and the tool diameter is too wide to allow the areabehind the island to be machined.This parameter can only be used of the position is inside or outside and you mustcheck the Overshoot box.

    There is an option which allows you to replay all previous operations.

    You can now either run the operation on the part, store the operation that you have justefined or define other parameters in the machining strategy, tool data, speeds and rates,

    macro data tabs first.

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    Roughing - Machining Strategy

    ere you can define parameters concerning the style of machining, the machining strategy, and the z

    machine. You can also choose the tool axis.

    he sensitive icon illustrates the tool path style that you chose.

    hange the tool axis with Select in the contextual menu which will display a dialog box where you canhoose between selection by angle and selection by coordinates. Selection by angle lets you choose ol axis by rotation around a main axis. Angle 1 and Angle 2 are used to define the location of the too

    xis around the main axis that you select. There is also a button that lets you reverse the direction of txis with respect to the coordinate system origin.

    election by coordinates has the following options:

    Feature-defined; you select a 3D element such as a plane that will serve to automatically define

    best tool axis.Selection; you select a 2D element such as a line or a straight edge that will serve to define theaxis,Manual; you enter the XYZ coordinates,Points in the view; click on two points anywhere in the view to define the tool axis,

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    he Machining tab defines:

    the Tool path style which can be:

    One-way next; the tool path alwayshas the same direction duringsuccessive passes and goesdiagonally from the end of one toolpath to the beginning of the next.One-way same; the tool path alwayshas the same direction duringsuccessive passes and returns to thefirst point in each pass beforemoving on to the first point in thenext pass.Zig-zag; the tool path alternatesdirections during successive passes.Helical; the tool moves in successiveconcentric passes from the boundary

    of the area to machine towards theinterior. The tool moves from onepass to the next by stepping over.Contour only; only machines aroundthe external contour of the part.

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    Concentric; the tool removes themost constant amount of materialpossible at each concentric pass.The tool is never directly in the heartof material. It also respects the givencutting mode in all cases. Theapproach mode with this style isalways Helix.

    the Machining tolerance value, consider it to be the acceptable chord error,the Machining mode which defines the type of area to be machined and can be:

    By plane; the whole part is machined plane by plane,Pockets only; only pockets on the part are machined,Outer part; only the outside of the part is machined,Outer part and pockets; the whole part is machined outer area by outer area and thenpocket by pocket.

    the Cutting mode which can be Climb or Conventional.

    he Strategy tab defines:

    the maximum depth of cut which is thedepth of the cut effected by the tool at eachpassthe overlap between two successivepasses. Define this distance by choosingeither:

    By ratio and enter a percentage ofthe tool diameter,By length and enter a length.

    he Zone tab includes:

    Min. area which lets you filter out areas thatyou consider to be too small (in millimeters)to be machined.Tool core diameter is the diameter of thetool tip that does not actually cut thematerial.Part contouring is an option that is onlyused with the zig-zag tool path style. With

    part contouring switched on, the tool goesround the outside contour of the part beforecontinuing to zig-zag. Deactivating thisoption allows you to gain machining time.The tool that you are using and the part youare working on must be such thatcontouring the rough stock is superfluous.

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    With part contouring switched on. Note how theol went round the area to machine first:

    With part contouring switched off and exactly thesame parameters. Note that the tool goes straight zig-zag mode:

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    Roughing - Macro Data

    The Macro tab defines the tool engagement parameters.

    There is a button that optimizes tool retract movements. This means that when the toomoves over a surface where there are no obstructions, it will not rise as high as the

    safety plane because there is no danger of tool-part collisions. The result is a gain intime.

    In some cases (where areas of the part are higher than the zone you are machining awhen you are using a safety plane), the tool will cut into the part. When this happens,deactivate the Optimize retracts button.

    The Axial safety distance is the maximum distance that the tool will rise to when movifrom the end of one pass to the beginning of the next.

    The approach mode can be:

    Plunge; the tool plunges vertically,Drilling; the tool plunges into previously drilled holes. You can change the drillintool diameter, angle and length,

    Ramping; the tool moves progressively down at the Ramping angle,Helix; the tool moves progressively down at the ramping angle with its centeralong a (vertical) circular helix of Helix diameter.

    Approach distance is the engagement distance for plunge mode.

    The Radial safety distance is the tool clearance distance with respect to the sides of tpart.

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  • 8/2/2019 3 Axis Machining


    Automatic Rough tock

    This task explains how to create an automatic rough stock for a roughing operation.

    You must have a part to machine in your workbench.

    1. Go into the Wireframe and Surface Design workbench via Start/MechanicalDesign/Wireframe and Surface Design. Display the Surface Machining Tools viaView > Toolbars > Surface Machining Tools.

    2.Select the Automatic rough stock icon

    3. Select the part that you want to machine. A dialog box is displayed that contains minimum and maximum values that are required in X, Y and Z to create a box thawould surround the part.

    4. You can modify the values if you choose. Press OK to create the rough stock.

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    Finishing and emi-finishing Operation

    hese are the operations that you will need to finish or semi-finish the machining of the part


    ZLevel machining

    Contour-driven machining

    Profile contouring

    Spiral milling

  • 8/2/2019 3 Axis Machining



    This task shows you how to insert a sweeping operation into the program. Sweeping isemi-finishing and finishing operation that is used after a part has been rough machinand that machines the whole part. The tool paths are executed in vertical parallel pla

    To create the operation you define:

    the geometry of the part to machine ,

    the tool to use ; you have the choice of end mill or conical tools

    this operation,

    the parameters of the machining strategy ,

    the feedrates and spindle speeds ,

    the macros .

    Only the geometry is obligatory, all of the other requirements have a default value.


    make the Manufacturing Program current in the specification tree if you want todefine an operation and the part/area to machine at the same time,or select a machining feature from the list if you have already defined the area

    machine and now you want to define the operation to apply to it.

    Below we are going to see how to do the first of these.

    Open file Basic1.CATPart then select NC Manufacturing > Surface Machining in the S


    1.Select the Sweeping icon .

    A Sweeping entity and a default tool are added to the program. The dialog box

    opens at the geometry tab page .

    This page includes a sensitive icon to help you specify the geometry to bemachined.

    The area that represents the part geometry is colored red indicating that thegeometry is required for defining the area to machine.

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    2. Press MB3 over the red area in the sensitive icon and choose Body(ies)

    and click on the part in the viewer.

    Then double click anywhere in the viewer to confirm your selection and redisplathe dialog box.

    3. Press Replay. You will see that the top surface and the bottom of the pocket havbeen sweep machined.

    You can canceltool pathcomputation at anymoment before100% completion.

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    The picture is slightly different if you are using a rework area and will have fewerparameters.

    There is also an Info button that, when pressed, gives the details on the parameters twere defined with the rework area.

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    You can also define the following parameters:

    Stop position defines where the tool stops:

    outside stops the tool outside the limit line,inside stops inside the limit line,on stops the tool on the limit line.

    Stop mode defines which part of the tool is considered at the Stop position,whether it is the contact point or the tool tip.Offset is the distance that the tool that the tool will be either inside or outside thlimit line depending on the Stop mode that you chose.Part autolimit. I f you activate Part autolimit, the tool will not go beyond the edgthe part.

    Part autolimit and the limiting contour can beused individually or together to define thearea you want to machine. In the pictures, the

    blue outline is the part edge, the yellow part isthe area that will be machined, the black lineis the limiting contour:

    If you use Part autolimit, the whole partis machined.

    If you use Limiting contour, only thearea inside the limiting contour ismachined.

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    You can now either run the operation on the part, store the operation that you have judefined or define other parameters in the machining strategy, tool data, speeds and

    rates, or macro data tabs first.

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    weeping - Machining trategy

    n the machining strategy tab, you can define the tool path style, the machining tolerance, ttepover and the types of area to machine. You can also choose the tool stepover directionnd distance, the tool axis and the tool advance direction.

    A button allows you to reverse the tool path direction.

    The sensitive icon illustrates the mode that you have chosen.

    Change the tool axis and the machining direction with Select in the contextual menu whichwill display a dialog box where you can choose between selection by angle and selection boordinates. Selection by angle lets you choose the tool axis by rotation around a main axi

    Angle 1 and Angle 2 are used to define the location of the tool axis around the main axis thou select. There is also a button that lets you reverse the direction of the axis with respeche coordinate system origin.

    Selection by coordinates has the following options:

    Feature-defined; you select a 3D element such as a plane that will serve toautomatically define the best tool axis.

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    Selection; you select a 2D element such as a line or a straight edge that will serve todefine the tool axis or machining direction,Manual; you enter the XYZ coordinates,Points in the view; click on two points anywhere in the view to define the tool axis ormachining direction.

    The machining tab lets you:

    define the tool path stylewhich can be :

    One-way next; thetool path always hasthe same directionduring successivepasses and goesdiagonally from theend of one tool path

    to the beginning ofthe next.

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    One-way same; thetool path always hasthe same directionduring successivepasses and returnsto the first point ineach pass beforemoving on to the

    first point in the nextpass.Zig-zag; the toolpath alternatesdirections duringsuccessive passes.

    define the machiningtolerance value, consider itto be the acceptable chord

    error.reverse the tool pathdirection.

    The stepover tab concerns the distance between successive passes and has two possibilit


    Scallop Height

    Constant has a constant stepover distance defined in a plane and projected onto the part.You can modify the stepover distance.

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    Scallop height has a stepover which depends on the scallop height that you choose. You clso define the maximum and minimum distances that can exist between passes with thecallop height that you defined.

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    There are three parameters in theStepover Strategy area:

    Maximum distance is thestepover distance if youhave selected Constant asthe value or the maximum

    stepover distance if youchose Scallop height.Minimum distance is theminimum stepover distanceif you chose Via Scallopheight.Scallop height is a valuethat you define for themaximum allowable height

    of the crests of material leftuncut after machining.The stepover side can beleft or right and is definedwith respect to themachining direction.

    Use Along tool axis when you want to machine along the axis you have selected (or along efault axis).

    Other axis can only be used with a ball-nose tool. When it is selected, the axis/direction ico

    ets you define a second axis (the other axis - the one pointing up to the left).

    Activating Other axis displays a button for collision checking. When this is turned on, all of oints where the toolholder would have collided with the part are displayed on the tool pathafter Replay).

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    The Machined Zone tab lets youefine:

    which parts of the part ormachining area you wish tomachine:

    All; all of thesurfaces are

    machined,Frontal walls; frontalsurfaces of the partare machined,Lateral walls; lateralsurfaces of the partare machined,Horizontal zones;horizontal surfacesof the part are

    machined.Min. lateral slope gives theminimum angle betweenthe tool axis and the partsurface normal for thesurface to be considered tobe a lateral wall.Min. frontal slope gives theminimum angle between

    the tool axis and the partsurface normal for thesurface to be considered tobe a frontal wall.Max. horizontal slope givesthe maximum anglebetween the tool axis andthe part surface for thesurface to be considered tobe a horizontal area.

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    Sweeping - Macro Data

    The Macro tab defines the tool approach, retract and plunge data as well as the parameters for high speed milling optimization of retracts.

    There is a button where you can optimize retracts. This means that if no collisions are detected, the tool will not risethe safety plane. It will only rise as high as necessary in order to clear the part. The result is a faster machining pro

    In some cases (where areas of the part are higher than the zone you are machining and when you are using a safe

    plane), the tool will cut into the part. When this happens, deactivate the Optimize retracts button.

    High speed milling parameters are:

    Transition radius is the radius of the arc thatjoins successive passes,Discretization angle is a value which, whenreduced, gives a smoother tool path.Safety distance is the clearance distancethat the tool passes over the part at thefeedrate in order to disengage the tool fromcutting between passes.

    The approach/retract mode can be:

    Along tool axis; the tool moves along thetool axis,Along a vector; the tool moves along avector that you define with theApproach/Retract direction: X/Y/Z boxes,Normal; the tool moves in a directionperpendicular to the surface beingmachined,Tangent to movement; the approach/retractis tangent at its end to the rest of the

    toolpath.None; no approach/retract.

    Back; the tool doubles back like an arrowabove the cutting tool path. You can eitherdefine this type with two lengths or a lengthand an angle. The parameters that you canmodify are:

    the length (1)the height (2)the ramp angle (3).

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    Circular; the tool moves towards/away fromthe part in an arc. The parameters that youcan set are:

    the length (1),the angle (2)the radius (3).

    If you do not use Part autolimit, the curvewill be below the surface of the part.

    If you use the manual plane computation

    mode, the approach/retract arc will benormal to the plane that you select.

    Box, the tool moves across the diagonal ofan imaginary box, either in a straight line orin a curve (Linking mode). The Length(4) isthe distance that the tool will move in onceit has crossed the box. The box is definedby three distance values:

    the distance along the normal axis

    (1),the distance along the tangent (2) ,the distance (can be a negativevalue) along the tool axis (3),

    The direction of the box diagonal isdefined by whether you want to usethe normal to the left or the right of theend of the tool path. Left or right isdetermined by looking along the toolpath in the direction of theapproach/retract. In the image, it is thethe right side that is used.

    Plunges can only be defined if you selected a one-way sweeping mode in the machining strategy tab. Plunges can

    No check; the tool can plunge and rise with the surface,No plunge; the tool cannot plunge,Same height; the tool does not plunge but will not stop when it encounters a peak.

    In the Linking tab, check the Island skip box if youwant to use intermediate approaches and retracts(i.e. those that link two different areas to machineand that are not at the beginning nor the end ofthe tool path).

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    With Island skip turned on: With Island skip turned off:

    Island skip length is the height that the tool will rise to on intermediate approaches and retracts.

    The Feedrate length defines the distance beyond which tool path straight lines will be replaced by intermedapproaches and retracts. In the picture below, the Feedrate length was set to 45 mm. Note that the gaps thawere less than 45 mm are crossed by a straight line tool path and those that are greater than 45 mm are crowith a standard intermediate tool path with an approach and a retract.

    Feedrate length is only active if the Island skip length is 0 mm.

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    ZLevel Machining

    This task shows you how to insert a ZLevel operation into the program.

    ZLevel operations are finishing or semi-finishing operations that machine thewhole part by parallel horizontal planes that are perpendicular to the tool axis.

    To create the operation you define:

    the geometry of the part to machine ,

    the tool to use ;only end mill tools are available for this


    the parameters of the machining strategy ,

    the feedrates and spindle speeds ,

    the macros .

    Only the geometry is obligatory, all of the other requirements have a defaultvalue.


    make the Manufacturing Program current in the specification tree if youwant to define an operation and the part/area to machine at the same

    time,or select a machining feature from the list if you have already defined the

    area to machine and now you want to define the operation to apply to it.

    Below we are going to see how to do the first of these.

    Open file Basic1.CATPart then select NC Manufacturing > Surface Machining in

    the Start menu.

    1.Select the ZLevel icon .

    The ZLevel dialog box is displayed.

    A ZLevel entity and a default tool area added to the program.

    The dialog box opens at the geometry tab page . This page includes asensitive icon to help you specify the geometry to be machined.

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    The area that represents the part geometry is colored red indicating that thegeometry is required for defining the area to machine. All the other geometryparameters are optional.

    2. Click on the red area that represents the part geometry then select the belt offaces around the outside of the part.

    The edges surrounding the selected faces are highlighted.

    Double click anywhere in the viewer to confirm your selection.

    3. Press Replay. You will see that the outside of the part has been machined.

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    You can canceltool pathcomputation atany momentbefore 100%completion.

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    ZLevel Machining - GeometricComponents

    In the geometric component tab you can define the area to machine either:

    by clicking on the face definition area and using the face selection wizard,

    by passing the mouse over the face definition area and choosing Body in thecontextual menu if you wish to machine a whole part and not just an area on itor by choosing a pre-defined area like this:

    You can also use an Offset Group on the part.

    The other geometric components that you can select in the view (but that are notobligatory) are:

    the check element. The check is often a clamp that holds the part and therefornot an area to be machined.

    an area to avoid if you do not wish to machine it (small light brown corner neathe red part selection area).

    the safety plane which is the plane that the tool will rise to at the end of the toopath in order to avoid collisions with the part.an upper plane which defines the highest plane that will be machined on the pa lower plane which defines the lowest plane that will be machined on the partan imposed plane that the tool must obligatorily pass through. Use this option the part that you are going to machine has a particular shape (a groove or a stthat you want to be sure will be cut,a start point where the tool will start cutting. Use this option when accessing th

    part from the outside.If you use a limiting contour that results in successive passes not being closed, the stpoint(s) will be ignored.

    the limiting contour which is the contour that defines the outer machining limit the part.the offset on the part.the offset on the check element.

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    The picture is slightly different if you are using a rework area and will have fewerparameters.

    There is also an Info button that, when pressed, gives the details on the parameters twere defined with the rework area.

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    You can also define the following parameters:

    Stop position defines where the tool stops:

    outside stops the tool outside the limit line,inside stops inside the limit line,on stops the tool on the limit line.

    Stop mode defines which part of the tool is considered at the Stop Position,whether it is the contact point or the tool tip.Offset is the distance that the tool will be either inside or outside the limit linedepending on the Stop mode that you chose.Part autolimit. If you activate Part Autolimit, the tool will not go beyond the edgthe part.

    Part autolimit and the limiting contour canbe used individually or together to definethe area you want to machine. In the

    pictures, the blue outline is the part edge,the yellow part is the area that will bemachined, the black line is the limitingcontour:

    If you use Part autolimit, the wholepart is machined.

    If you use Limiting contour, only thearea inside the limiting contour is


    If you have selected a single face to be machined and you are not using Part autolimthe tool will machine both sides of the face. If you use Part autolimit, the tool will stop

    when it reaches the edge of the face (as shown below).

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    You can now eitherix-ZLevel parameters:run the operation on the part, store theoperation that you have just defined or define other parameters in the machining

    strategy, tool data, speeds and rates, or macro data tabs first.

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    ZLevel - Machining trategy

    In the machining strategy tab, you can define the cutting mode, the machining mode, themachining tolerance and the stepover distance. You can also choose the tool axis.

    A button allows you to reverse the tool path direction.

    The sensitive icon illustrates the machining mode that you have chosen.

    Change the tool axis by clicking the tool in the sensitive icon and choosing Select in thecontextual menu which will display a dialog box where you can choose between selectionangle and selection by coordinates. Selection by angle lets you choose the tool axis byrotation around a main axis. Angle 1 and Angle 2 are used to define the location of the tooaxis around the main axis that you select. There is also a button that lets you reverse thedirection of the axis with respect to the coordinate system origin.

    Selection by coordinates has the following options:

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    Feature-defined; you select a 3D element such as a plane that will serve toautomatically define the best tool axis.

    Selection; you select a 2D element such as a line or a straight edge that will serve define the tool axis,Manual; you enter the XYZ coordinates,Points in the view; click on two points anywhere in the view to define the tool axis.

    The machining tab lets you define:

    the machining tolerance value, consider it to be the acceptable chord error,the machining mode which defines the type of area to be machined and can be:

    By plane; the whole part is machined plane by plane,Pockets only; only pockets on the part are machined,Outer part; only the outside of the part is machined,Outer part & pockets; the whole part is machined external area by externalarea and pocket by pocket.

    the cutting mode which can be Climb or Conventional.

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    The stepover tab concerns the distance between successive passes and has twopossibilities:


    Scallop Height

    Constant has a constant stepover distance defined in a plane and projected onto the part.You can modify the stepover distance.

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    Scallop height has a stepover which depends on the scallop height that you choose. Youcan also define the maximum and minimum distance between passes with the scallop heithat you defined.

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    The Machined Zone tab lets youdefine:

    the maximum slope thatcan be considered to behorizontal (any area that isconsidered to behorizontal will not be

    machined),the width of the overlap ofthe end of a pass over itsbeginning,

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    ZLevel Machining - Macro Data

    The Macro tab defines the tool approach, retract and plunge data.

    There is a button where you can optimize retract distances. this means that if no obstis detected between two passes, the tool will not rise to the safety plane (because it is

    not necessary) and the operation will take less time.

    In some cases (where areas of the part are higher than the zone you are machining awhen you are using a safety plane), the tool will cut into the part. When this happens,deactivate the Optimize retracts button.

    Another button lets youuse high speed milling.High speed millingparameters are:

    Transition radius is the radius of the arc that joins successive passes,Discretization angle is a value which, when reduced, gives a smoother tool patSafety distance is the clearance distance that the tool over over at the feedrateorder to disengage the tool from cutting between passes.

    The approach and retracts are defined with these parameters:

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    The linking pass (i.e. the means of moving from the end of one pass to the beginning the next one) can be:

    Along tool axis; the tool moves along the tool axis,Ramping; the tool follows a slope defined by the ramping angle,Circular; the tool describes a circle defined by the value of Radius,Circular or ramping; the tool uses either circular or ramping mode depending owhichever is best adapted to the part being machined.

    In certain cases, notably where there is a risk of collision with a circular linking pass, yshould choose Circular or ramping rather than simply Circular in order to ensure that ytool path will be produced.

    Approach distance is the engagement distance for all types of linking pass.

    Safety distance is the distance that the tool moves horizontally before it begins itsapproach.

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    Spiral Milling

    Spiral machining gives a good surface without having to use a particularly small tool. gives particularly good results for areas that are relatively flat. Use this type of operatto optimize machine time by reducing the stepover.

    To create the operation you define:

    the geometry of the part to machine ,

    the parameters for the machining strategy ,

    the tool to use . The tools that can be used with this type of operation are

    end mill tools ,

    conical tools ,

    face mill tools ,

    and T-slotters .

    the feedrates and spindle speeds ,

    the macros .

    Either:make the Manufacturing Program current in the specification tree if you want todefine an operation and the part/area to machine at the same time,or select a machining feature from the list if you have already defined the area

    machine and now you want to define the operation to apply to it.

    Below we are going to see how to do the first of these.

    1. Open file gets2.CATPart.

    A Spiral milling entity and a default tool are added to the program.

    Select the Spiral milling icon .

    The Spiral milling dialog box opens at the geometry tab page .

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    2. Press MB3 over the red area in the sensitive icon and choose Body(ies)

    and click on the part in the viewer.

    Then double click anywhere in the viewer to confirm your selection and redisplaydialog box.

    3.Go to the machining strategy tab and make sure that Horizontal areaselection is Automatic.

    4. Press Replay to compute the tool path for the operation.

    You can cancel toolpath computation atany moment before100% completion.

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    Spiral Milling - Geometric Component

    n the geometric component tab you can define the area to machine either:

    by clicking on the face definition area and using the face selection wizard,by passing the mouse over the face definition area and choosing Body in thecontextual menu if you wish to machine a whole part and not just an area on it,or by choosing a pre-defined area like this:

    The other geometric components that you can select in the sensitive icon are:

    the check element. The check is often a clamp that holds the part and therefore is nan area to be machined.

    an area to avoid if you do not wish to machine it (light brown area in the left handcorner near the part selection area).

    the safety plane. The safetyplane is the plane that the

    tool will rise to at the end ofthe tool path in order toavoid collisions with thepart. The safety planecontextual menu allows youto:

    define an offsetsafety plane at adistance that you

    give in a dialog boxthat is displayed,remove the safetyplane.

    a top plane which definesthe highest plane that willbe machined on the part,

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    a bottom plane which defines the lowest plane that will be machined on the part,a start point which is the first point that will be machined,an end point which is the last point that will be machined,a limiting contour which defines the machining limit on the part. The contour thatdefines the outer machining limit on the part.the offset on the part.the offset on the check element.

    You can also define the followingparameters:

    Stop position defines wherethe tool stops:

    outside stops the tooloutside the limit line,inside stops insidethe limit line,

    on stops the tool onthe limit line.

    Stop mode defines which part of the tool is considered at the Stop Position, whetheis the contact point or the tool end.Offset is the distance that the tool that the tool will be either inside or outside the limline depending on the Stop mode that you chose.Part autolimit. If you activate Part autolimit, the tool will not go beyond the edge of tpart.

    Part autolimit and the limiting contour can beused individually or together to define thearea you want to machine. In the pictures, theblue outline is the part edge, the yellow partis the area that will be machined, the blackline is the limiting contour:

    If you use Part autolimit, the wholepart is machined.

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    If you use Limiting contour, only thearea inside the limiting contour ismachined.

    You can now either run the operation on the part, store the operation that you have jdefined or define other parameters in the machining strategy, tool data, speeds and

    rates, or macro data tabs first.

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    Spiral Milling - Machining Strategy

    The machining strategy tab is where you define the machining and strategyparameters and also the area that you want to machine. Start by selecting what youwant to machine with one of the two options:

    automatic; the surfaces that are considered to be horizontal with respect tothe maximum angle are automatically selected for machining.or manual. A red contour lights up in the sensitive icon. Click on it and thenselect the contours that will form the limit to the area you want to machine. T

    selection takes account of all the surfaces inside the limit, horizontal or not.You can also define more than one contour. Defining another contour insidethe original contour will have the effect that only the area between the twocontours (i.e. inside one and outside the other) will be machined.

    The blue contour represents the first contour,the black contour represents the second contour,and the yellow area represents what will be machined.

    There are four tabs:




    HSM (High Speed Milling).

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    You can also change the tool axis with Select in the contextual menu which willdisplay a dialog box where you can choose between selection by angle and selectioby coordinates. Selection by angle lets you choose the tool axis by rotation around main axis. Angle 1 and Angle 2 are used to define the location of the tool axis arounthe main axis that you select. There is also a button that lets you reverse the directof the axis with respect to the coordinate system origin.

    Selection by coordinates has the following options:

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    Feature-defined; you select a 3D element such as a plane that will serve toautomatically define the best tool axis.Selection; you select a 2D element such as a line or a straight edge that willserve to define the tool axis,Manual; you enter the XYZ coordinates,Point