2nd announcement ecpd 2015

Frascati, November 25, 2014 @ecpd2015 1 st EPS Conference on Plasma Diagnostics Villa Mondragone, Frascati, Italy April 14-17, 2015 Second Announcement and Call for Papers “Veduta del Palazzo della Villa di Monte Dragone a Frascati. ” Acquaforte/Etching, Alessandro Specchi, 1699.” Gentile concessione/Courtesy of Galleria Theodora-Frascati Organized by www.ecpd2015.enea.it

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Frascati, November 25, 2014


1st EPS Conference on Plasma Diagnostics

Villa Mondragone, Frascati, Italy

April 14-17, 2015

Second Announcement and Call for Papers  

  “Veduta del Palazzo della Villa di Monte Dragone a Frascati. ” Acquaforte/Etching, Alessandro Specchi, 1699.” Gentile concessione/Courtesy of Galleria Theodora-Frascati

Organized by





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Villa Mondragone, Frascati, Italy

April 14-17, 2015

Dear Friends, and Colleagues, It is a great pleasure to invite you to the 1st EPS Conference on Plasma Diagnostics, which will be held at Villa Mondragone, in Monte Porzio Catone, near Rome, in Italy from April 14 to April 17, 2015. The conference is organized by ENEA Fusione with the cooperation of the Rome University of Tor Vergata. Villa Mondragone is a patrician villa originally in the territory of the Italian Commune of Frascati, now in the territory of Monte Porzio Catone, It lies on a hill 416m above sea-level, in an area called, from its many castles and villas, Castelli Romani, about 20 km (12 mi) southeast of Rome, near the ancient town of Tusculum. The Construction began in 1573 by Cardinal Mark Sittich von Hohenems Altemps, who commissioned the design for it and for the Palazzo Altemps in central Rome to Martino Longhi the Elder, on the site of the remains of a Roman villa of the consular family of the Quinctilii. Now it is property of the University of Tor Vergata and it is a location dedicated to conferences and scientific meetings. The scope of the EU Plasma Diagnostics Conference, whose first edition will be held in Italy, is to favor cross-fertilization among scientists from all areas of plasma diagnostics. We look forward for the EPS Endorsment that will allow the growth of this event to the level of a major EU conference on plasma diagnostics. We invite all of you to contribute to the conference submitting your latest results and to join us in Italy for discussing the developments and applications of plasma diagnostics. We look forward to welcoming you to the ECPD2015 at Villa Mondragone next April.



TOPICS * magnetic confinement fusion * beam plasma and inertial fusion * low temperature and industrial plasmas * basic and astrophysical plasmas Preliminary programme can be consulted at the conference web page: http://www.ecpd2015.enea.it/index.php/scientificprogramme.    





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LIST OF INVITED SPEAKERS AND TOPICS DISCUSSED Invited Affiliation Title of the Invited talk

Danilo Pacella ENEA, Frascati, Italy X-ray diagnostics from Tokamaks to applications and future challenges

Markus Roth TU Darmstadt, Germany

Neutron and Proton Diagnostics for Beam Plasma and Inertial Fusion

Hubertus Thomas DRL Germany Diagnostics on dusty plasma: a comprehensive survay

Hugo Van den Brand

FOM-DIFFER / Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands

Inline ECE: combined sensing and actuation for MHD control

Tsuyoshi Akiyama

National Institute for Fusion Science, Toki, Japan

Development of a dispersion interferometer for magnetic confinement plasmas and application to high-pressure plasmas

Yasunobu Arikawa Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University, Japan.

Quantitative x-ray spectroscopy for energy transport in high intensity laser produced plasma

John Howard Australian National University (ANU), Canberra, Australia

Spectro-polarimetric optical systems for imaging plasma internal fields, structures and flows

Shinichi Namba

Graduate School of Engineering, Hiroshima University, Japan

Pump probe spectroscopy for temporal characterization of laser-plasma xuv pulses

Michael Koenig LULI, Poytechnique, France

VISAR as a fundamental tool to study extreme states of matter

Robert Wolf IPP Greifswald, Germany

Motional Stark Effect measurements of the local magnetic field in high temperature fusion plasmas

Evgeniy.Gusakov Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

Correlative Enhanced Scattering in the upper hybrid resonance for study of micro and meso-scale wave phenomena in low-temperature and tokamak plasmas

Mikhail Kantor Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

Thomson Scattering with multi-pass intra-cavity laser system towards the study of fast changing structures in fusion plasma.

Cesar La Hoz University of Tromso, Norway

Radar sounding of the auroral plasma

Arie Ziegler Hebrew University, Israel

Temporal evolution of electron density in laser generated plasma filaments using microwaves diagnostics

Giorgio Dilecce

CNR Institute of Inorganic Methodologies and Plasmas, Bari, Italy

Laser Induced Fluorescence diagnostics of atmospheric pressure plasma jets

Roxana Tarkeshian MPI, Garching, Germany

Diagnostics on the CERN AWAKE project

Jean Marcel Travere CEA, IRFM, Saint-Paul-lez-Durance, France

Imaging challenges for the ITER plasma facing components

Tony Caillaud CEA, DAM, Arpajon, France

Diagnostic systems for the Laser Megajoule (LMJ)

Olivier Landoas CEA, DAM, Arpajon, France

Development of the neutron imaging diagnostic for the Laser Megajoule (LMJ)

To Be Confirmed Low Temperature and Industrial Plasmas

Thomas Hoder Masaryk University in Czech Republic

Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting Spectroscopy: Principles and Applications to Single-filament Barrier Discharges

Chin-Wook Chung Hanyang University, Korea

Advance electrical plasma diagnostics for low temperature plasma sources

To Be Confirmed Basic and Astrophysical Plasmas

Gianluca Gregori University of Oxford, UK

Laboratory astrophysics

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CALL FOR ABSTRACTS The Abstracts submission web page is open. Contributions to any of the above mentioned topics are welcome. Authors are invited to submit one-page abstracts, describing the most important aspects of the work to be reported. Abstracts will be submitted via the Conference web site. First, you have to get an account. Then you can proceed filling in the abstract submission form. If you have already an account, please log in, then fill in the abstract submission form. A template is available on the ECPD2015 website. The abstract can be modified till you finalize its submission, which eventually must be done, through the dedicated link button, by the deadline. Abstracts for consideration as oral or poster papers will be accepted until January 15, 2015. The accepted abstracts will be available on the conference website. One regular registration is required per paper.  

CONFERENCE LANGUAGE The Conference language will be English. CONFERENCE REGISTRATION AND REGISTRATION FEE The registration webpage is open. In order to register you have to log in or get an account in the web site. On the Conference website: (http://www.ecpd2015.enea.it/index.php/registration), you can find all the information concerning the registration submission. The registrations collection and the economic management of the conference will be handled by “Symposia”.  FEES Early registration EPS Member (*) Euro 400,00 Early registration non EPS Member Euro 450,00 Late registration EPS Member (*) Euro 500,00 Late registration Non EPS Member Euro 550,00 On site registration April 14, 2015 Euro 600,00

(Credit cards accepted) Student Euro 200,00 Accompanying persons Euro 150,00 * Following EPS endorsement.  Delegates registration includes: admission to the scientific programme, admission to the exhibition and poster areas, Social Dinner, Welcome drink, coffee breaks, transportation to the conference location, a conference bag containing programme and abstract book. Touristic tours in Rome (upon payment) will be suggested to delegates and accompanying persons.   SPONSORS AND EXHIBITORS The conference will accommodate and welcome industrial and commercial exhibitors. The exhibition area will be located adjacent to the meeting facilities. For companies interested in sponsorship and exhibition opportunities, please contact [email protected]


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ACCOMMODATION Information on the hotels suggested for the Conference can be found on the website. Accommodation will be available for the delegates and accompanying persons at the hotels listed on the website at special rates. It can be guaranteed only for bookings made prior to February 28, 2015. As Frascati is a touristic centre all year around, we strongly recommend booking the hotels as soon as possible. Hotel Villa Vecchia is at a walking distance from the conference site and it offers a great variety of options, including some special rates for student accommodations. TRANSPORTATION You can find more information on transportation on the webpage: http://www.ecpd2015.enea.it/index.php/transportation. A shuttle bus will be arranged by the LOC for all participants from the hotels listed in the website to the conference site. SOCIAL PROGRAMME A Welcome drink will be offered during the registration. We are glad to invite all the registered participants and the registered accompanying persons to a dinner in a typical restaurant of the nearby area. Italy is famous for its cuisine and this event is definitely not to be missed. Daily Lunch will be organized on site and tickets will be sold at “Symposia Desk”. Please note that restaurants in the area are not at a walking distance.

VISA If you are wondering if you need a visa, check the website: http://www.esteri.it/visti/index_eng.asp. Upon request we can send an invitation letter to those participants who needs to ask their consulate the VISA to come to Italy. Please make your request in time. Fill the visa form in the web site, but first remember to log in or get an account. PLEASE MARK IN YOUR CALENDAR October, 15, 2014 Nomination by the International Scientific Committee of

review and invited talks November 1, 2014 Abstract submission opens November 17, 2014 Early registration opens November, 30, 2014 Second Announcement January 15, 2015 Deadline for abstracts submissions. Abstract acceptance

will be notified to the authors shortly February 28, 2015 Early registration deadline February 28, 2015 March 1, 2015

Hotel reservation deadline Paper submission opens

March 31, 2015 Late registration deadline March 31, 2015 Paper submission deadline April 14-17, 2015 Conference dates - on site registration payment


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GENERAL INFORMATION Giulia Bartolomei (Secretary of the Conference) ENEA Fusione Via Enrico Fermi, 45 00044 Frascati, Roma (Italy) e-mail: [email protected] Tel.: +39/06/94005605 Tel.: +39/392.6551464 Fax: +39/06/94005735

Angelo A. Tuccillo (Chair of the Local Organizing Committee) ENEA Fusione Via Enrico Fermi, 45 00044 Frascati, Roma (Italy) Tel.: +39/06/94005604 Fax: +39/06/94005735

follow us on Twitter: #ecpd2015 For more information, please refer to the Website: http://www.ecpd2015.enea.it/

Portico del Vasanzio, Villa Mondragone

[email protected]