2.i. definition ofvectorspace

Chapter Two: Vector Spaces I. Definition of Vector Space II. Linear Independence III. Basis and Dimension Topic: Fields Topic: Crystals Topic: Voting Paradoxes Topic: Dimensional Analysis Vector space ~ Linear combinations of vectors. Ref: T.M.Apostol, “Linear Algebra”, Chap 3, Wiley (97)

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Chapter Two: Vector Spaces

I. Definition of Vector Space

II. Linear Independence

III. Basis and Dimension• Topic: Fields

• Topic: Crystals

• Topic: Voting Paradoxes

• Topic: Dimensional Analysis

Vector space ~ Linear combinations of vectors.

Ref: T.M.Apostol, “Linear Algebra”, Chap 3, Wiley (97)

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I. Definition of Vector Space

I.1. Definition and Examples

I.2. Subspaces and Spanning Sets

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Algebraic Structures

Ref: Y.Choquet-Bruhat, et al, “Analysis, Manifolds & Physics”, Pt I., North Holland (82)

Structure Internal Operations Scalar Multiplication

Group * No

Ring, Field * , No

Module / Vector Space + Yes

Algebra + , * Yes

Field = Ring with idenity & all elements except 0 have inverses.

Vector space = Module over Field.

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I.1. Definition and Examples

Definition 1.1: (Real) Vector Space ( V, ; )A vector space (over ) consists of a set V along with 2 operations ‘’ and ‘’ s.t.(1) For the vector addition :

v, w, u V a) v w V ( Closure )b) v w = w v ( Commutativity )c) ( v w ) u = v ( w u ) ( Associativity )d) 0 V s.t. v 0 = v ( Zero element )e) v V s.t. v (v) = 0 ( Inverse )

(2) For the scalar multiplication :

v, w V and a, b , [ is the real number field (,+,) f) a v V ( Closure ) g) ( a + b ) v = ( a v ) (b v ) ( Distributivity )h) a ( v w ) = ( a v ) ( a w )i) ( a b ) v = a ( b v ) ( Associativity )j) 1 v = v

is always written as + so that one writes v + w instead of v w

and are often omitted so that one writes a b v instead of ( a b ) v

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Definition 1.1: (Real) Vector Space ( V, + ; )A vector space (over ) consists of a set V along with 2 operations ‘+’ and ‘ ’ s.t.(1) For the vector addition + :

v, w, u V a) v + w V ( Closure )b) v + w = w + v ( Commutativity )c) ( v + w ) + u = v + ( w + u ) ( Associativity )d) 0 V s.t. v + 0 = v ( Zero element )e) v V s.t. v v = 0 ( Inverse )

(2) For the scalar multiplication : v, w V and a, b , [ is the real number field (,+,) ]a) a v V ( Closure )b) ( a + b ) v = a v + b v ( Distributivity )c) a ( v + w ) = a v + a wd) ( a b ) v = a ( b v ) = a b v ( Associativity )e) 1 v = v

Definition in Conventional Notations

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Example 1.3: 2

2 is a vector space if1 1

2 2

x ya b a b

x y

x y 1 1

2 2

ax by

ax by

,a b R




Example 1.4: Plane in 3.

The plane through the origin 0


P y x y z


is a vector space.

P is a subspace of 3.

Proof it yourself / see Hefferon, p.81.

Proof it yourself / see Hefferon, p.82.

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Example 1.5:

Let & be the (column) matrix addition & scalar multiplication, resp., then

( n, + ; ) is a vector space.

( n, + ; ) is not a vector space since closure is violated under scalar multiplication.

Example 1.6:






Let then (V, + ; ) is a vector space.

Definition 1.7: A one-element vector space is a trivial space.

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Example 1.8: Space of Real Polynomials of Degree n or less, n



n k kk

a x a

P R 2 3

3 0 1 2 3 ka a x a x a x a P R

Vector addition: 0 0

n nk k

k kk k

a x b x

a b k kka b a b

Scalar multiplication:0



b b a x


Zero element:0





0 0k

k 0i.e.,

n is a vector space with vectors 0



a x




k kk

a b x




ba x


kkb baai.e.



n is isomorphic to n+1 with 10


~ , ,n

k nk n n


a x a a


Inverse: 0



a x

a kka ai.e.



The kth component of a is

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Example 1.9: Function Space

The set { f | f : → } of all real valued functions of natural numbers is a vector space if

1 2 1 2f f n f n f n Vector addition:

a f n na fScalar multiplication:



f ( n ) is a vector of countably infinite dimensions: f = ( f(0), f(1), f(2), f(3), … )


2 1f n n ~ 1, 2, 5,10,f

Zero element:

( ) 0zero n

Inverse: ( )f n f n

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Example 1.10: Space of All Real Polynomials,


, n

kk k


a x a n


is a vector space of countably infinite dimensions.

0 1 20

~ , , ,kk


a x a a a


Example 1.11: Function Space

The set { f | f : → } of all real valued functions of real numbers is a vector space of uncountably infinite dimensions.

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Example 13: Solution Space of a Linear Homogeneous Differential Equation


2: 0

d fS f f

d x

R R is a vector space with

f g x f x g x Vector addition:

a f x xa fScalar multiplication:

Zero element:

( ) 0zero x

Inverse: ( )f x f x

Closure:2 2

2 20 & 0

d f d gf g

d x d x



d a f bga f bg

d x


Example 14: Solution Space of a System of Linear Homogeneous Equations

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• Definition of a mathematical structure is not unique.

• The accepted version is time-tested to be most concise & elegant.

Lemma 1.16: Lose Ends

In any vector space V,

1. 0 v = 0 .

2. ( 1 ) v + v = 0 .

3. a 0 = 0 .

v V and a .


1 0 0 v v v v 0 v v v 0 v1.


1 1 1 v v v 0 v 0


0a a0 v 0a v 0 v 0

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Exercises 2.I.1.

1. At this point “the same” is only an intuition, but nonetheless for each vector space identify the k for which the space is “the same” as k.(a) The 23 matrices under the usual operations(b) The n m matrices (under their usual operations)(c) This set of 2 2 matrices


(a) Prove that every point, line, or plane thru the origin in 3 is a vector space under the inherited operations.(b) What if it doesn’t contain the origin?


aa b c

b c

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I.2. Subspaces and Spanning Sets

Definition 2.1: SubspacesFor any vector space, a subspace is a subset that is itself a vector space, under the inherited operations.

Example 2.2: Plane in 3 0


P y x y z


is a subspace of 3.

Note: A subset of a vector space is a subspace iff it is closed under & .

→ It must contain 0. (c.f. Lemma 2.9.)

Proof: Let 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2, , , , ,T T

x y z x y z P r r

→ 1 1 1 2 2 20 , 0x y z x y z

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2, ,T

a b ax bx ay by az bz r r

with 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2ax bx ay by az bz a x y z b x y z

→ 1 2a b P r r QED,a b R


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Example 2.3: The x-axis in n is a subspace.

,0, ,0 -axisT

x x r Proof follows directly from the fact that

Example 2.4:

• { 0 } is a trivial subspace of n.

• n is a subspace of n.

Both are improper subspaces.

All other subspaces are proper.

Example 2.5: Subspace is only defined wrt inherited operations.

({1}, ; ) is a vector space if we define 11 = 1 and a1=1 a.

However, neither ({1}, ; ) nor ({1},+ ; ) is a subspace of the vector space (,+ ; ).

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Example 2.6: Polynomial Spaces.

n is a proper subspace of m if n < m.

Example 2.7: Solution Spaces.

The solution space of any real linear homogeneous ordinary differential equation, f = 0,

is a subspace of the function space of 1 variable { f : → }.

Example 2.8: Violation of Closure.

+ is not a subspace of since (1) v + v +.

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Lemma 2.9:

Let S be a non-empty subset of a vector space ( V, + ; ).

W.r.t. the inherited operations, the following statements are equivalent:

1. S is a subspace of V.

2. S is closed under all linear combinations of pairs of vectors.

3. S is closed under arbitrary linear combinations.

Proof: See Hefferon, p.93.

Remark: Vector space = Collection of linear combinations of vectors.

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Example 2.11: Parametrization of a Plane in 3

2 0


S y x y z


is a 2-D subspace of 3.



y z

y y z



2 1

1 0 ,

0 1

y z y z


i.e., S is the set of all linear combinations of 2 vectors (2,1,0)T, & (1,0,1)T.

Example 2.12: Parametrization of a Matrix Subspace.


aL a b c

b c

is a subspace of the space of 22 matrices.


b cb c

b c

R1 0 1 0

,1 0 0 1

b c b c


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Definition 2.13: Span

Let S = { s1 , …, sn | sk ( V,+, ) } be a set of n vectors in vector space V.

The span of S is the set of all linear combinations of the vectors in S, i.e.,



k k k kk

span S c S c

s s R span 0with

Lemma 2.15: The span of any subset of a vector space is a subspace.


Let S = { s1 , …, sn | sk ( V,+, ) }1 1

,n n

k k k kk k

u v span S

u s v sand



k k kk

a b au bv

w u v s1


k kk

w span S

s ,a b RQED

Converse: Any vector subspace is the span of a subset of its members.

Also: span S is the smallest vector space containing all members of S.

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Example 2.16:

For any vV, span{v} = { a v | a } is a 1-D subspace.

Example 2.17:


The problem is tantamount to showing that for all x, y , unique a,b s.t.

1 1

1 1

xa b


i.e.,a b x

a b y

has a unique solution for arbitrary x & y.

Since 1

2a x y 1

2b x y ,x y R QED

21 1,

1 1span


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Example 2.18: 2

Let 23 , 2S span x x x 23 2 ,a x x bx a b R


2 0




Answer is yes since

1 3 2c a b 2c a

2a c 1


2b c a


1 2


2c c





c x

= subspace of 2 ?

Lesson: A vector space can be spanned by different sets of vectors.

Definition: Completeness

A subset S of a vector space V is complete if span S = V.

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Example 2.19: All Possible Subspaces of 3

See next section for proof.

Planes thru 0

Lines thru 0

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Exercises 2.I.2

(a) Show that it is not a subspace of 3. (Hint. See Example 2.5).(b) Show that it is a vector space.

( To save time, you need only prove axioms (d) & (j), and closure under all linear combinations of 2 vectors.)

(c) Show that any subspace of 3 must pass thru the origin, and so any subspace of 3 must involve zero in its description. Does the converse hold?Does any subset of 3 that contains the origin become a subspace when given the inherited operations?

1. Consider the set 1


y x y z


under these operations.

1 2 1 2

1 2 1 2

1 2 1 2

1x x x x

y y y y

z z z z

1x rx r

r y r y

z rz

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2. Because ‘span of’ is an operation on sets we naturally consider how it interacts with the usual set operations. Let [S] Span S.(a) If S T are subsets of a vector space, is [S] [T] ?

Always? Sometimes? Never?(b) If S, T are subsets of a vector space, is [ S T ] = [S] [T] ?(c) If S, T are subsets of a vector space, is [ S T ] = [S] [T] ?(d) Is the span of the complement equal to the complement of the span?

3. Find a structure that is closed under linear combinations, and yet is not a vector space. (Remark. This is a bit of a trick question.)