2e thermography industry testous v5 - lesman · 2018-06-15 · testo thermal imagers quickly and...

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Page 1: 2e Thermography Industry testoUS V5 - Lesman · 2018-06-15 · Testo thermal imagers quickly and reliably detect anomalies, weak spots and damage in industrial maintenance, produc-tion

Industrial thermography

Simply see more with thermal imagers from Testo.

Page 2: 2e Thermography Industry testoUS V5 - Lesman · 2018-06-15 · Testo thermal imagers quickly and reliably detect anomalies, weak spots and damage in industrial maintenance, produc-tion

Testo thermal imagers quickly and reliably detect anomalies,

weak spots and damage in industrial maintenance, produc-

tion monitoring, and in Research and Development applica-

tions. Materials and components can be tested completely

without damage using thermal imaging technology. Problem

zones can be identified without contact before a malfunc-

tion or a fire risk occurs. Whereas with other methods,

cable or complex systems must be exposed over a large

area, with a Testo thermal imager, a single glance is


Simply see more without contact.

Industrial thermography

Testo thermal imagers for industrial


• help prevent damage and saves resources

• provide high resolution images

• shorten inspection times and analysis

• simple and easy to use

• optimal imaging versatility due to the lightweight

wide-angle lens

High quality images, precision German engineeringand a state of the art manufacturing facility, plus withthe experience of more than 50 years in measure-ment technology behind you every day, Testo simplyprovides some of the best thermography productsavailable on the market today.

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What is thermography?

All objects which are warmer than minus -

459 degrees Fahrenheit (absolute zero),

emit infrared heat radiation. Infrared radia-

tion cannot be seen by the human eye.

Thermal imagers, however, can convert

this infrared radiation into electrical sig-

nals, and present them as a thermal

image. The heat radiation is thus made

visible for the human eye.

Designed for daily use in industrial surroundings

With excellent detector and lens quality, as well as intelli-

gently engineered system solutions, no detail is missed: this

applies to large-scale panorama images just as well as to

small details of the measurement object. In addition to the

intuititive menu layout, the PC software IRSoft provides fast

and efficient professional analysis of the image data.

Even the smallest temperature differences can be identified

due to the outstanding temperature sensitivity of Testo ther-

mal imagers. Industrial thermography with Testo thermal im-

agers saves time, resources and money – for more security,

less damage and more efficiency.

Optimum image quality and innovative technology

Testo offers the right thermal imager for every application in

industrial thermography. With high-quality Germanium op-

tics and the best detector quality, Testo thermal imagers as-

sure optimum image quality for every application. With the

patent-pending SuperResolution technology, the geometric

resolution of each thermal image is improved by a factor of

1.6 – with four times more pixels. This means that extremely

high-resolution thermal images up to a megapixel quality of

1280 x 960 pixels can be achieved.

High-performance, intuitive and safe

The intuitive user-friendly operation and handling offer con-

fidence and flexibility for every situation. The high-perfor-

mance PC software IRSoft offers extensive functions for the

professional analysis of your thermal images: It allows so-

phisticated image analysis, with pre-made templates and

the ability to create customized templates for convenient re-

port creation. Testo TwinPix, offers image overlay capability

of visual camera and the thermal images. The information

contained within these two images can be presented as one

image on any report.

Page 4: 2e Thermography Industry testoUS V5 - Lesman · 2018-06-15 · Testo thermal imagers quickly and reliably detect anomalies, weak spots and damage in industrial maintenance, produc-tion

Thermography has proven its worth as a tool for preventive maintenance, in monitoring of mechanical and electri-

cal systems or production processes. In the field of research and development, Testo thermal imagers are also

used to examine microelectronic components.

Testo thermal imagers in industrial thermography.

Industrial thermography

1. Regular checks in electrical maintenance

Testo thermal imagers allow an evaluation of the heat status

of low, medium and high voltage systems. Thermographic

images lead to early recognition of defective components,

so that the required targeted preventive steps can be taken.

This minimizes the dangerous risk of fire and avoids costly

production downtimes.

2. Support in preventive mechanical maintenance

A reliable early recognition of threatening damage to

process-relevant system components is necessary in order

to create assurance to the security and reliability of the ma-

chine operations. A high level of heat emissions, especially

from mechanical components, could possibly indicate an

elevated level of stress. This could be caused, for example,

by friction due to faulty adjustment, component tolerances

or a lack of lubricant. Critical heating conditions can be di-

rectly detected with the alarm or isotherm function, and

counter-measures can be introduced.

Page 5: 2e Thermography Industry testoUS V5 - Lesman · 2018-06-15 · Testo thermal imagers quickly and reliably detect anomalies, weak spots and damage in industrial maintenance, produc-tion


3. Quick, easy fluid level checks

Level control in sealed fluid tanks has proven to be a useful

method for avoiding machine damage and production

losses. If, for example, the fluid in coolant tanks falls to a

dangerously low level, machines are no longer cooled cor-

rectly. They could potentialy run hot and may fail. Often, an

automatic level control regulates the level of the refrigerant

and issues an alarm when the fluid level is too low. How-

ever, the automatic control systems can also fail.

4. Safer high temperature measurements

In applications with high object temperatures the Testo ther-

mal imagers are adaptable to the requirements. With high

temperature options, the measuring range can be extended

to up to 2192 °F. The high-contrast image in the display can

be visualized using the high-temperature color display

palette Iron HT or the special histogram compensation.

5. Consistant reliability in quality assurance and pro-

duction monitoring

The thermal imagers from Testo provide precise situation

analysis for supporting process monitoring and product

quality assurance. In addition to foreign bodies in produc-

tion processes, anomalies in the heat distribution of compo-

nents are also recognized at a glance, quickly and without


Page 6: 2e Thermography Industry testoUS V5 - Lesman · 2018-06-15 · Testo thermal imagers quickly and reliably detect anomalies, weak spots and damage in industrial maintenance, produc-tion

6. Power applications

Energy is an important commodity in todays world, which

must always be available in sufficient quantity. For this rea-

son, power stations and utility companies ensure that no in-

terruptions occur, through energy production, transmission

even distribution. Testo thermal imagers provide support to

the preventive maintenance programs of the power industry.

7. Precise visualization of critical temperatures in


Electronic components are becoming smaller and smaller,

the demands on heat withdrawal are increasing. For opti-

mization purposes, an examination of temperature condi-

tions using a thermal imager is useful, and the analysis of

warming and cooling behavior over defined time intervals is

often required. Only high-quality thermal imagers with the

highest geo metric resolution and the possiblity of recording

fully radiometric video sequences are up to this job.

8. Quality control in the production of diecast plastic


In the development and production of diecast plastic com-

ponents, the Testo thermal imagers are used for the moni-

toring of the cooling process. If the diecast components

cool very irregularly, differing material densities occur within

the diecast components – leading to reduced stability and

performance concerns. The cooling process can be moni-

tored and documented using a Testo thermal imager. This

allows for the detection of potential problem areas to be

recognized during development, and addressed in

pre-production programs.

Industrial thermography

Page 7: 2e Thermography Industry testoUS V5 - Lesman · 2018-06-15 · Testo thermal imagers quickly and reliably detect anomalies, weak spots and damage in industrial maintenance, produc-tion


9. Monitoring and checking solar energy systems

There are two main reasons for examining solar energy sys-

tems: Safety and performance monitoring. Solar energy sys-

tems reach top performance in full sunshine. Large and

small photovoltaic systems can be monitored without con-

tact, from a distance, and especially efficiently using Testo

thermal imagers. If faults are identified, the smooth running

of all components could be increased then the highest level

of economic viability could be achieved. With the ability to

enter the suns irradiation intensity, an important measure-

ment parameter, additional data for long term performance

monitering can be recorded.

10. Analysis of electrical distribution systems

Because of its importance, downtime in electrical distribu-

tion systems need to be avoided at all costs. In particular,

defective connections in high-tension masts can be critical.

These transfer points, which can sometimes be a long dis-

tance away, can only be clearly recognized with a suffi-

ciently large high resolution detector and telephoto lens.

This can be one way to obtain the detail needed for onsite

analysis of the connector in question while still providing a

safe and effective work enviroment.

11. Inspection management in large manufacturing

The regular inspection of machines and electrical switch-

boxes in large manufacturing systems can be slow and very

resource consuming, but indispensable. During such in-

spection routes, the same key components objects often

have to be monitored everytime, resulting in many thermal

images of the same component. Keeping track of the im-

ages and the exact date and time of inspections could be a

difficult process itself. With Testo SiteRecognition technol-

ogy, measurement sites are automatically recognized by

reading a special barcode and the resulting thermal images

correctly stored and archived in a site or route based in-

spection database. Allowing for fast reporting and historical

data at you fingertips.

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Testo thermal imagers offer optimum image quality and intelligent system components. In order to be able to con-

duct thermography applications with the highest possible level of security and efficiency, the engineers at Testo have

not only developed innovative technologies, but have also adapted them to each other ideally in the thermal imagers.

This means that each Testo thermal imager is an intuitively operable, highly developed thermography system.

Innovative technology – easy to use.

Industrial thermography

Increased ergonomics for diffi-

cult to access areas

Easy to menu’s and interface

built right into the imager

Catalog and archive similar

measurement objects

Analyze in real time,

periodically or event-based

Extremely high thermal sen-sitivities are possible

High Resolution for criticalimaging requirements

Infrared and visual imagessuperimposed to provideaccurate viewpoint

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The SuperResolution technology.

Simply see more with one upgrade

With the SuperResolution technology, the image quality of

the Testo thermal imagers is improved by one resolution

class, i.e. by four times more pixels, and a geometric reso-

lution which is better by a factor of 1.6. For example, a 160

x 120 pixels imager is turned into a 320 x 240 imager, Also

A 640 x 480 pixels imager is turned into a 1280 x 960 pixels

imager. All this from a simple software upgrade available to

all current Testo thermal imagers.

The patent-pending innovation from Testo uses the natural

movement of your hand, and records several slightly offset

images very quickly one after the other. These are then

processed together to form one image using an algorithm.

The result: Four times more pixels and a considerably bet-

ter geometric resolution of the thermal image.

The SuperResolution technology provides extremely high-

resolution thermal images up to 1280 x 960 pixels These

high resolution, high detail images are considerably more

meaningful images for analysis.

High-resolution thermal images

Creation of the ideal thermograph is basically quite easy:

the better the image resolution (more pixels), the better the

detail a to create a vivid image of the object being meas-

ured. When inspection and safety conditions warrant

against close-up inspection, high resolution dectectors are

critical to insure image quality. The same principles apply

when you can not close the inspection distance because

the object is very small. When you have the need to identify

the finest structures, a high-resolution image quality is es-

sential. Because the more you can see in the thermal

image, the better the image analysis will be.

Standard thermal image

SuperResolution technology

SuperResolution thermalimage

Page 10: 2e Thermography Industry testoUS V5 - Lesman · 2018-06-15 · Testo thermal imagers quickly and reliably detect anomalies, weak spots and damage in industrial maintenance, produc-tion

IRSoft – the high-performance PC software for professional thermography analysis from Testo. The IRSoft allows compre-

hensive analysis of thermal images on a PC. It stands out due to its clear menu structure and high user-friendliness. All

analysis functions are explained using easy to understand symbols. Built in tool tips additionally provide helpful explanation

for each function just by mouseover. This assistance simplifies the software learning process and allows more time for

image anaylsis and report creation. A fully functional version of the PC software IRSoft is included with every Testo thermal

imager. No expensive add-ons, no licensing fees and free upgrades.

The PC software IRSoft.

Industrial thermography

Change of emissivity by area forexact temperature analysis.

Simultaneous evaluation and com-parison of several images

Multi-page reports forcomplete documenta-tion

IRSoft – Precise analysis of thermal images

Infrared images can be conveniently processed and ana-

lyzed on a PC using the IRSoft. Extensive functions are

available for professional image analysis. For example, the

different emissivities of the various materials for image

areas can be corrected afterwards, right up to individual

pixels. The histogram function shows the temperature distri-

bution of an image area. Up to five profile lines can be used

to analyze temperature curves. In order to visualize critical

temperatures in an image, limit value violations, as well as

pixels, in a specific temperature range can be emphasized.

In addition to this, unlimited measurement points can be

set, hot/cold spots determined, and comments on the

analysis made.

IRSoft – all important information at a glance

Several infrared images can be opened and analyzed paral-

lel to each other. All analyses in the images are visible at a

glance and comparable to each other. Alterations to set-

tings can be carried out either for the whole infrared image

or for individual image sections. It is additionally possible to

transfer current image corrections to all opened infrared im-

ages with a mouse click.

With the IRSoft from Testo:

• you analyze thermal images quickly and precisely

• you can create your own professional thermography

report templates

• you can analyze and compare several images simul-


Easy creation of professional thermography reports

Infrared and real images are displayed in the screen already

during analysis, and automatically taken over into the re-

port. This makes easy and professional documentation of

the measurement results possible.

The report assistant guides step by step to a complete and

clear report. Different templates are available not only for

short and quick reports, but also for more comprehensive

documentation. The templates contain all relevant informa-

tion on measurement site, measurement task and examina-

tion results. In addition to this, the report designer can be

used to create your own customized templates for your

company or for specialized reporting requirements.

Page 11: 2e Thermography Industry testoUS V5 - Lesman · 2018-06-15 · Testo thermal imagers quickly and reliably detect anomalies, weak spots and damage in industrial maintenance, produc-tion


TwinPix – thermal and real images in one image.

Create the perfect result the first time with

Testo TwinPix

By setting marking points which correspond in both the

thermal and the real images, they can be combined and

overlaid exactly. Even scenes with measurement objects at

different distances can be blended without a problem, and

shown simultaneously in one image, at your direction.

The thermal imagers from Testo with integrated digital camera automatically store a thermal and a real image simultane-

ously. With our professional image overlay solution, TwinPix, these two images can be superimposed over each other in the

PC software IRSoft. The information from the thermal image and the real image are then displayed at your specific instruc-

tions to create one combined image, part thermal and part visual.

Show what’s important, with the professional image

overlay from Testo

During the analysis, the image overlay helps to provide

visual orientation in the image and in the exact frame of

reference of the inspection area.

Setting the custom transparency level regulates the inten-

sity of the infrared and the real image components in the

combined image. Critical temperature ranges can be

marked by inserting infrared limit values and the infrared

range. Even in the real image, problem areas can be directly

emphasized, and the temperature status of the measure-

ment object displayed plastically. The TwinPix image is not

just an overlay it combines both thermal and visual data

together creating a powerful reporting tool.

TwinPix Image overlayis a function within the Testo IRSoft analysis software

Reveal hidden details by combining a thermalimage and a visual image with TwinPix

Page 12: 2e Thermography Industry testoUS V5 - Lesman · 2018-06-15 · Testo thermal imagers quickly and reliably detect anomalies, weak spots and damage in industrial maintenance, produc-tion

The thermal imagers from Testo.

Industrial thermography

Testo 875-1

Testo 875i Series

- Detector size 160 x 120 pixels- SuperResolution technology (to 320 x 240 pixels)- Thermal sensitivity < 80 mK- Large field of view with a 32° lens- Lens protection glass- Solar mode- Auto Hot/Cold Spot Recognition

- Detector size 160 x 120 pixels- SuperResolution technology (to 320 x 240 pixels)- Thermal sensitivity < 50 mK- Large field of view with a 32° lens- Exchangeable lenses - Built-in digital camera with power LEDs- Lens protection glass- Voice recording using headset- Min-/Max on area calculation- Solar mode- Measuring range option up to 1022 °F

- Detector size 160 x 120 pixels- SuperResolution technology (to 320 x 240 pixels)- Flexible fold-out, rotatable display- Thermal sensitivity < 80 mK- Large field of view with a 32° lens- Exchangeable lenses- Integrated digital camera- Lens protection glass- Voice recording using headset- Min-/Max on area calculation- Solar mode- Measurement mode for detecting areas with danger of mold

Testo 876 Series

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Testo 882

Testo 885 Series

Testo 890 Series

- Detector size 320 x 240 pixels- SuperResolution technology (to 640 x 480 pixels) (Included)- Thermal sensitivity < 50 mK- Large field of view with a 32° lens- Built-in digital camera with power LEDs- Lens protection glass- Voice recording using headset- Min-/Max on area calculation- Solar mode- Standard measuring range up to 662 °F- Extended measuring range up to 1022 °F (Optional)

- Detector size 320 x 240 pixels - SuperResolution technology (to 640 x 480 pixels) (Included)- Rotatable touchscreen display- Thermal sensitivity < 30 mK- Large field of view with a 30° standard lens & 11° telephoto lens- Exchangeable lenses- Built-in digital camera with power LEDs- Lens protection glass- Voice recording using wireless Bluetooth headset- Area measurement (Min/Max & Average)- Auto focus - Panorama image assistant- Solar mode- Extended measuring range option up to 2192 °F- SiteRecognition technology- Fully radiometric video measurement

- Detector size 640 x 480 pixels - SuperResolution technology (to 1280 x 960 pixels) (Included)- Rotatable touchscreen display- Thermal sensitivity < 40 mK- Large field of view with a 42° lens standard & 15° telephoto lens- Exchangeable lenses- Built-in digital camera with power LEDs- Lens protection glass- Voice recording using wireless Bluetooth headset- Area measurement (Min/Max & Average)- Auto focus - Panorama image assistant- Solar mode- Extended measuring range option up to 2192 °F- SiteRecognition technology- Fully radiometric video measurement

Made in Germany

Page 14: 2e Thermography Industry testoUS V5 - Lesman · 2018-06-15 · Testo thermal imagers quickly and reliably detect anomalies, weak spots and damage in industrial maintenance, produc-tion

All Thermal Imagers include the following standard items: Hard shell storage case, 2 GB SD memory card, USB cable, IRSoft software, power supply, battery, instruction manual and Certi�cate of Conformity.

Testo Thermal ImagersTesto 882 Series

Model 875-1 875i-1 875i-2 875i-2 DLX 876 876 DLX 882Catalog Number 0560 8751 0563 0875 71 0563 0875 72 0563 0875 73 0560 8763 0560 8764 0560 0882 70Warranty 2 YearsDetector type 160 x 120 FPA 160 x 120 FPA 160 x 120 FPA 160 x 120 FPA 160 x 120 FPA 160 x 120 FPA 320 x 240 FPASuperResolution (4x pixel upgrade) 320 x 240 - Optional 320 x 240 - Optional 320 x 240 - Optional 320 x 240 - Optional 320 x 240 - Optional 320 x 240 -Optional 640 x 480 - IncludedThermal sensitivity 80 mK 50 mK 50 mK 50 mK 50 mKVisual Camera NA IncludedStandard Lens 32° x 23° / 7" min. focus Telephoto Lens 9° x 7° / 20" Min. focus NA Included Optional Included NATelephoto Lens 11°x 9° / 19" Min. focus NATelephoto Lens 15°x 11° / 19" Min. focus NAVideo output Via USB IncludedFully Radiometric Video Capture NALens Protection Glass Included Optional Included IncludedIRSoft Analysis & Report software IncludedImage refresh rate 9 Hz 33 Hz 33 Hz 33 Hz 33 HzFocus mode Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual & MotorSpectral range 8 to 14 mmImage display 3.5" LCDRotating Display NARotating Handle NAPower LED Lights IncludedTwinPix ( Visual & IR Image Blending) NA IncludedPanoramic Assistant NASite Recognition ( Barcode & Database Solution) NATemperature range 536°F 662°FExtended High Temperature Range 1022°F OptionalAccuracy ±2% of readingEmissivity Correction 0.01 to 1.0Atmosphere Correction ( Reflected Temperature) NAISO Certification OptionalColor palettes 4 9 9 9 9Voice Annotation ( 30 Sec. per image) NA Headset Included Headset IncludedIsotherm Function IncludedSolar mode ( Solar Intensity Values) IncludedSurface Moisture distribution IncludedHumidity measurement with Radio Probe NA NA OptionalFile format .bmt Export formats- bmp, jpg, cvsStorage device 2GB SD CardBattery type Li-ion - 4+ hour run timeAdditional Battery Optional Included OptionalBattery Charging InternalExternal Rapid Charger Included Optional Included OptionalOperating temperature range 5°F to 104°FStorage Range (IEC 60529) 22°F to 140°FVibration (IEC 60068-2-6) 2GWeight Approximately 2 lbs.Dimensions (L x W x H) in inches 6" x 4.2" x 10.3" Tripod mounting IncludedHousing ABS PlasticSoftware System requirements

IncludedABS Plastic

Windows XP(SP2), Vista, 7 and USB 2.0 Port

Optional IncludedLi-ion - 4+ hour run time

Internal Optional

5°F to 104°F 22°F to 140°F

2GApproximately 2 lbs.

6" x 4.2" x 10.3"

NA IncludedIncluded

NA IncludedNA Optional

.bmt Export formats- bmp, jpg, cvs2GB SD Card

Testo 876 Series

2 Years

80 mK


Testo 875i Series

2 Years

Included32° x 23° / 7" min. focus




8 to 14 mm3.5" LCD

32° x 23° / 7" min. focus

Included9 Hz

Manual & Motor


8 to 14 µm3.5" LCD


NA Included


ABS PlasticIncluded

Approximately 2 lbs.8.5" x 3.5" x 4.0"

2G 22°F to 140°F5°F to 104°F


.bmt Export formats- bmp, jpg, cvs









662°FNA 1022°F

±2% of reading0.01 to 1.0


0.01 to 1.0



±2% of reading

NA Headset Included



2GB SD CardLi-ion - 4+ hour run time

Windows XP(SP2), Vista, 7 and USB 2.0 Port Windows XP(SP2), Vista, 7 and USB 2.0 Port



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Speci�cations subject to change without notice. Testo Inc. www.testoUSA.com

Model 885-1 885-2 885-2 DLX 890-1 890-2 890-2 DLXCatalog Number 0563 0885 71 0563 0885 72 0563 0885 73 0563 0890 71 0563 0890 72 0563 0890 73Warranty 2 YearsDetector typeSuperResolution (4x pixel upgrade)Thermal sensitivityVisual CameraStandard LensTelephoto Lens 9° x 7° / 20" Min. focusTelephoto Lens 11°x 9° / 19" Min. focus NA Optional IncludedTelephoto Lens 15°x 11° / 19" Min. focus NA Optional IncludedVideo output Via USBFully Radiometric Video Capture NA NALens Protection Glass Included NA Optional IncludedIRSoft Analysis & Report softwareImage refresh rateFocus modeSpectral rangeImage displayRotating DisplayRotating HandlePower LED LightsTwinPix ( Visual & IR Image Blending)Panoramic Assistant NASite Recognition ( Barcode & Database Solution) NA NATemperature rangeExtended High Temperature Range NA NAAccuracyEmissivity CorrectionAtmosphere Correction ( Reflected Temperature) Included IncludedISO CertificationColor palettes 8 8 8 8 8Voice Annotation ( 30 Sec. per image) NA NAIsotherm FunctionSolar mode ( Solar Intensity Values) NA NASurface Moisture distribution NA NAHumidity measurement with Radio Probe NA NAFile formatStorage deviceBattery typeAdditional Battery Included IncludedBattery ChargingExternal Rapid Charger Included IncludedOperating temperature rangeStorage Range (IEC 60529)Vibration (IEC 60068-2-6)WeightDimensions (L x W x H) in inchesTripod mountingHousingSoftware System requirements Windows XP(SP2), Vista, 7 and USB 2.0 Port

4.3" TouchscreenIncluded

30° x 23° / 3.9" Min. focusNA



±2% of reading

Testo 885 Series

2 Years320 x 240 FPA

30 mKIncluded

33 HzManual / Auto

8 to 14 µm

0.01 to 1.0


Bluetooth Headset Included


662°F2192°F Optional


4.3" TouchscreenIncludedIncludedIncluded

ABS PlasticWindows XP(SP2), Vista, 7 and USB 2.0 Port

Testo 890 Series

640 x 480 FPA

40 mKIncluded

42°x 32° / 3.9 Min. focusNANA

IncludedFull Radiometric Video Included

Included33 Hz

Manual / Auto8 to 14 µm

22°F to 140°F2G

3.5 lbs.


0.01 to 1.0


Bluetooth Headset IncludedIncluded



2192°F Optional

640 x 480 - Included


Optional.bmt Export formats- bmp, jpg, cvs


5°F to 104°F



.bmt Export formats- bmp, jpg, cvs

10" x 5.0" x 4.3"

2GB SD CardLi-ion - 4+ hour run time



2GB SD CardLi-ion - 4+ hour run time



±2% of reading

1280 x 960 - Included


Full Radiometric Video Included


ABS Plastic

5°F to 104°F 22°F to 140°F

2G3.5 lbs.

10" x 5.0" x 4.3"

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Testo Inc.40 White Lake Road

Sparta, NJ 07871Telephone 862-354-5001

Fax 862-354-5020e-mail [email protected]






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