2da grammar 3_presentation

NOUNS AND QUANTIFIERS Proper nouns are the names of particular people, places, or things. They are usually unique (there is only one). People: González, Ecuadorians Places: the Atlantic, Venezuela Months: January, August Nationalities: Japanese, German Seasons: spring, summer, fall, winter

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Proper nouns are the names of particular people, places, or things. They are usually unique (there is only one).

People: González, EcuadoriansPlaces: the Atlantic, VenezuelaMonths: January, AugustNationalities: Japanese, GermanSeasons: spring, summer, fall, winter

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Common nouns refer to people, places, and things, but not by their names.

People: sailor, explorer, student

Places: continent, country, city

Things: pots, eggs, fish, honey

Common nouns can be either count or non-count.

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Count nouns are people, places, or things that you can count separately: one sailor, two sailors, three sailors…

Count nouns can be singular or plural. You can use a/an or the before them.

a car, the car, two cars

a city, the city, four cities

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Count nouns take singular or plural verbs.

The boat is fine, but the sailors are sick.

Non-count nouns are things that you cannot count separately. (They have no plural forms).

CORRECT: English is an interesting subject.

INCORRECT: An English is an interesting subject.

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Abstract words: courage, education, time

Activities: exploring, sailing, farming

Fields of study: geography, history

Foods: corn, chocolate, fish

Some common non-count nouns do not fit into categories. For example:

equipment, homework, news, furniture, information, work

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Use the quantifiers some, enough, a lot of, and any with both count nouns and non-count nouns.

We have some eggs(c) and some honey (nc).

Use any in negative sentences and questions.

Is there any coffee left? (nc)

We didn’t see any cars. (c)

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Use a few, several, and many, with plural count nouns in affirmative sentences.

A few members came to the meeting.

Use a little, a great deal of, and much with non-count nouns in affirmative sentences.

They threw away a great deal of food.

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Use many with count nouns and much with non-count nouns in questions and negative sentences.

A: How many ships did they see?

B: They didn’t see many.

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A noun is indefiniteindefinite when you and your listener do not have a specific person, place, or thing in mind.

A: Let’s buy a book.

B: Good idea. Which one should we buy?

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A noun is definitedefinite when you and your listener both know which person, place or thing you are talking about.

A: I bought the book yesterday.

B: Good. You’ve wanted it for a while.

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Uses of a/an, no article, and some:

To identify, use:

a/an with singular count nouns

A: What do you do?

B: I’m a student. (sing. count)

no article with plural count nouns and non-count nouns

A: What are these?

B: They’re beans. I’m making soup. (pl. count)

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To make general statements, use no article with plural count nouns and non-count nouns.

Ava loves stories and music.(stories and music in general)

Some in general statements means “some, but not at all.”

I like some stories, but a lot of them are boring.

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Use the definite article thethe with most common nouns that are definite. Use the when:

a person, place or thing is unique – there is only one

We must take care of the Earth.

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The context makes it clear which person, place, or thing you mean

A: Who is she?

B: She’s the teacher.

The noun is mentioned for the second time

An ant An ant lived next to aa river river. One day thethe antant went to thethe river river to drink.